#l’arachel support
Helpful tip: in L’arachel’s ending if she got an A support with Dozla, it says she gets married but not who she gets married to, so you can pretend it’s Eirika
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optimismxmagicism · 6 months
Ewan’s support page has been updated!
Link to page: here
Currently featured characters:
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vinegar-on-main · 9 months
you are now legible the very first inbox fic i wrote!!!!!! featuring two of my faves (vanessa and lute) being goofy in chapter 11 :]
Vanessa had just barely ducked her head in time to dodge a fireball that nearly careened with her skull, which thankfully only struck the revenant directly behind her, and was now facing the culprit: a purple-haired mage, hand extended in a clear post-fireball-hurtling position.
“Yes?” Lute responded flatly, as if she hadn’t nearly just torched her pegasus knight companion.
“Could you perhaps exercise a little more caution with your magic?!”
Lute simply shrugged in response. “If you weren’t in the way, I wouldn’t have almost hit you. Perhaps you should be more aware of your surroundings. And besides, you dodged it just fine! So, no harm done.” She quickly moved past a bewildered Vanessa to inspect the remains of the monster.
Vanessa simply could not understand that girl. She was hard enough to read as-is, but this interest of hers only made her more confounding.
Vanessa hated fighting monsters. The inhumane screeches they made upon death, the utter ruthlessness in their strikes, and their tendency to appear in vast hordes… she would count herself lucky if she never had to take a step into the creature-crammed floors of the Tower of Valni again, frankly. And yet, for some reason, Lute was utterly fascinated over these creatures.
Anytime a battle included any sort of skeleton, gargoyle, or some other affront to the Goddess, she would always insist she take place in it. She didn’t do it to smite them from the land for some sort of holy purpose, like L’Arachel seemed to, however. She just… wanted to be near them? Perhaps? Vanessa decided now was as good as a time as ever to get some answers.
“What exactly do you find so… fascinating about those creatures, Lute?” Vanessa questioned, breaking Lute’s apparent deep concentration. “What isn’t there to find interesting about them? You’re telling me the prospect of a stone statue gaining life or a skeleton rising from its grave to wreak havoc doesn’t deserve any sort of looking-into?” She curtly responded.
“That’s… fair, but then why do y-“ Vanessa’s train of thought was suddenly interrupted when she noticed the distinct lack of her javelin in her hands. “Where did it- LUTE!” Her answer came all to quickly as she swiveled around to see Lute prodding at a nearby skeleton with said javelin, giggling slightly as she pushed it away with the blunt end of the stick. Said skeleton was clearly not enjoying this as much as Lute was, as it wildly tried to swing at her with its (mercifully) short sword.
Vanessa quickly snatched the javelin back from Lute’s hands, much to her disappointment, and just as swiftly dispatched the monster, before turning back to the (apparently) aspiring pickpocket. “You’re spending a bit too much time around Colm, I think. He’s rubbing off on you.”
Lute simply gave a mischievous grin as she mumbled a quick ‘sorry’ and went right back to looking through the remains of the smoldering revenant. “…What are you looking for, anyways?” Vanessa questioned as she peered over Lute’s shoulder. “Or do you just dig through monster corpses for f-“ She suddenly earned a shush from Lute, who had apparently found what she was looking for.
Lute rooted around in the mush for a brief moment (thank the Goddess she had gloves on, at least) and pulled out a small, dark crystal that was seemingly buried quite deep in the creature’s burnt remains. She held it in her hands and marveled at it, as if it was a diamond. “Do you know what this is?” Lute asked excitedly as she turned to Vanessa, who was, admittedly, curious. She shook her head.
“This is an Anima crystal! According to a tome I read, it’s the very source of what gives the monsters their life! This is-! I need to show Artur!” As soon as she finished that sentence, she shot to her feet and dashed off towards Artur, practically bouncing up and down as she showed him her ‘find’. He seemed equally fascinated in it. Strange as Lute’s interests might be, as long as she was having fun, there was no harm to it, Vanessa supposed. And she had to admit, the brief explanation over the crystal did pique Vanessa’s curiosity over just how these creatures work… perhaps she could ask Lute about it… preferably when they aren’t in the middle of clearing out a fort full of said monsters, of course. As Vanessa quickly mounted her pegasus to answer Neimi’s shouts for assistance, she felt like she understood the purple mage a little better now.
Vanessa and Lute have reached support rank C
That was adorable I love that!!! Lute is so normal about Creatures!!!
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soren-apologist · 1 year
considering how l’arachel nearly went into cardiac arrest over ephraim taking off his pauldron in their supports i’m kind of surprised that she didn’t immediately have an aneurysm at seeing him with his entire shirt off
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worlds-4th-best-dad · 8 months
:) Yomotsu
11. Would you date this character?
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
11. Yes, I would. Despite his status and his eccentricities, I know he will treat me right.
13. I’m not sure if he can appreciate emoticons since the screen reader he will most likely use for his phone would just read them as the punctuation marks comprising them. As for emojis, probably the chipmunk emoji since those are the closest things he considers as companions while living in the woods.
23. Ooh, this is a good question. I think that another character similar to Yomotsu from a different fandom would be L’arachel from Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones. She’s a princess of Rausten who is classed as a Troubadour (a healer class on horseback in FE). She has an honorable goal of ridding the world of darkness and evil, albeit even it is for fame. She is also quite mature and provides emotional support to the protagonists in their time of need, despite her comical nature. All of these traits are quite similar to Yomotsu.
25. My first impressions of Yomotsu were much like Takao, I didn’t give him much thought. He was a nice character, even if we didn’t get to learn more about him. After I grew up and started to write stories, I started to appreciate him more and more. Now, I love the silly little sentai~
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yanderefairyangel · 1 year
Continuing off my Alternate cast Emblems ask from the other day, here’s who I would partner with who. (I made sure to not use any repeats besides the Royals)
Kris (F) - Alear (F) (Figured letting Alear partner with the Archanea Emblem in both versions was the most fitting)
Alm - Alfred (If Céline gets the Female Echoes Elblem, Alfred gets the Male one)
Seliph - Veyle (I feel like Veyle would remind Seliph of his sister)
Finn - Fogado (Horse boys… they’re also both dedicated to supporting the rulers of their nations)
Guinevere - Céline (younger sister Mage girls dedicated to working for the betterment of their nation)
Eliwood - Diamant (If Og Diamant uses Roy, let’s just give this Diamant Eliwood.)
L’Arachel - Rosado (The Princess if Peerless Beauty and the Ultimate embodiment of cuteness? The enemy won’t stand a chance)
Elincia - Ivy (Flying Princesses. Plus one’s green and white and the other is black and red, perfect color contrast)
Sothe- Zelkov (Identical class, figured their abilities would mesh well)
Morgan (F) - Hortensia (Smol cute magic girls who have an older sister and are striving to do their best.)
Azura - Timerra (Lance girls who sing. One’s good at it, the other is Timerra)
Yuri - Alcryst (I feel like Alcryst would remind Yuri of Bernadetta, just like Alcryst did with Edelgard)
Ninian - Pandreo (Ninian’s known as an Oracle, Pandreo’s a priest. It’s a winning combo.)
Hinoka - Lapis (Red warrior girls who are fish out of water when it comes to being around nobles.)
Shez (M) - Rafal (Chaotic doofus meets Tsundere, what’s not to love?)
Katrina - Nel (I forgot to list Katrina but she’s the 7th Emblem Bracelet. Anyway, I feel like Katrina would kinda remind Nel of her brother, so I figured they’d work well together.)
Lachesis - Amber (I figured partnering Lachesis with someone who looks, but acts nothing like her bother would be incredibly funny.)
Panette - Innes & Joshua (Honestly I just had the idea of Panette using Joshua and Innes’s weapons in a completely different style than what they were used to and thought comedic shenanigans could ensue)
Etie - Askr Trio (Etie uses a bow, and the Trio give her each a unique weapon, so she’d be able to have a lot of coverage)
Interesting choices !
I am assuming that some Emblems can have special link then like Kris/katarina, Byleth/Shez and Seliph/ Sigurd Celica/ Alm ?
I wonder what would happen if Lady Anna teamed up with the Askr Trio
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youngerfrankenstein · 2 years
I'm opening this large but since you talked about saying positive things about characters and all.......... who are your faves from FE8, and please gush about them ? :D
:D I’ll try and keep this somewhat short
L’Arachel, CHAMPION OF JUSTICE! I love how self-assured she is, how much she wants to make her parents proud, how happy she is to support other people (questionably sometimes). Also she’s just plain funny. She’s someone who leaps before she looks but is lucky enough it always ends well. And in the end she was one of the biggest reasons the day could be saved so hey! Maybe she wasn’t wrong about her mission from the gods!
Lyon! Talk about the road to hell being paved with good intentions. He really did just love his people and the twins so much, and while it got twisted horribly I don’t think that it means it was any less real. Also I think the implication is he’s doing his best to fight from the inside and ensure his own defeat (forgive me if I’m wrong). He’s a tragedy, I like tragedies.
Cormag! Sue me, I’m a sucker for grumps with a heart of gold. I also like that he’s at least smart enough to question Valter’s story (yeah it’s overly simplistic how you recruit him but what do you expect?) And holy heck if taking down Valter with him isn’t one of the most satisfying things you can do in the game. He’s also just, a good dude.
Eirika and Ephraim! Feels wrong not to put them together because they really are made better characters by their contrast. The way their arcs parallel through the game is really interesting! The different kinds of strength one has and the other has to learn. The way they support each other and everyone around them.
Really though, almost every character in the game has something neat about them. Sacred Stones has a smaller cast than most and I think that let a lot of them be more tightly written. It’s a really good cast!
I love FE8…
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childofaura · 1 year
Pull up a beanbag
right, so both girls I think, unless there is a very feminine guy, and one might have a tail so maybe a tellius banner, Lyre or Lethe (my tellius knowledge is limited) no ears thought so not likely.
I think it could also be L’arachel with the hair, but I don’t know jack about FE8 so take it with a grain of salt. I guess that would make the one on the right from the supporting cast, but if they aren’t then we can expect a harmonized instead of a duo.
The one on the right has medium length hair, which rules out a fair few characters, kinda reminds me of Lucina, but also Shez sort of. If it’s anyone from engage I will scream haven’t decided if that’s good or bad. (this is probably very off the mark)
I think they will be an axe/lance and staff respectively
Those are my thoughts right now, I wish you luck for getting hot guys on the banner! <3
The one on the left definitely has to be Shez, she has the hair tied up in a knot at the top, and I think you’re right on the lance, since it looks like a big beach umbrella. I’m just PRAYING she’s not drawn by Sencha. One on the right for sure is L’arachel, I’d recognize that tied up bun anywhere, lol. I guess this means we’re going right back to specific unit themes for seasonal banners, which I’m not really a huge fan of.
We don’t have a SINGLE dude on this silhouette and that frightens me XD
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i worked so hard to grind for A supports in sacred stones sibling swap only to once again only get one end pair ending (eirika/l’arachel)
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sonofanohrian-blog · 7 years
Monster Mash||Dwyer & L’Arachel
The woods near Renais had been feared, for it had been the playgrounds for monsters. However, Dwyer needed to find his way through, for there was no other path to Grado. With Staff in hand and Nova in tow, the Troubadour sighed out of exhaustion as he approached the forest’s entrance. Based on how he was able to see the sunlight penetrate the canopy, Dwyer failed to see how he was supposed to be frightened; the Woods of the Forlorn has been more intimidating by comparison.
As Nova paced through the bushes, Dwyer’s eyes scanned the area. He was quick to notice the woods were deserted. No song of birds, no rodents hopping about within the leaves. All there was was a breeze that brushed through the rustling tree leaves. While it was slightly unnerving to know the thicket was abandoned, the peaceful atmosphere made Dwyer grow drowsy. With a yawn, he was at the verge of nodding off. That was until a grotesque growl could be heard.
Snapping out of his daze, it took a moment for the Troubadour to realize he was surrounded by Revenants accompanied by hell hounds. The bushes shook as the beasts stepped through, out of their hiding spot. They gazed at the mortals, hunger in their eye sockets. Drool dripped from the hounds’ mouths, raring to tear through the horse before them. Nova huffed with fear, but Dwyer had been too tired to feel afraid. He grew bored of the sight of Faceless, and these monsters felt no different.
However, by the time when he realized he couldn’t hold them back long enough for an escape, it had already been too late. The hounds were swift, catching the young steward off guard. They leaped and snapped at him, one latching to his arm as another tried to reach his chest, only tearing at the fabric of his capelet. Nova shrieked as a hound bit his leg. With Dwyer occupied, he was thrown off. Free of the weight of a rider, the steed began to buck and stomp at the hounds, trampling two, but two more remained. Dwyer threw the hound off his arm and fiercely kicked another. He stood, cursing at the pain of his wounds. Reaching for his Dagger, he stepped towards his steed, and slashed at one of the attackers. Hell hounds lay dead and rotting, but the Revenants began to charge. Dwyer accumulated more injuries, and he was growing weary. Nova fell to his knees, exhausted and in pain. Dwyer proceeded to heal the wounds with his Staff, but he couldn’t help himself.
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“Gods… Is this it?”
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joyfulpiefactory · 5 years
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(So uh. These two are s-supported in my game and I wanted to write an interaction. That’s honestly my only reason for me writing this but I hope you enjoy!)
“L’arachel, are you alright? Watch your footing...”
Some time had passed since the princess had bestowed Seliph his mask, keeping it dutifully on his hip while not in battle much to his partner’s chagrin. He had been walking ahead of her, dutifully following behind the summoner as they were lead to a nearby battleground.
Matching her pace he outstretched a hand to her own, a slight smile gracing his lips as he watched her stumble against the rocky path below them. She was doing her absolute damndest to guide her horse along with her, one hand wrapped around its bridle as the other searched for balance.
She hadn’t taken off her mask once since receiving it.
“Oh, thank you, darling...” she rasped, struggling to find his hand against the haze of white over her eyes. She wouldn’t dare make her steed carry her through this precarious terrain.
“Are you doing alright? Would you like me to help?” Careful, Seliph bit back his amusement at her flailing as he brought his hand to her own in a tight grip.
“Don’t be silly, dear- I can- oh my, thank you.”
He chuckled. “Of course. May I ask why you aren’t riding your horse?”
Raising her head as if in defiance, she stood on her toes for a moment before feeling Seliph pull her another direction with him, gait slow and methodical. “And just where are we going?”
“Relax. I assume you wish to give your steed a break, yes?”
L’arachel felt her mouth open in protest on instinct, though quickly found it shut in surprise. “I do.”
“And you cannot see very well with your mask on.”
Her lips curled with frustration as she felt rocks skid and clack under her shoes, everything around her indeed locked under the view of filmy white glasses.
“‘Tis a small price to pay fo-“
“-Hang on, we’re going downhill a bit. Grip a bit further up my arm, L’arachel.”
Ignoring her completely, Seliph focused himself on getting his partner across a slight ravine, rocks now giving way to grass and mud.
Not even taking offense she does as she’s told, feeling Seliph’s hand move to take hold of her forearm from underneath.
“It’s a bit of a big step,” Seliph muttered, judging the distance with a quick glance as his foot lurched forward. “Don’t be afraid.”
L’arachel’s hand tightened against his wrist as she felt him almost dip somewhat, a soft sound of alarm growing overshadowed by the soft whinny of her horse.
Landing his foot safely across the divide in the earth, he twisted his body with a slight grunt as his hand slid back safely into Larachel’s own. “I’m alright. Don’t be afraid. To your horse, this is child’s play.”
“...” L’arachel’s lips became a thin line as she blinked, internally cursing the fate she had to bear as the keeper of the golden mask of justice. She couldn’t see a thing. “Of course.”
Seliph’s gaze softened as he spied her apprehension, giving her hand a slight squeeze. “You can do this, princess of Rausten. Just step forward. Your steed will follow your tempo.”
Tightening her grip on her horse’s bridle she took a careful step forward, feeling her body lurch forward under the kiss of gravity as Seliph gingerly matched her pace.
“Let go of the bridle, L’arachel. I’ve got you.”
“What?” Her hand acted sooner than her mind, almost immediately obeying him only to feel an arm swoop along her back, a cry ringing out as dirt slid under the hooves of L’arachel’s horse.
“Well done. We’ve done it.” Releasing her on the solid ground next to him, he reaches out to grip the horse’s bridle in one swift motion. “There we are.”
“...” Eyes wide, L’arachel took a moment to recall just where she was, head awhirl as her fingers came in contact with the bridle once more. Just where was his...?
My back...!
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divinedgrace-blog · 7 years
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       an ever inquisitive princess lets out a gentle hum as she peers at him , vainly attempting to make out a familiar feature .  ❛ ...  good sir , while i admire your aura of mystique , has no one told you that it is improper to don a mask in the presence of a lady ?  it is one thing at a masquerade , but this ?  this is too much ! i order you to REMOVE it so i may see who it is i’m talking to ! ❜ /  @obsidean
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ivalatona · 2 years
Standing Here I Realize - Gold Round (Team 9)
For what has got to be the last time, the arena flashes a bright white and is reborn into something new. The four heroes enter a small void in their passage to the next fight, and when they exit, they are greeted with something grotesque.
Puppets. More specifically, puppets of themselves. Each is a lifeless, wooden mannequin of its human counterpart, strung up by threads that seem to trail into an endless void high, high above the arena grounds. Follow the strings long enough, and you’ll find only darkness. Each is equipped with the weapons and clothing of its original, allowing them all an eerie mirror to examine their current equipment with. What makes them creepier, however, is the fact that their strings trail back down from the ceaseless shadow above and around the fingers of a puppeteer. Though it is only an illusion, a permanent, toothy grin taunts L’Arachel and her allies. It suddenly snaps its head to the side, and as though the world around them is responding to its plea, two monsters emerge from nonexistent ceiling.
The first is a colossal, eight-headed reptile, which pushes and coils past the set of dolls to bear its many fangs at its prey. They drip, drip, drip, with a noxious substance, hungry and eager to sink into a human neck. The second--a hundred-armed, fifty-headed humanoid--slams a crater into the floor in its wake. Its gruesome heads roar up in unison, ready to resort to unrestricted brutality to reduce the four living souls before it to a bloodied pulp.
L’Arachel is, understandably, off-put by all of this. The puppets appear human but lack facial expressions, breaking the ability to form a sense of empathy with them. The snake instills a primal sort of fear when faced with a predator in the wild. And the damnable monstrosity showcases an intimidating strength from appearance alone. All culminate a sense of terror in the Rausten girl, as they would anybody. But now is not the time to be shaking in one’s boots.
Her eyes trail down to her hands, which have a slight tremble as she holds her legendary Forblaze tome. Normally she’d be excited at the prospect of using this sort of thing, but in a horrifying scenario like this, she needs to act carefully. Rather than rushing these foes head-on herself, she needs to strategize. And what better way to do so than standing back and bossing people around?
“You, with the lance!” She’s quick to then point out, gaze flicking to the arsenals of her companions, “As the princess of order and denizen of guidance, I command you to make the first strike! See what you can do about that awful thing with the scales and fangs, and receive my holy powers while you attack!”
L’Arachel uses Rally Strength, Speed, and Resistance! Sigurd receives +2 strength, and +4 to speed and resistance until R2P
Her finger is quick to redirect itself at Deirdre, who she continues to bark orders at, “And you! His lover! Have you any tact? Any grace? Support him in his endeavors. We’ve come too far to lose, have we not? You’re both lucky to have such a genius mind at the helm of this operation.” 
L’Arachel uses Rouse! Deirdre receives +1 strength, and +2 to speed and resistance until R2P 
UP NEXT: @divinetyrfing
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youthofpandas · 2 years
l’arachel!! :D
wooo yeah we love a girlboss!! a silly little lady. a funny gal.
My general thoughts & opinions on them - she's so funny and I love every chapter she shows up. I know hiding nobility is a trope in the series but who else is doing it quite like she does...
Favorite moment of theirs - All of the times she just shows up and says absolute nonsense. Iconic.
Favorite support chain - say the line L'arachel! "if I were not a holy woman, I would beat you senseless" (the crowd cheers)
My dream FEH alt for them - She has so many good ones already but uuuuh... PIRATES bc it would be hilarious. this is my wisdom upon the world. this time we can get a Rennac alt and he is so miserable to be here.
Headcanons and/or ships I have - Eirika/L'arachel rights. They are so real and true and canon. Headcanons well I'm glad you asked bc this is a reminder L'arachel is on the "doesn't know what NFTs are" + "buys NFTs" section of the chart. I am sorry. I also think she is the type of person to LOVE weird little recipe blogs and tells the stories that the lady bloggers write out to other people as if they happened to a friend. She also goes like "my retainer who I made make this for me substituted half of the ingredients and it was great!" in the reviews
Favorite art of them - I cannot pick between the halloween alt or the fairy alt. If I had to I would go with the halloween but the fairy one is so good matched up with the other fe8 girls...
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four-loose-screws · 3 years
FE8 Novelization Translation - Chapter 19, Section 2
If you would like to start from the beginning, read a missed part, etc., click here!
FE Game Script Translations - FE Novel Translations - Original FE Support Conversations
If you are interested in donating to support my work, please check out my Ko-fi here. Thank you!
I call this a “section” because it is not a separate part of the chapter in the book, but divided from the rest of the chapter by a scene break.
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Chapter 19 - Night in Rausten (con’t)
Not even a second after she fell into a deep sleep, she heard someone sharply call out her name, and she shot up.
Lyon's voice was still ringing through her ears, and her head was racing. However, it was of course not Lyon who called out to her, but L'Arachel.
"Wake up, Eirika! This is an emergency!"
"We’re under attack!” L’Arachel rushed into the room and shook Eirika.
It cleared away her grogginess, and she stood up in a panic. “We’re under attack? No… could it be… Lyon?”
“It doesn’t appear to be Prince Lyon, but one of the mages that serves him. Right now, the castle guard is holding them off, but they won’t hold out for much longer. We must fight, too!”
Eirika quickly changed her clothes and ran out of the room with L’Arachel.
Her allies had already gathered in the throne room. When she and L’Arachel came in, Seth said, “Lady Eirika, please allow me to take charge of this fight. You get some rest…”
“No, Seth. Eirika is fine.” Ephraim cut in. He looked at her face and saw a cheerful smile on it for the first time in a long time. “You are, aren’t you? You can already fight again, right?”
“I am, Brother. Sorry for making all of you worry.”
She hadn’t spoken even a single word, yet Ephraim noticed that she had changed.
Eirika was confident that she could answer the question as to what Lyon wished for now. If she looked back on the time they spent together and the conversations they’d shared, it was easy to do.
Lyon had always wished for one thing. And that was for everyone to be able to live happily. That was his only desire.
She no longer had any doubts. Her heart was made up. “Let’s fight and combine our strength to defeat the Demon King!”
“We can do it!” Ephraim nodded and called over their allies. “Listen up, everyone! The enemy has already begun to invade the castle. The enemy commander is a general of the Grado Army, Riev. He is the last person remaining among the Six Generals. He can wield very powerful magic, so be careful!”
Pontifex Mansel, surrounded by Rausten guards, walked up to them and said, “Riev is not targeting the Sacred Stone alone. He probably wishes to take my life as well.”
“Your’s… The Pontifex’s…?”
“He and I have a history with each other.” Pontifex Mansel’s friendly smile suddenly hardened. “He was once a priest who served at Rausten Cathedral. However, deep down, he had almost no faith in his heart. He is a cunning man filled with greed. He tricked believers into giving him money, which he used to line his own pockets. And that was not the end of it. I knew that he even cast hexes on people. I of course excommunicated him immediately. I heard that he’d left Rausten and disappeared somewhere, but to think that he became a general of Grado…”
“...Are the rumors of him true?" Duessel whispered with a bitter look on his face. “Right after His Majesty chose to suddenly promote him to general, a terrible rumor circulated. That he was excommunicated by the Pontifex of Rausten. I didn't think that there was any way a person like that could be promoted by His Majesty, so I found it difficult to believe then, but now…"
"Lord Uncle, what are the Holy Knights doing? How could they be allowing an enemy army to invade?"
Pontifex Mansel shook his head at L'Arachel's question. "That's not it. A large group of them predicted an attack from the Grado Army, and placed knights around the perimeter of the city to guard it. Grado slipped around behind them and rushed the palace. I sent a messenger to tell them to return immediately, but it will likely take some time before they are able to do so."
"Then we should hold out against Grado until then, yes?"
"You are correct. Once they return, we will have no reason to fear this remainder of the Grado Army."
Eirika unsheathed her sword and turned towards her allies. "We must guard the palace until the Holy Knights arrive! Lute and Artur, please stay by Pontifex Mansel's side and protect him. Joshua, you lead a group of soldiers in guarding the northern gate. Everyone else, please follow me."
When Eirika was depressed, her allies didn't have any energy either, but her fighting spirit had finally returned. They all cheered at her sharp order.
L’Arachel said with a smile, “You seem to have cheered up, Eirika.”
 “Yes, and it is all thanks to you. Your words cleared away all of my doubts.”
“Oh, I didn’t think I said anything that grand… Anyway, it is good to see you look so happy again. I couldn’t stand to see you with tears in your eyes any longer.”
Eirika felt once more just how much she had worried everyone. She couldn’t keep wallowing in her regrets any longer. She had to fight with all of the strength she could muster to protect the last Stone.
Eirika and Ephraim stood at the front of the vanguard and rushed towards the main gate.
Most of the Holy Knights were outside of the city, but the few knights that were left were protecting the gate. Though they were at an overwhelming disadvantage due to their small numbers, they were successfully holding back the enemy army.
But it was unlikely that they would hold out for much longer. When Eirika and her allies arrived, most of them had been defeated, and enemy soldiers had begun to rush inside the palace.
“Don’t let them progress any further inside! Armor knights, to the front line!” Ephraim shouted. 
The armored knights, led by Gilliam, formed a wall, and utilized that strategy by providing cover for the mages and archers behind them.
The enemy soldiers were tough. They attacked with such ferocity that they seemed less like Grado’s remaining soldiers… and more like soldiers who had already been converted to fight for the Demon King himself. Their faces were expressionless, like they had lost all capability of experiencing human feelings.
Suddenly, the waves of a dark mage’s spell shook the air. Gilliam took a direct hit, and his huge body fell backwards with a crash.
Armored knights were weak to magic. Though swords and lances bounced right off their heavy armor, right now, they were being mercilessly destroyed.
“Sir Gilliam!” Franz and Ross shouted.
They worked together to safely carry the fallen Gilliam to the rear line. 
The enemy forces were inexhaustible. New challengers simply stepped over the fallen soldiers.
“Do not fall back! We cannot allow them past this point!" Ephraim shouted, picked up his lance, and dashed out to the very front of the vanguard.
“Brother!” Eirika unsheathed her sword and also rushed forward.
Ephraim glanced over at his sister. A look of worry flashed across his face, but it was only for a moment. Once he’d confirmed that she was calmly swinging around her sword as she usually did, he relaxed.
As the enemy soldiers fell, they heard a frustrated man shout, “What are you doing?! If you waste time, their reinforcements will arrive! End this battle immediately…!”
Eirika looked in the direction of the voice.
There, she saw a short, thin man screaming and being guarded by soldiers. His large, glaring eyes stood out eerily against his sunken face. She knew just from one look at him that he was Riev.
“Over there, Brother…!”
“Got it!” Ephraim noticed him as well. He pushed away the soldiers standing in his way with his lance, aiming straight for Riev. 
Riev's face twisted with hatred. He shrieked, "Know your place, boy…! Kill him! Soldiers of our lord, the Demon King! Kill them all, and then we will torture Pontifex Mansel!" He waved around a staff with great force. A bluish-white light surged forth from the tip. His target was Ephraim. 
Ephraim jumped back, but he didn't react fast enough. His right foot was cut by a blade of light, and he lost his balance.
"Brother!" Eirika tried to run over to the fallen Ephraim, but Riev cast a spell towards her. She just barely managed to avoid it.
“Eirika, leave Ephraim to me!” L'Arachel shouted and raised her staff.
When the unarmored princess jumped out towards the front line, she became the target of the enemy soldiers. She screeched, and a number of soldiers lunged at her.
"Don't any of you take another step closer to Lady L'Arachel!!" The one to scare off the enemy soldiers with a single threat was none other than Dozla. He waved around his giant axe, protecting L'Arachel, and defeated several of them in an instant. Those remaining all panicked and fled.
Eirika decided that her target was Riev. If he got away, he would continue to be a thorn in their side later.
When Riev saw Eirika, he started fuming. The moment he readied his staff to cast another spell, a commotion started from the direction of the main gate.
The Holy Knights had arrived. The sounds of their swords slicing through enemy soldiers echoed through the air.
"Curses… so they've made it in time?! Those pesky Holy Knights…" Riev spat his words out and clutched his staff. "You've managed to escape death this time, girl. I shall allow you to escape. Come to the Darkling woods. The Demon King is waiting for you there."
"Wait…!" Eirika shouted, but Riev quickly turned around. She tried to chase after him, but his soldiers prevented her from doing so.
The main gate was being blocked by the Holy Knights rushing in, but Riev took advantage of the darkness of the night to hide himself. The knights raised up their torches and searched for him, but he was already nowhere to be seen.
“We lost him…?” Ephraim said in frustration. Thanks to L’Arachel’s quick action and first aid, the foot injury he’d sustained had at least closed up for the time being.
Eirika sheathed her sword and whispered, “He said… to go to the Darkling Woods.”
“That does seem like an area that the Demon King would choose.”
“We must hurry and follow after him, Brother. If we waste time, the Demon King will only get stronger.”
L’Arachel said, “Then let’s ask Lord Uncle now… to allow us to unlock the seal on the shrine where the Sacred Stone is kept. Come with me, Eirika.”
Eirika and Ephraim followed L’Arachel and returned to the throne room.
The Pontifex agreed to L’Arachel’s request, and immediately unlocked the seal on the shrine.
The door creaked open. It was one that even L’Arachel herself had never walked through before. She entered the shrine with Eirika and Ephraim behind her, and Myrrh behind the twins. 
The moment she took her first step inside, Eirika felt how sacred the place was. It calmed her feelings of high tension from battle.
Though the air smelled a bit musty from the shrine’s many years of being sealed off, there was not a hint of mold anywhere. The carvings of the saints etched into the walls quietly looked down at Eirika and the others.
Even the always chatty L’Arachel did not speak a word. Even if they walked with the intent of quieting their footsteps, the sound echoed off the high dome-shaped ceiling, making it sound as if there were many more people walking the halls.
At the very end of the hallway was a small circular room. In the center of it was an altar, and atop the altar was a small stone. It emitted a faint light, just as Renais’ Sacred Stone had.
All three stared at the Stone in silence for a long while. It was the continent’s last hope… That thought made a special feeling well up within them. The lives of everyone living in Magvell depended upon a small stone no bigger than the palm of a hand.
L’Arachel reached out and took the Sacred Stone. “What a beautiful Stone… Holding it like this makes it feel as if my heart is being cleansed of its impurities. Its power is so strong and pure.” L’Arachel offered it to Eirika.
Eirika was surprised, and shook her head. “You should be the one to hold on to it. It is a very precious treasure of Rausten.”
“No, Eirika. I’ve made my decision. To defeat the Demon King… and return peace to this continent, I will fight together with everyone. And the person leading all of us is you. That is why I entrust this to you.”
“But, I…” Renais’ Sacred Stone had been destroyed because of her mistake. She no longer deserved to hold a Sacred Stone ever again.
Yet L’Arachel curled Eirika’s fingers around it. “Look, it seems to sparkle even brighter when you are holding it.”
“When I think back on it, I’ve always loved the sidekick who supports the main character. That’s also why I want you to hold on to the Stone. If I had it, then that would make me the main character, wouldn’t it? I want to be your sidekick."
Eirika didn’t know if L’Arachel was serious. Such words were very much like her. Utterly lost, she looked at Ephraim. 
He nodded with a smile.
And with that, her mind was made up. Eirika gently took it and held it above her head. "I understand. Then I shall be the one to hold on to Rausen's Sacred Stone."
The three tried to leave the room, but something seemed to be wrong with Myrrh. She was staring blankly at one spot and shivering in fear. 
Ephraim noticed this and said, “What's the matter, Myrrh? Are you feeling sick?"
"No… No, that's not it, Ephraim. I just feel it. The ominous energy. It's getting strong. We should hurry."
Ephraim's expression stiffened. "Where is it coming from?"
"The Darkling Woods… where the Demon King was defeated…"
"Riev said he's waiting there, too. Then let's get going."
"Ephraim… in the Darkling Woods is my…" She said in a fragile voice that sounded like she was about to burst into tears. It was the first time her words had ever shaken so much.
Ephraim had begun to walk out of the room, but turned around. "What? What's in the Darkling Woods?"  
Myrrh swallowed her words and shook her head. "Nothing... Let's just get going. We must hurry…"
"Before he left, Lord Uncle said he had something he wished to talk about." L'Arachel said. "Perhaps he'd like to give us a farewell gift? Either way, let's hurry and go see what he means. He's such a worrywart, so he might talk for a while…"
When they returned to the throne room and said they wished to begin marching as soon as possible, Pontifex Mansel looked worried, just as L'Arachel had predicted.
"You have finally returned from your long journey, and you're already leaving? L'Arachel, don't you wish to rest for a while?”
“I have no time to rest! I am a princess who fights evil!”
“That may be true, but…”
The Pontifex seemed to be feeling half worried, half lonely. His niece was his one and only family member. He probably just wanted more time to spend with her. 
But L’Arachel’s tone was firm. “You have no need to worry about me. My allies will be fighting by my side!”
“Yes… You have been blessed with many good allies. But if you could please wait for just a little bit…”
“I cannot. I will rest after we have defeated the Demon King and saved the world from evil.”
“You’ve grown into a fine young woman, L’Arachel. I’m so proud of you.”
“Save such words for after we’ve won the war, and I can afford to truly appreciate them. Well then, we’ll be going now! See you later, Lord Uncle!”
“Even though I told you to wait? I have something to give to all of you.”
L’Arachel turned to dash out of the room, but the Pontifex held her back.
He motioned for Eirika to come closer to him, then took two items from a Holy Knight standing behind him, and handed them over to her.
One was an old tome. The other was a beautiful staff.
“Are these…?”
“They are Rausten’s Sacred Twins. The tome is called Ivaldi, the Glorious Light, and considered the most powerful of all light magic tomes. And this is the Saint’s Staff, Latona. It is a very useful staff that can heal the wounds of many people at once. Both were used by our ancestor, Saint Latona, during the ancient war. Lady Eirika, please accept them both. I want you to feel that you can use them as freely as you wish."
Eirika took the Sacred Twins and looked at L'Arachel. 
L’Arachel was staring at them with a look of wonder on her face. "These are the weapons of legend that Saint Latona used…? I always prayed I could see them with my own eyes one day. I'm moved beyond words."
Eirika offered Latona to L'Arachel. "Please take it. I'm sure you'll be able to use it."
"Me? Are you sure?"
"Of course! And who can use Ivaldi…? Hmm… I know, I'll let either Lord Saleh or Artur use it. Do you have any objections to that?"
"No, I don't think I do. Thank you, Eirika! I never thought that the day would come where I would wield Saint Latona's staff. Oh, I really feel like I am living inside of a legendary tale…!"
L'Arachel tightened her grip around the Saint's Staff. She looked just as magnificent as the tapestry hung in her room. It was only natural that Rausten's princess was the most fitting person to hold Rausten's Sacred Twin. "Now, we will depart. Lord Uncle, thank you for being so considerate of us."
"Come home safe, L'Arachel."
Eirika and her army were seen off by the Pontifex and Holy Knights, and left Rausten Palace. Their destination was the Darkling Woods, where the Demon King had been defeated, his blood tainted the land, and no human had ever gone before....
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fseffect · 3 years
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Was a little busy last month but got a few arts done, so have an art summary for May :D
Lucina and L’Arachel angst
Vampire Daughter Flayn
Mordred and Tiny Father
Thanks again to all of you for sticking around after all this time :D
I have a twitter and ko-fi if you want to support me in other places!
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