sonofanohrian-blog · 7 years
Monster Mash||Dwyer & L’Arachel
The woods near Renais had been feared, for it had been the playgrounds for monsters. However, Dwyer needed to find his way through, for there was no other path to Grado. With Staff in hand and Nova in tow, the Troubadour sighed out of exhaustion as he approached the forest’s entrance. Based on how he was able to see the sunlight penetrate the canopy, Dwyer failed to see how he was supposed to be frightened; the Woods of the Forlorn has been more intimidating by comparison.
As Nova paced through the bushes, Dwyer’s eyes scanned the area. He was quick to notice the woods were deserted. No song of birds, no rodents hopping about within the leaves. All there was was a breeze that brushed through the rustling tree leaves. While it was slightly unnerving to know the thicket was abandoned, the peaceful atmosphere made Dwyer grow drowsy. With a yawn, he was at the verge of nodding off. That was until a grotesque growl could be heard.
Snapping out of his daze, it took a moment for the Troubadour to realize he was surrounded by Revenants accompanied by hell hounds. The bushes shook as the beasts stepped through, out of their hiding spot. They gazed at the mortals, hunger in their eye sockets. Drool dripped from the hounds’ mouths, raring to tear through the horse before them. Nova huffed with fear, but Dwyer had been too tired to feel afraid. He grew bored of the sight of Faceless, and these monsters felt no different.
However, by the time when he realized he couldn’t hold them back long enough for an escape, it had already been too late. The hounds were swift, catching the young steward off guard. They leaped and snapped at him, one latching to his arm as another tried to reach his chest, only tearing at the fabric of his capelet. Nova shrieked as a hound bit his leg. With Dwyer occupied, he was thrown off. Free of the weight of a rider, the steed began to buck and stomp at the hounds, trampling two, but two more remained. Dwyer threw the hound off his arm and fiercely kicked another. He stood, cursing at the pain of his wounds. Reaching for his Dagger, he stepped towards his steed, and slashed at one of the attackers. Hell hounds lay dead and rotting, but the Revenants began to charge. Dwyer accumulated more injuries, and he was growing weary. Nova fell to his knees, exhausted and in pain. Dwyer proceeded to heal the wounds with his Staff, but he couldn’t help himself.
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“Gods… Is this it?”
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Chase [L’arachel and Beruka]
With all the time she spent at Camilla’s side or in the skies, Beruka no longer lived in the shadows. Still, old habits died hard, and she slipped into the darkness of the alley as easily as her old, ratty cloak. 
For once, it was not duty that brought her to the underground city. She would never do anything to harm or betray her lieges, but she hadn’t told Camilla anything about her excursion, either. She couldn’t say why she still kept her mother’s grave secret. Perhaps that, too, was an old habit.
Part of her already itched to return to the castle, unable to relax on her day off; anything could be happening her absence. Regardless she was not taking a direct route--a right turn instead of a left behind the inn where a drunk had passed out, a straight path past barrels she could have used as a step onto a roof. It had been too long since her last visit to the slums, and besides, she did not want to make it easy to track her.
As she passed an entrance to the alley, she felt eyes on her. She darted behind a crate and reached for her daggers.
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heartofchonsin · 7 years
ooc; soft and tender kissing?
showing your feelings in a public place is embarrassing, and furthermore,
(gods but she’d love to)
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Joshua!! Have you another game to play with me? I heard you obtained another sinful pack of cards and I simply must christen the new deck by showing you the sins of your gambling ways! No need to thank me, I only insist that you deal!
Ah, gods damn it all-
Was she really back for more?!
“AUGH- Ya heard wrong!” He says harshly.
He just couldn’t understand it! And frankly didn’t have the patience to find out. L’arachel really must’ve had some of Latona’s o so holy light shinin’ down over her pompous self. He’d rigged every game he played with her but still she beat him out each time.
“Never thought I’d hear myself say it but,” He swipes his finger tips to shoo her away. “I don’t wanna swindle with ya. What can I say, ya got me beat! And I’m smart enough to run when I’m ahead.”
Or behind
10,000 gold behind
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Thread Update
Also a little note that I finally finished the makeover of Mitama’s blog lmao. I’m very proud of her thread list and support pages in particular.
I’m not looking forward to making Setsuna look nice lmao
Anyways. I’m a forgetful fuck so usual routine. Lemme know if I forgot anybody and if you’d like to thread with me, please send me a message! I keep forgetting to check likes so it’s probably the most efficient way lol.
Threads (Waiting on Replies):
Whistle, I Appear @notcandynevercandy (dropped?)
Soup’s On @peerlesssamurai
Faustus @peerlessvalkyrie
A Man in Babylon @rigelsprince (closing soon)
Quadrille @rigelsprince
Nature Walk @gxdsmistake
The food of love so play on @heartofchonsin
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Bar-hop Bonding
The sun has already started sinking in the sky when Levin reaches the village; prime time for bards like him. Just about now, the inns and taverns would start filling, and, if he was lucky, he’d find some place still in need of an entertainer for the night, perhaps in return for a meal and board.
It’s been a long day on the road. A hard one. If he drifts out of his body for a moment, all caught up in his thoughts and absence of thoughts, would anyone really notice or mind?
So he thinks, just as he walks right into another real live human person.
Ah. Shit.
He scrambles back by a respectful few feet, bouncing on his feet, and, once he’s certain the person he ran into isn’t going to fall smack dab on their ass for it, he gives a swooping bow. “Ah! Sorry ‘bout that, lassie!”
…Lassie? Who was he? When did that get into his vocabulary!? “Wasn’t payin’ much attention to where I was goin’…”
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June threadlist check
Heyo o7 Lemme know if I missed anything.
Waiting on partner:
Over the Hedge with @affectionateterror (Dropped?)
iambic with @restorationprincess
Whistle I appear with @notcandynevercandy
clppng with @whiteduneprince
A man in babylon with @rigelsprince
Soup’s On with @peerlesssamurai
faustus with @peerlessvalkyrie
Live a Little with @sublimitatis
Waiting on me: 
Starter for @countreglay
Waiting on ???:
starter with @redmessenger
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Thread check
Waiting on partner:
Whistle, I appear w/ @notcandynevercandy
clppng w/ @whiteduneprince
iambic w/ @restorationprincess
faustus w/ @peerlessvalkyrie
rewound w/ @countreglay
live a little w/ @sublimitatis
Tea Party for Two w/ @cheerydragon
Waiting on me:
Soup’s on w/ @peerlesssamurai (queued)
A Man in Babylon w/ @rigelsprince
Cloudy w/ @affectionateterror
0 notes
Waiting on:
Over the Hedge - @affectionateterror
dormir - @notcandynevercandy
reunion - @heartofchonsin (Closing?)
given circumstances - @countreglay
whistle I appear - @notcandynevercandy
faustus - @peerlessvalkyrie
pong - @rigelsprince (closing soon probably)
soup’s on - @peerlesssamurai
0 notes
Mitama frowned as she stumbled through the gate. The floor was solid enough to indicate she was indoors without her raising her head. This was a good start. She prayed that somehow she would be able to find the aid she needed.
The scroll tucked in her bag pulsed, the magic from the gate stimulating it somehow. She clucked her tongue impatiently as she shoved it deeper in the bag.
Her first attempt at a scroll had been risky. Too strong, too dangerous. After sealing it away, her father had told her not to attempt creating one again. But years had passed, and she was stronger now than she once was. Surely if she tried now, she could control.
She had been wrong. And with her father missing, she lacked the aid to seal it properly. She dared not put Hoshido at risk after all Lord Ryoma and Saizo had done for her, so she departed. Either to find her father, or find someplace abandoned that she may attempt to seal it like the previous.
The sound of footsteps had her head spring upwards and dread fill her. The room she had entered through was far too decorated to be anything less than noble. She swallowed, hands clenching the strap of her bag. “I-I apologize! I did not mean to intrude so rudely.”
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