sundewhasaudhd · 17 days
Y’all I’m supposed to be being productive with art and shit, but I don’t wanna do that. I’m bored as fuck, i’m staying at my aunts farm for the weekend, @ltransburgseulogy’s brain rot has gotten to me so, please give me requests for drawing c!l’mancrew. I wanna draw the sillies SO BAD, but I don’t really have any ideas, so please give me your suggestions. No romantic stuff please, but that’s kinda it. So suggest whatever you want as long, as it’s not romantic.
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lmanburgseulogy · 2 months
Ok but fox Wilbur. I don't see a lot of c!Wilbur as part fox and it's a shame.
he’s supercool and I do think since Wilbur gave birth to fundy (somehow) he might’ve gotten the fox genes from him. but I love foxburrrr ough he wraps his tail around Tommy’s leg when he wants him to shhh shut up yk. He burrows in the lmanvan and takes peoples clothes. Fantastic mr. Fox he would love that movie…his ears moving back in the fcr HELLO
see okay I don’t usually draw/talk about them this way, but pretty much everyone in dsmp in a hybrid to me.
For l’manburg it’s kinda like:
Eret - flamingo
Tommy - opossum
Tubbo - goat (not ram. nuh uh)
Niki - rabbit, but I also find angel c!niki fascinating
Fundy - literally just a fox
Jack - uhhh he’s robot. !
Wilbur - depends on rhe day
yeah !
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qtubpol · 1 year
Meme that’s just tommy tubbo jack and Fundy in the targay parking lot staring in the camera while Eret and Wilbur are in the background talking and it’s got the Snapchat caption “the divorced spouse handoff is going well this time”
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cxyotl · 2 years
i think what makes pogtopia v manburg so good is the fact there were actually battles and annexations that made it feel like a real war.
l’manberg’s independence had that, but at a small scale and without annexation. it was an unequal war, where battles were usually just the l’mancrew getting their asses kicked or run off.
pogtopia v manburg was an equal playing field during battles. c!techno and c!dream fighting on pogtopia’s side of the war leveled the playing ground for the underdogs while c!sapnap and c!punz fought on manburg’s side. the inequality comes from the lack of people towards the end who pledged loyalty to manburg and c!schlatt. pogtopia was an army of not just volunteers and revolutionaries like in the first war, now it was people rallying against their common enemy, the nation of manburg. manburg unified the factions of the dream smp.
in new l’manberg, the enemy was really just c!techno. the server was broken up again, as the annexations wore off. new l’manberg was a lonely target with no allies.
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bistaxx · 3 years
Jack misses the other members of the L’mancrew don’t look at me i’m sobbing
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jack-enbyfold · 3 years
kraken kraken kraken for the pirate au is the l’mancrew (that’s what i’m calling them now i’ve just decided) all human or can i draw them with cool pointy ears and the like
Uhhhhh, all of them would be mostly human but it's in a fantasy kinda world so I have no problem with pointy ears
Fundy (and any others that are normally drastically non human) look human though.
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lmanburgseulogy · 2 months
Since l’manburg was built on tourism, I imagine not many people stayed for long. People would come to just run away for a while. They would set up tents or just live in their cars, very little did someone come to the nation to settle. After all, l’manburg never was stable for long. You never wanted to be caught in any wars, but it was the perfect place to clear your mind.
L’manburg was beautiful like that, almost everyone remembers it fondly. But whenever you were there it just felt surreal. People made legends on why the air felt so heavy, or the wind seemed to hum a melodic tune. Why just by sitting on the walls you felt tired, or the cause of plants growing so quickly. The children wondered about why the river seemed to flow against itself and the adults tried to reason the way seasons seemed so blurred together. They couldn’t stay here, because no matter how amazing the people were, the land seemed to be working against them. Just like everyone else.
(Maybe the land was trying to tell them it would turn to ruins soon. it didn’t want you to go down with it, just because you were hopeful. the land would do anything to tell you something was different about this place, and the worst part is you listened.)
but like, think about sitting around campfires and learning about people who you would never meet again. Even the stars had their own stories to tell. (do you think they all wanted to cry when you couldn’t see the stars from the ash of Nov 16th. Do you think they wondered where all their old friends ended up, safe or like the stars?)
Do you think the l’mancrew met so many people that they miss dearly. And they have no idea what happened to them. Do they wonder if that person could’ve been their escape from this mess that used to feel like hope
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lmanburgseulogy · 2 months
this song fits l’manburg so well nenwkwodjs
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lmanburgseulogy · 2 months
they danced and sang. Fireworks lit the skies as live music played. Niki brought out fresh bread from her bakery, the smell seeming to carry from wall to wall. they were in love with the idea of being able to love again, and the young soldiers finally understood what freedom was.
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lmanburgseulogy · 2 months
anyone ever think about. our little group has always been and always will until the end. l’manburg, anyone? 🗣️🗣️🗣️
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lmanburgseulogy · 2 months
do you think l’mancrew had matching Hamilton pajamas
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sundewhasaudhd · 17 days
i heard you wanted some prompts for lmancrew?
wilbur is telling a story around the campfire and most everyone is smiling or laughing bc his story sounds so unrealistic, but he says "based on a true story" and everyone goes silent and tom just STARES at him and turns to tubbo being like "TUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUB" and tub acts like a worried parent being liek ">:O" face at wilbur just annoyed with him so tub tries to reassure tommy it wont happen, jacks laughing at toms reaction, nikki is mad at jack for laughing, wilbur notices what hes done so hes sort of laughing but trying to calm tom down, and if theres anyone apart of lmancrew i forgot than just add them doing smthn
ima have to rewatch the lore lmfao
That’s so silly goofy
(also, you forgot Fundy and Eret [unless this is after FCR, then you didn’t forgot Eret])
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sundewhasaudhd · 16 days
All of c!L’Mancrew has AuDHD.
I don’t make the rules, I just follow them.
I will explain if necessary.
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sundewhasaudhd · 9 days
Sometimes a country family is a college age theatre kid, a gremlin child (/affectionate), a furry, a genderfluid girlboss, a kid with a bee hyperfixation, a 19 year old tech bro, and everyone’s favorite she/they bisexual baker
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lmanburgseulogy · 2 months
this is a very specific detail, but when you mention headcanons for wil/lmanburg/dsmp you often mention redwoods and crickets? could you talk abt the redwood a little because i just think redwoods are cool bc i live like an hours drive away from the forest. theyre so tall and gorgeous and imposing
op this ask made me so happy I’m literally so grateful. everytime someone asks me about l’manburg my heart does the grinch thing
so redwoods were canonically the trees in l’manburg, and they were clearly very important to them. they were mentioned in their decree of independance, and it was also a huge rule in l’manburg to never burn down the trees. something about that is so important to me. it may be the way in the midst of war, they still cared about their land so much. I’m obsessed with nature and healing metaphors. So I often think about c!wilbur standing at the base of a giant redwood tree, and being reminded that maybe his mistakes are smaller than they seem to be. Maybe the trees serve as a reminder that something will always be more powerful than him, no matter how hard he works. It’s not his fault, yk?
They also climbed the trees in l’manburg a lot and it seems so cool to me that they did. Like I think about tubbo and Tommy being kids again, digging their nails into the bark and growing closer and closer to being able to see the entire smp. I think about c!Niki smiling at them.
I think about the l’mancrew hiding behind the trees in the war, and the stumps being so much higher than them. Maybe they cared about it so much because the land seemed to care about them too.
Also redwoods lifespans being for thousands of years, and being cut short because of the l’manburg explosion.
a bunch of creatures tend to live in redwoods, so I like to think c!fundy and c!tommy would go around checking out the little ecosystems being held inside another one. l’manburg being their own system inside of the smp. defiance of man and nature or whatever
C!niki also burning the l’mantree to the very ground…do you think a little bit of it remained. A stump covered in ash. maybe she wasn’t so different from the trees herself.
I don’t know why I bring it up so much, really. I wish I had better answers for you but it’s just something about it pulls at my heart. These were just the first thoughts in my head
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