dokino · 1 year
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Brand new collaboration with Bakezori Books Japan
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de-fright-ful · 15 days
Brainstorming Saijikaran regional variants and I have several ideas, but all I know for certain is:
Saijikaran Golisopod is a tongue eating louse that wears the lower half of a dead ambiguously fish pokemon sort of like the world’s worst incarnation of a mermaid. They don’t have as much of a wimp-y perception, but they are seen as cowards & are considered horrifying in the utmost of ways. Especially with their hunting habit of retreating into the body of their ‘tail’ and waiting for scavenging pokemon to attempt to investigate what they believe to be a corpse, only to jump out and ambush them. Unlike Alolan Golisopods, these Golisopods only reside in the water and are rendered immobile without its presence. Much of their bulky stats goes straight into speed and not defence, unlike the original Golisopod’s of Alola & I feel like instead of having Emergency Exit exactly, after a certain health threshold is hit, they’ll retreat into their ‘tail’ and use it as a decoy for a certain amount of hitpoints until being forced out.
It should go without saying they’re a DARK/BUG type
Unfortunately, these Pokémon, like Golisopods, get a bit of a bad reputation, as while they are dark, what with the sneak attacking prey and wearing the corpse of their former host and their life cycles are undeniably brutal. They’re famously docile towards humans and land-dwelling Pokemon, never picking a fight if not to defend themselves. & despite the wives tales about Saijikaran Wimpods crawling into the mouths of human children to eat their tongues, Saijikaran Wimpods are far too small to pose any risk and wouldn’t know what to do in a human mouth even if put in one.
Saijikaran Mimikyu is doll-themed and hosts itself in regionally specific, human shaped baby-like dolls — it’s said that these Mimikyu, rather than taking on the forms of Pikachu, emulate children with the hopes of emulating the popular regional folktales of family’s finding mysterious children in woods and bamboo groves and bringing them home to raise them into hero’s.
After level 35, Mimikyu will have a branch evolution. If leveled up with very low friendship, it will become a Mimikune, this form of Mimikyu has become so disenchanted with humanity that it no longer seeks any love from it. It lives in remote, desolate areas of Saijikara, often being found in ghost villages and takes on the form of a roughly humanoid shape but with few discernible features other than its eyes and a sort of billowing silhouette in the distance. It’s said that this Pokémon will become gravely wrathful if stated at for too long and is best avoided by all trainers. Professor Banyan, the Region’s leading mind in Pokemon Research hypothesizes that Mimikune is as close to the originally or true form of Mimikyu as humanity may ever safely view. This Pokémon’s type combo is DARK/GHOST
But if leveled up with extremely high or max friendship after level 35, a Mimikyu will become a Kyubiko: a benevolent, scarecrow like entity that’s been dubbed as the memory Pokémon. These Pokémon are staples of timeworn, rustic communities of Saijikara and are said to be the fonts of all living memory. Many old villages, especially on the Kiyose Outskirts, can be found with a lone Kyubiko watching over them from a hilltop, silently watching & remembering all that pass it by and protecting the lands and people under its gaze with spiritual energy. Legends of the Region state that the reason Kyubiko’s are unable to move (and their torturously long evolution periods) are because of a deal with the gods. It is said that when evolving, in that space between world’s, the Kyubiko barter tirelessly with the gods of change to exchange their freedom and the earthly pursuit of freedom for the spiritual grounding needed to stalwartly protect the human race they adore until the end of days. These are EXTREMELY rare Pokémon to find naturally in the region, and for good reason, while they have the lowest speed stat of ANY Pokémon, they are a solid WALL, having higher defence than even Shuckle. Which paired with their typing of PSYCHIC/FAIRY typing can make it powerful! They can only be encountered in the wild after beating Amity and venturing into the nature preserve on the Old Joy Estate, where they’ll be visible on the overworld.
I have more ideas, like a revamped Remoraid and Octillery line, taking advantage of the punny nature of some Octopus and Squid dishes and to make (in my mind) a darkly funny ghost/water type Pokémon if the new revamped squid version of Remoraid feints in battle to a fighting type move. But I’ll have to keep them on the backburner while I work on One Hundred Thousand Posts and Docs
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kiyuomi · 3 years
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pridewon · 3 years
👫 suna & atsumu orrrr yukie & kuroo !
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@kyubiko (relationships headcanons)
// to which I say: why not both!! these of course are only suggestions, feel free to keep and discard whatever you like or dislike or change <3
suna & atsumu
1. Suna may not want anything to do with the twins’ antics; did that stop Atsumu from systematically trying to get him on his side in any argument he has with his brother? Absolutely not. Just like Aran, in the early days of the Inarizaki team, if Suna happened to be in the vicinity when Atsumu and Osamu were yelling at each other, Atsumu would try to rope him in; and actually accuse Suna of siding wth Osamu if he as much as declared himself a neutral party. He calmed down over time and accepted Suna’s approach of “I’m not getting involved”, but it took time.
2. Suna is one of his teammates for whom Atsumu enjoys setting the most. His sets are notoriously easy to hit, and with Suna’s remarkable range and spiking flexibility, it’s a deadly combo: Atsumu always looks forward to seeing what Suna will make of his sets, especially when cornered by a wall of blockers. He will gladly admit that Suna’s spikes are the most creative in the team - an admiration that makes for a weird mixture with their more conflicted probably one-sidedly so relationship off the court.
3. With the exception of Osamu, nobody on the team knows how to provoke Atsumu better than Suna. Granted, he has a short fuse to begin with, but Suna is too observant and smart for Atsumu to keep up or anticipate his jabs. If Kita is not here to keep the peace or Osamu to distract his brother, he can most certainly get to him right away. Some would say it’s a good thing, and helps keeping Atsumu in check - Atsumu of course begs to disagree. Especially since, contrary to Osamu, Suna never seems to yell back at him, giving the impression that he is immune to his... intimidation tactics. Suna, too often, is too quiet and stoic for his liking.
4. Suna has already fallen victim to Atsumu’s thieving tendencies - even if, for a very long time, Atsumu denies stealing his jelly fruit sticks. When he finally admitted to it cornered by Aran, Atsumu claimed it was a punishment for slacking of during a match, even if Inarizaki was clearly in the lead. He has since been sentenced to bringing Suna jelly fruit sticks on the first day of training of every month. Everybody has actually forgotten about the whole ordeal, but Atsumu keeps doing it anyway.
yukie & kuroo
1. Because they’re both third years in schools within the Fukurôdani Academy Group, I’m assuming Kuroo and Yukie have met quite a few times over their three years of highschool and training camps, and know each other quite well. Like many other unfortunate souls, she has been granted a nickname: Hachidori-chan; “hachidori” meaning “hummingbird” in Japanese, he chose it because hummingbirds are one of the biggest eaters in the animal kingdom, proportionately to their size :’)
2. Her appetite is a constant source of wonder for Kuroo, who now uses every single barbecue at the training camp as an excuse to run what he calls ‘experiments’ (which solely consists in trying the weirdest food combos and trying to give them to Yukie, or having her face-off Lev or another big guy from another team in a food eating contest). Unfortunately, he also has to stop Kenma from trying to give her his veggies when Kuroo looks away - he’s gotta eat, don’t encourage his bad habits, Yukie. 
3. Kuroo and Bokuto get along very well, but they’re also buth troublemakers in their own right. I would not be surprised if Yukie sometimes ended up being caught in the crossfire of their antics - mostly being dragged by one of them to play a prank on the other or make his life difficult, one way or another. 
4. Since both Nekoma and Fukurodani are in Tokyo and both teams seem to get along well, I’ think they meet up outside of school to hang out from time to time, for group activities. On top of that, Kuroo always calls up Yukie whenever he wants to try out a new restaurant that specialises in healthy food - gotta keep that peak volleyball player physique in check, and he trusts Yukie’s judgement when it comes to gauging the quality of the meals. 
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kunekos · 3 years
“ every detail is important.” - SUNA
          one thing is certain :   Kuroo did not exactly expect that he'd be spoken to so undeviatingly.     (   in a demeanour so candid & self - assured that threw, even him, wholly off guard.   )     especially when the words come from Inarizaki's middle blocker ;   the same hushed, reliable blocker that he had been paying close attention to throughout the majority of the match against Karasuno. this being both because he wanted to savour the finishing taste of attending other games as a player himself ...   & because he wanted to keep a close eye out for whoever was playing against Nekoma in less than twenty hours.
           there is too much at risk right now.   & at the end of the day :   it doesn't really matter who won that wild, rhythmical match. for today's winning team ...   is going home tomorrow.
           during that short - lived while, when the Captain finds himself blinking every trace of confusion away ...   he, too, understands that his team is programmed to fight for the ultimate title of National victors with tooth & claw. ready to hearten whatever awaits them tomorrow & encage those damned crows. after all :   there is simply no escaping the keen, ingenious eyes of Nekoma & their ever - working brain. once Kuroo musters enough balance to counter Suna's statement :   he smiles. it's entertaining that despite the way they’ve talked to each other previously     —   after all the spirited bantering & video game - based chaos   —,     he nevertheless speaks to him, is as if he's eager to provide him with a warning.
           things will not be easy during the dumpster battle.
           ❛   They didn't know what they were doin' and yet ...   ❜     the taller boy discerns, a sly hint of amusement to his speech as his palm moves to benevolently tap at the other's back while he repeats :     ❛   ... every detail 's important.   ❜
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           ❛   Don't worry. Ya'll get t'a beat up their sorry asses next year. I bet'cha the team will be a lot smoother t'a tame once Captain's not around t'a make most'a the good receives.   ❜
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𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐎𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒,     //     not accepting !   ☆
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herrscherbled · 3 years
1, 6 & 14 !
ask renata about roleplay & writing habits! munday meme edition.
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1. How much time do you spend thinking about a reply before you sit down to type?
It depends on what reply I am writing. If it plotted out or there are some pre established relations going on like enemies / knew each other before / work together / others, it makes my writing much simpler and easier. For those, I don't take too long. I think about replies the whole day, but I also am very forgetful since I'm very busy now. However, I usually get the reply in my head when I sit down.
With these three muses, I do need to sit down and think about replies. Since I do not know much information about Elysia and Mobius, I need to sit still for like twenty or thirty minutes to think about how they will react to react situations. The same goes double for Mei because of how complicated her voice actually is after St. Freya and after becoming Herrscher of Thunder, I need to maintain balance, which makes it a bit hard for me to come up with replies on the go. With my OC - Zarina - it's a pretty quick thing to do, but with these three? I sit down and think about replies for like 20-30 minutes at least.
6. Do you proofread / edit as you write or do you just wing it and save editing for last?
I... I'm guilty of not proof-reading my replies most of the time when I get really excited only to find typos and die inside. I have editing tools on my computer, which help me with English, but I tend not to proof-read. I'm trying to fight this several times, but even if I do proof-read, I find typos RIGHT AFTER I post the thread, which makes me want to slam my head against the table. With Tumblr's drafts being posted right after I save, it becomes hard for me to actually pay attention to some things like proof-reading without my tools like Grammarly. I do edit my writing, though, sometimes I delete paragraphs of what I wrote if I think it's not needed and it's too much info I don't need. I learned from my classes that the first paragraph can usually be deleted since it's a word dump to get myself into writing lmao.
14. Do you have a routine that helps you prepare to work on your writing?
Music. That's generally it. I don't have any other routines. I just sit down, open my laptop, and if I feel like writing: I write. :)
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zorkaya-moved · 3 years
@kyubiko​ ━━━━ Ayaka! ​
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“No, my question is of another nature. More philosophical, if I may. Do you wish to conform to this society━━? Do you wish to continue living under the constrictions that limit your rightful freedom?”
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survivus · 3 years
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@kyubiko​ said:   👂 yachi to kiyoko !
send 👂and my muse will answer these questions about your muse.  /   currently accepting  !
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Do they think they are a bad person?:
such thought is blasphemy !!!
Do they think they’re a good person?:
yachi thinks kiyoko is the BEST person honestly
Do they find them attractive?:  
yachi thinks she’s absolutely beautiful  !   kiyoko is one of the first girls yachi had an active crush on,   not just an idle pining.
Are they a friend or foe?:  
friend  !
Save or kill?:
save  !
Kiss or diss?:  
kiss  !
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808s-a · 3 years
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❝ WOAH , HORNS !!  ❞ his jaw dropped , his usual excitement for new things as disrupting as ever .  ❝ are they real ??  can you break stuff with them ?? does everyone around here have them ?? ❞ // @kyubiko​ liked for a short starter (ganyu)
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brainwashe · 3 years
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shinso feels his eyes drawn down to the bandages wrapped around his wrist,     the pale white clasping a little too tight to his skin...      he slips a finger into the material and tugs at it,    feeling a familiar hiss crawl through his clenched teeth   [he’ll have to readjust the bandages later:   he’s been fiddling with them all day,    watching them grow looser and looser with each passing moment,    so he tries to fall into stillness].     a concept far easier said than done...      he doesn’t have denki’s penchant for energy,    but he still doesn’t like to be forced into being still.      ‘      don’t look so worried,        ’      shinso huffs,   dropping his hands to his side.    he tries not to wince.      ‘      it’s barely even a sprain.        ’        @kyubiko​
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jikangai-a · 3 years
gorou recognizes those floating water bubbles anywhere. his ears immediately perk up at the sight of them, knowing kokomi is close behind. it’s a relief every time she returns. gorou tried his best to run things while she was gone, but deep down he felt like it would never be as good as kokomi. things were just easier with her around. so he can’t hide the excitement he feels when seeing her, tail wagging slightly as he puts away his bow and runs to her. 
‘ your excellency ! ‘ he smiles, eyes sparkling brightly. ‘ you weren’t meant to be back for another week ! you’re early ! ‘ he’s certainly not complaining. he can let some of his guard down when she’s around, and not feel the burden of the entire resistance on his shoulders. besides, he just likes her company. it’s like greeting an old friend. 
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togakoarch · 3 years
togako   felt   her   cheeks   warm,   a   pleasant   smile   on   her   face,   hidden   behind   an   intricate   fan   as   she   fought   to   keep   up   the   act   of   the   refined   young   noble   lady   of   the   hitsuhoumi   clan,   a   title   she   had   once   discarded   the   second   she   stepped   off   the   crux   and   into   liyue   harbor   all   those   years   ago.   still   though,   the   mannerisms   of   a   lady   were   hard   to   forget,   practically   muscle   memory   at   this   point.   but   she’s   surprised   to   find   these   lessons   to   be   useful   to   her   now,   as   the   traveler   presses   her   lips   to   the   back   of   togako’s   palm   bent   at   the   knee   and   holding   her   hand   so   tenderly   any   lesser   woman   would   have   swooned.
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it   was   a   near   thing   for   the   polearm   wielder,   shifting   in   her   spot   on   the   smooth   rock   the   two   of   them   had   managed   to   find   to   rest,   the   smile   on   her   face   shifting   into   a   smirk   and   a   teasing   glint   in   her   eyes.   “   is   that   how   you   usually   greet   young,   impressionable   noble   ladies,   traveler?   my,   my.   ”   the   fan   snaps   shut   but   her   hand   doesn’t   leave   her   traveling   partner’s,   absentmindedly   giving   it   a   squeeze,   softly   running   her   thumb   over   the   fingers   curled   around   her   own.   “   i   didn’t   take   you   to   be   such   a...   flirt.   ”
@kyubiko​​   asked :   lumine took the girl’s hand and kisses it tenderly.
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muriokusho · 3 years
@kyubiko​ : looks at him questionably
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Can I help you?
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pridewon · 3 years
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@kyubiko​​ // suna (starter call) 
He slams the door of his locker shut; forceful, angry, mad that the bang wouldn’t be even louder. The buzz in his ears refuses to quiet down, just like the boiling in his his veins will not die down; Miya Atsumu had never been good at half-measures, be it in volleyball or those passions they call emotions that catch him by the throat and always feel like they’re too much to be contained. Of all, anger is surely the worst. Its acidic bite never fails to make him squirm and bare his fangs. 
When the door of the locker room opens, he glares at the intruder; bites back his tongue, at least momentarily, when he doesn’t recognise his brother, the source (yet again) of his ire. Calm down, Atsumu. Suna hasn’t done or said anything. Yet. “If ye’re here t’tell me that Kita’s gonna get me for all this ruckus, save it. I don’t care.” Atsumu pointedly looks down at the floor, ignores the blood still dripping from his busted lip from Osamu’s elbow, eyes drilling a hole into it so he doesn’t have to look at his teammate. So he doesn’t have to see the expression on his face, see what he might be feeling, and have to deal with it.
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“An’ if my brother sent ya, y’can tell ‘im to fuck off.”
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kunekos · 3 years
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          ❛   For the last fuckin’ time ...   I do not look like Shadow the hedgehog.   ❜
𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥   //   @kyubiko​​​​ ;   suna​ .     ☆
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herrscherbled · 3 years
@kyubiko​ - KIANA !
It felt as if they’ve met so long ago... The one who saved her from the abyssal darkness when she was still naïve and weak, hurt from the world’s reality and how everything turned against her. When she lost everything, the girl who was willing to sacrifice herself for the greater good gave her everything. The reason to go on, the reason to not despair, the reason to remember that she had to move forward. Not only that, but also the very same person who made Mei understand that she was a coward, covering behind Kiana’s kindness and not doing everything she actually could; however, it was all thought with gratitude. Now, as Herrscher of Thunder, she would go forward and not fear the future. Even if they will not see eye to eye anymore, she knew their paths would cross. 
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“It’s been... a long time, Kiana-chan,” the Herrscher form would dissipate for that one moment as she’d think it wasn’t needed to fight the one person she wished to save and make sure to destroy the obstacles that would graze her in the shadows. Her look changed, Kaslana’s eyes were not the same as they were before and it set Mei’s mind at ease. The thunders weren’t roaring like during their last meeting, there’s calm before storm that will eventually come. Even if their time was short, she will not escape like she did before her choice was made. “I’m glad to see you are alright. Are Bronya and Fu Hua safe?” She wasn’t able to help them as much as she wished to all thanks to the Theater’s rules, but she was able to interfere even for a moment. Jackal will not be happy with that, oh no she wouldn’t be. 
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