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yobrevol-blog · 8 months ago
Mostmár nem fogom beérni holmi kis szerelmekkel.
Ismét olyan lángolást és mindent elsöprő szerelmet akarok mint régen.
Vagy lehet olyan többet nem is lesz?
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floofsselfshipblog · 2 years ago
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Doodle I did of Láng and Wukong before class
Don’t ya hate it when your immortal boyfriend keeps flirting with you while you work -//-
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hicapacity · 2 months ago
Istenem, de gyönyörű ez! ✨💥
👻Soha ne feledd! Ha egy lángoló temp-LOM-ot látsz, máris közelebb jársz az igazsághoz, de még közelebb az igazságossághoz! ☠️ NEM is beszélve a pedofil papok kiűzéséről…👻☠️
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jadeseadragon · 1 year ago
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Giuseppe Castiglione (Italian Jesuit missionary and court painter, 1688 - 1766), a.k.a. Láng Shìníng, "Auspicious Roe Deer."
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kirkodiletears · 1 month ago
Happy New Year of the snake from Zhúzhī-láng!
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araksi-art · 6 months ago
heres láng's and lù's other reincarnations! all of these are still unnamed, bc i wanna make sure they're good ones..
second reincarnation:
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setting: a military compound during the war, western/eastern jin dynasty
lú: a historian/scholar, remembers fragments - wishes to find what happened to this boy he remembers..., doesn't remember names or details, dies during an attack at the army he accompanies
láng: soldier, assigned guard to the scholar as protection during the day, dies after the scholar when they fail to protect him, in a grief filled rage loses control of the situation
time together: 1 year
fourth reincarnation:
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setting: a mountainous forest, northern song dynasty
lú: a deer, drawn to flowers his whole life, lacks fear of predators. feels a stange pull to the wolf pack leader.. dies after falling of a cliff on impact
láng: a wolf, eventually a pack leader, keeps feeling longing and sadness for no reason? then is pulled to the deer and eventually she cannot seem to bring herself kill it. dies after falling of a cliff, slowly, cushioned by the deer's body
time together: 10 years
fifth reincarnation:
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setting: a remote farming village, yuan dynasty
láng: dies at five years old due to a plague sweeping the country. doesn't get to chance to do or remember anything
lú: third son, survives the plague due to living in an isolated community. all they want is to search for láng, they remember but its still incomplete, maybe finding láng will help, they feel phantom ears and antlers and are regarded as a bit of an insane person by their family.. eventually they find láng grave. they go to the mountains and become a hermit, sorting through their memories, writing them down is as much detail as they can. they die in their sleep of a combination of grief, sickness and old age
time together: 0
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floofyboi57 · 2 years ago
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Screenshot edit with my LMK OC Láng! I believe this is from Destiny Fulfilled- I know basic stuff about season 3 from the wiki and Láng would absolutely adopt the Little Girl/Bai He. Get possessed, get a wolf dad, two monkey dads, and a moon mom- seems like a fair deal
Original Screenshot:
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canonplag · 1 year ago
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oc sketches
first guy forced the god of trade and economy to merge with him the second is an idiot necromancer who stole a dead demon's name and the third is a robot gunwitch who committed the worst act of all: being french
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lamantintamas · 2 months ago
Karácsonyi🎄házibuli Puzsérnál.
Köszi Robi!
Dave, Láng Dávid-/Magyar Kétfarkú Kutya Párt/, Juhász Péter-/Milla-Kendermag Egyesület/, Kardos Gábor-/Kardos gondolatok/, Puzsér Róbert-/Történelem-Magyar szakos tanár, műsorvezető, író, publicista/, Eötvös Gábor-/grafikus/, Magyar Dávid, Dévényi István, Lukácsi Katalin-/kdnp/, Mérő Vera-/jogvédő, újságíró/, Béndek Ábris, Vajdai Vilmos-/rendező/, Paizs Miklós-/Secretman-zenész/, Pörzse Sándor, Nagy Gergely, Pajor Tamás az ismertebbek közül, de ott volt még ..
.. Kb 60 nm-en kb 150 vendég.. szinészek, kereskedők, ügyvédek, festők, óvónők, testőrök, sámánok, sportolók, filmesek, masszőrök, jogászok, úszómesterek, fináncok, zsurnaliszták, enteriőrök, orvosok, kreatívok, bányászok, youtuberek, mecénások, prostik, kerítők, homeopatikusok, mágnások, migrénesek, ménesbirtokosok, rénszarvas szelidítők, politikusok, patikusok, varázslók, kiugrott rendőrök, hősök, gyógyszerészek, védnökök, tévések, építészek, pozőrök, műsorvezetők, püspökök, táncosok, merengők, idénymunkások, ügyvédek, rádiósok, papok, kertészek, svédek, koboldok, artisták, hollandok, bolgárkertészek, pápák, villanyszerelők, kannabinisták, elnökök, melegek, nyuggerek, közéleti kitekintők, edzők, tábori lelkészek, vájárok, gondolkodók, álmokat árulók, coachok, zenészek, filozófusok, /filózó fosok/, trénerek, küklopszok, zsánerek, költők, kutatók, reménykeltők, zsonglőrök, kelták, vegyészek, repperek, mutatványosok, masszőrök, kuk klux káplánok, úttörők, tüznyelők, fizikai munkások, értelmiségi dílerek, szűzoltók, pékek, punkok, pink panterek, kőművesek, jól s rosszul keresők, plusz még akik nem jutnak itt eszembe hirtelen, valamint akikkel nem is beszélgettem.. csak akartam, de nem mertem, vagy mert mire melléjük kerültem, addigra eltekertem.
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prologusblog · 3 months ago
Láng Zsolt: Az emberek meséje
„Szavak közé születünk, szavak nélkül.” Az emberek meséjéről semmit nem tudtam, nem olvastam értékeléseket, véleményeket, fülszöveget, egyáltalán semmit, egyszerűen valami ösztönös mozdult meg bennem és az első pillanattól nagyon érdekelt. Általában ezekből jó élmények származnak, ez most is így lett: Az emberek meséje az évem egyik kedvence lett. Láng Zsolt fogott egy valóban megtörtént…
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floofsselfshipblog · 2 years ago
“I feel like we’ve met before..”
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So there’s an episode in season 4 of LMK where the gang gets separated at different points in Chinese Mythology/Time and when looking for the others Tang wound up here-
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The story of Chang’e ascending to the moon after becoming immortal- so I had the idea that if Láng was in that episode, he would’ve wound up in that story for shipping fuel >:3
Also I might start giving the Lego colors skin color in the screenshot edits cause I’m not used to coloring with such a- saturated yellow and I like my comfort zone
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bdpst24 · 8 months ago
Tatai lány vitte az olimpiai lángot
Tatai lány vitte az olimpiai lángot
Hazánkat az a megtiszteltetés érte, hogy július 11-én, a franciaországi Sens városában Kollár Zsuzsanna tatai amatőr sportoló is vihette az olimpiai fáklyát. A hagyományoknak megfelelően 2024. április 16-án a görögországi Olümpiában gyújtották meg az olimpiai lángot és indult útjára a fáklya, amelyet mintegy tízezer futó visz el váltóban az olimpia helyszínére, Párizsba. Bár az olimpia…
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baoduongotocarman · 8 months ago
Có nên láng đĩa phanh hay không? Tại sao
Láng đĩa phanh ô tô là một việc nên làm bởi vì nó mang lại nhiều lợi ích cho xe của bạn. Một số lợi ích mà mài đĩa phanh mang lại là:
Tiết kiệm chi phí: So với thay thế đĩa phanh mới hoàn toàn, láng đĩa phanh có chi phí rẻ hơn đáng kể. Việc này giúp bạn tiết kiệm được một khoản tiền kha khá, đặc biệt khi bạn sử dụng xe thường xuyên.
Kéo dài tuổi thọ đĩa phanh: Phanh hoạt động hiệu quả giúp loại bỏ lớp mòn, xước và gồ ghề trên bề mặt đĩa, giúp đĩa phanh phẳng mịn hơn. Nhờ vậy, đĩa phanh sẽ hoạt động hiệu quả hơn và tuổi thọ cũng được kéo dài.
Cải thiện hiệu quả phanh: Bề mặt đĩa phanh phẳng mịn sau khi láng giúp má phanh tiếp xúc tốt hơn với đĩa phanh. Từ đó tăng cường lực phanh và giúp xe phanh an toàn hơn.
Giảm thiểu độ mòn lốp xe: Khi đĩa phanh bị mòn hoặc gồ ghề, má phanh sẽ không tiếp xúc đều với đĩa phanh, dẫn đến hiện tượng mòn lốp không đều. Từ đó giúp loại bỏ tình trạng này, góp phần bảo vệ lốp xe và tăng tuổi thọ của lốp.
Hạn chế tiếng ồn: Phanh hoạt động bình thường giúp loại bỏ tiếng ồn, mang lại trải nghiệm lái xe êm ái và thoải mái hơn.
Nâng cao an toàn khi lái xe: Hệ thống phanh hoạt động hiệu quả là yếu tố vô cùng quan trọng để đảm bảo an toàn khi lái xe. Láng đĩa phanh giúp cải thiện hiệu quả phanh, từ đó góp phần nâng cao an toàn cho người lái và hành khách trên xe.
=>> Xem thêm tại: https://carman.vn/lang-dia-phanh/
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jadeseadragon · 1 year ago
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Giuseppe Castiglione (Italian Jesuit missionary and court painter, 1688 - 1766), a.k.a. Láng Shìníng, "Snowflake."
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roughghosts · 8 months ago
Exploring the uncomfortable corners of human existence: The Birth of Emma K. and Other Stories by Zsolt Láng
The fiction of Zsolt Láng inhabits a slippery space where time, genre, and realities shift and bend, where history shapes and distorts the landscape, and where characters are driven by conflicted passions and paranoias. Think of Flann O’Brien with a side order of Beckett, born and raised in Transylvania, charting his own course to become one of the premier postmodernist Hungarian language writers…
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araksi-art · 10 months ago
here's more láng and lù !! made their designs more fun :] the lineart was soo fun for this !!
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i used three colors for the lineart and it made soft corners and skintones so fun to play around with ! also. they are both so color to me. red x blue is real
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