#kurt will always love cody
shadowphoenixrider · 2 days
Sins of the Present
(A visit from an old friend puts things into perspective for Gambit and his relationship with Shadow. But time might be running out... Brace yourselves, we will be entering angst country; this is but the short taster. And also an excuse for me to steal that scene in X-Men 97 near wholesale and paste it here. Enjoy!)
"An' what brings de Nightcrawler 'round to our next of de woods?" Gambit grinned, raising an eyebrow as he settled an arm over the short furry mutant's shoulders.
Said mutant offered the Cajun a toothy smile, a playful spark to his golden eyes. His arrow-headed tail slowly wagged back and forth like a lazy metronome.
"Can a person not drop in to see their friends when they're in the area, Gambit?" Nightcrawler asked, arching his own brow. "Especially to see the sister he didn't know he had."
"Sure," Rogue smiled, "but I think the question Remy's askin' is why ya happen to be 'round here. It's a long way from the Alps."
"Ah! Well, after the monastery was damaged, I have been taking the opportunity to explore new horizons, and use my gifts to help where I can." He explained. "It just so happens my travels brought me here."
"How's that been goin'?" Rogue asked, trepidation echoing through her words.
"It has been a...mixed experience." Nightcrawler admitted. "It can be difficult for others to see past my appearance. I have had to resort to helping many from the shadows."
Movement at the corner of Gambit's eye drew his attention up to the landing above, and to the young woman lingering at the top of the stairs, peering down at the activity below. Speaking of shadows... A grin stretched across his lips, and he took the opportunity to stride away from the conversation.
"Shadow, it's good to see ya!" He called up to her. "C'mon down, we got a friend visitin'."
She hesitated a moment, before venturing down the stairs to join them, smiling shyly.
Nightcrawler's eyes brightened with curiosity.
"Ah, a new face! And who might you be, Fraulein?" he asked, holding his hand out to her.
"My name's Shadow." She replied, taking his hand easily to shake it. "I'm kinda the newest member here. Sort of."
"Picked her up afta a scuffle with the Friends of Humanity." Rogue added, smiling. "An' like stray cat afta a meal, she's stuck around."
"I'm kinda the resident healer." Shadow said. "I can talk to and control cells to help regenerate wounds and suchlike."
"A very noble and selfless use of your powers. My name is Kurt Wagner, although others know me as Nightcrawler," he said, his German accent soft around his words. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Shadow." He raised her hand to kiss it, Shadow flushing bright red.
White hot jealousy suddenly flashed through Gambit, startling him. Where had that come from? Why should he be jealous of Kurt; this was just his way with women, nothing meant about it. And Shadow was always shy whenever people were forward to her like that - it didn't mean anything.
Not that Shadow was even his. Not really. They were just friends. Friends who fooled around with each other. A friend he was in love with.
He cursed internally - this had happened with Rogue too. Not that her old boyfriend Cody's reappearance hadn't been suspicious on its own (and he'd been right to suspect him), but Gambit wasn't stupid - he'd felt the same jealous flames lick under his skin at that time. The very same for Archangel too.
The jealous streak he possessed wasn't a new phenomenon, and it was one he could keep under control most times. Indeed, he'd felt nothing but warm pride in how close Shadow was with her other friends (and perhaps a little yearning too). Her hugging Ebak, Ber, Myst and Lemming barely sparked anything in him.
Yet the memories of the club kept flickering back into his mind's eye. Of Tom, furious at him for just showing concern for Shadow. Getting so angry he tried to glass them. Shadow's tears against his back as he drove them home.
For all Rogue's words that he was nothing like Tom, he sure was following the same beats.
"Sugah?" Her voice broke him from his thoughts. She cocked her head, raising an eyebrow. "Ya alright? You look a thousand miles away."
Shadow was also watching him with concern, beautiful blue eyes wide and alert, ready to help as always.
I don't deserve her.
"I uh, Gambit jus' remembered he need to check somethin' in de kitchen," he said, taking a step back. "Might be a while. Don' wait up."
"Alright, mein freund." Kurt replied, smiling. "I hope I will see you shortly?"
"Sure will!" Gambit said, already taking his leave in quick strides. "See ya 'round!"
Gambit didn't know what kind of climbing plant had been allowed to scale the south side of the X-Mansion in such thick abundance, but he thanked the fact it existed and kept its leaves during the autumn months. It made perfect cover for him to watch the comedy of errors unfolding down below.
For reasons only known to them, a family of ducks had decided to make the swimming pool their new home, which was less than ideal for all involved. So Shadow had taken it upon herself to herd the family out least away from the pool, and hopefully towards the lake, which would be a much better fit.
It turned out that in a contest between a five foot three mutant and collection of ducks, the ducks were winning. No matter how wide Shadow spread her arms, how much she tried to anticipate their dodges, the ducks refused to leave the water, often managing to just lead her in circles.
Yes, he really should have been a gentleman and helped her, but it was a lot more amusing to watch, and listen to Shadow try in vain to verbally convince them to follow her lead, as well as scold them when they avoided her.
It was a very charming trait of hers; she would talk to anything, including herself, and numerous times Gambit had walked in on Shadow scolding an appliance that wasn't working, or gently reassuring that one washer dryer that always violently shuddered to the point verging on death that it could do it, just keep going. She was like that with animals too, talking gently to the wasps she would shoo out the windows, the pigeons that bumbled near her feet; even the spiders she was frightened of would get her talking semi-kindly, warning them to stay away as she didn't want to hurt them in her terror.
That was who Shadow was, really. Kind. There was a softness to her that Gambit once believed could only exist in the naive, those who hadn't seen the ugly underbelly of people. Yet Shadow was no innocent; she might not have physical scars, but she carried mental, emotional ones - she knew the depths of cruelty. Instead of closing herself down and away from it, though, she had dared to stay open. Dared herself to keep caring.
She was a healer in power and soul.
Gambit sighed softly, the breath wisping out of his nose.
She was far too good and kind than he deserved. She deserved better.
A whiff of sulphur on the wind was the only warning Gambit got before a voice in his ear whispered:
"For a man named 'Gambit', your poker face is very poor."
"Merde!" He swore, only just managing to keep his purchase on the roof. He shot a murderous glare at the blue elf that had appeared over his shoulder, grinning unrepentantly. "How about ya mind ya beeswax, furball!" He turned his gaze back to Shadow below. It seemed like Rogue had taken pity on her, and had come to assist. "Didn't go ringin' for no priest."
"Perhaps not." Kurt replied softly. "But I have eyes, Gambit. I can see that Shadow means a lot to you." He tilted his head, tail waving back and forth. "Which begs the question: why are you up here, watching her from afar, rather than helping?"
"Looks like she and Rogue have it under control." He replied. Indeed, things were going much better with two instead of one, especially when that person could fly. "'Sides. Can appreciate de view from here."
Kurt said nothing for a moment, and Gambit hoped he'd dropped the subject. No such luck.
"She spoke highly of you, know."
Gambit's gaze immediately whipped back to him.
"She did?" He blinked, realizing his mistake when Kurt grinned. "I-I mean, of course she did. I did save her from that fils de puntain, after all."
"Ja, but it was more than that, Remy." Kurt said, moving closer. "She speaks of your prowess and your kindness in taking care of her as she got used to living here. But I can see and hear between the lines. Shadow lights up talking about you. Admiration paints her words. She blushes when you ask about you and her. She cares for you, mein freund."
His golden eyes bored into Gambit's black and red. "Indeed, it would not surprise me if she loves you."
Gambit's shoulders jerked as if he'd been shot, and he immediately crushed the emotion that threatened to leak out. He looked away, letting out a rueful laugh.
"Hah! I doubt dat." He puffed his chest out. "Scoundrels like me? We too busy for love. Too busy sinnin'." Even to his ears, his bravado couldn't hide the bitter taste on his tongue.
"There is no love without sin." Kurt spoke, calmly. "Love is best measured in what we forgive."
Gambit's gaze fell back down to pool below. The ducks had now been successfully herded away, Shadow thanking Rogue before giving her a careful hug, making sure their thick hair shielded their skin from touching.
Hope, small and feeble, bloomed in his heart.
"You really think she might love me?" He asked quietly.
"Only she could answer that." Kurt replied, equally quiet. "But, if it reassures you...Yes. I think she might."
Gambit swallowed hard, his heart starting to beat a fast tattoo under his breast. Could she, maybe...?
The two women parted from each other, saying something to one another, before Rogue began to walk away, back towards the mansion. Shadow lingered for a moment, her gaze out towards the grounds beyond.
"Go to her, Remy." Kurt urged. Gambit nodded, glancing back to his friend.
"Thank you," he said. The Nightcrawler gave him a smile, before 'bamf'ing away in a puff of dark purple smoke.
Gambit took a steeling breath, before he carefully scaled down the wall, jumping down as soon as he could. The sound of his landing drew Shadow's attention, and she turned towards him, eyes wide with surprise.
"Where did you come from?" She asked, a humourous lilt to her voice.
"Always from where ya least expect, mon amie." He replied, grinning. Nerves hummed through him like his powers, except they were also causing butterflies to swarm madly in his stomach. "Whatcha doin' out here?"
"Some ducks mistook the pool for the lake." Shadow explained. "I tried to get them to see reason, but apparently it was falling on deaf ears, least 'til Rogue arrived and helped me convince them otherwise."
"Good to hear." Gambit nodded, his heart pounding hard, only half-listening as he tried to piece his words together. He was going to say it this time, he really was. "Hey, Shadow, I been meaning to talk to ya 'bout somethin'. Somethin' important."
"Oh?" She blinked up at him, eyes wide with her full attention. "What about?"
Gambit took a breath, wetting his lips.
"Well, ya see, I-"
"Guys!" Scott's voice interrupted them, the urgency in his tone making them look towards where he was standing in the doorway. "I think you need to come and see this, ASAP."
Gambit almost wanted to scream bloody murder, but something about the look on Scott's face managed to contain his anger. He and Shadow glanced at each other, before following him into the main room, where the TV was on, centring on a news report from the government. All the other X-Men were there, including Professor Xavier, whose expression was grave.
"What's goin' on?" Gambit asked.
"Henry Gyrich is attempting to use his governmental contacts to push through anti-mutant legislation." Xavier explained, his eyes fixed on the screen. "It is known as the Mutant Containment Bill."
"Dat don't sound good." Gambit murmured.
"That's another word for internment camps, isn't it?" Shadow said quietly. "Like they did with Japanese citizens during the Second World War."
"The very same." Beast nodded. "I have noticed that the rhetoric used to justify those is similar if not exactly the same as what Gyrich is using now."
A chill crept over Gambit's skin, especially when he glanced to Shadow, who now hugging herself tightly. He'd had a taste of internment and the slavery linked to it, and didn't want to experience that again. And certainly not have any of his other friends experience it too - it had torn him up to see Jubilee, all but a child, in a suppression collar and forced to labour, and Storm to be imprisoned in her worst nightmare.
To watch it happen to Shadow?
Bile churned in his stomach.
"I will need to fight this legislation with everything I have." Xavier was saying. "I will require a team to go with me to these debates. They will be long and arduous, especially against an opponent as consumed by his hatred as Gyrich is." The Professor turned to the group. "But I must. The freedom of all mutants is resting on me. This bill must be defeated."
A chorus of nods from the assembled group. "Cyclops, I trust you can assemble a team?"
"Of course, Professor." He nodded. "I'll let you know shortly."
"Thank you. If you'll please excuse me, I need to prepare myself." And with that, Xavier left the room. The others split off as well, muttering anxiously among themselves.
"Shit." Shadow breathed, running a hand through her hair. "I...I think I need to call my parents. A-And my friends."
"Go do it, petite." Gambit rested a hand on her back. "Jus' in case this don't work out."
Shadow made to step away, before she hesitated.
"Wait. Wasn't there something you wanted to tell me, Remy?" She asked, looking up at him.
Gambit winced, smiling weakly. It not longer felt like the right time.
"No, chère," he said, gently pushing her back. "Go speak to ya folks. It nothing dat can't wait a little longer. 'Til all dis be over."
She looked up at him uncertainly, before nodding, walking off to find the mansion's phone.
Gambit would soon come to regret those words.
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mykidneysbuddy · 1 year
Hi! My name is Rowan or Stu, I go by He/Him, and I’d love to find a new roleplay partner. [ I mainly only do ship roleplays, and I will almost always be playing a male character, OC or not. ] MY FANDOMS: - Spree (2020) - Scream (1996) - IT (2017) - Dear Evan Hansen (The movie) - FNAF (somewhat) - Creepypasta (somewhat) - The Turning (2020) - BOTW (NOT TOTK)  - Alice In Wonderland (but probably an AU of it) - The Maze Runner (mostly movies, but we can add in some book things too if you want) - KOTLC (keeper of the lost cities) - MCYT [ Minecraft Youtubers, NOT DSMP ] - OCs [ Original Characters, for fandoms or just a regular OC ship ]  - Total Drama Island  - Once Upon A Time [ OUAT ] - Wednesday [ The Show ] SHIPS I’LL DO: { And which character I’m willing to play will be italicized, if both are italicized then I’ll put in bold which one I’d prefer, (if I don't put a bold, that means i really don’t care who I play) BUT I don’t have to be this character, it's mostly just who’s my favorite to play out of the two } - Spree [ Kurt x Male OC ] - Scream [ Stu x Billy ] - IT [ Richie x Bill, Richie x Eddie, Stan x Bill, Richie x Connor, Bill x Connor, Henry x Patrick ] - Dear Evan Hansen [ Evan x Connor ]  - FNAF [ Male OC x Male OC ] - Creepypasta [ Toby x Jack, Ben x Toby, Jack x Ben, Jeff x Ben, Jeff x Toby ]  - The Turning [ Miles x Male OC ]  - BOTW [ Link x Male OC, Link x Sidon ]  - Alice In Wonderland  [ I dont really know. OCs probably ] - The Maze Runner [ Newt x Thomas ]  - KOTLC [ Keefe x Dex, Keefe x Fitz ]  - MCYT [ Sapnap x Karl, Sapnap x Dream ] - OCs [ Male OC x Male OC ]  - Total Drama Island  [ Noah x Cody ]  - Once Upon A Time  [ Peter Pan x Felix, Peter Pan x Male OC ]  - Wednesday [ Ajax x Xavier, Rowan x Male OC ]  { I’ll add onto this as time goes on, with fandoms/ships I might have forgotten. If you’re interested in any of these, please message me on tumblr with which fandom & ship you want to do. } 
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poepoe-thebunny · 1 year
Life of Scott and Logan: Song Vibe List Part 1
Part one of a song list miniseries that includes a whole bunch of nonsense for this pairing, it is entirely the fault of the wonderful ScottxLogan, who’s fics brought back memories of a movie series I haven’t seen in almost a decade. I have no idea how many parts this will have, the song list is growing day by day but I had some finished I wanted to put down! 
So have some scogan feels, some song lists, some random HC’s and a bit of dialogue for fics I am eternally to lazy to write. This started as a playlist inspired by these two and is now over 2k words, so expect more eventually. 
Human- Cody Johnson
Y’all, this is a Logan song. Look me in the eye and tell me this isn’t a Logan song.
I think what I love about this song for Logan/Scogan in general is WHERE it would put Logan at mentally. This is a middle of the road song. It’s an acknowledgment of all your faults, your mental struggles, every bridge you burned and every bad decision you made because of your fears. But it’s not a damnation of those things.  It’s not an “it gets better” song so much as it is an “I’m better than I used to be, but I know I might accidentally hurt you because I’m not perfect. But that happiness is worth putting in the effort for.” There is both a sense of bittersweet remorse and hard-won tinges of contentment.
There’s this notion with Scott and Logan, that while things like communication or feelings are never easy, it’s worth it because they make each other better. Not always happy, not always content, but rather they're constantly pushing each other in a way that feels like antagonism but often ends up with them being forced to finally acknowledge something important. There’s an interesting dynamic between them in which there is simultaneously a hesitation to know each other, to sometimes take each other at face value and judge, while also knowing each other more intimately than most assume. That they don’t always make each other happy in the traditional sense, but they make each other better, and that support is what slowly leads to their happiness.
I guess all I'm sayin' is forgive me If I don't know what I'm doing I'm still learnin' to be human
HC/Vibes/Feels/General Nonsense
This is either established scogan, or at least one where Scott and Logan are closer now and slowly working to acknowledge their feelings.
Logan is in another run-down bar in another small, forgotten town in a string of run-down bars in small forgotten towns. When he leaves, he’ll walk to the ground floor of a tiny hotel with a cracked concrete parking lot, stand outside the door for a moment to smoke as he watches the stars, and quietly wonder what he’s doing here.
It’s not an uncommon thought.
In his pocket is the phone he rarely uses. He never really was the calling type. Maybe curled around it are the worn pages of a letter with handwriting neater than his own, or a kitschy postcard from a little shop a few miles back that he writes a dumb joke on.
He calls Scott. Thinks about calling more and more often.
It’s always late at night, with bits of gossip and laughter and whispered honesty they couldn’t say face to face. Used to not be able to say it all, but distance makes the heart grow fond and all that jazz.
Sometimes Logan doesn’t say anything, just listens with a soft buzzing of longing and something close to contentment.
So apparently, Marie has roped Jubilee and Kitty into the “save the trash pandas” committee. They have t-shirts.
Last night the kids wanted to go bowling but it was raining out, right? Guess they decided the next best thing was to use Jamie as a set of bowling pin. Somehow. It went about as well as you’d expect. Side note, it looks like Peter can officially hold up four Jamie’s all on his own, whether that's because Jamie lost his balance is not clear yet.
Kurt watches terrible soap operas with ‘Ro.
Logan stares up at the cracked ceiling of that tiny hotel room and let’s himself want, just a little bit, for the first time in a long time.
Hey slim?
Sorry I haven’t been around much.
Don’t worry about it, you're coming home soon, right?
Yeah, yeah, I just...thanks for waiting up for me. I’m not very good at this.
You’re only human Logan.
Dyin’ Ain’t so bad (solo and reprise)- Bonnie and Clyde the musical
Didn’t expect musicals on this list? No? You should have because Hugh Jackman and I won’t apologize.
He wasn’t in this production, but I feel like the song fits the two of them well.
'Cause dyin' ain't so bad Not if you both go together Only when one's left behind does it get sad But a short and lovin' life That ain't so bad
On one hand you have Logan, who’s lived so long that he knows the heartbreak of losing your loved ones no matter how much time you had together, and the grief of having to keep on keeping on because he doesn’t even have the option of dying. On the other you have Scott, who having already lost one love of his life before they truly had a chance at a full life together, slowly coming to terms with loving again. There is this constant set of extremes, Logan who has lost so much that he’d genuinely be happy with a short life full of love as long as he didn’t have to lose someone again, and Scott who’s suffered a loss so young that he’d be happy spending, or lengthening, any amount of time he was with Logan. Even the contrast between the song and it’s ending reprise carries this sense of extremes, one holding a grim-faced but ultimately loving choice to stay together despite an impending tragedy, the other ending with the harsh reality of death but ultimately not seeing it as a tragedy so long as they are together in the end.
HC/Vibes/Feels/General Nonsense:
This song feels like a match cut movie scene, or maybe a flashback in some ways. A moment of recall to a special memory in the face of heartbreak and tragedy.
Maybe that’s what it is, a scene from early on in their relationship, compared to a scene at the end.
Maybe Scott is injured, Maybe Logan is holding him, doing his best to shield him with his body, hoping to take the brunt of the damage. Maybe some part of Logan thinks it’s too late, but he can’t admit it.
At this point Logan isn’t sure which one is worse. His one in a million chance of dying before Scott, healing factor pushed to the limits but unable to handle the thought of leaving Scott to die alone despite contemplating it for so long.
Or the much likelier option of his body healing, knitting itself back together while Scott dies with a smile on his face. Happy despite the pain, because Logan is here, Logan stayed, Logan always came back.
Do you think it hurts?
Trust me slim, compared to everything else, dyin’ ain’t so bad.
The look in Logan’s eyes when Scott reaches out to caress his face, smiling at him despite barely being able to breath, voice raspy, tears sliding down his face from the eyes Logan knows he’ll never be able to see.
He’s never hated the thought of seeing them so much.
You were right, like this, with you, it doesn’t feel that bad at all.
Blue Moon- Dean Martin
Come on y’all, we NEEDED a fluffy, dancing together alone late at night type of song. It was practically a requirement! We need more dreamy, oldie’s song fics ok, consider this motivation. Yes, I do in fact have multiple oldies themed playlists for fic writing gushy feels, thank you for asking.
I love this because it feels like the quintessential fluffy piece, that domestic, dreamy sort of content that occurs between all the chaos of life. Simply holding one another, contemplating all the decisions that lead to happiness despite all the hardships. One waking up because the other can’t sleep, slipping behind them to wrap them up in your arms, staring out at the expanse of night sky and glistening moon beams that enter through fluttering lace curtains from a large window.  There’s something to be said about the loneliness of sleepless nights. Logan has spent years haunted by his nightmares, the fear and the rage coalescing and stealing his sleep from him, only to end up in trashed hotel rooms where the only one who saw was the moon he would stare at, alone, trying to make sense of his own fractured memories. Scott hasn’t seen what the moon truly looks like in years, lost behind the constant haze of red that is his field of view, knowing it only in memories of the light it cast upon the snow as a child, or the books he read. Outside of seeking the reassurance and comfort of each other as they sleep, there is this added element of heartbreaking tenderness at the realization that being awake in the night no longer means they have to suffer alone.
HC/Vibes/Feels/General Nonsense
There’s something about this song that has a hazy, dreamlike effect on this scene. I have this stunning image in my head of Scott, arms wrapped around himself, staring quietly out a large window with moonlight dripping past the curtains, as Logan walks in, spots him, and leans quietly against the door to watch him for a few moments. Logan takes in his ruffled sleep clothes, the rare stillness of the night, the way the beams of light dance across his soft face, as he stands, relaxed and contemplative.
Couldn’t sleep?
That’s funny coming from you, old man.
But not wrong, what’s gotcha awake scooter?
Nothing just...thinking, I guess.
Can ya think less loudly, they probably heard ya on mars.
There’s the sound of quiet laughter as Logan hugs him from behind, a set of smooth dulcet notes playing from a small stereo nearby. Eventually, they end up swaying in place, letting the song roll over them as they dance.
Blue moon, you saw me standing alone Without a dream in my heart without a love of my own Blue moon, you knew just what I was there for You heard me saying a prayer for someone I really could care for
Didn’t expect ya ta be the singin’ type slim, that’s all.
Your not so bad yourself.
And though Logan wouldn’t admit it, Scott can hear the timbre of his voice as he hums along to the song playing in the background.
Alright I’m ending this here because I don’t want it to get to long XD. I do have a lot more that will be finished soon, because for some reason my brain is now obsessed with this ship. I don’t know how many parts this is gonna have, but hey, we are here for the vibes. 
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crazedlunatic · 2 years
The Next Steps
“How much longer? Charlie says within two years… but I think he’ll drawl it out until someone new comes in.” Blaine shrugged. “Any time I bring any questions up about it, he throws paper at me. I’m not sure if he’s joking or not is the thing.”
“He’s really not been that into anything law since Emily was kidnapped for ransom… but he’d had, like, five ‘and a half’ experiences like this. What does that even mean?”
“One of his attacks lost him a lung when he was getting big and 28 years old or something.’
“Why don’t you take ove—”
Blaine gave him the look like he always did when he mentioned taking over for Bob. “Just because my grandmother and uncles were lawyers does not mean I want to take over CMJ. They’d even have to make a new sign... but if we can all trick Nick into going to law school-.”
“Cody!” Kurt exclaimed seeing him outside of one of the coffee shops he frequented.
Cody jumped—it was habit after his sexual assault in middle school. When he knew someone was coming to see him it was fine but sometimes he was nervous when people quickly came behind him because of his past.
“Sorry. It’s him showing he likes you more than Nick.” Blaine joked.
Cody relaxed and waved. “Hey, I didn’t know you all got lunch on this side of town.”
“That big festival is happening, so we wanted somewhere a little less…” Blaine began.
“Not full of people my age?” Cody joked.
“Yes, but you are family... When are you two having babies?” Kurt asked.
“Oh my God. Did Nick put you up this?” Cody looked surprised. “Also, thanks.”
“Does that mean you… are talking about it?” Blaine grinned.
Cody hesitated.
Kurt’s face lit up.
“I don’t think it will be anytime soon.” Cody said slowly. “We need to get through things before we’ll consider it.”
“What’s the hold up? Out of curiosity?” Blaine asked.
“Nick doesn’t want to pass down his ‘bad genes.’ He’s afraid that his mental health isn’t well enough for so much added stress. When he’s really stressed it’s hard for him to eat like he should so he wants to make sure he’s really ready.” Cody explained. “Which I think is the best reaction we could hope for taking such a big step.”
“You think it’s a good idea?”
“Yeah!” Cody said enthusiastically. “As long as he does what he needs to do it will set us up to make sure. Closer to time we’ll all three hash out a plan… but not until I’ve gotten through grad school. He’s getting better and branching out more again too.”
“Oh, they see each other all the time as of, maybe, 4 months ago? Us, Ryan, and his girlfriend…”
“Maddie.” Blaine said and then made a smooth transition to, “Hello, sunshine.”
Nick groaned and sat in one of the chairs. He looked at Blaine and said, “Dad, you’re rich. Daddy, you’ve almost made more than grampa. Can I drop out?”
Cody rolled his eyes. Thursday classes made him say the same thing every day.
“You’ve got how long left?” Blaine played along.
“Maybe six months after that test I just bombed.”
“You always say this and you’ve never failed any test or final.” Cody was exasperated. “Come on.”
Kurt and Blaine shared a look. They loved it.
“You owe me ice cream if you pass the test.”
“What do I get out of this?”
“An BS degree…?”
“They’re just like us. They banter.” Blaine pointed out. “I’m glad Cody warmed up to me.”
“You walked in on us having sex. What did you expect?”
“I don’t know. That you wouldn’t be having sex in your childhood bedroom.”
“I was twenty. You shouldn’t just walk in. I know you two did the deed at seventeen and eighteen.”
“Well, this has been fun but my 90 minute break is up and the girl is always early and she’s my last appointment of the day which means I’ll still beat Nick home.”
“Rude. Can I just sit in your actual office and work on my homework?” Nick scoffed.
“Yeah. The front desk expects it anyway now. I mean my boss knows because she’s the one who did his therapy.” Cody said, grabbing Nick’s bag for him and waving goodbye to Blaine and Kurt. “But if you’re coming in with me, it’s gotta be now.”
As soon as they had walked into the office, Kurt and Blaine stood up.
“Have I mentioned lately that Cody is the best thing to happen to Nick?”
“An hour ago… I love him and them.”
“Just to be clear… I know that we helped Nick since he was hospitalized but as soon as he got that inheritance from Bob… I’m still seeing him getting better and better.”
“I would say that it was rude to do that but not for Zach… however, Zach’s killing it. I just wish he’d take a job here.”
“How is that we are always talking about our three kids in college? Two of them at the same school?”
“Yeah, for you. Now I’m close to the age Bob was at when I started my internship… or older than that. Ugh. I hate being old.”
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the-type-a · 2 years
any ships beyond duncney? td tumblr has made me appreciate djwen............. ugh.............
Like within the TD universe or in general?
@hollowboobtheory has really opened my eyes to djwen and it’s amazing. They are in love and now I always think about how DJ said Gwen would be his perfect model in TDWT. 🥹
Other TD couples I really love are:
Fanon couples I love:
Non TD couples I love:
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mintybreakfast · 9 months
In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth.
And the Earth was without form, and void. Darkness hovered over the face of the deep.
How else could I begin this journey?
(Keep in mind that I'm 36. I haven't lived as long and I'm not as wise as some. But I'd remind those that this journey I'm about to describe took place over the course of years)
For me, this is where everything began. No other questions. Every question i had ever thought of always led to God.
So that's what He became: the answer to everything.
In that sense, there are no real questions. The ultimate answer to any and every question is "God"
So there aren't any questions. Everything already has an answer. It's God. God's plan, God's creation, God's timing, God's will. God's will that my best friend died at 17 even though he wasn't a Christian... he wasn't 'saved'.
He didn't go to Hell, did he? He wasn't bad. He was my friend and we got to know each other. I got to know his family. His mom, kathy and her second husband, Kurt. His brother, Cody. Their dogs. All this... This family I'd come to know and integrate into my life... Was I a failure to God because i hadn't done my duty in leading him to salvation through Jesus on time? And because of that, was his entire family lost too? The family I'd come to know and perhaps love,.. were they also to be condemned to hell because I'd allowed my best friend to die before I could lead him to Christ?? I mean, if my best friend was now dead and his soul was being tormented in hell because I'd failed in the one simple mission God had entrusted me with, then what would become of the rest of his family?
God had entrusted his soul to me. That was my mission. He died in a car accident before I could lead him to Christ. If i failed my first mission in the eyes of God, what was to become of my next mission? I'd assumed it to have been the rest of them.
Surely, that was no longer my mission.
There isn't a lot from the era that I have vividly remember. But, hugging Kathy at her son's funeral is definitely a vivid memory. I remember feeling awkward. Because she was the center of attention and i was some stupid kid dressed in an uncomfortable children's suit-jacket that didn't fit me right. For some reason, i fixated on that. People who knew her better than I did were watching her hug this stupid teenager in a terribly-fitting suit and wondering what made that doofas so important .
Nothing. Nothing other than the fact that they'd moved in nearby two short years earlier.
I don't know exactly why this story stands out when it comes to my relationship with religion. But perhaps it's something subliminal that is coming to the surface for a reason
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Yauna’s Wrestling Thoughts (Review for Raw on August 20th, 2023)
Sami zayn/ the judgement day segment five minutes of standing whole the crowd sings and cheers He doesn’t even get a word in then the caddy shack (the judgement day) comes waltzing in Then THEY don’t even get to say a word when KO runs through there to deliver a STUNNER Then Kevin does the right thing and cuts off the audience to set up a match against the judgement day, says some French gibberish and tosses the mic.
•Slow start but great set up at the end —> 7.5 Kurt Angles out of 10
New Day v Drew and Riddle thoughts right off the bat: I love the new day and I have negative feelings about drew and riddle (THAT SHOULD BE RANDY!!! D:) but I know this match will be entertaining for what it’s giving then the new day stands in the dark for the commercial. Did you know that? When there’s a commercial they just stand around until the broadcast is live again with the lights down. I love it. Love how Drew tosses Riddle into the new day. That was so sweet somehow. Any awkward feelings I had about them dissolved after that. I didn’t want it to be a Randy relationship and they’re serving Scottish warrior realness instead. Drew never got tagged in and the Viking raiders disrupted the match
drew stood there and looked pretty until until after the match but riddle and drew has real chemistry tonight —> 6.7 Kurt Angles out of 10
Interview with JD and Finn A couple of leprechauns talking that boo boo.
•Don’t even remember what they were talking about —> 4 Kurt Angles out of 10
Shayna Promo Tbh she deserves a lot more and she’s lowKEY getting it now.
•Nice package and the visual of Ronda getting her skull cracked was funny and I laughed and I’m going to hell —> 9 Kurt Angles out of 10
Words from Gunther and AA interview it’s Gunther and AA- what else do I have to say? I been waiting for this one!
•Bryon looks like a human with hair and segment was great —> 9 Kurt Angles out of 10
Gunther v Chad for IC I love cute men fighting. This is either gonna be amazing or super disappointing.
IT WAS SUPER DISAPPOINTING —> 0 Kurt Angles out of 10
Caddy Shack Discussion Hour soft booing for Dominick in the distance
Mami showed her dominance —> 8 Kurt Angles out of 10
Cody Rhodes interview adrenaline in his hole. Don’t know why he called JD a funko pop but that’s funny. I bet he loves that audience reaction. He was talking that big French today.
Obama said when I was younger —> 7 Kurt Angles out of 10
Shinske promo Love that Shinske mentions Seth’s back- I read an article not too long ago about that so I’m glad Shinske will take advantage of that.
very nice, very evil, watch your back —> 8 Kurt Angles out of 10
Mami v Candace This is just gonna end up being a mommy mash. Both of them look super hot so I’m just gonna enjoy it. Rhea submits Candace but I’m more intrigued at how healthy Candace’s hair is despite it being bleached and purple. Rodriquez comes by to say hello and whoop some ass which was nice of her. Then she set up a Payback match (hoping she wins ngl).
gonna enjoy my weekly Rhea picture from my brother later, 8.7 Kurt Angles out of 10
Ciampa Blab He’s got small dog energy and that’s all I have to say on him.
he was angy —> 7 Kurt Angles out of 10
The Miz v Tozowa Great talk from the Miz as always. And i laughed a few times when Tozowa came out lol. Glad they giving him something to do bc I think he’s pretty damn good for a jobber LA Knight distracted Miz and he got his ass handed to him and got a good yeah to the face. I got the privilege to see an LA Knight match in person and it was amazing. If Tozowa wins I’m gonna give this match a 10.
Tozowa won and Miz got some LA Knight love —> 10 Kurt Angles out of 10 (MEGA KURT ANGLE!!!!)
The New Day and McRiddle
wasn’t gonna mention it bc it’s short but mcriddle got me giggling —> 8/10
The Man speaks I pray for Becky’s make every night bc she looks different every appearance. I’m not a fan of the Trish rivalry but everyone gotta do something. Trish milking the Canada teet even more tonight except she twists it at the end and I thought that was funny. Excited for that steel cage match, however. I always love seeing them get tossed into the cage or see them scaling it for their dear life. Becky talking about fighting Stark next week- finally, get her to work!
blah blah blah, Trish —> 7 Kurt Angles out of 10
Chelsea and Piper interview + fight v. Kayden and katana Byron is on fire tonight I guess. I love the dominance from Piper, she really did nail he audition. I’m expecting a fairish fight but a quick one, with Piper absolutely dominating. I really like Kay and Kat but they really just fillers at this point. In the future they’re gonna be a great team if they stick together. And I was wrong, this was a squash match, but still entertaining to see Piper whoop some ass on her own.
I’m like the only Piper Stan on this planet —> 8.2 Kurt Angles out of 10
Piper package She is my idol. You don’t see a powerhouse like her. I remember when she was empowering and sweet, but I like her as a heel much more.
slam me into the ring —> 9 Kurt Angles out of 10
Seth Rollins interview Daddy Rollins speaks! and the crowd sings, nothing new. However, there was a spark of honesty here about his back. I felt like he was being somewhat genuine about his it. I’m living for a Heel Shinske!!!
nice mic clip Seth —> 7.9 Kurt Angles out of 10
Main event- KO and Sami v The Caddy Shack am I excited for this? Meh. You’d think the magic between this feud would be out by now. I miss when Zayn was an honorary uce. However, if the judgement day crumbles I would be kind of happy. They’re facing Damien and Finn cuz Mami said so! Kevin Owens gets him and Sami disqualified cuz JD tried to throw Damien’s brief case at Finn, so the caddy shack had to gang up on JD. Cody said fuck that noise and wanted the smoke from the judgement day. When Dominick breathes the crowd hates it “I run this bitch” more like the bitch (Rhea) runs YOU Damien clotheslined Kevin and that mfer spun like a merry go ground 😭KO Sami and Cody win, Caddy Shack loses and breaks down into tears.
the fall of judgment day is near —> 8.9 Kurt Angles out of 10
First Raw I don’t fall asleep to in a while. There was a lot of progression story wise and a lot of faces that deserve more screen time so I give this episode a thumbs up.
Overall rating: 8 Kurt Angles out of 10
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ooh jenny is on my mammon playlist too!! If you're okay with sharing it, I'd love to see you're playlist, I wonder if any of the songs overlap with my own playlist haha
I am totally okay with it! I'm just gonna copy paste it from the original ask but give add my within rec recs if that makes sense...
Warning/disclaimer(?) - I don't usually care about the gender of the characters and who sings the songs so (in Mammon's case) they may not always match
Only Us from the Dear Evan Hansen play
I'll Think of You by Kurt Schneider (the epic patty cake song)
Don't Let Go by Don Diablo ft Holly Winter
Partners in Crime by Set It Off (this one is just MC & Mammon being over dramatic when Lucifer catches them doing something stupid again)
MC's Pov
Burn with You - Lea Michelle
You & Me - James TW
Let it be me by David Guetta ft Ava Max (MC comes off as lowkey yandere in this...)
Take on the World by You Me at Six
I'll Stand by You by The Pretenders
Fire Meet Gasoline by Sia
Umbrella by Rihanna
Brave by Sara Bareilles
Best Friend by Sofi Tucker
Hot Mess by Cobra Starship
Unconditionally by Katy Perry
Stand by You by Rachel Platten
Mammon's Pov
Cheerleader by OMI (Felix Jaehn Remix)
In Case You Don't Live Forever by Ben Platt
Hell and You by Amigo The Devil
Better by Ananya Birla
Sucker by Jonas Brothers
Must Have Done Something Right by Relient K
La Da Dee by Cody Simpson
Never Enough from The Greatest Showman (Male Cover - Caleb Hyles)
I think I'm in Love by Kat Dahlia
They Don't Know About Us by One Direction
Parachute by Cheryl Cole
Army of Two by Dum Dums
Sledgehammer by Fifth Harmony
I Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore REO Speedwagon
Better Place by Rachel Platten
Somebody to You by The Vamps
Greedy by Ariana Grande (Male Cover - Mysterious Moonlight Music on youtube)
Bonus for MC + the brothers:
Family by Mother Mother
Okay so recs from these recs:
Most Accurate:
Duets - Only Us from the Dear Evan Hansen play (post Lesson 16 angst for it to make more sense - specially the first few lines)
Mammon's POV - Greedy by Ariana Grande (Male Cover - Mysterious Moonlight Music on youtube)
MC's POV - Stand by You by Rachel Platten*
Shit that makes me cry:
In Case You Don't Live Forever by Ben Platt
*This!! This is overall the most accurate from all the songs here. Word for word this is MC. It fits them as much as any of the brothers' actual songs fit them
Let me know what you think! And if there are any that overlap!
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blood-slides · 3 years
Ep. 10 – Sins of the Father
This post contains spoilers from the finale of Dexter: New Blood.
I have a lot of emotions and I'm trying to figure out what they all are.
Disappointment is a big one. I'm not necessarily disappointed that Dexter died (OK, yes I am), but the fact that it happened so quickly. I mean, I really, really wanted him to face Angel, end up back in Miami, maybe even see Masuka and Astor and Cody as well. Yes, Angela knows he's the Bay Harbor Butcher, and soon Angel and possibly the rest of the world will know, but it kind of sucks that Dexter won't be around for that. And neither will we, unless a new season/spin-off series about Harrison happens. And, honestly, I wouldn't totally hate that . . .
It just all happened SO FAST. I wanted more time with Dexter and Harrison, more time with Angel, more time with Angela her discovery of the missing women, which was such a huge moment.
I feel like I should've seen Dexter's death coming. The whole thing with the white stag representing Dexter should've tipped me off. I mean, it was a fitting end and really brought New Blood full circle (and the entire series, especially with Harrison telling Dexter to "open your eyes and look at what you've done," which is exactly what Dexter tells his victim in the pilot episode.) I actually think it was a good ending, but that doesn't mean I liked it, you know?
Something that I did like about the ending is that Harrison didn't really "turn dark." (A lot of people thought he killed Hannah. I'm so glad that wasn't revealed to be the case.) I mean, yes, he still has some darkness inside him, he did hurt some people, and he did kill his own father, but he didn't embrace the darkness the way Dexter did–the way Harry taught him to. I half expected to hear Harrison's Dark Passenger start narrating while he was driving away, but I'm glad we didn't (and instead Dexter got to have the final words in the show). I think the point is the Harrison doesn't have a Dark Passenger, just like Dexter really doesn't. That has always been a huge point of contention in the series–is the darkness a separate entity, or is the darkness just Dexter? And I think the show pretty definitively answered that question: It's just him.
Something else I loved is that Harrison had this real sense of justice. Unlike Dexter, who used "justice" as an excuse to give into his darkness, Harrison was genuinely concerned with all the innocent lives that could be saved. It broke my heart to watch him realize that Dexter really didn't care about saving lives. And maybe, despite how clear it was that Dexter really only cared about satisfying his urge to kill, I was finally realizing the same thing.
I don't know if that makes sense.
I just feel sad. Sad that Dexter never truly found his humanity, apart from the love he felt for Harrison; sad to finally say goodbye to this character; sad about the characters we've lost along the way; sad about basically every character's fate. Yes, Angela has closure on all the cases of all those missing women, but at what cost? And it's not like she can ever truly get justice–Kurt's dead, and maybe she will figure out that Dexter killed him, but maybe not . . . either way, she cannot make Kurt pay for what he did.
And then there's Harrison, who ultimately seems to be a decent person. While he did kill Dexter, I believe it was justifiable, and even he ends up on the run, leaving behind a life that he actually wanted. Once again, he is alone.
The entire town of Iron Lake will be forever changed by all the murders that have taken place there, and Angela and Audrey will be the most affected. Back in Florida, Dexter's friends, family, and old coworkers will have to grapple with not only the fact that Dexter did not die in Hurricane Laura, but that he was in hiding for a decade, was recently killed, was the Bay Harbor Butcher, and caused so much other death and destruction along the way.
I know I am being overly dramatic. Iron Lake isn't real, the characters aren't real, they have no future. But this is just how I feel.
Even though I'm sad about Dexter's death, I find solace in the fact that, in the end, he sacrificed himself for his son. Even though the way he sacrificed himself was very unexpected, it was still a selfless act–perhaps one of the only truly selfless things he's ever done, knowing that death is the one thing he cannot lie his way out of or hide from.
Ultimately, Dexter has always been about the relationship between father and son, so it is fitting that Dexter's final act was letting Harrison kill him. No matter how hard he tried, Dexter was never able to escape everything that Harry ingrained in him, and it completely warped the way he saw himself and his darkness. In a lot of ways, Harry's influence hurt more than it helped. But now Dexter is giving Harrison the opportunity to be his own person, free of his father's sins, able to choose his own path. And that makes me feel better about how the show ended.
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Author Spotlight: Gleefuldarrencrissfan Day 3
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Author: @gleefuldarrencrissfan​
How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
It depends.  On my more complex stories, a lot.   Sometimes, I revise 4-5 times before I publish, and then I let my beta look over it too.  On others where I self beta, not near as many.  Once again, I think it depends on the tone of the fic.   If the story is very complex, I have to make sure that I have certain things well-established so that an arc doesn't come out of nowhere (Yep, that's a poke at Glee writers, i.e. Brittany being a mathematical genius or Blaine having a brother that Kurt seems to have no clue about.  Sigh.)  If it's a simpler fic, I revise the chapter 1 or 2 times an then post. 
If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why?
Courage.  Don't get me wrong.  I love this story because it was my first, but I have to admit that it's too long-winded and all of the POV's are too much, not to mention, it has way too many lyrics.  I didn't have a beta until 30 chapters in, and I wasn't getting a lot of feedback.  I know now that a lot of readers don't like First person point of view, but I wouldn't change that.  I like Blaine telling his own story.  However, I would eliminate some of the other POV's that don't add much to the story. 
What do you look for in a beta?
Honest but tactful feedback.  I don't just want someone to correct my grammar.  I need someone to tell me when something seems confusing or out of character.  I like having someone that will say, hey, this doesn't make sense because you said this here and now this character is saying this or this is repetitive because of this line here.  I also love when a beta tells me what parts they liked or made them laugh.  I'm shy in real life and I'm not very quick with my speech so when I can make someone laugh, I love that so much.  I do have to admit though, that currently, I beta for myself a lot just because it takes me so long to publish.  When I do finally finish a chapter, I like to get it out there as fast as I can.  
If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
Hmmmm.  It'd have to be Model Behavior because it was never finished.  Yes, it was close, but I so want to know how it ended.  It's an incredible story. 
Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?
Yes and no.  It's vital to me that Kurt and Blaine are still Kurt and Blaine, if that makes sense, but I do like to play with other things.  For example, Sam has gone to Dalton (hey, he said that he once went to an all-boys school) and Jeff and Nick are often a couple in my stories.  However, Burt will always be an incredible father and Kurt will always be a romantic.  My Kurt and Blaine will not curse like sailors because they weren't potty-mouths in canon.  
However, I can't help but to ignore some canon because it was ooc, such as Kurt in the unaired Christmas episode fooling around with Cody or Blaine cheating on Kurt, because, come on.  I just don't see Blaine cheating on Kurt.  Nope.  And Blaine daring Karofsky. Nope, never.  Didn't happen in my world. 
Talk about a review that made your day.
I got this on one Private Messages and it made me cry.  
"I've had this story on my to-read list for a while, but not until tonight (insomnia, yayy!) did I have time to read it. And boy am I glad I did. This story grabbed me from the first chapter on - very intriguing and a plot I've hardly seen explored this well before.
In particular, I love how you've interwoven the different parts/mediums together. Often, I feel that the character's characters feel a bit off, or that written messages/letters feel out of character, but you've managed to seamlessly weave them into your story. Honestly, I like both Blaine, Shane and Devon, and you really made them (him) and believable. And Kurt is as witty as I would expect him to be.
Can't wait for the next update."
I also go back and reread this one too because it just makes me smile every time.  
"FJITVDGL8YJYJS23GODJORBMDKRUDUGSUJV...I have no words. Can you tell?
I THINK I LOVE YOU! Just tattoo that on my freaking face now.
I have to say though that I love most of my reviews because I love getting feedback from my readers.  Honestly, my reviewers saved my life.  I went through a horrible bout of depression a few years back, and I would read and reread all of my reviews when I had a particularly hard day, and I wanted to feel like I had something to offer someone.   That's the reason that I encourage people to review.  You never know when your words can make someone's day. 
Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
Unfortunately, yes, and I didn't handle it well.  I got horrible writer's block afterward, and then, it took me forever to get past it.  The reader was wanting something smuttier, I guess, and just blasted my fic.  It took several reviewers reassuring me that my story was good before I was able to ignore it and stop rereading that one review. Finally, I just deleted it and focused on the positive reviews.     
What advice do you have for people just starting to write?
Just write.  Get your story on the page.  Even if it's been a troupe that's been explored before.  Even if someone else has written the same premise.  Because even though someone has read a story like it, they've never read your story.  Your story will still be unique because it's yours. 
Which fic do you most like to discuss with other people? Why?
I love discussing Private Messages because it's my favorite, but honestly, I like discussing all of my stories.  Basically, I get thrilled when people want to discuss any of my writing.  I wish I would've gotten more feedback on Love, Blaine because I published it all at once and most people just commented on the final chapter, which is fine, but I just love when someone reads as I publish and leaves a comment on each chapter.  Those reviewers have shaped my writing so much because they make me think in a way that I hadn't beforehand. 
What's one aspect of writing fic that gets you really excited?
I love creating something that didn't exist beforehand.  I love that even though it's a small one, I've made an impact in my fandom.  I'm not a popular author by any means, but I know that there are people out there that have been impacted by my stories, and that is enough for me.
Check out Gleefuldarrencrissfan’s Fics
Private Message -  Kurt never went to Dalton, and so that fateful meeting on the staircase never happened. And because Kurt never met Blaine, he has never been kissed, at least, not one that mattered. He followed Rachel to New York, but he soon found himself frustrated and lonely. And so, he turned to writing fan fiction about a hot new show called Partners, starring brothers Cooper and Blaine Anderson. Soon, Kurt's life is turned upside down by a string of private messages from a mysterious reviewer, SEPartnersfan.
Domestic Partners -  It's been a year since Kurt and Blaine met through private message. Now, Kurt is receiving messages again. But this time, they aren't the sweet, compassionate messages from SEPartnersFan. These are the exact opposite. Will Kurt take them seriously?
Dueling Duets -  "You want to have a duel?" The New Directions never existed. Follow around Kurt, Blaine, and the rest of the New Directions as they face one another to become America's hottest new Duo. The catch. They also have to face cut-throat judges and an executive named Sue. Heavy on Klaine. So who will be American's newest singing Duo? Come along for the adventure.
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scatter-the-stars · 4 years
Hi! I have a prompt. Kurt and Blaine hate each other but somehow can't stop having sex.
They’re not fuck buddies.  Fuck buddies would imply that they like each other.  And liking each other would mean being civil in any way to one another.  No, what they are is fuck enemies.  They are two people who hate each other’s guts, but seem to keep falling into bed and having the hottest hate sex that is born from, not from fighting, but from despising each other.  That anger and hatred they have for each other fueling their intense, hot fucking.
If he could change things, make it to where he doesn’t come the hardest because of Blaine Anderson’s cock, he would.  Because the last person he wants to give him the kind of pleasure he’s been experiencing this past year shouldn’t be at the hands of the guy whose life he would happily watch fall apart.
This wasn’t even meant to happen.  It was a stupid fucking drunken mistake he made last year at a Fourth of July party.  Only an inebriated him would let Blaine bend him over the arm of their friend’s couch in the pool house and fuck him until he screamed so hard he went hoarse and ruined the material of the couch.  Never would a sober him spread his legs for someone like Blaine.
That’s what he thought.  What he wanted to believe.
Until a two weeks after that first time when he let Blaine fuck him up against his front door while he was perfectly clear-headed and thinking straight.  That moment was born of weakness, and being horny.  He couldn’t stop thinking about the way Blaine had fucked him.  Couldn’t stop his traitorous body from being affected and remembering the way Blaine made him feel.  How his cock felt inside him.
Blaine knew too.  Knew what he wanted as he watched him with a knowing smirk the entire night they spent with their friends having a small get together.
He tried to deny it.  Not only to Blaine, but to himself.  Tried to buy the lie he told Blaine when he confronted him in his kitchen and said You want my cock again with a grin on his sinful lips.
His reply of Fuck you was said with such seething vehemence, that for a moment he believed the anger he put into the words.  Believed he could forget what Blaine gave him.  But his body betrayed him when Blaine roughly grabbed his chin and yanked him close until he could smell the cologne on his skin and the red wine on his breath.
Blaine’s fingers on his chin roughly dug in without a thought or care to the pain he was causing.  He saw the enjoyment in Blaine’s eyes when he let out a little whimper when he squeezed hard enough to elicit a sharp stinging pain.  He hated him for causing him pain.  But hated himself even more for enjoying it; for wanting more.
The words I can make you moan like a whore again harshly spoken with cocky pride into his ear had him seeing red.  Not at the spoken words of truth.  But at his body instantly reacting and desperately wanting just that.  At his stomach clenching and cock throbbing.
He was proud of himself for managing to say I don’t want shit from you without skipping a beat, or with a shaky voice.
Blaine saw through his bullshit, though.  Pushed him up against his front door with no resistance after all their friends had left and fucked him until he came around his cock twice.
That night, Blaine fucked him to six Earth-shattering orgams that left him angrily sated.  And pissed off that he wanted more from the guy he loathed completely.
That night started what they share now.
They fuck.  That’s all it is.  All they want from the other.  Barely show any civility to the other while it’s happening.  It’s only about getting off.  About scratching that itch the other seems to be the only one that knows how to perfectly scratch.
Wild animals in heat is how he would describe it.  How he sees what they share.  There’s no deeper meaning to when they fuck other than to achieve what they want.
No one knows.  None of their friends or family.  Not even the guys they both tried dating in the past year.  Both of whom who were quickly dismissed from their lives when they realized they couldn’t get from those guys what the other gave them.
He can still remember the proud and smug smile on Blaine’s lips when he showed up at his door two months into being with James.  Glared at him while stepping into his place.  Bit and clawed at his skin to show his anger while he fucked him so good that he screamed out his release in a way James never came close to making him do.
Blaine fucked him five times that night.  Smacked his ass in such a rough way that it seemed as if he was punishing him for attempting to try and find what he knew only he could give him.  Filthily whispered into his ear Only my cock can make you feel this good while ramming inside him.
He broke up with James a week later.
The proud smugness that Blaine wore in that encounter was returned in kind when he saw him try to attempt to be with a guy called Cody.  Wore it without guilt when Blaine showed up on his doorstep a few weeks into his relationship.  Growled into his ear My ass is the only one that squeezes your cock perfectly while he angrily fucked him.
He wasn’t entirely sure what Blaine was angry about.  Didn’t really care.  Assumed he hated that his relationship with Cody wasn’t going to work out.  Whatever the reason, he gladly took the punishment Blaine doled out on his ass repeatedly that night.  Enjoyed every orgasm Blaine gave him.  
They fuck.  It’s nothing more and nothing less.
Currently gripping two rungs of his staircase as Blaine fucks him, ass already sore from the two other times earlier, he lets out an obscene moan when Blaine sinks his teeth into his shoulder and roughly bites down on his flesh.  His ass grips Blaine’s cock as pain shoots through him.
Sweat dampens and beads over his skin.  His heart pounds and lungs try to take in breathfuls of air.  His body aches from the two times they’ve already fucked.  But hungers for the orgasm Blaine is working him up to.  Chases after it like a dog chasing a fox; desperate to catch it and bask in the joy of catching it.
Blaine covers his hands on the rungs.  Squeezes tight as he rolls and grinds his hips into his ass.  Gently bites along his shoulder to his ear.  Nips at the lobe.  Growls, “This ass missed my cock.”
Kurt turns his head and glares at Blaine.  “I haven’t missed shit from you.”
Blaine smirks and chuckles.  “Then why did you come so fucking quick the first time I fucked you?”
“Fuck you!”  No way will he ever admit that he missed Blaine in any capacity.
Kurt cries out when Blaine slams inside him so hard there’s a hint of pain that follows the movement.
“You’re a mouthy little shit, you know that?”  Blaine grabs a handful of his hair and yanks his head back.  Drags his teeth along the exposed column of his throat.  Bites at his jaw.  Growls in an angry voice, “Maybe I should shove my cock into your mouth to shut you the fuck up.”
He narrows his eyes at the guy he simultaneously wants to punch and beg to fuck him harder.
“Don’t even fucking think about it,” he snarls in reply.
Blaine lowers his mouth to his.  Not to kiss him.  But to bite his lower lip.  Sinks his teeth into his soft flesh deep and hard enough to draw blood.
The metallic taste that hits his tongue when he runs it along his abused lip thrills and excites him in a way he would never have anticipated before he started screwing Blaine.
He clenches around Blaine at the taste.
Eyes screw shut and he holds in a moan when Blaine runs his tongue along his lip; licks away the drop of blood gathered there.
For a brief moment he imagines what it would be like if Blaine covered his mouth for a kiss.  How would it feel?  How would it taste?  Would Blaine’s mouth fit perfectly against his own the way his cock fits perfectly in his ass?  Would it feel as good as when Blaine fucks him?
He lets himself wonder for a few seconds before dismissing those ridiculous thoughts.
He doesn’t need Blaine’s kisses.  Doesn’t need those questions answered.  All he ever needs or wants from him is what he’s already getting.
They don’t kiss.  Never have and never will.  Because kissing is intimate and personal in a way they don’t want to include in the fucking they do.  Kissing is crossing a line they don’t need to cross.
Blaine’s other hand drops and wraps around his aching, throbbing cock.  Grips it tight and strokes the hard flesh in the way he loves.
Kurt shoves into his tight fist.  Continues to chase that release he so desperately wants.  Grips the rungs of the staircase harder as he chases and chases and chases.  His hands ache and body thrums.  His cocks throbs hard and balls pull tight.
Just like a band pulled too taut, his body snaps.  He screams as his release slams into him.  Thick, hot jets of cum erupt from his cock and coat Blaine’s fist.  Paint the wall in front of him.  Pleasure ripples through him until it’s all he knows for several minutes.
After, after Blaine comes and pulls out of him, after he gets rid of the used condom and does up his jeans, he pulls on the robe he was wearing when Blaine knocked on his door.  Walks to his kitchen for something to drink while Blaine finishes putting himself together.
There’s no small talk or formalities.  They don’t thank the other for a good time.  They go their separate ways like they always do.
By the time he leaves the kitchen a minute later Blaine is gone.
“Blaine is coming.”
Kurt glares at Owen, his best friend, three days later at that news.  “Why?”
“Because he said he wasn’t doing anything tonight.  So I invited him.”
He lets out a huff of indignation.
Owen just rolls his eyes.  “I still don’t get why you two hate each other?  Didn’t  you two go to the same high school?”
“What happened?”  Owen curiously inquires for what seems like the millionth time in the four years since Blaine and him met up again.
“He’s an asshole is what happened,” he replies before downing the rest of his drink.
Blaine joins them twenty minutes later.  Kurt takes one look at him and walks away.  Ignores his amused chuckle.
Instead of thinking about the guy who ruined his life in high school, he drinks and dances the night away with the cute guy who catches his eye.  Lets him pull him close and roam his hands all over his body.
The guy’s touch in no way affects him.  There’s no thrill or pleasure.  Only a blank nothingness.
Although he wants to go home with the guy, he already knows who he’s going to go home with.  Knows who he’s going to pick.  Like it’s a choice to begin with.
That’s how a few hours later he finds himself at Blaine’s place sinking down around his cock.
“Knew you wanted this cock.”  The corner of Blaine’s mouth tips up in a cocky grin.
“Fuck you!”
As he looks at the face of the man who betrayed him all those years ago, Kurt finds himself wondering, not for the first time, how different things could have been if Blaine wasn’t such an asshole and a coward when he was younger.
Would they have actually liked each other?  Would they have been more than the friends they once were?  Would they be in love?
He grimaces at the idea of being in love with Blaine Anderson.  Hates even the thought of it.  Never in his life would he ever lower himself to having any kind of feelings for Blaine outside of hatred.
Hips lift and lower.  He repeatedly slams himself down on Blaine’s cock.  Rocks and grinds down on it.  Grips the back of the couch and increases the force.  Shudders when he manages to hit his prostate.
Big, strong hands roam down his back and grab at his ass.  Blaine plants his feet on the table in front of him and roughly thrusts up into him.  Shoves himself as deep and as hard as he can over and over again.
Hazel eyes blown wide with pleasure stare up at him.  He hates those eyes.  Hates the pain-filled memories they bring up every time he looks into them.  Hates that they haunted his dreams for years.  But really fucking hates that those are the eyes he has to look into to get the pleasure he wants.
“I fucking hate you,” he says with every ounce of truth to the words.
“Fine,” Blaine replies, the least bit affected by his words.  “Hate me while you finish riding my cock.”
He rides Blaine until he’s crying out with his release.  Until he’s spasming around his cock.
They don’t say a word to each other after.  Only sit there and wait until the other is ready to go again.  Go upstairs to Blaine’s bedroom and fuck their continued anger and hatred for each other out on the other.
They continue on like that for weeks.  Have angry, hate-fueled sex to get that fix they need.  Barely speak to each other in their normal lives.
Until it all comes to a head in the last days of summer.  And the hidden truths of everything is revealed.
At the beach party Owen is throwing, bottle of beer in hand, Kurt scowls when he sees Blaine walk out of the house and towards the small group that has formed around the bonfire Owen started.
“What’s with the pinched face?”  Vince asks when he notices his angry look.
“Owen invited that asshole.”  He tips the bottle in the direction of Blaine.
Everyone looks to where Blaine makes his way closer to them.
“You ever going to tell us why you two hate each other so much?”  Claire asks.  “What the fuck happened to cause such animosity and anger?”
Kurt waits until Blaine is close enough to hear him before he answers.  “Blaine took upon himself to humiliate me in high school.”
He looks to Blaine and sees the guilt fill his features as realization dawns on him what is going on.
“How?” someone asks.
He looks away from him and back to his group of friends.  “He asked me to prom.  Which was a big deal for me because Blaine was the most popular guy in high school.  And I was a nobody.  The outcast because I was the only out gay kid.  You get the gist.”  His friends nod their heads.  “Anyways, I think nothing of it because Blaine and me are somewhat friends.  And I thought, Hey, maybe he’s been hiding who he was and wants to come out.”  He looks to Blaine and glares.  “I was wrong.”
“What happened?”
Kurt never looks away from Blaine as he says, “Before prom, I went to Blaine’s house because he said he wanted to take pictures.  Imagine my confusion when I get to his place and all his friends and half the school is there.  I stood on his walkway and had red paint poured over me by him.”  He looks back to his friends, who all now look at Blaine with their own anger.  “He fucking Carrie-d me.  Laughed while saying Did you actually think I wanted a faggot like you?”
“Don’t fucking touch me, asshole.”  He moves his arm before Blaine can grab it.  His anger for Blaine renewed in a way that feels as if he’s that gullible eighteen year old on Blaine’s parents’ walkway.
Before anyone can say or do anything, he turns and bolts for the house.  Inside, he runs up the stairs and into one of the empty bedrooms.  Shuts the door before sitting on the other side of the bed; hidden from anyone who may come looking for him.
Knees hugged to his chest, he cries through his hurt and anger.  Cries for that young boy whose life was ruined.  Who was traumatized to the point of missing the rest of his senior year of high school.  The young boy who truly thought he was wanted by the guy he was secretly in love with.
He snorts now thinking about how ridiculous he was for thinking he ever loved Blaine.  Because when he looks back on what he felt for him, it wasn’t love.  It was a deep attraction and nothing else.  A strong lust that felt like love to his teenage self.
He was stupid then.  But not now.  Now, he knows better.  Knows not to fall for any of Blaine’s charms or looks.  Only sees the guy he uses to get off.
When the door opens some time later, he knows who it is without having to look.  Isn’t sure if he wants him there or not.  Feels a mixture of anger and desire swirling inside him.  Because no matter how much he hates Blaine, he still wants him.  His traitorous body still craves his.
He hears the bed dip.  Doesn’t look.  Keeps his eyes on the view outside the window in front of him.
The silence between them stretches on for minutes that feels like hours.
Blaine finally speaks.  “I have to tell you something.”
“I don’t care for anything you have to say,” he replies, infuriated.  “Go away.”
Feet hit the floor.  He thinks Blaine has left only to be surprised when he steps in front of him a moment later.  He glares up at him.
“Go away,” he repeats.
“No.”  Blaine drops down in front of him.  Determination on his face.  “You’ll hear what I need to tell you.”
Rather than fight Blaine on this, too tired to do so, he looks at the wall and waits for whatever Blaine wants to tell him.
“I’m sorry, okay?  I’m sorry for what I did to you in high school,”  Blaine says, guilt and regret in his voice.  “There is no excuse for what I did.  For how deeply I hurt you.  I was an asshole back then.  And I was so fucking scared of who I truly was and what I felt for you that I did anything to hide those feelings.  I did what I thought was necessary to protect myself from anyone possibly figuring out who I really was.”
Kurt looks at him and snorts.  “Scared, pathetic jock.  How fucking original,” he sarcastically states.  “So fucking scared of what everyone else would say or think.  Tell me?  Was Daddy part of the reason you hid?”  When Blaine looks down, he knows he has his answer.  “Of course.”
“We all aren’t you, Kurt.  We don’t always get the great dad who understands,” Blaine defends.
“Don’t fucking put this on me.  You could have done things differently.  But you chose the cowards way out.”
“Yes, I did.  And I regret that choice every fucking day.  I regret…”  Blaine takes a breath.  Sits back on his ass.  “I regret that it took you away from me.  That I never got to tell you how I felt about you.”
Curiosity gets the best of him.  “How do you feel about me?”
“Kurt…”  Blaine licks his lips as a hint of nerves shows in his features.  “I’ve been in love with you since we were seventeen.  Since that first night I gave you a ride home from work.”
Kurt thinks back to that night.  To the fear of walking home alone in the dark that was quickly replaced with relief and a sense of safety when Blaine pulled up beside him and happily offered to drive him home.  Remembers how his heart raced and skin flushed at the sexy, popular jock taking notice of him in any way.
“You hate me,” he says in a soft, confused voice.
Blaine lets out a low chuckle.  “I don’t.  I never did.  I didn’t want you knowing how I truly felt because I knew you would chew my heart to pieces.”
“You’re right.”  That’s the truth.  If he knew how Blaine really felt about him, he would have never allowed what they do to have happened.  Would have purposely ripped his heart to shreds to return the pain he had inflicted on him.
A loud silence follows Blaine’s confession.  They sit there just breathing and not saying a word.  Kurt listens to the distant sound of waves crashing to shore and his friends' laughter.
Blaine is the one to break the silence.  Asks, “What now?”
What now?  That is the big question.  What happens now that the entire truth has just been laid bare at his feet.
Some part of him wants to stomp all over that truth.  To do what Blaine feared he would do and break his heart.  But another part wants to be a grownup about this.  To take time to think things through.
“I… I don’t know,” he replies in a small voice.  “You hurt me in the worst way possible, Blaine.  I can’t easily forgive you for that.  I still carry this hatred inside me.  It won’t go away anytime soon.”
Blaine gets up onto his knees and moves close to him.  Grabs his chin and says in a soft, honest voice, “You want me to wait for you?  Then I’ll wait.  I’ll wait years for you to forgive me.  To give me a chance.  I’ll do whatever it takes.  I want you and you alone, Kurt.  I’ll wait forever for you.”
When lips crash to his, every instinct he has is telling him to shove Blaine away.  To stop this most intimate thing they’ve ever done.  But when he lays his hands on his strong, defined chest, he finds his fingers curling against the material of his shirt and pulling him closer.
The kiss is explosive and gentle.  It’s tender and sweet.  Sends a shiver through him.  Has him softly gasping and whimpering.
He parts his lips for Blaine’s tongue when he teases it at the seam of his mouth. Moans at the sharp jolt that runs through him when he thrusts their tongues together.  Forgets about his anger and hatred and lets himself fall into the wonderful pleasure.
Both of them are gasping when Blaine pulls away after several minutes.  Kurt eyes his kiss-swollen, red lips.  Suddenly finds himself wondering what they would feel like learning his body.
But as he sits there, his anger begins to seep back in.  The guy in front of him slowly goes back to being the person who humiliated him.  Who ruined his life.  He lets it take hold of him.  Lets it pull him back into his hatred.
“I hate you,” he says with raw honesty.
One confession and a great kiss will not change that.
Blaine sadly smiles.  “I know.”  He kisses him again.  This time, before he pulls away, Kurt bites him.  Takes great pleasure in hurting Blaine when he sees the blood on his lip.
Blaine touches a finger to the small cut.  Grins with pride.  “I’ll wait,” is all he says before standing and walking away.
Kurt is left there alone to wonder if he will actually truly forgive Blaine and give him the chance he wants.  Wonders if he’ll leave Blaine waiting forever.  Doesn’t see a problem with that if it should happen.
It takes time.
It doesn’t happen overnight.  Or in a couple of weeks or months.
It takes time.
Months and months pass before his hatred begins to diminish.  Until he can look at Blaine and not feel anger toward him.  Then more months pass before he is able to hangout with Blaine as a friend.  After that, weeks pass before he lets Blaine pull him close and kiss him after their first date.
Then weeks pass before they sleep together again.  And for the first time, instead of fucking, they make love.
A little over two years after first sleeping together is when Kurt realizes he’s in love with Blaine.  He almost hates himself for it.  Would if he wasn’t so fucking happy.
He figures people are right; there is a thin love between love and hate.
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prompt-a-klainefic · 4 years
Why Kurt Hummel HATES Werewolf Stories
by @grlnxtdr30
I originally posted this as a prompt, but since no one filled it, I wrote it myself!
Why Kurt Hummel HATES Werewolf Stories
“Please tell me that’s not another werewolf movie?” Kurt asked as he entered the Warbler’s Commons for their weekly Friday Night Movie Marathon, his voice dripping with contempt as he saw the video playing on the massive flat screen TV.
“It’s The Howling,” Jeff replied, not looking away from the screen. “It’s a classic. What’s your problem with werewolf movies, anyway?”
Kurt let out a delicate snort. “They’re just so unrealistic!”
David laughed a little at that. “Yeah, cause werewolves aren’t real.”
Kurt just rolled his eyes and took his seat next to Blaine on one of the couches. He put his earbuds in and opened his book, ignoring the movie completely. After The Howling, they put on Fright Night II, and Kurt actually pulled out his earbuds and closed the book to watch.
“So, werewolf movies are unrealistic, but vampire movies are okay?” Nick questioned when the second film had finished. Kurt just shrugged.
“It’s not just werewolf movies,” Kurt said. “Werewolf books are just as bad. And don’t even get me started on fanfiction! Do these people even know how pack structure works?”
Several pairs of eyes were staring at him. “You seem to be an expert, so tell us what’s wrong with werewolf stories?” David demanded.
Kurt let out a snort. “Fine! First off, the movies always get the graphics wrong. The way they depict a werewolf shifting is physiologically impossible. Bones and tissue would snap and rip apart if that was how the transition worked. And what is with all the slimy liquid flowing off the body during the shift? Just ew!”
No one answered as he went on. “But that’s only the half of it! All those so called romance novels and fanfictions talking about The Alpha male searching out a submissive omega mate is just a bunch of bull! In a true wolf pack, there is an Alpha pair. Generally the Alpha Female chooses the strongest Alpha Male to mate with, so they can produce healthy, strong pups, but in some packs, the Alphas are siblings, or even two males that have, for one reason or another, been forced out of other packs and have to form their own. In those rare occasions when there are two Alpha males, they find a surrogate female to mate with.”
“And just how do you know so much about wolves?” Thad asked.
Kurt shrugged, picking up his book and beginning to read again. “My mother was a biologist. She spent years researching wolf packs in the region.”
“You never told me that about your mom,” Blaine said, watching his best friend. He could see the tension in Kurt’s shoulders that he knew meant the paler boy was holding something in.
“It’s never come up in conversation,” He said, still staring at his book, but Blaine could see the tear in the corner of his eye that he fought hard not to let fall.
Two and a half weeks later
“Hey Kurt! Blaine! Wait up!” Nick called out as they were walking to the parking lot after Warbler practice, heading to the Lima Bean for their weekly coffee-not-a-date.
“What’s up?” Blaine asked, turning towards his friend.
“You guys know Jeff’s birthday is Saturday, right?”
“Yeah?” Kurt said.
“Well, I’m setting up a surprise party for Saturday night, and I want you two to be there!”
Blaine grinned. “Of course I’ll be there!”
Kurt frowned. “Sorry, I can’t make it. Have a family thing this weekend.”
“Oh come on, Kurt!” Blaine teased. “That’s what you said last month when Wes called for a Warbler bonding game night. And the month before, when David’s dad got that promotion and treated the Warblers to a pizza party to celebrate. Can’t you get out of it for one night?”
“Believe me, I wish I could, but it’s an important family tradition. I can’t miss it.”
Three weeks and a couple of days later
“So what is this sacred family tradition?” Blaine asked, sitting in the chair at Kurt’s desk in the auburn haired boy’s dormroom, watching as he packed his overnight bag.
Kurt just shrugged. “It’s not really that big a deal. My family owns a cabin near Lake Cody. We go up there and hang out and watch the local wolf pack.”
Blaine’s eyes went wide. “Really? That would be cool. Maybe I could go with you sometime?”
Kurt’s head jerked up. “No!” Blaine was startled by the fear in the other boy’s voice. Kurt took a calming breath. “Sorry, I just meant it might not be safe for you. The wolves are used to us being there, but I don’t know how they’d react to an outsider. I wouldn’t want you getting hurt. You understand, right?”
Blaine studied his best friend, knowing Kurt wasn’t telling him the truth, but not knowing what about. “Oh. Well yeah, I guess I understand. Have fun!”
Kurt gave him an awkward smile. “Thanks.”
Blaine glanced at his watch. “Oh, gosh, I’m late! I promised Trent I’d tutor him in calculus!”
Blaine sat in his car near Lake Cody later that evening, wondering why he was here. So Kurt had lied to him about something. It wasn’t like it was that big a deal. Maybe he was just embarrassed about some silly family tradition he didn’t want Blaine to know about.
Why couldn’t Blaine just accept that fact and move on? As Blaine got out of his car and moved into the woods towards where he had seen Kurt pull off the main road, he noticed the moon just beginning to peak over the horizon. The sun hadn’t even fully set yet. He hadn’t really thought about the fact that there was a full moon tonight.
Come to think of it, Kurt’s mystery family get-togethers always seemed to happen on the full moon, even if it was mid week. Blaine paused mid-step. The thought that filled his mind was so ludicrous, he almost laughed it off. Sure he was insane to think that Kurt might actually be a werewolf? Was that why he hated werewolf movies and stories?
“Get a grip, Anderson! Kurt is not a werewolf!” he muttered to himself.
Shaking his head, he began trekking through the woods once more, but had only gone about twenty feet when a sound brought him to a halt once more. A low growl seemed to reverberate through Blaine’s spine. He turned slowly towards the sound, fear and dread filling him as he came face to face with a large dark grey wolf.
The animal was beautiful and terrifying at the same time, as the low growl continued to rumble from the creature’s throat.
“Nice doggy!” Blaine said, slowly raising his hands to show he was harmless. “I’m not going to hurt you! Please have the same consideration!”
“Luna!” a familiar voice called out from close behind Blaine. Kurt spoke harshly in a language Blaine didn’t understand, but the wolf seemed to. It stopped growling, and dropped to its belly, letting out a little whine. “Go back to the hunt, Luna! Now!” The wolf let out a little yip, and then ran off.
Blaine lowered his hands and turned to face his friend. 
“What are you doing here, Blaine?” Kurt asked, sounding wary.
“I…” He couldn’t think of one plausible excuse for his presence, and didn’t think Kurt would believe a lie. The pale boy let out a little sigh.
“I told you it might be dangerous. Luna might have attacked you if I hadn’t come along.”
“Thank you for saving me. What language was that you were speaking?”
Kurt crossed his arms over his chest. “Shoshone. My mother taught me how to speak it, along with French. You’re lucky, Luna is young. She probably wouldn’t have hurt you too badly, at least not on purpose. The younger wolves are on a practice hunt tonight.”
Blaine studied the taller boy. “How do you know so much about the wolves, and what they are doing?”
Kurt sighed again. “I really wish you hadn’t come tonight, Blaine. Any other night, I might have brought you out and introduced you to the pack, or at least half of the pack, anyway. The natural wolves. But tonight the rest of the pack is here, and it’s too late.”
Blaine looked at Kurt in confusion. “Why is it too late, and what do you mean by the natural wolves?”
Kurt’s lips turned up in what should have been a smile, but seemed off to the curly haired boy. “It’s the full moon, Blaine, and I’ve been fighting my nature around you for months. I’ve wanted to stake a claim on you since the moment we met, to put my scent on you so the others would know you are mine.”
“What are you talking about, Kurt?”
“I can’t hold him back, anymore, Blaine. He wants you. I want you!” The last words were shouted on an inhuman howl, as the form of his best friend seemed to shimmer as a moonbeam broke through the trees and caught the pale boy in its light.
Blaine’s eyes went round with shock and disbelief as the distortion around Kurt shifted, and changed shape. Suddenly, instead of a human boy, there was a large, red wolf standing just inches away from Blaine.
Blaine’s mind had barely comprehended what it had just witnessed when the creature lunged at Blaine, knocking him flat on his back, and powerful jaws latched onto his shoulder, biting down, piercing flesh, and causing Blaine to scream as pain filled him. It was too much for him, and the world faded to black.
Two weeks later
“Oh please! Not another werewolf movie!”
“Why not?” Wes asked. “Besides, it’s not technically a werewolf movie.”
“No, it’s worse,” Kurt said. “It’s Twilight! As much as I love looking at Taylor Lautner and fantasize about letting him deflower me in a meadow of lilacs, there is no excuse for the horror of this film!”
“I agree with Kurt,” Blaine piped up. “Werewolf movies are so unrealistic.”
“Oh for pete’s sake!” David shouted. “There are no such things as werewolves!
Blaine shared a secret smile with his new boyfriend. “Whatever you say, David.”
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britesparc · 4 years
Weekend Top Ten #470
Top Ten Films to Watch on Star on Disney+
We’ve been watching a lot of Disney+ lately. This is partly due to the fact that our family movie nights have become, almost accidentally, a quest to watch every bit of Star Wars content on the service; so far, we’ve watched the entire Skywalker Saga and are now moving onto the spin-off movies. The younglings have become addicted: Daughter #1 is getting stuck into The Clone Wars, whilst Daughter #2 is demanding we jump straight into The Mandalorian. As for the Princess to my Scoundrel, well, she and I have been thoroughly enjoying WandaVision, which by the time you read this, will have finished. Sob! Nothing to do but gird our loins until the arrival of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier in a couple of weeks! At least this excellent TV programme appears to have whetted my wife’s appetite for watching more of the MCU movies. Maybe soon I can make oblique references to Mary Poppins, y’all, and someone else in the house will actually know what the hell I’m on about.
Well it looks as if there’s going to be even more use out of our Disney+ sub as the months roll inexorably on, what with their new Star channel. This is where they’ve shoehorned all the mucky films they bought from the naughty boys and girls at Fox; sweary adult dramas, sexy bits, and scenes of explicit wrist-slapping abound. So now we have this toybox of grown-up content to savour! What to watch? What not to watch? I’ve already started at the most obvious place by diving into some vintage Arnie with Commando, one of the funniest action movies ever made. It did not disappoint.
So where to next? Re-watching semi-forgotten classics, films I’ve not seen in literally decades? Or checking out things that slipped me by (there’s an entire list to be made of “films I read about in Empire in the ‘90s, got really excited about, but never saw”). Do I watch the crappier Die Hard films, or cheesy action movies (er, like Commando, I guess)? Or dive deep into prestige fair? Or just watch Spy Hard for the Weird Al theme tune, practically the only bit of the film I remember? The options are virtually endless.
So that’s what this week’s list is: ten films I intend to watch on Disney+ very flipping soon. Or, y’know, just play Zelda until Falcon starts.
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9 to 5 (1980): there was a lot of talk of Dolly around the New Year, and my wife and I even watched a documentary about her. As a result, I had a scoot around to see if it was possible to buy 9 to 5 as a birthday or Valentine’s gift for my better half; it’s a film neither of us have seen in years if not decades, and we’re both big Grace and Frankie fans too. Alas, it’s a difficult film to get a hold of; there doesn’t appear to be a Blu-ray readily available. Praise be, then, that it’s now on Disney+; a terrific comedy film, with a nice bit of feminist bite. I’m not sure if it’ll feel dated or – post-#MeToo – oddly prescient. But I’m really, really looking forward to watching it again.
Crimson Tide (1995): I do love a good tense thriller, and I seem to remember this as being a particularly great tense thriller. This feels like one of those “they don’t make ‘em like this anymore” candidates; a claustrophobic two-hander with no real action, almost a theatrical chamber piece, but made with huge stars and a big-time director (the late, great Tony Scott). I saw it once, on video, when it came out, so it’ll be great to revisit.
The Color of Money (1986): another minor classic that I’ve not seen for decades, and a film I remember even less well than Crimson Tide. It’s cool to revisit (or discover for the first time!) films by great directors, and this is Scorsese we’re talking about. Cruise as a freshly-minted movie star, still taking risks; Newman as a great elder statesman. I’ve genuinely no idea what it’s like, it’s been so long, but I’d love to see it again. Just wish The Hustler was on D+ too!
Quiz Show (1994): I’d mentioned before that there are loads of films from the ‘90s that I read about as an eager young film fan but never saw; this is one of them. An apparently-great drama about corruption at a hugely popular TV show in ‘50s America, with Ralph Fiennes in a very early Hollywood role. I think I’d enjoy it.
Looking for Richard (1996): another of those ‘90s films…! This fascinated me as a teen, and I’d love to see it: a documentary about Richard III, made by Al Pacino, featuring people talking about Shakespeare (got a lot of time for that) and also scenes of the play performed and filmed. It’s a real curio; also weirdly came out around the same time as McKellen’s Richard III. Maybe something was in the water? We’re due another big Rich in my opinion.
Jennifer’s Body (2009): a follow-up from Juno writer Diablo Cody, a horror centred around high school and female sexuality, this has always seemed like it might be a dark, delicious delight; it wasn’t very well received at the time, but has grown in cult status; as has its star, Megan Fox, who I’d argue has not had the easiest time within Hollywood. Anyway, I really like the look of it, and it’ll be cool to check it out.
Tombstone (1993): I love a good Western, and I seem to remember that this is a very good Western. A story of Wyatt Earp that goes beyond the famous gunfight, my memories of this are very vague; I know that there’s a very good Val Kilmer performance as Doc Holliday, and of course Kurt Russell as Earp himself. I might try out that “watch along” feature and watch this, remotely, with my dad.
Romancing the Stone (1984): I probably haven’t seen this since the eighties so I’ve got no idea if it’s really any good, but I do remember enjoying its Indy-inspired adventurism and – in particular – Danny DeVito’s bad guy. Douglas is always great value as a leading man, although from what I’ve since read this is really Kathleen Turner’s show. It’ll be interesting to see if it holds up, but hopefully it’ll be a good stop-gap until they finally get the Indy films up on the service.
Good Morning, Vietnam (1988): another film that I want to revisit, even if I remember it a little better than others on this list. My memory is that it’s utterly fantastic, a really stark look at the realities of Vietnam during the time of the war, and also a phenomenal, very human performance from Williams. Also I remember it being very funny when he does let off some steam (sorry, bit of Commando creeping in there). And really, it’s Williams I want to see again; that earnest, real, pained but beautiful Williams we get in his very best performances. It’s very likely I’ll cry just watching him on screen. God, I miss him.
Independence Day: Resurgence (2016): I needed some crappy sequel to talk about, and here it is. I can’t overstate how much I loved the first Independence Day in ’96, so the (apparent; I’ve not seen it) terribleness of this sequel hit me like a sledgehammer. It can’t be that bad, can it? Is it not at least so-bad-it’s-good? I mean, the trailer made it look atrocious, and it’s killed off Will Smith – the best character! – off-screen, so odds are not good that it’s a hidden gem. But I’ve got to know.
This was actually a pretty tough list, and I had to knock off some films that I’d love to rewatch (Conan the Barbarian, The War of the Roses), as well as stuff like Idiocracy and Office Space that I’ve never seen. Also Kingsman: The Secret Service, which is a fairly recent release that slipped me by, and I’m not sure why I’ve never gotten round to seeing; I blame the kids! Also, there was going to be some xenomorph or xeno-monkey action on here, but frustratingly all the Alien (and Predator!) movies are missing, and the recent Planet of the Apes trilogy – which I’ve also never seen! – is only served by its middle instalment. Yeah, I can watch the seminal ‘60s original again (and I may!) or the indecipherable and strange Tim Burton version, but what about, y’know, the trilogy that everyone raves about? I assume this is due to pre-existing deals keeping the films elsewhere (elusive…), but the sagas of Alien, Predator, and the complete Die Hard package are – I believe – being kept until most profitable (mark my works: Die Hard at Christmas). Anyway, it’s a bit frustrating, that, as I’ve never seen Covenant or The Predator, and I’d love to watch the whole lot from the start anyway.
I guess I can console myself by also watching the one Die Hard film I’ve never seen, namely the critically-acclaimed A Good Day to Die Hard. I mean, I’m assuming it’s critically acclaimed. I guess I’ll find out.
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crazedlunatic · 2 years
hi there, I hope you are well???
I was wondering if we could possibly have a drabble of Nick and Cody? Maybe Nick is having a rough day?
Rough Day
TW: Eating disorder
“Hey, you started it without me. You know I want spoilers in real time when you do that.”
Nick, who was staring at the TV without really seeing it, jumped a bit and then turned himself so he could see Cody. He gave the smile. The one where he was clearly trying to hide something—be it accidentally vomiting or forgetting to eat one of his meals or snacks. Or going on too long of a walk or run.
It didn’t happen much but Cody knew Nick.
“What’s up?” Cody asked gently, setting his messenger bag on the ground. He then walked around the couch and crouched down.
Nick had seen Cody do it countless times when Cody was at work with the kids when the only opening happened to be when Cody was there.
Was it weird to be sitting in a waiting room to see his therapist when his boyfriend (partner?) was right there? Definitely but as his therapist said, it was simply part of their story. To not worry about it but to also not push the boundaries—rather, boundary— of the setting.
Which was fine. They just weren’t allowed to chat at the office unless Cody happened to be helping at the admit desk—which wasn’t often unless a receptionist or scheduler called out. The office tried to keep it so that didn’t happen but sometimes it wasn’t an option and, honestly, Nick loved to see how good Cody was with the kids while in the waiting room. Plus, he always told Cody about the visits anyway.
Still, he understood policy.
That didn’t help him now, though.
It was a moot point.
“I can’t find something to eat.” Nick looked upset.
“Do we need to go to the store?” Cody looked surprised. “I could have done Uber Eats for dinner for you or something.”
“No. I mean… there’s stuff here but I don’t want it.” Nick bit his lip.
“Why not?”
Nick let out a deep breath and said, “I don’t know.”
“Okay.” Cody’s voice remained the same as always when something like this happened. Very calm. Like he was explaining two and two equaled four. “What do you need? What do you want me to do?”
“I don’t know. I don’t know why this is happening. It had been five months. We just officially moved in together. If I mess this up—”
“Hey.” Cody, who was still crouching, watched Nick. “You won’t mess anything up. You can’t. Because we’re not going anywhere. That’s why we moved into our own place. Ours. Because this is it for better or worse… and lets be real. You’re the better and I’m the worst.”
“What if it’s too much?” Nick let out another deep breath.
“What is too much?”
“You are perfect to me. Not too much. Not too little.”
“I’m a mess.”
“No.” Cody’s voice was soft. “No, Nicky.”
Nick swallowed hard and then bit his lip.
“Did you call anyone?” Cody asked. “Kurt? Blaine? Your grandfather?”
 “No.” Nick took a deep breath, now clearly trying not to cry. “I don’t know why this is happening, Cody. I felt like I was doing so much better… like maybe it was behind me.”
“There are ebbs and flows.” Cody was calm. “But you’re so close.”
“Yesterday I thought so but today—”
“Ebbs and flows.” Cody repeated. Sometimes it would take five repetitions to get through. “You’re so close, Nick. We’re all so proud of you. You’re doing an amazing job.”
“I’m scared I can’t do it, Cody.” Nick whimpered, tears spilling over. “Or that I’ll relapse. That I’ll never be anything because I dropped out of UCLA.”
“We can go to LA. We can make sure you get that opportunity. I graduate soon. I can try to find a job--”
“I can’t participate in college athletics for two more years. My class will have graduated well before me. That’s just depressing.”
“It’s not a race, Nick. It’s a school. I’m graduating later than I was meant to.” Cody’s voice was calm and reassuring. “Things get in the way all the time. It’s life. It’s okay. You’re okay.”
Nick swallowed and nodded, making eye contact.
“I’m here for you. Always. I think a good option for you would be to apply for part time classes at NYU. You can start off with the engineering classes because you love that stuff and it won’t feel like a chore. It will probably help you feel better as a whole, too. Start out with one class. Then depending on how you’re feeling and how your grades are doing… maybe you can do everything you wanted here at home with the support you have… it would probably make you feel a lot better than just sitting here alone three days of the week.”
“Yeah.” Nick nodded again and sniffled. “Maybe you’re right.”
“Transitions are hard but once you’re on the other side, people get to feel a lot better… I’m not telling you that you should take part time classes. Just if you want… but I think it could help a lot of the stuff up here.” Cody pointed to his own head. “And show you that you really can do all of that stuff you did before.”
“My grampa told me the same thing a few days ago.” Nick admitted.
“He’s right, Nick. Also your friend Ryan has reached out and invited you to things. Maybe you could take a class or two with him?” Cody asked.
“We still don’t talk as much.”
“He reaches out but he probably wants to give you space if you need it.”
Nick bit his lip.
“It’s not going to get easier until you start to do it. Trust me. I’m shy. I hate talking to people I don’t know. It’s part of the reason I want to work with kids.” Cody said. “The difference between you and I is that you are a people person. You need that connection outside of just us or just your family. I thrive in a small circle and you thrive where you can be around a lot of people, chatting and making people laugh. That’s a good thing.”
“Is it? Look where I am now.”
“Hey, it’s not overly big but we can upgrade when I make a salary.” Cody stuck his bottom lip out. “Also, you picked this one. I believe you mentioned it having two extra bedrooms incase we ended up with kids. Remember?”
Nick bit his lip again but more to hide the smile which really just messed with the being upset thing.
Cody kissed the top of Nick’s head and said, “It’ll happen. We’ll get there together and we’ll get your future figured out too. Let’s just take on bite size goals for now, okay?”
“Thank you.” Nick gave a smile—the one he’d get when he was feeling better. Not great. But better.
Cody ruffled Nick’s hair and said, “Hey, there’s a stray curl back here!”
Nick glared at him.
“Just kidding."
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@brooklynislandgirl​ sent: ♥ Do they seek out love or let it find them? Are they even interested in romance? {Rogue}
// Rogue is not out seeking love for at least one, sometimes two reasons. The first, no matter what verse it is, would be she has severe abandonment issues. Being left by Priscilla when she was four left a mark, pair that with RSD and she is always questioning if she is good enough for you to want to stay with her. People also have a tendency to leave and get killed (looking at you Kurt and Logan).
Then you have whether or not she has control, which greatly impacts whether she feels she should even be in a relationship even if the other person wants it. Until she does actually achieve control, there’s no guarantee she will ever safely touch someone. As such, she doesn’t feel it’s fair to either of them to eliminate physical contact. That doesn’t mean sex alone, although it’s part of it. She very much just wants to touch in the lightest, platonic manner without freezing or flinching for someone’s safety or out of her discomfort. Touch starved as she is, when she’s not in control it’s always in the back of her mind that close proximity isn’t the safest thing. It doesn’t matter how careful the other person is, how covered up she is, it is very much a paranoia derived from having permanently affected Cody. If it’s someone that’s proven they won’t push her personal space boundaries, and be careful, she will eventually relax some to the point where the brief tensing is almost unnoticeable unless you’re just unobservant in which case you probably wouldn’t notice it. Once she trusts you, she really does try to control how much she flinches, she doesn’t want to make you feel bad for having offered her something she craves.
Rogue is really romantic. It was kind of hard to not to become one, growing up in the deep south surrounded by Christian courting culture. One of her modes of escape even before her power manifested being fantasy and sci-fi books, so reading it in some of the storylines, even if it wasn’t the main focus of the plot, had some effect as well. She’s demisexual-panromantic (being eventually raised by a wlw couple helped to make her sexuality a non-issue). That said, she doesn’t go meeting someone and think about them in the sexual sense in most cases, often isn’t even jumping to think of them in a sense more than platonic but the line can blur there for her because once she’s attached and cares for you, she is Attached™. Basically you really need to have the capacity to touch her soul before you ever touch her body, control or no, and it’s really easy for a friendship to roll over into a romantic relationship with her.
While she didn’t adopt the traditional strict gender role rules when it comes to relationships, she still very much has a fondness for what can be classified as “classical romantic gestures”- handwritten notes, being sung to, cooking (for someone or being cooked for, either works for her), just spending time with the person she cares about (she doesn’t need fancy dinner dates, just time spent together). There are times she will idealize and fantasize what it might be like down the road with someone she’s getting to be more serious with- namely, what would their occupation be, where would they live, what kind of parent would they be, do they even want kids, etc. And as desperately as she wants a family of her own, she’s not going to allow that to come in the way of a relationship she already has. If by some chance they wouldn’t want kids, she would settle for that without protest. There’s already the concern would her child be a mutant, and if so, is it possible for her to pass down her mutation.
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stinkfaced22 · 5 years
Wrestlers that are gonna make you their fart sniffer for kicks
Love this question cause I can see this realistically happening.
1: Rikishi- Seems like the obvious one but when he did the stinkface he would sometimes let one rip on his opponents nose for his own amusement, so seems likely he would get some laughs out of doing it
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2: Steve Austin- He already had a segment where he had a burping contest, so he’s probably one of those dudes that rates his farts and if someone asked to be his sniffer he’d get a laugh out of it but wouldn’t hold back.
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3:Shawn Michaels- Cocky guy who probably had decent farts. He’d be one of those guys that would rip one and wait for you to audibly smell it and wants feedback on the smell and laughs if you cough or gag.
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4: Kurt Angle- He know he has a huge ass, and he’d know how to use it. Kurt Angle has a reputation of always getting the stinkface, he’s gotten it the most out of anyone. He’s tried to use it himself to Rikishi but failed, but if he were to try it on a weaker smaller guy, he’d go all out and rip some pretty nasty ones feeling accomplished
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5: John Cena- This one is an obvious one. He’s kinky and he’s gonna make sure your face is in perfect position for a nasty protein fart to go right up your nose. He’s gotten the stinkface in his career but he’s also done the stinkface so he’s a master.
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6:Kevin Owens- Cute bigger guy, big guys can hold a lot of gas. There was a rumor a while ago that he was trying to get the stinkface in his moveset but they denied it, so he’s just itching to let someone get smothered by his big gassy ass, farts most definitely smell terrible all the time.
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7: Zack Ryder- Another cocky guy itching to let out his gas on someone’s face. He’s a jock that thinks farts are funny especially if he’s taking a seat on someone’s face and letting it rip.
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8: Cody Rhodes- Another victim of the stinkface multiple times but from Big Show, Big Show had said and it’s been proven that he does the stinkface only when he has to fart, Cody Rhodes is someone who co operates with that cause it’s funny. He’s cocky enough to make someone sniff his farts while other guys watch for laughs.
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9: Big Show- Another obvious one, loves doing the stinkface cause he only does it when his gas is bad. He has the low gurgly long sounding farts and he knows it’s nasty that’s why he makes people smell it up close and personal.
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10: Eddie Guerrero - Another cocky guy who knows when his farts are bad and when theyre bad he feels like it’s a waste for no one to be around to smell them. That’s why he’d love if someone willingly let him take a seat and just let it out.
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