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the-haiku-bot · 4 months ago
love finding wips i
have no memory of. this
is just title “crowned”
Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.
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love finding wips i have no memory of. this is just title "crowned"
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gamerwoman3d · 3 months ago
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Greasons Opt-Out form below cut.
Now with the power of badly cut screenshots, you too may opt out of the season. Just click the link above to be redirected to the official greasons opt out form courtesy of @kurgy and @theangriestlittleunicorn
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dlxxv-vetted-donations · 6 months ago
This campaign's short term emergency goal is complete. Please consider supporting Mohammed's education further. I will no longer be updating this post.
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Mohammed has 74 hours to pay his tuition fees or he'll be deported.
My other promotion lists
Updated: Sep 5
Member(s): @mohamedabushaban06 (Mohamed Abushaban)
Verification: link (slightly outdated info on deadline). @victoriawhimsey is a trusted source who has contacts in Gaza to help her vet campaigns. See here for more proof of her credibility (scroll down to my rb).
Payment methods: Paypal, credit/debit
Donation drives: @rebecca-levin-art art commissions
Summary: Mohammed is studying abroad in Qatar and needs to pay his semester's tuition of €3,000 before the deadline or he will be sent back to Gaza.
Current progress:
€ 1,773 3,039 / 3,000 / 20,000
Please donate if you're able to and share.
Campaign/family details:
Mohammed is a young man who left everything in Gaza behind to rebuild his life abroad. He's currently studying medicine at a Qatar university.
He needs to pay his registration fees of €3,000 for the semester by the hard, final deadline of Sep 6.
To be cautious, I've set the deadline to 12am in Qatar, which is 74 hours from when I'm writing this post.
The school has already offered him multiple extensions and this is the last they're willing to give.
If Mohammed fails to reach this goal, he'll lose his academic opportunities and be deported back to Gaza (which he worked hard to escape and is very dangerous right now).
By supporting him, you keep him safe and help support his future where he helps others.
As of writing this, he'll need to get around €400 daily.
Tagging random ppl. Share and donate if possible. Want off my 'mailing list'? Please message me!
@weaponsofclairvoyance @12furbies @pthalomars @motherforthefamicom @ziggyundead @vsmegalon @dihalect @fuck-yeah-hyenas @potorch @s0ur-cr3am @fagdotnet @othellodonryan @matrixresurrections @planetamarte @orchidbutch @turian @eastgaysian @skarchomp @lun4rc0w @lesbianmaxevans @tortiefrancis @kurgy @wolfhorrors @zsnes @yinza
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hungee-boy · 8 months ago
I was tagged by @chanafehs for this tag game ❤️ if you're interested, i tag @duskwod @kurgy @gaysebastianvael @korblez @freylief and @u-vogin (sorry its so many but its totally up to yall if you wanna participate 🫶)
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duskwod · 8 months ago
Well well looks like I was tagged twice for something. I get to answer questions and tagged by @skintightraiden for this.
Favorite Color: I think my basic answer will always be black but if I had to give a real answer.. It's always been red. But lately I've been lowkey into different shades of red that can mix with purple. Been really digging a nice shade of maroon and burgundy.
Last Song: movinglikeazombie by ericdoa and salem by driveways. These songs were what I listened to last year but recently revisited. Also this is my chance to promote Driveways. Go. Go fucking listen to Driveways. Their last album was Into The Past and it's the best thing ever. Seriously go listen to them. They make good music.
Currently Watching: I'm always hopping on different shows but the one right now I'm dedicated to is Kamen Rider Gotchard. Doing a huge catch up binge before it ends and I've been having fun with it. I love the gimmick of having to use basically yugioh cards. Neurons activated and esploded when I saw that. Gonna prolly buy the belt and a bunch of the cards for my birthday because of it.
Currently Craving: The touch of a beautiful woman.... Okay joke answer out of the way. No I'm really craving just maybe a month where I don't work. I just want peace right now. I just want to sit back and relax and get to hang out with my friends again. Oh, and maybe a baja blast.
Coffee or Tea: Can I say neither? I think coffee is worse than tea so I feel inclined to go with tea.
I'm just gonna go in a circle again with tagging people so.. @milfisolde @venerabledreadnought @adomj110 @kurgy @nopedontknow
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omnifitense · 1 year ago
"'Vote blue no matter who' is a deeply privileged term." Come back to me when the other side isn't actively trying to kill minorities and institute a dictatorship, okay kurgy?
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patchoulism · 1 year ago
Watching and playing war themed stuff from late 90s/2000s, they have so many fake central Asian countries (Kurgis, Azadistan, Belgistan, etc.), I wonder if in 5-10 years there are going to be not-russia and not-Ukraine in their place.
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skellietoonz · 1 year ago
idk how Tsubasa's plot is gonna play out in 80sverse so I guess Fai and Kurgy are just gonna show up at Yuko's door raising money for Fai's top surgery
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sunnidaydreamer · 24 days ago
😘 😘 😘
@orfeolookback @moefongo @varusai @kurgy @fallingthruspace @askjaelyn @diamondwerewolf @pistacehio
positivity train!
if you see this or are tagged in it, tag a couple of your favorite mutuals/blogs and let them know you appreciate seeing them on your dash!
@h0neysugarfree @blueberrylovv @bequiteanddriveeeeeee @cherri-bomb-bomb @eg0mechan1c @fatrexicisback
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kurgy · 2 months ago
post died and my comm slots are full but i have an electric bill to pay on monday and medication i really need that my insurance keeps denying that i gotta pay out of pocket at this point, like i need the medication. the medication itself is $68 and i just paid rent, so im really low. if anyone could help out id really appreciate it
venmo @ kurgy
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dlxxv-vetted-donations · 6 months ago
The last donation to Roba's campaign was 7 days ago.
I'd like someone to adopt this vetted campaign (I don't have the means to do so right now). Help promote it, keep it updated, work with the family, and make sure that it doesn't get forgotten. You can make a difference. Please message me if you decide to adopt and (optional but recommended) reach out to Roba.
"Your donation is not just a lifeline for us; it's our only chance at survival. " - Roba
My other promotion lists
Updated: Sep 7
Member(s): Roba (@acallforhope)
Verification: link
Payment methods: Paypal, credit/debit
Summary: This campaign has raised a paltry sum when the family desperately needs funding to afford their basic human needs.
Current progress:
€ 410 / 60,000
Campaign/family details:
Fund allocation:
USD $40k total, 7-8k per person
All remaining funds go toward: Basic living necessities, diabetes and arthritis medication for Roba's father, and a decent house after evacuation
5 members (Roba, Sahar, Ibrahim, Ahmad and Mahmoud)
Roba's family endured difficult conditions and great suffering after they were displaced to Rafah and further south.
They struggle with basic necessities for survival, such as food, water, and shelter. These unhealthy conditions make them very vulnerable to disease, and the family is dying a slow death.
They currently live in a tent where they're plagued by extremely high temperatures and disease spread from insects.
Tents are subject to extreme temperatures, and this will get worse as winter approaches.
The family must walk long distances just to access impure seawater and prolonged usage can cause health issues.
Egyptian coordinators refuse to add names to the evacuation list until families can prove they have the funds ready.
Tagging random ppl. I'd really appreciate a share and donate if possible. Want off my 'mailing list'? Please message me!
@gender-haver @calhaspam @pezji @ploppymeep @sagescider @chutiyaaa @mavigator @collectingthestars @threetadpolesinatrenchcoat @eriisaam @aners @lesbianmaxevans @tortiefrancis @kurgy @wolfhorrors @zsnes
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hungee-boy · 2 months ago
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seasons greasons to everyone
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mamagrizknamo · 2 months ago
Dulce de leche (karamelizuotas saldintas sutirštintas pienas)
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Namuose virto karamelizuoto saldinto sutirštinto pieno receptą užmačiau jaunystėje - kruopščiai užsirašiau, bet...nė karto negaminau. Nes gal reikalo nebuvo ar tingėjau terliotis, nepamenu jau. Bet greičiausiai, nelabai patikėjau laikraščio receptų skyrelyje išdėstytu pieno tapsmo karamelizuotuoju, metodu, todėl užsirašiau tik kaip šposą. O ką, tegu būna sąsiuvinyje, juk valgyt neprašo? Ir buvo nejudinamas gal 30 metų.
Tikrai nemanau, kad metams bėgant tapau patiklesnė, greičiau, atvirkščiai. Bet tam senukui receptui subrendau ir, beje, pačiu netikėčiausiu būdu - vieną dieną, prieš pat šventes, suskaičiavau šaldytuve buvusius 4 pieno pakelius. Manęs nestebina 4 kiaušiniai ar 4 bulvės, bet pieno pasirodė kiek per daug arba tiek per daug, kad pasijutau pričiupta negeros nuojautos, sakančios, jog Naujųjų metų šventės įkaršyje kelsiu ne šampano, o pieno sklidiną taurę. Kurgi ne!
Kad būtų drąsiau (ir kad, gelbstint pieną, nereiktų nei jo gert, nei manų košės virt), visgi gūglinu ir, o, vaikeli, net akyse prašviesėja - pasirodo, karamelizuotą pieną gamino ir tebegamina visi, kas netingi. Vadinasi, nebūsiu nei pirma, nei paskutinė. Ir šitaip pasidrąsinusi, rįžtuosi. Ir net nesvarbu, kad po trumpo dukros apsilankymo šaldytuve liko bent pusė indelio pirktinio rududu-dulce de leche pusbrolio (o gal svainio), kuriuo gardinami privalomieji rytiniai ir tik jai kepami lietiniai blynai. Dulce de leche man reikia būtent šiandien, dabar! Nes pakilo noras. Nes saldumo namuose turi būti daug. Ir nes juk tikrai, jei ne šiandien, tai rytoj, susivalgys, susinaudos ir neliks jo nė kvapo :)
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Dulce de leche kilmė nėra aiški, bet dauguma šaltinių teigia, kad gimė jis per neapsižiūrėjimą, aplaidumą ir atminties spragas. Argentiniečiai štai choru tvirtina, kad dukart Buenos Airių provincijos gubernatoriaus Juano Manuelio de Rosas virėja, turėjusi pagaminti „lechada“ – karšto pieno ir cukraus mišinį, užsimiršo, o kai grįžo prie puodo, jame rado tirštai rusvą masę. Skonis moteriškei patikęs, tad nevykėlio neatidavė vištom lesti. Maža to, tirštuoju saldėsiu pasidalino su generolu. Na ir kažkaip šitas reikalas įsisiūbavo.
Kiti, akivaizdu, ne argentiniečiai, tvirtina, kad karamelizuotą sutirštintą pieną 1804 m. pagamino Napoleono Bonaparto virtuvės šefas, irgi per neapsižiūrėjimą. Dar viena teorija tikina, kad rusvasis saldumynas XVI a. buvo pagamintas Indonezijoje, paskui pasiekė Filipinus, o Pilypo II-ojo valdymo metu Filipinus užkariavę ispanai karamelizuoto pieno receptą parsigabeno į savo gimtinę. Be abejo, tą patį receptą prisiminė planuodami ir Amerikos užkariavimą - tas įšoko į kažkieno bagažą, jūros keliais nukeliavo mylių mylias ir paplito ten, kur nė nesapnavo pabūsias.
Tai va tiek pliatkų apie nuostabųjį skanėstą. Jų, ko gero, yra ir daugiau, bet ar verta gilintis į tai, kas užgimė prieš keletą šimtmečių? Juk tiesos žinotojų jau ir pėdsakai ataušę, todėl tikėtis vardo to, kuris pieną maišė taip ilgai, kad tas spėjo paruduoti, dabar jau tikrai neverta.
Beje, skirtingose šalyse gaminamas pienas skiriasi spalva, konsistencija ar net ingredientais. Pavyzdžiui, Puerto Rike jis gaminamas su nesaldintu kokosų pienu. Dominikos Respublikoje skanėstas  pasižymi ypatingu saldumu ir kvapnumu, mat gaminant cukraus dedama tiek pat, kiek ir pieno, be to, masė gardinama cinamonu.  O Meksikoje jis vadinamas „cajeta“ ir gaminamas ne su karvių, o ožkų pienu.
Argentinoje  tradicinį receptą sudaro pienas, cukrus, vanilė ir truputis kepimo sodos - būtent tokį kadaise persirašiau į savo receptų sąsiuvinį.
Jei skanumynų poreikio dabar nejaučiat, nepergyvenkit ir nesinerkit iš kailio. Tiesiog leiskite sau ramiai subręsti naujovėms, nes šiek tiek laiko tikrai turite - spalio 11 d. visame pasaulyje minima dulce de leche diena - va tada ir pasirišite prijuostę, pastovėsite valandžiukę prie verdančio puodo ir galėsite švęsti saldumynų mėgėjų dieną.
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-1 l riebaus pieno;
-1/2 a. š. kepimo sodos;
-150 g cukraus;
-žiupsniuko druskos.
Karamelizuoto pieno gamybai rinkitės ne bet kokį, o storadugnį puodą - geriausiai tam tinka didelis ir platus ketaus puodas. Taip vienu šūviu nušausite 2 zuikius - užviręs pienas neišbėgs, o palaipsniui vis tirštėjanti masė neprilips prie dugno ir nesvils.
Pieną ir cukrų supilti į puodą (užviręs pienas smarkai kils viršun, plius, putos). Sodą ištirpinti nedideliame pieno kiekyje, supilti į puodą; užvirti. Po kokių 10-15 min pienas iš balto virs į vos kreminį.
Virti, pradžioje karts nuo karto, o vėliau jau intensyviai maišant, apie 1 valandą - turėsite tiršto sirupo konsistencijos masę, kuri vėsdama tirštės.
Dabar jau gražiai rusvą dulce de leche pagardinti druska ir nukaisti. Kiek praaušusią masę sudėti į sandariai uždaromą indą ir laikyti šaldytuve (nepakitusi turėtų ištempti apie 3 mėnesius).
Jei norisi itin tirštos, sausainių ar pyragų pertepimui tinkančios masės, pieną virti 15-20 min. ilgiau. O jei norisi dar ir sodresnės spalvos (žiūrėti žemiau esančias nuotraukas), į 1 l pieno pilti ne 1/2, o 2/3 a. š. sodos.
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Šaltiniai: https://authenticfoodquest.com/best-homemade-dulce-de-leche-argentina/ https://www.alfajoresbakery.com/blog/2020/3/4/the-story-behind-dulce-de-leche
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tactiturn · 2 months ago
täna sõin hommikuks lihtsalt natuke puuvilju, apelsini ja õuna. lõunaks tegin kerge salati tomati, kurgi ja salatilehtedega, veidi oliiviõli peale. õhtuks keetsin pastat brokoli ja paprikaga. suht lihtne, aga täitsa maitsev.
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kurgy · 1 month ago
my comm slots are full but des raised my disability by $10 and docked my food stamps by $20 to "make up the difference" because now I technically make more money, and as a result o just straight up make less a month than in 2024, because why not. upcoming bills are freaking me out because I currently have $2.24 to my name. the internet bill is freaking me out the most at $58. would deeply appreciate any hel, not sure what I can offer in return at the moment but any help would mean a lot
venmo @ kurgy
cashapp $kurgyyy
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kurgy · 2 years ago
I've gotten lots of advice and help with some home remedies and cheaper ways to get some of the accommodations i need so I'm remaking this post shorter and up to date. Basically, for a little over 10 years, I've been suffering from severe chronic nausea and vomiting. It went ignored, dismissed, and untreated for years, and while I have finally found a doctor with a team trying to figure out whats wrong with me via rigorous and uncomfortable testing and procedures, the years of suffering with this condition have taken a serious toll on my body. it's destroyed my digestive system and ability to digest food, I can't eat most things without medicated help, and even then it's little and laborious among several other things, and my GI has recommended serious home recovery accommodations as we figure out whats going on.
Due to some not great life things I'm currently displaced, and can't get any of the more permanent/hard to move furniture that would help until i can move, as my situation is very temporary, though I have been given the okay by family im staying with to have a small twin/full sized mattress/bedframe
I have an amazon wishlist ive been updating with some medical stuff and supplies that would help
and a gofundme for recovery/accommodation sfuff and costs
And a PayPal (paypal.me/kurgyy) and venmo (@ kurgy) if anyone would like to help or boost
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