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moonlitceleste · 1 year ago
wanna-bee your honey
bee movie au masterlist ao3
happy third birthday to the bee movie au!! i wrote this quite hastily yesterday but thought i needed to do something to commemorate this anniversary. hope this gets you buzzed! :)
“...and so, we decided his punishment would be to watch the Bee Movie,” Tim finished with a flourish.
“The Bee Movie?” Marinette made a face. “That’s quite a…targeted consequence for losing a bet.” The bet in question was over how much money Bruce would fork to prevent Jason from telling a reporter about him and Batman’s torrid love affair. The answer was nothing—though it was probably because he knew no one would believe it. Wouldn’t stop Vicki Vale, though.
“Why that movie specifically? Does he have a vendetta against it or something?” Marinette questioned further.
“He does, actually.” Steph piped in. “‘Capitalist propaganda,’ he claims, but it’s gotta be more than that. We thought that if we made him watch it, we’d finally find out why.”
She nodded. That made sense.
“Y’know,” the blonde continued, “he always gets weird around bee-themed heroes too, so maybe he just doesn’t like bees in general.”
“He’s not very buzzed about them,” Marinette observed. Tim groaned, but Cass and Dick reached over to give her a high-five.
“We’re watching it tonight, so make sure to bee there,” Dick told her. “You won’t want to miss this one.”
True to his words, the Wayne kids were all gathered in a swarm around the projector that night.
“Where’s the queen bee?” Marinette asked.
“Dunno, but he’s gotta be somewhere in the hive.”
“We are not doing this,” Duke spoke to the air.
He was saved from death by puns at the sight of Damian escorting Jason into the room. Escorting was a loose term, considering the katana the shorter brother was currently brandishing across his throat.
“I have apprehended the convict,” he said. He let go of Jason, who fell to the ground with an oof. “Not to worry. I confiscated his bee-bee guns.”
“Damian!” Marinette cooed, and smothered him in a hug. She was so proud. “My honey’s all grown up.” He scowled at her but made no move to push her away.
“Don’t bee such a buzzkill,” Dick said to Jason, resting a hand on his shoulder.
“I hope you all go to hell.”
“Bees have good qualities. And it takes my mind off the shop,” Vanessa said to Barry, waxing poetic about her fuzzy more-than-a-friend.
In what seemed like an odd mirror of the situation, Marinette leaned over to whisper to Jason. “Are you okay?”
He had seemed mildly uncomfortable at the beginning of the movie, but she was beginning to get concerned. His posture was uncomfortable stiff, he had uncharacteristically drawn into himself, and his face was awfully red…
“Do you want to leave?” she prompted. 
Jason whispered something under his breath, but it was indistinguishable.
“Don’t be such a mumble bee,” Marinette said, followed by a sheepish ‘sorry.’ The situation was funny at first, but now she was worried that the Bee Movie was emotionally triggering for Jason. Perhaps the failure to overturn capitalist institutions reminded him of his failure to get Bruce to understand his moral stance on killing, or…something.
There was no response aside from the slight grimace that crossed Jason’s face, so she let it be. Bee. Haha.
The Wayne siblings were largely movie talkers, so it was easy to let herself get swept away in their commentary and the lightheartedness of the movie. When Ken attempted to swat Barry away, however, she felt a shift on the couch and heard Tim shout suprisedly. She turned around to see Jason slipping out the door.
“I’ll get him,” she said immediately. The rest of them had already stood up, but she sent them a look. They all knew that crowding Jason wouldn’t help, and he would be the most willing to listen to her.
“Pollen, buzz on!”
She winced at both the suit and the raised brows she received, but it was her only choice! Pollen had been curious about the movie, and she would have to be a real wasp to turn them down. 
“Time to get down to bees-ness.”
Plan A of calling Jason on his phone didn’t work, so Marinette was forced to resort to plan Bee. It didn’t take long to track him to the top of a roof, and even less time to get herself there.
When she landed, Jason moved deeper into the shadows, his body carefully angled away from her. She could hardly make out his face in the darkness. “Go away,” he said, but it didn’t sound like he really wanted her to leave.
“Come on, Jason. You can tell me what’s wrong. I won’t make fun of you.” Marinette edged closer towards him with carefully small steps. It felt like she was trying to approach a spooked animal.
“Marinette,” he warned, but the force behind his words was getting weaker.
“Whatever it is, I’ll try my best to help you. It’s okay.”
Jason snapped out of his reverie in a flash. He took a step forward in his panic, then back, but it was too late. Judging by the widening of her eyes after she looked down, there was no doubt that Marinette had seen it. God, he wished he had a fucking ‘bee-bee’ gun to hold to his head right now.
“Jason? Wait, no, come back—”
He ran and pointedly did not heed her words. In fact, he was planning on never coming back. If the universe was on his side at all, his grappling hook would miss the next roof and he would never return to the land of the living.
Of course, the universe hated him, so he was quickly immobilized by the Bee Miraculous’s venom ability.
Marinette couldn’t believe it. Jason’s beehavior all made sense now: his refusal to watch the Bee Movie, his unwillingness to be seen—she just never thought it was because it gave him the urge to stick his finger into a honeypot.
“Sorry. Does it sting? No, stop glaring at me, that wasn’t a pun. Okay, maybe it was.”
The situation was a little unconventional, but she couldn’t stand to see Jason so embee-rassed.
“Truth bee told, I’m a little confused. But!” she emphasized, “I’m not opposed, per se.”
Jason looked beewildered.
“What was it that Barry said…right. I can help you, ah, drain the old stinger.”
The confusion was still plastered across his face, so Marinette released him from the effects, trusting he wouldn’t fly away. Then again, according to all known laws of aviation, there was no way a bee should be able to fly, so maybe those weren’t to be trusted.
“Why?” Jason asked. She didn’t need to question what he meant.
“I’ve aways liked the taste of honey. And, conveniently, I have access to a magical bee costume…”
Was it an abuse of power? Perhaps, but she was the Guardian of the Miraculous, so it didn’t matter. “You’re so beeautiful,” Jason whispered, and leaned in.
Safe to say, after the buzz they caused from their pollination, they needed to buy some Plan Bee.
@lady-literature <333 @zorua-adorable
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celesteleoves · 10 months ago
hcs of bakugou / todoroki being a hardcore simp for reader maybe?
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summary: what the request said!
warnings: swearing (bakugou…), mentions of todoroki’s childhood (very brief), that’s it i believe!
a/n: i love this request. i hope i wrote this to your liking!
he is a very subtle simp. you probably wouldn’t even think he liked you if you guys weren’t already dating. the way he shows his love for you is… questionable.
he does the simple things like following you around like a lost puppy (even though he swears he does NOT) .
he’ll definitely demand you never leave his side so he can always be there to protect you.
“you’re so weak, you need me to be there to protect you at all times.”
you’ll just nod, enjoying your boyfriends presence. (he’s actually geeking over you aswell and the fact you grace him with your presence).
he takes you everywhere with him and doesn’t care about what anyone says. oh, aizawa paired him up with kirishima? you’re coming with. you can’t stay a second away from him before he’s rushing around like a headless chicken looking for you.
your biggest fan by far, anything you do he’s practically on the floor worshipping you. then the next second he’ll be calling your outfit disgusting in the sweetest way possible.
he’ll also deny the fact he’s a simp for you. one time, kirishima caught the poor boy gazing at you, dare i say LOVINGLY, across the room as you did a mundane task.
kirishima has never grinned wider than he did when he noticed this. your boyfriend noticed the quiet chuckles leaving his friend and turned towards him.
“what the fuck are you laughing at?”
“you stalking y/n!”
“I WAS NOT STARING AT HER.” sure… liar. you literally just outed yourself…
bakugou loved you, even though he shows it in his weird, weird ways.
the sweetest, sweetest boyfriend ever. literally the ideal boyfriend anyone could have SIMPLY because of how doting he is towards his partner.
he’s absolutely enamoured with you. he isn’t shameful about it either! (referencing one of my other head-canons) .
this boy will downright show his love for you.
we all know shoto has a hard time with social cues, he blames it on his childhood and the lack of social times he had – always being isolated.
that’s also the reason why he doesn’t understand why he can’t stare you down like a hawk and not expect people to be slightly worried… why is he staring at you like he wants to eat you?
cuteness aggression is a thing. you both get it when you’re with each other.
you can’t believe you managed to secure this boy. he never opened up to just anyone, yet for you he made an exception. you flew that all the time.
meanwhile your boyfriend is still in denial you two are dating. every time you bring up your realtionship he’s blushing like a maniac and shying away from you.
your classmates notice the little things. such as you placing your phone face up only for it to be face down a couple seconds later because todoroki fixed it for you knowing you don’t want people staring at every notification on your phone (this is so me guys i’m sorry).
he is very attentive, he’s such a simp. he’ll pick up on the little things. sometimes, you feel like he knows you better than you know yourself.
there was definitely one time you had been making yourself a snack in the kitchen, forgetting to get one of your favourite piece of food for the snack .
once your snack was made, you frowned at the missing piece of your food you wanted.
starting to get upset, you looked around for something to make up for this.
“here.” a soft voice spoke causing you to relax at the sound of todorokis gentle tone.
“i can’t find my-”
“y/n. here.”
you looked at your boyfriends hand, noticing he was holding multiple variations of the missing food item you craved.
your lips trembled at his thoughtfulness and you pulled your boyfriend in for a hug as he returned it with a soft smile on his face.
he’s too sweet for you and such a simp!
a/n: guys, bare with me if there is spelling errors. this was not proof-read! i hope this was good enough, it was kind of short.
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klarolinesweetswap · 4 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Vampire Diaries (TV), The Originals (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Caroline Forbes/Klaus Mikaelson Characters: Caroline Forbes, Klaus Mikaelson Summary:
On rare occasions, Caroline finds herself unable to sleep and tonight someone from her past finds their way back to her.
...When did she gain the ability to summon the devil though?
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moonlitceleste · 4 years ago
@chloe-bourgeois-is-big-gay do it. the bee movie cult could always use more recruits
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What does it take to teach a bee to use tools? A little time, a good teacher and an enticing incentive. Read more here: http://to.pbs.org/2mpRUAz
Credit: O.J. Loukola et al., Science (2017)
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moonlitceleste · 1 year ago
wish upon a moonstone (ch 6)
wuam masterlist ao3
It’s already been a few days since the end of Hallowe’en, but the buzzing of Hogwarts’ students makes it sound like they’re still on a sugar high.
Beauxbatons had been much more focused on keeping appearances compared to Hogwarts; while her former school celebrated with refined decorations and sharp reprimands of “those pumpkins aren’t for eating!,” Hogwarts seemed to be much more indulgent. She had seen goblets of colored sweets in each hallway, orange streamers hanging from the high ceilings, and a highly entertaining performance put on by the Hogwarts ghosts.
It had been very excitable, and it seems like the other students are still riding the high of the event. Professor Tyler takes longer than usual to call the classroom to attention, sighing greatly as he has to reprimand a chatty Slytherin to their seat.
“Alright, settle down,” he says, still waving people to their desks. “Today is an important discussion, so I don’t want to hear any side conversations, hmm? No need to take notes,” he adds after hearing the rustle of blank scrolls.
“This project,” he starts, tapping the board after everyone rushes to their seats, “will last the entire year.” He chuckles at the groans that result. “We won’t start until the hols, but if any of you want to get a headstart, you’re free to begin earlier.”
Professor Tyler waves his wand, and strips of paper begin to float out of the glass jar on his desk. “This is a partner project—” more groans “—and these slips will decide what potion you’re assigned.”
The students watch their fate, etched onto slips of white paper, hover before their eyes as Professor Tyler explains the premise of their project. It’s split into two parts, the potion-making and the presentation. Each pair must alter the formula of their assigned potion to change its effects, with the stipulation that the outcome must be recognizable as a variation of the initial potion. After the deadline, each pair must present their potion to the class, detailing what changes they’d made, their experimentation process, and a demonstration of said potion.
“I don’t expect success from all of you, but your presentation must be thorough in order to receive full credit.”
Professor Tyler tells them to move to their stations with their partner. Marinette does so with a looming sense of anticipation. It’s an ambitious project, which isn’t exactly the cause for her doubt— ah, there it is, she thinks, as her partner sits beside her with a scowl. She hopes they can learn to work together eventually, considering how much of their grade this project makes up. Marinette offers him a tentative smile. She receives a blank stare in return.
After a few moments of awkward silence in which the rest of the students settle down, Professor Tyler distributes the slips. It floats in front of Marinette, and she takes it from the air, opening the folded slip. Her jaw drops.
Marinette blinks and refocuses her eyes. She looks back, staring at the Amortentia scrawled on the surface.
“What is it,” Damian demands, and she’s too entrenched in her dread to react to his rudeness. Her life has got to be some kind of joke.
“Oh,” he says, the vowel containing more emotion than anything else she’s heard him say. At least they can agree on something.
Marinette is still reeling the next day. Unfortunately, Felix is at Quidditch practice, so she can’t distract herself from the cliché rom-com her life has turned into. Oh, what she’d give to return to her favorite sport—though she no longer minds her transfer, it’s still disappointing that she hadn’t gotten a chance to try out for the team.
She leaves the library after some preliminary research for the potions project, having written eleven inches of notes already in a haphazard scrawl. Maybe she’ll head to the Great Hall next?
Marinette strolls the halls leisurely, glancing at the paintings that cover the walls and the intricate columns that decorate the school. Now that she’s more accustomed to the school, she doesn’t mind taking her time to admire the architecture. Most people are in class, anyways, so she doesn’t have to worry about crowds of students frantically marching to their next class. As she turns the corner, however, a familiar mop of dark hair enters her field of vision.
“Jon?” she calls hesitantly, then feels immediate dread set in. Boy, it’d be really embarrassing if it wasn’t him. Imagine how dumb the other person would think she was, and knowing her luck, she’d realize she actually had a class with them, and she’d remember this moment every time she saw their face…
Jon turns around and beams at her. He looks to be in quite the upbeat mood, but she’s found that friendly seems to be his default state. After his greeting, however, he glances around cautiously and beckons her closer with one hand.
“Hey, do you want some food?” he whispers. A strange thing to be secretive about, but because she grew up in a bakery, Marinette’s answer to that question would never be no.
Turns out Jon’s idea of food is a painting of a fruit bowl in one of Hogwarts’ numerous underground corridors.
“Are you going to do some magic and make this fruit bowl come to life?” Marinette quips. Jon smirks instead of responding and… tickles the pear?
“I take it back. Are you on a euphoria potion?”
She considers rallying him back to his common room, but before she can act, the pear transforms into a doorknob right before her eyes. Maybe she’s the one on a euphoria potion.
“Go ahead,” Jon prompts, and she levels him a suspicious look before she cautiously puts a hand on the knob and pushes the door open.
The door opens to a high-ceilinged room made of stone—Marinette spots a massive fireplace at the end, counters stacked with pots and pans and utensils. The entire kitchen, presumably, is milling about with house-elves, save for an area to the side with long tables similar to the Great Hall.
While she’d been staring, Jon had already stepped past the painting and into the room. “Come in,” he beckons. The door swings shut behind Marinette, and she subconsciously leans closer to him in her bafflement.
“Master Kent,” the house-elf who runs up to them squeaks. “What can Mipsey do for you?” The elf’s charming dress flounces after her, the cream fabric dotted with pink flowers.
“What’s on the menu today?” Jon peers over the crowd of house-elves, looking at the large pan they had pulled from of the fireplace. “Cornish pasties?”
“Quite intelligent, Master Kent!” Mipsey praises. Her excitement has Marinette mirroring Jon’s wide smile, but she still feels a bit of nervousness. None of her friends in Beauxbatons had a house-elf, and Chloe hadn’t exactly been her friend. The blonde girl treated all her ‘hired help’ the same: badly.
“Come on, let’s sit!” Jon gestures Marinette over to the tables. “Mipsey would kill me if I put my dirty hands on that tray.”
“Master Kent!” the elf scolds.
Once his laughter clears up, Jon explains the situation to Marinette. “I come here every once in a while to meet snacks with one of my friends. Right, I hope you don’t mind if she joins us. I think you’ll get along pretty well though. Her name is—”
And of course, in dramatic fashion, said friend opens the door right at that moment.
@astoriaandromeda @avengerthewarrior @bluesimani @enternalempires @ev-cupcake @flower-girll @freesportspalacesalad @glastwime859 @heart-charming @idontwannaexistsopleasekillme @iloontjeboontje @jayjayspixiepop @jalaluvsu @jeminiikrystal @jumpingjoy82 @kitsunebell @maskedpainter @moongoddesskiana @nathleigh @no-username2544 @phis-corner @too0bsessedformyowngood @ultimatetornshipper
WUAM TAGLIST @hardcore-daminette-shipper
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celesteleoves · 11 months ago
Can I req Kirishima being insecure and afraid to show his s/o his dorm room after Hagakure said “If I found out my boyfriend had a room like this, I’d dump him.”
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ೃ࿐ kirishima eijirou x reader
summary: after a comment hagakure makes about your boyfriends room, he avoids letting you in to see it.
warnings: tinyyyy bit of angst but fluff otherwise! set during a sunset/ he afternoon. it’s kinda short.. AND NOT PROOFREAD!!
“if i found out my boyfriend had a room like this, i’d dump him.”
kirishima ran a hand over his face, feeling insecure about the design of his dorm room.
he currently sat on his bed, hands resting on his knees and covering his face. kirishima was never one to be embarrassed about his so called “manliness.”
yet, as soon as his classmate made a comment about it and how he decorated his room to display it: he hasn’t wanted to let anyone into his room. not even his own girlfriend.
you unfortunately weren’t there the day hagakure and many others made a comment about his room. so, you haven’t seen it just yet but you have been constantly asking him about it.
he’s seen yours. you want to be able to see his to get a feel of his life. everyone’s dorm matched them perfectly and represented them in a way. you felt your boyfriends dorm would be the same way.
he wouldn’t budge, completely ignoring you when you asked.
kirishima sighed and picked up his phone, reading your text.
‘i’m coming over! can’t wait to see you (and your dorm). 💗’
you were too good for him, he thought.
“shit.” kirishima spoke, beginning to sweat about your opinion on his room. hagakure really got to him.
knock, knock, knock.
he jumped, wiping his hands on his pants and anxiously standing up to open the door for you.
the door swung open and you beamed at the sight of your boyfriend but not before he hurriedly pushed you away and slammed his door shut, now standing outside of his dorm.
“uh, what’s up?” you tilted your head as he leaned back against his door, blocking you from going in.
“i think we should hang in your dorm. it’s much more comfy than mine!” kirishima awkwardly laughed while you frowned.
“babe, let me in. i haven’t even got to see your dorm and the rest of the girls have?!” you said, regretting your words after your boyfriend reacted to them.
kirishima frowned deeply, he felt so weak and embarrassed right now. “i just- i don’t think you’ll like it.”
“what? i like everything of yours, eijirou. don’t think like that.” you smiled at him and motioned for him to open the door.
his composure dropped as he succumbed to your words.
“just-” he sighed, “don’t be mean, please.”
you gave him a soft smile and nodded excitedly.
he opened the door with his head down, not wanting to see your weirded out expression that a lot of the other girls wore when he showcased his room.
you instead squealed, rushing in and immediately went towards his punching bag.
“how long did it take for you to install this?” you grinned as you pushed it around, turning to look at your boyfriend who stared at you in shock.
he would’ve thought you’d make fun of his room and his choice of decor but instead you were admiring it…
“i- what?!” he exclaimed, not expecting you to ask him that. he had expected you to insult him.
“i said, how long did it take for you to install this?”
“an hour or so.”
“you’re so strong. i love how your room fits you perfectly.” you complimented, moving to sit on his bed comfortably.
kirishima blushed, your compliments making him smile a toothy grin.
he moved to lay sit next to you. suddenly, he wasn’t so anxious anymore.
you fiddled with his sheets and began getting comfortable in his bed, not noticing your boyfriend gazing at you. you turned to him, making eye contact.
“what?” you quietly laughed, admiring the boy infront of you.
“some of our classmates made comments about my room, that’s why i didn’t want you seein’ it.”
“i love your room and everything about you. ignore them. shoto and you are the only ones with nice rooms but in my opinion, yours is better!” you grinned, moving to place your head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around you.
“i knew it!” you felt him laugh, his words making you grin against his chest.
there really was no reason for him to dislike his room, it was the best dorm room out of all your classmates. it had one thing all of them didn’t.
it had the ability to make you feel at home.
a/n: whoever requested this, ily. please send in more. this is so pure and i hope i wrote this to your liking!
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moonlitceleste · 4 years ago
Despite not having read ADITF I will absolutely throw hands with anyone who blames Jason for his own death.
Especially with how in later comics, Batman talks about how “sometimes you can’t necessarily save a man from himself.” What?? How absolutely messed up would you have to be to blame a kid for his own death?
As far as I know, the writers tried to place the blame on Jason’s shoulders by characterizing him as “reckless” and talking about how he died solely because he wanted to go against Batman’s commands.
This infuriates me so much because it was in no way Jason’s fault that he died. Like OP said, if anyone were to be blamed it’d be his mother and the Joker.
And might I add, even after Jason found out his mother had betrayed him he tried to protect her.
After being nearly beaten to death and quite literally bleeding out on the floor, his only thoughts were “I’ll save you, mom.”
He could have chosen any other reaction, to have any other emotion towards the person who had betrayed him and let him down.
But he tried to save her, because that’s who he is. That’s what’s most devastating.
If I have to listen to how “Jason went after the joker alone and that’s why he died” one more time I’m going to fucking lose it
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celesteleoves · 1 year ago
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gojo satoru X reader.
summary: satoru never fails to showcase his love for you, even in the most serious moments.
warnings: none, just fluff!! (profanities are used…)
a/n: there is mentions of satorus infinity and before anyone corrects me on how it’s used, for the sake of this work, let’s ignore that. please send requests aswell!
“i like your eyes.” the 17 year old boy mumbled as he gazed into your eyes, your cheeks flushed and you pushed his head away.
“shut up, satoru.” you turned your face away from his as you two sat on a roof, admiring the sunset.
“never. life is a thousand times better when i’m with you. everything about you is like a refresher to me. damn, it feels good to have you.” satoru whispered as he pulled you closer to him by your waist, lifting his arm to move your hair out of your face.
you stared at your lover, mouth agape at his words. satoru never failed to showcase his love for you, even when you two were “just friends”. it’s different now, you have a label on your relationship.
you’d pray he’d stop with the sappy moments at some point, they almost bring you to tears everytime. he made you feel like you were worth more than you actually were.
“satoru, baby, enough. i’m gonna start crying.”
so, as the years went by, satoru never stopped showering you with those sappy moments your teen self adored to the core.
you two walked alongside each other, your students were training with the second years which meant you two could take a little walk around jujustu tech.
“your ass looks good in that uniform.” satoru spoke up, making you blush furiously.
now, his compliments were a bit outrageous, but some were sweet!
“gojo?! not satoru, sheesh babe you’re hurting my heart.” he clutched his heart in fake agony as you rolled your eyes and lightly shoved his shoulder, expecting not to be able to touch him.
his infinity was off. normally, he has it on at all times. you’ve grown accustomed to the random moments where you two are together and all of a sudden you can no longer touch him because of the barrier his infinity creates.
“what’s up?” satoru notices your furrowed brows and frowns, his blindfold masking the adoration and worry that is present in his eyes.
“nothing. was just thinking about stuff.”
“you’re pretty when you’re concentrated on something. gosh, you’re always pretty.” satoru grinned as he walked closer to you, leaning down and kissing your forehead.
“i-” your words were forced to come to a halt when satoru’s phone rang.
“hello! gojo satoru speaking. oh. right now? alright. y/n and i will be there in a second.”
you tilted your head in confusion as he hung up the phone, making a disgusted noise.
“meeting with kyoto and the higher ups, for the exchange event.” satoru sighed and pulled you close to him, quickly arriving at the meeting room.
you sighed aswell, following satoru into the room as he loudly announced himself.
“hey! thought we had a meeting two days ago. what’s up with this? you interrupted my precious time with a pretty lady.” satoru faked cried as your face flushed, moving to take a seat beside shoko who was already rolling her eyes at his behaviour.
“take a goddamn seat, satoru.”
“woah, don’t get too feisty! not here!” satoru kept making jokes, your laughter being muffled by the arm of your uniform as you fake coughed.
satoru turned his attention to you, grinning even wider when he noticed you were struggling to stay formal.
he wasn’t making jokes for anyone else to laugh, he just wanted to see you smile. your perfect smile lightened up the whole room. it’s a shame you have to hide it around the higher ups when you are in meetings.
satoru tuned out everything principal yaga was saying, staring at you. he admired how concentrated you looked and how carefully you were listening to yaga’s words. he was talking about the students and you cherished them with your whole being. their safety was first priority and you always made that very clear with those around you.
he admired you, admired your motherly instincts you have that you claim to not have at all. he couldn’t wait to settle down with you, his beautiful wife. you weren’t married, you couldn’t be in a world like this. yet, he always called you his wife.
“gojo satoru, you ought to start listening as of right now.” yaga scowled and satoru leaned back into his seat, folding his arms as he grinned at yaga.
“sorry, yaga! i’m too focused on my wife’s beauty.” satoru grinned even wider at his words as he watched you from the corner of his eye.
you gasped, covering your face with one hand as you listened to satorus uncalled for words.
“alright, you two, leave. we can discuss this later, y/n please smack some sense into him.” yaga tiredly said as he waved you two out.
satoru was up in a second, dashing out the door with you.
“satoru! that was so uncalled for!”
“i know, that’s why i said it.”
“you’re such a little-”
“tease? ooh! didn’t know we were getting frisky in public spaces now.”
“satoru!” you laughed in disbelief and shoved him again as he giggled, following you down the hallway with love in his eyes.
“i love you,” he paused as you stopped and turned to him, “that’s why i say stuff like that, you deserve compliments every second of the day and i will continue to give them as long as i’m breathing.”
“you’re such a sap, i love you too.” you said with a soft tone, embracing satoru in a hug which he gladly returned, lifting you up and laughing.
you laughed alongside your husband, a man who you swear to be with until you can no longer breathe.
a/n: this was so lazy, yikes. there’s a shit ton of spelling errors but i’ll make up for it in my next work! please send requests aswell.
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celestewrote · 3 years ago
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Ness does an edit (5/?): Royal Couple
The gentle whisper of his name from her lips stilled him, their hands gradually interlaced. Klaus’s storming blue eyes took in every inch of Caroline’s face, a face he has drawn countless times over the years. A face he has always felt he couldn’t fully capture on canvas or paper, though that didn’t stop him from trying.
“Yes, Love?”
“Do you think…” Her blue eyes stray from his as she finds her words. She fixed her eyes on their hands, a small smile growing on her lips again.
“Maybe in another time, we would be…” Her voice trails and she feels her eyes sting but she holds it together. Klaus knew where she was heading and held her hand tightly.
“Yes, my love,”
Caroline’s wishful blue eyes met his and slowly they moved closer, her lips inches away from his.
“Maybe In Another Time… Another World…” Klaus softly spoke.
~ Maybe In Another Time By Celestewrites
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joey-prue · 3 years ago
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Celestewrites Fanfictions
My Klaroline Sweet Swap 2021 to @celestewrote
Thanks @klarolinesweetswap for organizing this event.
Sorry for post this so late
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klarolinesweetswap · 4 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Vampire Diaries (TV), The Originals (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Caroline Forbes/Klaus Mikaelson Characters: Caroline Forbes, Klaus Mikaelson
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moonlitceleste · 4 years ago
omg yes. i’m adding this to my masterlist because this needs to be a thing immediately
you’re an absolute genius askjdhsj
Y’all know how the way to tell if someone is on tumblr is the shoelaces and president thing right?
What if for maribat it was
“Ya like jazz?”
“No, Jason.”
We can find our kind immediately
@moonlitceleste @lady-literature @pawsitivelymiraculous I’m tagging you all since you did this to me
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celesteleoves · 10 months ago
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GOJO SATORU x reader
summary: after your students invade your privacy, you realize that you don’t want anyone in your personal space but you’re boyfriend is the exception
warnings: reader is very closed off to those she doesn’t like. reader is a teacher/was a student alongside satoru!!! fluff otherwise!
a/n: not proofread. this is so bad… send over requests pls.
teaching teenagers is NOT easy.
technically, it is your fault. you agreed to this. you’ve spent half of your life basically being a mother anyways (to megumi, of course) so you figured this would be an easy job.
so, now you’re wondering as why you find yourself in this situation.
you’re students, who are the three first years, were caught stealing old photo books and souvenirs from your office.
how you know it was them? megumi is the only one that knows the code to your office as it is always locked for reasons like this. you’re assuming the two other thieves gaslighted him into letting them into your office, they always do.
the three trouble makers sat on your office couch, wearily looking around the room and trying to seem clueless as to why they were brought here.
“i like that vase… is it new?” the pink haired boy spoke for the first time in a while, trying to change the topic.
“don’t be stupid. i saw you put it in here the other day after breaking my other one.” you scowled as he nervously rubbed his neck with an anxious smile on his face.
“i’m sorry! we truly didn’t think you valued your privacy this much!” nobara yelped and you frowned.
“it was for a experiment!” itadori yelped and you fought back a laugh at his words as the other two teenagers looked at him like he was stupid.
“you guys know i hate everyone here besides my students and co-workers. don’t say that to anyone. i don’t want any stray wanderers ending up in my office.” you hissed as you watched them shrink back into their seat.
just as you were about to scold them once more, you heard a familiar pair of footsteps loudly making their way to your office. a tiny smile almost forcing its way onto your face.
the door slammed open, itadori’s face lighting up at the sight of his other teacher (their saviour, in this situation).
the white haired man froze at the sight of his students in your office, he was only expecting you to be here.
“can someone tell me why they are in here? you hate people in your office, love.” satoru whispered the pet name as he moved closer to you.
you threw up your hands in exasperation, “exactly! i hate my privacy being invaded.”
“i’m so sorry, i didn’t realize they would cause this much ruckus.” megumi spoke quietly for the first time, making your heart clench.
he had a soft spot in your heart, they all did, but they need a little scolding every now and then. they need someone to keep them under control… and to teach them about respecting people’s privacy.
“no, don’t apologize you three. punishment’s will be necessary though.”
their heads shot up at your words, tiling almost comically to the side in sync with each other.
your boyfriend had made his way over to your desk, plopping down on his chair and grinning secretly to himself as he watched this whole ordeal go down.
you unfolded your arms, sighing softly. “go train now, 40 push ups each please.”
you swore nobara’s eyes popped out of their sockets when you said that, her hands clenching both of the boys shoulders in agony.
“i’m going to die, why did you ever suggest this you idiot!” nobara started scolding yuji whos jaw was currently dropped to the floor at her words and yours.
megumi groaned, dragging the two of them out of the room as you rubbed your forehead. you moved towards your boyfriend at the sound of the door slamming shut much to your dismay.
flinching at the sudden quietness and no longer loud teenagers echoing off your wall’s, you looked at your boyfriend. normally, he’d be acting the same way as them but he knows you don’t need that right now.
“they’re a lot, hm?” satoru hummed while pulling you closer, you slouched against him.
“sometimes they’re too much.”
“yet, sometimes you need them to take your mind off things. they got you to stop doing your paperwork for at least 4 hours.” he grinned as you looked shocked and worried at the same time.
frowning, you snuggled against him, his infinity being off just for you.
“i hate people. sometimes.”
“oh i know, don’t know how you put up with me!”
you chuckled, looking down and noticing the 3 bags of sweets on the floor. satoru was so thoughtful, he showed his love in the simplest yet most extravagant ways.
he grounded you, kept you from losing your mind. being by his side meant a life full of laughter and sweet moments, despite your jobs. you wouldn’t trade him for the world (or your students).
“you’re the only exception, satoru.”
a/n: bye wtf is this help. this is awful but whatever i miss my children bring them back gege.
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celesteleoves · 11 months ago
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summary: in which, sukuna rarely shows his emotions but you caught him laughing, much to his dismay.
warnings: swearing, mentions of killing (jokes made by sukuna), fluff, A LOADDDD OF DIALOGUE!!. ooc sukuna… this was not proofread.
“was that a laugh?” you stared at sukuna in shock, eyes wide with disbelief as the man beside you rolls his eyes.
“no, i don’t know what you are talking about.”
“you just did! ryomen, i can still see a smile on your face right now.”
he turns his head away from the tv infront of you two that blasted some hallmark movie that you two lazily put on, just to make fun of it. it was mostly you cracking jokes, sukuna calling you stupid, and you laughing at your own jokes.
until now you noticed you weren’t the only one who laughed at your jokes, you swear sukuna laughed! he can deny it all he wants but a chuckle did in fact leave his mouth.
truth be told, he never shows any happy emotions, he is always stoic or saying a remark that will leave everyone running away from him in a second.
“no. i never laugh around you, you are not that amusing.”
“don’t try and deny it ryomen, i see your eyes sparkle when you find something amusing.”
“you are incredibly delusional.”
“no- hey! you’re smiling!”
“you must be hallucinating.”
a small smile was present for a split second on sukuna’s face before he masked it with a grimace and a retort back to your comments.
“you are imagining things, y/n.”
“i saw that hint of a smirk, you can not fool me.”
“my face is incapable of such emotions, you must be tired.”
you turned in your seat to squint your eyes at him, he won’t ever admit it! if he says he laughed, it’ll hurt his pride. now, you just have to pester him and hope he laughs again.
“well, sukuna, your face needs some training because it definitely just betrayed you right now,”
“fine. i might’ve been a tad bit amused. don’t ever get used to it though.”
“too late. i’m gonna do everything in my power to make you laugh so hard you won’t be able to breathe!”
“you know what else will make it hard to breathe?”
“me suffocating you.”
“i’d like that-”
you grinned at him as he scowled you, man, he can be quite moody sometimes. now you’re starting to believe he can’t laugh or be nice EVER. you like a little challenge, though.
“i can make you laugh so hard you’ll snort.”
“oh yeah? snort? that’s different. go ahead, try.” he challenged you, a barely visible smirk present on his face that you ALMOST missed.
“oh, i will. just wait. don’t say i didn’t warn you when you snort!” you pause and noticed the barely visible hint of amusement on his face, “see! i can see you beginning to smile already.”
“i find you amusing but that does not mean anything.”
“oh, really sukuna? to me, it means the whole universe! you’re beautiful eyes that gleam, your smile, your perfect pearly whites, the deep chortle you let out rambunctiously; it’s the key to my heart!” you exaggerate your words, adding unnecessary points that even have you cringing at your words as you try to ignite a reaction out of him.
“trying to charm me, huh? laying it on thick aren’t you.”
“i have a way with words, you can’t resist my allure and attractiveness that spills from them.”
he stares at you in confusion and amusement, what are you even doing?
“don’t flatter yourself too much, brat. it takes a while for me to be swayed.”
“i’m aware of your stubbornness, trust me. i won’t stop though, it’s entertaining watching you struggle to hold your breathe trying not to laugh.”
“you like watching me suffocate? that’s sadistic.”
“look who’s talking now.”
“alright. you cannot get me to laugh, if you can’t tell already. give up now.”
“no! never, not until i’ve made you laugh and gained your love.”
“my love?- whatever, nice try, flirt. your charm isn’t working.”
you roll your eyes and push his shoulder teasingly, a smile already on your face as you turn away from sukuna to grab a drink.
little do you know, the man beside you is grinning secretly, letting out a quiet laugh at your previous conversation.
he also enjoyed the compliments, he won’t tell you that though.
a/n: this got cut short :( i was going to make it longer but it was 2:14 am when i made this. anyways, i hope it was alright and this was just a tester so i could try and see how i liked writing sukunas character!
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moonlitceleste · 4 years ago
aksdjhsj yeah i think i mentioned this before too
she combines the mouse and bee so she turns into a tiny talking bee, just like barry b benson
if it’s a crack, non-cursed au then they probably reenact the bee movie scenes
if it’s a cursed au, well, y’all know how that’s gonna turn out
Yo @moonlitceleste wanna hear a cursed idea?
Okay so, AU where the mouse miraculous only makes it's holder shrink if it's combined with another miraculous. Unless the person is already multimice when they combine the miraculous. (Like kwamibuster)
This allows Marinette to literally turn into a tiny bee if she combines it with the bee miraculous.
And yes, the bee miraculous has bee wings and the ability to fly.
Now originally I thought Marinette could just hang out with bee!Jason, but now that I've read your fanfic I... I don't wanna think about what she could do.
So I'm going to leave that up to your cursed mind :D
(Also, LadyLiterature if you're reading this I want you to know that A. I didn't tag you because I respect you and B. I'm sorry you probably had to read this anyway.)
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celesteleoves · 1 year ago
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“I’M ADDICTED TO YOUR LOVE, that’s the issue.”
itadori yuji x fem!reader.
summary: in which, itadori never gets shy, not unless he’s around you.
warnings: swearing, teasing (from the first and second years), fluff! reader and itadori are already in a relationship but it’s fairly new. this is rlly short!!!
itadori was a loud, energetic, and bubbly person. everybody had only ever seen him being loud, they never saw him acting shy, genuinely sad, or quiet (unless something serious had happened).
so, today would be the first time they would see him act differently. aka, be around you.
itadori, megumi, and nobara along with the second years all sat on the grass as they decided to have a little picnic for lunch.
everyone chattered and made conversation about random things that were irrelevant in itadori’s opinion. you were the only thing he was paying attention to.
he currently sat in between you and megumi. you were having an interesting conversation with panda but itadori was not focusing on that.
he was focusing on the soft thrum of your fingers against his hand as you fiddled with his fingers. your hand occasionally slipping when you moved but immediately finding its place right back into his hand a second later.
his cheeks were flushed at the small gesture, your relationship was fairly new, of course he was going to be flustered by small things like holding your hand!
“itadori.” megumi mumbled, his head tilted as he stared at the boy who looked like he was on cloud nine.
“y-yeah?” itadori shook his thoughts away and turned to the boy beside him who was smiling slightly at how flustered he looked.
“you good?”
“me?! what! of course i’m good, that’s such a weird question to ask fushiguro.” itadori awkwardly laughed, earning the attention of the rest of the group (including you as you looked at your sweating boyfriend in concern).
“itadori, you’re sweating.” nobara looked at him in confusion, it wasn’t even hot outside!
itadori turned to look at you as you looked at him in concern and holy shit, he wished he didn’t.
the breeze made your hair slightly sway as you smiled at itadori, your eyes shining as the sun hit them. you looked perfect, his dream girl. he was in shock that he managed to get a girlfriend like you, a perfect one.
“holy fuck-” itadori gasped and maki immediately went to tease him as she realized why he was acting like this.
“he’s nervous because of y/n!” she yelped, letting out a string of laughter as nobara did the same.
“salmon.” inumaki said, his eyes almost closed shut because of how hard he was laughing.
“hey! stop, it’s hot outside.” itadori nervously tried to defend himself, his voice wavering when he felt you move closer to him to the point your hips were touching.
his face immediately flushed and even megumi began laughing at him. itadori covered his face in defeat and embarrassment that he was acting like this in public. but, you just had that effect on him! he can’t help it.
“yuji.” your soft voice caught his attention over the loud laughter around him and teasing comments.
“huh?” itadori’s voice wavered once more as he made eye contact with you.
“you’re cute when you’re shy.”
and there we go, yuji itadori has died. his face immediately goes beet red and he covers it with his hands as you laugh and lean into his side, wrapping an arm around his back as he placed one behind you.
he was so obsessed with you, there was not doubt. yet, he doesn’t like he’ll ever be able to stop being shy around you.
a/n: hope you enjoyed! i’m posting a sukuna work after this that is also just a tester to see how i like writing his character and things i have to improve on!
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