#kris with a ponytail when?
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stealthywing · 10 months ago
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I like his curls 🥺 (x)
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polychromaic · 5 months ago
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🌸 when the Hindriarch banished Eskhind and her kin from Bey Lah, Neelahind would follow her heart into voluntary exile. To abandon a surefooted life, as well as a coveted spot among the Fellowship, is nearly unheard of among both hindren and Wardens, but Neelahind was glowing when she took her leave. I hear the pair are quite happy together, practicing arconautics in the ruins to the west—at least, that's what the kendren bring news of when they come back to trade.
back at it again w more caves of qud deer gals 😏✨ i'm kind of enamored with the ending to the Bey Lah quest where Esk and Neela both take off, so i wanted to see what they'd look like as a matched set of lesbian pariah-arconauts. geez, i can’t believe it’s been almost two years since i drew them last
image descriptions under break!
img desc: A drawing of a hindren deerfolk girl from "Caves of Qud". On the left a title card reads "Pariah Neelahind (she/her)". Some of the details are labeled. Her fur is a rich cedar red, with a lighter heartwood underbelly curling under her arms and on the inside of her legs down to her hooves; her curly hair is dark mahogany, tied back in a ponytail with a sky-blue bandana; her antlers are a pale heartswood, deepening to a rich velvet at the tines. She’s smiling, looking up and off to her right; she's poised upright, her arms spread to either side of her as she grips the haft of her war-scythe Yal, which is laying across her shoulders. She’s wearing shining steel platemail—a breastplate over a nanoweave surcoat patterned with pale lemon slices over pink (called "Pink Lemonade"); her armor is incomplete, but well taken care of. She’s wearing leather braces, a steel gauntlet on her left hand only, and a woven blue sash and bedroll across her back.
img desc: A drawing of a hindren deerfolk girl from "Caves of Qud". On the right a title card reads "Pariah Eskhind (she/it)". Some of the details are labeled. Her fur is ashen, with her pale undercoat spotting through on her forearms and flanks. Her messy hair is a greenish bleach-blonde, and one of her ears has a hole in it; her antlers are pale and their velvet is darker grey, and they're covered in little tied-on charms and brass tine hornaments. She has an eyepatch over her left eye, and a gap between her front teeth. She's grinning, slouching in a relaxed fashion, pulling back her hood with one hand and flashing a rock-on with the other; her front two legs are crossed, while the back two are spread like she's posing for a picture. She's wearing a well-worn chainmail hauberk, which extends down over her back; a ragged cowl, with buttoned slots along the hem of the hood for her antlers to fit through; a leather bracer on her left wrist, a steel pauldron on her right shoulder, a fingerless elastyne glove on her right hand, and two pairs of croccasins on her hooves. A pocketed saddle is slung over her back, along with a backpack and bedroll; on either side, the pockets are full of tools and bits. Tucked into her swordbelt is a sheathed folding carbide longsword and a gaslight kris; slung across her chest is a bolt-action rifle called "Peashooter" (it has a lesbian flag on its stock). Around her legs are several beaded bracelets and charms; one of them is the rightfully reclaimed Kindrish, complete with its carved deer charm.
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squidpedia · 7 months ago
okay but how do you draw hair??? The way you draw it looks so good and I can't seem to figure it out
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Thank you!!!! I guess a big thing is I pull up references for what kind of hairstyle I’m going for, as well as trying to play as much as possible with shapes, symbols, silhouette, and thinking about the volume of the hair. Like my frisk having super curly hair makes it easy to sneak hearts in sometimes, ive been toying recently with giving my teen clover design a ponytail thats a littleeee shaped like a clover, lilac is similar in the ends of their braids being shaped the exact same as the flowers in their hair, my kris’ ends of their hair on the top of their head sorta looks like horns, etc etc. I try to utilize this as often as possible since i think it helps me differentiate different hairstyle and make them look a bit more unique.
I also tryyyy to utilize shape language (sometimes), so like for more friendly character I sometimes try to make their hair a lot more round shapes, for more agressive characters I try to make their hair a bit more sharp and pointy, and more squares and rectangles for the reliable and more balanced characters. Uhh example, chara’s hair is mostly triangles and rectangles. Clover’s is extremely round and made up of ovals and circles usually
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something that also helps me a lot when thinking about the volume of the hair is to divide up the parts of it and like into the bangs, side tufts, underside, and i guess top/back part of the head
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anxious-witch · 1 year ago
Sooo, since like, literally three people asked(like I need more enabling lmao) here is a drabble/snippet from poly!JO soulmate au from August. It isn't finished and kinda a kess so read at your own risk, definitely not up to my usual quality.
Tw for alcohol, vomiting, character's drink being spiked (if I forgot anything, please let me know)
Bojan was born with four stripes on his stomach. Yellow, red, purple and blue. It reminded him of a mini rainbow. When he was little he used to trace them. Wondering how it related to his soulmate.
His parents seemed reluctant to tell him. And Bojan didn't understand. Not until his sister pulled him aside one day before he started school and explained. Soulmate marks indicated something about his soulmate, but his was special. Bojan remembered that she specifically used the word special.
Not weird, not odd. Special.
She said that since his has more than one color, it probably means more than one soulmate. That there was nothing wrong eith that, but that he had to be careful since not everyone would understand. 
She told him it was easy enough to cover with clothes, but in case he needed to, she showed him how to hide it with makeup.
Bojan hadn't been seven for awhile now. He was twenty four and he understood much, much better why his sister was so careful about all of it. At best, people with multiple marks were looked down upon. And Bojan didn't always have the best of luck, either.
He wished he could say that the reason he wanted to convince Kris to join the band was purely because of talent. Not that Kris wasn't extremly talented because he was. Bojan was already laying groundwork to ask him to join. And then Kris tied his hair back in a ponytail, revealing his soulmark.
Four stripes. Red, pink, purple and blue. Perfectly lined up. 
Bojan had to swallow past the lump in his throat. Found one of you. 
He didn't want Kris to join the band because of that thiugh. So instead he did his best to charm him. Teasing and laughing and promising. Kris agreed, under the condition that Jan may join too.
"He is my best friend and my soulmate. I am not going anywhere without him."
How could have Bojan refused?
Kris and Jan were polar opposites that somehow managed to work in perfect harmony. Kris charmed you with his cute laugh and politeness, while Jan disarmed you with flirting and downright filthy things he could say with a straight face.
Bojan planned on telling them about his mark. He really did. It was just that everytime he tried, fear of rejection wrapped itself over his chest.
What if they didn't want him? What if it would make things weird? 
He was a coward. He knew as much. He just couldn't bring himself to tell them. 
His mark ached sometimes. Especially when he saw how gently Jan would kiss the mark on Kris's neck, or Kris wrapping his fingers around the one on Jan's wrist. 
Jan made it worse with the way he wore his so openly. Like a badge of honor. Bojan suggested him to put a bracelet or some makeup on it once, to hide it.
He remembered Jan's fury to this day.
"What, do you have something against it? Do you think I should be fucking ashamed of my soulmates?"
Bojan took a step back, raising his hands in a placating gesture.
"No, of course not...I just think it might be wise not to show it off. People get beaten up for less. I don't want to see you hurt."
Jan looked at him for one very long moment. Bojan felt like he was being carved from inside out and examined.
"Let me worry about that. What business of yours is that, anyway?"
Bojan's mark pulsed under his shirt. He resisted the urge to rub the pain away. He shrugged.
They never spoke of it again. Years passed and Bojan got used to the yearing that came with being so close and yet so far. 
And then Jure came along. Bojan was still sad because of Matic leaving. That's the only excuse he had for not noticing Jure's mark sooner.
It came to a head during summer vacation. Jure joined them at the pool. And on his leg, just under his knee, was a mark. Four strips. Yellow, pink, red and purple.
Bojan heard Kris gasp from somewhere far away. His own mark throbbed underneath the band aid he put on. The lie he said was that he had a scar from surgery that he didn't want to show. Jan teased him for being vain, but no one ever questioned it. 
He and Martin exchanged a glance. Silently agreeing to leave and give them a moment. If Bojan's heart felt heavy or his mark burned, knowing he belonged there too, well. That was only for him to know.
Bojan was running out of excuses. Jure made a perfect new addition to Kris and Jan. While they certainly took some time to find a way to navigate a new configuration, they did work it out. Sometimes Bojan was so jealous he could taste it. 
Which usually meant he got hammered and left with the first person who wanted to take him home and fuck him. 
Other times, he just got hammered and called Luka through Skype. Luka who'd cursed him out and scolded him for being an idiot, but would still try and get him to take care of himself. Made sure he drank water and had a bucket nearby.
That was probably more than he deserved.
"So let me get this straight. Three of your soulmates recently got together. Which disproved your theory about them not wanting you because they are monogamous. Shocker, really. And instead of telling them now, you got hammer."
Bojan raised a finger in the air.
"And made out with a girl at the party in front of them."
Luka pinched his nose. He took a deep breath.
"And made out with a girl in front of them. Great! Lovely! What's the next step in your brilliant, self-destructive plan?"
Bojan shrugged. Luka sighed again.
"You are a menace. But you are also my friend. Which means I want you to be a happy menace. Please tell them."
"I'll think about it."
Luka shook his head and looked at him sadly.
"Sure you will."
He didn't end up telling them. In his defense, he really was preoccupied. Few days later, Martin told him he was leaving the band to concentrate on finishing college.
Bojan grieved the loss of another friend, as ridiculous as it sounded. While Kris and Jan loved Martin as well, it was different. They had each other and Jure now.
So Bojan arranged everything for Martin's last concert with them. And looked for the replacement. Which was how he found Nace. 
Bringing Jan along was his first mistake. Perhaps if he hadn't it could have been avoided. 
Nace fit into the criteria to perfectly replace Martin on stage. Jure even joked they looked similar enough that fans won't even notice the difference. Bojan would, though. He wasn't only losing a friend who he worked with since the beginning, but also his last line of defense. 
His mark ached harder than before ever since Jure joined in. 
He and Jan interviewed Nace and it was all going well. Bojan was finally starting to relax, realizing Nace would be a good fit. He was responsible, but knew how to joke still. They did need someone to keep them in check on occasion. And Nace didn't drink. His guitar skills were amazing too. All in all, perfect.
Up until he took off his leather jacket and stayed only in short sleeves. Showing off a soulmark on his right biceps.
Four stripes. Yellow, pink, red and blue. Bojan froze. 
"Nace," Jan said, sounding almost breathless, "is that your soulmark?"
Nace looked at him in confusion. Jan raised his hand to show off his wrist and Nace's eyes widened. 
"You are-"
"Yes. And I have found the other two. You are the forth."
Bojan felt like he was watching a private moment. Nace seems to be at a loss on what to say, simply looking at Jan like he was a miracle.
"So...only one remains."
A lump formed in Bojan's throat. His mark burned viciously. As if it was screaming: I am here!  Bojan got up.
"I'll leave you to settle...um. This. I think we can conclude Nace is a good fit by what was said already anyway. Have fun."
Jan's heavy gaze followed him until he took a turn in the alley, away from the view of the café. 
The next few weeks were torture. Watching them was torture. The way they all balanced each other perfectly. Jure's jokes and pranks contrasted Nace's mature, thought out responses. Kris' anxious energy was match by Jan's always relaxed state. They mixed and matched and still-
God, his mark burned. Bojan had too many moments where he had to excuse hinself and just breathe. Will the pain away. 
They were all there. Missing only one puzzle piece. All he had to do was go there and tell them. Just-
"Bojan?" Nace gently called out, startling him.
He turned from where he was leaning on the sink in the kitch to face him. Nace was always so measured in his movements, in his words. He told that that was because he used to be wild in his teenage years. He appriciated measured, gebtle approach a lot more now. 
"Sorry, I got lost in thought. Did you need something?"
"I just wanted to talk to you, if you have a minute?"
Bojan shrugged, even as his defense mechanisms rose up. Did he know? How would he have even realized? No. Impossible. 
"Sure. Shoot."
Nace's gaze traveled over his face and Bojan had the urge to squirm. All of them were attractive of course, but Nace and Jan had this odd ability to make him feel like they knew all his secrets. Bojan didn't have time to unpack why he was bith terrified and attracted to the feeling.
"I know this whole thing can't be easy for you. With all of us being bonded, you must feel left out. And I am sorry if I contributed to that by joining the band."
Bojan bit his lip. Oh. That was so thoughtful. He felt even more guilty about lying now. 
"It's not your fault. And I'm-I'm glad you guys found each other. It just gets a bit...much, sometimes."
Nace nodded.
"I can imagine. Kris told me you haven't found your own match yet, so it must be doubly hard for you."
God. He could just tell him. Bojan opened his mouth.
"Nace I-"
Jure came running, to show Nace a very specific cat video. It broke their moment and Bojan's sudden bravery disappeared.
He didn't tell him.
Which was why he ended up at the bar again. This time, without any of them around. He chatted up a guy who vaguely reminded him of Nace. Accidentally of course. 
It tricked his brain into feeling safe. So Bojan wasn't watching his drink as attentively as he should have.
He only realized his mistake when the room started to spin. Panic gripped him. If he went to the bathroom, he was going to show he was suspicious. But what could he do?
Now, Bojan will admit he wasn't someone who ever studied the soulmate bond. But even he knew about it. In theory. He tried to block in out of his mind most of the timez terrified of exposing himself.
But in his panic and confusion, he found it. He could feel faint flashes of what the other four felt. And he, idiotically, pushed all his fear and panic through the bond. 
The closest way to describe the feeling was smashing the fire alarm. 
Suddenly he could feel all of them. As if they they were reaching out to him. Jan's fierce protectiveness, Kris gentle reassurance. Jure's playfulness was there, even with his worry. And Nace was a warm, stable presence of comfort.
Bojan's phone rang. The guy he was drinking with seemed annoyed, but it gave him an excuse to step away and answer the phone. 
He managed to make it out of the club, to the fresh, cold air. 
"Bojan, where are you?"
Jan's voice was sharp and urgent. It immediately brought tears to Bojan's eyes.
"At the bar near my apartment. I'm sorry I-I think the guy put something in my drink. Everything is kind of spinning and I swear I only had one drink! Jan, I'm scared."
He heard Jan swearing at the other end, and there was such an intense wave of protectivness that came through the bond that Bojan felt like it wrapped around him. 
"It's okay. We are coming to get you. I will give Kris the phone now, okay? Stay on the line."
He sat on the ground, to get the spinning under control. He was so tired.
"Bojan? Can you hear me?"
"Kris," he sighed contentedly. 
Kris had such a nice, soothing voice. Bojan wanted to fall asleep to him talking.
"Yes, it's me. Can you tell me how are you feeling?"
Bojan hummed, thoughtful. Woth everything they were feeling, it was hard to pinpoint how he felt.
"Tired. Kinda sick? Not like I'll throw up but like I didn't eat something right. And everything is still spinning."
Kris kept talking to him and asking him irrelevant questions just to keep him on the line. Bojan fought against drifting off, but it became harder.
"Kris," he whined, "I am so tired."
He gently shushed him.
"I know sweetheart. Just a bit longer. We'll be there in a minute."
The rest was a blur. He remembered them picking him up and driving him home, but drugs made everything hazy. Last thing he remembered was being put to bed and then everything going dark.
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soulsilverisms · 8 months ago
feeling silly so here’s my hair hcs for the johto 4 (finally using my cosmetology knowledge!)
Lyra: She LOVES to try different types of hairstyles. Always keeps her chocolate brown hair long, tho has chopped off all of it once when she was 14 to a fluffy pixie (never have her near scissors) She also loves a good ol conditioning service to keep her hair silky :3 Has considered getting a perm but is scared of the solution damaging her hair. (and the smell horrifies her)
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Silver: Now he doesn’t do anything to his hair. His hair does whatever it wants and the worst part is that it’s somehow SO GORGEOUS???? Definitely dabbled in ponytails and buns (Lyra’s doing) and NEVER cuts his hair. (he looks like his mother that way) Also as a kid his hair was pin straight and as he grew it became so fluffy?? seriously where does he get these genes (NOT Giovanni)
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Ethan: He loves a nice texturized mod hair swept to the side. he literally never changes it. But keeping up with such style is hard. Always going to the salon to make sure his hair doesn’t get long, then using expensive products to withhold his hair throughout the day, and using hair masks to make sure his hair is as healthy as can be. He did once get a perm as a kid and HATED IT.. he never let his parents be in charge of his hair again. (also his hair would DEFINITELY be inspired by a character he saw on tv but is too embarrassed to admit it) High maintenance this guy! sucks he literally hides it all away with his cap.
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Kris: I wanna believe. I wanna believe her teal/blue hair is real but she i think she dyes it. As a kid, she lived with Lyra for a while and their hair were so similar that they were identical. (they are cousins. to me) She didn’t like as much as Lyra did so one summer she decided to go blue and never looked back. Her hair is also very high maintenance (blue fades so quickly !!) so it would often come up as teal ish!! Like Lyra, she also loves to style her hair, but she likes to accessorize! I also think once she’s older she does a full chop and gets a 90s pixie
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teammateswap-au · 2 years ago
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✦ At first blush, she’s the quiet girl who sits at the back of the class. But once she gets comfortable around someone, she’s energetic and very friendly. Though still a bit shy, she does warm up to others rather quickly. Susie is sensitive (emotionally and physically) and tends to act first and think second. She’s overly protective of her loved ones (and people in general) and will do pretty much anything to protect them. She can be very clumsy, usually tripping, bumping into, and dropping things. Despite that, she rarely causes trouble for others. Most treat her with kindness and she always, without fail, reciprocates.
↳ Is very athletic/flexible and is very into sports but doesn't participate in anything in school
↳ Can cook simple meals and can bake a little bit
↳ Can play the piano and guitar a bit (claws can get in the way)
↳ Is very close to the Dreemurr family (Kris specifically)
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✧ Light World and Dark World designs
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> Dark World Title : Dark Pyromancer
> Dark World default weapon : Flame Bracelet
- A bracelet with a charm that has a fire symbol on it.
- (It’s warm to the touch. ... it’s rather pleasant.)
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✧ Hair acts similarly to the original Noelle’s. When shocked, her ponytail puffs up. Unlike the original Noelle’s, her hair puffs up when angry too. It also droops when upset. (Don’t use for serious situations.)
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✧ Susie, unlike the original, has her tail out in the open! Scandalous...!
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dalmascan-requiem · 7 days ago
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Turali Bachata: Mezcal
Well, seems like something exists that can make Kris drunk. That's unfortunate.
Read on AO3 or keep reading after the jump
content warnings: alcohol and drunkenness
The Warrior of Light is a very sad and depressed drunk. And still a gremlin. Very fun for his husband to deal with : ) Laurent's such a sweet soul though, so it's okay.
"Oh, Laurent, there you are, thank the Gods!"
"Hm?" Laurent turns away from staring at the alpacas with trepidation to find Alisaie running up to him, upset about something. He frowns. This is strange, Alisaie would always go to Eir first if she had a problem. Unless…
"Come on, you need to come with me!" Alisaie quickly closes the distance between them and immediately tugs on Laurent's arm, urging him to head back into the village.
"Alisaie, calm down…" Laurent frees his arm from the Elezen's grasp with a bit of effort, and she huffs in annoyance. "What's going on? The village isn't under attack…"
"It's just—" She cuts herself off, trying to find the right words to say. "Kris is drunk."
"What? No, that's impossible. He's never drunk."
Alisaie stomps her foot at Laurent's statement. "Ugh, you're so frustrating! Why would I lie about this?!"
Well, I suppose she is more worked up than usual… "Fine, take me to him. Better than the alpacas, at least."
"Huh?" Alisaie suddenly stops her descent down the hill to look back at the Viera. "If you don't like alpacas, why were you watching them?"
"To make sure they didn't try and trample someone. Why else?"
"…What is wrong with you?" Alisaie shakes her head. "Gods, never mind. Come on already."
** **
When Laurent made it to the area where Kris was seated, everything seemed to be fine. His husband was calmly drinking a glass of mezcal, and the Pelupelu with him seemed particularly distressed. He suppressed a chuckle—he knew the Pelupelu tactic to get buyers drunk on mezcal to make more lucrative sales. Eir's probably messing with him at this point—hm?
Kris lurches forward in his seat slightly, propping a head up with one of his hands to smile widely at his drinking partner. Laurent then spots the empty bottles of mezcal and curses under his breath. Hells, he might actually be drunk. If he's not acting, that is.
"You know," Kris regards the Pelupelu as he continues just a bit too loudly, "This leather looks fantastic, but what would I even use it for? I already have boots—" Kris slaps his boot vigorously enough to make his side ponytail bob up and down. "—and my backpack needs no repairs…" Kris looks around for the pack, presumably to also slap it, but gives up shortly after and returns his attention to the merchant. "So what would I need a length of leather for? Unless you're implying there are… other uses for it."
The Pelupelu catches on to Kris's thinly veiled implication, and he sputters under the Warrior of Light's mischievous smirk and narrowed eyes. "N-no! No, that's not… that… that is, unless…"
Laurent pinches the bridge of his nose. I guess he can get drunk. He quickly makes his way to the table before the merchant manages to make the sale, and Kris spots him. "Oh, my love! Look at this leather, isn't it just superb? I'm sure you'd love it when I—"
"Don't." Laurent hastily moves to Kris's side and picks him up from the seat, hoping his hair covers the blush that spreads across his face.
"Careful! You're making me dizzy. I know you're excited to get back—"
"I'll pay for the mezcal in the morning."
He doesn't make eye contact with the Pelupelu, but the merchant recovers quickly from the chaos of the moment when money is mentioned. "Great, and what about the leath—"
"No." Laurent turns on his heel, earning another grumble from Kris about dizziness, and heads to the inn before the Pelupelu can get another word in.
** **
Once inside the room, Laurent gently sets Kris down on the bed with a sigh. "Stay there for a moment, I'll get you some water."
Laurent was surprised—but thankful—at Kris's lack of commentary or innuendos while he poured a glass of water. "Don't fall asleep, Eir, you need to drink this before the mezcal makes you sick."
"I'm not asleep…"
Oh, goodness… Laurent noticed that Kris sounded miserable, which was understandable given how much of the strong alcohol he'd just drank. He carefully sat at the foot of the bed and passed his husband the glass.
Kris takes a small sip of the water, but simply stares at it after, tusseled hair covering his face. "I'm sorry."
"There's nothing to apologize for—"
"Not… this. For… for everything."
Laurent's eyes widen slightly, unsure how to respond to the apology, and instead decides to ignore it. "You need to have more water…"
Kris's fingers tightly grip the glass. "I don't deserve you. Why are you here, dealing with me?"
…This is new. Is this how he really feels? "My love…" Laurent gently rubs Kris's leg before kneeling beside the bed. The room becomes silent as Laurent works to unlace the boots, and when he's done he notices that the glass is mostly empty. "Do you need more water?"
Kris slowly shakes his head, and Laurent frowns a bit before standing up to take off his coat and pouring another glass.
"I… I didn't mean to make it tense."
"Eir…" Laurent turns around to see Kris once again staring at his glass, slowly rotating it in his hand. "I never said you made anything tense."
"But you stopped talking."
Laurent couldn't help but chuckle. "From what I've been told, I do that a lot." He sets the new glass on the nightstand before gently taking the one in Kris's hands and putting it aside. With everything sorted, Laurent lies on the other side of the bed, gesturing to his husband. "Come here, my love."
Kris hesitates, twisting the fabric on his arm cuff before sighing and lying down beside him.
"Eir, this isn't like you…" Laurent smoothes Kris's hair back before lightly stroking his cheek. "Why do you feel this way?"
"Just look at me," Kris attempts to gesture at himself, but slightly groans at the motion and gives up. "I couldn't even take my boots off without your help. And it's not like this is the only time—I'm always causing you trouble, making you sad… You'd always be so upset when I was hurt. You don't… don't deserve that."
Gods, I never knew Eir felt like this… Laurent knew that Kris had his insecurities—even if he'd become good at covering them up, Laurent had simply known the other Viera too long to not notice. But even he didn't know just how deep they ran until now.
"Eir, we talked about this in Gangos. I know you haven't forgotten." Laurent gently lifts Kris's chin to meet his gaze, his expression softening. "All of this has been my choice. You're not forcing me to be here, nor has our path in life ever exactly been… safe. But I'm here for you. Because of you."
Kris averts his gaze. "But you could have much more…" This time, he attempts to gesture at Laurent, but once again groans and gives up. "You're so… so beautiful, and smart, and can do anything—you could have anyone you want, Reyna."
Laurent clears his throat, trying to fight back the flush on his cheeks from the sudden onslaught of compliments. "If that's true, then why can't I decide to have you?"
"Because… because…" Kris seems confused by the logical statement, but eventually continues. "Because I tricked you! Tricked you into thinking something I'm not. You think I'm strong and confident and—and capable but I'm none of those things!"
Oh Gods… that… that was… Laurent unsuccessfully tries to hold back his laughter, smiling at his husband while pushing some wayward strands of hair aside.
"What's so funny?!" Kris huffs, sulking.
"We've known each other our whole lives, my love. You are all those things, and so much more." He gives Kris a soft kiss on his forehead, then takes his hand and taps the wedding ring on Kris's finger. "I promised to be with you forever—and before you say it, no, I didn't promise just because Alisaie was glaring at me. I did it because I love you, more than anyone or anything else."
Kris sighs, apparently at a loss of words when Laurent guessed his next argument. He takes the chance to pull his partner close, embracing him and stroking his ears. "Let's get some sleep, my love. I'm sure you'll feel better—uh—differently, in the morning."
"Fine…" Kris settles in against Laurent's chest, starting to drift off before his ears suddenly shoot up, hitting Laurent in the face.
"Hells, you keep doing that—"
"I forgot to buy the leather!"
Laurent stares at Kris in silence, flabbergasted.
"I need to go—"
"No, Eir, it'll… it'll be there in the morning…" Laurent doesn't let go of his husband, and Kris eventually grumbles about 'missing out' before giving up and quickly falling asleep. Gods, please let him forget about the damned leather…
** **
Kris felt heavy when he woke up. His whole body ached, and opening his eyes felt like a monumental task—not that he wanted to open them anyway. It had been a long, long time since he'd last been drunk, and he had not missed the morning after. I suppose four bottles of mezcal will do it, though…
He felt someone softly sit at the foot of the bed, gently rubbing Kris's leg. "How are you feeling, Eir?"
When he fails to respond, Laurent huffs, laying beside Kris and embracing him from behind. "I know you're awake."
Laurent's voice near his ear made it twitch slightly, and Kris finally gives up the act, groaning and covering his head with an arm. "Gods… I feel awful."
"As one would expect, given how much you drank."
"I thought it'd be fun to beat the merchant at his own game…"
Laurent chuckled softly, and Kris found the slight rumble against his back soothing. "For what it's worth, you didn't manage to buy anything."
Kris lets out a tsk. "I know, that's the problem! I did really want that leather." He feels Laurent stiffen at the mention of the accursed item, and he can't help to laugh in turn. "I'm joking, my love. You—and our pursestrings—are safe."
He turns slowly—very slowly, lest his stomach protest—to face his husband, smiling and wrapping a strand of hair around his finger. "Thank you for taking care of me last night."
Laurent's brow lowers slightly. "Do you remember?"
"I do, yes. I always do. It's more a curse than anything else." Kris readjusts to lay in the crook of Laurent's arm, idly playing with his partner's hair. "I must say, I put on a rather embarrassing display…"
"No, you didn't." Laurent wraps his arms more tightly around Kris. "I just… I'm sorry I never realized you felt that way."
"What can I say? I'm pretty good at pretending otherwise." Kris scoffs. "To the point that I didn't even know myself. How could you be expected to tell?"
Laurent sighs, still unhappy even after the explanation. "I didn't lie about anything I said last night."
"I know. You're a terrible liar, Reyna." He gives Laurent a light peck on the cheek when he huffs. "It's endearing. And you were also quite cute when you blushed after those compliments. Which I meant, by the way."
"W-well, I wasn't expecting them…"
Kris laughs and strokes Laurent's cheek when he turns red again. "I'm lucky to have you, my love." Satisfied, he closes his eyes. "…But if you don't mind, I think I'll stay in bed and quietly wait for my demise from this terminal hangover."
Laurent gently kisses him on the top of his head before getting up. "That's all it takes to defeat the Warrior of Light? A few bottles of mezcal? Best not tell your foes." Kris groans at the joke, covering his eyes again as he flops onto his back. Laurent wasn't laughing, but he just knew the man was giving him a bemused smile.
"You're the one guiding our friend on her journey. I'm merely here as support."
"Of course." Laurent takes one of Kris's hands and squeezes it before heading to the door. "You stay here and… support. I'll get you something to eat."
When Kris hears the door close, he lets out a quiet sigh. "I truly am lucky to have you, Reyna…"
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kriscrossapplesaucereal · 11 months ago
Kinda forgor to post art yesterday teehee 🤩☺️
But that means today y'all get ✨DOUBLE DOSE OF ART✨
DAY 16‼️‼️:
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Chara with a ponytail bc I was bored and had an idea
DAY 17‼️‼️‼️:
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Have this random doodle I made bc I wanted to experiment with different layers on ibis
PSA 1: I'm gonna be tagging all my art with #kcaart now bc when it's a lot easier to find smth in one tag than to scroll through my entire profile (KCA STANDS FOR KRIS CROSS APPLESAUCE YOU UNCULTURED SWINES (for legal reasons this is a joke))
PSA 2: guys I'm running out of art what do I do I'm not that motivated at anything
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tiredfox64 · 9 months ago
Well of course my oc has more than one outfit
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Default: self explanatory, it’s her default outfit. It’s the outfit she was wearing when Johnny introduced her to everyone and when she attacked Bi-Han.
Kalamity Kandi- if you payed attention to the first time I introduced her I said she owned a rave club cause she could. Of course she has a Kandi necklace with the MK logo on it.
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Temporary Guidance: Liu Kang suggested that the Shirai Ryu help her deal with her emotions to help her communicate with more spirits.
Side note: Spirits could be linked to her emotions. Meaning when she gets frustrated, the spirits get aggressive.
Screenplayer: She is a screenwriter. What more could I say.
Fun fact: I actually do that with my hair when I am writing fanfic. Same Hello Kitty clip. No ponytail tho since my hair isn’t long enough.
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Prison Sleepover: Okay so this one was based on a side story where Rain and Reiko are captured in Earthrealm. The reason they were even there was because Reiko was sent to kill Rain but Rain broke free. It began a chase that made them go through the portal to Earthrealm only to be captured by the monks at the Wu Shi Academy. It was then Kris and Johnny’s job to be prison guards resulting in the most infuriating moments for the two Outworlders.
Fun Fact: based some elements of the outfit off of Snooki. Love that mess of a woman.
Smoke’s Bride: I mean…what can I say? You get the idea.
Now all I gotta do is make her possessed form…
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martinys-world · 2 years ago
the girl (5)
so I have a question at the end so please read it and answer honestly
chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4)
After our tummies were full of love and food. I help with clean up after dinner. It was the least I can do. After all they had done for me. I thought it would be a nice thank you before I leave. 
“Hey mama. I am going to hang out with some friends. I will be out late.”
“Okay be safe.”
Oh, Brenna you don’t know. I thought sympathetically. 
With Noah leaving, it meant I need to hurry up. I don’t want to go straight after him, incase his mom would get suspicious or the wrong Idea. Noah is going to be a very anxious, and Reek going to try very hard to calm him down. he might make Noah do some breathing exercises to calm him down. just enough for him to do the job. 
“You really trust him, don’t you?”
“Yea. He has been so hard on himself for leaving the military. He been pushing so hard to get a job so he can help with bills. I am hoping this hangout will give him the break that he deserves?”
“I wish I had that growing up.”  I whispered.
“What do you mean?” dam it. looks like the cats out of the bag. 
“I had no one.”
“You should have someone.”
“Mother died at birth. Father was nowhere to be seen.”
“There is no family out there for you?”
“As far as I know. No one out there.”
“Well, you do have a person or people that care about you.”
“Like whom?” I am generally curious.
“Once my son stops being a chicken and asks you out.  he can get you a ring. You will become a part of our then family.”
I face palm. Looks like another mother trying to set her son up. I might want to go on one date. that is true, but not for the sake of his mother.  Either way I am nowhere in his League. 
“In all honesty, I am very grateful, that you want me to be part of your family. But there nothing going on between us.”
“I said the same thing to my husband. when I was your guy’s age, look where I am now. I have two beautiful boys and a lifetime of memories.”  
My face was heating. Yes, I want a happily ever after like any 6 or 7 years old. I was told I couldn’t.
“There nothing between us. I can promise you that, beside there are other girls out there for him. I am nowhere in that playing field.”
“Oh, you are so wrong. when Kris said he was going to find you after his appointment. Noah was asking left and right about what you guys are doing. I know he was trying to see what he could do, to sneak his way in.”
Again, as much as I want to believe her. I know there no ending with a happiness.  When I put away the last plate. I knew I had to leave even thought I don’t want to. I like Brenna atmosphere. 
“As much as I don’t want to. I got to bounce.”
When I put my green bag on my back. I open my purse. And pulled out another blue daisy necklace same one kris has gotten earlier that day.
“I wanted to give this to you before I leave. As a thank you for everything.”
“It beautiful. I will treasure it.”
I felt a hug at my waist. It was a little 11-year-old that we all know and love. 
“Please come back.”
“I will come back when, I can. 
“Will you marry my brother then.”
I snorted. Kris is way too cute. I swear this family just want me to apart of this family. 
I readjust my straps. Went out the door. waved one last time. heading to the stair well. Instead of going down. I went up to the roof. Easiest way to move around in the city. I put my hair up in a ponytail. I put my bag straps tight. So, it would give me the least air resistance.
“You will need strength to jump over the roofs in time.”
Turning around to look at the voice. It was the ape from my dream earlier.
“How are you here?”
“When I left my physical form, I follow the rest of my kind. I’ve been watching over them ever since.”
“You should be with your family and friends.”
“I been watching them for the last thousands of years. Optimus primal has done a magnificent job so far. He doesn’t need me as much as you do.”
“Why me?”
“There is more to you then meets the eye.”
“I am sliver. Nothing more and nothing less. There is nothing that I have that concerns you and you giant friends.
“You really don’t remember who you are?”
“What are you talking about? I am Sliver a kid on her own in this world.”
“You are her and so much more you just don’t know it yet.”
He put his hand on my shoulder.  This maximal was huge in my dream. His eyeball was bigger than me. Now this “Apeling” was 3 inches taller than me. 
“Somewhere inside. you know my name. you know that I was living being at one point. You know I am telling the truth.”
I hate it, but he was completely right. I want to argue and say I am not, but Noah was out there somewhere with reek. I made a promise to Kris, and I attend on keep my promises. Noah has the golden heart and reek is trying to use to his advantage.   Doing the wrong thing for the right reasons. Would not work with the law. So many questions were in my head. how can I see you; you are supposed to be dead. why do you keep popping up. my main one was  
“How can I trust you?”
taking his hand off my shoulder and holding it out in front of me. like he is giving me a choice.
“You don’t”
I stared at his hand. I was running out of time. Noah is probably in the building right now. I slowly put my hand above his.  I was shaking at the thought of trusting someone else. I only trust one person in my life. How can I trust someone that I meant not even 5 minutes.  My heart was saying trust him, but my brain was thinking so many ways to not trust him to.  I could ask a question that will help me. which on though. then it hit me. 
“Is your name Apeling.”
My heart winning this round.  With No fear I slap my hand in his. He turned in to dust, and the dust wrap around me. my arms, my legs, my waist. When the dust settled on my body. I felt stronger. The bags don’t feel as heavy as before. 
“Are you ready?”  
Looking to the roofs that I need to hop over. I felt a burst of energy.
“I am ready.”
I just ran. I was moving like a monkey or should I say ape.
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kristinhenderson · 6 months ago
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“Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t.” ― Rikki Rogers
Full Name: Kristin Emily Henderson
Nickname(s)/Alias(es): Kris, Krissy (by family only), Emmie (by her mother)
Date of Birth: October 30th, 1984
Age: 40
Gender + Pronouns: Female, She/Her
Place of birth: Northknot, CA
Parents: Adam & Esther
Siblings: She has 3; all younger, Jon, Unnamed Sibling, Grace
Children: Parker
Relationship with family (close? estranged?): She is pretty close with all of her family except her estranged brother, Jon
Pets: None
Height: 5′ 5″ (165 cm)
Build: Slim, athletic build with a toned yet feminine figure
Species: Dragon
Distinguishing Facial Features: High cheekbones, a soft, symmetrical jawline, full lips and a warm, inviting smile
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Usual Hair Style: Shoulder-length hair, often worn straight, in loose waves or pulled back into a low ponytail or bun
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Complexion (freckles, acne, skin tone, birthmarks, scars): A warm, olive complexion that has a natural glow
Disabilities (physical or mental, including mental illnesses): A little anxiety, Bouts of stress, Her knee, an old basketball injury, that acts up now and then
What do they consider their best feature?: Her confidence, athleticism and her legs, toned from years of playing sports
Worst they’ve ever been injured (what, how did it happen)?:��During her time playing basketball, Kristin sustained a severe fracture in her ankle, during a crucial game in high school. It required surgery and a few weeks of physical therapy, temporarily derailing her sports career for two months
Favorite outfit: A pair of well-fitted, high-waisted jeans, a sleek, black leather jacket over a simple white tee, and either classic white sneakers or ankle boots with minimalistic jewelry and a smartwatch
Glasses? Contacts?: No
Personal Hygiene: Impeccable and consistently well-maintained
Tattoos? Piercings?: Ear piercings, a cartilage piercing, Two small tattoos; a compass on her ribcage and a small basketball on her ankle
What does their voice sound like?: Her voice is calm, steady, and somewhat low-pitched, with a slight rasp; might speak deliberately, with a tone that conveys both authority and warmth
Accent?: None
Unique mannerisms/physical habits: She has a habit of running a hand through her hair when she’s thinking deeply or feeling stressed; also has a tendency to stand with her arms crossed or on her hips when she’s assessing a situation
Left handed or right?: Right
Do they work out/exercise?: Yes but mostly through sports and streching
Known Languages: English, French, Conversational Spanish
Zodiac: Scorpio
Gifts/talents: An amazing cook, really good at reading people
Religious stance: Spiritual but not religious
Political stance: Progressive
Pet peeves: Dislikes inefficiency and procrastination; gets irritated by people who don’t follow through on their commitments or who are unnecessarily loud or rowdy in professional settings
Optimist or pessimist: A realist, with a tendency toward optimism
Extrovert or introvert: Introvert
Relationship status: Single
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Ideal mate/qualities they look for in a mate: Someone who is reliable, emotionally intelligent, and independent. Someone who can respect her space and independence but also be there for her emotionally and understand the pressures of her career
Ever been in love?: Yes
What’s their love language?: Acts of Service
Most important person in their life?: Her kid, Parker
Level of education: Has an M.D. from Columbia University
Profession: Anesthesiologist
Past occupations: Coached a youth basketball team and worked at a gym during college
Passions: Basketball, Medicine, Travel, Also has a passion for mentoring young athletes or medical students
Which is more important – money or doing something they love?: Doing something she loves
Phobias: Has a fear of losing control
Life goals: Her primary life goal is to provide a stable, loving environment for her child while continuing to excel in her medical career. She also wants to mend her relationship with her brother and maybe find lasting love again
Greatest fears: Failing as a parent and losing the close bond she has with her child; also fears repeating the mistakes of her past
Most embarrassing thing ever to happen to him/her: Once she missed a crucial free throw during a big game, leading to her team’s loss, and it haunted her for a long time, especially since she was the team captain
Something they’ve never told anyone: Kristin has never told anyone that she sometimes regrets leaving her first love, the woman she dated during medical school. She wonders what might have happened if they had tried to make the long-distance relationship work
Hobbies: Basketball, Photography, Yoga, Meditation
Favorite color: Yellow
Favorite smell: The scent of fresh rain on warm pavement; reminds her of playing basketball outdoors in her youth
Favorite food: A classic croissant
Favorite book: When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi
Favorite movie: A League of Their Own
Favorite song: Lose You to Love Me by Selena Gomez
Coffee or tea?: Coffee but likes tea to unwind
Favorite type of weather: Crisp autumn days; reminds her of basketball season
Most used word or phrase?: “We’ve got this"
MBTI: ISTJ (The Logistician) - Kristin’s strong sense of responsibility, her organized approach to life, and her commitment to her career align with the ISTJ personality. She's practical, reliable, and tends to keep her emotions to herself, reflecting her withdrawn nature. Her dedication to basketball, academics, and later to her career in medicine shows her strong work ethic and discipline, all of which are key traits of an ISTJ
Alignment: Lawful Neutral - Kristin follows a strong internal code of conduct, shaped by her upbringing and personal values. She adheres to her responsibilities, whether in her career or family, but doesn’t necessarily go out of her way to rebel or challenge the system. She does what needs to be done, even when it's difficult, like moving away to escape family tension or stepping up as a single parent after her divorce
Enneagram:  Type 6 (The Loyalist) - Kristin's cautious and loyal nature fits well with Type 6. She’s someone who seeks security and stability, especially after the instability caused by her brother's actions and her failed marriage. Despite her withdrawn nature, she deeply values relationships and is dependable, which are core aspects of Type 6
Celtic Tree: Oak - The Oak symbolizes strength, resilience, and endurance, all qualities that Kristin embodies. She has weathered significant personal challenges, from her family issues to her relationship struggles, and emerged stronger each time. The Oak also represents protection, which resonates with Kristin’s role as a mother and her nurturing yet strong personality
Temperament: Melancholic - Kristin’s withdrawn nature and her tendency to reflect deeply on her past, particularly regarding her brother and her failed marriage, suggest a melancholic temperament. She’s introspective, values stability, and is often serious and thoughtful, qualities typical of the melancholic type
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw - Ravenclaw values intelligence, wit, and a love of learning, which aligns with Kristin’s academic achievements and her career in medicine. Her decision to major in Biology and pursue a challenging medical career speaks to her intellectual curiosity and dedication. Ravenclaws also tend to be independent and value their own company, which fits Kristin's somewhat withdrawn nature
Element: Earth - Earth represents stability, reliability, and practicality, all traits that Kristin embodies. She’s grounded, dependable, and someone who others can rely on, especially in her role as a mother and a doctor. Earth also ties in with her athletic background, as she’s physically strong and connected to the physical world through sports
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sexysilverstrider · 1 year ago
silver is ideally the sexiest rival to me. he was cold, heartless, ruthless, cruel, and mean when kotone first meets him. he abused his pokemon and forced them to be strong. as his voice is actually deep and husky and its rough when hes angry.
but he then gets better and shows love and trust for his pokemon. his actions are gentler and he gives words of encouragement to them. its still quite harsh but his pokemon knows him so well and they know he truly loves them and they love him.
he also changed with his interaction with people. he was rough and cruel to people before (shoving kotone, mocking kris for falling into a hole in the burned tower, and stealing pokemon) but as he changes so does his way of interacting with people. hes still indifferent n cold to others but he gives word of advices every now and then. and i love how kotone, hibiki, lance, and even green are so used to silvers way and theyre so happy to see him being better and they love him for how he is. even his voice sounds softer and his laughter is sweeter. when he says 'oi oi' in a playful tone i scream. he does scream a lot in battles. hes very passionate.
deisgn wise? those sharp eyes got me in a grip. silver eyes. violer eyes. red eyes. u can have all the colour of the rainbow for your iris baby youre still sexy. his colour scheme? black and red? by GOD those are my favourite colour combo!! his famous smirk? silver rarely has a soft smile. all his smiles are either cocky or dashing. he has a dashing smile. he has a VERY fucking sexy smirk. his long red hair is so silly sometimes but if thats tied to a ponytail im gonna die. he wears that signature jacket but im happy that we as society often depict him wearing a black singlet under it.
and his voice actor? ono yuuki? never in my life would i expect such a deep husky voice for my favourite pokemon character but im so happy it fits. now i see silver i hear silver. he sounds so vibrant when hes passionate in battles. he sounds so playful when hes teasing kotone in the interaction menu. he sounds so adorable when hes pushing for a battle. i love that ono yuuki has voice an otome character with a similar trope as silvers so the immersion is real.
the fact that silver is the heir of team rocket also makes it 100x sexier. he hates his father but the fact that giovanni fucks to make silver exist in this world everybody say thank u gio daddy. in another world silver wouldve been the next rocket boss in that crisp black suit and black fingerless gloves. he would be colder. meaner. more deranged. if they can make kieran insane whats stopping them from appying all thoae traits to an evil rocket boss silver??? im losing it!!
long story short i love silver. sexiest character alive for me and i love him very very very much
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steel--fairy · 1 year ago
characters who aren't related in canon but are in my verse:
--green & leaf were raised by blaine after their parents death. very free range but still.
--brock and bruno are cousins
--agatha and bertha are sisters. their family moved around a lot when they were kids and agatha liked kanto more while bertha preferred sinnoh
--winona and anabel could be siblings? they have those similar ponytails which is flawless logic by pokemon standards
--wallace & lisia and wally. and kris. lisia, wally, and kris & daphne are all cousins : )
oh gosh theres also the thing i refer to here as [redacted] which is n is the middle brother between kris and daphne. he doesnt know this and daphne doesnt even know she has a brother bc of how young they were when he was lost so it never comes up even when they meet : (
also also bc i started this whole thing with the joke that all the characters with light green/turquoise hair are related, proton is wallaces cousin while katy is his....first cousin once removed? *looks at chart* yea thats the right one. she's lisias age.
--two very very distant relatives (like, to the point where theyre strangers who have no idea theyre related) stemming from my legends era ocs: morty & caitlin, and steven & cyrus.
also not my ocs but bc laventon/cyllene good, cyrus is also very very distantly related to leon and hop which is hilarious to think about
--fantina and tucker are siblings. they're from kalos and both moved to different regions at different points in time
--silver, mars, and roark are all siblings (listed youngest to oldest). they all have ariana as a mother. she was married to byron, had roark and mars, they divorced and she moved away and had silver with giovanni. and arezu is arianas ancestor.
--on that note, ilima is the descendent of palina and iscan. i think thats the most likely candidate for them
--valerie is the youngest kimono girl and gets to help summon ho oh/lugia with her eevee
--greta is viola and alexis' younger sister. greta moved to hoenn bc it has a better battling culture
--tina from pokemon masters is alders granddaughter. whether shes bengas sister or cousin idk. i think im leaning towards cousin.
--idk how yet, but i do vibe with piers & marnie being related to grimsley. their uncle perhaps? when his familys fortune fell, his much older sibling ditched him for galar (trying to make money from their commercialized gym challenge?) and then had some kids there. neither party knows the other well.
--there is some relation between shelly and nessa but idk what. shelly is her aunt perhaps?
--i love that art i reblogged a while ago of larry and juan being related. the difference in personality makes it SO funny. the art had them as cousins but i think brothers might be even funnier (and funny should always win). im thinking they have a sootopolitan parent and a paldean parent. had juan, roughly 10 yrs later had larry as a way to not get divorced, got divorced anyways, and then each one took a kid. they keep in touch tho
--wikstrom is giacomo's father. i considered larry but i think wikstrom works better.
--hassel is iris's uncle. his younger brother is her father and the girl sent to bring him back to the family is iris' older sister who never left the village
--also if miriam and iono dont end up related im rioting. miriam is iono's older sister.
--when i saw penny talking about her dad i immediately went oh! peony! and i do vibe with that but gotta admit... kinda hard to make them related lmao could just go the adoption route tho, nothing says they have to be blood relations
--......was about to post this and realized i forgot one of my oldest hc's which is archie is hau's dad (and therefore hala's son). it's so ingrained in me I forgot it wasn't actually canon lmao
anyways, i think thats it?
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toomuchracket · 2 years ago
omg imagine george cutting the kid’s hair for them because he knows what he’s doing from doing “uncle mattys” ahhhhhh AHHH
i think that from the minute your daughter had hair, george was literally obsessed with faffing around with it - he'd hold her against his chest and just caress the back of her downy little head, and nothing on earth was more endearingly entertaining to him than when her hair got long enough to put in one of those sticky-up ponytails like pebbles from the flintstones lmao. she was quite a content kid, taking after george in that she would happily sit still and taking after you in that she would read books while she did, and whenever she sat on george's knee he would occupy himself by playing with her hair. and then it became a whole thing, him styling it for her - the year she turned four, george's new year's resolution was to learn how to french braid, a feat he mastered in like 3 weeks lol. and that's good for you, because it means you can take turns doing your daughter's hair before school and dance class and football and whatever else she's up to; you and george are both like "honestly, how has our kid got a better social life than we do lol".
the hair cutting happens on tour. you and george and the rest of the grown ups are chilling before the show eating pizza, watching your daughter and dylan (crossover event slay!) run around trying to choreograph their own dance routines to their dads' songs lol (yes, matty is filming the whole thing like kris jenner in the thank u next vid), and you turn to george like "our baby needs a haircut look at her fringe lol she can barely see. i'll look up a salon nearby and take her before tomorrow's show"; george is like "or i could do it. that might be easier. i've cut hair before!", and matty pipes up like "yeah george you've done mine". and you're like "oh you mean the time you cut it so unevenly that you both had to resort to completely shaving the sides? it's not exactly filling me with confidence, babe", which makes adam and ross snort. but george is undeterred lol - he calls your daughter over like "would you let daddy cut your hair, munchkin? i think we need to fix your fringe before you start looking like a highland cow lol", and your daughter's like "ok dad!", which makes you wince but you don't protest. so he sits her down on the coffee table in front of him, newspaper on the floor to catch the clippings, and carefully starts to trim the ends of her wavy hair - you have to be like "god's sake george, not THAT much off!" a couple of times, but for the most part he does a good job. your daughter seems happy with it, anyway; at least you think, from the brief second she spent glancing in the mirror before running back to her bestie lol <3
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flightlessribbons · 2 years ago
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Dialogue transcript under the cut
Kris: *SIGH* AUGH- okay- I’ll just rewrite that…This is stupid- the program was working fine a few hours ago- I need my data from last week’s study…I can’t do this report without it…C’mon Kris.. You can do it. Just this report…Just finish this one…
Ethan: One more report and then what, Kris?
Kris: EEP- Gold? I thought you went home?
Ethan: I had some last minute stuff to finish - but YOU were supposed to heave hours ago.
Kris: Eeeh…I have a good reason…I think. 
Ethan: You were trying to get a headstart on next week’s work weren’t you?
Kris: Ah- how’d you know?
Ethan: Your hair’s in a ponytail- and you only do that when you’re trying to over achieve.
Kris: Ouch. I just felt like I was falling behind again. I think I was trying to distract myself with work.
Ethan: Mmhm.
Kris: -and I know it sounds silly, but…I almost lost to SIlver last week in a friendly battle and it's been bothering me. I don’t regret being Champion and a Professor, but I can’t help but feel like I’m not great at either one. So I…overworked myself to try and prove myself…to myself. 
Ethan: You don’t have to prove yourself to anyone…Whatever you choose to do, you do your best and that’s amazing! You don’t need to excel in everything for you to be worthwhile. You’re human. And deserve to rest and relax. Dad’s not gonna care about a slow report or two- he wouldn’t want his best employee all burned out. 
Kris: Thank you, Gold…
Ethan: Mm- Let’s go home, okay? I’ll make us some apicot tarts as a late night snack. Or heat up whatever’s in the fridge. One of those choices.
Kris: Both sound really good. What work were you finishing?
Ethan: Oh, nothing important. Just had to file some stuff Dad put in the wrong place, you know how he is. He did mention we had some mail delivered here. I totally forgot about it, could you grab it from the table?
Kris: Sure *?* Gold.
Ethan: Hm? Kris? What- is it the letters?
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undertaleofficial · 2 years ago
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Title screen mockup for a Deltarune fangame I've been working on Below is a synopsis and more art
To start with, it's actually two games but the first one is meant to be a small and relatively simple introductory (appetizer) game that the title screen is for [named Home for the Holidays] that starts off the concept and narrative... and a little extra something. Then the second one would be the real game [pending name], kind of like how the Survey Program worked for Deltarune proper.
The central concept is an AU where Dess also has a controllable SOUL and is now the playable character rather than Kris (but they're still controlled by their own SOUL/'player' too). Basically, due to extenuating circumstances, the doe's body and SOUL now have similar properties to a human's.
In the introduction, December Holiday has been murdered on her college campus, but she is brought back to life by an unknown benefactor. Dess goes home without memory of these two events, only to find that several years have passed since she left for college to pursue a musical career and everyone believed she was either dead or missing the whole time. To her, it'd only been a day.
Home for the Holidays is about her learning of and coming to grips with her own disappearance that she knows nothing about (and the changes wrought while she was gone like her father's hospitalization), whereas the main game is set a few weeks after when Dess has mostly reintegrated back into Hometown's populace and has adventuring in the Dark Worlds like Deltarune.
Design-wise, it's worth noting that Dess has Asriel's jacket on (it's too big for her) and she has her hair down in the introductory game. After that she has all her own clothes on and her hair is up in a ponytail, like the rest of my drawings/sprites of her indicate (some seen below).
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I'm not much of a coder or musician but in other respects this has been a fan project of mine for some time now (if you couldn't tell) so I may hopefully be able to do something with it in the future if there's interest
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