#kristof konrad
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gameofthunder66 · 1 year ago
-watched 8/18/2023- 3 [1/4] stars- on Tubi (free) with Ads
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Seduce. Deceive. Repeat.
Red Sparrow (2018) dir. Francis Lawrence
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e-kultura · 4 months ago
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Ovogodišnji, 58. Bitef, svečano je otvoren večeras u Operi i teatru Madlenianum nadahnutim govorom čuvenog reditelja Mila Raua i predstavom „Mekšanje” Dens on ansambla.„Veoma sam srećan što sam ovde, u Beogradu, na Bitefu. Volim ovaj festival iz mnogih razloga: to je festival koji je ujedno i lokalan i internacionalan. Festival koji je podjednako posvećen lepoti i protestu. Hrabar, raznovrstan festival”, kazao je Milo Rau na početku svog obraćanja. Njegova predstava „Antigona u Amazonu”, savremena interpretacija antičke tragedije, ovog puta smeštena usred borbe za zemlju i očuvanje Amazona, deo je glavnog programa festivala.
„Amazon je udaljen 10.000 kilometara odavde, ali živimo u globalizovanom svetu: ista tragedija, ista pusta zemlja je svuda. Kao u tinejdžerskom filmu o čudovištima, ista kompanija, Rio Tinto, kopa litijum u Srbiji i boksit u Amazonu – minerale potrebne za održivu budućnost Folksvagena. Nije ni čudo što u Amazonu postoji izreka: Kad čuješ reč održivo beži koliko te noge nose”, kazao je Rau.
„Postoji nešto strašno, čudovišno, nešto užasno u nama, ljudima. Nešto zbog čega ponekad osetim nagon da sednem i urlam. Zato vas molim: budimo svi kao Antigona. Budimo svi kao Idiot Dostojevskog: budimo naivni, recimo NE smrtonosnoj ideologiji našeg vremena. Borimo se za Lepotu, za Lepotu života, za Lepotu prirode – naše istinske otadžbine”, poručio je Rau, podsećajući na slogan ovogodišnjeg festivala „Lepota (ne)će spasiti svet”, inspirisan citatom Dostojevskog. Predstavu „Antigona u Amazonu” publika će moći da pogleda 2. i 3. oktobra u Ateljeu 212, na sceni koja nosi ime po jednoj od osnivačica Bitefa, Miri Trailović.
Ovogodišnje izdanje festivala, koje se održava pod generalnim sponzorstvom 1664 Blanc, otvorila je predstava „Mekšanje” Dens on ansambla iz Berlina u koprodukciji sa Onasis Stegi iz Grčke i Nacionalnim koreografskim centrom Rilije-la-Pap iz Francuske, a u koreografiji grčkog umetnika Hristosa Papadopulosa.
Plesačice i plesači, svi stariji od četrdeset godina, pokazali su raskošni talenat koji ne bledi s godinama starosti, već naprotiv, dobija na novoj snazi i lepoti. Mekšanje tela tako je predstavljeno kao njegovo sazrevanje, a publika je višeminutnim aplauzom nagradila suptilno  sprovedenu ideju pobune pojedinca kroz razbijanje ograničenja koje nam postavlja društvo.
Otvaranju su prisustvovali i Sekretarka za kulturu Grada Beograda Nataša Mihailović Vacić, načelnik Sektora za savremeno stvaralaštvo Mladen Vesković, ambasadorka Nemačke Nj.E. Anke Konrad, ambasadorka Belgije Nj.E. Kati Bugenhaut, ambasadorka Grčke Nj.E. Maria Levanti, ambasador Francuske Nj.E. Pjer Košar, zamenica šefa Delegacije EU u Srbiji Plamena Halačeva, savetnica za kulturu Ambasade Slovenije Irena Herak, opunomoćena ministarka ambasade Hrvatske u Beogradu Davorka Velecki-Čičak, kao i direktor Gete instituta Kristof Feldhues, ataše za kulturu Francuskog instituta Karolin Sota, bivši umetnički direktor Bitefa Ivan Medenica, reditelji Dino Mustafić, Andraš Urban i Bojan Đorđev, upravnici brojnih pozorišta, kao i zvezde domaćeg glumišta glumci Slaven Došlo, Luka Grbić…
PREDSTAVE ZA KOJE SE TRAŽI KARTA VIŠE Glavni program festivlja nastavlja se istorijskim gostovanjem čuvene francuske pozorišne kompanije Komedi Fransez, koja prvi put u svojoj viševekovnoj istoriji nastupa na Bitefu. Predstavu „Hekuba, ne Hekuba” režirao je Tijago Rodrigeš, inače aktuelni umetnički direktor pozorišnog festivala u Avinjonu. Savremenu interpretaciju mita o Hekubi, u kojoj igraju neka od najvećih imena francuskog pozorišta, domaća publika moći će da pogleda 26. i 27. septembra na Velikoj sceni Narodnog pozorišta u Beogradu.
Program se potom nastavlja dvostrukim igranjem slovenačke hit predstave „Seksualno vaspitanje: Borbe”, 27. i 28. novembra u Bitef teatru. Mlada rediteljka Tjaša Črnigoj sa svojim autorskom ekipom prikazuje borbu za reproduktivna prava u SFRJ kroz lik i delo narodne heroine Vide Tomšić, jedne od najzaslužnijih žena za to uvođenje prava i praksi koje su tada bile izuzetno progresivne u odnosu na ostatak sveta.
Vikend na Bitefu obeležiće i domaća produkcija „Pravićemo nešto o ratu, rodu i slobodi, zvaće se: Šta bi rekla Čelsi meni”, autorski rad Irene Ristić i Đorđa Živadinovića Grgura. Njih dvoje će se 28. i 29. septembra, zajedno sa posetiocima Galerije Podroom (KCB), upustiti u pravi pozorišni pretres slučaja transrodne američke aktivistkinje i uzbunjivačice Čelsi Mening.
Hrvatska autorka Jasna Žmak nastaviće ovu liniju predavanja-performansa u originalnom i duhovitom osvrtu na svoju karijeru dramaturškinje, ispitujući teme mizoginije, rada u kulturi i homofobije. Njenu predstava „this is my truth, tell me yours” publika će moći da pogleda u Bitef teatru 30. septembra i 1. oktobra.
Ovogodišnji Bitef održava se do 4. oktobra, a glavni program koji su selektovali Nikita Milivojević, Tijana Grumić i Ksenija Đurović čini deset predstava i to iz iz Nemačke, Francuske, Švajcarske, Bolivije, Brazila, Holandije, Belgije, Slovenije, Hrvatske i Srbije.
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scenesandscreens · 5 years ago
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Red Sparrow (2018)
Director - Francis Lawrence, Cinematography - Jo Willems
"Every human being is a puzzle of need. You must become the missing piece, and they will tell you anything."
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justlookitthat · 5 years ago
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Red Sparrow (2018) dir. Francis Lawrence
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abs0luteb4stard · 6 years ago
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facesofcinema · 5 years ago
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Chernobyl Diaries (2012)
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ropermike · 2 years ago
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Kristof Konrad and Daniel Joseph Wilson in Burn Notice - "Friends Like These". More pics here.
Michael and Sam interrogate a thief and his associate.
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dirtybarn · 2 years ago
Kristof Santy Presents: A Vibrant Feast Of Everyday Objects
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Looking at Kristof Santy’s latest paintings on the internet, I was fascinated to realize that there was not one work that did not catch my eye. I was staring into every painting for as long as I could, and admiring every detail, until his beautifully illustrated compositions left me really craving for a bite! As a consequence, being not the best cook that I know of, I have decided to write a piece about him while eating my freshly cooked ‘pasta al pomodoro’. Based in Roeselare, Kristof Santy is a Belgian painter, who is inspired by folklore and by what was there before him. Discovering freedom in figurative paintings of ordinary objects and everyday life, Santy creates jazzy canvases with vibrant visuals that hit the viewers in their eyes. As a kid, Santy remembers being obsessed with painting and reflecting his fantasy worlds on paper in the form of cartoons. When he was 18, he started working in a factory, but the urge to paint never left him. After his shifts, he started painting by himself, trying to find his language through self-portraits or the technical environments that he was in. His search led him to books and museums until he could learn about painters like Jean Brusselmans and Philip Guston, whose figurative and expressionist artworks helped shape Santy’s painting style. “Painting these common elements is a kind of way to make them iconic.” The European pop art of the 70s is the liberation that Santy follows in his graphic representations of common objects. He claims that his chosen subjects are not perceived as interesting generally until they are painted and given a whole new aspect. His latest obsession with food and food-related topics brought a collection of new artworks that were exhibited at his solo show “La Grande Bouffe” in the summer of 2022. The artist, describing himself as a film freak, was highly inspired by the Belgian filmmaker Chantal Akerman’s drama “Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Brussel”, that depicts the routine life of a housewife. Recalling the same schedule of the protagonist both as depressing and comforting, Santy has decided to portray the mundane objects that we use routinely to pay his respect to these neglected things. His painting “Beenhourwerif” houses a woman figure similar to the movie’s main character Jeanne. Let me leave you alone with the playfully coloured paintings of Kristof Santy along with a video to get to know him a bit more. Check out his website to learn more about his upcoming exhibitions and follow his Instagram @kristofsanty to be up-to-date on his new works. We are sure that, just like us, you will hardly stop yourself from scrolling through his posts. Do not forget to write what you think of Santy’s paintings in our comment section below! About Kristof Santy Kristof Santy was born in 1987 in Belgium. While he grows on his collection of folk art books, his way of painting is shaped by his influences, especially the Belgian painter Jean Brusselmans. Aside from Brusselmans, Santy is influenced by the Canadian-American painter and muralist Philip Guston, the Italian painter and stage designer Domenico Gnoli, and the German painter and graphic artist Konrad Klapheck. The artist’s debut was a group exhibition titled “Een Groep” at Galerie De Ziener in Brussels in 2020. His first solo show was titled “Nijverheid”, presented at Thomas Serruys Gallery in Bruges in 2021. Aside from cities in Belgium, his artworks were exhibited in Marbella (Spain), in Vienna (Austria), and in London (UK). Kristof Santy is represented by Unit London and Christine König Galerie. https://vimeo.com/575356224 Images: Kristof Santy’s Instagram and website Read the full article
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blogentupantalla · 7 years ago
La última película de Jennifer Lawrence llega en formato doméstico el próximo 4 de julio.
¿En quién puedes confiar? Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment presenta la gran película de espías llena de suspense, ‘Gorrión Rojo‘. Llegará en alquiler y venta digital el 22 de junio y en 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray Steelbook, Blu-ray y DVD el 4 de julio. ¿Ganas de volver a ver la película? ¿Qué os parecen las ediciones?
[amazon_link asins=’B07B99CQG9,B07B9G49FS’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’zondeser-21′ marketplace=’ES’ link_id=’55f6259c-6284-11e8-8688-6d8e36289548′]
La película nos mete en la vida de Dominika, una exbailarina obligada a formar parte de la Escuela de Gorriones, un programa secreto del gobierno que la sitúa en el centro de un peligroso juego de espionaje entre Rusia y la CIA. Ella sale de allí preparada para ser una agente letal, pero vive atrapada en un mundo del que quiere escapar desesperadamente.
Francis Lawrence (‘Los Juegos del Hambre‘) se reúne con Jennifer Lawrence y dirige un cautivador thriller de espías repleto de estrellas que incluye a Joel Edgerton, Jeremy Irons, Matthias Schoenaerts, Mary-Louise Parker, Charlotte Rampling y Joely Richardson. La edición incluye más de 90 minutos de extras que te introducirán en el making of de la película, como ver materiales reales junto al autor, escuchar los comentarios del reparto, ver escenas eliminadas y mucho más.
Extras del 4K Ultra HD, Steelbook y Blu-ray:
Una nueva Guerra Fría: Origen y adaptación. (13min)
El agente provocador: Elenco. (15min)
Autenticidad visual. (13min)
Localizaciones. (11min)
Bienvenidos al colegio de los gorriones: Ballet y dobles. (12min)
El rompecabezas: Post-producción. (14min)
Comentarios del director Francis Lawrence.
Escenas eliminadas. (12min)
Extras del Dvd:
Comentario del director por Francis Lawrence.
Escenas eliminadas. (12min)
#LANZAMIENTO | #Gorrión Rojo llegará en 4K, Steelbook, Blu-ray y Dvd el 4 de julio ¡Todos los extras! @FOXHomeSpain La última película de Jennifer Lawrence llega en formato doméstico el próximo 4 de julio. ¿En quién puedes confiar?
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the-trans-advice-blog · 6 years ago
I saw in your description that name requests were open! Do you have any old Swedish names that sound kinda like modern names? My dad won’t let me change my name otherwise and won’t accept any modern ones, but all the old ones feel like they don’t fit me and they’re really awkward to me since I live in America and it’d make me stick out like a sore thumb. Sorry if this is too specific! Thank you!
Lars, Gus (or Augustus), Maklolm, Adrian, Fredrik, Kristofer, Elias, Hugo, Adam, Addison, Alexander, Emil, Felix, Jonas, Konrad, Leif, Lukas.
Let me know if you need more! And I’d double check to make sure these are Swedish if you end up liking one of these, the website I used says they’re of Swedish origin but I’m not 100% sure.
-Marshal ♡
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hypernet · 6 years ago
"Homecoming", a casa no vuelves
“Homecoming”, a casa no vuelves
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Género: drama
Número de temporadas: 1 (¿continuará?)
Intérpretes recurrentes: Julia Roberts, Dermot Mulroney, Bobby Cannavale, Sydney Tamiia Poitier,Marianne Jean-Baptiste, Sam Marra, Henri Esteve, Sissy Spacek, Frank Gerrish,Stephan James, Alex Karpovsky, Hong Chau, Jessica Leigh Gonzales,Kristof Konrad, Lauren Lakis, Caitlin Leahy, Jason Rogel, Windi Washington,Shea Whigham, Jeremy Allen…
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rpandrejevna · 6 years ago
Nicknames: Annie, Quicksilver, Dréke. Zodiac: Sagittarius. Height: 1. 69 m. Time: 20:59 (Berlin/Amsterdam-time zone) Favorite band/artist: I listen to a lot of bands and artists, it also depends on the mood I’m in. But I do like Demi Lovato, Kelly Clarkson and Christina Aguilera. Most of their songs also reflect on me/my life. If you’re talking about bands I like Little Mix quite a lot ^_^ But I can also listen (a lot) to the songs of the Eurovision Song Contest (from all Contests, from 2002 until last year, I’m a fan.) Song stuck in my head: Polina Gagarina – A Million Voices Last movie I saw: From Hell. Last thing I googled: Uhm… Three things actually: Vladimir Putin, Nancy Pelosi and Kristof Konrad. Other blogs: I do have a private Tumblr, though I am not that super active like I am on this one. Do I get asks: Not always. I would like to, though, to get more of these asks-threads or something. Why did I choose this username: Because my first Muse on this account was Raisa Andrejevna, made by my then new FC Polina Gagarina. And because I could not think of any other original usename I chose rpandrejevna. Following: 300 Average amount of sleep: 6 to 7 hours-ish, depends on the day, sometimes 8 or more xD What I’m wearing: some dark grey trousers, with a green-ish sweater and loafers. Dream trip: Around the World, or some parts of it. Starting with the United States of America, then Scotland, Wales, England, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Czec Republic, Poland, Russia, Australia, New Zealand and then from there to Brazil, South-Africa, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel, Greece, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Italy, Morocco, Spain and then back home. Or something… Favorite food: Pizza Quatro Fromagi, Noodles, Risotto and a lot more, actually xD   Play any instruments: Not really. I can play the piano with my right hand (I want to learn it again, to play with both hands), but that’s it xD Eye color: Blue. Hair color: Dark blond (it looks like dark brown with blond on the edges). Languages I speak: Dutch, English, German. I would love to learn how to speak Swedish, Danish, Welch, Russian, Italian and Hebrew as well. Random fact: I did audition for The X-Factor (the Dutch-version, in the Netherlands). I wasn’t good enough, but the whole experience made me realize that I want to do audition for Britains Got Talent and America’s Got Talent, after some singing lessons and coaches, of course. Describe yourself with things that suit with you: Conventions, crushes, writing, cosplaying, costumes, dreamer, stickers, washi tape, paper, AGT/BGT, music, singing, Eurovision Song Contest.
Tagged by: @the-red-vixen
Tagging: @mxsterpadfoot @sophiaoffrance @memorystxrs @ericbrandonrp
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shsohmmath · 8 years ago
Daily summary for Sturgeonheights
Daily summary for Sturgeonheights Jun 14, 2017 Class activity G Grade 7 Agenda Cheryl Orr, Corey Conroy, Jennifer Bruinsma, Jonathan Konrad, Kristofer Perlinski Announcement LA: Review Package was distributed online today. Don't forget to add to the document any notes, images, or links that you may find helpful. We will be going over this, as well as Reading Comprehension and Grammar in the coming classes to prepare for the final. Reminder - Final Exam is worth 20% of your Final and there will be NO written component. Posted Jun 14 G Grade 8 Agenda Corey Conroy, Jonathan Konrad, Kristofer Perlinski, Lauren Rutherford, Matt Ohm Announcement LA: With the few LA classes being taken up by other events this week, please continue to work through your review package and finish the terms, poetry analysis and the THREE poems and their corresponding questions by next week. Posted Jun 14 G Grade 9 Agenda Corey Conroy, Jonathan Konrad, Kristofer Perlinski, Lauren Rutherford, Matt Ohm Announcement LA: Please remember to be working through your terms and definitions. We will be continuing to look at Parody and Satire tomorrow as well as more review. Posted Jun 14 Don't see a class? Contact the teacher. They might not use Classroom or may not have turned on guardian summaries. Forward to only those you trust. Anyone with this email may be able to adjust your settings. Settings Unsubscribe Google Inc.1600 Amphitheatre PkwyMountain View, CA 94043 USA Is this email helpful? Send feedback
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ropermike · 5 years ago
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Kristof Konrad and Daniel Joseph Wilson in Burn Notice - "Friends Like These". More pics here.
Michael and Sam interrogate a thief and his associate.
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tellusepisode · 4 years ago
Angels & Demons (2009)
Action, Mystery, Thriller |
Angels & Demons is a American mystery thriller film directed by Ron Howard and written by Akiva Goldsman and David Koepp, based on Dan Brown’s 2000 novel of the same title. It is the sequel to the 2006 film The Da Vinci Code, also directed by Howard, and the second installment in the Robert Langdon film series. However, the novel version was published first and acts as a prequel to The Da Vinci Code novel.
Filming took place in Rome, Italy, and the Sony Pictures Studios in Culver City, California. Tom Hanks reprises his role as Professor Robert Langdon, while Ayelet Zurer stars as Dr. Vittoria Vetra, a CERN scientist joining Langdon in the quest to recover a missing vial of antimatter from a mysterious Illuminati terrorist. Producer Brian Grazer, composer Hans Zimmer and screenwriter Akiva Goldsman also return, with David Koepp coming on board to help the latter.
At CERN, Father Silvano and Dr. Vittoria Vetra create three canisters of antimatter. Silvano is murdered, and one of the canisters is stolen. The Catholic Church mourn the sudden death of Pope Pius XVI, and prepare for the papal conclave to elect his successor in Vatican City. Father Patrick McKenna, the Camerlengo, takes control of the Vatican. Four of the “preferiti”, the favoured candidates to be Pope, are kidnapped by a man claiming to represent the Illuminati. He sends the Vatican a warning, claiming he will murder each of the cardinals from 8 pm to midnight, when the stolen antimatter will explode and destroy the city, hidden somewhere within.
Director: Ron Howard
Writers: David Koepp (screenplay), Akiva Goldsman (screenplay), Dan Brown (novel)
Stars: Tom Hanks, Ewan McGregor, Ayelet Zurer, Stellan Skarsgård, Pierfrancesco Favino, Nikolaj Lie Kaas, Armin Mueller-Stahl
Tom Hanks…Robert LangdonEwan McGregor…Camerlengo Patrick McKennaAyelet Zurer…Vittoria VetraStellan Skarsgård…Commander RichterPierfrancesco Favino…Inspector OlivettiNikolaj Lie Kaas…AssassinArmin Mueller-Stahl…Cardinal StraussThure Lindhardt…ChartrandDavid Pasquesi…Claudio VincenziCosimo Fusco…Father SimeonVictor Alfieri…Lieutenant ValentiFranklin Amobi…Cardinal LamasseCurt Lowens…Cardinal EbnerBob Yerkes…Cardinal GuideraMarc Fiorini…Cardinal Baggia (as Marco Fiorini)Carmen Argenziano…Father Silvano BentivoglioHoward Mungo…Cardinal YorubaRance Howard…Cardinal BeckSteve Franken…Cardinal ColbertGino Conforti…Cardinal PuginiElya Baskin…Cardinal PetrovRichard Rosetti…Conclave CardinalSilvano Marchetto…Conclave CardinalThomas Morris…Urs WeberJonas Fisch…Adrian BachmanAugust Wittgenstein…Swiss Guardsman (as August Fredrik)Ben Bela Böhm…Swiss Guardsman (as Ben Bela Boehm)Paul Schmitz…Swiss GuardsmanJeffrey Boehm…Swiss Guard Blue (as Jeff Boehm)Xavier J. Nathan…PhilippeSteve Kehela…American ReporterUrsula Brooks…British ReporterRashmi…British ReporterYan Cui…Chinese ReporterFritz Michel…French ReporterMaria Cristina Heller…Italian ReporterRafael Petardi…Italian Reporter (as Pascal Petardi)Yesenia Adame…Mexican ReporterKristof Konrad…Polish ReporterMasasa Moyo…South African ReporterEd Francis Martin…South American Reporter (as Ed F. Martin)Cheryl Howard…CERN ScientistEndre Hules…CERN ScientistNorbert Weisser…CERN ScientistShelby Zemanek…Little Girl in SquareVanna Salviati…ProtesterRaffi Di Blasio…Protester (as Raffaele DiBlasio)Todd Schneider…CarabinieriRoberto Donati…CarabinieriRocco Passafaro…CarabinieriEmanuele Secci…CarabinieriAnna Katarina…DocentJames Ritz…TouristFelipe Torres Urso…Tourist (as Felipe Torres)Jose David Acevedo…Italian PoliceRoy Allen III…CardinalTibor Ambra…Carabinieri CaptainChristine Ames…Vatican NunVictor of Aquitaine…Vatican Choir MemberMichael Ark…CNN ReporterJohn Jason Bailey…Swiss Guard BlueJerred Berg…Stem Cell Protestor #2Sally Berman…Vatican Square SingerYuki Bird…ScientistAnthony Bonaventura…Vatican PoliceRobert Bradvica…Italian BoyCiara Bravo…Italian GirlMichael Patrick Breen…Ukrainian GeneralAidan Bristow…Conclave Priest #1Cheryl BryantBruce…Diplomat’s Wife Vatican MournerRaul Cardona…Piazza Navona TouristChristopher Casa…TouristPatrick Casa…Choirboy / TouristPasquale Cassalia…Rai ReporterFarouk Chakwa…CarabinieriBacha Chilaia…Carabinieri SergeantJason Ciok…Choir MemberJimmy Clabots…Vatican Choir MemberLaura Mary Clarke…Vatican MournerMark E. Clason…Vatican Choir MemberTammy Colbert…Vatican Square GypsyAustin Michael Coleman…Young Funeral MournerRobert Corvin…U.S. Army GeneralLuca Costa…FiremanGina D’Acciaro…Vatican Square SingerJohn Dardenne…Swiss Guard MulticolorWilliam…PriestShervin Davatgar…Arab ReporterBlake Dawson…Italian GirlVincent De Paul…Vatican Pall BearerCalvin Dean…Choir Member #1David Dedinsky…Vatican CardinalLea Deesing…Italian MournerNorman Deesing…Italian MournerAngelique Deuitch…TouristPaul DiVito…PriestBrant Dorman…Swiss Guard BlueAllen Dula…Vatican Police OfficerLiz Duran…Vatican MounerMatthew Earnest…Italian Mourner
Sources: imdb & wikipedia
The post Angels & Demons (2009) first appeared on TellUsEpisode.net.
from WordPress https://www.tellusepisode.net/angels-demons-2009.html
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blogentupantalla · 7 years ago
'Gorrión Rojo': Primer tráiler de la nueva película de Jennifer Lawrence
#GorriónRojo: Primer tráiler de la nueva película de Jennifer Lawrence @20thCFoxSp
La nueva película de Jennifer Lawrence junto al director de ‘En llamas’ y ‘Sinsajo’, de la saga ‘Los juegos del hambre’. Jennifer Lawrence y Francis Lawrence vuelven a trabajar juntos en este nuevo proyecto, ‘Gorrión Rojo’. El estreno está programado para el 2 de marzo de 2018. Basada en el libro del antiguo agente de la CIA Jason Matthews, en “Red Sparrow” vuelven a encontrase Jennifer Lawrence…
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