#kyrie's showing off
burnt-kloverfield · 2 months
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I did a paint night and my sister and i did a pair of paintings to match. I did the night time and I'm so proud of how the lighting by turned out. I'm in love with my sister's sky.
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plutonium-sky · 4 months
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so I saw @kyri45 's ISAT and Sky: COTL au and I HAD to chime in with my tiny redesign of Iez for the au. Unfortunately her mask is a Giant personality of what she is so she carries it at all times with her anyways but it's a welding mask now. And I kinda removed Ray from here cause it may be a little much for her if she's gonna just be on the side LMAO
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vegaly-art · 2 months
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Vincent and Lovely (Kyrie) have arrived <3 <3. Look at them go! About them: - Vincent's Korean, and a bit of a K-pop fan. Since becoming a vampire, especially so high up in his hierarchy he found confidence in some more flamboyant forms of dress, and yes he absolutely takes inspiration from K-pop outfits. Or really any outfit with a lot of sequins. He likes sequins. <3 And flower themes at times to match with Rose without being too muted like they are. - Kyrie (they/them) is African American, and quite the gardener. They found a lot of earth tones work well for their skin type and were always the modest type when it came to dress, with long pants and long sleeves. Though occasionally they may show off a shoulder. They have a giant lightning scar from the first time their powers manifested since they could not control it and ended up hurting themself and Adam both, but they try not to be too self-conscious about it anymore. It also unfortunately caused some severe nerve damage and tremours all up their left arm and parts of their face.
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cheeriochat · 6 months
Have fun!
• Dante is Aromantic, and going off of that
• Dante and Lady dated for a brief period when they were 20~ish for a month but they soon broke up, Dante realised he was Aromantic and Lady realised she was a lesbian. It was really awkward and they don't talk about it.
• (also Demisexual Vergil fight me)
• Nero's the type of guy to crush a can of cola in his hand when he's angry
• He would never actively admit it, but Vergil instantly bonded to Nero, even if Nero himself didn't bond with Vergil. It's probably to do with some weird demon biology thing, as Vergil tries to show He cares in odd ways like offering to clean Nero's weapons (making sure the demon spawn can protect itself) or staring at him from across the room (monitoring the demon spawn to assure its survival). It freaks Nero out as he doesnt know what's going on.
• Nico plays pranks on Nero and Kyrie that border on being illegal
• Trish and Vergil kind of have an unspoken bond/connection (?). Like demon to demon communication especially after the V and Trish talk
• Vergil moved into Devil May Cry without asking Dante after dmc5 and claimed a couch and a portion of the office as his. Dante won't admit that he doesn't mind.
• Also about vergil, When Patty came to Devil May Cry after the events of dmc5, she yelled at Dante for an hour for missing her birthday among other things. Vergil thought it was hilarious but he stayed quiet the whole time as usual.
• Nero roughhouses with the kids at the orphanage, and he always tries to stay gentle, but those kids man... they're out for blood. One time Nero ended up with a huge gash over his eyebrow that surprisingly left a scar.
+ plus scent choices!!!
• Lady likes Versace perfume or light floral scents. Don't know how to explain this one
• Trish likes deeper, more musky scents. For example Kyoto in Bloom by glasshouse fragrances (my signature scent lol). She also smells of this hair oil my mum uses. Very nice ^^
• Vergil likes cool, crisp scents, but not very masculine ones. More androgynous or feminine. Otherwise he smells like old books, like the old sci-fi books my dad gave me
• Nero likes cheap cologne, anything to cover up the blood smell that seems to hang around as to not scare the kids
• Kyrie likes either light, sweet scents or deep, stormy scents. She tends to lean to more deep scents.
• Dante smells like pizza grease and Lynx Africa All the time (go argue with a wall) but if he had to choose he would probably smell like roses or something with sandalwood. Heavy scents.
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palebloodcvrse · 1 year
Baking with the DMC V boys
This is my first time trying to make these headcanon type posts, be nice pls.
Content: Romantic/platonic dante x G/N reader, vergil x reader, nero x reader ...? Cause any scenario here can be taken in any way, relationship or friendship (cause what if ur aro/ace but still wanna do fun shi with your favs?)
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Wants to lick the batter off the whisk, but you gotta stop him. The remnants in the bowl is free game, however
Insists on winging the recipe, says you gotta "feel" it
FLOUR FIGHT! Your peaceful baking session descends into chaos. You both end up covered in flour while the cake is in the oven
Despite him being good with his hands his cake decorating skills kinda suck ass
Its okay though, since you both tried your best and had fun, even if the cake looks like doodoo. It tastes good however... so it wasnt a waste after all
Hes a notorious frosting licker, you have to swat him off the cake like a fly.
If you bake something a pastry instead hes gonna poke the dough.
(Romance:) will lick the frosting/batter off of your hand or face if you get any of it on you while mixing.
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Im not gonna lie here, he miiight turn it into a bit of a contest.
His perfectionistic nature will push him to ultra tryhard it, even if it is just a dessert or pastry. He'll check the recipe constantly and will be careful about each detail (or at least try)
You remind him that you two are baking for fun and he calms down a bit, but he will still act as if hes competing in the great british bakeoff or some shit
Insists on frosting the cake for you, but only so he can show off how steady his hands are. (Even if he screws it up)
The cake ends up being too pretty to eat
Wants to try harder pastries and desserts, usually something fancy like a mille fueille
That doesnt mean you two will always succeed however, Vergil just likes to push his limits even if he fails.
He'll give you a warm smile as you two finish the thing youre baking. At least hes not so tense anymore...
(Romance:) he'll feed you a piece of whatever you two baked together, looking into your eyes and watching for your reaction, then kisses you to have a taste but go back to being his stonefaced grumpy self later like nothing happened.
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Overmixes the batter because hes tense
Kinda scatterbrained, will forget to preheat the oven sometimes
Hes actually more tolerable to bake with than his dad or uncle, less tense and also less chaotic
He'll let you take the lead for this one, just tell him what to do or get and he'll go right on ahead.
Hes actually not so tense anymore, considering baking is a relaxing activity.
Will leave the decorating to you, hes not very good at it.
(Platonic:) insists on leaving some for kyrie, aint no way he wont give her any
(Romantic:) will always leave some for you, no matter how good it tastes.
You two wont be making anything too complex but whatever comes out of it tastes great and his presence will make baking feel like a wholesome activity.
You two tell stories to each other and get a bit distracted.
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prototypelq · 2 months
Bestie hear me out: Kyrie and Patty as besties/sisters
Ooooof, this is Tempting!
It's also hard for me to envision in a way? Please share more thoughts, I'd love to hear them, cause I struggle a little seeing this on my own.
Like, I don't have issues imagining Patty and Dante interactions (patty propaganda), or hers and Vergil's (cool classy uncle).
It would also be very interesting to see her and Nero together. I think they'd get along like a house on fire, but they'd also mirror the twins in terms of being very similar and also opposites.
Both Nero and Patty have to play the straight man most of the time (Patty pretty much always, Nero - with Nico, twins, and while working, so also pretty much most of the time), buuuut I think Patty has more common sense, and Nero has a tendency to fly off the handle at the chance he has. So they have this dynamic where Nero is older, so he should be the responsible one, plus he's a hybrid powerhouse, but he can be a bit of an idiot and throwing the common sense reigns to Patty xD This would also Absolutely work in reverse, cause Patty has a tendency to make rash decisions in extreme situations, with no regards to her own personal safety, so she could use anyone in her corner in these moments.
But most of the time they can just roast the twins to each other, and actually like mostly sensible-but-not-really people and bring much normalcy to the entire cast.
I can see Patty commissioning Nico at times, though she'd have to be Very specific with her requests, as Nico is not known for safety warranty of her products. I think they'd get along fine, but it's hard for me to see much more than that for them.
I can see Patty and Trish discussing fashion and just hanging out together about it. Maybe a fashion show, or just a TV series with it or smth. Girls night in it's purest tropest forms for these two.
As for Patty and Kyrie I struggle a little finding common ground for them. I'd love to see them interact, but it's hard for me to imagine how it would go.
Sorry for hijacking your ask about Kyrie and Patty. Maybe some of this rambling would give you some food for thought about them too? Pls share your Kyrie and Patty visions, can you see I need them xD
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ryanthel0ser · 1 year
Now that I've read the DMC4 novel, the scene Dante tells Nero that Vergil is his father has changed for me. Having that extra context has me changing my interpretation of the whole scene and why Nero doesn't go looking for answers during that 5 year period between DMC4 and 5
Disclaimer: this is my own opinion and thoughts, not fact just speculation based on what we've been given
It's very easy to say that the scene where Dante tells Nero about Vergil that Nero is clueless before this and that this is some kind of new revelation to him. The DMC4 novel though implies Nero has some idea that Vergil, or to be specific, Dante's brother is his father. Not only does he refer to Yamato as his birthright but Sanctus straight up states
“It all makes sense now. That man must’ve been a descendant of Sparda. He must have impregnated a woman from Fortuna…”
TO Nero.
So what are the facts Nero knows:
He's a descendant of Sparda
His father was a foreigner
Yamato belonged to Dante's brother
Yamato chose Nero to wield it after he repaired it
Dante's brother has been dead for a while
So it's easy for Nero to assume that Dante's brother may have been his father, the problems that have now arisen are that last point and that the guy with any answers just left. I believe in Before the Nightmare, Nero thinks something along the lines of "his brother has been long dead, so why does it matter" to sort of shrug off the thought. But why shrug off this thought? Nero remarks how he had always wanted someone like Dante in his life (which he is a little annoyed with himself about because...it's Dante, who is nonstop teasing him) so why not think about his father and want to know more? I think there are two main reasons as to why Nero doesn't pursue more information.
Why get to know the guy if there's no chance you'll ever meet him? It's a sad thought yes, but from Nero's position it's a safe one. He's dealt with and is dealing with a lot of grief from both Kyrie's parents dying and Credo dying, adding on the yearning to meet a man that has been long dead would only make things worse for him. It's likely he also developed this defense during his time at the orphanage; he probably for a bit wanted to know who his parents were and wondered if they'd come for him at some point, but after years of wishing and wondering why he was abandoned he put up a defense of "it doesn't matter, so why try looking into it" and turned his attention to his present day family: Kyrie, Credo and their parents.
Fortuna is a wreck and I nearly lost Kyrie, I don't want to leave her alone to deal with all this and any possible danger that might arise We get a scene at the end of the DMC4 novel of Nero and Kyrie helping out with the recovery and in Before the Nightmare we know they are still helping and now running the orphanage, but are HELLA poor because Kyrie accepts payment in meat and veggies instead of money (cause she's a saint like that). Additionally, there are still demons appearing on occasion although not at the rate they were before the whole Savior incident. His whole motivation (ha) for fighting and keeping Yamato was to protect Kyrie, and after nearly losing her and losing Credo it's not a surprise he decides to stick by her side during these five years. He already had to watch her grieve her parents, now he has to be there for her when she grieves for her brother whilst doing everything she can to help the survivors. Leaving her alone does not justify the want for answers to Nero.
Having this in mind now, let's look at the situation surrounding Vergil's return and the scene Dante tells Nero "he's your father" from Nero's perspective.
He just learned from V that the giant demon king named Urizen is actually Dante's older brother Vergil and that they're fighting each other despite being brothers based on their opposing ideas
This mysterious guy who showed up out of nowhere with a ton of answers for things and none about himself is now deteriorating rapidly and wants to be there for when Urizen is defeated
V landed the final blow and all of a sudden there's a guy there who is apparently Vergil and he and Dante immediately begin fighting before Vergil leaves
He thanks me???
Somehow V was part of that guy
Dante is refusing to let me fight even though this guy taking my arm kicked this whole thing off
To us the audience, this doesn't seem as strange because we're used to DMC nonsense like splitting your being in half but to Nero who has only dealt with the events of Fortuna and this past month this is still bizarre and seems like the most insane set of events to happen.
And then Dante has the audacity to tell Nero to go home and that it doesn't concern him. This is the man that took his arm, the one that took his power, the one that nearly killed Dante, the one that is responsible for thousands maybe even millions of lives being taken and despite how confident Dante was in Nero last time they met in Fortuna and has seen what he is capable of with the Devil Breaker he seems to have thrown that all away?! His own rage at the whole situation blinds him in that moment and Dante hits him with
"He's your father!"
This snaps Nero out of it. As Dante explains, we can almost see the implications of it all set in for Nero. It makes perfect sense. But this man took his arm. This man was supposed to be dead. This man has caused so much destruction. This man was the one he had been working with this whole mission and the one he was fighting. This is the man that Nero never imagined even meeting. And he was alive, he was real, but could this be called a good thing when he's caused so much pain for others and Nero himself?
Nero has gained so much information in the span of an hour and now Dante is on his way to fight Vergil that is guaranteed to kill one or both of them. Like Nero says on the phone with Kyrie, he's suddenly gained a family and he might lose both of them if he doesn't do something. And he's not losing anyone else.
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bossbutch · 1 month
halfway thru chapter 1 of umineko. idk how meaningful it is to speculate this early, The Real Umineko hasnt even properly started. these arent fully thought out and organized it's just scattered thoughts
battler's gender politics are entertainingly weird. he's like "when i meet a woman, even if she's my cousin or my servant, i NEED to make a big show of grabbing her tits so that she can hit me and everyone will laugh at the Classic Gag and it'll lighten the mood" which is just ridiculous enough to be something a rich teenager in the 80s could convince himself is okay. and then he sees the dinner seating and he's like "damn my family's so patriarchal. thought gained: inexplicable feminist agenda". i'm assuming this is a genre deconstruction thing. also lol that he is right next to maria in grandpa's tier list
maria is awesome btw i hope she gets to infodump about magic a lot more. some goon in the SA thread said the umineko author was once a social worker, so like. even if they don't use the word because it's japan in the 80s she's gotta be Intended as autistic
kinzo's room is so telegraphed to be a locked room mystery. he's entertaining too but i kinda zone out when he's talking about how his magic system works. i get the basic of more risk = more magic power but i worry it's the kind of thing that has Important Clues that my brain autofills with [arcane rambling]
battler constantly gasses up how good george is with kids and then george sees a family member repeatedly hitting their 9 year old disabled child and says, out loud, "not my problem"
assuming the epitaph is a puzzle intended to be solved and not the kind of puzzle that frames all the other puzzles and isn't solvable til the end: until the first butterfly i thought all the death and traveling was metaphorical. it still could be. like the six chosen by the key could be objects. the hands of a clock may be involved because that's in all the promo stuff and chapter start art. kinzo acted like the riddle was totally solvable by the doc or kanon or any of his kids. but if it was unsolvable until People Started Dying, it seems kinda pointless to have put the painting up years ago? but beatrice is a Dramatic Bitch.
Who Took The Rose?! no idea, but i'm sure it's important. if there's a 19th person, definitely them. totally possible the wrapper fell off but they'd still recognize the withered rose i reckon
Who Gave Maria The Umbrella?! again, if there's a 19th person, it's them. if not, natsuhi was my prime suspect because her alibi didn't have any witnesses but everyone else's did (if you really count grandpa and the doctor, like doc could easily say "i was with kinzo" and no one would verify that with kinzo). but then there was a scene right after from natsuhi's pov (migraine and can't sleep without meds, literally me) where she speculates who did it. so either the narrative is heavily fucking with me, it's gramps or the doctor, or it's someone with an accomplice
the narration is from battler's pov except when it's not and it's strange. it even isn't from his pov in some scenes that he's in, like the letter reading scene. this is the type of thing that could Mean Something way later but is just a little confusing sometimes right now
kyrie saying there's a contradiction in beatrice showing herself to maria but hiding from everyone else, failing to consider beatrice may be a Dramatic Bitch. i think there's probably a 19th person even if they are not necessarily a witch with magic powers
the furniture being totally able to break promises but can't disobey orders is the kind of exact words semantic sillies that umineko memes made me expect
goes w/o saying that the way the servants are treated is supremely fucked up. going to servant school and then working in the mansion at age six... george proposing to a girl that he has so much power over is lol. it's nice that umineko cares who the servants are and why they're there, and other logistical human things like how kinzo made his money and what they're all doing with it
at midnight, where was the doctor?
they drop some hints that the non-shannon, non-krauss bodies have their faces disfigured and Could be other people but that is pretty ridiculous and there's no reasons to consider that yet
i wish the LP used the doughy original art but that's the price i pay for convenience
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nyaagolor · 11 days
Now that you’ve played through all the episodes, how would you rank them?
Oooo this is tough, in part bc I like all of them a LOT. The designations between a few of them, especially in the middle category, are gonna be kinda arbitrary, but I'll do my best :)
Also this got stupid long so I put it under a readmore! Spoilers abound, as one might expect
8. Dawn of the Golden Witch (Episode 6)
I have some... mixed feelings on this one. I understand what Ryukishi was going for in using chick-Beato and Battler's interactions to parallel Battler with Kinzo and show Kinzo's dynamic with Kuwadorian Beatrice via analogy, but I also think it kinda fumbles a bit. There are points (cookie scene being a big one) where I feel like the characters take a backseat to the themes and the whole narrative feels off. Chapters 5 and 6 are supposed to be a perversion of the original story that Beatrice has lost control over, but there are points during 6 especially where I think it kinda loses itself. The rest of it is great (Erika's VA is a goddamn champion) but the very beginning of this chapter is easily my least favorite part of the series
7. Requiem of the Golden Witch (Episode 7)
I don't really have strong feelings on this episode. It would have been the high point in just about any other VN, but Umineko is so consistently fantastic that Episode 7 didn't really hit me as hard as the others. It did make me wish we got more Kyrie though, even if I know exactly why she wasn't as prominent as many of the others. Kind of insane that my second least-favorite arc is something I would rank like an 8 or 9 out of 10, Umineko is just that goated (get it???)
6. Turn of the Golden Witch (Episode 2)
While I do love watching the worst woman ever conceived have a 48 hour progressive mental breakdown, Alliance hits every point I like about the Rosa / Maria dynamic but does it better. It's still an arc I absolutely adore, so it feels weird to rank it so low, but I think about it a lot less than the other arcs so down here it goes. Shoutout to this arc for making me laugh to the point I could no longer speak not once, but twice. Kanon chuuni jacket and leashed Battler you will always be famous
5. Twilight of the Golden Witch (Episode 8)
I know that ranking episode 8 in the bottom half sounds like sacrilege but this arc had so much Kinzo and while I understand his narrative importance I Do Not Like Him. The fact that Kinzo is in the Golden Land but Kuwadorian Beatrice isn't makes me want to throw bricks at things. Other than that though, absolutely stellar. I bawled at the ending. The next day I thought about it more, misinterpreted it, and cried more, then I thought about it more deeply and talked with friends, really started to understand the core messages, and sobbed even harder. As these things tend to go. This episode ruined my life. Would recommend.
4. Legend of the Golden Witch (Episode 1)
note: 4 and 3 are interchangeable I like them both a lot for different reasons
The first time I read this episode, I thought it was great. The further I got into Umineko, the better it got. Now, with a full understanding of the plot and knowing how this chapter serves as self-reflection through the other (Sayo via Natsuhi) it serves as probably the most raw glimpse into Sayo's mindset we get. This episode ruins me and I'm pretty sure when I inevitably reread it I am going to dissolve into a puddle of goo. Also Natsuhi is there and she's my favorite of the matriarchs so I'm a little bit biased :)
3. Banquet of the Golden Witch (Episode 3)
This is one of the funniest pieces of literature I have ever read in my life. EVA-Beatrice, the entire sob story (that I, like Battler, fell for completely), the two towers fight scene... 10/10 no notes. I don't even have the words for how much I adored this one. I wish I could read it again for the first time.
2. Alliance of the Golden Witch (Episode 4)
Ok so fun fact I thought this arc was kinda boring at first, and was a little miffed I had to constantly go through Ange's little side quests when I just wanted to see Beatrice and Battler again. Fortunately, Ryukishi has a beautiful way of changing my mind very very quickly and the more I think about this Episode the more I love it. It has some of the most powerful emotional moments, a really good rehashing of the themes, and is a lot tighter and more condensed than I gave it credit for. There's a LOT that happens in this chapter, and it's been growing on me a lot-- while it doesn't take the number one spot in terms of my favorites, I do think it's the best written of the 8 episodes. As a bonus it focuses a lot on Maria who is one of the best characters ever and my darling baby angel.
End of the Golden Witch (Episode 5)
This is the platonic ideal of Umineko to me. The layers of metanarrative, the perversion of a formula to reiterate its structure, the use of genre conventions as a dual-use in-universe and metanarrative element, Erika. End of the Golden Witch is when I changed from someone who loved Umineko to someone who was obsessed with Umineko. The ending is one of the most visceral parts of the VN and I will fully admit I cried. There is so much happening in this episode I could talk about it all day. Also Natsuhi is there. Hey girlie <3
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simlit · 6 months
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Chosen of the Sun | | dawn // thirty-three
next / previous / beginning
LUCIEN: What happened back there? KYRIE: No need to worry, Your Highness. ELION: Yes. What did happen back there? KYRIE: It’s late. Let’s get everyone safely back to their rooms. KYRIE: Well, good night dear shadow. It’s been a long day, I— ELION: laughs Oh no. You’re not getting off that easy. KYRIE: You have no right to be in here. ELION: Shut up, Pet. I have every right. Your free will exists entirely on my generosity. Your darling mother gave me free reign over you, and for a moment, I could nearly feign respect. But if you show none to me, I will return in kind. KYRIE: I won’t have to tell you anything and you know it. ELION: You can try and puppet me away all you like. Do you think, in my line of work, I have not been trained to resist such things? Shall we test the strength of your magic, my lord? KYRIE: …No. ELION: Right. I can already see the strain in your eyes. I’m still willing to be your friend, unless you insist we be otherwise. So do tell me, Your Grace. What little schemes have you been plotting? KYRIE: If I’m honest with you… You swear you’ll keep this between us? ELION: It’ll be our little secret.
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stardustgalaxy · 5 months
Even more DMC headcanons~! Y’all seem to really like the ones with the reader/you involved so… why don’t we go more with that then?
(Just a whole bunch of nonsense thrown together, y’know?)
✨Let’s take a journey backwards into how Dante managed to ask you out in the most on brand way possible! He did and didn’t ask you out, but running on the assumption you’ve been friends/known each other for a while he’ll just kind of give you something expensive (let’s be honest, it’s a bracelet with a red gemstone embedded in it) and ask you this: “Can ya hang onto this?”
“Sure, but, why…?
“Isn’t it obvious? So I’m always able to find you, (Nickname)?”
✨Vergil, alas, is much less suave with his ways of asking you out, but the fact you managed to get past the icy shell of protection and get along with Dante, he’ll do something a little more romantic… by giving you a questionably expensive set of books to write in/a book has already been filled with his thoughts of you~! Man sucks with speaking, but writing is his expertise!
✨Nero, oh you sweet summer child, is the more bold of the trio! He’ll get cold feet, freak out about things going sideways, and then absolutely melt when you kiss him on the cheek when he hands you a bouquet of your favorite kind of flowers. And yes, there is indeed a single bright blue rose in there that he’ll carefully place in your hair~ Kyrie is 100% the one who suggested he do the bouquet with the rose.
✨Lady asking you out is by far the simplest of the entirety of the DMC crew, even Trish is surprised considering they both enjoy the more lavish (yet simple) sides of things. Lady is most likely the one to ask you out with you two on your classic lunch once a month, a tradition you started and she come to enjoy happening~ 100p extra if you turn the tables on her and ask her out instead, with a charming smile on your face and a quick peck on her lips!
✨It’s a wonder how Trish managed to find herself falling in love with someone, let alone you since you’re… well, you. She can’t describe it! But you’ve hung out together long enough, and if you’re a fellow hunter also slayed a few demons together, and so she figured she might as well ask you out on a date first! What she wasn’t prepared for was for you to show up looking nice with a single flower in your hand, gently placing said into the suit she decided to wear that day and saying such simple words. “You may not think much on it, but a woman as elegant and electrifying as you should wear this as well...”
✨Now for the ACTUAL headcanons:
💜Nero has a low resistance to spices, though it’s gotten better now that he moved out of Fortuna City
💜Dante, on the other hand, has a stupidly high resistance to spices and gets a little disappointed that the “spiciest thing around” is just a tickle on his tongue… have mercy upon his toilet
💜Vergil finds the concept of eating to be difficult, his sense are a bit skewed from his time split apart into two as well as time as Nelo Angelo, and thus he has the worlds slowest burning metabolism! He can go without eating a full meal for like… weeks. He will snack on small things like gummy bears and animal crackers, just so Dante and Nero get off his back about him skipping some sort of fuel. He’s gotten better at eating more consistently tho.
💜Lady has this ONE particular shade of lipstick she absolutely adores and was crushed when her favorite shop ran out of that shade, nearly punched a hole in Dante’s wall when it came to be discovered her favorite shade was discontinued due to unfortunate events… (demons)
💜Trish actually has a sour tooth! Contrary to what others may think, she prefers sour things over sweet, savory, and spicy! Go ahead, give her a sour patch kid or a warhead, she’ll snack on them all day if she could~!
💜Kyrie, believe it or not, has a secret love for some rock metal and it’s entirely Nico AND Dante’s fault! She also has a once a week little brunch hangout with Vergil to help him get more acclimated to “semi normal” life, as she is the only one who didn’t attempt to suffocate him in his sleep. (i.e gave him a scolding in a way that reminded him of Eva, so he felt comforted in a way because of it)
And that’s all the headcanons and I guess insert moments I got! Tune in next time for when I share these again… tho, I wonder if y’all would want me to make a separate lil blog for this
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actuallysaiyan · 2 years
Kinktober Day 31: Breeding(Hopelessly Devoted To You)
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warnings/kinks: mentions of pregnancy, alcohol and drinking, smut, unprotected sex, slight monster fucking, fluff, breeding pairings: Dante x Fem!Reader word count: 1k tag list: @beneathstarryskies, @ricflairdrip20, @witchofcustom, @loki-love, @xailem, @the-eternal-sunflower a/n: And here we are, at the end of another kinktober. I hope everyone enjoyed! ;) And maybe kinktober 2023 might be a thing for next year!
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Dante wanted children, but the idea actually terrified him so much. He knew it would be the ultimate act of showing you just how much he loves you, and the fruition of your love would be a baby. But damn, if he wasn’t so fucking afraid of losing you and his children, it might actually happen. Dante just couldn’t bring himself to do it, and as you spent more years married to him, you knew it was a touchy subject for him and you rarely brought it up.
Everything changed the day you told Nero you’d babysit for him. You and Dante had traveled to go out to Nero’s for a weekend, and you both agreed to watch over the kids for a couple of days. Nero and Kyrie had been planning this little outing for a while, and they trusted you to take care of their household while they would be gone. Dante wasn’t super pleased about it. He thought it wasn’t the best way to spend your time, but he did appreciate that you were always willing to lend a hand to people.
It struck him all at once, especially when he saw you taking care of the youngest member of the family. The baby was only a few months old. You were so motherly with the child, and Dante couldn’t help but notice just how kind and patient you were with everyone. All the children found such comfort within you. They came to you to play, or help them with things. You’d give them nutritious meals and tuck them in at night. And this made Dante so excited.
The weekend had gone much better than Dante had anticipated. The children were practically begging you not to leave when their parents got back. Nero and Kyrie came back looking so relaxed, and they couldn’t thank you enough. The way home seemed long and you were exhausted, so Dante knew he had to give you time before he would enact his plan.
A few days after you get home, it’s a slow afternoon. There’s no calls for the two of you to go out hunting. So Dante realizes this is the perfect opportunity for the both of you. It starts off fairly innocently with him offering to give you a drink and a massage. How could you possibly refuse such a kind offer?
Dante gets you settled on the couch, and he begins with your shoulders. You sip on the drink he’s made for you and listen to the music coming from the jukebox. Everything about this is so romantic. It makes you feel so loved. His large hands soothe and knead the knots from your muscles. His calloused fingers feel so good on your soft skin. He presses the softest and most loving kisses all over your neck and jawline. You let out a moan and it goes straight to his cock.
Eventually, he can’t hold back. The more he massages you, and the more you drink, he knows he needs to have you. Dante presses you against the sofa, and you spread your thighs for him. You’re feeling so aroused from all the massages and the drinks. Your lips meet in a sloppy kiss and Dante ruts against you. The two of you begin to grind against one another.
“I need to fuck you so badly,” he mumbles against your lips. “Wanna fuck a baby into you.”
You gasp at his words. He’s never really said anything like this to you before. Not even during roleplay. It usually just wasn’t something that popped up and you knew that this subject was so difficult for Dante. But now, you look into his eyes and you can see how dark they are with lust. It’s clearly something he’s been thinking about for a while.
“Been thinking about you having my baby for so long. Ever since I saw you with Nero’s kids. You’re so good with kids,”
Dante begins undressing you so quickly and so desperately. It feels so good in so many ways to have him want you like this. For the first time, Dante was showing interest in having children. He kisses you sloppily and hungrily. His hips rut into you, and soon you’re both naked and left breathless. You’re panting as Dante uses the tip of his cock to tease your wet slick.
“I’ve never wanted anything more in my life,” he says as he begins to slip into you. He presses a passionate kiss to your lips.
As your tongues tangle together sensually, Dante begins thrusting into you. His hips snap quicker and rougher as the lust grows within him. He keeps moaning and growling. It’s so animalistic, and so raw and rough. You can only cling to him and let him fuck you so hard. The sounds of your skins slapping together fills the room, drowning out the rock song coming from the jukebox. 
“I want you to be pregnant. I need to breed you,” Dante growls. He presses a rough kiss to your lips before leaning down to nip at your neck.
“Please,” you whine. “Breed me, daddy.”
Something inside of him snaps when you use that name for him. He pushes your legs to your chest and he gets you to hold them there. Then you watch as red sparks of energy pop in the air as Dante summons the energy to trigger. You’ve never done anything like this before, but you know that he has always wanted to try it. Soon, this large scaly devil is on top of you instead of your gorgeous, loving husband.
“Dante,” you mutter as you try to come to terms with this. “What’s going on?”
He growls gently, “Gonna breed you.”
Without another word, he presses himself on top of you even more. From a slit in the scaly armor is his large cock. You’ve never seen it before, and you have to admit you’re intimidated. But when you hear him moan your name in his distorted voice, you know that this is still the man you love so truly. He presses the tip of his cock into your wet hole, he waits patiently for you to coax him to continue.
And when you do, you know he’ll breed you. 
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batbeato · 2 months
If it’s alright to ask, what are your headcanons for what Battler got up to during his six year absence?
I love answering headcanon questions, dw anon --
I've always thought that his grandparents lived in a town/city that was smaller or more quiet. Not super rural or urban, but not a place with a lot of traffic, or big skyscrapers. They're not overly wealthy people, firmly middle class, so they have enough to live comfortably in retirement, but maybe not enough to really spoil Battler and he might even strain their funds a tiny bit, so Rudolf chips in secretly. They dislike Rudolf for cheating on their daughter, but they're not prideful enough to decline his money (he deserves to lose so much more).
It's noted in canon that Battler didn't really care about school until a teacher slapped him in middle school. I feel like he might have become a delinquent otherwise. Overall he doesn't really care about academics but still puts some effort in to pass his classes. He probably plays a sport (Ryukishi says his favorite is dodgeball) and hangs out a lot with the other guys after school. I can imagine him being a really popular guy.
With girls, i think he did date, but he didn't really click with anyone and saw it as really casual or more like friendship leading up to love, which broke a lot of girls' hearts. He also isn't good at noticing hidden feelings/intentions, which broke even more hearts. I headcanon him as demisexual.
I think Battler prefers coffee to tea, and that's caused by his grandparents, who are the same. (Compared to the Ushiromiyas who drink tea all the time.)
He probably didn't see Ange much during this period, but occasionally would see her and Kyrie without Rudolf present. He did show up to at least one birthday, going by canon, but it seems like it was a rare thing? He wanted to be a good big brother to Ange but he also had a lot of anger towards Rudolf, so it balances out to seeing her once in a while and not attending family events (with Rudolf) too often.
I also have thoughts about an AU where Virgilius is Battler's senpai in high school, but that's getting off topic, I think... Overall that period of his life is a great way to put in some things. I really wish we knew more about it...
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fruitbasketball · 4 months
nba playoffs recap 5/24
hi guys sorry am not doing the pacers celtics bc the hali injury just made me sad and it lowk doesn’t even feel worth to comment on the rest of the game
ant baby what is going ON honey just talk to me!! okay here’s what we’re gonna do - give me the 3 ball and fucking DRIVE. fake d live out at the CUP bro get the FUCK AWAY FROM THE PERIMETER. KAT has a better shot from 3 than you right now bro please ant please i’m begging you please
jaden hardy. who the fuck do you think you are. box doesn’t show this, but the way this man drove to the basket and tried to lay it in you would think this boy kyrie. HE NOT THO!! matter of fact, he shares a court with kyrie. so next time naz reid is in front of you and rudy gobitch is behind you, go ahead and KICK IT TO KAI and let HIM take care of business.
speaking of naz reid - never attempt that fucking 360 again! that shit was fucking atrocious. FUCKING atrocious. you’re not luka buddy!
the twolves needa get it together. wtf are y’all DOING blowing a lead like that. y’all need to take this shit to game 7 bro i need 7 games of this and i need to put off viewing the celtics for as long as fucking possible.
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ginsakatoki · 2 years
Hello! May I please request headcanons for Dante realising he has a crush on reader, who is a new addition to DMC crew and fellow devil hunter? How would he act around them? Would he try and act on his feelings or keep it to himself? And how others (Vergil, Nero, Lady) would react to the whole thing?
Thank you!
Hello there! Thanks for being the first person to send a request on this blog. This is my first time writing headcanons and it probably came out more as a scenario, also i added Nico, hope you don't mind. Enjoy!
Dante Realizing He Has a Crush
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gif by @rainbow-cadenza
Being devil hunters you met during a mission: both of you got the same request from different people and as Dante was approaching the demon, he found you already there.
His first instict was to fight alone and, being the obnoxiously loud man he is, he started a scene. However, with you being almost as stubborn as he is, he shifted into a more cocky behavior.
"Alright, alright hotstuff. Show me what you got"
Needless to say, that demon was short lived.
The first time this happened he shrugged it off as a coincidence and left without really speaking much. But what happened once, happened twice. Then three times, and four, until he could no longer deny the evidence that you two seemed to meet everywhere and that you were, indeed, a good team.
He would deny his attraction and interest towards you and try to act casual.
"You know you should come to Devil May Cry. I mean. Since we meet so often and all we might as well work together".
It was when you entered the building and Dante introduced you as a new member of Devil May Cry that everyone started being suspicious and alert of Dante. He had never brought anyone to join the crew so everyone, especially Vergil, assumed that you were a particularly strong hunter or that you had demonic blood.
With some time (not even that much, really) everyone realized that Dante had a crush and that he'd brought you in just to be around you more. It was painfully obvious, except for you two apparently.
He always tried to be around you and whenever you had a mission he found an excuse to come with because "Oh I have a mission near that town, let's go on my bike".
It's an excuse to have you cling onto him but he won't admit that.
It isn't really that he purposely denies his feelings, he is just very emotionally constipated. While he always jokes and worries about others, he always has trouble understanding his own feelings and has internalized that a relationship is too much of a pain to handle or that people just don't want him that way.
It didn't stop him from shamelessly flirting everytime he could though. His behavior would constantly leave you wondering if he had a crush on you or if he was just an idiot.
He would flirt a lot, yes, but his interest would be most obvious in the simple gestures, like casually grabbing something from a high shelf if you're short or suggesting the best ways to take care of your weapons.
Lady and Nico made bets all over the place.
Nico: I bet 10 bucks Dante will share a pizza with them.
Lady, shaking her head: Don't underestimate Dante's love for pizza, he won't share.
In a way, they both won the bet. Dante did not share his own pizza but he did order one for you with his own money. Which is basically the same thing for him.
Nero was so confused at first. It seemed obvious to him that you both were interested in each other (it reminded a lot of himself and Kyrie back in the days) and stared at you two interact like a disappointed coach.
"What the hell are you doing Dante, just ask them out!"
Vergil would be even more confused than Nero, (he's an expert at not taking the hint when it comes to relationships) so he would think something among the lines "My idiot brother is acting even more like an idiot ever since that hunter came in"
Despite his loud personality, Dante is a shy and insecure lover so it would take him a lot of time before asking you out. The final push would be Nero having a pep talk encouraging him to do it.
In the end, when he does ask you out, Devil May Cry is filled with "Finally!", "Took you long enough old man!" and 10 dollar bills flowing around like nothing happened.
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Thank you for reading this, I hope you enjoyed. I had lots of fun writing this one so feel free to let me know what you think about it. If you have any other request, ask away and don't be shy! Also, should you be interested in my works, let me know if you want me to tag you.
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desiderium-eden · 3 months
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"Father. With how many engagements and alliances have been made recently, I believe we should open the borders. Host an event to improve our standing with other nations. Or better cement those with ones we're already on good terms with."
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"Hm... There's a reason, we aren't a tourist nation though. The Hunting period is still active. I can't imagine many would find such an invitation appealing. Plus, with the missing animulla case still unsolved, would it be wise to invite people here?"
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"...." Heavy sigh..... "You could show off Noah's cuteness, Father."
"Kyrie has won over many foreign friends while traveling with her mother. Does Noah not also deserve many friends who would love and adore him? Send him presents and wish nothing but the best for him?"
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