baileyboo2016 · 4 months
I’m so behind on art posting here lmao…here’s Rulie wearing the necklace Lanayru gave him.
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baileys-writing-desk · 4 months
Snuggle time with Lanayru
In which the entire chain falls asleep on Lanayru.
Traveling through a portal has always been an unsettling experience for Hyrule. And after the group’s tough battle with black-blooded moblins, this one has been no different, if not worse. A wave of dizziness courses through the traveler as he passes through.
But when he drops to his hands and knees on the grass, a sense of familiarity hits him. He knows this place. Almost like…
The buzzing of the LD-301 robots alert him, and he perks his head up, trying to blink the fog away. Lying some distance in front of him is—
Hyrule’s heart skips a beat upon seeing his beloved dragon companion, and the adrenaline soon takes over as he jogs forward. Lanayru is lying on his back, eyes closed, with hands by his sides. His breathing is deep and even. He’s asleep.
The rest of the chain is slow to follow, from weariness Hyrule presumes. But he only turns to look briefly before he’s already at Lanayru’s side, gently stroking the old dragon’s beard with one hand.
“Oh, I missed you so much,” he whispers, hesitant at first to wake Lanayru in the night. Glancing at the dragon’s belly, an idea dawns on him. He’s slept up there before, letting the rise and fall of Lanayru’s breathing lull him to sleep. There is plenty of room for them all…
“I…I hope you don’t mind, but we’re very tired—“
“Rulie.” Sky’s soft voice interrupts him. The others have caught up. Hyrule turns to see them standing close by, an incredibly exhausted Sky at the front. “You can…*yawn*…stay here, we’ll set up camp.”
Hyrule shakes his head. “No, you’re not going anywhere.” He gestures at the Thunder Dragon’s sleeping form. “I got a better place for us tonight.”
“Nuh-uh. You look dead on your feet. It’ll be much easier this way, watch me.”
A few murmurs are heard from among the group, but the excited traveler ignores them. He carefully boosts himself up onto Lanayru’s limp hand, nudging the palm with one foot in an attempt to rouse him. The dragon doesn’t stir, and Hyrule glances back at the Chain with a shrug.
“Well…we can’t get on his belly unless he’s awake to help us.” The traveler sighs. “It’s too high up.”
But Wind’s eyes go wide. “Wait, I got an idea!” He turns around and starts running toward the dragon’s lower body. Hyrule watches the sailor as he finally reaches the end of the dragon’s tail, nearly disappearing among the white cloud-like substance swirling around it.
The small speck of Wind climbs up onto the tail and runs across Lanayru’s body, coming into full view again. “Ta-da!”
“Woah, you’re a fucking genius!” exclaims Legend, throwing his hands up. He’s quickly followed by a stern “Legend. Language,” from Time. The vet scoffs in annoyance, and Hyrule chuckles.
Wind settles down on the old dragon’s large belly, watching the gentle blue light travel down in lines, almost in rhythm with Lanayru’s deep breathing. Rulie, meanwhile, turns his focus to how the fuck this commotion hasn’t woken the Thunder Dragon.
“Lanayru?” he asks, raising his voice. “Wake up, sleepyhead. It’s me, Rulie!”
No response. Hyrule sighs again, listening to the others’ conversing voices, and turns back to face them. Four, Legend, Sky, Twilight, and Wild are all following Wind’s lead up the dragon’s tail. As they get closer he can see the deep circles under all their eyes, especially Sky’s. The poor Skyloftian looks like he could pass out right on the spot.
Time and Wars remain on the ground, and Hyrule pouts at them playfully. “Come on, you two! Don’t be so stubborn. Get up there.”
“Hyrule, don’t you think we should set up camp or…” The old man gestures to the large clearing around them.
“No. This is our camp.”
“On a dragon’s belly??”
“Time.” Hyrule pleads. “We’re staying here.” He briefly glances at the rest of the Chain, all cuddling up amongst each other, and smiles.
Before the older Links can utter another word, a deep mumble fills the air. The hand underneath Hyrule begins to twitch, fingers curling slightly. He’s awake! He readies himself to jump off, but Lanayru groans and soon the traveler is being lifted up. Hyrule yelps and wraps his arms around one of the dragon’s ringed fingers for dear life.
“Lanayru, no!” he whisper-shouts as his back comes in contact with someone’s head. The dragon seems to notice the movement of heroes on his belly and is now trying to touch them. “Shh…they’re sleeping,” he continues, as if a half-asleep Lanayru could actually hear him. “Don’t move.”
“Mmmngh…wha…?” The Thunder Dragon moves his hand up to touch his face. Hyrule flies through the air, the breeze blowing his hair every which way, and he can’t help but chuckle.
The slight curling of Lanayru’s fingers causes the traveler to lose his grip, and he yelps as he lands right on the dragon’s face, near his nose and beard. Lanayru grunts in confusion, and Hyrule giggles again. Large bleary eyes flutter open, searching for whatever just hit his face.
“Hey there, it’s me! Sorry to wake you like this.” He taps Lanayru’s nose insistently, and the hand finds him again, feeling around his fluffy hair and slim body.
“…Rulie?” the dragon mutters, the thunderous voice still hurting the small Hylian’s ears.
“Yes!” Hyrule smiles. “Don’t try to get up…we’re, uh—sleeping. On you.”
“Huh?” Lanayru, clearly still groggy from sleep, wraps his hand around the traveler and holds him up. “Where did you…”
“We just got here. Shh…I’ll explain in the morning, alright? You can go back to sleep.”
Lanayru raises an eyebrow, taking a second to look Rulie up and down. His eyes are still heavy, and he lets out a long, tired yawn. The traveler soon does the same.
“You…look worse for wear,” mutters Lanayru.
Hyrule scoffs teasingly. “So do you.”
He hears noises behind him, of a few Links snoring soundly, and new footsteps joining the cuddle pile. It seems as if Time and Wars finally gave in.
“Rulie, I can’t believe I’m doing this.” Time’s voice sounds slightly annoyed. “Ugh…” The old man yawns as well, and Hyrule can hear the shuffling of armor as he settles down.
Lanayru is careful to not get up and rouse the group, but he slowly lifts his head enough to take a look. He chuckles quietly.
“Oh-ho ho, I see. You’ve made yourselves at home.”
Time whisper-shouts from behind, apparently aimed for the dragon. “He forced me to.”
“I did not!” Oops. That was a bit too loud. Hyrule grins sheepishly, for only Lanayru to see. “Don’t listen to him, he’s just stubborn.”
“I heard that.”
Hyrule rolls his eyes playfully, bummed that his back is still to the others as the Thunder Dragon holds him. Lanayru sighs, lowering his head back down.
“Ah, Rulie…” He blinks with tired eyes. “I missed you, boy. We’ll talk in the morning, ok?”
“Ok.” The traveler nods, smiling as his own fatigue catches up to him. “Just put me on your belly. With the others.”
“I figured. Sleep well, Rulie.”
He’s moving again, away from Lanayru’s face and over to the others. The dragon still grips him tight, as he hovers in the air face-down to finally see the pile of sleeping Links below.
They’re all huddled together. Well, for the most part. Time and Wars lie about an arm’s length from the rest, clearly valuing their individual space. The old man is still awake, but he’s closed his eye, the exhaustion having finally gotten to him. Hyrule smiles at Four’s head nestled in the crook of Legend’s arm, at Wild curled up in a ball and Twilight using his long hair as a pillow, at Wind’s hands resting on Sky’s wrists as they face each other. He floats over them all, moving as Lanayru is hesitant to release him, but there is plenty of free room behind the Skyloftian.
“Right here is good,” he whispers, using a free hand to nudge the clawed fingers wrapping around him. And then he’s slowly lowered down, lying on his stomach as the grip releases. With a grunt, he rolls over onto his side and scootches in, snuggled next to Wind and Sky.
The adrenaline from his excitement is wearing off, and he struggles to keep his eyes open. With the warmth of the soft Sailcloth on Sky’s back to curl into, and the gentle rise and fall of Lanayru’s breathing below him, he slowly begins to drift off into a peaceful sleep.
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agsilverart · 6 months
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Gift for @thebaileyboop, for the Lu gift exchange! This was inspired by one of her sweet fictions, Lanayrulie! Go check it out! (on Ao3)
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By @baileyboo2016
Series Summary:
Lanayru the Thunder Dragon (Skyward Sword) and Hyrule (LOZ I & II + Linked Universe) develop a friendship. They can only see each other when the Chain is in Sky’s era, of course, but that doesn’t mean Rulie can’t have another parent. Grandpa Lanayru is more than willing to take care of him.
Series Tags:
tw a little blood mention (in rulie's memories)
No beta we die like Wild
Lanayru Needs a Hug
Found Family
(sorta crack LOL)
Hyrule is 30!
Lanayru is a Little Shit
Hyrule is a Little Shit
Grandpa Lanayru
(Sky has kids now he's a dad!)
Faron is a Little Shit
Hyrule is Best Boi
POV Hyrule
Word count: 19,239
Finished: No
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blessings from a dragon and his robots (Lanayrulie)
As the chain fights a group of the Shadow’s moblins, a familiar strike of lightning comes to save them. Hyrule, exhausted from overuse of healing magic, is taken away by his dragon companion to recover.
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baileyboo2016 · 2 months
Something for you :)
Lanayru yawned. He was getting more tired these days, but work still needed to be done out in the mines. Though it seemed he could procrastinate a bit longer, as he heard very familiar voices echo in the distance. “Ah, we’ve made it!” Link’s voice sounded ever closer and Lanayru saw both Link and the little one, Hyrule standing near.
“ZINGA-DINGDING! You’re back!” Lanayru called, chuckling deeply. “Come closer, we have much to talk about.”
Hyrule’s face visibly lit up and he rushed over, before he stopped. The size difference between the two was almost laughable but it didn’t matter to either of them. “Lanayru! It’s been awhile!” 
“Indeed it has, tiny one. Time passes by me, but not much has changed other than the tiny Hylians’ progress here on the Surface.” 
“How have you been though?” 
“Hmm…” Lanayru thought for a moment, trying to come up with a supple answer. “Well, I suppose. Ever since Link here—or Sky I think you call him—rescued me from a mighty bout of illness, I’ve never felt better.” 
Link beamed with the heart that could only belong to a kind, selfless hero. Hyrule sent a grateful and happy look to his friend before turning back to the old dragon. “And the mining and robots?” 
“All is well and good, tiny hero. You mustn’t worry about us. Now, tell me how you are faring. Is your quest being fulfilled?” 
“We’re still trying to chase down the Shadow. It  keeps fleeing from us when we get close to defeating it…but all of us are alive so, that has to count for something,”
“This Shadow you keep mentioning…” Lanayru brushed his large white beard. “How much do you know about it?” 
“It can take more than one form, it can be rather cowardly and its blade has some sort of effect that causes potions and fairies to have no effect on the victim.”
“Hmm…If I hear anything that could be of use to you I will tell you. Ah, but I have something rather unrelated.” 
“And that is?” 
“A gift, tiny one,” Lanayru laughed, the sound boisterous enough to shake the ground. “After all you’ve done I figured it would only be necessary. I cannot let your great deeds go unrewarded, hm?” 
Hyrule’s eyes widened and he shook his head vigorously. “No, I can’t accept anything…My great deeds aren’t as great as you make them out to be.”
“Nonsense. Can’t you let a dragon have his fun? You should at least be rewarded for your kindness. You have given me company that I could never have hoped for, and I want to properly thank you. So please, do not refuse my gift,” Lanayru hummed softly.
Lanayru smiled and hurried off, scouring the desert for his gift and he found it. The device glowed as it touched his scaly hand and he hummed to himself, satisfied. Flying back in a rush he stooped down to the tiny hero and held out the device. “What is it?” Hyrule asked timidly.
“It’s a device I created for you, with the help of my robots of course. The device is imbued with a Time-shift Stone, and if you hold it up to something, it sends the area back in time to whatever state it was in originally. I figured since, you liked exploring, this was a way for you to find more entertainment out of such a task. 
But that is not its only purpose!! It can also act as a weapon if you’re in a pinch. If you press a certain button, it can act as a laser! Truly one of my best works I must say. Now, take it please.”
Hyrule took the device gingerly, an awed look in his brown eyes and he seemed quite grateful as he examined the small device. “I-thank you, Lanayru. Truly.”
“It is my pleasure. Now, I do believe that I should not be keeping you from your current mission. Though…if you have any spare time…”
Link smirked knowingly and Hyrule shook his head. “I have plenty of time! We’re taking a break before we start looking for black-blooded monsters to defeat and if there’s no time left to spare, Sky would tell us.”
“Well, then I will not encourage you to leave, tiny hero. In fact, I have something to show both of you.”
The two heroes climbed onto the palm of his hand and he flew slowly to a specific spot in the desert. There, a foundation had been built for a building. A project the dragon had commandeered. “What? What’s this?” Link asked.
“This is something I’ve been working on well you’ve been gone, with the guidance of the tiny girl one—Zelda I think she was named, though LD-568-09 would’ve suited her greatly.  She had the brilliant idea to make shelter for those who are brave enough to venture through the desert. The Hylian creatures have been ever so curious, wanting to explore the vast land and if they’re anything like you guys, I am happy to provide them any assistance they seek.”
“…Lanayru that’s amazing,” Link beamed as Hyrule gasped with awe and wonder lighting up his eyes.
“Ah, this wouldn’t have been possible without the tiny girl. She had the idea.”
“If we can help let us know!” Hyrule hummed. 
It amazed the old dragon how selfless these Hylian creatures are. It made the project feel all the more special. He grinned at the creatures on his palm and flew back to the entrance of the Lanayru Mining Facility. “Now, please, I have shared enough of myself and my doings. Inform me of yours, ZINGA-DINGDING!” 
He listened to the little Hylians chatter, describing their chase through dungeons and time to find the shapeshifting Shadow, and a close-encounter with death. He was content, even though the other dragons would probably tease him for it. 
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baileyboo2016 · 9 months
you know you have a good friendship when your friend willingly lets you fucking YEET them across the sky from a couple hundred feet into the air. just for funsies 🤭
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baileyboo2016 · 5 months
Baby Lanayru and Baby Rulie (an idea that came to life with @baydrake22)
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We like to call them Baby Boo and Baby Roo! (the boo is lanayru and the roo is rulie)
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baileys-writing-desk · 7 months
The Water Dragon
Lanayru finally takes Hyrule to meet Faron.
“You’re gonna be in so much trouble if Sky finds out.”
Lanayru laughs at Hyrule’s comment, as they fly towards Faron’s residence in Lake Floria. The traveler steadies his breathing, safely gripped in the dragon’s hand, and the wind tousles his messy brown hair.
“Well then,” Lanayru replies. “We’ll make sure he doesn’t find out!”
Hyrule had told the rest of the Chain they were going to the woods instead, but the wily Thunder Dragon had other plans. It will only be for a little bit, he said. She’s been wanting to meet you since what happened with Four.
And so Hyrule gazes at the spacious lake below, as Lanayru begins to slow down. A clear waterfall meeting the surface in a shiny blue, shimmering with dots of sunlight. Woah… The sight of it nearly takes his breath away.
“She’s in there,” the old dragon explains, pointing ahead with his other hand. Hyrule can see a large dome-shaped structure with a partially open top. But they aren’t close enough quite yet to peer in and see her.
“Faron!!” Lanayru bellows. “It’s meee!!”
No reply is heard, and Faron does not emerge from her hall.
The traveler chuckles. “Is she not there or-“
“No, she is. Just being a stubborn little brat. Can’t hide from me forever, though.” The old dragon slows to a stop directly above the opening, and Hyrule can now make out a large blue dragon, wearing a dark robe akin to Lanayru’s yellow one. She looks up at them and instantly dives under the water.
“Oh, you-“ The Thunder Dragon huffs. “I know you’re in there! I can see you!” He lowers his voice slightly as he addresses the traveler. “Don’t worry, she’ll come out. She can’t stay underwater forever. I’ll grab her if I have to!”
“Ah…okay, then.” As Lanayru straightens up and begins to lower himself in, the slight crackling of electricity makes Hyrule’s eyes widen. Oh no. Electricity and water! “Hey, Lanayru…? Isn’t it bad for you to go in the water?”
“Ha! Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. Just don’t touch my tail or horns, boy, or you’ll be in for a nasty surprise! But you’re ok, it doesn’t spread to the rest of me.”
Hyrule sighs with relief. Phew. He would rather be ridiculed by Faron ten times over than be electrocuted by his own friend.
“Oh good.” He lets himself relax as Lanayru descends into the water of her hall, the lower half of his body submerged. “So…does she know that her hiding spot is terrible?”
“Yes,” the old dragon replies, gently placing Hyrule into the palm of his other hand. “But she’ll never admit it! Stubborn little thing.”
“Well, as long as she doesn’t eat me. I mean…she won’t, right?”
“Please Rulie, you gotta trust me on this one.” Lanayru chuckles and gently pats the traveler’s head. “She’ll never eat a Hylian, even she says that’s too far—“
A loud splash brings Hyrule’s attention forward, where Faron’s head emerges from the surface. She exhales loudly, appearing frustrated. “La…Lanayru.”
“Yes, I told you it’s me.”
She slowly raises up to meet the Thunder Dragon’s eye level. The round platform in the middle of the open hall sits between the two dragons, with a dark blue basin of sorts close by. It’s not much distance, but Hyrule is still outside of Faron’s grasp.
“I know, and I’m not exactly in the mood.” Faron huffs, but her eyes move to Hyrule and her demeanor changes, relaxes even. “Ah, who may this be? I didn’t realize you brought company!”
The traveler freezes in place. Oh no. He nudges Lanayru’s palm with his hand. Please…do it for me… Luckily, the old dragon catches on.
“This is my good friend Hyrule. The one I told you about. Now he’s a little timid, so be gentle with him.”
“Ah, yes!” The Water Dragon smiles, a surprise to the hero. “The little Link. Lemme take a closer look, eh? Lanayru, won’t you bring your hands out?”
Uh oh. Bad idea bad idea bad idea-
The Thunder Dragon keeps Rulie close instead. “He’s not comfortable with you touching him.”
Oh, thank Hylia. Thank you. The last thing he wants is for Faron to grab him and bring him close to her face. From there she could easily gobble him up if she wanted to!
“Hmm, I see.” To Hyrule’s relief, she seems to let it go. “Now, young hero, what drew you to this cranky old ass dragon?”
Lanayru’s laugh bellows throughout the hall. “Hey! That is not a nice way to refer to me in front of our guest!” He taps Hyrule’s side softly. “Rulie, want to answer?”
“Sure.” He gazes uneasily at a smirking Faron. “Your Link brought us together. I…I was scared at first, but we realized that we get along quite well. He’s like a parent to me.”
“Ah, Lanayru…” Faron smiles teasingly. “What is with you and kids? You spend time with the little munchkins and they all just fall in love with you!” She makes a dramatic gesture with her arms as she speaks.
Kid?? Rulie gives her a slight glare. “I’m not a kid! I’m nineteen!”
“Still, only a child to me. Cute little boy you are, hero. I could just squish your cheeks and put you in my mouth and—“
Lanayru cuts her off sternly. “Faron.”
“Oh, my apologies—you told me I shouldn’t make that joke with him. Silly me.”
Hyrule lets out a breath he hadn’t quite realized he was holding. Being in Lanayru’s hand, a comforting feeling, helps to relax him. If Faron really did want to eat him, Lanayru would most certainly intervene.
Rulie, she’s not gonna eat you, he tells himself yet again. Stop that.
“Well,” she continues. “I suppose if we want a proper introduction, Hyrule, I shall tell you about me. I am Faron, the Water Dragon and one of the three guardians of my kind from this land. The Goddess Hylia tasked me with protecting Lake Floria and the woods that take my name…”
“Now come on, maybe a little more interesting than that!” Lanayru giggles. “Make it fun!”
“Alright, fine! If you insist. Let’s see…I flooded the entire woods once, that was exciting! I can sing quite well, I like to annoy Thunder Dragon here because I can, uh…I possess a sacred water with healing abilities. It healed my wounds in the past and recently, it helped your little friend recover.”
Hyrule points to the large basin sitting on the platform. “Is that what that thing’s for?”
“Yes. It keeps the sacred water pure and isolated from the lake water. Anyone who wishes to be healed can simply go inside. I adjust the water level accordingly.”
That’s right. Four had indeed mentioned a basin—it must have been this one. The small hero was probably confused upon waking up in there, wondering why he was in a giant container with water all around…
“You know, I have to give this one to her,” Lanayru adds, bringing Rulie’s attention back. “She is very good with sacred water. Well, except I heard from our Link that she whined and begged for him to give her more.” The Thunder Dragon clears his throat, attempting to raise his voice. “Waaaah! Please, Link, I neeed water right nooow!! Pleeeease?”
Hyrule can’t help but laugh at his friend's terrible impression.
“Lanayru, stop that! I was injured, I needed it.” The Water Dragon gives the two a small eye roll in frustration.
“You could have asked nicely, though. Link came all this way to reach you, he deserved more respect.”
Hyrule has to admit, he’s with Lanayru on this one. Not that he wouldn’t ever side with Lanayru, but…Sky may be right here. Faron is a little…weird. Something is slightly off about the way she acts that shows a bit of entitlement.
“Okay, I get it. I don’t want to argue about this again.” She turns her focus to Rulie, giving him a cheeky grin. “See what I have to deal with? Ah, but I digress. Young hero…I have heard many good things. You’re all Lanayru talks about these days.”
“Wait…really?” he asks, feeling the old dragon gently pat his head.
“Yes, and it’s exhausting!” Faron’s tone is thankfully lighthearted. “It’s all Rulie, Rulie, Rulie. I miss Rulie. I want to give this to Rulie.” She sighs, leaning in a bit closer. “So. It’s good to finally put a face to the name.”
The traveler’s heart skips a beat at her movement, realizing he’s still not quite certain that he won’t become her dinner. Is her niceness all an act? Will she fly forward, reach her hand out and grab him? No Hyrule, it’s okay, she won’t eat you!
“Well, it’s uh…nice to meet you, Water Dragon.”
“Likewise.” To his surprise, she actually…smiles? A real, genuine smile, not the smirks she’s been giving Lanayru. “You’re a strong young man, Hyrule. A true hero, from what I see. Thunder Dragon’s been lucky to have you.”
A…true hero? She had decided that simply from looking at him. He remembers, however, that Sky hadn’t gotten the same treatment…he wasn’t strong enough in her eyes even with the Master Sword. Why?
“He’s been through so much,” Lanayru explains. “The least I can do is be there for him. Let him have fun while he’s here.”
Faron nods her head, gazing at Hyrule’s small form still in the old dragon’s palm. Does he like her? Not really, he decides. But she isn’t half as bad as he’d expected. She’s actually kinda nice to me!
“Well,” she states, “I suppose I could make it a bit more ‘fun’ in here, don’t you think? Hmm…”
Hyrule ponders the thought for a second, but to his relief Lanayru answers first. “Why don’t you show him your part of the song?”
“What song-? Oh, the Song of the Hero?” Faron laughs. “I haven’t done that in quite a while! And besides, Rulie…you may be a hero, but are you worthy to hear this sacred melody? The one I kept for over two thousand years from the Goddess Hylia?”
Oh no. The same behavior she had exhibited with Sky during his adventure. Perhaps Hyrule was wrong in thinking he’d be different.
“Lanayru sings his part to me all the time,” he replies, shrugging his shoulders. “I see no reason for you not to.”
“He’s right,” says Lanayru. “Come on Faron, just do it. He wants to hear it.”
The Water Dragon sighs. “Ugh. Okay, I will. But on one condition…you have to do it with me.”
Hyrule’s brow furrows. Me?? But he can’t- Oh. She is talking to Lanayru.
“Fine. Count me in.”
She makes a gesture with her claw, whispering one, two, three, four, and the two dragons begin their melody. Faron’s voice is much more high-pitched than Lanayru’s, but the way they flow together is…beautiful.
As they move through the song, Rulie watches Faron’s movements, the blue magic swirling through the air, the way she gracefully connects the notes with ease…and he hears the familiar thunderous voice of Lanayru from above him.
It’s enough to take his breath away in amazement.
When they eventually trail to a stop, Hyrule can’t help but clap to himself quietly. He didn’t want them to finish, he didn’t want the song to end.
“Well…” Faron speaks again. “How did you like that, hero?”
“I loved it. You have a very good singing voice, Water Dragon.” Just like both Lanayru and Eldin…all three dragons are remarkable singers. Was it a gift from Hylia?
“Why thank you. Just don’t expect me to do this again. At least, next time it won’t be free.”
Oh, she makes you pay, he thinks to himself. Stubborn brat.
“Stop that, Faron.” Lanayru’s voice is firm. “Try to be a little more gentle around Rulie, ok? We don’t want to scare him away.”
She huffs. “What, am I intimidating?!”
“Just a little, I’d say. But I can’t speak for him…what do you think, boy?”
“Oh,” The traveler blinks in surprise. “I mean- I struggle opening up sometimes, so…it might take me a while, but I’m alright.”
He doesn’t want to share his feelings about her, since they aren’t all that great and would probably be better kept to himself. She appears to be self-centered, whiny, and a bit demanding. Of course, she is actually nicer than he’d thought, leading him to think that maybe she isn’t too bad after all.
“Ah, I see,” the Water Dragon replies. “I’ll try my best, young hero. Perhaps you should just spend some more time with me.”
Well, that’s just great. He had hoped to leave soon, making this a short visit, but she seems to have other plans. If he says no, he fears, she will become upset with him…and he does not want to make Faron upset.
So reluctantly, he agrees.
And when they eventually leave the hall to visit more of Lake Floria, he confines himself to Lanayru’s familiar, comfortable grip. He still doesn’t want her to touch him.
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baileyboo2016 · 8 months
Hyrule’s childhood innocence…
Rulie is always safe with his brothers, of course, but there is a special homey feel he gets when he’s at Lanayru’s. Like a young child visiting their grandparents’ house and having more independence without their parents watching.
Lanayru lets him jump on the bed, play games of hide and seek with the robots, and will even sing to help him sleep. It’s all the things Rulie missed out on from never getting to have a real childhood.
(of course, jumping on the bed is limited lest the poor kid bonk his head on the top)
And since the robots are capable of feeling worry and sympathy towards Lanayru, they can do the same for Rulie. They seem to know when the boy is upset or unable to sleep, and sometimes they’ll climb into bed next to him and snuggle under the covers. Lanayru thinks it’s adorable, and Rulie gets a teensy little surprise when he wakes up.
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baileys-writing-desk · 8 months
Ten years after the events of LU, the Thunder Dragon is met with his beloved Hylian friend one more time.
In the decade since Link returned from his second adventure, the Thunder Dragon has made an effort to connect with the Hylians on the Surface. He visits newly built neighborhoods occasionally, dropping Rupees into the fields and singing for farmers to keep them entertained as they work. After so many years spent in near-isolation, it is relieving to become more involved in the bustle of others’ everyday lives.
And so, he doesn’t think much of it when a Hylian bursts into his clearing, gazing up at him in astonishment. Rather, what makes him pause is the newness of this person. A man approaching middle age, with pale skin, curly brown hair, and dressed in a simple chestnut tunic and trousers.
He doesn’t remember seeing this man anywhere, on Skyloft or the Surface…
His eyes widen in surprise. “How did you know my name?”
“You’re here!” the man continues, ignoring the dragon’s question. “It’s really you, I can’t believe it!” He sprints across the clearing to get closer to Lanayru. “Oh…I missed you so much!!”
“Woah, woah, slow down. Do I know you?”
He certainly knows me.
And the man does look slightly familiar…
“Don’t say you don’t remember me!” He slows to a stop, gazing up at Lanayru with hazel eyes. “Here, maybe this will ring a bell? My name is Link.”
“Really? Hmm…how interesting, I’m afraid I don’t know another Li–”
He gasps.
The fluffy brown hair, the unmistakable eyes and composure of a hero, the sweet smile that has persisted with age…
It’s him.
A name escapes Lanayru’s mouth, one he hasn’t uttered in so many years.
The man nods.
Holy fucking shit!!
“Yes, I’m the Hero of Hyrule. I was worried you wouldn’t recognize me, old man!”
“Wha–? Why–how did you–?” In a frenzy, Lanayru stumbles over his words. “How–are you here?”
Rulie chuckles. “Portal.”
The Thunder Dragon frowns. The only portals he knows of, besides the Gate of Time, are the dark magic ones the Shadow created…
“But…your quest is over. Has another one started?”
“No, quite the opposite. This one wasn’t dark magic at all, it was white and gold. I felt calm as I walked through. And it just led me straight here. I think that…the Goddesses wanted us to meet again.”
Lanayru’s heart races in his chest. This is a dream. It has to be a dream, right? Because Rulie is standing right in front of him. The one who left forever a decade ago. If not a dream, an absolute miracle.
“Well, they waited an awfully long time!” he exclaims. Why? Why not earlier…? “You have more wisdom in your eyes, boy. May I ask, how old are you now?”
“I’m thirty.”
The old dragon raises an eyebrow. Rulie was twenty when he left.
“Ah, I see.” Lanayru replies, nodding his head. “It’s been ten years for me, too. You know…I still think about you after all this time, I am beyond relieved to know you are alive and well. You have no idea how happy this makes me–”
“Oh, I do. I can see it in your face.” Hyrule grins, in exactly the same way he used to do, the only difference being the slight marks around his features from aging. “And you’re really lighting up!”
The Thunder Dragon briefly glances down, watching the line of blue light travel from his tail up to his chest. Faster and brighter than usual, for sure. The sparks of electricity from his horns are most likely a bit more frequent too. Changes that are seen as subtle by most others, but Rulie…he remembers.
He lets out a hearty laugh as he turns back to the hero. “I guess I am, boy.” Hmm… should he still be calling Rulie ‘boy’? “Here, if you don’t mind…can I–”
The hero responds right as he begins to lower his hand.
“You don’t need to ask for that one. Just grab me!”
Many Hylians are wary of touching Lanayru, due to the electricity he emits, even though the only real way to be harmed is to touch his horns. Nobody just lets him pick them up like this.
Except for Rulie.
It’s more proof that this man is indeed Hyrule, and not some Surface man who looks just like him, pretending to be the hero in some awful prank.
“Go on, old man, what are you waiting for?”
The old dragon gently wraps his fingers around Rulie’s body and lifts his hand up toward his face, placing the man into the palm of his other hand. “Alright, lemme take a look at you…”
With one finger he strokes through the wild mess of hair, smoothing it down, just like he used to do. The hero sits down in his palm and runs a hand along the soft but scaly texture.
“My friend, you…you’re really here,” Lanayru breathes out.
His eyes fill with tears.
“Hard to believe, isn’t it?” Rulie chuckles. “So…how are you?? How’s Faron and Eldin? And Link! Is he okay?”
“Yes, they’re all good. I just helped Link and Zelda welcome their second child. And Faron—well, she’s a bratty little thing as usual…” He pauses to let out a sniffle. “I’m still causing mischief around here. Eldin once said I’m ‘stubborn and wily’.”
“He’s not wrong. All three of you, total brats.” The hero is clearly teasing, and Lanayru smiles behind his fluffy beard. “Ah, I had a feeling Sky would become a dad. He’s a good one, I’m sure. Can we see him?”
“I’ll take you soon, yes.” Lanayru replies. “Anywhere you want to go, boy. Just not to…Lake Floria—“
Before he knows it, a single tear runs down his cheek. Oh, sweet Hylia.
“Lanayru? Are you…crying?”
“No,” he shoots back, wiping his face quickly. He hasn’t cried since….well, since Rulie left.
“Nuh-uh. I can see it.” Rulie grins. “Stubborn little shit.”
“Fine, you got me…” He lets out a sigh. “I just—I never thought I would actually see you again.”
Another tear comes, but he doesn’t try to hide it this time. He carefully moves his hand up to his beard, and Rulie leans up against the cloud-like fluff.
“…A true blessing, I believe,” the hero replies. “Maybe I’ll get to see all my brothers again too…that would be amazing. Oh, Wind’s probably changed so much!”
“I bet he has.” Lanayru doesn’t elaborate; he barely remembers who this ‘Wind’ person was. Instead he focuses on Rulie, who is scanning the clearing from his perch. The traveler gasps.
“Is that…” Rulie points down toward their left, at the small four-poster bed. The one that had been his back then. “…is that my bed? Did you keep it??”
“Surprisingly, yes.” Lanayru sniffles, trying to regain his composure. “I nearly destroyed it after you left, but…something inside told me not to. It’s my reminder of you, boy.”
“Aw, Lanayru! I’m honored. Although…it looks like someone else has it now, huh?”
The Thunder Dragon takes a closer look at the bed. Sure enough, one of his LD-301 robots is lying there, snuggled in the pillow and blanket.
He giggles, nearly snorting from the tears. “Ah yes, my little friends have taken quite a liking for it.”
It is difficult to tell from this distance, but Lanayru can just make out the features of LD-301S Scrapper. The one Link had frustratingly handed back to him after the first adventure, tired of the small creature’s rude insults. And the one whom the dragon jokingly calls ‘Scrapper the Napper’ now.
Rulie strokes Lanayru’s beard with his hands, grinning. “I remember those little guys. Do you…think they’ll remember me too?”
“Well, maybe. LD-301’s have limited capacity for memories like that. But a few might recognize your name. I was able to teach them ‘Rulie.’ Of course…now they’ve just been calling each other Rulie. So I don’t think they really get it.”
“Awww! Little rascals!” the traveler exclaims. “Wow…I really missed them. I missed all of this! You especially, old man…and all my brothers, my family. It was kinda nice, having a family.”
Lanayru touches Rulie’s hair with a finger again, keeping the hero secure in his other palm. The poor man had been through far too much, at far too young. He deserved to have a real childhood, a chance at a happy life from the start.
“Rulie…you deserve so much better, you know that right? It made our farewell a thousand times more difficult. Because your life has not been easy. And I had to let you go right back to a world that is so cruel to you.” Another tear trickles down his face as he speaks.
The hero doesn’t answer right away, just stares out into the expansion of forest ahead of them.
“I’ve managed,” he replies eventually. “Zelda’s helped me a lot. And remembering you all too…I’ve been using what you and my brothers have taught me.”
Lanayru raises an eyebrow. “Like what?”
“Like…different sword fighting skills, self-defense, how to swear at people who fucking piss me off…”
“Ahh, Rulie.” He cackles at the hero’s foul language. “I suppose I was a bad influence on you after all.”
“Nah, that was mostly from Legend. My predecessor.” The traveler pauses to take a breath. “But really, I gained confidence in myself. I’ve kicked some ass out there, old man, you would be impressed.”
“I bet you have.” The old dragon heaves a sigh, remembering the last time he gazed into Rulie’s eyes, and utters the words he has always longed to say. “…I’m so proud of you, boy. You know that, right?”
Hyrule slowly nods, lifting himself out from Lanayru’s beard and looking up at him.
“When we last saw each other, I didn’t get to say that to you one more time. I didn’t tell you how incredible you are and how much you’d grown…even since we first met. And I felt an overwhelming shame.”
“Oh, Lanayru…”
“It’s true. You are a skilled warrior, a loyal friend, you’re truly a gift, Rulie.” He blinks through still-watery eyes and gives the traveler a soft smile. “I hope I made that clear enough ten years ago, and if I didn’t, my sincerest apologies.”
There. You did it.
For a moment, he can almost see Rulie in his green hero’s tunic, sword on his back and a fierce but playful glimmer in his eyes, twenty again. Their last meeting. And if Lanayru had known for sure it was the last one, he would have given a proper farewell.
But when the traveler walked through the dark magic portal, the dragon’s heart ached from bittersweet memories and words left unsaid.
“Don’t be sorry, old man.” Hyrule replies, bringing the dragon out of his thoughts. “I’ve always known how proud you are. You did more than enough.”
“Really? Are you sure?”
“Of course you silly goose, I’m sure! What, you think I’m lying?”
Lanayru chuckles, another tear running down his face. “No…you’re right. I trust you.”
Rulie sighs in what seems to be relief, briefly turning to glance at the clearing’s entrance. And the Thunder Dragon remembers: he needs to take the hero to Link and Zelda, to their two children, and to Skyloft…there is so much to catch up on.
“Good, I’m glad that hasn’t changed.” Hyrule smiles playfully, booping Lanayru’s beard with his finger. It seems his childhood mannerisms have not quite left with age. “Because I’m not leaving your side until I have to go back!”
The dragon wipes his eyes gently, attempting to collect himself before his flight. He doesn’t want to show up at Link’s house looking like this, after all.
“Sounds like a good plan,” he tells the hero.
And somewhere up in the heavens, a Goddess smiles.
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The Fire Dragon
Lanayru and Hyrule have a meeting with Eldin!
(This is before Faron’s fic, as they definitely saved her for last. I just never got around to actually writing Eldin’s meeting.)
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baileys-writing-desk · 10 months
The Morning Sun (“I’m here, and so is Four”)
After using all his healing magic, Rulie wakes up to see someone very familiar.
(check tags before reading)
A soft, distant melody drifts into Hyrule’s ears, slowly bringing him to awareness. His body feels blissfully warm, like something soft is covering him…and a slight breeze ruffles his hair. That deep voice…the beautiful song…why is that so familiar?
He takes in a breath and groans, far too weak to move, or to open his eyes.
“Look…ru…’t worked…”
Another voice, a much smaller one this time. The singing voice slowly comes to a stop. Wait—no… He liked the singing. It was so soothing…
“…rule.” The deeper voice returns. “Hyrule…you with us?”
…Who is that?
The traveler shifts under the soft material, a blanket perhaps, but this doesn’t feel like his bedroll. Far from it, in fact…the surface he’s lying on is smooth but wrinkly, almost a bit…scaly? What the hell…?
“Hey, can you hear me?”
…Oh, right. He is supposed to respond to that…but when he opens his mouth in an attempt to speak, only a croak comes out. His heavy eyelids still won’t open, and he can just barely move one hand up from under the blanket. But it is seemingly enough for the voice to know he is listening.
“Shh…it’s okay, boy. No need to force it, just take it easy. You were asleep for…quite a while.”
…How long?, he wants to ask, and who the hell are you? Letting his hand fall limply back down, he lets out another long groan. Soft murmurs can be heard from farther away…perhaps his brothers are here. And this voice…he should know who it belongs to…The curiosity overtakes him and at last, he weakly peels his heavy eyelids open.
Squinting at the harsh sunlight, he gazes up blearily to see a massive blur of colors: yellow, brown, white…a glowing blue? Something is glowing…or rather, more than one thing is glowing. Small blobs of yellow fade in and out, like little sparks of light.
Wait a second…is that…
“Ah, there you are!” The deep voice is slightly louder this time, chuckling slightly. “Good morning, Rulie.”
The mix of bright lights hurts the traveler’s eyes, and so he gently lets them slip back closed.
“Oh, the light bothering you? My apologies, boy.”
Hyrule slowly clears his throat, attempting to speak again. “Mmmm…” His voice comes out dry and raspy. “…’s okay.”
It all begins to click now. The wrinkly texture of the surface beneath him…it is that of Lanayru’s hands.
“Wh-why are you…” he continues, voice cracking before he can finish. Why are you holding me…
“Hm?” Lanayru doesn’t seem to follow. “…Why am I here? Ah, right. You can’t possibly remember that.”
Hyrule slowly puts a hand to his forehead, rubbing it to ease the slight aching. That was not the question he wanted… After a second of silence a smaller voice pipes in.
“Hey Rulie, it’s me, Sky. Don’t worry, you’re safe now. We went through a portal to my era while you were out, that’s why Lanayru’s here. And Four is doing much better, so you can relax, ok?”
“Wh…what happened to Four?” he mumbles. Lanayru says nothing.
“You don’t remember?”
Hyrule’s mind draws a blank. “…No.”
A long, drawn-out sigh, then Sky’s voice again. “It’s okay, Rulie, you’re still out of it. Can you look at me?”
He moans quietly. Just thinking about that scorching sun makes the aching in his head return. But perhaps he could try again…
Why can’t I remember??
Slowly he turns his head to the left, to the sound of Sky’s voice, and blinks his eyes open, relieved to find he is no longer looking straight into the sun. Large brown shapes focus in front of him, with lighter, pointed tips. Lanayru’s fingers. He is lying in both of the dragon’s hands, cupped together to give him more room, like how anyone his size would hold a baby bunny.
And beyond that…Through the spaces between the fingers he can make out the blurry figure of Sky through the still-harsh sunlight. The ground isn’t too far beneath them…Lanayru must be sitting down, he figures. Bleary hazel eyes finally meet concerned blue ones, and Sky seems to be grinning, most likely with relief.
“Wh…what happened, Sky?” Hyrule croaks out. “…Where’s Four…?”
“I told you, Four’s fine. Because of you, Rulie, you used everything you had to heal him, I mean-“ Sky takes in a shaky breath. “…You could have died, Hyrule. I almost thought we were gonna lose you.”
Hyrule’s heart drops. “Oh…”
The pieces begin to emerge in his mind now, nearly all at once. The battle in Time’s Hyrule. The monster’s weapon bringing Four down. Four lying in the grass, bloody sword sticking out of him…
No. No no no…
The traveler’s eyes widen and he lets out a strained gasp.
“Four, stay with me! Oh fuck, shit, I can’t stop the bleeding- HYRULE! Please-“
The magic is already pulsing off Hyrule’s hands as he thrusts them on the smithy’s chest. He doesn’t know how much he has left…but Four’s life is now in his hands. He can’t lose his brother, his friend…he can’t-
“Rulie? You still there?”
Lanayru’s voice brings him back. He shudders.
“I…I think I remember now…”
“Yes, very good,” the dragon replies. “What you did was quite heroic, boy. Nearly sacrificing yourself to save another’s life…Among the most courageous things a mortal can do, I believe.”
“Lanayru, I-“ He coughs from drawing in a sharp breath of air. “I had no choice.”
“I know, boy. I understand.” The Thunder Dragon’s low voice is soft and gentle. “Link—or, uh—Sky…please don’t be upset, he’s alright now, ok?”
Sky nods his head, eyebrows raised and gaze pointed down, toward the grass and the swirling white clouds of Lanayru’s tail.
“I grabbed you off Four,” the Skyloftian explains. “His wounds were no longer fatal, and I didn’t want you using all your magic, but you passed out in my arms. Do you remember that, Rulie?”
The traveler grunts, closing his eyes briefly…his vision has been clearing, but the sun is still a bit too bright for the state he’s in.
It comes to him like a dream.
“Rulie. I think he’s okay now—“
“Rulie, stop! HYRULE STOP. You’ve done enough-“
He can’t stop. Not until every inch of magic has been drained from his frail body. His eyelids begin to grow heavy…his vision swims, he’s barely conscious.
“RULIE!!” Someone is pulling him away from Four, but it’s too late, the last bit of magic fizzles out and the world is now a spinning blur of colors. His eyes roll back in his head and he falls limp in their grasp.
Hyrule slowly opens his eyes, gazing at Sky through the dragon’s claws. “…I do…” He swallows hard. “…How long was I gone?”
“Almost two days. We spent the night in Time’s era, but our location just wasn’t safe for you or Four. And bless Hylia, we woke up the next morning to a portal, was it a gift from the goddesses or a sweet coincidence I don’t know…but it sent us here. We weren’t sure how safe it would be with two of you unconscious, but we had to do it.” Sky sighs. “Thank Hylia we made the right call.”
“I saw the portal open,” Lanayru adds. “Right in front of me! I was flyin’ through the air, of course…I knew you were probably in the middle of something so I waited, until my Link came to me.”
“Yeah, Lanayru was a big help.” Sky grins at Hyrule, and then up at the dragon. “He took you, Rulie, almost right away. You two spent the day and night together, and the rest of us tended to Four.”
“Wait…you were with me the whole time?” Hyrule groans and puts his elbows beneath him, attempting to sit up. “…Lanayru, did you—“
“Woah-ho, easy now,” the dragon interrupts, gently pressing his thumb to the traveler’s back as the latter finally reaches a sitting position. “Don’t push yourself too hard, you’re still very weak.”
A red checkered blanket is draped over Lanayru’s other hand, where Hyrule’s legs and feet are placed. Carefully he pulls the blanket back, turning himself to face the open clearing where Sky stands.
“Did you…stay up all night?” he mutters, finishing his thought.
“Oh, heavens no.” Lanayru’s hearty laugh rings from above, and Hyrule guesses the dragon is smiling. “Old dragons need their sleep too. Don’t worry, I kept you safe in my robe. Nobody hurts you on my watch, boy.”
“That’s…really kind of you.” Hyrule smiles. “Thank you.”
“Ah, no problem, Rulie. Now you were asking where Four is?”
Before the traveler can respond, someone else steps into the clearing, rushing up to meet Sky. The pink hair and red tunic makes him unmistakably Legend.
“Hey Sky, I just wanted to see how he’s—“ The veteran gasps as his eyes meet Hyrule’s. “Oh Rulie, you’re awake! Three-damn it, you fucking idiot!”
Legend’s tone comes out as much more of relief than anger, but surely he’s at least a little angry at Hyrule.
“Language, boy,” Lanayru scolds. But Legend doesn’t seem to care.
“Why did you do that?! When I saw you I—I almost thought you fucking died!”
Hyrule gulps, breaking eye contact with his predecessor to gaze at Lanayru’s fingers.
“But I didn’t,” he says eventually. “I’m here, and so is Four. I did what was needed…”
“Well…maybe next time, don’t do that, okay? Rulie, you scared the living shit out of us! I was so fucking worried—“ Legend pauses, gazing at both the traveler and the Thunder Dragon. “…Are you okay? How are you feeling?”
Hyrule groans at his predecessor’s question. “Could be better, Ledge. I’m still really tired…”
“Hmph, well you look like shit.” Legend smiles teasingly. “No offense.”
Lanayru chuckles again, making the veteran raise his eyebrow in confusion.
“Allll right, Link. Perhaps that’s enough of the sailor’s mouth for now, hm?” Although Hyrule cannot see Lanayru’s face, he figures the dragon is doing his ‘disappointed dad’ stare. “Now tell me, any updates on Four?”
Yes, please tell me where the hell he is… Hyrule thinks to himself, gently rubbing his temples.
“I just got back from the lake, Mr. Thunder Dragon. He’s been in and out recently, but he woke up for a bit to talk to me. I think the water is really helping…we had Her Excellence replenish his bath this morning.”
Hyrule’s brow furrows. “…Her Excellence?”
“Ah, what is that dragon’s name? That blue one with all the water.”
Sky grimaces a bit, seemingly waiting for Hyrule’s reaction.
“…Faron?” he squeaks out.
“Yes, Faron! That’s right!” Legend laughs. “Ah, she’s been so kind to me…I never asked for her name. Pity.”
“But Sky, you said…you didn’t want us going to see her.”
“I know, Rulie, this was an exception,” says the Skyloftian. “Faron has sacred water, and when she sustained critical injuries a while back…that water helped her recover. I’m not sure what effect it has on a Hylian, but I think it’s at least soothing Four’s mind. He took a nasty blow to the head too, you know. And you can’t fully heal concussions, right?”
Hyrule slowly shakes his head. “No…I wish I could.”
“Don’t worry, it’s okay. The water will hopefully do the rest. Besides…I never imagined something like this. Two heroes and two dragons, it’s wonderful.”
“Yeah,” Legend adds. “Naydra, thanks for taking care of my Rulie. You’re amazing.”
The Thunder Dragon seems confused. “No problem…wait, what did you call me?”
“Legend!!” Sky bursts into laughter, nearly throwing his head back. “You got mine and Wild’s dragons mixed up again, didn’t you?”
“…Fuck. I’m sorry, um…”
“Ah, Lanayru! Rats.” Legend snaps his fingers. “I mean…I was pretty close.”
“Don’t worry, it happens. And you’re very much welcome. When you fellas are here I’ll guard Rulie with my life! Right, Rulie?”
Hyrule nods, too lazy to turn his head back and look at the dragon’s face. He must be wondering who this Naydra is… Ever since meeting Lanayru, Hyrule hasn’t been too fond of Wild’s dragons. Not that he’d ever tell Wild, but the sight of them last time had him really missing Lanayru. So much so that it hurt to look.
“Well, you’re looking a bit better already,” Sky exclaims, smiling. “Do you think you’ll be able to stand? Because soooomebody here wants a hug.”
The Skyloftian gestures to Legend, who pouts in an attempt to hide it, but Hyrule can tell through the veteran’s puppy-dog eyes. After two days without Hyrule, he surely wants to hold his successor tight and never let go.
The traveler sighs. “…I think so.”
“Alright, I’m gonna let you down now, ok?” Lanayru leans forward, placing his hands on the grass, and slowly Hyrule scoots off, moaning slightly in the process. A wave of light-headedness washes through him after his feet touch the ground, and he grabs on to the dragon’s finger to steady himself.
“Woah there- be careful, Rulie.” Sky warns, rushing over to him. “I got you.”
Hyrule wraps his arm around Sky’s shoulders, and Lanayru sets the blanket down with his now empty hands. As the two heroes approach Legend, the Thunder Dragon rises back up to sitting with a deep exhale. His arms must be a bit tired…
“Rulie. Don’t ever do that again,” Legend scolds, but the pure relief is clear in his expression.
The weak traveler lets go of Sky and buries himself into his predecessor’s embrace, allowing Legend to wrap sturdy arms around his frail body and gently stroke his messy hair.
“I can’t guarantee it,” Hyrule mutters, voice slightly muffled.
“Yeah…I know. But maybe go for, like 80 percent odds?”
He chuckles at Legend’s joke. A little too promising… “Okay. I’ll try.”
Finally the veteran seems content enough to let go of the traveler, and as Hyrule steps away, he grins. The weakness in his legs has lessened a little, but he still longs to be back in Lanayru’s hands again. It was much more comfortable.
“Hey, I think I’m gonna go back to camp to let them know you’re awake,” Sky explains. “So you might have more visitors. Just stay here…don’t leave Lanayru’s sight.”
“I won’t, I promise.” He knows he wouldn’t have the strength to leave, even if he wanted to.
“Good. The others will be so relieved to see you.”
The Skyloftian heads off into the dense trees of the forest, where Hyrule assumes the rest of the group has set up camp. They must be so worried about me… A pang of guilt aches in his chest at what he must have put them through. At least now they’ll know he’s okay…
He slowly turns around, relying slightly on Legend’s shoulder to stay upright, and at last he sees the Thunder Dragon’s full body. Lanayru is beaming, fluffy beard a swirly mess and eyes containing their usual sparkle. His hands are rested on his crossed back claws and his tail drapes around him, white clouds shining in the sunlight.
“Well…it’s good to have you back, boy!” he exclaims. “Now come here. I think you need some more rest.”
Hyrule smiles softly in agreement. With Legend’s help, the traveler takes baby steps back toward Lanayru’s waiting arms.
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baileyboo2016 · 8 days
Bro the day lanayru lore dumped to hyrule was certainly A Day ™️
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baileyboo2016 · 15 days
A new Lanayrulie is coming! This time it’s about Rulie meeting Eldin :)
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baileyboo2016 · 9 months
Ok but like Rulie in Lanayru’s hand who does the classic “look over there!” trick and Lanayru falls for it and when he looks back rulie has turned into a fairy and he’s like what-
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