#i know eret wasn’t there when rocketduo were there
sundewhasaudhd · 11 days
Sometimes a country family is a college age theatre kid, a gremlin child (/affectionate), a furry, a genderfluid girlboss, a kid with a bee hyperfixation, a 19 year old tech bro, and everyone’s favorite she/they bisexual baker
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aslitheryprinx · 3 years
oooh are you willing to post a bit about that 'humans are weird' AU you have? is it based around a fandom like mcty or is it original stuff? either way I'd love to read about it!
Sure! It's also mcyt fanfic (I'll probably be writing almost exclusively that for a while lol) but also based on all the humans are weird stuff.
The (main) human in this au is Techno. He ends up on the sbi's ship after some stuff happening, possibly after being rescued from a fighting ring or something, I'm not sure.
There are a few other humans in this au: foolish, dream and Niki.
I've got a fun thing planned for Foolish, who crashlanded on this one planet and most of the inhabitants started regarding him as a god or a disciple of the gods. He made friends with Puffy, one of the few people who doesn't think he's a god, and she adopts him. He ends up pretty much permanently moving to the planet.
Dream is a notorious mercenary who wears a "horrifying mask." Techno and the rest of the crew get word that the Hunter is after them. Techno has his own reputation as a powerful fighter, but really he just took a few years of fencing and is too powerful for most aliens to take him down. He's scared that if it's another human and he won't be able to beat them. "The Hunter" ends up on their ship and Techno goes to confront them. He knows it's a human when he sees the distinctive smiley face on the mask. He's about to attack the Hunter when they straighten up and say "Techno?" He recognizes the voice, the mask comes off, and suddenly he's staring at Dream, his fencing rival. Apparently there were rumors that the SBI were "illegally transporting humans," which is... Sort of true? Techno and Dream are both glad to reunite with an old friend. He doesn't stay on the ship since he has the rest of the dream team, but he and Techno stay in touch.
Niki ended up on a mostly aquatic planet. She wasn't a great swimmer before, but she had to learn very quickly, and is probably good enough to swim professionally by now. She's also a fugitive, but is able to disguise herself fairly well. The SBI land on the planet for a supply run one day. She and Wilbur meet each other while they're both sneaking around and eavesdropping on people. They get seen, and have to run. While they're running, Wilbur drops a swear in English that he learned from Techno and she goes "you speak English?" Once they get away, they start teaching each other bits of other languages like German or Common or Elytrian, and Niki ends up going back with him.
The endgame crew is probably SBI, beeduo, and rocketduo. All of SBI and beeduo except for Techno are aliens. Niki and Techno are humans. But Jack Manifold...
I absolutely love what I decided to do with Jack Manifold in this au. He's a robot, a sentient AI. But he insists he isn't. His friends all know, they keep trying to tell him it's ok if he's a robot, they don't care. But any time they bring it up, he acts very offended, and claims he's completely biological. Yes he's made out of metal but that's... Completely natural! All of his people are made out of metal, don't insult his people. It's just the funniest thing to me, I love the concept so much.
And that's pretty much all of the main characters. I don't have very much plot besides what I've outlined, but I've got a couple little tropes I'll probably use. It mainly involves humans and "poison." What most aliens consider deadly poison is sometimes a food humans regularly eat. Like caffeine or capsaicin. I've got an idea for a story about both of those.
I've also got an idea for a concept that's just. Directly lifted from tumblr tbh. There's one post that talks about humans and music, I have no idea where to find it, and it describes a situation where a lot of humans have been captured, but haven't met. Then one human starts up bohemian rhapsody and everyone joins in, which is really off-putting for the alien captors, and any alien captives that are there as well. The humans eventually go into we will rock you, and are all united and escape. I probably won't use this since it's literally just someone else's idea, but I like to imagine Techno, Foolish, and maybe Wilbur were all captured for some reason, and Foolish starts up the singing.
Some other characters that would be interesting to put in are Fundy, maybe Michael, Slime, Eret. Not sure what any of them would be though, although I kind of like the idea of alien beeduo taking care of human Michael.
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