#kuno speaks
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justhivethings · 2 years ago
I really like HIVE for this. The kids are powerful, and the adults are powerful too. The kids always have their own agency, but as they grow up, they become more involved in the adults' problems and decision-making. Some of the adults are bad, some aren't, and it's up to the kids to try to determine who to trust. It felt empowering without doing so at the expense of the adults or the logic of the story (within reason for the genre).
ok i think what gets me about the kind of post that's like '[children's media] has child soldiers, where are their parents!!' is that those stories really and truly aren't for people who'll think about that, they're for the people the children's age, who don't, for the most part, want to be kept safe or told they're too young to participate in the world, they want to be given a sword
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im-captain-basch · 4 months ago
The downside to watching a YouTube channel with a fairly popular voice actor is he will show up in your Netflix anime when you least suspect it.
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colourme-feral · 5 months ago
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A vibrant series of images featuring local farmers set against lush green foliage is one of the striking contrasts that has become a key visual direction for the film ‘The Paradise of Thorns.’ This direction was shaped through extensive research and collaboration by every team involved, including the director, art team, stylists, cinematographer, and colorists.
"When we decided to make a movie about durian farmers, we started by researching the landscape of durian orchards. Typically, the climate in Thailand is warm, so we anchored the film’s palette in green, representing the trees and foliage. Then, we thought about what would happen when people were added to these scenes. As each team did their homework, we all ended up on the same page—Thai people love vibrant, secondary colors like pink, purple, orange, and green. From there, we pulled all these ideas together and created a standardized color palette that shaped everything from our location choices to the wardrobe. We like to call it the 'Thai Color Palette.’ shared Director Naruebet ‘Boss’ Kuno.
“We hope everyone who watches the film can feel the vibrant colors of local life, the essence of being Thai, and the stories that unfold here in Thailand. Our goal is to share this unique Thai identity in a way that speaks to audiences around the world,” Boss Kuno added. from GDH's LinkedIn
Credit, credit
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tobiasdrake · 5 months ago
Watching episode 2 of Ranma reboot and it remains like a blast from the past.
Gonna be posting spoilers and screencaps to talk about it, so all of that's after the jump.
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I'm sorry that I didn't appreciate the slapstick of the original manga because Rumiko Takahashi is kind of brilliant at it.
This gag sets you up to think Akane's about to hit him for yelling misogyny at her early in the morning, but then out of absolutely nowhere his fucking dad erupts from the aether and clocks him for it instead.
That's fantastic. It uses the familiar language not just of Ranma and Akane's established dynamic but of tsundere romances in general to set the gag up, and then hits it with a startling and unexpected swerve that still pays it off but in a way the audience didn't see coming.
Speaking of Genma, bits like this:
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Ranma defeats Genma using the "Look, a distraction!" technique and it's funny because he won with what most martial arts anime would consider a cowardly tactic.
But it's funnier when you know the actual art he practices, 無差別格闘流 musabetsu kakutou-ryuu. Separately translated as either "Anything Goes Style of Martial Arts" or "Indiscriminate Grappling". The latter of which is hilariously specific, as 格闘 kakutou can mean wrestling or grappling but simply refers to weaponless styles of hand-to-hand fighting.
He's a fisticuffs brawler by trade, contrasting the various adversaries he faces throughout the series who are mostly tool- or weapon-based fighters, to varying degrees of esoteric oddity.
But what makes this so funny in hindsight is the "indiscriminate" part. Ranma's martial art is built around the idea that there are no rules and whatever gets you to the finish line is fine. This distraction isn't Ranma being cowardly; It's actually part of his martial art. This is how he was trained to fight. XD
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You know, I actually forgot that Dr. Tofu... existed.
But setting that aside, once I remembered who this guy is, I forgot that he's implied to be an exceptionally talented martial artist. Capable of masking his presence so thoroughly that even Ranma can't detect his movements.
That's really interesting. To my recollection, Dr. Tofu never has a single fight in the entire series. Instead, his expertise simply serves as an explanation for his familiarity with all the wild and bizarre mystical maladies that come his way.
It lets him be like, "Oh yeah, the reason you're deathly ill is because someone hit you with the 5,000 year old forbidden Chinese Slow Death Syphilitic Pressure Point technique. Here, let me apply the three-step acupressure reversal technique that was lost to history."
But now I.
I kinda.
Want to see him fight.
(Has this dude been like the DBZA Popo of Ranma 1/2 this entire time?)
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA She clocks him with the water kettle to make him respectfully bow.
I did not have the cultural context to understand that joke when I was young.
Rumiko Takahashi is so good at slapstick.
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Yeah, okay, I don't remember half of what I said about Akane when I was young but I recant all of it. She is so fucking cool.
Imagine if you had to do this every single morning. Every morning. No exception. Just to get to school. At sixteen.
And keep in mind that this is sexualized violence. These guys are trying to overpower her because they think she'll have to be their girlfriend if they beat her up. Every single one of them is sexually harassing her. With violence.
Fuck this entire situation, y'all. I hope she gives them all life-ruining physical injuries that ruin their ability to get scouted as professional athletes at this critical age and turn them into bitter and misanthropic thirty-somethings whining on the couch about how they peaked in high school.
That's probably not how it actually works in Japan. My American is showing. But nonetheless!
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She said "Kuno-senpai". She addresses him formally using his last name because that's a normal thing to do in Japan.
Subtitles, why are you changing the way characters speak to each other? The show is released with a dub and a sub alongside one another. If people are choosing to watching the sub, they don't need you to hold their hand and Americanize it for them.
She correctly calls him Kuno in the dub here. The dub is more accurate than the sub about this line. Don't. Do that.
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This guy is such a dweeb he makes Jou-senpai look cool. They nailed Kuno, King Dipshit of the Jackass Mountain Akane has to climb each morning.
This is the guy who came up with the whole "Whoever beats the shit out of Akane may claim her as their trophy" thing. He probably watches Andrew Tate videos and writes internet screeds asking why women don't respect his authority and strength. Fuck this guy.
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Seriously. He just. Said this. About some girl in another class. And the boys in the school were all like, "Oh, yeah, that sounds reasonable. First one to break her leg gets the girl! Thanks for showing me the best way to express my masculinity, bruh!"
A wacky setup for Akane's personal background but also a chillingly accurate metaphor for how the Manosphere functions.
For his part, it's pretty clear that what Kuno is attracted to is martial strength. He becomes interested in the "Mystery Girl" that appeared after Ranma "fled" pretty much right after she beats his ass.
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He's kind of an interesting parallel to Shampoo in that regard. I never really thought of that before, but both of their interests are predicated on how strong Ranma is.
He also makes for an interesting dynamic for Ranma, from a gender perspective. Ranma's curse and the constant menace of Kuno forces Ranma to endure firsthand the kind of harassment that Akane has to undergo in her day-to-day life.
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Of course, this being Ranma 1/2, Ranma's going to be getting that from both genders throughout the series. Rumiko Takahashi created a harem dodecahedron for her story, with Ranma and Akane being beset not just by rival suitors but also by rival suitors for their rival suitors trying to kill them and win the rival suitors' love.
Kuno's just one of the crowd.
But it was nonetheless an interesting choice to give Ranma a toxic male harasser as one of his suitors, that speaks to the interesting gender dynamics at play in the series.
One last thing. Something I really love about Ranma 1/2 is the way it uniquely changes the experience of just. Being around water. Like, the ever-presence of water especially in an island nation such as Japan is a constant threat.
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You really don't think about how much water there is in everyday life until you have a Jusenkyou curse.
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gsstories · 6 months ago
Servants of Death
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The followers with the highest position of power, just below Bishop Death herself, are the Triplet Servants: Luna, Sol and Clip. These three live for their master and her goal, working as assassins and taking out those who don’t bow down to the Old Faith. Luna and Sol are the craziest of the trio, Luna finding the dismembered victims oddly beautifully grotesque while Sol is a major sadistic bastard, enjoying the pain he inflicts on others. Clip is the most sane of the bunch, and the closest follower to Bishop Death, never showing any emotion when killing.
When the Old Faith were defeated, the followers of all five Bishops ran away and hid but were all hunted down by Häxa, who at the time was a mindless beast looking for revenge after her sisters’ deaths. One by one, the general number of followers started decreasing as the enraged witch killed them all until there was only the Triplet Servants left. Häxa killed Luna and Sol, taking their charms as trophies and a reminder that the followers are soon to be gone and was then chasing after Clip who, after so long, felt imminent fear.
I have thought long and hard and I like the idea of Häxa meeting Kuno Miori (who belongs to @fernnshxj) and her friend Lucy (who belongs to @lucy6767) when they stumble upon Clip, who is nothing more than a tired and horrified being whose demise was nigh. And then Häxa appears, sickle on the follower’s throat… And so she speaks for the first time in a long while, in a low low voice…
Did you ever stop to think that eventually there's a point where your name gets mentioned for the very last time…?
Well, here it is… I’m going to kill you, Clip…
And so the witch slit their throat, killing the last follower of the Old Faith…
(First impressions? Good?? HAH!)
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apothecaryscript · 27 days ago
KNH Podcast vol.2 Ms. Aoi Yuki (Maomao) × Ms. Misaki Kuno (Xiaolan) “KNH might be… Mt. Everest!”
Please note that all the English sentences are just my translation.
Shaoran “A, ita! Maomaooooo!”
Xiaolan “Oh, there you are! Maomao!”
Maomao “Shaoran. Do-shita-no? Otsukai?”
Maomao “Xiaolan, what’s the matter? Are you running an errand?”
Shaoran “Kokode Maomao-to ohanashi shite-koitte iwarete kitan-dakedo…nani’o shabettara iin-daro?”
Xiaolan “I was told to come here to talk to you, but what should I talk about?”
Maomao (Kyono hanashi-aitewa Shaoran-ka.) “Daijobu. Shaoranwa itsumono toori, sukina koto’o hanashite-kurereba iiyo.”
Maomao (So, Xiaolan is the person I’m talking to today.) “It’s okay. Just talk about whatever you like, Xiaolan, as always.”
Shaoran “Itsumo-doori? Uuun, yoku wakara-nai-kedo…wakatta!”
Xiaolan “As always? Hmm, I don’t really know… but I get it!”
Maomao “Tori-aezu, hora. Oyatsu’o moratteru-kara, isshoni tabeyo.”
Maomao “For now, here. I got you snacks, so let’s eat them together.”
Shaoran “Aaaa! Arigato! (Hamu, mogu-mogu) A, nee-nee shitteru? Kokyuni ayashii hitoga arawaretan-datte!”
Xiaolan “Oh! Thank you! (nom nom…) Ah, hey, did you know? Apparently, a suspicious person has appeared in the rear palace!”
At the beginning, Ms. Yuki asked Mr. Otsuka’s question “Is it really okay to speak to you in Tame-guchi(friendly and casual way of speaking)?” to Ms. Kuno. Ms. Kuno answered “Sure! It’s okay, Takeo-kun!” Ms. Kuno called Mr. Otsuka “Takeo-kun,” and Ms. Yuki “Ao-san.” Ms. Yuki called Ms. Kuno “Kuno-chan.”
-About their relationship
Yuki “I’ve been working with Kuno-chan over 10 years, so we are very close. Once, when I was very tired, you gave me a white chocolate, which made me feel better. Since then, I’ve always carried chocolate with me. In order to play Maomao, I need a lot of sugar for my brain. Postrecording is like mountain climing.”
Kuno “I’ve always had some chocolates in my bag since eating them instantly makes me feel better. Recently I’m into maccha(green tea) chocolates, too! Especially Maomao’s lines are so long, many, and full of difficult words, your work is quite hard, Ao-san!”
Yuki “Yeah, then it might be Mt. Everest. I feel like I’m playing a very hard music game while postrecording.”
Kuno “So I want you to relax during your break time.”
Yuki “Thank you! How sweet you are!”
-About the question from a listener “Is there anything you’re passionate about collecting?”
Kuno “Not particularly, but I like to buy seasonal goods, like snow globes or snow man’s goods in this winter season. Also, I love the picture of Maomao and Xiaolan smiling with a lot of sunflowers around them, so I have the picture displayed on the shelf in my room.”
Yuki “I like collecting goods related to the characters I played. I separate them into boxes for each character and store them when I’m not displaying.”
-About Ep.2 “Caravan”
Kuno “The most memorable scene is when Xiaolan invites Maomao to go to the caravan.”
Yuki “Xiaolan was so cute! She looked like a cute dog! Maybe Maomao wouldn’t have been to the caravan if Xiaolan hadn’t invited her.”
Kuno “Xiaolan is honest and active, so she can make friends with anyone easily, but I think she has special feelings for Maomao and trusts her.”
Yuki “Xiaolan’s personality seems to be similar to yours, Kuno-chan.”
Kuno “Not really. Actually, I tried the KNH personality test the other day, and I’ve got only Maomao no matter how many times I tried! I also thought my personality is like Maomao in advance, in fact.”
Yuki “Really? But your pure and innocent atmosphere is…”
Kuno “That’s because of the characters I’ve played. You’re fooled by my voice!”
Yuki “Your voice is really cute, Kuno-chan.”
Kuno “How was your result of that test?”
Yuki “I think I got Maomao as well, but I think my real personality is similar to Yinghua. Like to talk, have a bit of a temper, like a shotgun.”
Kuno “But I think you are very professional. I’ve always thought that since the first time I met you.”
Yuki “I guess maybe I was just quiet, not knowing what to speak…but anyway, thank you. Mr. Otsuka seem to get Maomao first, and Jinshi the second. I’m curious about other VAs’ result! Back to the topic, the relationship between Maomao and Jinshi, and also Maomao and Xiaolan, is getting closer.”
Kuno “Yeah. The more I play Xiaolan, the more I notice new charms of her and I like her. She’s not just eating, but she’s working hard and making efforts for her own future.”
-About Ep.3 “Corpse Fungus”
Yuki “The story was very interesting, full of mysteries. Do you like mushrooms, Kuno-chan?”
Kuno “I don’t like much but I can eat them. The other day I ate hot pot dish and some mushrooms were in the pot.”
Yuki “Oh? There seems to be a little distance between you and mushrooms, right?”
Kuno “Hmm…Kinoko-san(Mr.Mushroom) is…”
Yuki “You called them Kinoko-san?? That’s a bit far. Let’s say, you and me are very close, and Mr. Otsuka locates just outside our circle. Then, where does Kinoko-san locate? Just outside another circle of Mr. Otsuka and us?”
Kuno “Oh, no. Kinoko-san is very far from us and Takeo-kun. Quite far. How about you?”
Yuki “I love mushrooms. I even go out to eat hot pot dish of mainly mushrooms.”
Kuno “There are a lot of kinds of mushrooms. What do you like the best?”
Yuki “Hmm…maybe shiitake mushrooms are the best. I’ve been to a shiitake farm, and it’s so delicious to pick them up myself and eat there!”
Kuno “Shiitake farm? How do you eat them there?”
Yuki “There is a place where you can grill and eat them, next to the farm.”
Kuno “Oh, you grill them… Right, you have to grill them, of course. I thought you would eat as is…”
Yuki “Raw shiitake? Then maybe I have to say… ‘This is poison’?” (Laughing)
-Highlights of Ep.2 “Caravan”, from Mr. Fudesaka, Director
“In the second episode, I was particularly conscious of how to create the atmosphere and worldview. The story is not only set in the country of Lee where Maomao and the others live, but also in the outside world, as a caravan from a foreign country arrives. The world of KNH is fantasy, but I wanted it to have a sense of everyday life and reality to make it more convincing, so I asked the people in charge of setting production, art, and color design to create a worldview. I received materials from the original author, Natsu Hyuga, and there was a Silk Road exhibition in Sendai (northern place in Japan) at the time, so a few of us went to see it. I was able to see the actual paintings, scrolls, fabrics, mirrors, etc., so I am using them as reference. When we all started sharing photos, the amount of them became overwhelming and it became difficult to share them all.”
Kuno “The world of KNH is really fantastical and wonderful, and I really love the colors.”
Yuki “Colors in fantasy can sometimes look fake, but I felt reality as he said. The smell of the air Maomao feel, the texture when she touches something, things that we can’t express with words come through the pictures.
Kuno “The overall atmosphere is elegant, or rather, it has a sense of dignity. The colors used and the luster as well.”
Yuki “It’s been made into comics as well, but when it’s made into an animation, you can really feel the weight of it. For example, the way the fabric sways, the way the hair shines, the way it’s drawn and presented in animation is beautiful. When I think about how much care was put into making each and every accessory, I want everyone to watch it again.”
-Highlights of Ep.3 “Corpse Fungus”, from Mr. Fudesaka, Director
“Since this is the first story in the second season to touch on the subject of life, I was conscious of how to show the social conventions and culture of the KNH world. Death is much closer to people in this world than it is for us living in this day and age, and there are big differences in how people feel about death depending on their social status. In a world where lives are at stake over the smallest of things, I was conscious of showing the differences in perception. This work is not only about the appeal of the characters and the mystery solving, but I think the human drama at its core is what grabs you and keeps you hooked, so I wanted to make this convincing as well. This time, I also wanted to show the appeal of the mystery solving suspense on top of the drama.”
Yuki “Mr. Fudesaka is really good at putting things into words. In Episode 3, a girl’s jealousy caused the incident. But it’s amazing that Xiaolan doesn’t get jealous at all even when Maomao can read and write or get nice things from her superior.”
Kuno “It’s surprising to me but I don’t get jealous of other people that much either. The most important thing for me while playing Xiaolan is that I love Maomao. When something good happens to Maomao, I feel happy just like it happened to myself.”
Yuki “Such a lovable character! That’s why Maomao has a look that she only shows to Xiaolan. It’s really rare to be able to meet such a friend in the environment of the rear palace.”
-Director Fudesaka’s favorite points
“The three characters, Maomao, Xiaolan, and Shisui, are drawn with great care. Maomao has already spent a long time with Jinshi and the members of the Jade Pavilion, and there is of course a bond and affection among them, but Xiaolan just jumped right into Maomao’s personal space. For Maomao, who has been living without friends until now, Xiaolan has become someone she wants to protect, so I hope that this warmth can be conveyed. And there are many staff members who really like Xiaolan. She is popular everywhere.”
Yuki “Being asked favorite character, most people answer Xiaolan. She’s really cute, and I’d love to be her friend. I’d love to take her to the food court and feed her until she’s full.”
Kuno “I love food courts! You can eat all kinds of different foods at once, like ramen, fried rice, yakisoba, crepes, udon…”
-Collaboration announcement
<Nagasaki Lantern Festival> 1/29 – 2/12 Maomao’s and Jinshi’s collaborative lanterns on display (The picture below is from X.)
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<Sapporo Snow Festival> 2/4 – 2/11 5m tall snow sculpture of Maomao and Jinshi on display
<The Apothecary Diaries Exhibition> Being held at Matsuya Ginza, Tokyo from March 26 to April 14, whose tickets will go on sale in early February. After Tokyo, it will travel to Fukuoka, Osaka, Nagoya, and other locations nationwide.
Kuno “I’m happy to be able to talk to Ao-san at such a leisurely pace about KNH. From now onwards, Xiaolan continue to be Xiaolan-like, so I hope you’ll watch over her kindly, saying ‘Oh, she’s eating this today!’(Laughing) Please enjoy the future stories!”
Yuki “The next broadcast will be on Sun., February 9 at noon.”
(The next guest wasn’t announced and I’m wondering who it is.)
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fernnshxj · 6 months ago
Any deets about Tsubame? I just love a girl failure, she’s adorable in my opinion! (Even if a lil obsessed-)
yea i can give sum info!!!!!! she’s such a silly she’s growing on me super fast
yea she has a huge crush on miori/kuno. big lesbian,
her family owns a shrine! i don’t have any plans for then/ designs but i imagine she has a big family, being the youngest
she’s kind of a social outcast cuz of her interest in spirits and spooky stuff. she’s like. scarily dedicated. to her exorcism stuffs…
she’s also terrible at it! tsubame tries tho hrhdjjdhd she’s really knowledgeable abt demons n stuff, working with the ninja and kunoichi 👍👍
speaking of, she does not get along w lucy, my mutual @/lucy6767 oc hehehhdnd perchance jealous….
tsubame is terrible at combat. absolutely. she’s kind of cowardly so she wouldn’t fight anyone anyways. she wanted to b a kunoichi w miori but miori won’t let her. she’s worried abt her safety than anything tsubame would find some way to fuck up n hurt herself
idk if that’s good here’s some doodles to make up for it HRHNFHF 👍👍👍👍
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theofficersacademy · 7 months ago
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Happy August! TOA is now officially five years old. None of the mods had this milestone in mind five years ago, but now that we're here, how about another five years?
Current Month in TOA: Lone Moon
This month is event month, so there will be no new mission board! But like last year, the June & July Mission Board will be extended to run through the end of August. The Unaffiliated requirement remains in effect for the Unaffiliated & Faculty-specific tasks.
The event will run from August 1st to August 31st. Signups are now closed - stay tuned for more information tomorrow at noon EST!
Our monthly submission limit on the site that hosts our event signups has been reset so everyone is free to take the quiz for fun now.
We will be announcing a second 5th-Year Anniversary activity on August 4th and another on August 8th. This will not require IC participation. Stay tuned for the details.
Please don’t forget to leave feedback on our feedback poll for this month! We do check the responses regularly, so if you have concerns during the event, the feedback poll is an appropriate place to pop in. Alternatively, the mods’ DMs are always open. We're wiping the Wanted List this month so our character wish list will be fresh for the new year.
Speaking of the event, stay tuned for noon EST for more information!
Important Updates
The requirements to master a lord class acquired for participation in an event have been updated. You cannot master the class with the same event that you acquired it, but any official event afterwards (Arena, Ethereal ball, etc.) can count for its mastery
We are changing our event schedule for all subsequent years: there will now only be ONE Arena event per year, not two, and it will be held in November. Originally, the biannual Arena design was implemented to rigorously test the combat manual, which was brand new at the time. Now that the manual is more or less stable, we've decided that two Arena events is no longer necessary. Because we already had an Arena event this year in June though, the next Arena won't take place until November 2025.
TOA runs a lot of events, and it makes it difficult for our members (and the mods) to have a life outside of TOA or reply to regular threads in a timely manner. Many of our members also have great ideas of their own and have expressed interest in running their own mini events during the year, but there just hasn't been a good time for them when TOA has a big event every other month. We hope that removing the second Arena will give everyone some breathing room.
August Mun Birthdays: Axl (1st), Arden (9th), Penny (19th), Ren (20th), Harrow (25th), Maxie (28th), Kuno (29th)
August Muse Birthdays: Ephraim (1st), Eirika (1st), Natasha (6th), Laslow (7th), Alfred (8th), Patty (10th), Yuri (12th), Ares (14th), Dheginsea (14th), Edward (15th), Kliff (19th), Shiro (22nd)
1st year: none
2nd year: Kano (3rd), Havoc (30th)
3rd year: Birdie (4th), Vio (5th), Vivi (6th)
4th year: Soji (7th), Maxie (8th)
5th year: Ree (3rd)
1st year: Naesala (4th), Henry (6th)
2nd year: Linhardt (3rd), Seliph (10th), Camilla (23rd), Lloyd (30th)
3rd year: none
4th year: Marth (7th), Farina (8th)
Muses who have been in the group for a solid year will also be granted an Academy Brooch to put in their inventory. It doesn’t do anything. It just lets others know your character has been around the block. These characters are also granted a new opportunity to change houses if they wish to do so.
- The House Leaders
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dzgrizzle · 8 months ago
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Even before Stanislaw Lem, E.M. Forster wrote in his 1909 novella “The Machine Stops” about iPads, email, and Zoom: one of the main characters, Vashti, speaks to her son Kuno, who lives on the other side of the world, via a glowing round plate she holds in her hand. After the conversation she catches up on the flood of electronic messages that have arrived in the meantime and then uses the plate to give a short lecture to a remote audience.
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tgrailwar-zero · 4 months ago
Avenger, let’s just leave. We need to rest and he’s making the room, so one of a few things is going to happen:
Gil gives us something now, we sleep, we leave in the morning and then kill Charlemagne.
Gil gives us nothing now, we sleep, we try in the morning, we get something then and kill Charlemagne.
Gil gives us nothing now, we sleep, we try in the morning, we get nothing then and kill Charlemagne anyways.
Let’s just let him make the room and not make the person we’re here to talk with angry, okay?
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The glare he gave you was worth a thousand words- but he decided to speak some of them regardless. If anything, your inter-group communication was improving.
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SALIERI: "Each time my fury has a chance to spark, it's drenched. This mess could have been avoided had we killed that 'Historia' at the Nameless City, as I suggested! And instead, we're playing fetch for several individuals who would be just as fine with you dead and buried!"
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SALIERI: "Tell me, do you want an Avenger, or a dog? Because I'm not keen on being leashed. You wished to be accompanied by death, but you shudder at the idea of conflict. I'm beginning to grow weary of your cloying manner. But fine. Do it your way, so we can handle Charlemagne."
He yanked himself free, frustration evident in his face as he retreated downstairs.
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GIL: "He's an Avenger. His mana is constantly roiling, and his ire is constantly burning. Unlike others, he doesn't have a consistent state of 'content'- for that'd be antithetical to his being. I'm sure you of all people understand the frustration of pent-up emotions? And yet, if he truly despised you, you would be consumed by that fire. Best not to take that sort of fortune for granted."
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CONSTANTINE: "We could use your help, King of Heroes."
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GIL: "And I'm not giving it. Even if I enjoy the Solar Cell, I have no reason to help the Servants of the Sun."
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GIL: "I have errands to do tomorrow. It's a relatively small town, so you'll be fine. Now, it'll be a few more minutes until your rooms are ready. Wait until then."
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NERO: "Wait!"
She exclaimed, suddenly.
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GIL: "Saber. Or… Caster, this time around."
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NERO: "I remember your name! Gilgamesh! You were there- part of the Lunar Holy Grail War. Your Master…"
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GIL: "That was another 'instance', but I can see it fairly clearly. I was summoned to a young Master named Rin Tohsaka. We weren't really friends. My Master insisted on helping yours… and then we became temporary allies due to that whole White Titan mess. Not as if we got along then either… ugh, I'd rather not think of my actions as that 'Older Me'… it gives me a headache."
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GIL: "Still, you were an intriguing star. You and Hakuno- in another story, you'd have been even more brilliant. Fate just wasn't on your side this time."
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NERO: "Ha...kuno…?"
Her expression grew somber, her eyes downcast as she lightly put her hand to her chest. Her brows knit together, like she was trying hard to remember something. GIL cleared his throat.
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GIL: "That's enough chatter from me. Now, shoo. Siduri's going to get upset if I don't finish up soon."
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You were sent downstairs. It seemed like even NERO didn't have the energy to argue, sliding into a chair quietly.
It seemed like SIDURI had set a table for you… the food did come with the rooms, but it seemed like she had outdone herself. Several plates were set, surrounding a spread of various kinds of fishes, vegetables, and breads.
She was at the bar, cleaning some of the glasses. The conversation from before had relaxed a bit, now dulled into idle chatter between the patrons, the topic of 'salvation' being put on the backburner.
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GIUSEPPE: "So that was Gilgamesh. His legend spoke of him as a grand warrior, a cruel tyrant, and a wise king. We haven't seen him fight, but his eyes were clear as the night sky. Certainly, I could feel him gazing into my very soul."
KUKULKAN: "You all spoke about him as if he was this… big shot, I guess… but was he really that great? He was smart, yes, but he didn't seem that strong."
CONSTANTINE: "The locals said he changed his 'frame', right? Perhaps he's put himself in a weaker body intentionally. Still… the King of Heroes, talking about 'running errands'. If you didn't know better, he really did seem like just a precocious little boy. A little boy who, at this moment, holds no intention of helping us."
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clairedaring · 8 days ago
2019 Interview Excerpt with Director Songyos Sugmakanan/CEO of artist management/production company Nadao Bangkok, now relaunced as Tada Entertainment
Notable points from the interview
P'Yong got asked by Jina Osothsilp, CEO of GDH 559 (then GTH) to lead the artist management company that were signing actors who had starred in GTH/GDH films.
P'Yong initially refused but eventually gave in to help Khun Jina under the condition that they have a production house so he can continue fulfilling his filmmaking desires.
After directing Coffee Prince Thai remake for True4U, P'Yong got asked by Paiboon Damrongchaitham, Founder of GMM Grammy (the giant media conglomerate that houses GDH 559, One 31, GMM 25, GMMTV...) to make a series for One31.
It's hard for artists who are signed to GTH/GDH/Nadao to get in-house works because when they make films, directors are constantly finding (new) actors who are suitable to the given roles in strict casting procedures, hence there are less works guaranteed for actors who are signed with them.
P'Yong started training his actors (rigorously) so that they were capable to get cast and play in the roles that were written by GTH/GDH/Nadao creatives.
P'Yong is determined in his vision to bring contemporary portrayal of teens to Thai TV at the time, even if it meant touching upon controversial themes like sex, teen pregnancy, drugs, school violence, LGBTQ+... (personally speaking, I feel like you can also see this mindset of filmmaking in his junior colleagues like Boss Kuno, Pat Boonnitipat)
P'Yong drew from the experiences of his young cast members as well as based his characters on real teenagers he inteviewed and got to know to understand their ways of thinking.
[SPOILER ALERT] Mhog's father dying in season 2 as a result of cancer, leading Mhog to quit smoking storyline is the result of the feedback from the Thai Health Promotion Foundation who reached out and showed appreciation Hormones The Series for their depiction of safe sex with protection but also said that the smoking scenes of Pai in S1 had intervently inspired a group of young male audience to start smoking.
P'Yong constantly tracks online engagement with his works and he's found that he has a love for keeping viewers on the edge of their seat -> hence the suspense and murdery mysteries/plot twists in his future works I Hate You, I Love You (2016) and In Family We Trust (2018).
Althought In Family We Trust is the best ratings among all Nadao projects, it's still considered low for One31. P'Yong admits that he gets it because his style of series making requires full concentration, Netflix-style of binging attention so it might not help if it's filled with commercial breaks in between.
At the end of this interview is short clips of the promotional marketing planning meeting for Great Men Academy and Great Men Academy Press Conference.
[Full interview with English subtitles]
and if you've ever caught Tor Thanapob, gushing about any director in any his interviews, it's always the one and only P'Yong
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theredhairedmonkey · 1 year ago
Posting my reply to @kuno-chan’s post separately here as I’m not going to reblog slander disparaging me or others.
Also, since these are just all the same talking points lifted from elsewhere in the fandom, there’s no need to go line by line. Nevertheless, I’ve given this plenty of time and thought, and will break my take down into four parts:
Callum and Rayla
No, Callum is not obsessed with Rayla. Sorry, but one brief evening of him mourning the anniversary of Rayla leaving isn’t a constant obsession lol. This scene shows he still has feelings for her, but it does not constitute a constant preoccupation. For the vast majority of time in s4 before she returned, he hardly acknowledged her. Even when she returned and left again in 4x03, he did not have a any reaction at all, and went along with his day.
Callum is a deeply caring person who would do anything for those he loves, including Ezran, Soren, and Amaya (Yes, even Soren, as Callum was about to fight Elmer to defend him despite being injured himself). This fierce loyalty is part of his nature, not evidence of obsession over one person. His willingness to fight for others can be both a strength and a flaw at times.
At the same time, as Finnegrin points out to Callum in 5x08, his friends are also willing to do anything for him too. It’s a two-way street.
Meanwhile, Rayla seems more singularly focused on Callum, calling him the "best thing I ever had" and clearly pining for him constantly. Her moral compass now revolves around Callum and protecting Callum specifically. So between the two, she displays more obsessive tendencies regarding their relationship. To the point that I have mentioned before it’s a little disconcerting that most of her character arc in s4 seems to just be about getting back together with him.
Speaking of which, even after they reconcile, the lead writer dropped the bombshell that they’re actually not currently dating:
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Which really begs the question, if Rayla is so eager to resume their relationship, why haven’t they? If Callum is so obsessed with her, why hasn’t he taken her back yet?
This doesn’t mean Callum doesn’t care deeply about her. He absolutely does. But if Callum were truly obsessed, he likely would have immediately resumed the relationship. The fact that he has not suggests he has set healthy boundaries and is not driven by obsession.
But that’s just the relationship angle. There’s also the issue with assigning Rayla’s traits (flaws specifically) to Callum. Callum is indeed loyal, and to his detriment sometimes, but loyalty and devotion aren’t the main driver for his actions. They’re Rayla’s. You don’t even have to take my word for it, it’s spelled out in Tales of Xadia:
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Callum’s most important value is Freedom/Liberty, once again spelled out in Tales of Xadia:
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And this distinction is crucial, as it’s the crux of his storyline in s5: is he really free to choose not to do dark magic (or free to make any choice for that matter), and what does it mean to have unlimited potential, and whether that unlimited potential can lead to a very dark place. Once again, flat out stated by the lead writer of the show:
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Notice how Devon explained Callum’s motivation without ever mentioning “Rayla”?
Chalking up his motivation to just an obsession for Rayla that he’ll always have, that he’s just That Way and nothing else, deprives him of this arc and reduces him to a two dimensional sidepiece for Rayla. It strips him of the complexity of his season 5 arc, where he struggles with the meaning of unlimited potential and the darkness that could engender. His inner conflicts go far beyond his feelings for Rayla. Suggesting otherwise diminishes his character development, and it's beyond me why anyone would want that.
Callum and Morality
As I’ve said before, I enjoy Callum’s dark side immensely. I really do. But the point of the Ocean Arcanum, as I've mentioned before, is that everyone has a dark side:
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Thus, Callum isn’t any more particularly morally dubious than anyone else. Sorry, but a single use of dark magic, with already-dead ingredients, in an extremely controlled setting for the very narrow purpose of setting himself free, doesn’t make Callum morally dubious. And I’m sure the average person could see the VAST chasm of difference between using One Bad Spell and dooming the world for Rayla’s sake that the story has no chance of bridging in just two seasons.
He refrained from using the snake chain spell offensively against people, as we've seen it used before (in 2x03). It was narrowly employed just to free himself, after which he immediately returned to primal magic. And in that sense, I haven’t seen a single person argue this one act was unjustifiable.
And, as he gives Finnegrin the wrong list of ingredients, that’s basically the only real act of moral ambiguity Callum has displayed. Because for everything else, you have to hold Callum to a unique (and impossible) standard that applies to no one else. For instance, it's not considered morally dubious when Amaya punched Karim, yet Callum punching Finnegrin supposedly is? Callum is dubious for forgiving Rayla of her crimes (in a show that’s centered on forgiveness and trust as sources of true strength), yet Rayla isn’t dubious for actually committing those crimes? Like, Rayla actually lies, steals, and abandons her friends, yet Callum is viewed as more dubious simply for forgiving her?
Seriously, why am I supposed to think Callum is dubious for saving his friend at the cost of a snake’s tail, yet Rayla is merely “complex” for what she's done?
To be clear, while Rayla has certainly done morally questionable things, that does not make her a bad person or even a morally dubious person overall. But the same must also apply to Callum - his singular use of dark magic for escape does not negate his generally good and principled nature. Very few people would consider his actions in that scene truly unjustifiable.
Callum and Viren
As I’ve said before here, Callum and Viren are indeed foils, and perhaps the most important foil relationship in the series. But the point of foil characters is showing each other’s opposing traits:
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And yea, it should be pretty obvious that Callum and Viren are dramatically different from one another. Callum protects those close to him and tries to do the right thing, while Viren seeks to amass as much power for himself as he can.
This is even clear from their parallel shots that Viren and Callum are extremely different, for good and bad reasons. When opening the door to greet the guard, Viren appears self-important while Callum seems nice and humble. When he confronts Soren on the battlements, Callum is aggressive and angry where Viren was calm and calculated. These are not the same person.
That doesn’t mean Viren and Callum are opposites in every way; some minor similarities are there to humanize Viren, not equate him with Callum. For instance, the moment he parallels Callum and the group’s “I’d do anything for you” was to show that Viren isn’t just a power hungry tyrant but also a devoted and desperate father. However the fact that this is a sympathetic moment undercuts the supposed dubiousness of Callum.
Viren's devotion to his children parallels Callum's loyalty to his friends, making Viren sympathetic rather than wholly evil. But this does not make Callum dubious by association - if anything, it suggests Viren has glimmers of goodness akin to Callum's steadfast decency. If Viren is portrayed as good to the extent that he’s similar to Callum, what does that say about Callum himself?
So while they have a couple superficial similarities, their core character traits and motivations remain opposites. It is unreasonable to equate them based on scant common ground when their differences are so pronounced. If parallels to Callum humanize Viren, that reflects well on Callum, not poorly.
It’s also pretty telling that the same people downplay Callum's explicit and canonical similarities to the moral exemplar Amaya, while overstating negligible common ground with the villainous Viren...
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Fandom Toxicity:
While I can be blunt or harsh about takes I disagree with or think are poorly thought out, I never attack the people holdings those views or suggest that they’re terrible people. I would never, for instance, suggest that people who don’t subscribe to my view of Callum to be incels, or who don’t subscribe to my view of Rayla to be mysoginists, or who don’t subscribe to my view of Ezran to be racists.
It’s not just toxic and offensive behavior, but it’s also inconsistent. When you ask “why is it so bad that some people believe Callum is dubious,” it kinda falls flat when you turn around and call people "incels" for having a different take on Callum.
I’m not going to comment much more on this as I think it speaks for itself, but I also deal with enough bullying and harassment as it is, so this will probably be it for me. I see no reason to continue when you are arguing with such bad faith.
The argument here is basically “since Callum was willing to squish a snake’s tail and risk his life for Rayla, then it’s reasonable he’d be willing to risk the entire world for her.” I’m sorry, but I’m of the opinion that this doesn’t follow and is kinda far fetched. That isn’t a personal attack, just my personal take.
It’s fine to want Callum to be morally dubious. You’d be pushing an open door with me if you think it would be cool headcanon. Completely unsubstantiated by canon, but still cool.
But for whatever reason, the favor is not returned. It should be fine to think Callum has a moral code, that he has a life outside of Rayla, and that he’ll probably rise above his weaknesses and flaws by the end of the saga. Yet the namecalling and mudslinging that this is responded with is just WILD.
I don’t deal well with insults, or namecalling, or the insinuation that I am in denial subconsciously, or I don’t really mean it when I discuss Callum’s dark side. Nor will I entertain it. This type of bad faith dealing barely deserved a response, much less several paragraphs worth, but now that this is all on a page, I’m going to do both of us a favor and say that we’re done.
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cantsomeoneelsedoit · 11 months ago
Ch 48: A Story I Won't See Coming
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Sean makes his move
And Sean is bad, even for a bad guy! He won't take orders from Rip, and he's trying to move up the ranks at Under by killing the harmless and endangered Fuuko.
It seems like Under, (a collection of Negators with different goals that blossomed from a mutiny, lacks a clear endgame, is picking up clues piecemeal by following the good guys around, and doesn't seem to have any overarching philosophy other than anger and resentment) is having trouble with group cohesion and loyalties. Chaos is guaranteed!
The story cuts back to Akira Kuno, who is now a serialized author, and his decision to go look for Andy in Japan. And he finds him!
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Andy is studying iaido in the mountains with a woman named Yusai. We learn that she's the one who taught him the Moonlight style!
Learning how to do quick-draw styles is how Andy is keeping Josh alive in his heart. So sweet!
Aaaaaaaaaand he's found another woman who wants him all to herself lol. He sure has a lot of...ardent female supporters.
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Yusai is an awesome samurai woman with tears in her eyes begging Andy to make dojo heirs with her, but it's unclear how Andy feels about her. At this time, he hadn't met Fuuko and didn't have the second set of "what-if" memories, either.
I wonder how much time they spent together! Was it just the two of them? And how did he find her? He agrees to marry her on one condition:
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Yusai is like another possible ship for Andy. It's kind of hilarious how many shipping opportunities there are for him when the main story depends on him and Fuuko being a pair. I don't really get into shipping much myself but I think it's fun to imagine different pairings.
I also wonder if this is God/the Author's way of throwing a wrench into the story in an attempt to keep Andy and Fuuko from falling in love, because that's the only way to defeat God. Like, "what if I just throw a whole bunch of potential love interests at Andy and see if he goes for one of them instead of Fuuko?"
It's interesting that Yusai is in the panel where it says Negators have hard lives. Is she a Negator? We don't see much regarding her abilities.
There's another clue that she's a Negator in Chapter 29, where someone who looks a lot like her working with Under.
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What happened to Yusai? And is she fighting with a fan instead of a sword? (Also I love the way Rip, Andy, and Fuuko are almost on a theater stage in front of a backdrop in that panel.)
As Akira watches Andy walk away, he thinks about the tragic fate of all Negators and how they're unfairly destined to suffer. We see the tragedies that befell four different Negators: Billy, Shen, Top, and Nico.
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Billy is sitting at a grave in the rain, surrounded by bottles. Shen is reaching for someone who's fallen off a cliff, and someone else is standing behind him. Top is crying at the feet of someone in a wheelchair, and Nico looks like he just woke up from a nightmare.
All of the Negators in UU have traumatic power awakenings that set their lives on new courses. Is it the same event in every Loop? I'm curious to find out what Victor's and Juiz's tragedies were.
Speaking of which, Akira thinks about the future he knows in which the Union is defeated, and we see Victor crying next to a dead or severely hurt Juiz, all while the sun bears down to begin the world's destruction.
Akira knows they're going to lose?!
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But Akira found a loophole! If he can use his pen-name to publish the story, he can leave clues for the Negators to help them grow in a way that changes the future. It's like he didn't want to spoil the ending!
He knows the characters have to evolve naturally, and simply telling the story as he knows it won't spur any growth from them. It's a lot like how an author has to put characters through challenges in order to develop them believably.
He focuses on the battle with UMA Autumn as the pivotal time to intervene. We see him visiting the Union library to do research and going into a swamp to find the Soul Caliber Artifact.
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I love how we have two characters with such similar powers in this arc: Sean's invisibility and Akira's imperceptibility.
Back in the present, Sean takes his chance to kill Fuuko. At the same time, Anno Un calls out to Andy to use Dead-Line.
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Insane! So if Anno Un hadn't rescued them from Autumn, Sean would've killed Fuuko! And if Andy hadn't learned Dead-Line from Victor, he wouldn't have been able to save her!
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Sean was cut in half and we can finally see him a little. He has a third eye under his baseball cap! And a butterfly knife, like all cool juvenile delinquents. Rip is stunned!
It looks like Fuuko has finally awakened, too! Anno Un says that they don't know what will happen now that the story has been changed. What will become of Anno Un if they can no longer draw?
The Union still has to capture UMA Autumn and deal with Rip and the bunny suit person. It sure would be nice to have Anno Un to tell them how to do it!
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tobiasdrake · 4 months ago
Ranma 1/2 episode 3. I can't be the only person who somehow, despite not thinking about this series seriously in a long time, still hears "YAPPAPPA YAPPAPPA II SHAN TEN hashagu koi wa ike no koi" in their head when starting up the reboot series.
Where did you come from? I thought I forgot you.
By contrast, the new OP hasn't grown on me as much. Can't imagine why. It couldn't be that I've heard the new one twice but heard the old one eight billion times over the course of three decades, such that any new music in its place is going to inherently sound like an imposter.
Nah, it's probably just that the song isn't good. That's a reasonable thing to conclude.
(In seriousness, new OP is fun.)
Uhhhhh, part 1 because I had a lot to say about Nabiki, my fave from back in the day who gets to be in the spotlight for the first time this episode.
Speaking of the OP, this is my favorite shot.
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I don't know what it is exactly but every time I see this, there is a haunted look in Ranma's eyes. I don't think that's on purpose. I think he's just supposed to look like he's happily jogging.
But I see a thousand-yard stare on this boy. The look of a person who has seen things that can never be unseen.
Is fair.
For Ranma.
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Rejected so hard. This is a misunderstanding but it's still hilarious how quickly Nabiki nopes the fuck out of this shit.
To be fair, she's seen the way Kuno treats the women he's interested in. If I were her, I would want no part of that.
Ironically enough, Nabiki/Kuno is IIRC the most popular ship for both of these characters. Though, given that being physically strong enough to beat the shit out of him at martial arts is such an important quality to Kuno, I'm not sure he and Nabiki are really compatible.
Makes perfect sense from Nabiki's perspective but honestly I'm pretty sure she's more likely to Black Widow him for his wealth than fall in love with him sincerely.
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So begins Nabiki's career of being the absolute worst person in Ranma's life, in a cast that includes multiple people attempting to murder him. Nabiki is something far worse than a shonen rival. Worse than a romantic rival. Worse than a shonen rival who wants to surpass you at romancing your love interest.
She's a capitalist. And she has found a saleable product.
(My characters are always the absolute worst. Goddammit, Nabiki.)
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There's something really interesting in Nabiki's reaction to that remark. Like. She gets back into gear pretty quickly after this moment.
Just for a moment.
She had a visceral, kneejerk reaction of shock and disgust at the realization that Kuno was planning on pursuing Ranma and Akane at the same time.
Just for a moment, she had an emotional reaction strong enough to break her poker face.
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I mean, she's still going to profit off it. She is a capitalist after all.
But it happened. That brief glimpse into the humanity underneath the cash register was there.
For those unaware of yen to dollar exchange rates, she's charging about $20 for Ranma's photos. Akane's are about $27. So we can actually quantify her feelings for Akane. She loves her sister exactly $7 more than a stranger she met a few days ago.
Don't take it personally. It's just business.
(I felt really gross saying that. Probably because it was really gross. In seriousness, Nabiki is an active participant in Akane's harassment, without Akane's knowledge.)
That said, she does still try to help this situation once she's done cashing in on violations of Ranma and Akane's privacy.
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It doesn't take because Kuno aggressively refuses to learn the truth about the Pig-Tailed Girl throughout the series lest it compromise his delusions. But she does try. There seems like there's basically no reason for her to do this except to burst Kuno's bubble.
...except then she also does this when she realizes Kuno didn't get it.
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She tried to burst Kuno's bubble and it didn't work so now she's making it worse instead. At this point, it's clear that Nabiki's just starting shit for funsies. She is the show's trickster. Her allegiances are to money and entertainment.
She was expecting a hilarious blowout the one way and when she didn't get it, she went a different route. Goddammit, Nabiki.
Of course, her troll antics eventually blow up in her face when they out her capitalist antics.
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But she never really has to face any sort of consequences for it. Right when it seems like things are about to turn against her...
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Ranma, rather than presenting a united front against their mutual abuser, decides to open his fucking mouth and insult Akane instead.
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This is how capitalists win. They skate home with all the money and no comeuppance while their victims pick each apart.
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hardworkandguts · 3 months ago
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Ranma ½
(original Anime)
Martial arts romcom by Rumiko Takahashi
Era: 1980s, 1990s
Rating: C
Plot: Master of the Anything-Goes style school of martial arts Soun Tendo receives a postcard from China from his old friend Genma Saotome saying that it is time for his boy Ranma to get married to one of his three daughters, ensuring the continuity of the Tendo family dojo. When they arrive, however, the Tendos only see a panda dragging a girl with red pigtailed hair.
Length: 161 episodes
Thoughts: Alright, this is the one that's getting me in hot water but I don't think the original adaptation is that great as an whole, or at the very least squanders a great start by running well past Best Before date. The premise is great and shows the versatility Rumiko Takahashi has, and it might be the most interesting cast of characters she put on paper - we have our gender-flipping titular character and the mutually tsundere love interest Akane. Nabiki, the shameless opportunist, always proves to be a great source of entertainment when given a chance, and entering the whole assortment of fiancées and pretenders, from the completely delusional Tatewaki Kuno and his sister Kodachi with her incredible ojousama laugh, Ryoga, the only character who can stand up to Ranma but could get lost walking in a tunnel, Shampoo, the clingy Chinese amazon who generally acts like a wrecking ball opposed to the more reserved Ukyo, the only of Ranma's pretenders to act relatively normal (and with whom Ranma feels more at ease)... at least for someone who's a master of Okonomiyaki-based martial arts, because imagining normal activities with martial arts thrown in is a delightful plot device. All this (without accounting for one-off and other secondary characters) gives room for plenty of different dynamics, most of them have that that frenemy vibe to it, in the sense that yes, they'll help each other if the occasion demands it, but always looking for an opportunity to get ahead on their goals. Giving some room for kung-fu treachery is always good.
It has, however, some characters who are also on the bad kind of annoying - sure, Gendo Ikari Lifetime Award recipient Genma is annoying - after all, most of Ranma's misfortunes lie on his terrible decision making (such as training in China without knowing how to speak or read the language) but is usually never too far from being kicked into a body of water by Ranma, who is also never that far from being drenched in water as payback. On the other hand, Happousai in particular kills dead any episode he's on for more than two minutes and later the new school principal and estranged patriarch of the Kuno family adds more duds to the story at a point it started to feel thin. Finally, I'm not a fan of overly long shows, and I feel Ranma played a big part of that, there's just too too much of nothing in long stretches of the show, and the animation quality drops to very low standards by the end. Once again, I feel this is might have a case of "ran too long", and drops what would have been an easy A. I'll probably look at the OVAs and movie at a different time, as I don't think they'd do enough to help improve the rating here, but would get a better grade together.
It's a show that I've found *severely* dragged down by these factors, here's to hoping the 2024 series (which will be on its own post soon) gets 40-something episodes and keeps doing a smoother and more streamlined version of the story - reminding people of what they liked while discarding what they didn't - which from the start certainly will be rated much, much higher. As for the classic adaptation... I'm sure someone has compiled a list that lists the decent-to-good episodes that runs a bit over 70 or so.
Recommended to: fans of Rumiko Takahashi, but generally everyone who feels they can hit the low point and call it quits instead of sticking until the end (also, it doesn't have one).
It's still a classic for very good reasons - it has an incredible cast of unique characters who are in their own way being all sweet or at least normal and then turn into the worst backstabbing assholes once situation changes.
Ranma might be the most interesting character concept RT did as far as what you can do with.
Once again, i feel it touches extremes: what it does well, it does really well, but what's annoying about it is past deal-breaker point.
I don't mind filler if it's used to, you know, fill a short production blank, but in a show that starts to drag after the midpoint, you can probably attribute that to a substantial number of episodes being filler.
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fernnshxj · 10 months ago
speaking of i have nothing to post qna time aka i have sort of art block n i need shit to draw/do in general hrbfnhfbncjfhnc
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spam me w asks for miori/kuno!!!!!!! give me silly scenarios!!!!!!!!!!! or even requests!!!!!! i’ll draw ur oc w her too fuck it why not just gimme a ref!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
literally u can ask me anything it also helps me expand her more n stuff but i won’t answer things reguarding potential spoilers in the fic which includes her family n stuff sorrys
but yeah pls give me anything i don’t mind!!!!!! i just rlly like talking abt my oc so yeah :3
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