#kyoshiro imagine
lale-txt · 1 year
In your dreams, the two of you are free from these burdens. No more hushed voices, no more playing hide and seek, no more wounds from the past that get torn open over and over again. It's just the two of you, basking in the sunlight, dreaming underneath the cherry blossoms. It's a life in the absence of fear, dreaming of more than just a brighter tomorrow. A life where you could hold Denjiro’s hand without worries, where you didn’t have to let go of him, ever. A life where you could simply be.
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a/n: one of the fics i've written for @op-xreader-zine (´⌣`ʃƪ) writing for Denjiro always has me swooning, he just has my whole heart. and the cherry on top is the cutest spot art by @tardiiart hehe!
word count: 1k
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Tick. Tick. Tick.
Your eyes dart to the clock at the wall over and over again. He’s been gone for hours now and even though you knew you had nothing to worry about, your heart just wouldn’t keep quiet. Even after all these years, these thoughts would still crawl over you. What if he's found out? What if they saw right through his disguise? What if he didn't return safe and sound this time?
What if…
You let out a long sigh and rub your eyes. The darker the night, the more your thoughts wander off. When you close your eyes you can almost hear Denjiro’s soft chuckle and feel his soft kisses placed on your temples, taking away all your sorrows with the mere touch of his lips. His presence alone is enough to sweep your worries away in an instant.
The warmth of the kotatsu is making you sleepy. An empty cup of tea and a book are sprawled out in front of you on the table, together with a plate of half-peeled oranges that fill the room with a subtle citrus aroma. The oil lamp flickers and dips the whole room in soft shades of red and yellow. Your eyelids start feeling heavy. It surely wouldn’t hurt to close them, just for a minute or two…
Just a little longer until you can dance under the crescent moon of a free Wano again.
You sigh softly, your head resting on the wooden top of the kotatsu. The half-peeled orange rolls from the palm of your hand as you slowly drift off. It isn't the first time you've fallen asleep like that, waiting for Denjiro to come home to you. Something inside of you simply refuses to go to bed without him, no matter how many times he tells you that it’s fine, that he’ll be there in the morning. But the bed is cold and empty without him, so you’d rather stay up past midnight until you can hear his footsteps on the floor outside again.
Over the past few years you haven’t spent more than a few hours apart. You’re always side by side, never getting tired of each other. Even more, you could feel your heart yearning for Denjiro whenever he was out for one of the banquets that he dreaded so much, or for his nightly raids in the disguise of the thief Ushimitsu Kozo, robbing the filthy rich to give back at least something to the suffering citizens of Wano. Hidden in the shadows of the night and new names, the both of you did the best you could to fight for a liberated Wano.
In your dreams, the two of you are free from these burdens. No more hushed voices, no more playing hide and seek, no more wounds from the past that get torn open over and over again. It's just the two of you, basking in the sunlight, dreaming underneath the cherry blossoms. It's a life in the absence of fear, dreaming of more than just a brighter tomorrow. A life where you could hold Denjiro’s hand without worries, where you didn’t have to let go of him, ever. A life where you could simply be.
You hear a gentle, low voice calling out your name.
Just a little longer.
A warm hand on the small of your back, a veil of long blue hair falling over you, a barely there breath on your bare skin.
Please, let me dream just a little longer.
Soft kisses cover the back of your neck as a strong pair of arms wrap around you.
You blink slowly, your consciousness dancing on the blurred lines between dreams and reality. The soft voice of your loved one calls out for you, gently pulling you back from the land of slumber into his arms.
“Welcome home, my love,” you mumble, resting your head against Denjiro’s broad chest, letting him caress your cheek with his big hands. In between those palms is the safest place on Earth; you’d place your beating, aching heart in there if you could.
“Let’s get you to bed, hm?”
And just like that he scoops you up in his arms, gently, as if you were made of glass. You are too tired and too lovesick to protest; instead you sink deeper into his embrace, enjoying the feeling of safety and adoration wrapping around like a warm blanket. Denjiro chuckles softly when he notices the smile curling on your lips. Leaning down, he places a soft kiss on your forehead.
A few moments later you’re in your dimly lit chambers, the faint smell of peeled oranges still lingering in the air. Denjiro gently puts you down on the futon and throws a heavy blanket over you, tucking you in before he lays down besides you, propping himself up on one elbow, his head resting on his hand as he watches you with his fox eyes, his gaze dripping with love.
You turn around so you could lay on your side, snuggling against his broad chest and letting him wrap an arm around you to pull you closer to him. Both your hearts beat in unison.
“I dreamt about you,” you whisper, tracing your fingertips from his neck down to his collarbones. “Dreamt about us. How we’re gonna watch the cherry blossoms fall one day, catching them in our open palms.”
Denjiro hums quietly and pulls you closer to him, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck.
“Told you, didn’t I? That I’d always find you, even in your dreams. I gave you a promise… and I intend to keep it for as long as the sun and the stars watch over us.” Denjiro lets out a soft sigh as he also falls asleep, holding you tight as if he never wants to let you go. “For as long as the cherry blossoms will bloom year after year, so will my love for you.”
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(spot art by @tardiiart ♡)
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trashytoastboi · 3 months
🌸Denjiro Masterlist🌸
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🌸 Fluff Alphabet: Denjiro – E, F, O
🌸 Headcanons: Denjiro, Kanjuro – Comforting a partner who has been feeling more depressed because of stress
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rnakamura22 · 2 years
Love That Bloomed in Hell 1
I talked about this and finally put it into Words!!! Please excuse me for bad Writing...
It was a typical day for Denjiro, during the 20 years which was destined for him to wait. Wait for his comrades to come into the future, conduct the raid and defeat Kaido, the greatest wish of his deceased master.  20 years of pain, misery, agony, and patience.  His master’s daughter, Hiyori was forced to become an Oiran to fool Orochi, the enemy that killed her mother and father. What disgrace for the princess of the Kozuki Clan!  He had nothing more than hate for Orochi, Kaido, and his minions.  Unknown to him, there is a person that is about to come into his life, that would change how he sees his country.
“Big Boss Kyoshiro!” a voice of a woman drove him back to reality from his domain of his thoughts. “What is it?”  He turned his eye which led him to look outside the window.  “We found a girl lying outside the shop!” “She’s unconscious and thin as a stick! Poor little thing.. she looks cute, but she’s in bad shape...” two of the servants in his brothel were outside, and the older one was carrying a girl who looked no more than 5 years old. Her kimono was black, but it was ripped to shreds in several places, and barefoot with numerous cuts on her foot. She had short (h/c) hair, which was cut unevenly, and her legs were thin as a tree branch with a bad burn that he could see from afar, and yet her skin was milky white similar to snow.  Little did Denjiro know of what waited for him in the future with this girl, unknown to everyone carried the blood of the villain that ruled Wano.
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lawbin-archive · 4 months
Lawbin Wano Analysis Part 1 - Because it's you
Finally, we reached to Wano *clapping*. I have been reading a lot of lawbin fanfics that I think I have a lot of bias in these scenes now so please don't expect I'll be rational in this analysis.
highlighted in purple are my delulu~
Again, don't read if you don't like Lawbin. Includes lots of bias.
Chapter 927 - 955: Who told you?
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I might read too deep into this, but I think Law and Robin somehow kept communication through out the Wano arc. When Kyoshiro's henchmen ruined Sanji's soba stall and the straw hats fought back, only Robin, Sanji, Usopp and Franky knew about it. Franky was busy looking for Onigashima's map and Sanji probably won't be the one who told Law. That left Usopp and Robin, and Robin is the one who's aware the fact that Kyoshiro family probably is dangerous to mess with.
So when Law found Sanji and tell him to hide, I'm like how did he know? o_o Of course, it might be Usopp or others told Kin'emon and he told Law or the news spread to the whole Wano (the timing is quite short), Law found it dangerous so he came to find Sanji, there are countless other possibilities. But I just felt like in this situation, Robin is the one who knew Kyoshiro is dangerous, she being the one who told Law is making the most sense.
so my non-rational logic is: Law knew Hawkins is here -> tell Robin to be careful -> Robin told him about Sanji and Franky fought with Kyoshiro -> they figured out it might attract Hawkins (he knew straw hats identity) -> Law went to find Sanji and Franky
But at the end, it might just be plot convenience that I read too deep into it haha.
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When sanji said "We can't have that!! It'll put Nami and Robin in danger!!", I'm like Law is it that's why you went to save them hehe
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I have been saying a multiple time haha, but I'm not tired to say it again. Robin is the one who assumed Road Poneglyph in Onigashima, but Law is the one who went to search for it?! Oda please show us exactly how many times Law and Robin communicate in Wano?!
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Urgh they will look so good in kimono together!! Oda really robbed us!! and he also didn't let us see Law in the Beast Pirates outfit q-q
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personally my least favorite female character in Wano is definitely Shinobu...and I don't think I need to explain it at all lol that woman need to apologize to Law.
When Kin'emon said he didn't heard back from Law, I actually have this headcanon that Robin knew where he is all along. Again there are lots of ways that how did Law's crew (also Kidd's crew) know the new location of meet up (only Wano people knew and it updated after Law get caught by Hawkins), but in my headcanon, Robin told him. I don't have anything to prove it, just my imagination haha
Law is just so kind, even though Shinobu doubted him, he still let the samurais plan on his ship, still offer to help them land on the island and still offer to plan their raid. He doesn't let anyone talk bad about his crew and he rather sacrificed himself than seeing them get tortured. He's just so kind and that's why he's my favorite T-T but i really wish he won't have to sacrifice himself anymore :(
Chapter 996: Because it's you
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Omg this scene, I don't know how long I will yap about this, but this scene is so important! There are only few panels of lawbin but you can learned a lot from just by these panels!
First of all, I saw some people misunderstand this scene happened in Zou, (I thought this happen in Zou before too) but I realize this actually happens in Wano. The building behind is the same ruins as Oden's castle, (can check chapter 919), so from Zou to Wano, Law and Robin must develop some kind of relationship or friendship that Law trust her enough to say his full name (including the hidden name).
Some people might say Law told Baby 5 and Buffalo too, yes but he only told Robin VOLUNTARILY. If he only want to get information about D, he can ONLY tell her that he's D. Like what he did to Sengoku and Doflamingo.
To know the actual meaning of his hidden name, I actually did some research with the japanese text. So in japanese
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Law said "おれの本当の名は-" (my true name is-)
Robin asked "隠し名なの?", (Is it your hidden name? (or ailas))
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And in chapter 763, we learnt D. is hidden name 隠し名 and Water is imina 忌み名, I don't know a proper translation for imina, so I will just write as it is. Law said: 「D」は隠し名「ワーラル」は忌み名で...ウチの家族は代々... 隠し名 Hidden name A name given to others to prevent people from knowing their real name. Pseudonym. source: https://kotobank.jp/word/%E9%9A%A0%E3%81%97%E5%90%8D-460287
忌み名 Imina ① A title given after death based on achievements made during life. Okurina. ②The deceased person's name while alive. Real name. ③The real name of a person of high status. source: https://www.kanjipedia.jp/kotoba/0001197600
I actually used google translate lol but I read multiple websites about it, and they have given similar explanation. so I assumed "Trafalgar Law" is the name he used to cover his real name which is "Trafalgar D. Water Law".
Imina have three meanings, since Law didn't fit the first two explanation, so it falls to the third one. He also said the imina is passed through generations in his family. That's why a lot of people assumed that Law might be a descendant of nobles in the ancient kingdom. There are also theories about Vivi's family probably have the same imina, because "Water" also fit in Nefertari D. (Water) Lily. source: https://x.com/writingpanini/status/1746189490425651375
What I'm trying to say is Law really trust Robin a lot to be able to reveal his full name to her. The D itself is already dangerous enough, of course there are two "D"s worked in the marine but Garp is powerful himself (he doesn't listen to WG anyways) and Saul is a giant himself too. If WG have a chance, they will probably get rid the D clan as much as possible.
And on top of that, Law might be a descendant of a noble from the D clan and there must be a critical reason why his family want to hide this name all along, so if the WG knew about it, it might be more dangerous for him. So I think Law only tell his true name to people that he fully trusted with.
I also saw a person brought up "Tales from Earthsea" from Studio Gihibli, in the movie, everything have a true name, and you shouldn't let others to know your true name because you will get controlled by the person who know your real name and put yourself in a voluntary state. source: https://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q13229352463?__ysp=44GL44GP44GX44Gq Edit: just saw a reblog that Tales from Earthsea is written by an American author Ursula K. Le Guin. Really sorry for the misinformation ><! I will add more references, in "Spirited Away", the story is focus on true name, at the end, Haku found his true name and he becomes free. In "Natsume's Book of Friends", if you know the monster's true name you can control it. And in "Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle", sakura and syaoran they fall in love and saved each other, and only at the end, they exchanged their real name. Telling your true name is really important in japnese culture, it's almost means you're giving yourself to the person (But only depends on the context, sometimes it's implied)
It proves that revealing your true name is an important thing. So I think a lot of people really ignored the fact that Law really must trust Robin a lot to tell her his full name.
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I have also seen someone said that Law and Robin are talking very casually here (Japanese have honorific and different ways to talk with others) like even some couple won't talk causally like that. I don't really know japanese so I actually did try to do some research on it but I really can't figure it out lol
When Law said "You're the only one I would tell this" also can translate as "I told you because it's you" omg >< Law isn't an expressive person so if he said something like that, he really do like Robin a lot in my opinion. Again, if he only want to know if Robin knows anything about D, he can just ask directly. He doesn't need to tell her his true name as well as saying something ambiguous like this :p
And don't you guys think they don't need to explain a lot during their conversation? Like Law only told Robin his true name and she can tell what's his intention. And she also tell him she's interested in the same thing! I actually think Robin must be really happy that someone can go find the poneglyph with her and share her findings. Learning void century and the will of D is always prohibited, so it must be really rare for Robin to find someone that she can tell him “I'm interesting with the same thing!” That's one of the reasons why I like lawbin so much.
And the rest of the conversation, to me, it's almost imply that they can do this together and discussing how to achieve it.
Not to also mention that Robin is surrounded by D clan in her life, Luffy is her captain, Saul is her savior, Dragon is her leader during time skip (+ he's Luffy's dad) and Law is her alliance. I think Law might become more important to her in the future hehe :D
Chapter 1031: learning history
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I'm actually surprise Law will use the word "history" here, because if we read it more directly in chapter 996, he just want to learn "the meaning of D" and his checkered fate. (history is rather implied) Although the will of D is also part of the history, I would say learning his fate and a meaning is really more like a present thing? Oda can just use "learn about my fate" would be a more direction expression, so is he hinting something here? Or Law have been talking to Robin so much that he want to learn the history too? haha
But again, I think I might just read too deep into this. I'm happy Law want to learn history too! So he can learn with Robin together hehe :p
That's it for now! I will leave 1055 for next time, @luffys-holy-chanclas's post have already wrote most of my thoughts out haha and it's really detailed!!! so I will definitely try to keep it short next time! Also hopefully we can see Law before I write my next post T^T Thank you for reading this super long post again!!
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awrittertanuki · 2 months
Sasaki as a single father (reupload)
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I apologies in advance for my bad grammar. I never did one until this one. I did this back june first like a father's day thing and It was mostly for fun and comfort myself as I get sick in that moment(I'm feeling good no worry :')) yeah so it wasn't at my best week 😅
Anyway I'm not here to talk about my life 🙃
It's not really good but hopes you enjoy this anyway
Note: the child mentioned is gender neutral(so you can imagine a son or a daugther or simply stay neutral) and about 5 Y/O, the mother estranged to the child. You can give critics(but don't be too rude please but honest but stay kind thanks)
Sasaki has a child and stay with them most of time in The beast pirates crew. The child follows their father almost everywhere. Despite his personality and his intimidating Apparence sasaki care a lot about his child. And shown to be kind with his child, but stay strict toward them
Sasaki shown to be very protective toward his child. He panic when they aren't around with him or when someone approaching them. Sasaki turn into his triceratops form to protect them it is like he had a parental instinct to tell him to protect his precious one. While his child is sad sasaki try to cheer them up as much he can even if he isn't the best at cheer up, usually sasaki let the child riding his back as a triceratops. Or sasaki bring the child's favorite food
Sasaki doesn't spoil too much, his child. but he does suprise them sometimes to make them happy. Like giving them sweets or toys
Sasaki has a lot of trust issues to leave his child to someone else. Yet somes beast pirates member or kyoshiro propose to keep his child for him. Sasaki stay mistrust about it but accept. sometimes somes beast pirates member or kyoshiro play with the little kid for sasaki to rest or doing his tobiroppo duty when he doesn't have time to be with his child
When Sasaki playing with his child. He let them ride his triceratops back. Or tell stories to them. Often talk about his travel as pirate or read books to them
In night the child do everything to stay awake but always end up to sleep. While sasaki take them to put them to sleep the child has a habit to sleep on their father's belly like it was a pillow. Sasaki hold his child on his hands and as they're small they hold on one hand. Sasaki smile seeing his child sleeping peacefully with him meanwhile other beast pirates crewmates were spying on sasaki behind the door and were touched by the adorable scene. Sasaki felt annoyed and embarrassed too that they're spy him and his child. But he try to ignore them hoping they won't stay too long time.
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loosesodamarble · 4 months
Ooo more you say 👀? May I ask again for 3, 4, and 5 for the Oto-may ask game please 🥰?
Yay~! More questions for me to answer and talk about!
3) Funny moment
Okay, I want to share not just a funny moment. But by far the funniest moment I've encountered across the otomes I've played because. Buckle up folks is it a weird one!
Our scene takes place in Winter's Wish: Spirits of Edo.
In this world, everyday items can take on human forms as Formfolk/Vessels (the difference doesn't matter for now). One of these tools-turned-humans is the love interest Ohtaro.
And then we have our heroine, Suzuno. She has special powers that let her see emotions and purify monsters born of negative emotions. In Ohtaro, she also gains the ability to see into someone's past by performing intimate acts.
Suzuno gets some flashbacks and figures out that Ohtaro is connected to her mother (he was a belonging of the mother's). And so to learn the full truth, she finds Ohtaro in a field and just...
Goes for the kiss, right then and there.
And the thing is, the flashback lasts as long as the kiss does. The text of the game outright says that Suzuno "comes back to reality" and she's still kissing Ohtaro when that happens. So my brain now has the image of Suzuno and Ohtaro making out sloppy style just so Suzuno can learn about her mom.
That alone is funny enough.
But it gets funnier because...
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Now Kyoshiro likely means that the team has been watching Suzuno and Ohtaro's interactions for the past several days. But I also imagine that they followed Suzuno to the field and saw her and Ohtaro making out for who knows how long.
They just let it happen and only stepped in after they were done making out down memory lane.
4) Most annoying character
Not to hate a child character... But Ru from Variable Barricade can shut up. I'm trying to focus on Shion being a loving and doting suitor and then Ru comes barreling in like "senpai! Please help me get hired by the photographer that you used to model for!"
I know the kid wants to be famous and is trying to network. But goodness gracious, why must he be present in the route? I still don't get why he's there. I think the route could function just fine since Hibari can still insist that Shion go back to his old job and he can make a drama of it. ALL WITHOUT THE CHILD THERE!
But no. I have to put up with the kid.
It's not that I don't like child characters who appear in otomes. I adore Nadia (Virche Evermore) and Kariya (Cafe Enchante). But maybe it's because Nadia is literally integral to Lucas's life while Kariya consistently involves himself in every route. And then Ru is a random internet celebrity showing up in Shion's route and it's so ugh to me.
5) Sad moment
Hngh... (sniffles and wipes tears) Lucas... My man... He's abso-fucking-lutely hated by the writers because WHY CAN'T HE BE HAPPY?!?!?!?
The scene where the story flashes back to Lucas's past... Oof. Lucas ran away from home with his sister Nadia when he was 14 and her 4. She was sick and on the verge of death. No doctor could figure it out. Most agreed she was doomed to die. And the siblings' parents figured that the only way to let her live would be to clone her which... is a problem for various reasons.
So Lucas just picks up little Nadia and walks off with her, desperate to find help anywhere. They get caught in the rain and Lucas laments how he and his baby sister can't live normal lives. That the conditions of their birth were a cruel trial from God.
It's really not fair knowing that all Lucas wanted for him and his sister was a normal life and since the very beginning, all they really had was each other. Not even their parents had their backs.
It breaks my heart...
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fallensnowfan · 1 year
More 1063 posting!
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I love this goofy power point presentation of Momo’s/Yama’s struggle to stop the Flower Capital from being destroyed. For the rest of the arc, most of what they do is watch the finale of Luffy and Kaido’s battle, so yeah their stories during the raid are tied off here as far as I’m concerned.
Much of it being narrated, Momo being given an simpler task that is just right for his skill level, and the paper thin excuse of an armory being in the basement to keep Yamato’s story both tied to Wano and in the background, present the two’s stories as a side thing, and keep the spotlight on the actual main characters of the play/act. Luffy and those involved in the samurai rescue!
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Look at Hamlet go! His lines here are so freakin’ on the nose, I love it. What do they mean for Kiku’s story in the big picture though?! No matter what, she’s very ready for a future beyond what her role in Wano can offer.
Apart from that, I think it’s clear that Kaido’s mindset in-universe, as well as Onigashima’s structure, follow a pretty typical shonen battle progression. In terms of action/adventure manga stories, both are pretty outdated by this point. And Oda does some very clever things with that. Love how we show that the Straw Hats and Kiku are moving on from it or are beyond that now.
Seeing Hamlet be with Tama and other Gifters at the party makes me so happy. I’m unreasonably excited to see the colors of everyone’s party kimonos when they anime gets there, but we have a azure dragon and ghastly oiran to defeat, a fire to put out, and an island to land first.
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Wano characters are so pretty and cool, near flawless hair and make up, in spite of everything. On aesthetics alone Izo and Kiku, Mihawk, Hina, Praline, and Kyoshiro are my favorite designs in the series.
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All we really know about where Izo was before Marco and Neko picked him up, is that he had access to news/newspapers, as he was keeping up with the Straw Hat’s exploits in the New World, knowing Usopp’s alias and such. Also though, he was keeping in shape it seems. 🔥
I imagine Whitebeard’s ship had a gym on it, and Izo clearly spent a lot of time there.
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myonepiece · 3 years
I saw that you made an order where the pair discover that their s / o has hummingbird wings or angel wings, with Zoro, Mihwak and Kyoshiro. please.
S/O has hummingbird wings
W/ Zoro, Mihawk, and Kyoshiro/Denjiro
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-He couldn't care less about what you look like, honestly, unless you're a sword or possibly Mihawk
-He'll give a quick look over, observing all of the different colors and the way they look when hit with the light
-When you're laying together or just sitting near each other he'll just trail his fingers lightly over your wings, he does the same when he's going to nap because it's kind of like counting sheep or one of those things you do to sleep
-Besides that there's really nothing else
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-He finds it quite fascinating, hummingbirds have always been interesting and entertaining to him
-He likes they way your wings have the same traits as the actual birds, the way they move so rapidly and look like a blur of colors
-He likes all of the different colors and the way your wings have a sort of metallic look
-He likes how they're sensitive, when he lightly pokes the area where they connect to your back you shudder and your wings flutter a bit, he finds it amusing
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-He gets excited around his S/O, he can get pretty giddy and energetic
-So he pesters you a lot, poking your wings (carefully because he doesn't want to hurt you), blowing on them, grabbing them (again carefully) and moving them himself like they do when you fly
-I am very confident that he'll ask you to take him flying, at first he just jumped onto you but you couldn't hold his 10' ass especially when you weren't ready so you ended up holding him under his arms and he dangled there while you flew with him
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doctorgerth · 3 years
Hi could irequest fluff prompt 8 squishing cheeks with a female partner for Denjiro Izo or Kuzan one of these cutues giving their girl a hard time play teasing with her? I think it be a cute prompt for anyone one of them lolThank you
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a/n: yayyyy I can now post headers with Denjiro without having to tag as spoilers lmao this one didn’t end up as teasing as I’m sure you wanted, but I hope there’s still enough cuteness to make up for it 🥺 also bless u for requesting this man bc he has my whole heart ❤️ it’s long and choppy bc I kept getting carried away and had to condense once again ahsjdbe I’m sorry
prompt: BOX A - ⑻ Squishing the other’s cheeks
pairing: Denjiro x F!Reader
warnings: underlying angst, but mostly fluff | mentions of Denjiro’s other identities
word count: ~510
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Ushimitsu Kozo hides in the alley to remove his bandana and drapes his exhausted body with the blue cape. Kyoshiro silently approaches your door, remaining in the shadows so no late night passerbys could see the yakuza boss sneaking into your home.
The physical and mental strains of the witching hours always lead them home to you.
He reaches into his pocket, fumbling to find the spare key you had granted him what seems like yesterday, and makes a quick haste in unlocking your door and stepping inside. He’s quiet as he leaves his shoes at the door, tired feet tiptoeing to your bedroom as he navigates your home through the dark with ease. When he arrives at your bedroom door, he’s surprised to see a dim light illuminating through the cracks of it.
Gently, he pushes it open, well aware of the obnoxious creak it makes when one is not too careful with it. He doesn’t intend on waking you, but you immediately stir as he crouches underneath the door frame and makes his way in.
“Denji?” You call out, rubbing at your eyes as you sit up to look at him.
He smiles wide at your sweet voice, “What are you doing awake, darling?” He walks over to turn off the lamp you left on for him before untying his hair, shedding his clothes, and discarding them haphazardly on the floor.
You yawn, settling back under the covers as he sluggishly joins you in the futon. “I was waiting on you.”
Your arms are quick to embrace him as he lays beside you. He chuckles as you sigh contentedly against his broad chest and he welcomes you in his hold. Swearing your tender touch alone could heal all of him.
“I missed you.” You breathe out as sleep threatens to claim you fully now that he is beside you. “It’s hard to sleep without you.”
He places a chaste kiss at the top of your head, heart pounding at your drowsy confession. “I know it, love. But I’m here now, so sleep.”
“But I don’t wanna,” you whine with a defined pout, “I haven’t seen you all day and I want to-“
Before you can finish, Denjiro has your soft cheeks pinned between his large fingers, ultimately squishing them together and jutting out your lips until you look like a fish. An unbearably adorable fish whose charm would surely be the death of him.
“You know, you’re cute when you pout,” he grins, “but you’re even cuter like this.” He can feel your cheeks heat up underneath his touch.
“And you’re cutest when you say my name. By Oden, what am I going to do with you?”
“Lovwe me forweva?”
His heart stops, your doe eyes sparkling with adoration under the light of the full moon peeking through your window. Before you can crumble his demeanor any further, he kisses your puckered lips and releases your cheeks to tuck you back into him, hoping you don’t catch the pathetically lovestruck look on his face as he holds you tightly.
“I intend to.”
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madlymiho · 4 years
Roll the dice! 😋 Kyoshiro, SFW!!
Yeaaaaah 😤❤️ I'm definitely happy to write about Kyoshiro, he needs love 😤💙
You're among the few who sent me SFW requests 😂 Hope you'll enjoy it!
"Massage arms"
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Kyoshiro :
It has been a long and rough day. Both of you have been busy, and even if you wanted to spend some time together, unfortunately, your various duties have prevented you from seeing each other. Even if he shouldn’t be home that early, well, Kyoshiro decided that it was enough work for the day. If he hides his feelings in his daily life, to protect you, and the nature of your relationship, as soon as Kyoshiro steps into the house, his real personality comes back to the light. 
“Tired?” He asks while he turns down the cup of sake you’re pouring him. After all you know he likes to drink during his meeting… Perhaps he needs one right now, after such a long day? “No, no.” He confirms while he pushes the cup away with his slender fingers. “I had enough sake for a whole life, I want to have a clear mind right now.” 
You smile, because it’s such a rare sight to catch him in his most genuine moments. Kyoshiro had to do so many things for years, to accept to change not only his appearance, but also adopt attitudes which definitely don’t define him. All of this to protect the honor of Oden’s family. You’re always amazed to see that despite his wall of mockeries and sassiness, he’s someone rather soft, and deeply caring. You move to come closer, resting your head against his pectoral for a moment. He gently strokes your hair, and as your fingers fondles his arms, you feel a soft twitch irradiating from his muscles. 
“Are you in pain?” You ask, concerned. You know he wields his katana for years now, and sometimes, he might feel a sore ache travelling through his limbs. He never complains, though, but you’re clever enough to know it must be uncomfortable. 
“Don’t worry.” Kyoshiro pats your head, before he eventually chuckles to your worried features. “It’s the usual, nothing alarming.” 
But you don’t back off this time, though. With a gentle, yet commanding grip, you force him to follow you, so he can sit on a cushion. You kneel near him, helping him taking off his samurai robe, freeing his sore arms from their prison of clothes. You immediately begins to massage his limbs, your thumbs rubbing his biceps thoroughly, while he looks at you with a deep tenderness in the eyes. He doesn’t say anything anymore… He just accepts your genuine gesture, slowly but surely surrendering to your kindness, your gesture soothing not only his hurt muscles, but also his broken soul. 
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lale-txt · 3 years
i meeeeeaaaannnn since the wano dilf brain rot is going strong rn…
how about some hc’s about how and/or where denjiro, izo, king, and a wano dilf of your choice (if you want) like to kiss plssss? :3
💋 kissing the dilfs of Wano
PO my beloved, thank you for the idea and also for granting me one free Wano dilf of my choice. i was thinking Kaido first (gotta stay on brand) but in the end i went with Who’s Who because his long legs are giving me feelings
contains: probably spoiler for Wano arc? otherwise fluff and a tiny, tiny bit suggestive
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this man is busy! if he isn’t robbing the rich he is napping or cutting a bitch
though he would always make time for you, you were his favorite after all, the one he longed to kiss good morning and good night
Denjiro‘s kisses are honest and passionate, the kind that leave no doubt that he truly loves and cherishes you, those that will still take your breath away after all this time
when you’re sharing a bath together, with your back nestled against his chest, he would kiss you from your temples down to your neck, cover your shoulders and upper back with small kisses
in between he’d be telling you how you had his heart, as if you didn’t feel it beating loudly in chest
those kisses will get more heated and passionate the longer they last, searching for your lips as you tilt back your head, slipping his tongue in your mouth to give you a taste of what you could expect once you leave the bathtub
too often you wouldn’t reach the bedroom, being to busy eating each other up, smiling so widely in between as if you swallowed the whole sun
lipstick kisses. i repeat, lipstick kisses!
he would catch you staring at his painted lips as you daydreamed about kissing them often, always smirking a little and teasing you about it (“if you want to know the shade of the lipstick, you can just ask, you know?”)
he was still very flattered though but good at hiding it, sassy little shit <3
one night under the stars he would pull you away from the crowd, after he noticed that your eyes were searching for him everywhere
shoving you against the nearest wall, he would tilt your face in his hands, his thumb on your lips, opening them a tiny bit before he leans in to kiss you, muffling your helpless attempt to call out his name
it’s a very soft and tender kiss, sweeter than you could have ever imagined, taking your breath away in an instant
when he pulls away, he grins, admiring the marks he left
”i knew this color would suit you so well.”
which is when you wrap your arms around his neck, making all your daydreams come true as you kiss him totally unrestrained, passionately and hungry, whining for more
if you want to see Izou blush, whisper things about how you want to ruin the rest of his makeup too before you lean in for another kiss
pda? over his dead body
listen, the mask stays ON as long as you’re in public. just you and your tall ass boyfriend who looks like he just walked out of a fetish party in the bright sunlight
he might hold your hand though, giving it a little kiss before he drags you home, yelling commands at everyone crossing your way (“King, we’re at the supermarket, you can’t just threaten people like that” “i can do whatever the fuck i want when they take my favorite crisps from the shelves? you don’t understand my pain, y/n”)
once you’re home and get comfortable, he will visibly relax though (you bought him his second favorite crisps too)
will pull you on the hips in for a kiss as soon as the door behind you locks, making up for the lack of affection he showed you out in public
crawl into his lap and play with his hair and he will kiss you from your neck down to your collarbone, humming in pleasure
overall a very good kisser, knows exactly how to use his tongue and how to tease, will cover your body in kisses that get more and more heated…
Who’s Who:
will kiss you anywhere, anytime, not just a small peck but a full blown kiss with lots of tongue, making you weak in the knees and taking your breath away
an audience? great, he likes to show off that you belong to him anyway
big fucking tease
when you get overly embarrassed he will pull you into a quiet backstreet to push you against a wall, kissing you with hunger and lust, whispering you all the things he wants to do once you get home
or maybe right here, right now…
he can be very sweet though, early in the morning when the sun hasn’t risen yet and you’re both still sleep drunk, crawling into each other’s arms again
will kiss your forehead and your temples softly, gently rubbing your head in small circles (like you would with a cat), waiting until he could feel you sinking into sleep again before he gives you another kiss on the cheek, giving you the sweetest dreams
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trashytoastboi · 4 years
Hey there! Hope you are doing well! I am really happy that your askbox is open again andI would to request some headcanons about Denjiro and Kanjuro comforting a partner who has been feeling more depressed because of stress. Thank you very much in advance!
Heyya!🍀 I hope you're doing all good!! Sorry for the wait with this, I hope you enjoy ~
(Gender neutral)
Headcanons: Denjiro, Kanjuro – Comforting a partner who has been feeling more depressed because of stress
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🌸Denjiro is very observant to his partner’s wellbeing and instantly knows when {Name} is not feeling their best, he notices it in their little gestures…things they say, they way they sometimes just have a bit of a sadder expression on their face. The moment he feels something wrong, he instantly tries to find out what could be causing his partner any type of distress.
🌸He often thinks carefully on how to approach the topic, and inquire about it. He wants them to know he cares and wants to help; Denjiro will not force answers or press the topic if {Name} does not feel like speaking about it, which is why he tries to take the best approach to make them feel a bit better.
🌸Very understanding and knows that emotions can be very complex and hard things to deal with, especially when one is overwhelmed by them. Denjiro offers great comfort with his words of advice, as well as words of reassurance and affection should his partner be up for a long cuddle session.
🌸Will go to great lengths for their sakes, whether it’s finding legitimate solutions to the problems or doing silly little things that might serve to make his partner smile just a little bit.
🌸He has the habit of offering the perfect advice for the situation…he is extremely apologetic when his advice may come across as harsh, there is never any malicious intent and only thinks of his partner first…so sometimes while his advice is the most necessary but not the most pleasant.
🌸Denjiro is completely there to support his partner, whether they need space or need him to constantly be there, he will be. He is one of the most understanding people since he knows what it’s like to lose to one’s own emotions and is why he is very insistent on being there for {Name}
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Kurozumi Kanjuro
🖌While Kanjuro may initially prove to be absent minded at the best of times, he is in fact, quite in tune with the things around him, including his partner. He pays close attention to how they act and will know when they are not feeling too good. Being a person who was raised in theatre himself – Kanjuro can easily see through the performances of others and will know when {Name} is forcing themselves to appear ‘okay.’
🖌Depending on how much concern he may be feeling in that moment will dictate his approach to the subject…if he is feeling great concern for his partner – Kanjuro will outright ask and express his concern for them. If he feels that the subject might be of something sensitive he will take a gentler approach.
🖌Literally will smother his partner in hugs while trying to comfort them, he will be completely doting and pamper them a lot. Kanjuro might also do things in an attempt to make {Name} smile or laugh, he also can be quite serious and tries to reassure them…and when they are ready to talk he will listen.
🖌Unintentionally, yet completely chaotic. Kanjuro will try an extensive list of various things to try and help his partner, everything from comfort, to reassurance and even approaching the issue directly, especially when finding out the source was stress…he was ready to declare war on stress…which is not a very, tangible enemy…but none the less he was determined to fight against it for {Name’s} sake.
🖌Has a long list of proverbs that seem to perfectly pertain to the situation currently at hand and in great contrast to the chaotic energy around him, Kanjuro can greatly inspire a sense of calm and tranquillity in his environment as well and in fact uses this to try and create a less stressful place for his partner.
🖌Anything they may need Kanjuro will make sure to utilize it to the utmost and ensure that {Name} will feel better.
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slurp-imagines · 4 years
Then can you do an “Ask Meme” with Denjiro and the words Wild, Thunder, Copper and Bone if you see you can please 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🥺🥺🥺🥺? I loved your Ask Meme with Okiku 😻😻 and it make me sad that there isn’t more Wano characters x reader.
(ask meme link)
Random Word Prompts: Denjiro
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thanks for requesting, anon! I’m glad you liked the one I wrote for Okiku btw 💖 and I definitely agree about the lack of Wano content, it’s rough out here lol
Wild: Would they sacrifice themselves for their S/O if they had to?
In short, yes, if it came to it.
Denjiro is admittedly not one to go down willingly, though. It’s very much a Plan Z sort of thing
Mostly because he still feels like he has things to do in his life. A lot of people rely on him, after all.
But also because he knows what it’s like to be the one left behind. He honestly wouldn’t want to place all that grief and guilt onto you. So if he does sacrifice himself, he’ll have already considered and debunked every other option.
Unless, of course, the situation forces him to make a split-second decision— then the act is more instinct rather than reason.
Thunder: Do they argue with their S/O - if so what about?
You and Denjiro probably bicker a decent amount– often about his lackadaisical behavior, or his crass mouth, or just lightly teasing one another in general. 
Sincere arguments aren’t nearly as common, though. As for what they’re about? Once again, he’s got quite a loose tongue– and at times, a harsh one, even toward you.
Denjiro is also pretty good at twisting your words, pointing out hypocrisies, or hitting you where he knows it’ll hurt. I wouldn’t be surprised if occasionally, your regular exchange of quips escalated into something more serious.
Copper: How easy are they to befriend? What is the best way to win them over?
Befriending Denjiro is a strange task, mostly because it’s like he has two channels of loyalty running parallel, if that makes sense. One for duty, one for genuine friendship.
It’s not very difficult to invoke his sense of duty. He feels it toward samurai he respects, the shogun he serves, the men he’s exchanged sake cups with...
It might seem like the two groups are a mixed barrel, because he awards both with his deepest loyalty. But the people who he considers both are few and far between.
Because it isn’t often that he considers someone a good friend. Denjiro is quite critical of others, even if he doesn’t voice or show it, and he’s rather picky with who he keeps in close company. He’s nearly not as picky with his acquaintances (in fact he’s pretty indiscriminate in that area), but still, they’re only that– acquaintances.
There’s not really an easy way to switch from the “I have a duty to you” category to friend territory. In his mind, if you’re his type of person then you’re his type of person.
Honestly though, if anything, it’d have to be time. Staying by Denjiro’s side as the years pass, without obligation or pretense. Remaining genuine with him throughout it would help, as well. He doesn’t want a yes man for a friend; he wants someone he can trust.
Bone: How do they react if their S/O gets hurt because of them?
Assuming it’s a serious injury, Denjiro is deeply affected by it.
Denjiro would already feel that he’s failed you, just knowing that you were injured at all. But knowing that you got hurt because of him? He's once again failed to protect someone important to him, and the guilt is immense.
The guilt quickly translates into anger– not at you, but at himself. He may occasionally misplace that anger, but he tries as hard as he can to keep ti from ever reaching you.
Maybe other people in his life will receive a snappy response when there was really no need for it, or maybe he won’t be able to look you in the eyes. Or, maybe he’ll be especially aloof one day, avoiding you so he can brood in private instead of forcing you to share his pain. Again.
This behavior will continue for a long time. Not nearly every day, but once in a blue moon, he’ll enter this strange mood. The better you come to know him, the clearer it becomes that he’s hiding something.
Really, Denjiro is simply remembering. Remembering the pain that he caused you, and how you had had to pay for his own mistakes, his own carelessness, his own weakness. And if he hasn’t already avenged you, can trust and believe that he’s carefully plotting it.
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incorrectsdkquotes · 4 years
Kyo: Kyoshiro. My old arch enemy.
Nobunaga: I thought I was your arch enemy.
Kyo: I have a life outside of you, Nobunaga.
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gildedmuse · 2 years
Tbh idc what the pairing is (it could be Mihawk x Law or anything else) as long as you’re writing it, bc I will 100% be reading it. I’m glad to hear from you 😅 and also glad you didn’t die! Hopefully the situation of avoiding death continues for a good long time yet!
Oh my God thank you so much. Haha, about the not dying part, of course, but also I'm so happy when people really enjoy my writing.
I'll tell you what, recovery is going slower than I expected (I would have hoped that once I was back home and not puking up blood that I would have magically gotten better; turns out that, just as all my past experience has suggested but I refuse to accept, it doesn't work that way.)
I'm not sure about posting the Mihawk/Law piece, just because it has a lot of gaps in it which makes it hard to read. This is hard to read, too, but only because the writing sucks in parts. That is down to me not sleeping. If you can forgive some really poor writing, though, I can offer you this Mihawk x Law (with some obvious future Law x Zoro) that I wrote for @jhaernyl who was having a real tough night, and I wanted to make it better and refused to let the fact I obviously shouldn't have been writing at the time stop me.
Swordsmen Are Flexible
Law as a yoga instructor who teaches at Hawk Eyes, a dojo/gym/training complex.
The dojo is perhaps the biggest piece in all this. They have a full sized, League approved, competition stage that often plays host to Grand Line Division matches.
So, of course, the two most popular instructors at the center are not only well known Kenshi with high international rankings, but also are both fully certified as 9th Dan Hanshi by the IKL: Sensei Kyoshiro Denjiro and Sensei Dracule Mihawk. Considering the level of such instructors, it's only natural that following the announcement of a new sensei joining the team at Hawk Eyes, everyone developed theory, had heard a rumor, or just "had a hunch" about who the new trainer would be ranging from romantic ("Imagine if Sensei Hawkeyes brought his old rival to teach us!") to reasonable (He's visited often enough, and has the relaxed air of a retired Kenshi who would be glad to teach rather than compete. Rayleigh just makes sense....) to ruthless (Mihawk may not be the kindest Sensei, but no way he's throwing his students to King!) to truly ridiculous (Cavendish is more movie star than Kenshi, and and student who believes Mihawk would bring in that overhyped fop should probably see the on sight medic; they clearly need their head checked).
In spite of himself, Law can't help but be just as curious as the rest of the club. Unlike the students who excitedly chatter and spread each and every new overheard suggestion as if it's a confirmed fact, the club members who aren't part of the kendo circle but keep finding themselves in or around those areas of the complex trying to catch a peak, or the staff who are happy to gossip among themselves but are sure to shake their heads and tut when students do so loudly when the boss is nearby, Law doesn't bother with all the baseless conjecturing and wasteful speculating and instead takes the bold move of simply asking.
Of course, that IS easier when you have some pull behind the scenes. Which Law definitely had. Despite being just shy of 22 and whose activity fell well out of the realm of kendo (by enlarge, sword styles depend on either strength/power or speed, and so some sports or exercise classes that might otherwise have nothing to do with blades find themselves under the general kendo umbrella simply by offering the students a way to bolster their skills in other ways; no real style depends so heavily on flexibility) which is where nearly 1/4th of the entire Club's is based, Trafalagar Law happened to be - by number of students and private lesson cost - the third most popular instructor currently employees by Hawk Eyes. An accomplishment for which he is overly competitive and a smug little brat to have earned so quickly mildly proud. But which also meant there was nothing stopping him from simply entering the boss's office and asking, "So, who is this superstar kendoist everyone has spent the last week gossiping about?"
Mihawk doesn't even look up from the paperwork he's finishing up. "Roronoa Zoro." With his eyes still down on his desk, he somehow seems to know the expression that crosses Law's face. "You wouldn't have heard of him."
Sure enough, digging around in his memory of an International Kendo League competitor under this name, left him coming up completely empty on matches, information, even passing references. Huh. Well, that is.... Unexpected. "Hmm," Law wanders in deeper to the office, sliding down into the chair across from Mihawk. He manages to throw himself into the most awkward position possible, half draped over the side, legs bent and yet hanging off the opposite arm of the chair while rolling his shoulders back, staring up at the ceiling as he considered this unsuspected and yet wholly underwhelming news. "What classes is he being given, then?" That would help Law figure out if this is Mihawk being pragmatic, bringing in some one who was competent yet mostly unknown purely as a result of the volume of business growing too large for the current instructors to handle or if instead this is one of his delusive strikes - entirely unseen and unbroadcast until suddenly he is right there and making deft work of his opponent - that he's hiding the true intent behind.
For such a serious-faced man, his boss has quite the sense of dramatic flair at times.
"He will take over the four Junior League Final Year classes from Shigure," Mihawk draws, only briefly glancing up to see what position Trafalagar had managed to twist himself into.
Law nods, agreeing that handing off the four most difficult of Tashigi's courses makes sense, although it's not as if he's being consulted on the matter. All the same, Law has at least some stakes in how business is going, and more than that he's a smart young man who keeps himself abridged of the general state of matters around him. Tashigi is the Club's youth kendo instructor, and while she may only be a 6th Dan Renshi, and hasn't yet progressed beyond tier 3 of the International Division (with a rank of 127, out of the 1000+ rankings. Apparently, before she left the Easterner Division she'd held a top 5 ranking which Law has to admit is damn impressive; he'd only ever held a rank of 8 in the Northern Division) she has proven to be quite popular with both parents and students, especially the younger swordsmen. She is easily the areas most popular Junior League instructor, somehow managing to hold down a total of 23 different classes ranging from the large general Club training sessions where it could be up to 20 students of various ages to the smaller "semi-private" affairs with just three to five kids. How she hasn't ended up slicing one of those over-involved, opinionated, (stupidly wealthy) is beyond Law. He knows Tashigi to be very focused, highly principled, and the kind of stubborn that is like nails down a chalkboard to Law. She is precisely the type that would take on far too many students and refuse to turn a single one of them away even after her schedule has been consumed by her job.
The four top classes are students who are entering one of the two final groupings for Junior League. The International Kendo League is divided into Divisions - Eastern, Western, Northern, Southern, Grand Line, and International or "All Blue" - which are then further divided into tiers with each of the local division having ten in all while the International has a total of eleven tiers starting at 10 and working down to 1 before jumping to Tier A, the All Stars tier, containing only the top 20 ranking actively competing members of the League. On the other hand, the Junior League uses a grouping system, placing junior competitors within a group dependent on age and skill level. For ages 14 to 18 you are placed in either the T Grouping or the L Grouping, with the L group containing those who will move onto the League once they turn 18 and pass Rank 45 of their local Division (this tends to be tied to age, though younger competitors can qualify if they hit Rank 14 or less early on. The ages differ by region; you must be at least 17 years old to enter the IKL in East and West Blue, whereas the South and Grand Line Divisions only require competitors to be 16. North Blue sought a special cultural exception from the League Committee to allow 15 year olds to qualify. While the League allowed this despite it allowing what the League considered "exceptionally young competitors to enter matches against fully trained adults", they required to Northern Division to raise the ranking requirement to 9 or less. And while in other Divisions, Junior competitors only need to hold this rank through 4 challenges (or matches), those in the Northern Junior Division have to keep their rank through 7 challenges, at least 4 of which must be wins.
So, it's clear why these last two groupings are so important to Junior competitors and why those classes, specifically, are going to be demanding of any instructor's time and attention. Law doesn't doubt Tashigi's dedication, but with the number of classes on her schedule, the students entering the T and L groupings probably aren't getting as much attention as they would like. It doesn't surprise him at all that these are being hoisted onto the newcomer.
"He will also start assisting Kyoshiro in his three First Year classes," Mihawk continued, now focused back on his paper (after the smallest hint of a smile having confirmed that, yes, indeed Trafalagar HAD managed not only to curl himself into quite the arrangement but did so in that oh so casually posed way the boy had about him). So he misses the momentary surprise that flashes over Law's features before he pulls it back.
It's just that first year Kendoist who come to a place like Hawk Eyes, this tends to be their *life*. There are waiting lists and drawings for the positions in Kyoshiro's First Year classes, which teach not just stance and techniques but also strategy, League Tradition, and Style development. Basically, everything a young competitor needs to ensure some level of success in the years ahead.
Which, Law assumes, is why this unknown swordsman will start out only as an assistant to Denjiro. Those students are between 17 and 19, and he can only imagine that they, along with their parents, might riot if they found out they had been tossed aside to some newcomer lacking Kyoshiro's reputation and knowledge. It could be that the new hire is simply meant to help Denjiro in organizing and setting up these classes which go well beyond the definition of mere training sessions. They are, as Law understands it, far closer to a university level lecture but one that is still half swordsmanship and practical exercises. An assistant could certainly help to lighten the load.
However, the club itself is less of a university and more like high school, at least in terms of the way that rumor and gossip ripple through them like waves after a seaking crashes through a ship. So without even having to ask, Law knows that Denjiro has been looking to free some of his time from the club. His husband has started a Dojo of his own, although it isn't sponsored by the Kendo League or IKL approved which is likely the only reason Denjiro has stayed in this job as they aren't directly in competition (how anyone found all this out is beyond Law; Denjiro isn't the type to discuss such personal topics, though he'd gladly spend the next 40 minutes telling you how bold and clever and wise his "Kin-san" is, as well as how hot the man is without his shirt on. Law has learned to avoid conversations with Denjiro). Fire Fox Dojo specializes in the Wano Form, teaching all sorts of exotic practice methods and ancient Wano secret techniques. Or so Law has heard some of the other staff say…. And apparently, with their wife splitting half of her time between here and Wano these days, Denjiro's husband could use the added support. Which leads Law to believe whoever this Roronoa is, Mihawk must see a Blues worth of potential in him. He wouldn't give Denjiro's First Year classes to anyone he didn't have respect for, and that he didn't believe could maintain the reputation Denjiro has built the club. Every single Kenshi who sits for the entirety of the class has moved up to at least 8th Tier by the end of their first year as full members of the IKL Grand Line Division. Handing those three classes off would also free up the largest portion of Denjiro's time, while still allowing him to teach the highest number of classes. It is a shrewd move on Mihawk's part.
Provided, of course, this guy can live up to his expectations.
"I will also be handing my three lowest level courses onto him," Mihawk informs Trafalagar of this one just as he finishes the last of the forms he'd needed to finalize in order to secure Roronoa a place directly in the All Blue Division with no need to waste his time working up through the Grand Line first. Such a task would only slow Roronoa's progress. He makes sure the forms are nearly stacked before him, arms resting serenely on the desk and focus squarely on Trafalgar as he makes this next proclamation.
Law jolts slightly, almost as if he's about to start and choke. Only there is nothing to choke on, just his tongue and the huge amount of shock he'd needed to suddenly swallow past.
Mihawk's three "lowest level" classes would be the upper limit to what most dojos or gyms could even offer. He is, after all, the current Tier A champion, holding the coveted Rank 1 title: Greatest Living Swordsman. The classes he teaches are both highly specialized and incredibly select. Each one is restricted to no more than ten students, and those who apply must first pass a multilayered audition.
"YOUR classes?" Law can't quite hold back the disbelief that leaps out of his voice. "Where is he from?" It must be some island like Wano or Pasofica, some place with their own form and a system that stands apart from the official League. That would explain why Law hasn't-
"East Blue. To be honest, I can't remember the name of the island itself. It was some small, provincial little town-island. A perfectly idyllic place to grow up, I'm certain, but not one worth anything of note." Mihawk cocks his head ever so slightly as he draws out his explanation, carefully watching Trafalagar and his reaction.
The EAST!? He's just some unknown guy from the East!? Law can feel the incredulity rising up in his chest yet again, and it causes him to twist and turn until he's sitting in his seat properly, which in itself strange enough. But behind all the restlessness, Law's mind is trying to fit the piece together. He's thinking about that faster than sound way Mihawk has of cutting down an opponent; no warning, no time to react, he just goes from nothing to winner in a lightening's bolt lifetime. Just because the attack happens in no time at all doesn't mean it isn't planned well in advance. Law has a feeling that Mihawk is lining up just such a strike, an aggressive move to keep the club at its winning rank.
Why on the mats Law always loves watching him take out opponents with such a burst of unexpected power, finding the whole performance, well, erotic as hell, honestly, it's a different matter when Mihawk is using it as a business tactic.
It makes Law want to do the impossible; he wants to read the move, to see it before it hits. Not to block it, he is sure Mihawk took all options into consideration and found this one the most appealing for a reason, but for the simple reason that he can. He is sure of it. There is more power behind this than is clear at the surface, there is a plan there. Law wants in, but he wants to find his own way there.
"Was there more, Trafalagar?" Mihawk asks with a raised eyebrow, clearly expecting a litany of righteous, indignant incredulity to come his way, as has been the case with nearly all others with whom he's shared this decision.
Law is just caught staring off into the distance for a heart beat longer until he catches himself and shakes out of it. "Mm? Yes." Law has all sorts of questions, but most of them will have to wait. So instead he leans forward, giving Mihawk a curious look. "Are you going to allow him to take over our private lessons as well."
Mihawk leans back in his chair, the smallest of smiles playing at his lips. Law knows him well enough to see it for the playful grin it is. "Bored of me already, are you, Trafalagar?"
"Bored? Of you old man? No, never." Law gives a cheeky roll of his eyes before rising up to his feet. He pauses before extending his arms up over his head to get a good stretch, a move that turns into something of a full body roll, but only after he's drawn himself taunt, unfurling upwards and then leaning back until he can actually start to feel some strain pulling at his muscles. Once he's content he'll feel this one at least a little, and also sure he's laid himself out as much as possible for a causal stretch, Law rolls his shoulders forward and comes off his toes back to his feet and lands with a soft bounce. "I've got class in 40 minutes." And plenty of poking around he would like to get done before that.
Apparently, something in Law's expression must give away as much, because he's only made it two steps towards the door before a heavy hand lands on his shoulder, putting just enough force to ensure Law comes to a complete stop.
He tilts his head all the way back, throat completely bared as he stares up at Mihawk's near upside side expression, the slight glint in his golden eyes. "Behave yourself, Trafalagar," his boss warns, voice a low, surprisingly soft rumble.
Law just shots him a cocky smile. "Now why would I do something boring like that?"
Law is very nearly late to class. He could have been perfectly on time, only it's harder than you'd think finding a yoga appropriate top that also covers most of your neck.
The atmosphere in the room is, much like the rest of the club, one of high excitement with the students too busy whispering about the famous, legendary Swordsman whom Dracule will surely have brought on to be the new kendo instructor. Law can only snort, trying not to smile knowing just how disappointed they will all be when they discover the guy is just some nobody Eastern. It's all part of that trick attack, hiding the actual strike behind a seeming stillness and nothing.
Law is so lost in his own thoughts regarding what role this mysterious stranger plays exactly in Mihawk's plan he almost doesn't notice him. Which is surprising, since you hardly see such bright, naturally green hair everyday. The boy is stretching out towards the back of the room, wearing a pair of loose black pants and a white tank top that makes up for any bagginess by being about three times too small. He's quite the cutie, actually. Lean frame, strong shoulders, that hair. But, oh, what a baby! He probably isn't even out of highschool!
(There are, of course, plenty of folks who would say that LAW was barely out of high school himself, though it had been 4 years now since he graduated, which in Law's mind was a world of time. More than enough to make him a fully grown adult, while green haired cutie was clearly but a child.)
Poor thing must have gotten lost, Law chuckles to himself, crossing the back of the class as quietly as possible. He actually isn't trying to embarrass the boy. "Hey there. Excuse me?" Law says softly with a tap on the boy's shoulder.
"I think your in the wrong class." Cutie turns around, and for more than a passing moment he just stares at Law. Like Law is acting strange or…. - fuck, those stupid bite marks don't show, do they? He tugs at the neck of this high collared shirt he found but, no, he's good - what is this kid's problem, honestly? Law decides to just ignore the weirdness and push through. "This is-"
"Intermediate Yoga, Level 2," the boy chokes out, fast enough that Law worries for a second he's swallowed his own tongue. He certainly goes red enough in the face that something has to be wrong. "With Trafalagar Law."
"Yes," Law says with a smile that might be *just* a tad condescending. "That's me."
"Oh, good," the boy breaths, as if he thought for a moment he really did just have the wrong room. "I mean, I knew that."
Only you clearly didn't, Law wants to say, but keeps the snide thought to himself. Instead he explains, "We have a Beginners class on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, and early afternoons Friday." Which is just about the polite way he can think to shoo this baby away.
"Hmm?" The boy looks honestly confused as to why Law would be sharing such useless information with him. It seems to take a moment to click. "Oh, no. I'm good."
Law raises an eyebrow. "If you're sure, Midori-ya."
"It's actually Zo-"
"Alright class." Law is already walking away, raising his voice to get the rest of the class to settle down and pay attention. Look, if the boy wants to wake up tomorrow sore all over and cursing Law's name, let him go for it. Law isn't going to waste his time trying to explain to the kid that while he's sure that whatever yoga his girlfriend showed him was super easy, and she probably called him a natural and oh, he's so good at this he should do yoga with her! That isn't anything like what they're going to do here. He isn't in the practice of teaching people sloppy, easy poses that make them feel better about themselves without any of the actual physical work out. "Today I want to get you all started on some more advanced poses. They're going to be a bit trickier than what we've done so far, but we'll start with a solid warm up, and if you've been keeping up with your stretches these should be a rewarding experience."
It turns out, Law's first impressions of the boy were off on multiple points. For starters, he had greatly misjudged just how flexible the boy is, which turns out to be "damn more than expected". Especially given that, while he's pretty lean in general with narrow hips and a compact build, he's also incredibly solid looking. The wider shoulders say that he could put on a good mass of muscle yet, and Law had been expecting plenty of core strength with little stretch, but, depths, the boy can bend.
Enough to draw those baggy pants right over his ass. Nowhere near as tight as his shirt, which is a shame, based on the few peaks Law did get. He may have walked by the boy once or twice or six times more than he had with other students.
"That's really good, Midori-ya, you just need to straighten out this hip area a bit more. You should feel the pull coming from your back, here, down to here, and into your hamstring, like this." No this isn't just an excuse to touch you, that would be horribly perverted and - wow, that ass really is as tight as it looks, isn't it Midori-ya? "Doesn't that feel better?"
"Y-yes, much better, Trafalagar-sensei."
Law has to take back the part about the boy only showing up because of some psedu-yoga with his girlfriend. He won't dismiss the entire theory out of hand, it just requires one minor correction.
He isn't the only one who noticed the cute new student. Several times during the lesson he looks up to see the girls on either side of the green haired boy having a go trying to get his attention, whisper-flirting when they can get away with it, one goes as far as to very nearly shove her breasts in his face. The boy only apologizes before moving back to give her more space. After that, the two don't make any serious attempts.
The class empties out slowly, with most students straggling behind to see if they can't ask the Sensei a question or two (or however many it takes to keep him there until the others have finally all given up and gone home and they have him to themselves). Still, Law is surprised when he looks up - after having finally dismissed a whole flock who all wanted to know if they were doing this pose absolutely right, Sensei? Plus the blond hottie that, well, Law had to give him points for the brazenness of coming right up and asking for his number, though his reason for why ("in case I have any questions about yoga") could use some workshopping - and sees the green haired boy is still standing around, examining at a map of the complex. He appears to actually be fairly engrossed in his study, too, as Law manages to approach without him giving so much as a sideways glance up from the unfolded pamphlet.
"You looked really good today."
The poor boy jolts back, clearly startled, but when he meets Law's eyes he looks less like the scared little lamb that Law expects and more like he is ready to fight to the death.
The mettle quickly fades, though, replaced just as speedily with a different kind of blood. This one leaves him with pink cheeks, so hot Law swears he can feel them from all one and a half feet away.
He feels this all but confirms it. He's definitely doing yoga at his boyfriend's suggestion.
"Oh, um, thanks?" The kid doesn't seem to know if this is a real compliment or not, and Law can definitely see the doubt in his eyes. It only makes Law's smile a little more genuine. He appreciates suspicion.
"I guess I'm just surprised," he goes on, as if he can explain away the compliment which, again, makes Law feel that much more comfortable with the kid. Direct compliments never seem truthful, anyway. "You're quite good, but I don't remember seeing you around before. Do you and your partner usually practice together?"
Hmm, well, that wasn't exactly subtle. The weird thing is, Law hadn't MEANT to be so blunt, asking after such personal details in such an open manner. He's never so straightforward, especially with students. Depths, when is the last time he even bothered to ASK about an individual's partner!? That's not even information he needs to know.
"What? No, no. No. I'm new. I mean, I just moved here, that's all."
Ah, yes, that could explain a lot. Maybe about that cute blush, too, and his lost look studying the map. He must be from one of the smaller nearby islands, or maybe his home is back in Paradise, this could be his first time in the Big Cities of the New World. "In which case, welcome to Punk Hazard, Midori-ya. Don't worry, you get used to it after the first few weeks," Law explains, nodding towards the unfurled map.
The boy makes a face, looking down at the map as though it has personally cursed his entire family tree. "Yeah, I'm sure I will."
"Oh," he adds, blinking as the grumpiness fades and he looks back up at Law. "You called me that again… Actually, my name is Ro-"
The two girls who had been making sure to arrive early enough that they always get to sit in front seem to have finally lost their patience waiting for the room to completely clear out. Whatever plan they've been hatching over the last few weeks is apparently ready to go NOW and not a moment later, and before Law knows it he's got both swarming up to them, eyes alight with whatever scheme they've got hidden up their sleeves.
Well, it's only right to let them have their chance with him now, isn't he?
"Zoa, Kere," he greets the two, who break down in giggles at the fact that he knows their name. Speaking of which, their blush and spontaneous joyous outburst gives him enough time to look back up, only to find that despite him having taken almost fifteen minutes to get out and check his map of the club's complex, the boy is all packed up and halfway out the door in less than a minute.
"Bye, Midori-ya!" Law calls out, waving a quick farewell to the boy, who trips over himself, apparently not having expected Law to wave him off.
He half turns around, giving him a small bow in return. "I'll see you tomorrow!" He shouts back, face bur jmg red again before he quickly hurries off.
Tomorrow? Law wonders, his attention returning to his two admirers. He will have to pick that boy up a proper class schedule.
The next day, the whole club is abuzz, and the crowd and chatter only increase the closer to the kendo hall you get.
Still, Mihawk looks surprised to see Law walking through the doors, or at least, surprised for Mihawk. He steps out from the doorway he'd been looming in - see? so dramatic. - and right into Law's path. As if there had been any change of Law walking right by him.
"Trafalagar," he greets, earning a polite but shallow bow and a return greeting. "I'm surprised to see you've lowered yourself to such an affair."
Law gives him a crooked grin before stepping around Mihawk, as if content to go along without him. "I'm only here to see their great disappointment you haven't brought them Shadow Lord Rayleigh."
"Hmm," Mihawk remarks, catching up to Law in mere seconds. "Of course, they could have simply asked and spared themselves."
It's true, Law supposes, but only technically. He can't imagine Mihawk would do that much to keep Roronoa's name a secret, but of course how many would dare to ask when he hadn't openly announced it in the first place? "It's almost as if they're intimidated by you."
"Really? How dull."
Law chuckles, using his next step to move in closer to Mihawk. Their arms brush, and Mihawk slides his gaze over to Law. It is…. Surprisingly intense, and full of…. Not heat, but warmth.
Law shifts his eyes directly ahead, tries to ignore it. "Let's go see this mysterious swordsmen of yours, shall we?"
Law decides it's best to take his cues from the excitable crowd, his own stride speeding up ever so slightly from his and Mihawk's slower pace.
There isn't any great height difference between them , and Law has the longer legs comparatively, Mihawk seems to swoop in, immediately falling in step right beside Law again. Which is fine.
Until his arm falls around Law's waist.
Law tenses, nearly freezing in place, only barely able to keep himself falling forward, forcing himself to keep walking. It's impossible to hide the way his whole body tightens at the sudden, public contact between the two of them, though. Mihawk gives his hip a gentle squeeze, a sign of comfort, Law supposes, only it does very little to comfort him. It really only serves to put Law FURTHER on edge.
"You are worried," Mihawk points out, voice low and soft and dark. Just the right timber to usually leave Law lying against his chest, eyes closed and near purring, utterly content to curl up next to him. "That people will see."
Now, Law is just left feeling.... Itchy. The need to move away, to get himself some room, is so strong he ends up shoving his hands into his back pockets. Just to keep them still.
This isn't like Mihawk at all, to be so... Public. Law can't help but feel something is wrong. Or, if not wrong, he still doesn't like it. This sudden overreach of established boundaries. They were never like this, not where anyone could see. "You're not on the clock, are you?" Mihawk asks, and then - this is fucking madness - the he KISSESS the top of Law's head! As if that is something they do! As if this is something they are.
What is he thinking!?
"Dracule-sensei...." Law very purposefully pulls out his title, eyes slowly scanning the room as if he expects people to have their e-mushi's out, snapping photos of this natural disaster in progress. "Do you really think this is the right."
"Law." And this time, Law really does freeze up, though luckily they're close enough to the kendo theater that most of the crowd has stopped trouting forward and has instead started loitering about, waiting.
Mihawk NEVER uses his first name, not even in bed. Why-What is he doing, exactly? And why wouldn't he warn Law about this part of the plan? When he turns to glare up at Mihawk, pissed that he's being used in all this, the man stares back with nothing but tenderness. No plotting, no analyzing, just soft emotions, and all of them for Law.
What is going on? Why is he doing this? Law doesn't understand what is happening. Why is he trying to ruin this amazing thing between them?
"We're in public," Law whispers, as if maybe Mihawk simply hadn't recognized the large crowd around them. "People are going to see, they're going to know..."
"Good," Mihawk whispers back, voice dropping that octave lower, into that range that usually makes Law want to melt, but now he just wants to run. The arm around his waist makes that difficult, though, even more so when Mihawk brings Law in closer, until he's almost pressed up against him.
He's SURE from the whispering that a good number of people have more than noticed now. And yet Mihawk just reaches down, taking Law's chin in hand. He knows that look, that darkness in his eyes, that gentleness that overtakes his expression - fuck, he's going to try and kiss him. Law needs to shove him away, he needs to run, scream and cause a scene. Just get out of there. Now.
The murmuring picks up across the crowd, and like a miracle, Mihawk's more serious, work appropriate face reappears. He lets go of Law, though holds his chin long enough to kiss him on the nose before entirely letting go. "I best go show Roronoa to the door, or he will never find his way."
Law slouches down, body relaxing as pure relief floods his system. Clearly, whatever madness had momentarily overtaken him, Mihawk has returned to his senses. The proof is in how bad that excuse is, and yet he takes it to give them both some much needed room from one another.
"Yes, please. I'm as curious as everyone to meet the boy," Law says, encouraging Mihawk to go, give them both some room. He isn't sure what almost happened there, but the relief he feels that it DIDN'T is strong enough he feels nearly giddy with it's effects.
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hedgehogcryptid · 3 years
Anyone thinks Kyoshiro-the-ruthless-yakuza-from-the-brothel was a more interesting character than Denjiro-the-loyal-infiltrator, or is it just me?
Don’t get me wrong, I still like him. And that scene of him completely losing it to his rage was great. But trying to puzzle out his character on the context of him being a subordinate of Orochi was more fun than realizing he was a traitor. 
Like, when I thought he was an antagonist of sorts he was this dude who dissed his boss (that now reads as making him lose face and keeping his forces inattentive) but was still sort of loyal, and I interpreted that as a sort of mercenary/business interest, “being in this guy’s good graces is profitable, so I’ll keep doing that for now. Even if I think he’s stupid”. That was kinda “confirmed” for me when he said that about treating the women well for them to work well. He seemed uncaring to a degree, but reasonable and pragmatic (the kind of pragmatism that includes “treating people like human beings is essential to get what you want from them”), and those are always interesting things to put together, caring for people for reasons other than empathy. Even Hiyori’s “murder” could be seen from that perspective, “the tides might be turning so I won’t be losing this great asset over this fucker’s stupidity if I can help it”.
I imagined that if it turned out he was nothing more than a yakuza (the posibility of him being the missing Akazaya was always on the back burner) then there was a chance of him turning traitor on the basis of “well, looks like my side is going down so I might as well cut my loses”. They could’ve even bribed him over if it came to that, that sort of negotiation could’ve been fun to watch, a new situation for the Strawhats to parse (they’ve gone through alliances, kidnappings, infiltrations and assassination attempts, so far. All sorts of new exiting things. Negotiating with organized crime would be a nice addition to the list).
And, well, now that the cat’s out of the bag everything he did and said makes perfect sense. And the parallel between him and Kanjuro is nice. But I thought Kyoshiro-the-criminal was a fun character to explore and I’m kinda disapointed he turned out to be a good guy in disguise instead of an asshole with a flexible agenda.
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