#he’s already scared she’s gonna eat him and it’s the first meeting o.o
baileys-writing-desk · 7 months
The Water Dragon
Lanayru finally takes Hyrule to meet Faron.
“You’re gonna be in so much trouble if Sky finds out.”
Lanayru laughs at Hyrule’s comment, as they fly towards Faron’s residence in Lake Floria. The traveler steadies his breathing, safely gripped in the dragon’s hand, and the wind tousles his messy brown hair.
“Well then,” Lanayru replies. “We’ll make sure he doesn’t find out!”
Hyrule had told the rest of the Chain they were going to the woods instead, but the wily Thunder Dragon had other plans. It will only be for a little bit, he said. She’s been wanting to meet you since what happened with Four.
And so Hyrule gazes at the spacious lake below, as Lanayru begins to slow down. A clear waterfall meeting the surface in a shiny blue, shimmering with dots of sunlight. Woah… The sight of it nearly takes his breath away.
“She’s in there,” the old dragon explains, pointing ahead with his other hand. Hyrule can see a large dome-shaped structure with a partially open top. But they aren’t close enough quite yet to peer in and see her.
“Faron!!” Lanayru bellows. “It’s meee!!”
No reply is heard, and Faron does not emerge from her hall.
The traveler chuckles. “Is she not there or-“
“No, she is. Just being a stubborn little brat. Can’t hide from me forever, though.” The old dragon slows to a stop directly above the opening, and Hyrule can now make out a large blue dragon, wearing a dark robe akin to Lanayru’s yellow one. She looks up at them and instantly dives under the water.
“Oh, you-“ The Thunder Dragon huffs. “I know you’re in there! I can see you!” He lowers his voice slightly as he addresses the traveler. “Don’t worry, she’ll come out. She can’t stay underwater forever. I’ll grab her if I have to!”
“Ah…okay, then.” As Lanayru straightens up and begins to lower himself in, the slight crackling of electricity makes Hyrule’s eyes widen. Oh no. Electricity and water! “Hey, Lanayru…? Isn’t it bad for you to go in the water?”
“Ha! Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. Just don’t touch my tail or horns, boy, or you’ll be in for a nasty surprise! But you’re ok, it doesn’t spread to the rest of me.”
Hyrule sighs with relief. Phew. He would rather be ridiculed by Faron ten times over than be electrocuted by his own friend.
“Oh good.” He lets himself relax as Lanayru descends into the water of her hall, the lower half of his body submerged. “So…does she know that her hiding spot is terrible?”
“Yes,” the old dragon replies, gently placing Hyrule into the palm of his other hand. “But she’ll never admit it! Stubborn little thing.”
“Well, as long as she doesn’t eat me. I mean…she won’t, right?”
“Please Rulie, you gotta trust me on this one.” Lanayru chuckles and gently pats the traveler’s head. “She’ll never eat a Hylian, even she says that’s too far—“
A loud splash brings Hyrule’s attention forward, where Faron’s head emerges from the surface. She exhales loudly, appearing frustrated. “La…Lanayru.”
“Yes, I told you it’s me.”
She slowly raises up to meet the Thunder Dragon’s eye level. The round platform in the middle of the open hall sits between the two dragons, with a dark blue basin of sorts close by. It’s not much distance, but Hyrule is still outside of Faron’s grasp.
“I know, and I’m not exactly in the mood.” Faron huffs, but her eyes move to Hyrule and her demeanor changes, relaxes even. “Ah, who may this be? I didn’t realize you brought company!”
The traveler freezes in place. Oh no. He nudges Lanayru’s palm with his hand. Please…do it for me… Luckily, the old dragon catches on.
“This is my good friend Hyrule. The one I told you about. Now he’s a little timid, so be gentle with him.”
“Ah, yes!” The Water Dragon smiles, a surprise to the hero. “The little Link. Lemme take a closer look, eh? Lanayru, won’t you bring your hands out?”
Uh oh. Bad idea bad idea bad idea-
The Thunder Dragon keeps Rulie close instead. “He’s not comfortable with you touching him.”
Oh, thank Hylia. Thank you. The last thing he wants is for Faron to grab him and bring him close to her face. From there she could easily gobble him up if she wanted to!
“Hmm, I see.” To Hyrule’s relief, she seems to let it go. “Now, young hero, what drew you to this cranky old ass dragon?”
Lanayru’s laugh bellows throughout the hall. “Hey! That is not a nice way to refer to me in front of our guest!” He taps Hyrule’s side softly. “Rulie, want to answer?”
“Sure.” He gazes uneasily at a smirking Faron. “Your Link brought us together. I…I was scared at first, but we realized that we get along quite well. He’s like a parent to me.”
“Ah, Lanayru…” Faron smiles teasingly. “What is with you and kids? You spend time with the little munchkins and they all just fall in love with you!” She makes a dramatic gesture with her arms as she speaks.
Kid?? Rulie gives her a slight glare. “I’m not a kid! I’m nineteen!”
“Still, only a child to me. Cute little boy you are, hero. I could just squish your cheeks and put you in my mouth and—“
Lanayru cuts her off sternly. “Faron.”
“Oh, my apologies—you told me I shouldn’t make that joke with him. Silly me.”
Hyrule lets out a breath he hadn’t quite realized he was holding. Being in Lanayru’s hand, a comforting feeling, helps to relax him. If Faron really did want to eat him, Lanayru would most certainly intervene.
Rulie, she’s not gonna eat you, he tells himself yet again. Stop that.
“Well,” she continues. “I suppose if we want a proper introduction, Hyrule, I shall tell you about me. I am Faron, the Water Dragon and one of the three guardians of my kind from this land. The Goddess Hylia tasked me with protecting Lake Floria and the woods that take my name…”
“Now come on, maybe a little more interesting than that!” Lanayru giggles. “Make it fun!”
“Alright, fine! If you insist. Let’s see…I flooded the entire woods once, that was exciting! I can sing quite well, I like to annoy Thunder Dragon here because I can, uh…I possess a sacred water with healing abilities. It healed my wounds in the past and recently, it helped your little friend recover.”
Hyrule points to the large basin sitting on the platform. “Is that what that thing’s for?”
“Yes. It keeps the sacred water pure and isolated from the lake water. Anyone who wishes to be healed can simply go inside. I adjust the water level accordingly.”
That’s right. Four had indeed mentioned a basin—it must have been this one. The small hero was probably confused upon waking up in there, wondering why he was in a giant container with water all around…
“You know, I have to give this one to her,” Lanayru adds, bringing Rulie’s attention back. “She is very good with sacred water. Well, except I heard from our Link that she whined and begged for him to give her more.” The Thunder Dragon clears his throat, attempting to raise his voice. “Waaaah! Please, Link, I neeed water right nooow!! Pleeeease?”
Hyrule can’t help but laugh at his friend's terrible impression.
“Lanayru, stop that! I was injured, I needed it.” The Water Dragon gives the two a small eye roll in frustration.
“You could have asked nicely, though. Link came all this way to reach you, he deserved more respect.”
Hyrule has to admit, he’s with Lanayru on this one. Not that he wouldn’t ever side with Lanayru, but…Sky may be right here. Faron is a little…weird. Something is slightly off about the way she acts that shows a bit of entitlement.
“Okay, I get it. I don’t want to argue about this again.” She turns her focus to Rulie, giving him a cheeky grin. “See what I have to deal with? Ah, but I digress. Young hero…I have heard many good things. You’re all Lanayru talks about these days.”
“Wait…really?” he asks, feeling the old dragon gently pat his head.
“Yes, and it’s exhausting!” Faron’s tone is thankfully lighthearted. “It’s all Rulie, Rulie, Rulie. I miss Rulie. I want to give this to Rulie.” She sighs, leaning in a bit closer. “So. It’s good to finally put a face to the name.”
The traveler’s heart skips a beat at her movement, realizing he’s still not quite certain that he won’t become her dinner. Is her niceness all an act? Will she fly forward, reach her hand out and grab him? No Hyrule, it’s okay, she won’t eat you!
“Well, it’s uh…nice to meet you, Water Dragon.”
“Likewise.” To his surprise, she actually…smiles? A real, genuine smile, not the smirks she’s been giving Lanayru. “You’re a strong young man, Hyrule. A true hero, from what I see. Thunder Dragon’s been lucky to have you.”
A…true hero? She had decided that simply from looking at him. He remembers, however, that Sky hadn’t gotten the same treatment…he wasn’t strong enough in her eyes even with the Master Sword. Why?
“He’s been through so much,” Lanayru explains. “The least I can do is be there for him. Let him have fun while he’s here.”
Faron nods her head, gazing at Hyrule’s small form still in the old dragon’s palm. Does he like her? Not really, he decides. But she isn’t half as bad as he’d expected. She’s actually kinda nice to me!
“Well,” she states, “I suppose I could make it a bit more ‘fun’ in here, don’t you think? Hmm…”
Hyrule ponders the thought for a second, but to his relief Lanayru answers first. “Why don’t you show him your part of the song?”
“What song-? Oh, the Song of the Hero?” Faron laughs. “I haven’t done that in quite a while! And besides, Rulie…you may be a hero, but are you worthy to hear this sacred melody? The one I kept for over two thousand years from the Goddess Hylia?”
Oh no. The same behavior she had exhibited with Sky during his adventure. Perhaps Hyrule was wrong in thinking he’d be different.
“Lanayru sings his part to me all the time,” he replies, shrugging his shoulders. “I see no reason for you not to.”
“He’s right,” says Lanayru. “Come on Faron, just do it. He wants to hear it.”
The Water Dragon sighs. “Ugh. Okay, I will. But on one condition…you have to do it with me.”
Hyrule’s brow furrows. Me?? But he can’t- Oh. She is talking to Lanayru.
“Fine. Count me in.”
She makes a gesture with her claw, whispering one, two, three, four, and the two dragons begin their melody. Faron’s voice is much more high-pitched than Lanayru’s, but the way they flow together is…beautiful.
As they move through the song, Rulie watches Faron’s movements, the blue magic swirling through the air, the way she gracefully connects the notes with ease…and he hears the familiar thunderous voice of Lanayru from above him.
It’s enough to take his breath away in amazement.
When they eventually trail to a stop, Hyrule can’t help but clap to himself quietly. He didn’t want them to finish, he didn’t want the song to end.
“Well…” Faron speaks again. “How did you like that, hero?”
“I loved it. You have a very good singing voice, Water Dragon.” Just like both Lanayru and Eldin…all three dragons are remarkable singers. Was it a gift from Hylia?
“Why thank you. Just don’t expect me to do this again. At least, next time it won’t be free.”
Oh, she makes you pay, he thinks to himself. Stubborn brat.
“Stop that, Faron.” Lanayru’s voice is firm. “Try to be a little more gentle around Rulie, ok? We don’t want to scare him away.”
She huffs. “What, am I intimidating?!”
“Just a little, I’d say. But I can’t speak for him…what do you think, boy?”
“Oh,” The traveler blinks in surprise. “I mean- I struggle opening up sometimes, so…it might take me a while, but I’m alright.”
He doesn’t want to share his feelings about her, since they aren’t all that great and would probably be better kept to himself. She appears to be self-centered, whiny, and a bit demanding. Of course, she is actually nicer than he’d thought, leading him to think that maybe she isn’t too bad after all.
“Ah, I see,” the Water Dragon replies. “I’ll try my best, young hero. Perhaps you should just spend some more time with me.”
Well, that’s just great. He had hoped to leave soon, making this a short visit, but she seems to have other plans. If he says no, he fears, she will become upset with him…and he does not want to make Faron upset.
So reluctantly, he agrees.
And when they eventually leave the hall to visit more of Lake Floria, he confines himself to Lanayru’s familiar, comfortable grip. He still doesn’t want her to touch him.
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taejeonie · 4 years
dream vs dream
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— i can’t find a gif of mark in dream vs dream :(( so take this screenshot :>>
“gotta go get em”
i present to u
markhee(HEE, i saw that reply and i loved it)
bffs forever mwah <3
i swear mark keeps laughing around taehyuck best friend goals
“mic test,,ncity...gotta go get em :)))”
video cuts to taehee moving her chair closer to mark
“hey, what are you doing?”
“i’m moving closer to you. what does it look like?”
“there you go again”
“iS it mY fAuLt fOr wAnTinG tO bE cLosE tO mY bEsT bUdDy?”
and mark just deadass stares at her but there’s this loving look in his eyes yes mark she’s still ur best friend and u love her bc that’s what bffs are <3
“ahh i knew you would be like this”
“how much do you wanna bet we’re gonna ask the same thing?”
“like,,,for real? cause-“
“are you scared, mark?”
“if that’s the case, i’m not betting. i have a feeling we’re gonna ask at least two questions that are the same”
taehee @ the camera: “if we get one of the questions wrong, we’re gonna eat it.”
“so that we can remember the answer after this.”
“but then we throw it away if we get it right”
“let’s fold the paper like this :p” MARK IS SO CUTE PLS
“but then eat it if we get right...you have to swallow okay?”
they play rps
taehee threw scissors and mark threw rock
mark, shaking his head: “you always throw scissors it’s so predictable”
“one day, i’ll throw u off. we’ll see -.-“
“okay, what year did we meet each other?”
“2012. we arrived at the same day, right?”
“mark and i were really shy back then so we became each other’s first friends in the company”
“we were,,,13? 13, right?”
“i was 12, u were thirteen. our friendship was going strong,,,until haechan came along so mark started hanging out with him more >:((“
“you and haechan fought a lot back then!!!”
in nana’s voice: “but you chose to hangout with me and you left me all alone (-。-; “
and mark’s in faux disbelief
taehee and her antics tsk
“okay next question....give me one thing i appreciate about mark lee and why?”
everyone loves u dont be shy markus
“one? just one?”
“that’s so hard there’s so many”
“just answer the question”
“is it...i’m cute?”
“then what’s the reason for that?”
“do you like me?”
“oh no...how’d you find out :OO”
“no,,i’ll give u another chance. it’s something that you say”
“my habits? ‘약간’?”
“that’s cute,,but no.”
mark snaps his fingers and goes, “AH!”
“when i call you ‘joanie’ becauseeee.....”
“it reminds you of your mom?”
“i was going for family but mom works too ;))”
and mark laughs in delight
“yo that was EASY”
taehee playfully rolls her eyes, “your turn”
“what is mark’s sleeping habit?”
taehee’s eyes widen for a split second before answering
“kissing your roommate”
“crawling on the floor”
“sleep talking in korean and english”
“that’s right”
“konglish” - taehee, 2k18
“i witnessed it personally and when i do get the chance, i will record it and post it on sns”
“...please don’t”
“you’re right i might get fired”
they both laugh,,you can also hear renjun’s laughter off-screen
“okay next, you’ll know the answer to this if you’re really interested in me”
“i feel uneasy”
“what is my favorite song as of now,,,,”
“uhh ‘better now’?”
“‘i like it’”
“‘better now’”
taehee puffs out her cheeks before giving him a clue
“it’s a song by one of your favorite artists”
mark blanks out for a moment and he’s like
and taehee sighs disappointingly bc so far she’s got two of mark’s questions right
i mean her questions aren’t that hard pfffft
“AH! ‘new light’ by john mayer”
“i told you to listen to it, right?,” mark says proudly
she nodded cutely before singing the lyrics
“oh i want a take two,”
“i want to breakthrough,”
and mark joins her and it becomes the perfect recipe for a louder duo
mark + taehee = loud
and now they’re calm again, “so i can see you in a new light~”
taehee: “applause!!”
“in how many cities did mark live in?”
taehee main rapper we stan
“f o u r,” she spelled in english
simultaneously: f o u r.
and they’re both shocked like the five year olds they are so they high five each other
“what is taehee’s most recent sleeping habit?”
“told you it would be the same”
“yeah but mine has a ‘most recent’ on it? see,” she gestures to the paper in her hand
“you raise your arm when you’re asleep”
taehee’s like >:(( as she puts mark’s hand down when he demonstrates
“there’s another one”
“ahh sleeping on the floor”
“yeapp :DD”
“why do you get on the floor tho?”
“honestly i don’t even wanna know”
“okay in what restaurant did we eat together”
“like...just the two of us?”
“do i have to name all of them”
“name the most memorable one.”
“ah 삼겹살!!!”
“that’s correct but there’s another-“
“wow you got all of them right”
“paper doesn’t exactly suit my appetite...but maybe it does for you”
mark laughs at this
“wait, see? i’m getting goosebumps right now. what was the first menu mark and taehee ate together?”
“just the two of us? isn’t it 김치찌개 also?”
“yes,” and the girl goes in for a high five
“woah we really wrote the same thing ...”
“we should’ve discussed this earlier”
“okay last question!!! are you ready?”
“yES IM READY,” she shouts causing mark to let out a giggle
“name the film that we watched together in the movie theater”
“train to busan. i loved that movie.”
“that’s right!!”
and they make their 93488293rd high five in the video
best friend tingz
mark laughs, “no one knew about this.”
“yeah we had to sneak out,” taehee says before making that
oops i did it again face
taehee and her escapades the managers have trouble monitoring her sometimes
but she’s a good girl for the most part lmao she still needs to pay rent
“i didn’t want to watch the movie-“
“but i forced him to”
“i thought you didn’t like scary movies?”
“scary movies are fine as long as i’m with....”
everyone expects her to say ‘the members’ but it’s taehee ffs
“...you ;)))”
“okay my turn,,,”
taehee suddenly throws the paper behind her shoulder and catches mark off by surprise
then there’s this look in her eyes which made mark laugh nervously, “whaaat are you gonna do?”
“are you tired?”
“is that the question?”
taehee nods, “ask me why,,”
“because you keep running through my mind all day ;)))”
*finger guns*
chenle and jeno laugh behind the cam while mark attempts to keep a straight face while shaking his head at you
“that was good right?,” taehee’s still laughing as she nudges mark with her knee
“oh really?,” mark says
“then you must be exhausted”
taehee: ( O.O )
taehee’s in shock bc??? mark lee??? flirting back???
“wah that was good...”
and mark’s just laughing at her expression
“wah .... i didn’t ....”
video cuts to taehee looking sullen while mark :))
“okay, the score is 5:4-“
“i’m hurt,,,clearly mark isn’t interested in me”
*proceeds to fake cry*
“hey, that’s no fair. the last question wasn’t even about you-“
*fake cries harder*
when taehee “calmed down” she looks at the camera
she’s still wiping her non-existent tears
acting queen give her an oscar
“from now on, i will try to be less interested in mark”
she turns to mark and makes this cutting/slicing gesture with her hand
and mouths “friendship. over. -.-“
“she gave the wrong questions. that’s why-“
“this was dream vs dream which ended in my victory. thank you for watching!!!”
they give each other a bro hug
and when taehee pulls away she looks down and pointed at mark’s shoes
“tie your shoes properly!!”
“but they don’t-“
“i don’t want you falling for anyone else ;)))”
mark shoves her causing taehee to go out of frame
“try to come up with a new one, i heard you use that on yuta-hyung already.”
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