#kumu headcanon
disasterfandoms · 4 months
Pregnancy || A Juliet Higgins Headcanon
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@you2higgybaby requested:  “ Hey I love your lists 😍 I was hoping you could pretty please write an HC about Higgy from Magnum Pi being pregnant ❤️ “
A/N: Higgy!!! I love her so much, she’s such a badass. I’m sorry this took forever and a day, but I hope you enjoy it!!
TW: Pregnancy, birth, medical procedures, nausea, vomiting, miscarriage mention
- Higgy would freak the fuck out at first. She would be staring at the test, praying her eyes were tricking her.
- She only considered ever having kids once, and that was before her fiancée had passed. Her line of work was dangerous, and she hadn’t wanted to bring anyone, especially children, into danger.
- The nausea and sore breasts were who clues that something was up. Juliet is very considerate about her health, and I imagine she tracks everything down to the last detail so she can have a log of what is going on in her body.
- She’d want to keep it a secret until she couldn’t anymore. Not only because of the possibilities of miscarriage, but because she didn’t know how to feel about it, and didn’t want the entire friend group acting like she couldn’t handle herself.
- Surprisingly, I feel like Katsumoto would be the one to figure it out first. He has a son, he knows what women are like when they’re expecting, and he can spot her more emotional demeanor and her not drinking right off the bat.
- Higgins going to Katsumoto and Kumu for advice, what to do and trying to explore how to feel about it, since they’re older and at least one of them is a parent.
- Higgins sitting down and telling Magnum after a particularly close call while on the case. He is immediately supportive, of course, but also bewildered when she starts to cry.
- Once everyone finds out, they do their best to take care of her while also giving her space to figure it out on her own. They bring her the cravings she has, holds her hair while she pukes, and takes turns going to doctors appointments with her.
- I think Higgins wouldn’t want to find out the sex of the baby until it’s born. She may be a meticulous planner, but this way it gives an extra ounce of joy for the delivery, and it gives her time to ponder on names for both sexes.
- Kumu would absolutely host a baby shower for Higgins, and have everyone bringing gifts for the new arrival. It would make Higgins feel out of sorts, since the spotlight would be on her and she prefers to be in the shadows, but she secretly loved every second of it.
- When delivering, I feel like she would immediately take the epidural. Higgins is a badass and can handle a lot of pain, but she would want it to be a relaxing and happy experience, not something riddled with pain.
- Once she delivered though, her entire life would be changed immediately. All her doubts about being a good mother would melt away, and she would love incredibly protective of the baby.
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asmodeus-682 · 3 months
Oogway knows hula. He went to Hawai'i before the Europeans got there and learned authentic hula from a kumu hula.
That's a pretty interesting headcanon actually
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kumulonimbus · 4 years
Headcanons for the OW boys w/ a s/o who's always wanting to play w/ their hair?
Let’s see… 
Jesse loves it and would definitely fall asleep like a child but Jack has always been rather uncomfortable with it. Genji used to love it but now, not so much. Hanzo craves it but it takes a lot for him to feel like he’s ready to open up and share any sort of intimacy with anyone - even the smallest act can be too much for him. Both Lúcio and Jamison enjoy it in the most innocent way possible. Reinhardt would blush at the thought but hey, he’s not really complaining, right? Baptiste finds it endearing – it reminds him of his mom. 
Thanks for the ask!
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disappearinginq · 3 years
@all-i-am-is-grey asked about TC (which, that dude needs some love and attention)
First impression “You’re the adult in this group”
Impression now “You are the only adult in this group”
Favorite moment When he asks his lost-love (name escapes me) to tell him that her fiance is a bad guy, that he is a terrible person so that he can tell her to leave him so TC and her can have the life they thought they were going to have before they were captured and declared dead overseas. It’s a moment that I really love because TC is always the moral back bone and sense of right and wrong in the series, and it’s a very human moment of him wanting to be selfish, but being too good a guy to just disregard everything and anyone else when push comes to shove. 
Idea for a story TC is asked to go undercover at an art gallery as part of a case with Thomas, except he submits his own work and it becomes WILDLY successful. 
Unpopular opinion CAN you have an unpopular opinion about this guy? TC is awesome. He’s just...so good. Maybe that TC would give the best hugs out of the main group? OH - THAT HE DESERVES MORE ATTENTION FROM THE FANDOM THAN JUST BEING THE HELICOPTER UBER FOR EVERYONE. 
Favorite relationship Him and the guys, obvs, but also - I love him and Kumu together. Their side stories in season 2 and 3 were my favorite parts of the seasons. 
Favorite headcanon The reason why, despite being stuck together in cages for a year and a half, no one knew that TC was an fine arts student was because he didn’t want to bring up something that he considered so sacred and personal to him in that hell hole - like if he didn’t talk about it, it would be a memory untouched by the ugliness they were living through. 
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antlorien · 5 years
Mangai Headcanons
I have lots of thoughts about the mangai and they ruin me and I love them
First, the more important ones. 
> Lhikan was in charge of taking the Kanohi dragon to Roodaka, and so while he was gone, Nidikhi took care of running the city, while Tuyet and Naho came with Lhikan. 
> Once it was just Nidikhi, Lhikan, and Tuyet, Lhikan and Tuyet got all buddy-buddy and Nidihki, probably by choice, did not want to be a part of it. THis meant that Lhikan was even more hurt by Tuyet’s betrayal and was more worried about Nidikhi, who had been off on his own all this time. 
> Nidikhi went off on his own again after the Tuyet fight, which would have made Lhikan even more suspicious when she disappeared. 
> Naho went to the other members of Dume’s former team for help, because they likely settled on various different islands, but they were not at first willing to help, because of an issue that split them all up, which sis why there was only dume as the only turaga of Metru Nui. 
> Naho and Nidikhi were Dume’s personal guard
> Naho trusted Dume more, and got closer to Nidikhi through the guard role. 
> Naho didn’t find out about Tuyet until later into the war, thinking she had been off on assingment, and neither Lhikan nor Nidikhi had the hear to tell her, since as the two water toa, they shared a special bond through that, if not through general trust and liking. 
> Lhikan nearly confronted Nidikhi first about his betrayal, willing to give him one last chance, but was stopped by Hakann, who gave him the chance to undo his first greatest mistake. 
> Lhikan considered Nidikhi so dead to him that be began to believe that the dark hunters likely just killed him, which made his return even more haunting. 
> Naho’s mask was an Iden. In an attempt to scout, because she was wary after seeing the effects of the other missions, she used the mask, but Eliminator found and destroyed her body. The effect of this was that she was trapped in this form. The Ice toa with the Rode had died, so she had no way of telling Lhikan, but she watched over him and every so often he would think he heard her voice. 
Now for the more fun ones
> The other toa were
Inaku (Toa of Plantlife), very calm, and they had armor that was more organic, and their weapon was based around this, just grown from vines into whatever weapon was needed. 
Voma (Toa of Earth), used his Kakama to go too fast and lost his hearing as a result, used the vibrations in the earth and signing to understand and communicate. 
Tupu (Toa of Stone) Big showoff, also had an Iden, which led to the discovery that two Iden users can transfer bodies. Naho hated doing so, and would purposefully not use her power around him as a result. 
Kanae (Ice 1) Also a showoff, very much was competing to be leader of the team but nobody took him seriously as he had just become a toa right before they were called to fight the dragon. 
Pala (Ice 2) Team dad, was very ironically warm to everyone, and was very protective of
Kumu (Ice 3) The most powerful of the ice toa, but communicated only in sign. Taught Voma how to sign after his accident, because Kumu found out he has inadvertently caused it during the fight with the dragon. Only used elemental powers. 
Leva (Ice 4) Was revered by Ko-Matoran for how cool he was, and led to so many of them trying to be more like him, so calm and collected. he was unaware of this. 
> The toa practiced combo attacks frequently, similar to the combos during the rahkshi fight in Mask of Light. 
> Lhikan was especially good at focusing his fire, into essentially lasers.
> Lhikan got his shield from the commander of the fortress he was stationed at, a Toa of Air, which is why he just has a flying shield, instead of one that is just good on lava like Tahu or Ice like Kopaka. Before that, he used a greatsword, that he kept until his team died, and he left his sword at the memorial he made for them. 
> Lhikan was a crafter, and built the memorial to the other mangai himself. He was offered help and refused. 
> Pala, Naho, and Inaku were close, and all of them stayed in Ga-Metru usually.
> Lhikan trusted Naho, Tuyet, and Pala the most, in that order. 
> Tuyet had been in a war before, and Lhikan sometimes forgot that she wasn’t there anymore during his war, asking her for help out loud on accident a few times. This was how Naho found out what had happened. 
> Nidikhi repeatedly killed Dark Hunters by draining the air from their lungs a la Zaheer from Legend of Korra. This distanced him from Lhikan, who tried at every opportunity to let the other party yield, and got Lariska’s attention, noticing he was the perfect target. 
> Dume was the only member of his team that did not stick with the group. Lhikan is the only one who knew anything about it until Naho went to them for help. 
> Tuyet helped to design the Vakhi abilities
> An honorary Akilini match was held in which the toa competed in 2 teams of 5. Nidihki refused to play. Despite having smaller teams, the abilities of the toa made it a very good match. Lhikan and Tuyet were the captains, and Tuyet won. 
> The two would go to other akilini matches after, but Tuyet never let it go that she had won. 
> Lhikan, Naho, and Kumu all used Nova Blasts. Lhikan used one during the first wave of attacks from the Dark Hunters, attempting to sacrifice himself to save the rest of his team, who he shielded. He did manage to give them enough time to grab him afterwards and bring him to the Coliseum. Naho used hers when she came back with the reinforcements, going to Ga-Metru first to retake it. She did not need nearly as much time to recover, but was still weakened. Kumu used his to defeat the Kanohi Dragon, and nearly killed the rest of the team doing so. Voma managed to go fast enough to save all of them from the blast. Kumu was unharmed. 
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kumulonimbus · 5 years
Do you have any headcanons for what the OW boys are like after nightmares?
I actually do have some, hope you like them!
Every time Genji closes his eyes, his hands reach out in the dark and he pretends his skin still feels everything around him until he can't tell dream from reality. The coldness of his new body quickly becomes a prison and the Sparrow doubts the acceptance he has embraced long ago. When he opens his eyes again and his sight swims into focus, the mechanisms that keep him alive align with the meditation techniques his master has taught him. Sometimes it works, and his essence feels like air, in communion with the world around him. But sometimes the silence overwhelms him, and the artificial sounds of his existence scream at him with the virulence that encompasses everything that's final.
Jack has accepted that the road he's chosen for himself will only detach him more and more from the man in the statue. And still, in the quiet of the night, the eternal soldier smiles quietly at himself as old images of the one he is no more appear before his eyes. Then he remembers the pain and the sacrifice, the love and the friends he's lost and the void he's in suddenly doesn't seem so dark. Jack is not alone, Jack is right there, with his family and friends. This nameless man, however, only stares at fragments of a life that has vanished a long time ago.
In the beginning, Hanzo would turn to alcohol to mitigate or lessen the pain brought by his nightmares. But the hazy halo of a distorted truth was not enough to quiet the voices inside his head. The nightmare was real, but it didn't exist in the confines of his subconsciousness. He had created the nightmare; his skillful hands had molded and shaped every corner of it. Alcohol is not enough when the nightmare exists outside our dreams. So he takes in the pain of what he has done to his brother, takes in the pain of what he has done to himself and tries to breathe inside the parenthesis that still separates Genji’s past from his own.
Baptiste generally chooses to have a drink facing the ocean. His nightmares take him back to his childhood, to the true consequences of a war that wasn’t even his. He would debate his own morality, then, in the quiet of the night. Is it worth it? Is it truly worth it? Everything he’s lost, everyone he misses… it all still weights down on him and there are times when all their faces transfix into one single, featureless face. That’s the ghost of his blood. The ghost of the blood that runs through his veins, the ghost of the blood he has spilled all over the years. but then he looks at his glass and realizes that his drink is gone. The waves still crash against the ocean and the sound is both soothing and alarming: there’s no escaping from crashing against the shore eventually, but knowing you’ll get to rest on the wet sand is enough to make him smile.
Jesse hasn’t had any nightmares in a very long time now. The noise in his head prevents him from really diving into the darkness inside. But the ghost pain remains, as his fingers touch metal instead of skin and the feeling finds him, time and time again. Like a broken house, his embrace feels incomplete. A late-night cigar and a beer are usually there, to help him sleep. If Genji could gather the strength required to build himself up again, so can he. His old harmonica sings in the night and the melody rests only when he rests.
Reinhardt often wakes up from his nightmares only to find that the image remains there, right before his eyes. His hands tremble, his mind hesitates, and the loss becomes irreversible. He sits on his bed and closes his eyes again until everything fades to black. Then he opens his eyes again and takes a deep breath: his heartbeat sets the pace; his hands don't shake. His spirit won't crumble.
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kumulonimbus · 5 years
Gabriel Reyes + 28, 33, 36, 46, 47 and 50?
Here you go! 
From this list.
28. An ideal day 
Every time a mission doesn’t go sideways, and he gets to relax and celebrate with his team. He never enjoyed his days off; he would always end up feeling like he was wasting his time. A day off? Just one day off, every once in a while? That’s not enough time to catch up with the family, that’s not enough time to visit all those friends you haven’t seen in forever, that’s not enough time to rest and recover from a terrible mission. A day off, please… 
33. Their way to show love, without saying “I love you” 
A phone call, late at night, just to check if everything’s alright. The Watchpoint can be quite crowded during the daytime and Blackwatch missions take place during the nights, but with just a brief pause before bed during the nights he gets to spend in Gibraltar he can finally unwind and become just Gabriel. And he’s a great judge of character – his loved ones know better than to try to fool him: he can tell, just by hearing their voices, if they’re alright or not. 
 36. The one thing they can’t do, not even if their lives depend on it 
Dance! He has always been a terrible dancer, please don’t make this man dance! 
46. The best thing somebody has ever said to them 
Ana once told him that after seeing everything he had done for a young and troubled Jesse McCree, she thought he could be a great father someday. And her words lingered on for years, always bringing a smile to his face. 
47. A flavor they haven’t tasted in forever 
His mother’s flan. He’s a simple man, with simple pleasures but even so every time he goes to a restaurant, he orders flan for dessert and it just doesn’t taste as good as his mom’s. 
50. A book they could read a million times 
Gabriel has never been much of a reader, most of the times he has found himself with a book between his hands he was merely trying to get lost in a story as a way to pass the time but when his grandmother died, he decided to keep her collection of Agatha Christie’s novels (those were her absolute favorites) – he never managed to finish the entire collection, but having those books around was like having her around again.
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kumulonimbus · 5 years
2, 3, 4, 7, 12, 21, 22, 33, 46 and 50 for Tracer?
Of course! Here you go!
2. How often do they lie, what do they usually lie about?
Tracer doesn't lie, she doesn't even resort to white lies. She's pretty upfront but also, she's quite sensitive: there'll be times when she'll find herself choosing silence over words, especially if those words were lies.
3. A recurrent nightmare
Being trapped in time again, unable to reach anyone and having to spend the rest of her days as a ghost gravitating nowhere. The helplessness of such a final predicament is both blinding and asphyxiating for her.
4. Their favorite childhood memory
Christmas at her grandparents' house - long before the speed and the adventures; back in a time when life was simple, even easier.
7. Something they would never lend
Most of the items in her music collection. Lena’s record collection is quite extensive, recollecting British classics from punk to Britpop – don’t even think about touching one her records, she’s ready to go berserk.
12. How they would introduce themselves to someone they just met
Just Lena. There was a time when he could be proud of the name Tracer – but Overwatch’s failures are rooted deep within each of the individuals that used to give life to the force. Although she knows that, perhaps, some people still value the days she spent trying to make the world a better place, there are others that don’t feel the same. And though she’s proud of Tracer, there are days when she wishes she could be just Lena.
21. A wound that won’t heal
Mondatta’s death. The echo of Widow’s laughter as she realized what had happened is a sound that haunts her every night.
22. What would they do on a rainy day/night?
Rain is not enough to slow her down, it would never alter her plans.
33. Their way to show love, without saying “I love you”
Thousands of messages. Short and filled with a variety of emojis and stickers – colorful and uplifting, just like her.
46. The best thing somebody has ever said to them
First, when she recovered from the accident and sometime after Mondatta’s death, Winston told her that it was alright to smile again. Those were difficult times, and smiling again seemed impossible for her – but Winston encouraged her to move on and to find comfort in the little things surrounding her.
50. A book they could read a million times
I’m tempted to say a biography, I really think she’d be into that type of books. The extraordinary lives of people she admires or looks up to.
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kumulonimbus · 5 years
Widowmaker #33 please!
Sure thing!
From this list.
33. Their way to show love, without saying “Ilove you”
-  Subtlegazes in rooms full of people, as if trying to defy everyone’s attention. Butthere’s no dialogue to follow up, just the silent acknowledgment of a presencethat hovers close to home.
- Intimacy seems toexist only in slow-motion at first, her silences echoes through the room andshe lives in that tranquility. Only those who mean no harm can understand hertype of affection: cold and muted, as if lacking all colors, yet iridescent in herwhite words. If they can understand that silence can wage just as much assounds, she’ll grin softly to herself.
- A gentle brushacross the forearm or shoulder as she walks on by and the eyes linger on asif trying to fabricate a memory.
- Her memory is blurry,sometimes it feels as if none of those memories belong to her. Yet she’ll sharethem anyway and even if the recollection leaves her breathless, she wouldn’tmiss the chance to unveil scenes that can define her for what she was meant tobe, the real her, and not the one she was forced to become.
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kumulonimbus · 5 years
Widow’s Knight: What would happen if Widowmaker got pregnant with her Husband SO’s child? How would she respond and react?
There’s a certain desperation that comes in the form of a very unexpected anxiety – children and monsters are not supposed to get along and she spends hours in front of the mirror, staring at the cold blue that covers her entire self and wonders what on earth is she going to do now. She just can’t picture herself as a mother, her imagination can only provide her with a variety of scenarios that seem intricate enough, as if echoing the possible future waiting ahead: but it doesn’t quite reverberate inside of her, it’s almost as if it’s someone else’s life she’s watching from afar, from a distance that’s just not as comfortable as it should be.
Motherhood feels completely out of her jurisdiction, and the worst part is that she is positive: she should be feeling something but she’s not. She can’t. And the questions escalate and traverse her, disguising emotions as asymptomatic notions of a morality that seems infinitely elusive. Should she be sad? Should she be happy? Should she be able to wager and juggle conceptions and ideologies that mean nothing without the emotional counterpart that balances reason? And as the months fly by, the questions speak louder – yet the answers trade places with them as if they were interchangeable, as if asking and answering were now the same thing.
When the baby comes life remains dull and indolent. It should have been bright and technicolor, but she still sees life in black and white. She’s a distant mother, and her distance feels just as cold as her own skin – maybe the other woman would have known what to do. Maybe Amelie would have known what to do…
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kumulonimbus · 5 years
Jack Morrison + 50 for the headcanon meme, please?
My pleasure!
From this list.
50. A book they could read a million times
On the road, by Jack Kerouac
-      Back when Jack and Vicent had just started dating,Jack discovered it was Vincent’s favorite book (possibly a gift from hisfather, or an older sibling)
-      So Jack, trying his best to get to know Vincent (andVincent’s mind, the man has always been a tactician), picked up the book onseveral occasions but couldn’t manage to get past the first couple of pages.
-      Some months passed, and Jack bought a copy, still not quitegiving up on the book. When Ana saw the book resting on Jack’s desk one morning,she said she didn’t know Jack was a fan of the Beat Generation – the man shookhis head: he wasn’t.
-      That’s the moment she knew her friend had finallyfallen in love.
-      But even so, he struggled with the book for thelongest time and he would come up with a million different excuses: maybe hewas too young, maybe the book was too old, maybe he wasn’t in the right stateof mind…
-      He forgot about the book, eventually. Life got in theway.
-      Long after he and Vincent had broken up, he found it. Hislove story had died many years ago, yet the book did not display the slightestsymptoms of aging. It still looked new and unused, as if those pages were nowthe only bridge left to connect him to a past he himself had chosen to forsake.
-      He stayed up all night that night, rummaging throughthe pages, as if looking for Vincent. When the first rays of sunlight came spiralingdown through the old curtains, he realized he had finally done it: he had readthe book, only he was on his own now – Vincent wouldn’t make jokes about howlong it had taken him to finish it, he wouldn’t come to talk about the book, orwhy he loved it so much.
-      He kept the book throughout the years as a token ofthe man he was no more. His own blood spilled on its pages more than once, rewritingsome of the passages, adding a new meaning to those words he had grown to love.
-      He ended up reading it a thousand times, as if thesole act of opening the book was supposed to become a summoning ritual bringingback all those long-lost mirages – it was the image of Vincent’s smile in theback of his mind every time he tried to let go, or maybe those friends he hadlost along the way, or perhaps, just the image of the man he thought he’d be ifonly life hadn’t gotten in the way.
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kumulonimbus · 6 years
Genji: 11, 15, 33
Here you go! 
Best friend
·         Back when they were little kids, Hanzo was his best friend. It made sense, in a way, because their world revolved around the clan and the Kumicho’s children were safe inside the castle’s walls – Hanzo would help Genji create an entire universe of fantasy and mystery, trying his best to protect Genji’s innocence.
·         As years went by, and Hanzo’s responsibilities began to grow exponentially, Genji lost his brother and his best friend. Seeking comfort outside Shimada Castle, he made a lot of new friends – only to realize that there weren’t there for him when he needed them the most. To them, he was the rich, spoiled playboy that always knew how to have a good time. These shallow perceptions would only make him miss his brother and his friend, especially knowing that the Hanzo from his memories was never coming back.
·         Noticing this void, McCree tried his best to bond with the ninja during their time in Blackwatch. Genji was reluctant at first, but Jesse never gave up on him. Those were tough years, but they eventually bonded.
·         Jesse, Angela and Zenyatta have become close friends, and Genji is grateful for having them in his life. D.va is also someone who’s there for him, and her age doesn’t fool him for a second.
·         Still, there’s a pain in his heart every time he remembers his childhood years, and the brother that he lost along the way. He has tried to find bits and pieces of that Hanzo in almost every friend he’s made along the way, but the best friend he remembers is nowhere to be found.
·         Probably the part of his body he still misses the most.
·         When he regained the ability to walk with his prosthetics it became evident: he still missed the feeling of his own hands every time he would try to recognize the new parts that constituted his body. At the same time, watching someone’s hands caressing his new body but being unable to feel their comforting sensation was a nightmare.
·         It took him a very long time to try to touch someone with digits that could not feel – and it was equally hard for Genji to trust someone enough to let them touch those parts of his body that remained organic.
·         It took time, but eventually, when he accepted his new body he started to feel safe inside himself again.
·         Still, every now and then he feels this urge, this need to test his true limits. The thrill of unnecessary danger often leaves his friends worrying a bit too much about him. But every time they talk to him about this, every time they show how concerned they are, the ninja smiles in return, grateful for having them in his life. Knowing they understand, knowing they will always be there for him is comforting.
·         He might never say this out loud, but he’s grateful Jesse stood by his side during their Blackwatch years. It was a tough time for him, and the ninja didn’t make things any easier for the cowboy – still he never gave up on him and deep down Genji knows those years would have been a lot tougher without Jesse.
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kumulonimbus · 6 years
17 and 19 for McCree Pls.
sure thing!
From this list.
17. The words they’ll never say (and to who)
I guess he’d like to say “thank you” to both, his mother and Reyes, but life (and his pride) never really let him do so, and now it’s just too late. He would have liked to thank his mom, for doing everything in her power to provide him with a decent childhood - and Reyes, for helping him through tough times and for being more than a mentor - a father figure.
19. A dark/twisted pleasure/kink
Public sex - I believe Jesse is very fond of intimacy, but the rush of being spotted could be a huge turn on for him. Still, I’m inclined to believe he would rarely do this but the sole idea of thinking about this would be enough to bring him back to his own youth, back when the heat and the thrill was new, back when the feeling was like a hunger, an urgency. 
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kumulonimbus · 6 years
Hanzo Shimada, 11 and 34!
Oh, the one and only =)
Best friend
-          Somebody give this poor man a best friend, fast!
-          I believe Genji was his best friend back when they were little kids. But the second the clan began to indoctrinate the future leader, the concept of ‘friendship’ was ruined. Hanzo understood that he needed to protect his younger brother, but this protection eventually eroded their friendship.
-          The so-called friends that came and went during the years he spent with the clan were only interested in Hanzo’s name, or position, or power or money. The ones that could have been his friends back then were afraid of him. It was a dead end.
-          I have mentioned many, many times in the past that I believe Hanzo and Morrison would make awesome battle buddies.
-          Thanks to @staringatstarsblog, I also believe Hana and Hanzo would be great friends.
-          He thinks he doesn’t deserve any.
-          He just doesn’t know how to show affection – the clan has trained him to systematically kill the slightest hint of affection the second it appears. Still, he struggles in his loneliness because he can still remember his mother’s warm hands on his forehead, and he knows the feeling is familiar, the feeling is there, within his reach – but he doesn’t know how to reach out.
-          There’s a high chance he might confuse affection with pity.
-          Will only allow himself to express his truest emotions while in private. He finds public displays of affection distasteful, to say the least.
-          The elders’ teachings persist, even when he has tried so adamantly to let go from them – they have taught him that the second others realize you need something from them, especially affection, you become weak and vulnerable. He’s still caught in between the contradiction: he doesn’t want others to address this weakness, but he understands there’s an intrinsic human need he’s never going to get rid of – the need to be loved, to be understood and maybe, even appreciated.
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kumulonimbus · 6 years
40 + Hanzo
From this list.
 40. The reason why they’re still alive
I can think of a variety of reasons why Hanzo is still alive, most ofthem revolve around the same concepts: atonement and redemption (even when hedescribes himself as a man that’s beyond redemption) but also, I believe everytime he cheats death and outsmarts the assassins that are sent his way he getsthis thrill, this ancient-like thirst of danger mixed with power, like a finaltaste of a life that’s never coming back. It’s the clock ticking, the rush ofadrenaline that reminds him he’s still alive.
Also, I tend to believe the sole idea of death for such a character asHanzo could be easily entertained – how the sorrowful penitent romances themost definitive end, even if only in his mind… but no matter how tempting theend, no matter how dark and asphyxiating the pain is, Hanzo knows death is nota solution, it’s only a quick and easy way out. And his father did not raisecowards.
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kumulonimbus · 6 years
Can I ask for a short widowhanzo child fic? (I know you headcanon widow can't have children and Hanzo doesn't want any children but I've been reading all these child stories and I'm curious about your widowhanzo child)
Well, you know, I’m not really a fan of child AUs (maybe because I don’t like children irl?), and I’m kinda busy writing the end of Variations, but your ask got me thinking, so instead of a fic, here have some headcanons.
-          They both are dying for a girl but it’s a boy. Oh well.
-          The name: not Genji, not Sojiro, not Gerard, etc. They would want the baby’s name to be something new, a fresh start for the entire family. They’ve both been chained to their pasts for so long I doubt they would want the same shadows and ghosts that used to torment them to mark their child.
-          The location: the second they find out Widow is pregnant, they know they have to find a new place to live – far from France, and definitely far from Japan. They know they will have to open up and tell the truth about their past to the kid, but they want to do it on their own terms, when they feel the time is right. They know their stories are out there, and their kid can probably find out the truth about them with just a couple seconds on the internet but they don’t wanna risk the chance of having a noisy neighbor spilling all their secrets.
-          The child would actually become a bridge for both Hanzo and Genji to overcome their differences.
-          Discipline. Lots of it.
-          After having spent so many years without the ability to experience any emotions, Amelie has a hard time trying to balance her feelings. Most of the times she feels she’s overprotecting her son – and like 90% of the time, she’s right.
-          Considering his own upbringing, Hanzo wants his son to have a great childhood but in the back of his mind, he’s constantly thinking about the chance of his son having a dormant spirit dragon. The boy’s a Shimada after all… so, in his mind, he has a thousand different conversations with his son, as he longs to find the right words to tell him that, perhaps, there will be a mystical dragon protecting him. The first time the dragon shows up, however, Hanzo realizes that all those imaginary conversations, all that precaution, all his anticipation crumbles down the second he sees the magnificent beast for the first time. Even though the boy is clearly fascinated by it, Hanzo can’t help but think he’ll never be truly free of his family’s legacy.
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