#la casa de papel season 4
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mwagneto · 2 years ago
do yall ever think about berlermo. that shit was fucking crazy
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imaginejolls · 2 years ago
okay friends. i'm learning Spanish on the Duolingos. i barely use my Netflix anymore, so i might as well practise my listening comprehension: what spanish netflix show is fun to watch? i watched elite up to season 4 i think, but it went off the rails, i also watched la casa de papel for a good chunk of it.
i'm not above watching another high school drama, even though i'd prefer something about adults. i like sci-fi and fantasy, i like when the show is funny (it doesn't have to be a comedy. i can be about a serious topic, but if it finds opportunities to be funny despite a hard overall theme, i'm into that), i like stories that feature women.
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operaportugues · 10 months ago
I Puritani (Bellini) - MET 06/janeiro/2007
Ópera completa com legenda em português.
1. Crie login gratuito no site https://www.metopera.org/
2. Instale o programa “Bigasoft Video Downloader Pro” Ele permite download do Metropolitan Opera.
3. Seriais Vá ao menu “Ajuda” - “Registrar” e digite um serial no campo “Código de Licença”.
4. Adicione no programa Bigasoft um destes 2 links para fazer o download. Ao usar a opção https://ondemand.metopera.org, o Bigasoft solicitará em janela pop-up que você digite seu login/senha do site do MET. https://ondemand.metopera.org/performance/detail/93cac559-5ff2-5520-ba58-d982e71bc5ba https://www.metopera.org/season/on-demand/opera/?upc=811357011393
5. Download da legenda em português: link.
Após a estreia desta ópera em 24/janeiro/1835 em Paris, Bellini relatou: "Os franceses enlouqueceram; havia tanto barulho e tantos gritos que eles próprios ficaram surpresos por terem sido tão arrebatados… Em uma palavra, foi uma coisa inédita e, desde sábado, Paris tem falado sobre isso com espanto".
Este seria o último trabalho de Bellini; ele morreu em setembro de 1835, aos 33 anos de idade.
Revivida pelo MET especialmente para ela, a soprano Anna Netrebko tomou Nova York de assalto quando interpretou o papel da frágil donzela puritana Elvira. Sua ousada interpretação da famosa cena de loucura da heroína lhe rendeu ovações de pé em casas lotadas noite após noite. Repleta de árias e conjuntos arrebatadores, esta joia do bel canto também é estrelada por Eric Cutler como o amor de Elvira, Arturo.
Sinopse do Met
"Vien, diletto, è in ciel la luna" (Anna Netrebko)
Ária "A te, o cara, amor talora": Franco Corelli, Pavarotti; Juan Diego Florez, Juan Diego Florez (2), Alfredo Kraus, Javier Camarena, Lawrence Brownlee, Giuseppe Di Stefano.
Personagens principais: - Lorde Arturo Talbo - Elvira, noiva de Arturo - Sir Riccardo Forth, o líder puritano apaixonado por Elvira - Sir Giorgio Valton, tio de Elvira - Lorde Gualtiero Valton, pai de Elvira e irmão de Giorgio - Sir Bruno Roberton - Enrichetta di Francia, viúva de Carlos I
Sinopse: Inglaterra durante a Guerra Civil Inglesa.
Ato I Inglaterra, por volta de 1650. Plymouth, uma fortaleza puritana, está ameaçada pelo cerco das tropas realistas. Vozes distantes anunciam o dia do casamento de Elvira, filha de Gualtiero, o comandante da fortaleza. Riccardo entra lamentando o fato de sua noiva prometida, Elvira, amar outro homem - um partidário dos Stuart. Seu pai não a forçará a se casar contra sua vontade, ao que parece, então o amigo de Riccardo, Sir Bruno, o incentiva a dedicar sua vida à liderança das forças parlamentares.
Elvira diz a seu tio, Giorgio, que prefere morrer a se casar com Riccardo. Seu tio a tranquiliza dizendo que convenceu seu pai a deixá-la se casar com seu amante, Arturo. Embora Arturo seja um monarquista, ele é saudado quando se aproxima do castelo.
Todos se reúnem para a celebração do casamento e Arturo cumprimenta sua noiva. Ele fica sabendo que a viúva do Rei Carlos I, a Rainha Enrichetta, é prisioneira no castelo e logo será levada a julgamento em Londres. Sozinho com a rainha, Arturo se oferece para salvá-la, mesmo que isso signifique sua morte. Elvira retorna com o véu de noiva e caprichosamente o coloca sobre a cabeça de Enrichetta. Quando fica sozinho novamente com a rainha, Arturo explica que o véu será o disfarce perfeito para escapar do castelo. Quando eles estão prestes a sair, Riccardo os impede, determinado a matar seu rival. Enrichetta os separa e revela sua identidade. Riccardo os deixa fugir, sabendo que isso arruinará Arturo. Os outros retornam para o casamento e Riccardo conta sobre a fuga de Arturo com Enrichetta. Os soldados saem correndo em sua perseguição. Elvira, acreditando ter sido traída, é tomada pela loucura.
Ato II Os habitantes da cidade lamentam o colapso mental de Elvira. Giorgio explica que ela continua desejando Arturo. Riccardo chega para anunciar que Arturo foi condenado à morte pelo Parlamento. Os puritanos partem.
Elvira entra, revivendo seu passado feliz. Em sua loucura, ela confunde Riccardo com Arturo e sonha com seu casamento. Quando ela vai embora, Giorgio tenta convencer Riccardo a salvar Arturo. A princípio indignado, Riccardo finalmente se sente motivado a ajudar Elvira, e os dois homens se unem em patriotismo: se Arturo voltar como amigo, ele viverá; se voltar como inimigo armado, ele morrerá.
Ato III No jardim de Elvira, Arturo revela que o amor por ela o trouxe de volta a Plymouth. Ele a ouve cantar sua antiga canção de amor e fica dividido entre seu afeto e sua lealdade aos Stuarts. A própria Elvira aparece e Arturo lhe garante que ela é seu único amor. Os soldados correm para prender Arturo. Nesse momento, um diplomata chega com a notícia da derrota final dos monarquistas e uma anistia geral para todos os infratores. O choque dessa notícia restaura os sentidos de Elvira, e todos se alegram com a paz enquanto Elvira e Arturo abraçam sua nova felicidade.
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marqenobi · 1 year ago
gosh I still remember when I first started watching la casa de papel, catching glimpses of it during family lunch on the TV, annoyed at my dad for choosing such a weird show. I remember finding Berlín completely insane. I didn't even know his name, or that they all had city names, so when I heard them calling each other oslo and nairobi and tokyo I thought these are just the world's weirdest people who have city names. I never watched the bella ciao scene, I missed it cause I was doing something else when the family watched that episode. But then the tables turned, and boy HOW did they turn. I remember going from freaked out to intrigued by Berlin.. the little background, how does he know the Professor's name? The russian roulette, him staying loyal to Sergio even on risk of actual DEATH. bonkers. something incredibly off about him. and yet, invariably everyone held their breath when he was in a scene, and kudos to Pedro's acting that had us on the edge of our seats every second he was on screen.
and then he DIED. and it was quite ironic, by the time we reached the s2 finale, my dad had kinda lost interest, other family too, but I was sitting on the sofa in rapt attention. When Sergio cried, I felt tears forming in my eyes. But for HIM? I hated him, didn't I? Well,, I was devastated at the ending, got my hopes up when news abt s3 broke, but again was left anxious cause what would the show be like without him... and even those early days there were so many theories, wishful thinking that he didn't really die, or they would resurrect him, a secret twin, a cure, etc etc... but I never let myself hope for a spinoff. this was back in late 2019/2020 when my life/mental health went to utter shit and this silly little show and it's characters were my one thread of light. But I never let myself hope for an actual spinoff.
And now, fast forward 4 years later, it's actually happening!!! WTF!! we're getting a fucking spinoff cause it wasn't just me and Andrés really was that much of a fan favourite (i still question why some writing choices were made tho, I know he's the most dark character I've liked) but oh my god. It feels unreal. I am excited, despite everything. Will miss sergio & martin, but with luck the show is a success and they bring in them for next season 🙏 Despite everything through sheer force of love and will we the fans have managed to hold onto that Cabrón long after he died, long after the show ended, he's still here. damn
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meli-r · 9 months ago
Thanks :)
Last song: Fade Into You by Mazzy Star
Favorite color: red and black
Currently watching: La casa de papel, The Bad Batch, Voice (kdrama, season 4), Vincenzo, Vigilante (kdrama), Extraordinary Attorney Woo.
Sweet/savory/spicy: sweet
Relationship status: single
Current obsessions: cybersecurity, economics (especially the Austrian school), psychology (mental disorders too), writing (when I'm inspired to), traveling (I love visiting museums or places with old gothic architecture and walking around all day until my legs hurt), some videogames like 7 Days to Die and lol, etc.
Tagging: anyone can join, don't feel pressured @another--traveler
I would like to tag more people but their blogs have been inactive for years xD
Nine people i'd like to get to know better:
Tagged by: @bell-of-indecision, thank you so much for tagging me <3
Last Song: Gmfu by Odetari,6arelyhuman
Favourite colour: Dark red, violet, pink
Currently watching: Death note, ep6
Spicy/Savoury/Sweet: Spicy
Relationship status: Single
Current Obsession: Mbti types and cognitive functions.
Tagging: @somin-yin @a-cloud-for-dreams @axepen @hinsaa-paramo-dharma @basic-bitch-alkali @rhysaka @blackknight-100 @squishywizardd @reykalot
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ollie-m-draws · 1 year ago
tagged by @buffyjackets , ty for the tag! :3
RULES: list 8 tv shows to get to know me better! but im going to break the rules and list 10, because i cannot help myself. btw, #1 truly is #1, but the rest are not ordered in any particular fashion
bojack horseman. this might come as a surprise because i hardly ever rb anything about it but this is probably the show that has had the biggest impact on me as a person. i could go on and on and on and on about how meaningful this show is to me
buffy the vampire slayer. i watched it first when i was a preteen, but now i'm rewatching it and it really has a chokehold on me lol.
the wilds. im devastated that it was cancelled. i love those girls. rip my silly little island show
orphan black. rachel duncan you will always be famous <3 also helena, mika, beth, sarah, and krystal
killing eve. simply pretend season 4 does not exist, and everything is fine. season 3's finale actually is a really good ending
doctor who. like btvs, i watched this first when i was a preteen. unlike btvs, it did not take me until several years later for it to rewire my brain.
la casa de papel. i just like seeing a fucked-up found family doing crimes together lol
yellowjackets. something that almost all of the shows on this list have in common is that they contain fucked-up women. this show has a high concentration of them, so it's an easy pick
the L word. i'll be honest that i have not rewatched this since i was like 13, but i DO remember bits and pieces very well, and it has so many iconic characters & quotes. jenny schecter is so unpalatable and i love that for her
dead like me. this is a bryan fuller show from like 2002 about a girl who becomes a grim reaper. fuller is more well-known for hannibal and pushing daisies, but this is the one i was obsessed with as a teen. (i think there's also an episode of hannibal that's like...a stealth crossover or a shoutout to dead like me? idk i haven't seen hannibal.) it definitely uses some...outdated language...but i think it still otherwise holds up decently well. it's funny and profound and i love love love daisy adair with my whole heart.
tagging: uhhh i am being called away to watch btvs w/ my sibling lol. so, anyone who wants to do this, consider yourself tagged! also note that i fully broke the rules and it was supposed to be 8 shows.
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tobyarcherlvl5 · 2 years ago
CVL - Bibliography
Anon. (2023). Spacetime. Wikipedia [online]. Available from: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Spacetime&oldid=1157101945 [Accessed 4 June 2023].
ChatGPT. (2023). Introducing ChatGPT [online]. Available from: https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt. [Accessed 4 June 2023].
CineFix - IGN Movies and TV. (n.d.). 10 Best Opening Title Sequences of All Time. [Film]. Available from: https://youtu.be/i8twthdaqB8. [Accessed 20 May 2023].
Cooper, K. (1995). Se7en - Title Sequence. [Film]. Available from: https://youtu.be/-BJkDyCdw0c. [Accessed 17 May].
Fonts in Use. (n.d.). Margo Chase at Fonts in Use. [online]. Available from: https://fontsinuse.com/designers/7150/margo-chase [Accessed 4 June 2023].
Holman, R. (2022). How to shake off the demon of convention. [online]. 2 February. Available from: https://www.creativereview.co.uk/convention-creative-work-richard-holman/. [Accessed 15 May 2023].
Industrial Scripts. (2019). 35 Movie Tropes and How to Avoid Them in Screenwriting. [online]. Available from: https://industrialscripts.com/movie-tropes/. [Accessed 17 May 2023].
It’s Nice That. (2022). Ruby Okoro on how he uses photography to help him process complex and challenging emotions [online]. 3 March. Available from: https://www.itsnicethat.com/articles/ruby-okoro-photography-030322 (n.d.).  [Accessed 4 June 2023].
It’s Nice That. (2023). Designer Reinaldo Camejo talks us through transforming a church into a typeface [online]. 9 May. Available from: https://www.itsnicethat.com/articles/reinaldo-camejo-grundtvig-graphic-design-project-090523. [Accessed 4 June 2023].
It’s Nice That. (2022). How the makers of The House’s title sequence set the tone for the nightmarish Netflix comedy. [online]. 9 February. Available from: https://www.itsnicethat.com/news/nicolas-menard-manshen-lo-nexus-studios-the-house-title-sequence-animation-090222. [Accessed 4 June 2023].
Make Make Entertainment. (n.d.). Elastic Portfolio. [online]. Available from: https://makemakeentertainment.com/elastic/portfolio/. [Accessed 17 May 2023].
Maher, D.M. (2023). Homa’s rebrand envisions the future of mobile game development. [online]. 16 February. Available from: https://www.creativereview.co.uk/ragged-edge-homa-branding/ [Accessed 20 May June 2023].
Master Class. (2021). How to Use Tropes in Writing. [online]. 29 September. Available from: https://www.masterclass.com/articles/how-to-use-tropes-in-writing. [Accessed 17 May 2023].
Media-Studies. (2022). Steve Neale and Genre Theory [online]. Available from: https://media-studies.com/steve-neale-genre/ [Accessed 4 June 2023].
Money Heist. (2017). La Casa De Papel Opening Sequence. [Film]. 20 December. Available from: https://youtu.be/Zx37mfDRpyk. [Accessed 21 May 2023].
Revision World. (n.d.). Genre Theorists - Media Studies - Revision World [online]. Available from: https://revisionworld.com/a2-level-level-revision/media-studies-level-revision/key-media-studies-theorists/genre-theorists. [Accessed 21 May 2023].
Unsplash. (n.d.). Beautiful Free Images & Pictures | Unsplash. [online]. Available from: https://unsplash.com/. [Accessed 20 May 2023].
UppBeat. (2023). Free Music For Creators [online]. Available from: https://uppbeat.io/. [Accessed 4 June 2023].
Videezy. (n.d.). Free Glitch Stock Video Footage - (283 Free Downloads) [online]. Available from: https://www.videezy.com/free-video/glitch [Accessed 28 May 2023].
Williams, M. (2023). How Elastic created the title sequence for the Last of Us [online]. 27 January. Available from: https://www.creativereview.co.uk/last-of-us-tv-design/. [Accessed 17 May 2023].
Willey, M. (n.d.). Matt Willey. [online]. Available from: https://mattwilley.co.uk. [Accessed 17 May 2023].
Westworld. (2016). Westworld Season 1 Opening Credits | Rotten Tomatoes TV [Film]. 2 December. Available from: https://youtu.be/ZgvXU5R-xWs. [Accessed 21 May 2023].
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tropicaldiasporarecords · 2 years ago
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Vinyl PRE-ORDER or CD order • tdrgo.co/tdr33 • Argentinian band La Fanfarriadel Capitán have traveled halfway around the world with their music, bringing their eclectic, energetic and passionate world-folk mix of rock, Latin American rhythms, ska, reggae and Balkan melodies to festival and club venues – Stages in South America, Asia and Europe. In the Spanish TV series La Casa de Papel, the six band members played themselves in seasons 3 and 4 and their music has been used in the Russian Netflix series The Method. Last but not least, the band has also created their own type of wine “El Vino del Capitán”. It was first imported from Argentina as merchandise for tour sales, but has been coming from the well-known Ingelheim organic winery Arndt F. Werner since 2021.• • #lafanfarriadelcapitan #elcantomanto #tropicaldiasporarecords (at Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqOLahOtMNr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ejabatalmustaqbal · 2 years ago
مسلسل La casa de papel موسم 1 – الحلقة رقم 4
المنشور ، La casa de papel ، الموسم 1 ، الحلقة رقم 4 ، ظهر لأول مرة على Keifel Evil. نُشر المقال ، La casa de papel Season 1 – Episode 4 ، لأول مرة على قناة Beit Al-Kunuz.
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traceymurrayportfolio · 2 years ago
La Casa de Papel/Money Heist is the biggest show campaign I have worked on as a senior creative and producer, and at the time boasted a hefty 12 million followers on Instagram alone, in the lead up to Season 4! We kicked off the campaign with agent Alicia Sierra having hacked all social accounts of the resistance. To do this we archived every post on Instagram and changed all YouTube thumbnails to show it had been taken over by the police, and we also issued an ‘official’ statement from the Alicia’s police department from the Twitter account!
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thefinalanime · 2 years ago
Anime que se emite hoy (02/01/2023)
A continuación os mostramos un listado de todos los episodios de anime que se emiten hoy por televisión, así como aquellas películas que a partir de hoy se podrán disfrutar en los cines de Japón y los OVA que saldrán a la venta.
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Episodio 40 - Chiikawa Sinopsis: Los días a veces felices, a veces tristes y estresantes de la vida diara de un "tipo de pequeña y mona criatura" conocida como Chiikawa. Los Chiikawa disfrutan de deliciosa comida con los conejos y abejas, trabajan duro todos los días por las recompensas del trabajo y aun así mantienen una sonrisa.
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Episodio 10 - Fumetsu no Anata e 2nd Season Sinopsis: Segunda temporada de Fumetsu no Anata e. Un joven solitario que vaga por las regiones árticas de Norteamérica se encuentra un día con un lobo y ambos no tardan en forjar amistad, dependiendo el uno del otro para sobrevivir en tan duro entorno. Pero el joven tiene su pasado, y el lobo es algo más de lo que parece a simple vista. Una historia sobre la muerte, la vida, la reencarnación y la naturaleza del amor.
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Episodio 10 - Poputepipikku 2nd Season Sinopsis: Segunda temporada de Poputepipikku. Pop Team Epic se trata de la adaptación animada del manga 4-koma homónimo de Bkub Okawa. Convierte la comedia absurda en once con sus referencias a la cultura pop y su hilaridad surrealista. Con dos protagonistas que asisten a secundaria, la bajita y excepcionalmente rápida para enfadar a cualquiera: Popuko, y la alta e inquebrantable Pipimi. La parodia está entrelazada con el drama, la acción, la crudeza y el objetivo general del programa: convertirse en un verdadero anime.
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Episodio 94 - Shikaru Neko Sinopsis: Serie de anime basada en la mascota Shikaruneko de la agencia de mangakas wwwaap. El personaje es famoso por regañar a los lectores por ser descuidados y cometer errores. El personaje inspiró una colección de emoticonos de LINE, novelizaciones, colaboraciones con cafés y tiendas temporales.
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Episodio 10 - Yama no Susume: Next Summit Sinopsis: Segunda temporada de Yama no Susume. A Aoi, no le gusta salir de casa debido a su acrofobia, y Hinata es una apasionada del campo y la montaña. Ambas se vuelven a reunir después de varios años para subir a la cima de una montaña para poder disfrutar una vez más juntas del amanecer como ya lo hicieron cuando eran pequeñas.
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Episodio 49 - Yami Shibai 10 Sinopsis: Décima temporada de Yami Shibai. Yamishibai recoge una serie de cortos de terror que presenta varias leyendas urbanas en historias intrigantes y emocionantes, siempre con su estilo «kamishibai». En cada episodio, un anciano cuenta estas historias a los niños usando un kamishibai, un método tradicional japonés para contar historias a través de pergaminos de papel. Valora TFA
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vltrared · 2 years ago
Anytime!!! just dm any question. Language and literature was my fav subject so I remember a lot of grammar stuff but I can't promise I will be able to explain everything. When it comes to spanish shows from Spain I have a few recommendations:
1. Obviously you guessed it: La Casa de Papel
I've only seen the first season and if you like action and drama this might be your cup of tea, it wasn't mine but I can't say it was bad. Almost everyone I know irl has seen it and loved it. The show "Elite" is also very popular and along those lines, I'd say is the "Euphoria" of Spain.
2. Live is Life (2021)
It's a very emotional film about the summer of 5 boys who go on an adventure fueled by galician folklore. I loved it because It's very truthful to the way most spaniards who have a "village" spend their summers as children, also I get very emotional with all that "friendship" trope.
3. El Hoyo (2019)
It's a psychological horror film. I shouldn't say much because it would ruin the experience. It's one of those films that might seem pretentious to some and a work of art for others. I'll recommend it if you're into indie horror.
5. Los Lunes al Sol (2002)
A naturalist film about the drama of a former industrial city of the northern coasts of Spain and it's collapse after the massive unemployment that followed. It's about a group of men living this post industrial reality that reminds a lot of the current times. It captures the whole uncertainity and hopelessness.
4. Mujeres al Borde de un Ataque de Nervios (1988)
On a happier note I recommend that you're gonna watch a film by Pedro Almodovar it should be this one or "Volver". The visuals are beautiful and the actresses extremely charismatic. I honestly don't remember the story much but I'm p sure I laughed. This one is a comedy btw.
Also I'm a big fan of the RAE and any other Spanish academy that collects all the changes in the Spanish language. They all work together and doesn't matter which one your professor chose, you'd have had a few problems understanding people from different countries either way, mexicans don't use the same words as colombians and so on, so don't worry too much about that.
Another thing, Spain ALWAYS makes its own dub for popular films and series (and it's usually pretty decent) so if you already have a show or movie you like and wanna rewatch you might find the Spanish (from Spain) dub in Netflix, maybe you can use a VPN if you can only find the "latino" one in your location.
Hello, I know this is weird but I can help you proofreading essays in spanish or recommending spanish shows or films or whatever. That's if you don't already have a native speaker to help you. I'm from Spain so it wouldn't be a bother to me plus I always try to get ppl to learn spanish bc I'm also hispanic and this language means a lot to me, it helped me connect with people from both Europe, Central and South America. I know this might be a bit uncomfortable so don't feel bad to decline this offer. I'm just happy to hear people is learning my native language!
Omg you’re so nice and this isn’t awkward at all! And I will take you up on that when I need help because feel stupid email my profesor questions sometimes. Don’t want to get the “it’s in the textbook” or “you should already know that” answer from her.
My class is very grammar focused, using the Royal Spanish Academy rules for pronunciation and grammar. I know a few native speakers, but no one from Spain and I have not been used to how European Spanish sounds not gonna lie.
And yeah do you have an Spanish shows/movie recommendations? Specifically from Spain or are in European Spanish? (Because there are differences and in real life it doesn’t matter, but in this class it’s what I guess is like the Oxford English equivalent of Spanish that we have to understand).
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aw-kinda-drepressed-o · 5 years ago
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thelanding · 5 years ago
this might not have necessarily been berlin saying goodbye because palermo needed some distance to heal but actually because HE needed it. he had to get away from the man he loved if he wanted to make peace with the fact that he was going to die soon and there was nothing he could do to change that. and how would he be able to cope with death if he had a reason to live?
"i have to leave you. it's for love. and also for our friendship. sometimes distance is the only way to find peace."
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savcrebleu · 5 years ago
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Infectious Smile
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graykitten · 5 years ago
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