#kwami swamp au
heartfulselkie · 2 years
if you think kwami swap au is why people follow you then why don't you just do that?
If it were that easy to control my motivation then there are many things I could "just do". But I can't so I just draw/write whatever my singular brain cell is hooked on.
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mlwritingprompts · 4 years
Submitted Prompt: Canon Compliant Kwami Swamp AU
Kwami swap AUs are fairly popular among the fandom, but has anyone on the salt side thought about what that would actually mean? I’m talking in terms of team dynamics. In most of the swap fics I’ve read, Adrien knows the Ladybug Miraculous requires responsibility and acts accordingly. But if we’re going by their canon dynamics and Adrien is still using the mask for fun rather than to help people… well, that’s a problem.
So I’m thinking that Marinette still ends up having to be the responsible one, except it would actually be worse this time because Adrien has something to hold over her head. If she doesn’t do something he wants, he has the option to not cast Miraculous Cure. Because of this, Marinette ends up getting forced into some public kisses and other displays of “affection”.
But the downside for Adrien, is that Marinette is still the smart one, and more importantly the more pragmatic fighter. 
If she ever decided not to hold back, decided she really wanted to hurt him, she could absolutely pull it off. The only reason she doesn’t is because one, she needs him, and two, she’s not exactly keen on hurting people even if they are absolutely terrible human beings.
But this is a universe where not a small amount of Akuma have some kind of mind control. Maybe one day she slips up, or more likely, Adrien puts her in danger with his rampant neglect of responsibility, and she ends up under an Akuma’s thrall. 
In this state, she is doing her absolute best to kill him. Adrien is well and truly fucked. I’d say the fight lasts two or three minutes, and that’s if she doesn’t immediately decide to use Cataclysm.
So basically what I’m saying is, kwami swap AU ends badly for literally everyone involved.
But maybe, if Marinette is lucky, Hawkmoth releases the Akuma right before making the wish, freeing her from the mind control, which gives her a chance to take him down and cast Miraculous Ladybug herself. Then again, maybe not.
Rules for the blog - send a short prompt - send a long prompt
Honestly, if she weren’t holding back at all, I’d be shocked if he survives more than ten seconds.
She’s held him off when he was trying his damnedest to kill her a dozen times now, and the only reason she doesn’t beat him immediately is because she’s trying not to hurt him. Adrien, at least compared to Marientte, is just not a good fighter, no matter how many fencing classes he takes.
But yeah. If Adrien had the Miraculous Ladybug earrings, it would take a miracle (no pun intended) for them to survive even a few episodes. Marinette would be doing all the work like normal, now with the added restraint that she has to convince Adrien, who literally mansplains her own powers to her, to go along with what she is telling him to do.
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sassyduckqueen · 3 years
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Here's some designs for ROA!Luka using the different Miraculous.
So we have Apatura, named after Aputura Iris aka the Purple Emperor Butterfly. As you can see his "akumas" aren't black and purple. This is because he wouldn't be a villain. He would create champions that he calls Tenshi, which means angel in Japanese. He does this since hawkmoth called his akumas, which is Japanese for demon/devil.
Next is Paon. A simple name but I feel it suits him. Like the butterfly version, he isn't evil. He refers to his creations as Senticreatures instead of Sentimonsters. His mask is inspired by Phantom of the opera.
Next is Kobe, which literally means turtle.
Vespa is the name for his bee form
And finally we have Rusè. Rusè means foxy in frence but I was also thinking it could link into his power as a Ruse can also be a distraction.
Anyway, I'm really happy with how these turned out and will be doing more in the future.
Yin Yang Miraculous
Wuxing Miraculous
Chinese Zodiac Miraculous:
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3: Coming Soon
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so-were-heroes · 3 years
Hey, just to say that, as a big SIX fan, I, 100% support the decision of a group akumatization, specially to fight against Henry the Idiot. Also, consider Jane Seymour with the Goat, or Anne of Cleves with the Ox, since she is amazing, strong and powerful.
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Goat Jane Seymour will be coming up shortly
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mythivl · 6 years
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Hi I haven’t been drawing much so I decided to simplify my art here, but I really wanted to draw marinette with the canon miraculous.
I drew marigold from @zoe-oneesama scarlet lady Au but it looked bad and I accidently messed up the mask so I’ll def have to redraw later 😳😰
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moonlitceleste · 4 years
If your taking prompts, in the Big Sis Marinette AU, what if Marinette crashes Bruce's JL meeting and completely embarrasses him OR where all the Batfam got grounded and she's filling in for them at JL and nobody knows who she is
A/N: I’m sorry this took me so long! I’ve been absolutely swamped with work, and since I wanted to do research on each of the JL members I had trouble finding time to write this. Hopefully it was worth the wait!
Bruce sighed at the Batcomputer and pinched his brow. It hadn’t even reached the end of the week, yet all his kids were already benched. First it was Jason and Damian; the two had gotten into a fight over something trivial, and it escalated until Bruce had to pull them apart. Next was Tim, who had done nothing wrong but overwork himself. Despite being busy Bruce still paid attention to his kids, and yesterday this one looked on the verge of falling over. Then there was Dick and Duke, who were both out-of-country to investigate an international issue. Stephanie was out of the picture since he had promised her the day off, and Cass… well, Cass had done nothing wrong as per usual, but Bruce didn’t want to subject her to this.
He couldn’t not attend the meeting, but Batman was needed in Gotham. If only there was someone who could take my place...
As if on cue, the entrance of the Batcave opened.
Somewhere near in the manor, a door slammed open.
“Oh Bruuuuce,” a voice sing-songed.
The vigilante grimaced and pinched his brow once again. His headache was about to get a whole lot worse.
Marinette chewed on her gum amusedly as she sat in the Hall of Justice, legs kicked up onto the circular table. For a place that was supposed to be secure, it sure was easy getting in. All she had to do was teleport in using Kaalki—not that that was her only option, since she was already secretly registered as an official Justice League member; she just wanted to see whether or not their security measures would work. Despite being Ladybug, Marinette did enjoy a little chaos from time to time.
The batarang in her hand whizzed as it cut through the air; she was spinning it around her finger absentmindedly as she waited for the telltale sound of the transporters. She had done her research, of course, and managed to figure out the schedules of each League member in order to plan a dramatic entrance. Well, it wouldn’t be her dramatic entrance, but seeing their expressions would be fun nonetheless.
With the kwamis’ help, she had given them each a little nudge. Some members had trouble with mysterious issues that caused them to arrive a bit later than usual, while others found themselves miraculously early for once. Either way, Marinette had planned it so they’d all arrive at the same time—and her plans always worked.
Somewhere in the distance a faint whoosh sounded. Even without the enhanced hearing that came with the black cat Miraculous, the sound piqued her senses. The smile that was spread across the heroine’s face grew razor-sharp with anticipation. It’s showtime.
“...it was weird. My ring has never done that before, and with all the strange occurrences recently—”
Green Lantern broke off as Aquaman sent a jab to his side. He looked up, confused, before noticing the rest of the members had stopped in front of the Hall of Justice with defensive positions.
“Who are you?” the Flash growled.
The person sitting at the circular table was a woman in a sleek red-and-black suit. She was clad in armor, and there was what looked like a pair of wings on her back, clearly imitating those of a ladybug’s.
Rather than respond to his question, she raised a brow. Or at least, that’s what it looked like; it was hard to tell with the spotted mask on her face.
The members tensed, preparing to attack, when a heavy sigh came from Superman. He threw his arm up, preventing them from moving forwards.
“It’s alright, guys. I know her.”
The words, while reassuring, did nothing to make them drop their guard. They remained vigilant as the ladybug-themed woman slid her legs off the table and stood up. The movement was assured and grateful, and she had an aura that radiated power.
Despite this, however, she had a short stature that seemed even smaller in comparison to the League.
“Superman,” she nodded.
“Ladybug,” he greeted.
There was a sharp inhale from two of the members.
“Ladybug?” Wonder Woman repeated.
“And Grand Guardian, technically.”
At these words the Amazonian dropped to one knee, followed quickly by Aquaman. Their heads were bowed low in fealty. The rest of the members could only watch, shocked at the clear act of deference. No one dared breathe.
“Wonder Woman. Aquaman,” the masked woman addressed. A faint smile twitched at the corner of her lips.
“There’s no need to bow.”
Like a barrier had been broken, the two slowly raised themselves to meet her eyes. They looked at her with a mixture of awe and respect.
“Wha—” started the Flash. He broke off with a hiss as Superman elbowed his side.
“Ouch, dude!”
The Kryptonian only rolled his eyes and signalled to where Ladybug and Wonder Woman were still conversing.
“It is an honor to be in your presence, Guardian.”
“Nonsense. You’re Wonder Woman. If anything, I’m honored to be in your presence.”
At this point, it seemed as if Green Lantern was tired of the confusion.
“Okay, what’s this all about? Why’d you guys bow? And what’s a Guardian?”
Aquaman sighed internally at his ally’s brusqueness and looked towards Ladybug as if asking for permission to proceed. After receiving a nod, he spoke.
“The Order of the Guardians is an age-old society which protects and distributes Miraculouses, which  are magical jewels not unlike your ring. However, the Miraculouses have existed since the beginning of the universe itself. They each have unique abilities, but the two most powerful are the Ladybug and Black Cat. When combined, the wielder has the potential to rewrite the universe as we know it. That’s why Guardians are important; they help prevent them from falling into the wrong hands. The Grand Guardian is even more so.”
“My mother, Hippolyta, was a Ladybug wielder,” Diana added. “The Order has always had deep connections with both the Atlantians and Amazons.”
Everyone seemed satisfied with this response except for Green Lantern, who spoke up with a frown.
“But then why have neither of you met her before today? It doesn’t make sense that Superman would know of her before you guys.”
Ladybug rolled her eyes good-naturedly and waited for the Kryptonian to reply; she knew they wouldn’t believe her unless the information came from someone else.
“She’s Batman’s sister.”
The exclamation came from the Flash.
“But he’s so tall! How—”
Ladybug cut his words off with a chilling glare, as if daring him to finish his sentence. It was oddly familiar to the so-called Bat-Glare, yet it was somehow worse.
“Never mind. I see the resemblance now.”
She bared her teeth in a mock smile at him and gestured to the group to sit.
“Batman couldn’t be here today, so he sent me to fill in. You were having trouble with strange disappearances, were you not?”
Green Lantern cleared his throat.
“Yes, there was reportedly the disappearance of a few important artefacts. However, the culprit left no traces.”
Heads turned to her, bewildered.
“That was a Miraculous-related incident. Already solved.”
The League members exchanged glances then shrugged in acceptance.
“Meeting adjourned, then?” inquired the Flash.
“Not quite yet,” she smiled. “Don’t you want to hear more about my brother?”
“To offer it the show of violence;
For it is, as the air, invulnerable,
And our vain blows malicious mockery.”
“No, you’re saying it with the wrong tone now!”
Marinette sighed for the hundredth time that day. First it was the wrong inflection on a certain word, then it was the wrong pause length, and now it was her tone.
“Jason, it’s Hamlet. I know this means a lot to you, but I could care less about some dude and the tone with which he speaks about his tragic life.”
Her nephew put down his script and looked at her, eyes wide in disbelief and betrayal.
Oh, boy. She could practically hear how the next hour would play out with his inevitable rant. But before he could start, the door to the slammed open. Marinette sighed with relief; as much as she loved hearing Jason talk about his passion, she was glad to be spared from another one of his literature talks.
“Marinette,” a voice growled.
She looked up to see her brother’s frame in the doorway. He did not look happy.
“Yes?” she blinked innocently. She could practically see the steam coming out of his ears.
“What did you do?” Jason snickered from beside her.
“Embarrassed him in front of his friends,” she whispered back quietly.
He broke out into cackles.
“Not helping!” she hissed.
Bruce stormed closer, and wow did he look crabby. Better safe than sorry, then.
“Tikki, spots on!”
The flash momentarily blinded her brother, but she had made sure to cover Jason’s eyes to protect him from it.
When his vision cleared, Bruce spotted Ladybug hanging from one of the bookcases with her yo-yo, an impish grin on her face.
“Catch me if you can!”
PERMANENT TAGLIST @avengerthewarrior @enternalempires @freesportspalacesalad @nathleigh
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 3 years
So officially I have the requests open!
Now... Back to the topic...
My first 2 posts are linked
The ships and the aus I work with
My rules are simple:
No 18+ requests(I cannot and won't do NSFW to save my life)
Explicit content like swearing or violence is alright, but please note it down if you wish to be included... (murder is also alright)
Some ships that I have not listed, but you happen to request might be triggers for me, but I'll always be sure to inform you if I am uneasy with them. In that kind of situation you can cancel the request or change your ship.
I can do headcannons, quotes, one-shots, short scenarios, au explanations and dynamics
If you request twisted wonderland oneshots, when the request it's done it can be found on Wattpad or Ao3. I motivate this by the fact that it's easier to keep track of them in this way.
I'll always be aware of the requests you send me, but I'll only pick up a few for a period of time if they are too many. I'll post the picked requests and after they are done I'll delete the post and pick again. Do not worry, I'll pick them in order and I'll work to all of them at my own pace. If it's becoming overwhelming I'll have to close the requests until I finish all of them!
Please don't be vague if you have a clear idea of what I should write... Keeping it vague makes more room for me to twist it around and that could be a problem if you had a specific idea in mind.
My list of ships and aus isn't the boundary. You can request any ship from the Fandoms I write for and any au you can think of.
And please be respectful to one another! Let's keep this blog as friendly as possible!
Now... As a small bonus! I'll explain my favorite au from each fandom I write for!
1. Danganronpa:
Accidentally a Ghoul king
It's a really quirky and fun Au in which on the Halloween night Shuichi finds a magical dark crown and BAM! he becomes the king of the ghouls, night creatures of dark magic. Now he has to juggle with his school, accepting his father's marriage with Angie's mother, trying to give signs of love towards Kokichi, who recently broke up with Rantaro and... Let's not forget about learning to master his new unlimited dark powers and training to become the king of an underground world.
This has some lore behind and all that... It's a fun and easy to work with au. Can't be so flexible, but it's always interesting to come up with different scenarios.
2. Miraculous:
Kwami swap
As cliché as it is... I'm in love with it.
The possibilities are endless. From the way of the swamp to the actual problem handling. It's really a flexible au with endless possibilities.
3. Persona 3/4/5
Real and cognitive fusion
In this... It's a continuation of the end of the game you choose to use. After they defeat the final boss, the crew realises that they failed to stop the cognitive world and the real one from fusioning.
Now they can use personas in real world, but they must use them is secret... Because who would want to see casually someone shooting themselves or crushing tarot cards or ripping their face off.
Yeah... You can guess this becomes really a chaos.
But it's really flexible and with unlimited possibilities.
4. Twisted wonderland
Persona 5 au!
This is centred more on the journey of the phantom thieves of twisted wonderland.
We have Riddle as the protagonist. It may not seem like a good choice, but the idea is that the journey portrays his changes towards good by rebeling. Basically his rebel teen phase.
Everyone represents an arcana. And everyone gets character development. It might look random, but they start one inside of each other.
The shadows and palaces are actually the overBlot boys's twisted desires. In here manifests the fusion of real and cognitive world au.
I actually plan to make something out of it if you saw my old post. I hope you look forward to it.
The phantom thieves outfits and personas are designed by me exclusively as well as the codenames, because they have something in common.
Also... May I put emphasis on the fact that I shouldn't have given Riddle a gun... But oh... Anyway...
If you wish to know more about this and my plans for this Au, I have it explained on Wattpad along the oneshot that started it all... It's here!
That's all! :D
I can't wait to see what request you want to send. Please considerate the rules, otherwise I'll have to ignore the said comments.
Bye for now!
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trashystar420 · 5 years
CHAPTER4 Age Reversed, Babysitter AU MariBat!!!
Marinette was swamped for the rest of the week. It wasn’t easy being a young fashion designer trying to make ends meet because she wasn’t getting paid enough for her internship (yes she miraculously gets paid, but like not enough). But after getting her first pay check from that baby sitting gig, she realized very quickly how much time she can salvage if she were to live off the payment from Mr.Way-er-Bruce
“Finally came to your senses?” Tikki asked with a cheeky grin. Marinette rolled her eyes and gave the kwami another macaroon.
“Why do you always have to be right?” She asked and the goddess had the audacity to giggle.
“I’ve lived much longer than you, I know how this world works honey you got nothing on this spectacle of wisdom.”
“Spectacle of making herself look like a fool more like it” she muttered to herself.Tikki just ate her macaroon.
“Ugh well, guess I better get the day started.” And up she went to do her daily morning routine.
After making sure all the magical barriers were in place, she mentally checked to see if the kwamis she summoned were ready.
“Ready!” Tikki said
“Ready!” Said Kalki
“You know it!!!” Said Trixx
“Of course Marinette” wayzz answered.
“Alright. Let’s go, keep me updated if anything suspicious happens.” As the three kwami’s flew out. Tikki quickly flew in her jacket pocket. Marinette makes her way down to the place she works as an intern.
“Master Tim, perhaps you should lay off the coffee?” Alfred suggested. The butler was convinced if he drank anymore, he would die from overdose. Tim just gave Alfred a crazed look.
More crashing noises came from the living room. Alfred sighs and pinched the bridge of his nose, while Tim drank another mug.
“Perhaps tea would be a better alternative?” The butler offered. Tim didn’t even acknowledge the butler. The only response he gave were more ‘sipping’ noises. Then that got interrupted.
“That’s what you get for being mean to our Marinette!!!” Dick reasoned, as he push Damien down the fancy stairs.
“Yeah Dickie I’m soo proud of you!!!” Jason hugged his baby bro, messing with his hair. The troublesome duo looked to see their work. Damien was lying on the floor completely owned.
“Let’s leave before Demon Spawn tries to kill us again.” Jason offers and Dick eagerly agrees, holding Jason’s hand as the older of the two led him to his room.
“You really shouldn’t be insulting the babysitter with those two around.” Tim advises, sipping his third cup of coffee that morning. Eventually the eldest brother got up, limping on his leg.
“They are so dead” he promised. Tim just sipped more of his coffee.
“Don’t let Bruce hear you say that Demon Spawn.” Damien just gave him a withering glare, but Tim didn’t falter. Eventually the caffeine addict left the mansion to start his work at Wayne Enterprise. Damien stayed at home to treat his wounds after Alfreds nagging persistence.
As Alfred was treating the injured Wayne, Damien started to grumble.
“What seems to trouble you, Master Damien?” He asked. Damien looked away, almost ashamed.
“That babysitter...” he grumbled.
“You mean the one from yesterday?” Alfred clarifies.
“Who else?” He menacingly spoke. Alfred was unaffected by the young lad’s tone.
“Well what of her? I think she is a nice young lady with a good head on her shoulders.” Damien ‘tsked’ clearly upset. Alfred, already having a pretty good idea why the boy was upset, sighed.
“What about Marinette do you not like Master Damien?”
“She is clearly a witch if she managed to have those fools become her lap dogs.” He reasoned as though it were the most obvious thing. The butler resisted the urge to sigh.
“Surely you jest, Master Damien”
The butler finished wrapping the last bandage over a rather nasty cut.
“I’m going to investigate that witch, she is clearly hiding something.” Alfred looked scandalized.
“You will do no such thing Master!!” But Damien with a goal in mind marched towards the bat cave. Alfred sighed and immediately called Bruce to relay him the news of what was going on.
“Good evening Marinette” Alfred greeted the babysitter.
“And good evening to you Alfred.”she responded in kind.
“I see you brought another box of baked goods?” He asked.
“Haha yes, the boys really liked them you know.” She giggled.
“Allow me to show you inside, please take a seat, I will be right back with the master and kids.” The butler walked a bit faster to get the Wayne’s.
When Alfred walked in the bat cave, it was already a mess. Bruce looked stressed as usual. Damien was glaring daggers at a stubborn Jason and Dick. And Tim looked ready to pass out. The butler coughed, interrupting the mood.
“Is she here?” Bruce asked a little too hopeful. Alfred nodded.
“Is Mari here?” Dick asked and Bruce smiled.
“Make sure you change before meeting her. We don’t want to reveal ourselves.” He warned as Jason and Dick immediately changed out of their outfits and bolted to meet their babysitter. Alfred was smiling at how normal those two were acting.
“Alright Damien, let me be clear here, I have already done a background check with her, she is in the clear. I don’t want you snooping into her personal life, got it?” The bat warned, Damien pouted and looked away. Bruce heaved another sigh and looked at Tim, whose head rested on the table.
“Tim” that woke the teen up.
“Go get some rest.” Tim reluctantly agrees and left the bat-cave as well. Bruce gives a hard glare to his eldest son. Damien looks back with a stubborn glare.
“Damien.” He growls. Said boy just caves in.
“If you insist, Father.” He sighed. Bruce got up from the table and left. Alfred gave one last look to the ex-assassin, then went after Bruce.
When the coast was clear, Damien went to the monitor, and pulled up a file he made sure was hidden from his family. A picture of said babysitter was in display. An innocent, younger version of Marinette with her signature pigtails.
“Just what are you hiding, Marinette Dupain-Cheng” he muttered to himself, as he pulled up a documented report, and read it.
All completely unaware of a certain kwami’s eyes.
“Thz iz irrly gooz!!” Jason compliments as he stuffs his face with more macaroons. Dick tugged at the sleeve of his babysitter.
“Yes Mon Chou?” Dick twiddled his fingers, and blushed.
“I-I was wondering if you could tell us that bed time story you told Jason last time.” He asked. Mari swooned and scooped him up in a hug.
“Yes I would love to sweetie.” Jason also looked eager.
“Hell yeah!!!”
“What did we talk about young man.”
“No swearing like a sailor.” Mari giggled. She couldn’t help herself, she pinched the cheek of the cheeky one and kissed his forehead.
“Alright , everyone settled?” Eager nods were given. Before the Bluenette started, Tim walked down the stairs.
“Hey what’s going on here?” He asked. Marinette noticed the bags under the tired Wayne’s eyes. Jason looked peeved, while Dick had a sparkle in his eyes.
“Mari is telling us a bed time story!!!” Tim gave a look to Marinette, as she gave a sheepish smile and shrugged.
“You know what, can I join?” He asked. The boys made room for the older boy. Marinette stood as she begun to tell the tale.
“ once upon a time, there lived a young girl.
She lived in a village that suffered at the hands of a cruel beast.
What made the beast so cruel was his ability to curse someone for one night, and turn them into a monster. Due to the terror these curses cause for the people, everyone in the village suffered.
But there was nothing they could do, for the monsters would go on into the night, seemingly with no end.
But a miracle blessed the villagers. A goddess, who granted the power needed to end the nightly terrors. And she gifted it to the girl. But the power came at a cost.
‘No one is supposed to know you are their savior, otherwise your powers will vanish forever, and the nightly terrors shall persist.’
So the girl kept it to herself. It wasn’t bad, at first. She just kept going throughout the day with a smile, always eager to help.
And then....
A mischievous fox happened upon the village.
What made this fox so mischievous, were the lies she spoke. Tales of her ‘grand’ life. Making bold claims that she knew all the gods and goddesses.
That she could help eradicate the beast that haunts the night.
How she was best friends with the savior of the night.
And the girl with a smile on her face heard. Never believing for a second that what the fox said to be true.
She pleaded with her friends
‘Please you mustn’t listen to that fox, she speaks nothing but lies!’
But it was too late. The trap was set, and her friends fell for the fox’s lies. Eventually the fox confronted the girl, threatened to turn all that she loved against her. Hate her. Banish her.
And the naive girl never believed the fox for a second. Until it did.
Slowly but surely, lie after lie, the fox made good on her promise.
And now the girl who sacrificed herself everyday for the foolish villagers, found herself alone.
Gone were the days were she could smile.
Gone was her laughter.
Her spark fades every night.
Seeking the goddess who gave her the power to protect, all the goddess could do was shake her head.
For if she broke the vow that she was protecting everyone, she would lose her powers. And the village would be thrown into disarray once more.
And so, hiding her pain with a smile, she continued on.
Eventually she found the beasts lair and destroyed the terror or the night. And since the girl couldn’t find a home within the village she was raised in, left to make her own home.
No one from the village heard from the girl they all betrayed ever again.
Some say she lives in the mountains. Others say she resides by the beaches.
But no matter where you go, be kind to everyone you meet. You don’t know their life story. For they may also suffer just as much, if not more.”
Marinette finished. She found a tearful Dick, and immediately pulled him into a hug.
“Dawww Dickie.” She cooed reassuringly. But Dick his his face in her chest.
“Tha-that’s so sad! How could -the *hic* villagers *hic* be so cruel!!!!” He bemoaned. Jason wasn’t doing much better either, for his eyes were glazed. It looked as though were about to cry but didn’t want to.
“Oh Jason, come here.” And motioned for him to enter the hug. Which he did. And also cried about how the girl deserved to be happy.
“Now guys, please, let’s keep our voices down, look.” Their babysitter pointed to a sleeping Tim.
“Oh wow.” Dick mumbled. Jason could only nod. It was rare seeing their older brother sleep.
“Here, why don’t you two help me put your brother to bed” and so the two dutifully helped. Marinette picked up the teen with surprising ease.
“Is he supposed to be this light?” She whispered to Jason. The boy only shrugs.
Marinette ticks him in bed, and closes the door quietly. Dick and Jason walk back down the stairs with their babysitter. And then Dick yawns. Marinette checks the time.
“Oh wow, it’s already this late?” Jason looked dejected, while Dick had a hard time standing, so the bluenette picks him up as well.
“Come on Jay-Jay time to put you to bed as well. Jason reluctantly went as well.
Marinette gently placed the sleeping boy in his bed, and tucked him in. Then gave him a kiss on the forehead, and left.
“Hey Pixie-Bob, I know I should be in bed, but can I at least play against you once? I promise I’ll go to bed afterwards.” As he gave his best puppy dog eyes.
She held out a pinkie finger. Jason blinked.
“Promise. No complaints. No ifs no buts. After this one game, you are heading straight to bed. Alright?” Jason nodded.
“You got it pixie-bob!”as he gave her his pinkie. They both shook on it.
Marinette beats him yet again. And Jason doesn’t complain. He heads straight to bed, is tucked in by Marinette and is also given a kiss on the forehead, similar to Dick’s.
The young babysitter descends the fancy steps in thought. Holding onto the railing so that she wouldn’t fall.
‘Anything suspicious?’ Mari mentally asked to her kwamis.
‘Nope’ said Tikki
‘Nothing’ Kalkki said
‘All clear’ spoke Wayzz.
‘Trixx?’ Mari asked again. This time in fear.
‘Trixx please answer me what is wrong, did you get captured?!?!’
The other kwamis came from their respective hiding spots as well, also worried for their dear friend.
‘Sorry sorry, I got caught up in something. Uh. Marinette you might want to hear this once we get back home.’ Trixx warned. Marinette did NOT like that. Making sure the miraculous she wore are where they are supposed to be, she summons for Trixx, and the kwami still has not arrived. Marinette is getting anxious. She is supposed to be leaving, but she can’t leave Trixx all alone!!!!
‘Trixx where are you I’m going to come get you!’
‘Wait don’t!’
‘Trixx what the heck are you doing? Why won’t you let me track you?’
‘I seemed to have been caught in something...’Trixx said.
Marinette feels her nerves spike up tenfold.
‘That’s it I’m tracking you now! Just wait where you are I am coming to get you.’ Marinette follows the magic resonance left by the kwami.
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Yeah, I polished my Episode: Ladybug AU a bit to make it more fanfic-y.
What if Nathalie hadn’t had an episode?
Marinette Dupain-Cheng is currently being akumatized. It took her by surprise, so she wasn’t able to calm herself andprevent the butterfly of doom to approach her. Everything is lost, she thinks. Will she be strong enough to defy an akumatization? She doesn’t know, and she will not bet on it. She takes off her earrings while Hawk Moth is making his offer… his very tempting offer, that she can’t help but consider it… imparting justice to this world… making Lila pay, sound so tempting….
With the last of her willpower, she mentally renounced Tikki and threw the earrings away, hoping that no one would notice, or at least someone worthy would notice. And so they did. Adrien had been fending off the red butterflies, as has been Chloe (Along with protecting Sabrina of them), but both had noticed how Marinette had taken off her earrings. A bit weird to be sure, but they understood when they saw a red flash of light go from Marinette’s purse to the earrings, just as she throws them off.
One lands a few meters of Adrien, while the other lands around Chloe. They make eye contact, horrified at what just happened, but they just nod, trying to be strong for the other one, and as inconspicuous as they can, they pick up the earring closer to them.
“EVERYONE RUN!” Adrien yells as he activates the fire alarm. Chloe grabs Sabrina by her wrist and makes a run for it to the exit, while Marinette is still talking with Hawk Moth. Hopefully, she will resist enough for them to be safe.
Adrien grabbed Alya on his way to the exit, only the four of them still themselves… well, them and Lila.
“Lila, move, we need to get out before the akumatization is complete!” yelled Adrien, keeping an eye on Marinette. Her mom had already transformed, as had everyone else. She was still resisting.
For all response, Lila smiled smugly and raised her arms in defiance, blocking the exit even more.
“Why you little b…” Chloe didn’t finish her insult when Sabrina had rolled for initiative and managed to body slam the sausage haired girl, making both of them fall to the ground. After the initial surprise, Lila stated trying to fight Sabrina to get back up, The bespectacled girl responded in kind. The other froze, not knowing what to do. Chloe was about to help her friend when she yelled. “RUN! Go away!”
Chloe hesitated. She couldn’t abandon her friend to the akumas. Not if she expected to be seen as a hero. ”Chloe please!” begged Sabrina, while dodging a punch of Lila, elbowing her in the process. Chloe smiled at that.
“I’ll be back for you!” She said, before Alya and Adrien managed to grab her and escape. The last thing that Chloe saw was Sabrina smiling before being possessed by one of the butterflies.
On their way out, they managed to grab some of their classmates that hadn’t come to the lockers and were waiting for Miss Bustier to return. Most of the school was in chaos with the red butterflies and the fire alarm going off. Adrien was the last of their group of survivors, and not a second after he had stepped out of the school; the whole building was covered in dark purple energy and transformed in a really creepy medieval Castle. Adrien felt like he was going to cry. Marinette had finally fallen, barely giving them time to reach safety. She was now Princess Justice.
He turned around. Besides himself Alya, and Chloe, they had only managed to grab Marc, Nino, Mylene and Max on their way out.
“INCOMING!” they heard someone yell from the second floor, before a loud crash, and the windows breaking. Kim carrying Alix, Ivan carrying Nathaniel, and Markov, flying by himself, landed on the moat filled with swamp water that had manifested around the castle. They didn’t want to wait to check if the moat was filled with crocodiles, so they were out in a moment. It was only four people (and a robot), but they were glad that they had managed to escape the Castle.
The broken window repaired itself and metal bars subsequently appeared in all of the other windows.
Adrien was lost in thought, while the others were hugging each other, happy that they were safe. Chloe grabbed his shoulder. She seemed as exhausted as he was, if not more so. She raised her other hand and showed Adrien the earring. “So, all this time, Dupain-Cheng… her… Marinette was…” Chloe couldn’t make herself say it. Adrien nodded weakly. If only he had stopped Lila earlier. He raised his own hand and dropped the other earring on Chloe’s hand. Tikki manifested them.
“No… this can’t be happening” she said after seeing the castle.
“Ladybug’s kwami” said Max, voicing what everyone else was thinking. “She… Marinette was…”
“Ladybug is not coming to fix this mess” noted Alya, almost sobbing. Nino gave her a hug. “And that Lila! We should have trusted Marinette,  we…!”
“This is not time for that!” yelled Marc, surprising everyone. “Yes, we let Marinette down, but blaming ourselves will not help her now!” The others were surprised to see this side of the normally shy and wallflower Marc. “Marinette needs us. All our other friends need us to be strong and capable, or Hawk Moth will win.”
Tikki weighted her options. Marinette was now an akuma, as was her mom and half the school, and it seemed everyone present had figured out her identity. Last time Hawk Moth had gone scarlet, it was Ladybug and Chat Noir against him, but now…
“Let’s go to my home. Maybe I can use the Bee signal to…”
“You want to be Queen Bee? Really Chloe?”
“I want to contact Chat Noir, he needs to know what is happening!”
“He already knows” said a new voice that only one of them knew. Plagg had taken the decision out of Tikki, and had decided to manifest then and there.
“Plagg!” Yelled Adrien and Tikki at the same time.
“The time of secrets is not now sugarcube. Ladybug was akumatized! We’re lucky she didn’t take you with her. And now we need back up.” He looked at the huge Castle. “A Lot of back up.” Plagg looked around the people. Most were with their mouths agape. “Right right, sorry sugarcube, but we need to go get the other Miraculous while you and these kids plan something. Your holder is in danger”
Adrien and Tikki look at each other and then at Plagg. “Well… I should tell… him about what happened. So I can grab at least the Bee, the Horse and the Rabbit. Maybe I should ask for the Dragon and the Snake while I’m at it.”
“You know who they are?” asked Marc. “You can contact them and they will help us!”
“Yeah. Well, Pegase is already here.” Adrien said, looking at Max. “And Bunnix too.”
“I thought Bunnix was taller”
“Long story, no time to explain. I can call Kagami, she’s the Dragon. But I have no way to contact Luka”
“Luka Couffaine? He’s Viperion?” Adrien nodded. “I can give him a call” said Marc reaching for his phone. Adrien wasn’t really surprised they were friends.
“Ask for the Fox too. And the Turtle” said Nino finally. “That’s us”
Adrien raised an eyebrow. Chloe looked at them with a weird look. “I don’t know why I’m surprised” Said Chloe with a bit of jealousy. “Now all we missing is that handsome idiot of Roi Singe and the team will be complete.”
“Kim, we don’t have time to your nonsense”
“I’m Roi Singe”
“… what?”
“Yeah, I meet Xuppu in Adrien’s secret party when we ditched the girl’s plan to plant plants in the planting thing.”
“YOU WHAT?” yelled Alya, Mylene and Alix at the same time.
“Yeah, yeah, you’ll beat them to a pulp later; there are more important matters now”
“Okay, so, let’s go get those Miracu… is that moat getting bigger?”
It was. The Castle itself was the same, but the water body surrounding it was becoming bigger. Kim whispered Ondine’s name, wondering if the girl had been akumatized too. Chloe decided to bring everyone to the Hotel, while Adrien went to Master Fu to ask for help. Tikki did point out that maybe Adrien wouldn’t be able to get more Miraculous, so they should plan for everything.
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sentient-stove · 4 years
hello, I’m swamped writing fanfics for other people and I haven’t had time to update my miraculous werewolf/hellhound au, which makes me sad af, but I did write a short unrelated thing with Adrien and Marinette taking a different approach on how combining miraculous works.
uh, here
   “We’ve been compromised, your father is Hawkmoth and I’m running out of time.” Ladybug panted as she leaned against Chat Noir, her breaths coming heavily as she limped with him into a dark alley to hide.
   “I know.”  Chat looked up at the sky as the akuma flew over their heads, cackling as it shot streams of fire.  Chat sank into a sitting position, holding Ladybug against his chest as they rested.
   There was a flash of pink light and the red kwami landed in front of them, Marinette pulling out a macaron and passing it to her.
   “Plagg, claws in.”  Green lightning and the black kwami eagerly holding out his paws out for the cheese that Adrien passed him.
   “It’s too dangerous to combine our miraculous under one of us.”
   “I know.”
   “We can’t let Hawkmoth get them.”
   “I know.”
   “What are we going to do?”  Marinette muttered as she pulled out another macaron and passed it to Adrien.
   “I don’t know.”  He responded as he took the macaron and took a bite.  Passion fruit, he should have known, Marinette always knew everyone’s favorite flavor.
   “You could combine your miraculous together.”
   “PLAGG, you know that’s just as dangerous as a single unify.”  Tikki scolded as she took another bite of her treat.
   The black cat kwami shrugged and held out his paws for more cheese.
   Marinette lifted her kwami into her hands, bringing the red creature close to her face.
   “What do you mean?  Only one person can combine miraculous.”
   “Sugarcube didn’t tell you everything.”  Plagg swallowed his second round of cheese and grinned.  “When you’re both wearing your respective miraculous, you can unify into one person and wield both of the miraculous together.”
   “You’re kidding.” Adrien finished his macaron and looked at his kwami, dubious. “It’s a joke right?”
   “Plagg isn’t joking.”  Tikki said wearily.  “It could destroy you both.”
    Marinette looked at Adrien and shrugged.  “What choice do we have?”
   Adrien nodded and lifted them off the street, so they were standing face to face from each other.
   “How do we do it?”
   “You have to have a connection.”  Tikki hovered near Marinette’s face and shook her head.  “Like a kiss.”
   Plagg retched and zoomed so he was next to Adrien’s face.  “That’s the worst part.  Then you transform and say ‘Plagg, Tikki, Unify’  while holding hands.”
   “And you have to say it together.”  The red kwami looked back and forth at the two.  “If you don’t, you will die.” 
   Marinette glanced at Adrien and blushed.
   “Wasn’t expecting our first kiss having to be important to saving the universe.”
   Adrien shrugged.  “I wasn’t expecting to find out your identity like this.  I was hoping for something along the lines of a candlelight dinner, not you getting hurt last akuma attack and detransforming in front of Hawkmoth and Mayura.”
   Marinette laughed sadly and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him quickly before breaking away.  “You think that’s enough?”
   “Either it is, or it’s not our problem anymore.”  Adrien said darkly.  Marinette laughed and turned her ear.
   “Tikki, spots on.”
   “Plagg, claws out.”
   Ladybug held out her hand for Chat Noir who took it gently.  “Ready Chatton?”
   “As I’ll ever be Bugaboo.”  
   “On three.”  Ladybug held up her free hand and counted them off.  “One… Two… Three…”
   We are Unity..
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wrongmiraculous · 5 years
requested by @afadeddaydreaminblue
How about an Au where Ladybug wants some break form Ladybug's responsibility and ask for a miraculus swamp with Chat Noir?
I don’t know if this is what you wanted hopefully it is :-)!
This is going to be so awful but haha it’s fine
Ladybug was having a rough time
With her studies as Marinette
Interning with Gabriel Agreste
Working at the bakery
Let’s just say it was a stressful time
She just needs a break
A vacation
“Hey Chat!”
“Yes M’Lady?”
“What do you think it would be like if we switched miraculous’s?”
“You- You wanna switch? Like actually?!”
“I’m mean yeah what’s the harm?”
“Ok, I’m down!”
They switch and it’s so funny
Plagg and Mari = Best destructive friends
Tikki is so encouraging and loving towards Adrien
We all know that boy doesn’t get enough attention
They make a deal to switch for 3 weeks
Thus creating Minou Noire and Lord-Bug
“Hey kitkat! I think we’re a purr-fect match!”
“In you dreams buggy😊!”
Just two kids goofing off
But it throws Hawk Moth through a LOOP haha good
Minou Noire And Lord-Bug are definitely thankful
It gives them time to adjust
Minou trips over her tail 19 times and counting during that fight
Lord-Bug was trying so hard to suppress his giggle
That is until he fell off a building and got tied to a lamp post
It was a learning experience for both of them
And sksksk was it hilarious
Second fight was better
The akuma wasn’t as surprised
But neither were they
Alya was freaking out when she saw them
She proceeded to talk for like the rest of her life
Adrien was content listening to why this meant they were perfect for each other
Nino and Mari were tired™️
Mari finally got the time she needed to relax
Plagg was so chill
Like suspiciously c h i l l
It was such a shift from tikki
Not that tikki was bad
She was just
She started scheduling herself less hours at the bakery
It was really just such a good breather
And just like that 2 weeks 5 days & 14 minutes had passed
She’d have to say goodbye to Plagg
And she was dreading it a bit
She fed him so much Camembert
Adrien could NEVER
Once they get back both are just
Happier and just like Better
“Marinette, you need to marry Chat. Sorry I don’t make the rules. Only enforce them.”
“Adrien, you are engaged to Ladybug! There is no changing my mind!”
“I know that, she might not, but I do! But how do you know that????”
“So much Camembert 🤤”
Both of them are this close away from just revealing their identities just to hang out with each other’s kwamis
Once the reveal does happen
Marinette, Adrien, Tikki, and Plagg are ecstatic
You could probably smell Camembert and cookies for miles
But they were just sitting on the top of the Eiffel Tower
No worries
No responsibilities
Just soaking in the sun
They were
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sassyduckqueen · 5 years
30 Days of Lukanette- Missed Connection
Based on Chameleon. Hope you enjoy :)
Also I edited Flavor again and changed it from Ladybug happening to Feast happening instead so in this AU, Ladybug hasn't happened yet.
The ones that have happened Backwarder, Weredad, Bakerix, Startrain, Kwami Buster, Animaestro, Desperda, Chrismaster, Oblivio, The Puppeteer 2, Silencer and the Battle of the Miraculous. Some of these were made into chapters but some of them weren't.
The ones that haven't happened and will be turned into chapters or mentioned are Party Crasher, Reflekdoll, Gamer 2.0, Stormy Weather 2, Ikari Gozen, Time Tagger, Cat Blanc, Ladybug, Oni-Chan and Felix
"Ok so you know what this one does?" Marinette asked, holding up the green potion. Luka was laid on her bed with Sass curled up on his chest as they talked Miraculous business. She had made some of the power up potions for him and was teaching him what each one did.
"That's the aqua potion," He stated, looking at her. "It gives the kwami the ability to adapt to water so the user can breathe underwater and swim faster then they could naturally,"
"Good," She smiled before holding up the blue one. "This one?"
"Ice right?" He asked, getting a nod off her. "Gives the holder ice skates,"
"And?" She asked but he bit his lip as he thought. She felt herself blush as he looked cute when he did that.
"Immunity to be turned into an ice statue?" He asked.
"I don't think so," She replied. "But it does give you cold resistance so you can survive in extreme cold,"
"Oh cool," He smiled before he realized the unintentional joke as Marinette smiled. "Pun not intended,"
"But accepted," She smiled before holding up the red potion. "This one?"
"That's the fire one I think," He explains. "Similar to the ice one but opposite in effect,"
"Yep and this one does make you fire resistance but we've only needed to use the water and ice ones so far," She explained before holding up the yellow potion.
"That's the psychic one?" He asked, unsure. She shook her head. "Flight?"
"Nope," She replied. "It's the luck potion. It makes the user immunity to any form of luck so if we had a villain that's ability was to curse people with bad luck, we're used this. It can also be used to gain extreme perception if needed,"
"Cool," He smiled as she held up the orange potion. "That's the earth one,"
"Very good," She smiled. "What does it do?"
"Makes it easier to climb trees,"
"And to go through swamps, jungles and subterranean areas as well mountain like areas," She explains. "The costume gains grips on the hand and feet areas so you can climb anything. Also if you can't see in the dark naturally, this potion will allow you to do so,"
"Awesome," Luka grinned.
"Ok. Purple?"
"That's one the flight one right?"
"Yeah," She smiled. "We gain wings as part of it and it also makes it easier for us to be in the sky at extreme heights so no fear of heights and we can breathe as normal. Also friction, air pressure and temperature don't affect us with this potion. Ok last but not least. Pink?"
"Um.... that one's unlimited power up?" He asked before frowning as she shook her head.
"No. It's the psychic potion. Makes us immune to any villain that has psychic abilities but also increases our own nature 'sixth senses'... like your music gift. It's a form of empathy which is a type of psychic ability so if you used this potion, you'd be able to hear people's heart songs more then you already do,"
"That is pretty awesome but I could imagine it would get noisy," He replied, gently stroking Sass's head as Marinette gets up and walks over to her draw.
"So I know Sass really likes cakes so I made him some mini cake slices that I baked the potions into," She smiled, taking out a little box and handing them to Luka. "I've also made some bread for Longg so Ryuko can also use the transformations,"
"Marinette, you're amazing," He smiled, making her blush. "Do you want to go out and get a bite to eat?"
"Yeah, I'd like that," She smiled softly, moving the hair out of her eyes. He smiled and poked Sass lightly in the head.
"I was sleeeping, Luka," The little snake yawned as Tikki giggled before the two kwamis flew up as their owners got their jackets and leave the room.
Marinette smiled to herself as she entered her classroom before noticing that the seating plan had been arranged. She rose an eyebrow before noticing Alya and Nino sat together and the only seat left was next to Adrien. She felt a stab of pain in her heart before shaking her head and walking up to Alya.
"Hey, Alya," She smiled weakly. "You didn't rearrange the seating plan so I could sit next to Adrien, did you? Cause you know he's dating Kagami and I really think that it would be a bad idea if I sat next to him,"
"Easy there, Marinette. Miss Bustier asked us to rearrange the seating plan so she could have a place in the front. I'm sorry but we had to put you in the back. I hope you don't mind," Alya frowned, making Marinette frown before she whispered to her. "Plus I know you're still hurt over the whole Adrien dating Kagami so you could actually have space to breathe and relax, maybe doodle some designs down without Miss Bustier actually seeing you,"
She winked, clearly thinking it was a good idea.
"I know it must be hard for you to see him in class and all so I figured a bit space might help. I hope you don't mind that you're in the back,"
"Um... no I guess but who's sitting at the front?" She asked, as Miss Bustier came in.
"Good morning, students," Miss Bustier smiled as she walked in. "I assume you all know that Lila is back from her trip to Atua and is back in school again,"
"Hi everyone," Lila smiled, waving as she walked in. Marinette frowned.
"Hi, Lila,"
"Ooh a seat in the front row," She gasped, dramatically. "You all remembered my hearing issue. You're such sweethearts! All of you!"
She threw fake kisses towards everyone as Marinette watched in annoyance.
"You have a hearing problem, Lila?"
"Yes. I suffer from Tinnitus, a constant ringing in my left ear," She stated, coldly. "I've had ever since the sound of an airplane engine burst my eardrum on the run way when I was saving Jagged Stone's lost kitten,"
"Oh, that's so terrible. How did you manage to hear a single thing at Jagged Stone's concert?" Marinette asked. "And doesn't Jagged have a crodile?"
"Now, it is. Yes but it use to be a kitten before he found he was allergic," She replied. "As for a concert, I haven't been to one recently,"
"Really? Because I saw you backstage at his most recent one," She replied but Lila laughed.
"Are you sure it was me?"
"Oh, I'm certain,"
"Oh really?"
"Really," Marinette smiled as Lila glared at her before showing her a clear picture of her, Luka and Jagged that had clearly had Lila in the background. "Weren't you suppose to be in Atau at that point?"
Lila's face almost drained off color before she laughed it off.
"Oh that was this weekend just gone-"
"It was three weeks ago, Lila," Adrien pointed out. "I was also at that gig and I saw you there too,"
"Was it? Oh man I didn't realize," She smiled slyly, playing dumb. "The jag lag must have gotten to me. I'm so sorry, Miss Bustier,"
"That's ok, Lila. These things happen," She smiled, causing Marinette to frown deeply. "Marinette, do you mind taking a seat so I can begin my lesson?"
"Miss Bustier, why do I have to sit in the back?" Marinette sighed, making Miss Bustier frown.
"Do you have trouble with your hearing, Marinette?" She asked, concerned. "We can work around if you do,"
"My eyesight and hearing are good so I'll sit in the back of the class," Adrien piped up. "Marinette, you can sit next to Lila-"
"No!" Both Lila and Marinette gasped, making everyone frown.
"Oh no... my return is causing trouble," Lila sighed. "Maybe I should have just stayed on the other side of the world. If Marinette has an issue too then I should be the one to go sit in the back. It's ok,"
The whole class gasped, looking at Marinette angrily. She sighed in defeat and shook her head.
"I don't actually have any sight or hearing problems..." She mumbled, thinking about her options. She could lie like Lila and make up some story but then she'd be just as bad and it's probably a bad idea for her to sit next to Adrien anyway. It's not like she minded someone sitting next to Adrien but what she did mind was that Lila had lied to the class just so she could sit next to him. Taking a deep breathe, she looked at Miss Bustier. "I'm sorry to disturb your class, Miss. I'll sit at the back,"
With that, she sat down but found herself getting more and more annoyed as Lila intentionally flirted with Adrien, who seemed extremely uncomfortable with it. However, Miss Bustier started her lesson and Marinette's anger went away with it. The rest of the morning was uneventful but soon, Lunch time turned up and Marinette found herself, walking to a table with her food tray. To her annoyance, Lila was getting people to bring her dishes, claiming she couldn't carry them herself due to an injured wrist. What annoyed Marinette even more was most of Kitty Section was been used by her. She pulled Juleka aside.
"Why are you getting her food?"
"Oh, she can't carry it herself," She mumbled, making Marinette frown.
"She's lying, Juleka,"
"W-what? No, she isn't,"
"She is and she's using you," She mumbled, making Juleka frown. "Look, what if I could prove it?"
"She said her wrist is sprained right?" She asked, causing Juleka to nod. Marinette grabbed a napkin. "Hey, Lila. You forgot your napkin,"
She threw it at her and naturally, Lila caught it without hesitation.
"Oh, I didn't realize your wrist had gotten better," Marinette smiled, victorious but Lila realized what she had done.
"Oww," She gasped in a delayed reaction. "Once I was in India, I witnessed someone getting their eye gourded out with the corner of a napkin. If I hadn't caught it, Max would have lost his eye. I didn't have a choice. Owww!"
"That's impossible!" Marinette gasped, getting more annoyed.
"Lila, you saved my eye!" Max gasped.
"Lila's in more pain now because of you," Kim frowned.
"Are you proud of yourself?"
"Don't blame Marinette. She was just trying to give me a napkin," Lila gasped, smiling at her. Marinette had enough at this point. She stood up and stormed out of the dining room before going to bathroom. She took a few deep breathes as she tried to calm down but someone came in.
"Marinette?" Lila's voice instantly grated on her nerves. She faced her as the girl walked over and reached out towards her. "Are you crying?"
"No, I'm not," She snapped, frowning. Lila frowned and withdrew her hand.
"I can sense you don't like me but I don't understand why," She gasped. "We barely know each other,"
Marinette's mind flicked back to when she called her out as Ladybug and to when Lila basically called Luka a loser for been akumatized and that she had a thing for villains. Clearly, Lila thought she could win over Marinette and pretend that didn't happen but Marinette knew her game.
"Don't tell me it's because of this new seating arrangement in class!" Lila gasped, looking upset. Marinette knew it was fake but she had to give credit where it was due. Lila may be a bad person but her acting skill was amazing. Marinette huffed and turned to the side, not wanting to face the trickster. "It is!"
Marinette frowned.
"Of course. You're jealous because I was sitting next to Adrien. You would have given anything to sit there yourself," She replied. "We shouldn't fight over a boy. You and I could be friends. In fact, I could help you with Adrien,"
"You and I will only be friends the day you stop lying, Lila," Marinette replied, facing her. Lila frowned. "Also Adrien has a girlfriend and unlike you, I respect that,"
She gasped, looking shocked at Marientte's words.
"I can't prove it but I know for a fact that you don't have Tinnitus, that your wrist is just fine, that you don't know Prince Ali because you've never even set foot in Achu and despite what you got Alya to write on her blog, Ladybug has never saved your life!" Marinette gasped before pinching her nose. "Honestly, I don't care about the seating plan. I care that you're using everyone and lying through your teeth to look good,"
For a moment, Lila looked shocked but her facade finally dropped and she grinned wickedly.
"I only tell people what they want to hear," She replied, smirking.
"It's called lying!"
"There's nothing you can do about it anyway," Lila stated, calmly. "People can't resist when they hear what they like to hear,"
She walked forward, making Marinette step back.
"If you don't want to be my friend... fine," She smiled wickedly. "But soon, you won't have any friends left at all and trust me, I'll make sure you don't get close to Adrien in class or anywhere. He'll hate you by the time I'm finished. Everyone will,"
She slammed her hands on the wall by Marinette's head and moved in closer.
"You seem a little less dumb then the others so I'll give you one last chance," She threatened. "You're either with me or against me,"
Marinette stared at her in shock and fear as Lila continued.
"You don't have to answer me right away," She smirked. "I'll give you to the end of class today,"
With that, she moved away and walked out of the bathroom, leaving Marinette shaken up from the encounter. She knew Lila was bad but this was a whole different level of wicked then she was use to. Hell, she'd rather face Miracle Queen again. After all Chloe's betrayal came from a place of suffering. Lila just seemed to enjoy hurting and using people. She rushed to the toilet stall and locked the door as Tikki popped out of her bag.
"I thought Chloe was evil but Lila takes the whole cake," She gasped, feeling tears stinging her eyes. "She's like a super villain who doesn't even need a costume,"
"You mustn't let her get to you, Marinette,"
"She threatened me, Tikki," She gasped. "If I don't manage to expose her lies, she'll ruin my life. She'll turn everyone against me,"
She felt her anger build so she hit the wall before she burst into tears. Lila was truly a horrible person.
"Marinette! Look out!" Tikki gasped, making her look up. Her eyes widen in shock as she saw the purple butterfly.
"An akuma!?" She gasped, jumping up as it flew towards her.
"You can resist it, Marinette!" Tikki encouraged. "Hawkmoth's power only effects people who think there's no solution to the problems,"
The butterfly was so close she could feel the flutter of her wings.
"And you always find a solution!" Tikki gasped.
"You're right!" Marinette gasped, smiling before staring at the butterfly. "You won't get me! I'm proud, I'm confident. I'm Marinette!"
The butterfly flew off and Marinette grinned before transforming with Tikki to go after it. She went to go out the door but saw Adrien and gasped, closing the door and looking around. Seeing the air vent, she used her yoyo to open it and climbed up into the vent before heading up to the roof. She crawled out and frowned to herself as she saw Adrien acting completely out of character. He stole Nino's hand and jumped up onto the roof, saying something about been at the effiel tower before leaving the school. Ladybug followed him. She saved a mother and child getting hit from the bus and made her way to the effiel tower. When she got there, she saw Adrien on the edge of the tower, walking across it. She jumped and landed on the edge.
"Help me, Ladybug! I'm losing my balance!" He shouted before he misplaced his footing and fell. Ladybug jumped down and rescued him, getting a cheer from the crown. "Oh my princess charming! You saved my life!"
He went to kiss her but she pushed him back and jumped away.
"You're not Adrien!" She gasped, making him grin.
"You're right! I'm Chameleon!" He smirked. "You're getting better at this, Ladybug, which is a good thing. It will make this fight all the more interesting,"
He charged at her, swinging his fists and trying to kiss her. She blocked and fought back, avoiding his attempts. She grabbed him and threw him on the ground before taking the hat and tore it in half. To her surprise, there was no akuma. When she looked down, she saw he had vanished. She jumped up and flew off.
Ladybug jumped around as she searched for the new villain. So far, she was still alone so she took out a phone and sent a text to Cat, Ryuko and Viperion before she continued to look around.
"Ladybug!" A little boy yelled, making her look at him. "I saw the villain running away,"
He pointed to the merry go round.
"Thanks," She smiled. "Don't stay here, okay? It's dangerous!"
She turned around to face the merry go round, spinning her yoyo but before she could do anything, a woman cried out that she had found her son, making her turn round. The kid jumped at her as if to kiss her but before he could, Cat Noir jumped in front of her taking the kiss. The kid transformed into him as he felt asleep. Chameleon went to grab his ring but she stopped him before he turned to her.
"It's down to you and me, Ladybug!" He shouted before summoning his power. The two of them started to fight but Ladybug got the upper hand and headed to the tower again. She summoned her luck charm and received a shirt. Unsure what to do with it, she wrapped it around her wrist and fought him. She grabbed his baton and broke it but again, it contained nothing. He fought with her more and finally got the upper hand, pinning her down while he tried to kiss her. She pushed back his head and held back his arm but he was pushing against her, getting closer. Before he could kiss her though, a green blurt suddenly knocked into him, throwing him off. "Well, well. Looks we got a snake in the grass,"
"I take it you're not Cat," Viperion asked, dodging the attacks off the villain. He tried to kiss him but Viperion grabbed his arm and twisted it, slamming him against the side of the tower. "And what's with the kissing? Haven't you heard of consent?"
"Viper! Use his cataclysm on the floor here!" Ladybug shouted. Viperion nodded and twisted him around, forcing his hand on the floor. The three of them fell into the bar area. Chameleon jumped up and went to kiss Ladybug but she shoved an oyster on his lips, forcing him to kiss it. The villain looked shocked before he turned into another oyster. Viperion picked it up as they both hear the muffled cries of a girl.
"Well, seems like we have a shellfish villain,"
"Leave the puns to me, Danger Noodle," Cat Noir laughed, jumping down. "I take it they clammed up?"
Ladybug laughed and rolled her eyes before picking up the oyster.
"Anyway, we're not out of the woods yet," Cat Noir stated. "Any idea where the Akumatized object is?"
"I have an idea," Ladybug replied. "Waiter... if you don't mind,"
She handed the oyster and the t-shirt to her and the woman opened it, revealing a black pearl. Ladybug took it inbetween her finger and thumbs.
"Now we can find out what you really look like, Chameleon," She mumbled.
"You'll see," Cat replied. "It's an old acquaintance,"
"I dread to think," Viperion replied before Ladybug broke it and purified the akuma. The oyster turned into Lila to both Viperion and Ladybug's surprise, who seemed confused.
"Ladybug?!" She asked, moving back a little.
"At least, now you can say I saved your life for real. Truce?" She asked, holding out her hand. Lila looked at it surprised. Lila sighed and before smiling and shaking her hand.
"Thanks, Ladybug," She replied. "I'd be honored to call you my friend,"
"Yeah? I'm happy to hear that," She smiled. "Some advice. You don't have to lie and pretend to be something you're not. People will like you for just who you are,"
"You have my word, Ladybug," Lila smiled before her eyes flickered to Viperion. "Oh, wow! You're Viperion right? I'm a huge fan! Not that I'm not a fan of you two,"
"It's cool, Lila," Cat Noir smiled. "Danger Noodle, here, is pretty awesome,"
"And has to be else where I'm afraid. It was nice to meet you, Lila," Viperion replied but it wasn't in his usual wise voice. Not that Lila noticed. "Cat, Bug. A pleasure as always,"
With that, he ran off before he jumped down, disappearing. Ladybug's eyes lingered on him for a moment before she turned to Lila as both hers and Cat's miraculouses beeped.
"I'm sorry, Lila. We have to go. Will you be ok?"
"I'll be fine!" She smiled. The two heroes flew off and Lila finally dropped her act as she glared evilly at them. She got up and took the lift down to the ground floor. As she exited, a limo pulled up and the door opened. She rose an eyebrow as it appeared no one was inside it.
"Lila Rossi... I think it's time we met in person, don't you?" Hawkmoth's voice surprised her. She stepped back but her back hit something and she spun round. To her surprise, Mayura was stood there, smirking. "Why do you get in and I'll have you dropped off anyway you want after we've had a talk?"
She looked around before getting into the car. The doors closed and the limo drove off. Luka slipped out from his hiding place and frowned as he sent the photo he took to Marniette before he got on his bike and cycled off, getting back on his shift.
Marinette frowned to herself as she looked at the picture Luka had sent her. She'd have to look into it as Ladybug but she's not surprised that Hawkmoth had his eyes on Lila. While she was an awful person, she was a gifted actress and liar. They would have to take extra precaution with her. After all, a leopard doesn't change it's spots and while she had given Lila some advice to stop lying, she was doubtful she would. Of course, Lila thought Ladybug believed her so she could use that to her advantage. Nino and Alya came up to her as she closed the picture.
"Thanks for sitting next to me, Alya," She smiled.
"No problem, girl," She grinned. "I'm glad our seating plan's gone back to the way it was. Hey, you doing anything tonight?"
"I'm watching Kitty Section's band practice," Marinette replied. "Do you guys want to come? I can ask Luka,"
"Sure," Alya smiled as Adrien walked down the steps. "Hey, Adrien. Do you want to come and watch Kitty Section's band practice with Kagami?"
"Oh, we can't. My dad actually booked us a table at the Casa Bini," He smiled before waving at them as he gets into the limo. Marinette rose an eyebrow as she looked at it.
"I better go," She smiled. "I'll message you once I've asked Luka,"
"Ok, girl! See you later!" Alya waved, along with Nino. Marinette turned around but found herself face to face with Lila.
"I see you've made your decision, Marinette," She grinned, evilly before leaning in to her. "From now on, you and I are at war. You will lose your friends and wind up all alone. And Adrien will soon be mine,"
"We'll see about that, Lila," Marinette replied, coolly. "For one, Adrien already has a girlfriend and we're just friends,"
With that, Marinette walked away, leaving an angry Lila behind.
Marinette smiled to herself as she walked onto the boat. Luka was cool with Alya and Nino coming by and the evening was going to be good. She slipped into the kitchen and waved to Anarka, who waved back before she went to the back and knocked on Luka's door.
"Come in," His voice replied and she opened it before going. "Hey, Mari,"
"Hey," She smiled, closing the door. Sass was curled up on top of his drawers, happily snoozing. Luka, himself, was sat on his bed as if he was mediating. She moved over and sat on the edge of the bed but he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her onto his lap before nuzzling his nose against her neck. She giggled and moved her arms around his shoulders. "Comfortable?"
"Um hm," He replied, looking up at her with big, blue eyes. "What's wrong?"
"What makes you think something's wrong?"
"Your song is off a little," He replied, making her frown. "Talk to me?"
"I had a rough day at school," She mumbled, looking down. "Lila came back today..."
"Well, that's never good news," He mumbled. "I assume this has something to do with her akuma?"
"It wasn't originally hers," Marinette mumbled, making him frown. "It came for me,"
"What?!" He gasped, looking at her with fear. "Why? What happened?"
"She happened," She muttered, looking down. "First, she convinced everyone to have her sit at the front of the class because of her 'tinnitus', which she claims she got when she rescued Jagged's lost kitten on a runway,"
"Jagged has Fang,"
"I pointed that out but she claimed it was before Fang,"
"He's never had cats," Luka pointed out. She sighed. "Go on,"
"Well, she only wanted to be at the front so she could be next to Adrien. She was flirting with him and he looked so uncomfortable and because of her so called 'tinnitus', I had to sit in the back on my own. If it was genuine I wouldn't care but it's clear it isn't. Anyway, I was fine til Lunch. She was getting other people to get her food for her cause she claimed her wrist was sprained! And people were actually doing it! I tried to show Juleka-"
"Hold up. Juleka was helping her get her lunch?"
"Most of Kitty Section were. Actually, literally the only member who wasn't was you and that's because you weren't there," She replied, making him frown. "Rose is caught up in her lies about Prince Ali. I've heard her promising to put Juleka in touch with a photographer so she can model and Ivan and Melene worship the ground she walks on. Anyway, I chucked her a napkin and she caught it fine, like really quickly. I said her arm must of gotten better and only then did she go oww and then claimed that she had seen someone having their eye gourded out by a napkin in India! A frigging napkin!"
"Well, that seems stupid. People believed this?"
"Yeah and then blamed me for hurting her more!" She huffed. "I ended up going to the bathroom but she followed me and at first, she acted like she didn't do anything wrong but once I revealed that I knew she was a liar, she turned on me. She actually threatened me, Luka! She literally told me that I wouldn't have any friends left at all and that everyone would hate me by the time she's finished,"
At this point, she had tears in her eyes. Luka was silent, which was never a good sign.
"S-she told me I had til the end of the day to make my mind up," She mumbled, trying to control her breathe and wipe away her tears. "At the end of the day, she told me that we are at war and that I'll lose my friends and wind up all alone,"
She sniffed and wiped away the tears that were falling.
"I brushed it off but she really got to me," She mumbled, looking down. "And I'm sure no one will believe me if I tried to tell them about it, apart from you.... Luka?"
She looked at him and almost gasped in shock. His expression could only be described as murderous and he was physically shaking as if trying to control him. He looked like Silencer.
"Luka? Please don't get angry. I didn't mean-"
"You didn't do anything," He stated the words a little too harshly, causing her to frown before his eyes softened. "Sorry. I just hate seeing you upset,"
He cupped her face and wiped the tears from her eyes with his thumb before leaning in and pressing his lips softly against hers but before she could kiss back, he pulled away, realizing what he did.
"Sorry," He mumbled, a little calmer. "You should tell a teacher,"
"I don't have any proof that she threatened me and no one will believe me. She has everyone in that school wrapped around her little finger," She mumbled as her phone buzzed. She moved to her jacket and grabbed it, seeing that Alya had text her. "Alya's here,"
"I'm serious,"
"We'll talk about it later ok?" She mumbled. "Besides, I need to talk to you about that picture as well,"
"Alright," He mumbled, looking up at her as she knelt on the bed. He lightly grabbed her hips and moved her so she was laid on her back and he was leaning over her. He linked their fingers together, making her blush. "I have your back,"
"I know," She smiled, leaning up and kissing his cheek. He smiled softly before getting up and pulling her up before he grabbed his guitar and headed outside with her. Alya waved at her but to her fear and annoyance, Lila was sat next to her and Nino. She smirked over at Marinette, daring her to do something. She frowned to herself and both her and Luka took deep breathes until Juleka came over and handed her a drink.
"Aww thank you, Juleka," She smiled but her eyes told a different story as she looked around the place before her eyes landed on Luka. "Oh I remember you. You know I still have Bob Roth's number. I really wouldn't mind putting you in contact with him-"
"As I told you last time, no thanks," He replied, making her frown. "I have no interest in working with the guy who tried to steal my work,"
"Your loss," She mumbled, shrugging. "You know this is the first time I've ever been in a boat house. It's so cool and I just love how chilled out you are about the clutter,"
"Is there something wrong with the place?" He suddenly asked, making her look at him as she held out her hand.
"W-what? No," She laughed nervously. "I'm just use to a tidier kind of place. You know I've been to Prince Ali's palace and it's just so immaculate there and I forget that not everyone has that kind of standard,"
"So what you're trying to say is our home is a tip?"
"W-what?! No!" She gasped, laughing again. "It's just kind messy... I don't know how you can live with it is all I'm saying. I couldn't but I'm a clean freak,"
"Well, no one's asking you to stay," He pointed out.
"Luka," Juleka hissed, moving over to him. "What the hell is wrong with you?"
"I get bad vibes from her, Jules," He replied. "Also she just insulted our home,"
"She just said she loves how chilled we are about the clutter,"
"That's called a back handed compliment, Jules," He explained. "It's a clever way to insult without people knowing and what did you think she meant by 'that not everyone has that kind of standard',"
"S-she's my friend..." She muttered, looking down.
"Juleka... you know I'm not just rude to anyone for no reason,"
"She offered to put you in contact with Bob Roth,"
"The man who tried to steal our work," He muttered. "Also she offered before and then proceed to tell me that it would have been easier just to let XY have our music and Marinette's designs and that she was sure his version would have been better,"
"S-she said that?" She frowned before shaking her head. "Let's just get on with the practice,"
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