#kyoshi warrior ursa
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demaparbat-hp · 1 year ago
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Forget about canon, I want Kyoshi Warrior Ursa.
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stardust948 · 1 year ago
Urzai adopts the gaang au
Ursa: *takes out FN soldiers Kyoshi Warrior style*
Ursa: Are you children ok?
Katara: Can you adopt me?
Ursa: What?
Katara: What?
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zukobeloved · 10 months ago
atla girls appreciation post
They are all so pretty omg
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(disclaimer: im not sexualising them just saying they are pretty)
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querade · 8 months ago
This, this is my Roman Empire…this is what she needed!! The way Azula’s face is hidden and you can see Ursa’s too, like Azula is ashamed for sinking into the hug…she‘s supposed to hate this woman yet still craves her touch, her pride, and her love
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its-kapi-wara · 7 months ago
"All day, every day, therapist, mother, maid"
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"Nymph, then a virgin, nurse, then a servant"
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"Just an appendage, live to attend him
So that he never lifts a finger"
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"24/7 baby machine
So he can live out his picket fence dreams"
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"It's not an act of love if you make her
You make me do too much labour"
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dapperapple · 2 years ago
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redraws from "Suki Alone" (the only ATLA comic I like), and "The Search" (one I can somewhat tolerate)
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sayurin44 · 2 years ago
Avatar Girls Become Joo Dee Smut Story/Series Challenge
(This is an idea that I have been intrigued by for a long time and wanted to publish to see if someone is willing to take a crack at it; basically, an ATLA smut idea involving Dai Li, female characters on the show, and hypnotism. If you'd like to know more or take on the challenge, read the short story inside for more details on what to know and do. (note that this is a challenge))
Hello Readers and Authors
So this is just a heads up, but this is an Avatar the Last Airbender Smut series challenge that involves various girls and women from the show being hypnotized by the Dai Li into Joo Dee and forced to do both practical services in Ba Sing Se but also more personal stuff for them and Long Feng.
You can pick what characters you choose first in the series(stories) and decide how it goes as long as you remain true to the core of the challenge itself. Since this is the first time anyone has developed the idea for this kind of smut series, I would put it out there and let someone write the content based on this challenge.
If someone on this website takes on this challenge, make sure you send a PM or leave a comment about it to tell me that you are taking it on and writing.
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jasminedragonart · 25 days ago
Hi. Since you are so generous I want to ask about the college au. Do you have any ideas of the Katara 's side of the story? Or is it a spoiler? And I'd also love to know anything about Sokka-Suki-Yue co-living. How Suki and Yue became a couple? How did Sokka handle this?
This story is a very interesting version of college modern-au and I want to explore your universe more :)
Katara's story follows canon, kind of. She lives in the south pole with her mother, the village is very depleted as the men, like in canon, went off to war. Kya is very hands on with her daughter, helping her hide her bending.
More under the cut
For context, they went south because Kanna mentioned the two poles to Kya and explained how misogynistic the north pole was. They decided to chance going south and the village was fine when they got there. They were told about the raiders coming and taking waterbenders and while Kya wanted to leave she also didn't know where else to go, she'd used all the money she'd brought with her getting her and Katara to the south pole. The men also warned it was probably the same up north so the south pole agreed to help hide katara. Then the raids happen and while Kya was injured, she wasn't killed.
They find Aang in an iceberg and it's only when he also says he needs a waterbending teacher and he has a way to get them there- Appa- that Kya organises a trip to the north pole. It's a lot more organised than in canon.
The fire family's story is a lot different too. So, Ozai is the one tracking Aang down not Zuko. Ursa didn't leave or poison Azulon. Zuko's face was burned because he asked his dad why Iroh and Lu Ten were in the army and Ozai wasn't which, obviously, offended Ozai's fragile ego and he challenged his child to an Agni Kai to prove he wasn't as weak as Zuko was implying. Iroh took Zuko off his brother, with Azulon's permission (I am of the opinion that Azulon never wanted Zuko dead and it was just something used as a way to get Ursa to poison Azulon to save Zuko's life) and he's raised as Lu Ten's brother. Ozai is basically ostracised and believes that bringing the Avatar to his father will restore his status in the Fire Nation since, well, he did literally challenge a child to an Agni Kai.
This is how Zuko is allowed to go to college in the first place. As the, now, third in line, he's likely going to be a diplomat when Lu Ten takes the throne after Iroh. He's told about the fragile peace with the other land and poses the question on what they're like, Azulon takes this as a great opportunity to show Zuko just how superior their side is and sends him over to the other side on an 'exchange' program. Zuko has a lot of limitations placed on him but he finds he doesn't mind it. It's also easier when he finds that the water tribe had the same idea and he finds a kindred soul in Yue.
Suki gets mixed up in this because she used to be a Kyoshi warrior but, after Zuko was given to Iroh a summons went out for a personal guard for young Zuko (since Zuko is a traumatised flight risk and Lu Ten refuses to let anyone in Ozai's faction near his cousin again). Suki sees this as an opportunity to spy on the Fire Nation and is taken on straight away by Lu Ten (who basically takes over this process of finding a bodyguard after his father proves to be useless). Lu Ten sees Suki as someone who can be both a friend and protector of his cousin and after his near miss in Ba Sing Se and being healed by earthbenders in a distant village, he's a lot more sympathetic to the other side than he wants his superiors to think. He's the one who insists Suki go with Zuko to college as, that's basically her job.
Suki likes the other side a lot. The non benders make her feel more normal and it's nice that she can do martial arts without having to look for any elements being flung at her. She gets to know Yue through Zuko. Zuko gets to know Yue because he's socially awkward and Yue finds him endearing, the two of them bonding over weird expectations and their overwhelming duty to their land.
Suki, at first, takes Yue on as another job since the northern water tribe sent Yue incognito on her own. Suki thinks this is ridiculous and spends half her time teaching Yue to defend herself and the other half keeping watch over her. Yue thinks this is funny since she's supposed to be looking after Zuko but, well, Zuko doesn't really need protecting, he just needs someone to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid like set fire to their dorm curtains. Suki is Yue's link to understanding the lower class and Suki just finds Yue surprisingly mischievous, the two getting along as friends.
They grow closer once they both dump Sokka. Yue finds out that girls are an option after Suki mentions it one day and Suki had her eye on Yue from the start but figured she was straight so didn't bother. (Zuko is sick of both of them simping over the other to him.)
As for when they get together, Sokka's very supportive. They all end on amicable terms. They all found out they liked each other as friends more than partners and while it was a little awkward at first to see his exes get together, Sokka supports them wholeheartedly. Namely because, by then he knows a bit about their backstories and really wanted Yue to live life as she wanted to live it and not for others and for Suki to just do what made her happy.
They all love Sokka too. They adopt them into their little group and use him as a translator for things they don't understand. Sokka thinks he's surrounded by out of touch rich kids and doesn't really see anything weird about them until he lands in the ATLA world. They use Sokka to help with grocery shopping, clothes shopping, slang, driving, money and when they realise that he's having a hard time finding somewhere affordable to live for their second year they all agree to chip in and help him. The thing is, they know he wouldn't accept any monetary help so they just decided to move in with him. Suki was on edge with the idea of an apartment after so many break ins at the palace. She likes the idea of somewhere she can easily move around. Sokka agrees that a caravan is a lot cheaper than an apartment as well. They settle on a campervan. An old beat up thing they usually park in the middle of nowhere and drive around to classes and the shops or wherever Suki wants to take them. Zuko likes it because the trees are away from prying eyes enough he can slip away and practice his bending and Yue is just there for the adventure.
I think I need to work out a few more details before giving more information than this. But this is the dynamic at the start of the would be comic that might get made at some point in the future.
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waterfire1848 · 4 months ago
AU where Azula is shipwrecked and stranded on Kyoshi Island at age 8 and grows up as a Kyoshi warrior.
Hello, anon!!
1. Instead of Azulon calling for Zuko’s head, he calls for Azula’s. He sees how much more this would hurt Ozai and, in his mind, if Ozai and Ursa had one prodigy they can have another. (What a great grandpa). Azula is terrified and fears that her mom wouldn’t help her so she flees the palace. She gets down to the shipyard and sneaks aboard a ship. She thinks they’ll just take her to some island in the Fire Nation where she can lay low but the ship is sailing towards the Earth Kingdom. Sometime during the trip, they got caught in a massive storm and Azula is still hiding below. The ship is torn apart and Azula clings to whatever floating piece of wood she can find, passing out soon after. When she wakes up, she hears voices and sees some people in green clothing. (Voice: Is she dead? Voice: I don’t think so. Where do you think she came from? Voice: Girls, back off! We need to get her to the healer. Voice: She’s an outsider. Voice: She’s a child! Azula: Mom? Zuzu? Voice: Not mom. It’ll be okay. Just breathe). Azula passed back out soon after.
2. When Azula wakes up, she finds that she’s in a small wooden structure with a couple beds. She’s been to enough peasant villages to know that this is probably a healer’s hut. She’s also alone for the time being so she takes the opportunity to look around and finds a lot of objects from the Earth Kingdom as well as a bunch of stuff honoring Avatar Kyoshi—a treasonous thing in the Fire Nation—so Azula quickly puts together that she’s in the Earth Kingdom she just doesn’t know where exactly. (Healer: Someone’s anxious to get up. Azula: Sorry. I wasn’t trying to steal like some common thief. Healer: I didn’t think you were, dear. You’re just being curious. It’s good to see you up and about. Azula: Yes. I-Where am I? Healer: This is Kyoshi Island. Azula: Where is that? Healer: You're a very curious child, aren't you? We can discuss the island a bit more after you've had something to eat.) Azula is brought food and water while she's being nursed back to health. After about a week or so, Kyoshi Warriors and the village leader come to see her and ask who she is. Azula, having just escaped one person who wants to kill her, lies and says she's a war child who was abandoned. The warriors have no reason to doubt her and they don't want to send her back to the Earth Kingdom by herself so they allow her to stay.
3. Once she's well enough to walk through the village, Azula is told that she'll have to work if she wants a place here. Azula agrees because, in her mind, she's assuming that she'll escape very soon. Sadly it's not the best working conditions since the other girls her age avoid her for being half Fire Nation and there aren't a lot of other kids to hang out with on the island so Azula is mostly left by herself. One day, Azula notices everyone going to steal steamed buns from the kitchen. The village leader catches them and demands to know what they're doing. Before Suki can give some half baked lie, Azula rushes in and says that she asked them to meet her in the kitchen because she doesn't know how to make a lot of food from Kyoshi Island and wanted them to show her how. The leader buys it and leaves them be. (Suki: Why'd you help us? Azula, grabbing the basket of steamed buns from her: Mine. Suki: Hey! You can't have all of them! Azula: You would have gotten caught if not for me. I deserve all of them. Suki: No, you don't! You have to share! Azula: Why should I? Suki:....We'll let you join our club and learn really cool fighting moves. Azula:....What kind of fighting moves are we talking about? Suki: The super secret ones that only people from our island know. Azula: I suppose that's a decent trade for a few steamed buns.). And that's how Azula officially becomes a member of their little group. As time goes on, Azula comes up with reason after reason for why she doesn't escape. Finally, after celebrating her tenth birthday on the island, Azula realizes that she doesn't want to leave. She likes her friends, she likes how the adults treat her with kindness even when she makes a mistake, she likes that the older girls are kind but firm when they correct her---no fireballs that she has to dodge this time---and she gets to fall asleep next to her friends without fear that someone is going to kill her or stab her in the back for political power. Kyoshi Island has become her new home.
4. Years pass and Azula remains on the island. She, Suki and their group become Kyoshi Warriors and get the war paint, dresses and fans that go along with it. Azula and Suki are by far the most skilled fighters of the group and constantly fight one another mostly for fun but also to show off. One day, the two are fighting when they hear a loud animal roaring and see something land on the beach. They make their way out there to find the Gaang and capture them. Azula is not a huge fan of Sokka, especially since he’s taking all of Suki’s time, but she puts up with it long enough for them to leave the island. When Zuko arrives, Azula recognizes him instantly and, because of that, she really relies on her makeup and dress to keep her hidden. (Although Zuko swears one of the Kyoshi Warriors called him Zuzu). A couple weeks after Team Avatar leaves, Suki wants to travel and help other people which Azula is very much against. The other warriors still don’t know who she is and she fears that leaving the island will be how they discover that. Suki does talk her into it and the Kyoshi Warriors leave the island.
5. Since Azula is on Suki’s side, she’s never captured and they help Appa get to Ba Sing Se and reunited with Aang. While in the city, Azula runs into Zuko without her makeup on and he recognizes her. Azula ends up returning to his and uncle’s apartment and admits everything to them from Azulon ordering her death to her life on Kyoshi Island. Zuko tells her that when she disappeared she was declared dead a few days later. The palace mourned—he and Ursa mourned the most—but Ozai was eventually named Fire Lord. (Zuko: I-I still can’t believe you’re alive! Azula: I live to amaze. Zuko: Mom will really be amazed when she sees you and dad- Azula: Woah, hold on. I’m not going back. Zuko: What? What are you talking about? Azula: My place is here with the Kyoshi Warriors. Zuko: You’re the Fire Nation princess. Azula: Was. Was the Fire Nation princess. Now I’m Azula: the Kyoshi Warrior.) Azula ends up without much of a choice when Ozai arrives (working with Long Feng because he would definitely work with Ozai). Zuko doesn’t get the credit for capturing the Avatar but he does get credit for returning Ozai’s prodigy to him. When Ozai takes back both his children and captures the city, he kinda brings Azula in front of everyone who’s captured (including the Kyoshi Warriors) and reveals her as the Fire Princess. Suki and the other warriors to see Azula as the Fire Princess. (Azula almost breaks down when she sees how betrayed and angry Suki looks). She’s taken away before she’s allowed to explain anything to her friend. (Ozai: Azula! Azula: Father, I- Ozai: Come. Azula: But- Ozai: Did I stutter? Follow me or that little group of peasants you were running around with is ash. Azula: No! No, don’t hurt them! Ozai: Pathetic. You’ve become weak, Azula. You’ve allowed yourselves attachments. Don’t worry we will fix that.) Azula is taken away by Ozai and (kinda) Zuko while Ba Sing Se burns around her.
(Ending here but here it is!)
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camcat1320 · 2 months ago
Sokka and Suki inspo for my fanfic
Sokka and Suki stay behind in the Fire Nation while the others travel for international peace agreements. Suki is busy with the Kyoshi Warriors, keeping the peace in Caldera City with Fire Regent Ursa while Firelord Zuko is away. Due to Sokka's injured leg, he is limited in his physical abilities. Suki encourages Sokka to enroll in the local university to expand his inventive skills.
Sokka still has unresolved trauma from the loss of Yue. He buries himself in his studies at the Fire Nation university to distract him from his inner turmoil. Sokka doesn't open up to Suki, causing a wall or rift to form between them. Suki wants to help but she is at a loss of what to do.
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discordiansamba · 6 months ago
He can't get used to this.
He can't get used to people calling him prince. To dressing in fine silks, to wearing his hair in a top knot held by the crown prince's hairpiece. To servants waiting on his every need. He can dress himself, thanks. He's done it for sixteen years.
He doesn't think he'll ever get used to the gossip, to the hushed whispers that quiet down whenever he walks into a room. He knows what they're saying. There's plenty of people who don't believe he's actually Prince Zuko, the firstborn son of Fire Lord Ozai and his wife Ursa who was thought to have died in infancy. He still doesn't half believe it himself. He was raised on Kyoshi Island. What do you mean, he's a Fire Nation prince? It sounds insane.
But he was the one who agreed to this.
Iroh hadn't forced him to become his heir or to claim his birthright. If he'd told Iroh he didn't want any part of it, that he just wanted to go back to Kyoshi Island with his sister (and Suki was still his sister, damn anyone who said she wasn't), then he would have let him go. He never would have had to think about being a Fire Nation prince again.
But this was the right choice.
It didn't make it any less weird.
His door cracked open. Suki peeked in. She took one look at him sprawled out across the bed and arched a brow.
"It's getting to you, huh?"
"That obvious?"
"You didn't even take your shoes off. I think you're driving the palace servants insane."
"They're driving me insane."
Suki just laughs, and comes and sits on the bed next to him. He kind of thought she'd go back to Kyoshi Island too, return to being the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors. Instead she decided to stay in the Fire Nation. Iroh is going to get her added to the family tree.
(He suspects the man fully intends to gaslight the entire Fire Nation into believing Ursa had two children that winter night.)
"For what it's worth," Suki said, "-the prince look suits you."
"No the fuck it doesn't."
"...yeah, okay. You're right. It doesn't suit you at all."
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demaparbat-hp · 8 days ago
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Here I am, pushing the Jian Li (Akai Kotou! Zuko) = Jinshi (The Apothecary Diaries) agenda.
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stardust948 · 3 months ago
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RITD doodles to procrastinate help with writer's block.
Based on these memes found on Pinterest.
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saintvainglorious · 1 year ago
Fics I Enjoyed in January
I was putting together a list of the best fics I read last year and was reminded of two incredible ATLA fics I read in February 2023 ((Never) Forget Who You Are by mindbending and up in the city (until the stars lost the war) by Madseason). Those two fics are absolute perfection and sent me down an Avatar: The Last Airbender rabbit hole this month.
I read an insane amount, for me, even more than I did last year in September/October, when I was chowing down Drarry longfics like a starving dog. There's approximately 993k words of fic in this rec list - if you assume the average novel is 90k, that's about 11 books!
half in the shadows, half burned in flames by r_astra Avatar: the Last Airbender | Gen | 4k | Not Rated
“They say you tried to kill the Firelord,” Hakoda says. "Why?" Zuko doesn’t know how to answer. Because I hate him. Because I love him. Because he wants to see the world burn. Because he knotted one hand in my hair and cupped flames against my face with the other. Because my mother is dead. Because my uncle is dead. Instead, he shrugs tiredly and says: “Someone has to.”
i am through finding blame by sokkaesque/@sokkagatekeeper Avatar: The Last Airbender | Gen | 6k | Teen & Up
Sokka was fourteen the first time he realized people didn’t apologize to him very often. Or, Sokka during The Southern Raiders.
a nation, held by snowdarkred/@snowdarkred Avatar: The Last Airbender | Gen | 6k | General Audiences
It doesn’t take long for the rumors to start. The Fire Nation prides itself on its civilization. It isn’t like the other, lesser, nations who throw their children away by sending them into war. They are to be protected, because children are the future glory of the nation. The crown prince is thirteen when his father burns his face in front of an audience of hundreds.
The Iconoclast by ranilla_bean/@ranilla-bean Avatar: The Last Airbender | Sokka/Suki/Zuko | 21k (WIP) | Explicit
After a protracted civil war, the victorious new Fire Lord sends a call for a new bodyguard across the four nations. A Southern Water Tribesman and a warrior from Kyoshi Island respond.
Life in Eden by WitchofEndor/@a-witch-in-endor Avatar: The Last Airbender | Gen | 14k | Not Rated
In which Ursa tries to be a better parent to Azula, and it doesn’t change very much. And then, quite abruptly, it changes everything.
While Mighty Oaks Do Fall by WitchofEndor/@a-witch-in-endor Avatar: The Last Airbender | Sokka/Zuko | 181k (WIP) | Teen & Up
The newly-crowned Fire Lord Ozai offers his firstborn son to service in the temple. This turns out to be a catastrophic mistake.
where the stars do not take sides by WitchofEndor/@a-witch-in-endor Avatar: The Last Airbender | Sokka/Zuko | 60k | Not Rated
When Azula is nine, she becomes an only child. She hears the Fire Lord call for Zuko's life, and in the morning, her mother and brother are gone. Azula may be young, but she isn't naive. She knows what happened to them. Which makes it all the more surprising when Azula tracks the Avatar down and fights his group of peasant friends, only to find herself staring into an eerily familiar face.
War Crimes by Lovely_Elbow_Leech/@lovelyelbowleech Avatar: The Last Airbender | Sokka/Zuko | 90k | Mature | Part 1 of All's Fair
Book one ends with two major differences: 1. Sokka went on the mission with Hahn (it did not go well) 2. Zhao survives the North Pole and that proves unfortunate for everybody (except Zhao, obviously). Imprisoned on Zhao’s war ship, Sokka and Zuko have to work together to survive. They are not very enthusiastic about this prospect. And they argue. A lot.
War Games by Lovely_Elbow_Leech/@lovelyelbowleech Avatar: The Last Airbender | Sokka/Zuko | 443k (WIP) | Mature | Part 2 of All's Fair
Sokka is aware that being friends with the enemy is going to bring complications, but he probably should have guessed that being friends with Zuko in particular, was going to be a bit like dunking your head repeatedly into a bucket of angry Fire Ferrets.
Below the Sun by CSHfic and VSfic Avatar: The Last Airbender | Sokka/Zuko | 25k | Teen & Up
Sokka is washed overboard while working on the fisherman's boat during the storm. He wakes on a deserted island. Or... mostly deserted.
Will We Last the Night by CSHfic and VSfic Avatar: The Last Airbender | Sokka/Zuko | 143k | Teen & Up
Chief Arnook never assigns Sokka to protect Princess Yue, so he goes to fight the Fire Nation with the other men. When the moon dies, and the ocean spirit takes its revenge, Sokka is caught standing on the deck of a Fire Nation ship. Sokka should have drowned… and he would have drowned, if not for a certain Fire Nation raft fleeing the North Pole. [An enemies-to-lovers season 2 rewrite, where Sokka is separated from the gaang during the Siege of the North, and travels the Earth Kingdom with Zuko instead].
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muses-of-the-memory · 1 month ago
Happy 20th Anniversary, Avatar: The Last Airbender!
Today is the 20th anniversary of…
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Avatar: The Last Airbender!
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It has now been 20 years since we seen Aang, the Last Airbender and his Sky Bison, Appa come together with Katara, a South Pole Waterbender, and her paranoid brother, Sokka form Team Avatar to defeat the Fire Nation in the Hundred Year War, and bring peace back to the Four Nations.
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Along the way, they made some friends such as Momo the Lemur Bat, Toph Beifong,
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Suki and the Kyoshi Warriors,
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Haru, the Freedom Fighters and others.
But they had also made enemies during their quest for balance,
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such as Prince Zuko and Uncle Iroh,
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Princess Azula, Mai and Ty Lee,
albeit Zuko and company later became allies during their quest War later on.
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They manage to end the war with Aang Energybending Ozai’s power away, Zuko becoming the new Fire Lord, but their adventures weren’t over… in the comics. Especially when having to find Zuko’s mother, Ursa.
So, feel free to come into the inbox and roleplay with the characters of Aang’s timeline.
Tagged by: @hoshi-neko-hikari, @bluemajingirl, @astral-multiverse, @themultiverseheroines, @spirits-of-nature16, @aangtheairnomad, @tylee-lovely, @circusxxfreak, @aiirmaster
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whiteruncat · 1 year ago
I hope Netflix never gets ahold of another person’s artwork in attempt of a LA like they did with ATLA. If you can’t fully honor someone’s art and respect their ideas then don’t bother with a LA. It’s the most legal form of stealing artwork and creativity. It’s just cruel. And it’s so agitating to see the people saying “Well they tried” “They did their best” “You have to consider” Netflix should have been the ones to consider that maybe they should never have took on something they couldn’t do correctly. They have disrespected so many characters.
* Netflix took out sexism only to throw is back in! Yeah Sokka was sexist but the level of audacity to make the mighty Kyoshi Warrior Suki just another romantic interest is shameful.
* What happened to Katara saving a village of earthbenders? Katara started out strong and only got stronger by walking boldly with compassion, love, and the strength to help those around her.
* Let’s not forget about Bato & Hakoda. They are honorable and respected warriors of the Southern Water Tribe. Neither of them would let Sokka pass his ice dodging test if he failed it. They both love Sokka and respect Sokka too much to lie to him. Sokka passed his ice dodging test btw with Katara, Aang, and Bato.
* Ozai’s attitude towards Azula doesn’t make sense at all. Ozai basks in the glory of being a powerful firebender. His identity is firebending. Ozai married Ursa so his children would be powerful firebenders. Ozai wanted to kill baby Zuko because he wasn’t a powerful firebender. Ozai almost killed Zuko again after he rudely asked for the thrown and was told to sacrifice his son. Azula is Ozai’s pride and joy. She’s the firebending prodigy that’s perfect. Azula has never had to worry about whether her father loves her because Ozai has always favored Azula.
* Just me thing but I think Ozai was way scarier without a face. Only knowing him as Zuko’s father that burned his eye was like wow this dude is evil. Then the season 1 ending with Azula was an ominous beginning for them both.
* It’s kind of sad seeing Sokka so unconfident as a warrior. Sokka is a genius and he’s a warrior. He saw through Jet and saved a village. He played airball with Aang to cheer him up at the Southern Air Temple. Sokka helped trick the Sages to open the door for Aang to meet Roku. Sokka also got covered in snot when he first met Appa.
* Pakku didn’t find Katara’s necklace on the ground and I can’t believe they’re going to just write off Gramp Gramp like that. Why doesn’t Aang ever learn waterbending? Like the first season/book is called water and he is supposed to go the North Pole to learn waterbending. He doesn’t even know any waterbending by the end of the first season. You wrote out Iroh hitting on June but you wrote in June hitting on Iroh. Seriously?? Is Smellerbee the only girl in this LA that’s correctly done right? The Cave of Two Lovers isn’t even in season one!! It’s in season two.
* Bumi was done dirty. Aang, Katara, and Sokka got arrested for being goofy kids and destroying cabbages. Bumi came off as this mad king that was giving Aang three deadly challenges. Each one Aang had to think differently to solve. At the end when Aang realized the king was Bumi they laughed together and reminisced. Bumi set it up to show Aang that he would have to face many difficulties ahead as the avatar. He had no hard feelings towards Aang once. Bumi was so hateful in the LA towards Aang he acted like he flat out just wanted to hurt Aang.
* Aang is another big one obviously. He’s a kid and that’s just how he acts. Aang also chose to runaway. He was almost alone once he learned about being the avatar. His friends didn’t play the way they used to. And his best friend Gyatsu was all he had. When Aang heard they were going to take him away from Gyatsu he ran away because he knew that he would be alone. Being avatar wasn’t so much seen as a heavy responsibility at the time to a kid like Aang but it was the cause of his loneliness and he resented the title. Learning the abilities that followed were cool to Aang because he wasn’t alone and had new friends. LA Aang acts so serious and mature when Aang is serious-ly not mature at all.
I have to congratulate Netflix on one thing though. I hated the LA so much it made me miss the animated ATLA so I went out to the store and bought the animated set. Rewatching it is reliving the best days of my life.
I don’t blame any actors in the LA. I truly think they all did the best with what Netflix gave them. It’s not easy to act with bad script. 10/10 would have loved to have seen them in a good LA of ATLA made by the creators.
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