raphlecia · 29 days
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Isabelle Adjani as Agnès in L'École des femmes, 1973
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arinewman7 · 1 year
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L'École buissonnière (a/k/a Playing Hooky)
Remedios Varo
oil on masonite, 1962
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sofiaswaves · 8 days
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'Unearth Her' for Valentino L'École | cr. dir. FKA Twigs, art dir. Jordan Hemingway (2024)
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marianaillust · 11 months
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'La veille du premier match de Quidditch, Hermione, Harry et Ron s'étaient retrouvés dans la cour pendant la récréation. La température était glaciale, mais Hermione avait réussi à fabriquer par un tour de magie un feu vif et clair qu'elle pouvait transporter dans un bocal de confiture et qui répandait une douce chaleur. '
Le Match de Quidditch, Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers .
Tempera à l'œuf
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moonsworndandelion · 3 months
Charlemagne c'était pas genre son nom de famille. Ou un prénom chelou
ou un truc du genre
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lasaraconor · 2 years
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Lunana ~ 2019
Pawo Choyning Dorji
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dagonet · 1 year
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Kaamelott, Livre II, O'Brother
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joannerowling · 8 months
Is there anything more satisfying than watching uber-rich Parisians have a meltdown because the not-quite-as-rich Parisians have voted to triple tax their ugly, obnoxious, fuel-wasting SUVs?
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bulles-de-bd · 3 months
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L’École Abracadabra - T10 - Déboires d'Allumettes
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girlstressed · 11 months
I AM NOT !!!! i am canadian (baby french)
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marianaillust · 11 months
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'Les Potter lui souriaient, ils lui adressaient des signes de la main et lui les contemplait d'un regard fébrile, les mains plaquées contre le miroir comme s'il espérait passer au travers et se précipiter vers eux. Quelque chose lui faisait mal à l'intérieur de son corps, un mélange de joie et de tristesse'
Le Miroir du Riséd, Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers
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wgm-beautiful-world · 2 years
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poumpatate · 4 months
Re: tags in recent post about you working at a bookstore
I volunteer at my local library and I absolutely LOVE handling the picture books. I have a strong fondness for them and love seeing the variety of art styles and subjects. It always makes my day pulling a childhood favorite for a patron who requested it on hold. Sometimes I wish I could have the whole section to myself so I can browse the books freely without judgement haha.
Got some to recommend? And what are some of your nostalgic favorites?
Yes! Sometimes I see parents looking for a book for the children with them and seeing a book from their own childhood and deciding on picking that one because it makes them nostalgic and they want to share their memories with the new generation... I love it
(Most of the time it's Chien Bleu by Nadja)
Also some picture books deal with such difficult subjects that sometimes as a seller I just don't know what to do with it, like, those are really niche subjects and I wish I could give them the opportunity to shine but the market is what it is, so we're lucky to have libraries to take care of them <3
I guess I grew up with very well known picture books that my mom chose for me, like The Three Robbers by Tomi Ungerer, Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney or The Great Blueness and Other Predicaments by Arnold Lobel. Also lots of classic tales from the Père Castor collection.
For some modern picks, I absolutly love Matthew Forsythe's work with Pokko and the Drum (I adore frogs in picture books. I collect them.) and for the youngests I always go to Big Bear Hug by Nicholas Oldland. Olivier Tallec's squirrel is always hilarious. I love Stéphane-Yves Barroux's work, and would even advise adults to read them very seriously.
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philoursmars · 4 months
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Marseille, il y a maintenant 3 semaines. Il y avait au MuCEM, une expo "Passions Partagées" sur la collection d'Yvon Lambert, face à certains objets du musée.
Christian Marclay : "Sound Sheet"
disque d'Or à IAM pour "L'Ecole du Micro d'Argent"
Christian Marclay - de série "Imaginary Records"
Matisse Mesnil : "Grappe de Raisin"
pigment vert de vessie (???!!) - A la Momie - Paris, 1850
autres pigments du même établissement
maquette de grue radoub du Havre - 1930
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lasaraconor · 2 years
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