#kris dagger
cutecuttlefish · 1 year
The sword* of the day is the kris.
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The kris is a weapon from Indonesia, particularly the largest island of Java. It has immense cultural and spiritual significance, so ornately decorated blades like this one are not uncommon. Though it originated in Java, the design traveled throughout Southeast Asia, and many similar blades can be found in the region (such as the Moro kris from the Philippines, which is closer to a sword in size).
*I suppose this is more of a dagger than a sword, but my rules for the sword of the day are that any historical melee weapon is considered a sword.
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theg0ddesspersephone · 5 months
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memories-of-ancients · 2 months
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Kris whose blade pattern indicates it protects against epidemics, storms, floods, fire, and poisonous animals.
Madura, Indonesia, 18th century
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splatbastards · 3 months
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I've got a whole oc splatband!! half of them dont have names yet, and there's no official band name either...but i do have their personalities down pretty well :D
The barred knifejaw on the left is named Kris and he's very sweet, but he's often assumed to be a crook or just a jerk based on appearance. He's the band's guitarist.
The long spined urchin is the real jerk. they'll call you slurs and dox you on twitter. Also like the urchins in game you can order gear from them and such. They are the band's drummer.
The viperfish in the middle is the band's outgoing singer!! She's very invested in keeping the heavy rock vibes in the crew's music, and she's a certified H2Whoa HATER.
The Inkling is much shyer than the rest of the group, often relying on the rest to take most of the spotlight. She greatly enjoys heavy metal despite playing the synth.
Lastly is Anko the anglerfish. She's very bubbly and romantic, and originally a denizen of the deep! She has poor luck with men and can't figure out why. Anko is the band's bassist.
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handfulsofhistory · 10 months
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Javanese Keris
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Okayokayokay idea:
I'm still workshopping names for the Yandere Kris AU(Currently two ideas I have are "Poison Love"(Or "Poisoned Love") and "Twisted Love") and I was thinking:
What if the name of the AU is also the name of Yandere!Kris's main knife?
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glitch-e-stardust · 8 months
currently working on getting my hands on a jambiya
because i am That Bitch (gender neutral)
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krispytm · 1 year
Every time I see someone else named "Kris" I always feel challenged. How dare you have the same name. Only I can be Kris. We must fight to death with our krises. Whoever comes out on top is the true Kris (me).
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re--laaaaaxer · 1 year
This channel is my current go-to art history podcast, and I've been listening to it for the past week. And this episode is about the kris! Or the Malaysian or Indonesian spelling, keris, aka the Malay dagger. I'm lowkey geeking out that Allyson did a discussion of my own culture. 🥹
PS: Click on the Mets' link for image reference on the keris the podcast is discussing.
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glassvagrant · 2 years
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vvamolian · 6 months
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Egyptian Athame Dagger w/ Scabbard 13" Ritual Knife Kris Stainless Steel Pagan
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hayatheauthor · 1 month
Assassination Methods Through the Decades: A Writer’s Handbook
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When it comes to writing about assassination, historical accuracy and understanding the evolution of methods can significantly enhance the authenticity and impact of your narrative. This guide is designed to help writers explore the diverse and often brutal methods of assassination that have been used throughout the centuries. From the poisonings of ancient times to the covert killings of medieval assassins, here’s a comprehensive guide bound to give you the perfect inspiration for your assassination scenes. 
Ancient and Medieval Assassination Methods
Poisoning is one of the oldest methods of assassination, dating back to ancient civilizations such as Greece, Rome, and Egypt. The allure of poison lies in its ability to kill without physical confrontation, often leaving little trace of the perpetrator.
Common Poisons:
Hemlock: Famously used in the execution of Socrates, hemlock was a slow-acting poison that caused paralysis, leading to death by respiratory failure.
Arsenic: Known as the "inheritance powder," arsenic was a favorite among those seeking to kill discreetly. Its symptoms could be mistaken for natural illness, making it a popular choice in political and familial power struggles.
Belladonna: Also known as deadly nightshade, belladonna was used in both small and large doses to incapacitate or kill. The poison caused hallucinations, dilated pupils, and eventually death.
Historical Examples:
Socrates (399 BC): The Greek philosopher was sentenced to death by drinking a concoction containing hemlock, a method chosen for its relative humanity compared to other executions.
Emperor Claudius (54 AD): It is widely believed that the Roman Emperor Claudius was poisoned by his wife, Agrippina, using a dish of poisoned mushrooms to secure her son Nero's place on the throne.
Administration Methods:
Poisons were often mixed into food or drink, applied to the skin via ointments, or even introduced into the body through small, concealed needles. Assassins needed to be knowledgeable in the art of dosage to ensure a successful kill without immediate detection.
Victims of poisoning would often suffer a range of symptoms depending on the poison used. These could include severe abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, and eventually, death. The slow progression of symptoms allowed the assassin time to escape, and in many cases, the cause of death was not immediately apparent, lending an air of mystery to the assassination.
Bladed Weapons
Before the advent of firearms, blades were the primary tools of assassins. Daggers, swords, and other sharp instruments were favored for their portability and effectiveness in close combat situations.
Types of Blades:
Daggers: Small, easily concealed, and lethal at close range, daggers were the weapon of choice for many assassins. The Roman pugio and the medieval stiletto were particularly popular.
Swords: Larger and more visible, swords were often used in assassinations where the element of surprise was not necessary, such as in the heat of battle or a public execution.
Kris: A wavy-edged dagger used in Southeast Asia, the kris was known for its spiritual significance as well as its lethality.
Famous Assassinations:
Julius Caesar (44 BC): Perhaps the most famous assassination in history, Caesar was stabbed 23 times by a group of Roman senators led by Brutus and Cassius. The attack was swift and brutal, demonstrating the effectiveness of a well-coordinated knife attack.
King Duncan (11th century): The assassination of King Duncan by Macbeth (as famously dramatized by Shakespeare) is an example of a stealthy, intimate kill using a blade, where the act was both personal and symbolic.
Assassins using bladed weapons often relied on stealth, speed, and precision. A well-placed stab to the heart, throat, or kidneys could kill instantly or within moments, leaving the assassin time to escape. In some cultures, assassins were trained in martial arts that emphasized quick, lethal strikes.
Weapon Concealment:
Blades were often concealed in clothing, boots, or even within the folds of long hair or turbans. The art of hiding a weapon until the crucial moment was key to the success of many assassinations.
Strangulation and Garroting
Strangulation was another favored method of assassination in ancient and medieval times, especially for those who sought to avoid bloodshed or noise. The garrote, a weapon used to strangle a victim, was particularly effective in this regard.
Tools Used:
Garrote: A length of wire, cord, or fabric used to strangle a victim from behind. The garrote was silent, deadly, and could be easily concealed, making it a popular choice for assassins throughout history.
Hands: In cases where no weapon was available, assassins might rely on their own hands to strangle a victim. This method required physical strength and proximity but could be effective in the right circumstances.
Historical Examples:
Sicarii (1st century AD): A group of Jewish zealots who used short daggers to stab Roman collaborators in crowded places. The Sicarii were also known for strangling their enemies with garrotes.
Medieval Europe: Strangulation was sometimes used as a method of execution for nobles, where a public beheading or hanging might be considered dishonorable.
The assassin would typically approach the victim from behind, loop the garrote around their neck, and tighten it quickly and forcefully, cutting off the victim's air supply. Death would occur within minutes due to asphyxiation or a broken neck.
Advantages and Risks:
The main advantage of strangulation was its silence. Unlike a stabbing or poisoning, strangulation could be done without alerting others nearby. However, it required physical strength and a certain level of risk, as the victim might struggle or fight back.
Renaissance and Early Modern Era
The Renaissance and early modern era marked a significant turning point in the history of assassination methods with the introduction of firearms. Gunpowder, first developed in China, made its way to Europe and fundamentally changed the dynamics of warfare and personal combat, including assassination.
Introduction of Gunpowder and Early Firearms in Assassinations:
The development of gunpowder-based weapons provided assassins with a new tool that could kill from a distance, reducing the risk of capture. Early firearms such as matchlock and flintlock pistols were bulky and required significant skill to use effectively, but their lethality made them a preferred choice for assassins by the 16th century.
Firearms allowed for quick, deadly strikes that were difficult to defend against, making them ideal for assassinations where the element of surprise was crucial. The loud noise and smoke, however, meant that escape required careful planning.
How Accuracy and Concealability Impacted Methods:
Early firearms were not known for their accuracy, which necessitated close-range attacks. Assassins often had to be within a few feet of their target to ensure a successful hit. As a result, these weapons were usually concealed under cloaks or in specially designed holsters that allowed for a quick draw.
Over time, improvements in gun design, such as rifling and better gunpowder, increased accuracy and allowed for slightly longer-range assassinations. Despite these advancements, concealability remained a critical factor, as firearms were often large and unwieldy compared to daggers or poison.
Key Assassinations Involving Firearms:
Assassination of King Henry IV of France (1610): King Henry IV was assassinated by François Ravaillac, a Catholic fanatic who stabbed the king while his carriage was stopped in traffic. While this was a stabbing, the period saw a rise in the use of firearms for such purposes. Henry IV's era was marked by religious turmoil, where firearms began to play a role in political assassinations.
Assassination of William the Silent (1584): William I of Orange, also known as William the Silent, was assassinated by Balthasar Gérard using a handgun. This marked one of the first successful assassinations of a prominent figure using a firearm, demonstrating the growing popularity of this method during the Renaissance.
Poison Rings and Needles
The Renaissance period also saw the refinement of more discreet methods of assassination, particularly the use of poison rings and needles. These tools allowed for covert poisoning, often in social settings where other weapons might not be feasible.
Discreet Poisoning Techniques:
Poison Rings: These rings contained a small hidden compartment that could hold a lethal dose of poison. The wearer could discreetly slip poison into a drink or onto food with a simple flick of the ring’s lid. Poison rings were popular among nobility and were often used in court intrigues where open violence would have been impossible.
Poison Needles: These were small, sharp needles often coated with a fast-acting poison. They could be hidden in clothing or other objects and used to deliver a quick, often unnoticed prick that would introduce the poison into the victim’s bloodstream. Needles were ideal for use in crowded settings, such as royal courts or banquets, where the assassin could blend into the crowd after delivering the fatal dose.
Notable Instances of Usage:
Lucrezia Borgia (1480-1519): While the extent of her involvement in poisoning is debated, Lucrezia Borgia, a member of the infamous Borgia family, is often associated with the use of poison rings to eliminate her political enemies. The Borgia family’s reputation for cunning and ruthlessness made poison one of their favored tools for securing power.
Catherine de' Medici (1519-1589): The French queen consort and mother to several kings of France, Catherine de' Medici, was rumored to have employed poison rings and needles to remove rivals and control court politics during the Wars of Religion in France.
The early use of explosives in assassination attempts represented a shift towards more destructive and indiscriminate methods of killing, often targeting not just the primary victim but also anyone nearby. Explosives became a favored tool in situations where a dramatic statement was intended, or where traditional methods of assassination were not feasible.
The Early Use of Explosives in Assassination Attempts:
Explosives were first used in assassination attempts during the Renaissance and early modern periods, although their use was limited by the difficulty of creating and handling reliable explosive devices. Gunpowder was the primary explosive material, and it required careful handling to avoid premature detonation.
The use of explosives was often tied to larger political or religious motivations, as the collateral damage caused by an explosion could have a significant psychological impact on the population or ruling class.
The Effectiveness and Risks Involved:
Explosives were highly effective in causing mass casualties and instilling fear, but they also carried significant risks for the assassin. Improper handling could result in accidental detonation, and the use of explosives often made it difficult for the assassin to escape unnoticed.
The unpredictability of early explosives also meant that they could fail to detonate or cause less damage than intended, leaving the assassin vulnerable to capture and execution.
Historical Example:
The Gunpowder Plot (1605): One of the most famous early uses of explosives in an assassination attempt was the Gunpowder Plot, in which a group of Catholic conspirators, including Guy Fawkes, attempted to blow up the House of Lords during the State Opening of Parliament, with the aim of killing King James I and much of the Protestant aristocracy. The plot was foiled, but it demonstrated the potential of explosives as a tool for political assassination.
The Industrial Revolution and Early 20th Century
Sniper Rifles
The Industrial Revolution brought about significant advancements in weaponry, including the development of sniper rifles. These long-range firearms allowed assassins to strike from a distance, often without being seen or heard.
The Rise of Long-Range Assassinations:
Sniper rifles were designed for accuracy over long distances, enabling assassins to kill targets from hundreds of meters away. This development allowed for greater safety and discretion, as the assassin could remain hidden while observing the target through a scope.
The advent of rifling, which gave bullets a stable, spinning motion, greatly improved accuracy and range. Coupled with telescopic sights, these rifles became the preferred tool for military and political assassinations during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Famous Cases:
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (1914): Although Archduke Franz Ferdinand was ultimately killed by a handgun, the era in which he was assassinated saw the rise of snipers as a significant threat. The tensions and technologies of the time set the stage for future political assassinations using sniper rifles.
Assassination of President John F. Kennedy (1963): Although beyond the early 20th century, the assassination of JFK by a sniper is a prominent example of how sniper rifles became synonymous with political killings. This event marked a turning point in the history of assassination, highlighting the lethal effectiveness of long-range firearms.
Car Bombs
The introduction and evolution of vehicular explosives, particularly car bombs, added a new dimension to assassination tactics in the 20th century. Car bombs became a favored method due to their potential for mass destruction and the ability to target individuals in transit.
Introduction and Evolution of Vehicular Explosives:
The use of car bombs began in earnest during the early 20th century, particularly in conflicts where traditional methods of assassination were either too risky or ineffective. These bombs could be planted in vehicles and detonated remotely, offering a high degree of control over the timing and impact of the explosion.
Over time, car bombs became more sophisticated, with the addition of remote triggers, time delays, and increased explosive power. They were used not only in targeted assassinations but also in acts of terrorism aimed at destabilizing governments or instilling fear in the populace.
Techniques for Planting and Detonating:
Planting a car bomb required detailed planning, as the vehicle needed to be accessed and rigged with explosives without arousing suspicion. Detonation methods varied from simple timed fuses to complex remote-controlled devices, allowing the assassin to maintain distance from the blast.
The challenge for assassins was ensuring the target was inside or near the vehicle at the moment of detonation. This often involved careful observation of the target’s routines and the use of decoys or distractions to ensure the bomb’s effectiveness.
Chemical and Biological Agents
The 20th century saw the development and use of more advanced chemical and biological agents in assassinations. These methods, often invisible and insidious, allowed for killings that were difficult to trace and could be disguised as natural causes.
Use of More Advanced Poisons and Toxins:
With advancements in chemistry and biology, assassins gained access to a range of deadly substances that could kill quickly or slowly, depending on the agent used. Toxins like ricin, cyanide, and various nerve agents became tools of state-sponsored assassinations, particularly during the Cold War.
Chemical agents could be introduced through food, drink, or even via contact with the skin or inhalation, making them versatile and deadly. Biological agents, on the other hand, could cause diseases that mimicked natural illnesses, allowing assassins to kill without immediate suspicion.
Historical Examples:
Ricin: Ricin, a highly potent toxin derived from castor beans, was famously used in the assassination of Bulgarian dissident Georgi Markov in 1978. Markov was attacked with a modified umbrella that injected a tiny pellet containing ricin into his leg, leading to his death a few days later.
Cyanide: Cyanide has been used in various assassinations due to its rapid action and high lethality. One of the most notorious uses of cyanide was in the mass suicide-murder in Jonestown in 1978, where members of the Peoples Temple ingested cyanide-laced punch, although this was not an assassination in the traditional sense, it demonstrated the deadly effectiveness of the poison.
These innovations in assassination methods during the Industrial Revolution and early 20th century reflected the growing complexity of warfare and espionage, as well as the increasing role of technology in shaping the tactics of assassins.
Modern and Contemporary Assassination Methods
Silenced Firearms
In the modern era, the evolution of silenced firearms, or firearms equipped with suppressors, has played a significant role in covert assassinations. The suppressor, commonly known as a silencer, reduces the noise and muzzle flash of a firearm, allowing assassins to operate with a higher degree of stealth.
The Evolution of Suppressors and Their Use in Covert Assassinations:
Suppressors were first developed in the early 20th century and have since become a staple in the arsenal of assassins. Initially, suppressors were bulky and limited to specific firearms, but advancements in technology have made them more compact, effective, and adaptable to a wide range of weapons.
Silenced firearms are ideal for close-quarters assassinations where discretion is paramount. The reduced noise levels prevent immediate detection, giving the assassin time to escape or even carry out multiple hits without alerting nearby individuals.
High-Profile Cases:
Cold War Assassinations: During the Cold War, silenced firearms were frequently used by intelligence agencies on both sides of the Iron Curtain. The KGB, CIA, and MI6, among others, employed suppressors in various covert operations to eliminate targets without drawing attention.
Georgi Markov (1978): Although Markov’s assassination in London involved a poison-tipped umbrella, the use of suppressors was prevalent in the same period for similar covert operations. This era exemplified the silent, precise methods preferred by state-sponsored assassins.
Remote-Controlled Devices
The rise of remote-controlled devices, including drones and other modern technologies, has introduced a new dimension to assassination methods. These devices allow assassins to strike from a distance, often from thousands of miles away, with precision and minimal risk.
Drones and Other Modern Technologies in Assassination:
Drones, equipped with cameras and weapons, have revolutionized modern warfare and assassination. These unmanned aerial vehicles can be operated remotely, providing real-time surveillance and the ability to deliver lethal force with pinpoint accuracy. Drones are particularly effective in targeting individuals in difficult-to-reach or heavily guarded locations.
Other remote-controlled devices, such as bombs or cars rigged to detonate via remote, offer similar advantages. These methods allow the assassin to maintain a safe distance from the target, reducing the likelihood of capture or identification.
Notable Instances in Recent History:
Qasem Soleimani (2020): One of the most high-profile drone assassinations in recent history was the killing of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani by a U.S. drone strike in Baghdad. This event highlighted the capabilities of drone technology in executing precise, targeted killings with global political implications.
The Killing of Anwar al-Awlaki (2011): The American-born cleric and al-Qaeda leader was targeted and killed by a drone strike in Yemen, marking a significant moment in the use of remote-controlled devices in the War on Terror.
As technology continues to advance, the concept of cyber-assassination has emerged as a new frontier in covert operations. This method involves using cyber means to assassinate individuals, such as hacking into medical devices or other critical systems.
The Concept of Assassination Through Cyber Means:
Cyber-assassination leverages the vulnerabilities in modern technology, particularly medical devices like pacemakers or insulin pumps, which can be hacked to deliver a fatal outcome. This method represents a shift from physical to digital assassination, where the target can be killed without the assassin ever being in the same country, let alone the same room.
Cyber-attacks can also target critical infrastructure, leading to deaths through indirect means such as causing traffic accidents by hacking self-driving cars or disrupting life support systems in hospitals.
Ethical and Legal Implications:
The rise of cyber-assassination raises significant ethical and legal questions. Unlike traditional assassination methods, which can be physically traced, cyber-attacks are often difficult to attribute, making accountability a major issue. This anonymity can lead to increased use of such methods by state and non-state actors alike.
Legal frameworks have yet to fully catch up with the technological realities of cyber-assassination. As a result, there is a grey area regarding the legality of such actions, particularly in the context of international law and the rules of engagement in warfare.
Assassination Methods by Region
Throughout history, Europe has seen a variety of assassination methods, each influenced by the region’s diverse cultures, political climates, and technological advancements.
Specific Methods Popular in Different European Countries Across Various Eras:
In medieval Europe, poison was a favored method, particularly among the Italian nobility. The use of poisoned food, drink, and even clothing was common in the courts of Italy, where political intrigue and betrayal were rife.
During the French Revolution, the guillotine became the symbol of state-sanctioned assassination, used to eliminate political enemies swiftly and publicly. The Reign of Terror saw the use of this method to instill fear and maintain control.
In more recent history, Eastern Europe, under Soviet influence, saw the use of more covert methods, such as radioactive poisoning, exemplified by the assassination of Alexander Litvinenko in 2006 in London.
Asia's vast and diverse history has given rise to a wide range of assassination techniques, each influenced by the unique cultural, political, and historical contexts of its various regions.
South Asia (India, Pakistan, and Surrounding Areas):
In ancient and medieval India, assassination was often a tool used in dynastic struggles. One notable method was the use of Vishkanya—young women supposedly trained from childhood to tolerate and deliver poison. These women were allegedly used to assassinate powerful enemies by poisoning them through intimate contact.
During the Mughal Empire, political intrigue often involved the use of poisoning and covert killings to eliminate rivals. The struggle for succession in royal courts frequently led to the use of assassination as a means to secure power.
East Asia (China, Korea, Japan):
Ninja Tactics (Japan): In feudal Japan, ninjas were often employed as assassins due to their skills in stealth, espionage, and the use of a variety of weapons. Techniques such as silent killing with swords, blow darts, and the use of shuriken (throwing stars) were common. Ninjas were masters of disguise and could infiltrate enemy strongholds to eliminate targets without detection.
While ninja tactics are widely known, East Asia’s history of assassination is much broader. In ancient China, assassins were sometimes employed by rival states or within the imperial court to eliminate threats. Famous historical accounts like the attempted assassination of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China, highlight the role of assassins in shaping the region’s history.
Korea’s history also includes instances of political assassinations, particularly during the Joseon Dynasty, where court intrigue and power struggles often resulted in the discreet elimination of rivals.
East Asia (China, Korea, Japan):
Poison Darts: In regions like Borneo and the Philippines, blowguns with poison-tipped darts were used by indigenous tribes to silently kill enemies. These weapons were effective for their stealth and the ability to deliver deadly toxins without the need for close combat.
Central Asia:
In Central Asia, particularly during the time of the Silk Road, assassins were sometimes employed by powerful khans and warlords to secure trade routes and eliminate threats. Assassination was a strategic tool in maintaining control over vast and often unruly territories.
Middle East
The Middle East has a rich and complex history where assassination has played a role in political and dynastic power struggles, often tied to the region’s diverse empires and cultural traditions.
Historical Assassinations Involving Political Power Struggles:
The Middle East, home to some of the world’s oldest civilizations, has seen assassinations employed as a tool of political maneuvering for millennia. In ancient Mesopotamia, assassinations were sometimes used to secure thrones and eliminate rivals within royal families.
During the time of the Ottoman Empire, the practice of fratricide—where newly crowned sultans would eliminate their brothers to prevent future challenges to their rule—was a brutal form of state-sanctioned assassination.
The Byzantine Empire, centered in what is now modern-day Turkey, also witnessed political assassinations as a common method for securing power, with emperors and high-ranking officials often falling victim to their rivals.
The Americas
The Americas, particularly the United States and Latin America, have experienced a range of political assassinations, often with far-reaching consequences.
Political Assassinations in the U.S. and Latin America:
In the United States, the assassinations of presidents like Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, and civil rights leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. have left indelible marks on the nation’s history. These high-profile killings were often carried out by lone gunmen or small conspiracies and had profound impacts on the country’s political landscape.
Latin America has seen numerous political assassinations, often linked to dictatorial regimes, revolutionary movements, and drug cartels. Figures like Che Guevara and Salvador Allende were assassinated or killed under controversial circumstances, reflecting the volatile political environments in many Latin American countries during the 20th century.
This overview of assassination methods by region highlights the diverse and evolving tactics used across different parts of the world, shaped by the cultural, political, and technological contexts of each region.
Common Misconceptions About Assassination
The Myth of the Clean Kill
In fiction, assassinations are often depicted as clean and precise, with the target silently slumping over after a single blow or shot. However, in reality, even well-planned assassinations can go awry. Bodies don’t always react predictably to trauma, and factors like adrenaline, the environment, and unexpected movements can complicate even the most meticulously planned kill. A supposedly lethal blow may not immediately incapacitate the target, leading to prolonged struggles, noise, and potential witnesses.
Silencers and Stealth
In movies and TV shows, silencers (or suppressors) are often shown completely muffling the sound of a gunshot, reducing it to a mere whisper. In reality, while suppressors do reduce the noise, they don’t make it silent. The sound of a suppressed gunshot can still be quite loud, akin to a clap or the popping of a balloon, and depending on the environment, it may still attract attention. Additionally, the sound of the bullet impact and mechanical noise from the firearm are not silenced, further dispelling the myth of a completely stealthy kill.
Poison Timing
Popular media often portrays poisons as acting instantaneously, with victims collapsing mere seconds after ingestion or injection. In truth, the effects of poisons vary widely depending on the substance, dose, and the victim’s physiology. Some poisons, like cyanide, can act within minutes, but others might take hours or even days to fully incapacitate or kill. Symptoms might develop gradually, and in some cases, the victim might not even realize they’ve been poisoned until it’s too late. This misconception can lead to unrealistic portrayals of poisoning in fiction.
Recommended Reading for Research on Assassination Techniques:
"Assassination Generation" by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman – This book explores the psychology of killing and its portrayal in the media, providing insight into both real-life and fictional assassinations.
"Hitmen: The True Stories of Assassins, Contract Killers, and Political Hired Guns" by Nigel Cawthorne – A collection of real-life accounts detailing the methods and motives of professional assassins throughout history.
"The Art of Political Murder: Who Killed the Bishop?" by Francisco Goldman – A detailed investigation into the assassination of Bishop Juan Gerardi in Guatemala, offering a deep dive into the intersection of politics and murder.
Visual Resources That Depict Historical Assassinations:
"Killing Oswald" – A documentary that explores the conspiracy theories surrounding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, delving into the methods and motives behind one of the most famous assassinations in history.
"The Men Who Killed Kennedy" – A controversial documentary series that investigates various theories about the assassination of JFK, offering insights into different assassination methods and their implications.
"Assassins: The Story of Medieval Hitmen" – This documentary provides an in-depth look at the history of assassins in the medieval period, focusing on their training, methods, and the political impact of their actions.
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secret-weapon-seven · 1 month
so. kris is nonbinary. kris likes knifes. a "kris" is a type of knife (or dagger but if they're into knives they're probably also into daggers).
Do you think Kris named themself after the knife.
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handfulsofhistory · 3 months
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Bugis Keris Dagger
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lostbookmark · 2 months
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MDNI 18+
Summary: After four years your sister's ex-boyfriend comes back into your life. Can you keep your entanglement a secret? Will the guilt eat you alive? 
Pairing:  Sisters ex Yoongi x Insecure F. Reader. 
Genre: SMUT, angst, hurt - comfort, romance. 
Warning: Explicit sex, fingering, Possessive Yoongi, swearing, reader is insecure, jealousy, punishment, unprotected sex, drinking, dirty talk, praising, very light degradation, spanking, spanking as punishment, teasing, hair pulling, arguments. Overuse of the name, baby.
A/N Edited by me aka I just throw commas in and see if my document corrects it. 
Yoongi is a bit…mean(ish) in this one. 
Yay!! I have the next 2 chapters written. Posting will be every Sunday US time. 
A little SMUT under the cut. 
✦•······················•✦•······················•✦ ✦•······················•✦•······················•✦
Kevin….Kris….Kihyun. No, none of those names sound right. He's good-looking and easy on the eyes, pretty smile but boring as hell. It's been a week since Yoongi took you home after the intense night you shared. You had stayed the night, and the next morning, you made up an excuse for needing to get home. You were scared to stay longer, afraid he would kick you out. He never questioned you or begged you to stay.  You exchanged numbers, but he never contacted you. You felt defeated.  You didn't tell anyone. Not Lisa or Jisoo. They would never let you live it down. Maybe this is why you let Lisa talk you into showing up at the “hot guy she ditched you for” house party. His name is Jimin. He seemed okay, you guess, but you haven't really gotten to know him. Her love interests never last long. Key…Kang…Kyle. That's it! You think his name is Kyle. 
“I just got back from Milan,” Kyle boasts. He is giving you what you think is probably his most charming smile. “I'll be heading to London again soon. Got quite a few photoshoots lined up. Mostly magazines, but I got a commercial too. I even have some contacts for Paris fashion week. I'm going to be a big deal.”
You really don't care, and you know that sounds mean. Why did Lisa introduce you to him? Did she really think you would hit it off with him?  Damn Lisa for making you come here. Damn Yoongi for not calling or texting you. Damn him for making the feel of his touch still linger on your skin.  Did you do something wrong? Were you just bad at sex. You know that you are pretty inexperienced, but it seemed like he enjoyed himself. He even cuddled you after he cleaned up with a warm washcloth. He was a pure gentleman. He even ran a hot shower for you as he made a quick snack afterward. You may or may not have tried to remember the brand of his shampoo. After some light bickering, he let you sleep on his side of the bed.  So, why didn't he call? Was there someone else? Oh my god! Were you the side piece? Of course, someone like Yoongi would have someone waiting for him.   
“Lisa said that you two have been friends since you were young. You work together too, right? ” Key…no Kyle said and you nod your head.
“Yeah, umm..” You started but were interrupted.  
“Baby,” you turn to see Yoongi staring daggers at you. How the hell did he know you were here? You're pretty sure that your jaw is on the floor right now. Yoongi places himself right behind you. He rests his chin against your shoulder and hands coming together around your stomach. “Who's your friend?” Why does he say it so calmly despite his glaring eyes? 
You freeze, your body rigid, and can't say anything.  One week, it's been one week, and now he's right here. You don't know what to say. Are you supposed to throw yourself at him after he ignores you? You wish you could throw a shitty comment his way, but you don't. It's not who you are. You wish you could tell him that since he isn't interested, maybe you will go home with Kyle. He looks at you and Kevin…no Kyle impatiently. His glare, thankfully, is fully on Kyle now, and you don't want it back on you. Nope, you are definitely not going to say that, even if it’s a lie. 
“Hey man, I'm Kai,” Kai that's his name! You knew it started with a k. “Didn't know she had a boyfriend. Lisa lied to me. Sorry about that.” Kai apologized and rushed out of there. Literally, he walked away as fast as his legs could carry him. You wish he would take you with him. Technically, you guess Lisa didn't lie. 
You turn in his arms to look at Yoongi fully. He looks pissed. You don't know if you should be scared, angry, or turned on. Is it possible to be all three? His eyes looked hard, unlike a week ago. It seems like such a long time ago. Maybe it was just a fever dream, and you made it all up. This Yoongi is different, and it is making you anxious. 
“We're leaving,” he breathes heavily in your ear. 
He takes your hand and threads your fingers through each other. He starts heading for the door, and you have no option but to follow him. You don't want to fight him and cause a scene. You try looking around for Lisa, hoping you spot her. You don't see her, but you do catch a glimpse of Kyle…Kai chatting up another girl. She seems thoroughly excited about it. Good for her. Looks like you probably dodged a bullet there. When you get through the door, you notice his car just down the street a little ways. Lisa picked you up earlier, and now you're kicking yourself for it. Yoogi practically rips the car door open and looks at you expectantly.  He holds the door with one hand while his other is on his hip. 
“What are you waiting for?” He asked. His stare is still cold. “Do you want me to go get Kai for you? Do you need him to help you?” 
“Wh…what? No, why would I…” you were cut off.  
“Get in, baby. I'm already mad, don't make me tell you again,” he told you.
With one last look back at the house, you get in the car. The same car and spot you sat in a week ago. God, a week ago, you were shivering with anticipation. Now, you were confused and honestly a little scared. Where was he, and why was he acting like you had done something wrong? You knew deep down that Yoongi would never do anything to hurt you. However, this is a side of him you have never seen. You didn’t see it years ago either when he was still with your sister. Even during their fights at the end of their relationship.  You even spent a lot of alone time with him back then, annoying him. He never snapped at you. When you couldn't figure out how to parallel park, he never snapped at you. When Lisa got you drunk at homecoming and he had to pick the two of you up, he never snapped at you. He never did anything like this. 
“Cold?” He asks you. You're rubbing your hands together. 
“A little,” you answer softly. You want him to grab your hands and warm them with his own. Instead he cranks the heat. 
The only sound in the car was from the radio and the heat blowing on your cold fingers. You don't know what the song playing is, but the deep bass is slow. It's almost comforting. You want to close your eyes and drift to sleep. Maybe if you go to sleep right now, you'll wake back up in his bed, and you can redo everything. Obviously, that's not possible. Your eyes slide over to him. He's concentrating on the road, and there's a small tick in his jaw. His hand had stayed on the steering wheel. His knuckles were white with his grip. He didn't touch you, not even once. You want to cry. What did you do? Why is he so mad? How did he find you there? What did you do?  The song on the speakers switched to something less moody, and your eyes moved to look out the passenger window. The sky is clear, the stars shine bright and twinkling in the late night sky. You didn't care for it.  Not even one little bit. 
That soft yellow glow of the bedroom was exactly the same. So were his sheets and pillows. The memories were completely vivid and fresh in your mind. The sound of your skin slapping together, his grunts and your gasps. The way he held you when you drifted off to sleep.  You look at Yoongi sitting on the corner of his bed staring at you. His elbows resting on his knees and his right knee bouncing slightly You can't tell what he is thinking. You stand next to a large desk in his room. You think he must use it for work. There's messy paper everywhere and pens scattered all around. You try to focus and see what's on the paper but can't make out the scribbles. Poems, maybe? Does he write? You can't remember if he ever mentioned wanting to write back then. Maybe you didn't pay close enough attention. 
“Look at me,” he snaps at you. Your eyes immediately obey his command. “What were you doing  there with Kai?” Yoongi spits his name out in disgust.  
“I…I..Lisa introduced us. We were just talking,” you said softly. “I don't know him.” 
“So, you were just going to go off and fuck someone you don't know?” He asked and you were taken back. He was basically snarling at you. 
“NO!” You cried out. “I wasn't.”  You were getting worked up. “Why do you care? I haven't even heard from you in a week.” You shocked yourself by actually saying that outloud. Shit. You can't take it back now. 
Yoongi didn't seem amused by your outburst. Cracking his neck, he stood up from the bed and stalked up to you. You wanted to take a step back, but that messy desk prevented you from doing so. Yoongi rests both his hands on the desk, caging you in. His breathing and the sound of your own heart beating in your ears ring loudly in your ears. He runs the tip of his nose against the shell of your ear. Goosebumps race down your arms. Your body betrays you, wanting you to give into him. 
“You know,” he whispers in your ear. “The phone works both ways, baby. Get on your knees.” 
You swallow thickly. You aren't exactly sure what he means. Right here on the floor? On the bed? You decide not to make him wait and drop to the floor right in front of him. Are you supposed to undo his pants? Is that what he wants? You have never given a blow job before. Maybe you can fake it and figure it out as you go. You’ve seen porn. Just don't bite him, and you'll be fine. Your hands reach up and start to undo his belt around his hips. Yoongi chuckles a humorless laugh as he swats your hands away.  Oh, that's not what he meant. Tears well in your eyes out of embarrassment. 
“On the bed. On your knees, ass up,”  he snickers at you. 
You stand up slowly and walk with your head down to the bed. You don't want him to see the unshed tears or your embarrassed face. You know it's red. Your knees hit his mattress, the sheets are still soft. You lean down onto your elbows as you look at him, and he shakes his head at you. God, you probably look like such an idiot for not knowing what to do.  Yoongi walks over to you and puts his hands on the back of your shoulders, and pushes you gently down. Your chest and the side of your face meet the bed. He turns your head gently to look at the other side of the room. There's nothing to see over there besides his closet.  You feel the dress that you're wearing starts to rise up. Yoongi next adjusts your hands. Making sure that your fingers are interlocked above your head. You feel him get closer to your face. His breath tickles your ear. 
“Are you okay?” He asks you.
“Yes,” you say meekly. 
“Good. Stop me anytime,” he tells you as he kisses below your ear. “You thought I was ignoring you? You think that’s why I didn't call you?” He asks, but you don't answer. You can feel him slip your dress completely up and over your ass as he stands behind you. “Yes or no, baby?” 
“Yes,” SMACK! As soon as you answer, he spanks you. It wasn't overly hard but just enough to sting. Your body goes rigid, and your eyes widen comically in surprise. Oh! You honestly were not expecting that.
You wait for him to say something, but you're just met with silence. You don't feel his presence near you. You strain your ears to try and listen for him. Did he leave the room?  
“Y..Yo..Yoongi?” you asked softly and he didn't respond.
Suddenly, there was a tick…tick..tick noise in the room.  Slowly, you turn your head, and you see him sitting at his desk. His shirt is off, hair beautifully messy,  pants undone, but nothing obscene showing. Tick…tick…tick. It's one of those music things, a metronome you think it's called. The pendulum swings back and forth again and again. Tick… tick…tick. Yoongi is watching you kneel on the bed while playing with it in his hands. He almost looks bored. 
“Turn back around,” he tells you slowly. You turn your head back around. Tick…tick…tick. “You know what i was thinking all week?” He asks you. “I thought I was a horrible person. Did I force you here? Did I make you do something you didn't want? You wanted out of here so bad the next morning I thought you were going to have a panic attack.” 
The chair groans a little bit. You can only assume that he got up. You can hear the clicking of his belt buckle as if he's walking to you. You anticipate his touch, but again, nothing. Tick…tick…tick.  The oscillating noise is putting you on edge. The sound of his belt tells you he's close. Your breath is starting to come out as pants as adrenaline starts to flow through you. Your interlaced fingers twitching. 
“I wanted to give you space. I see that was the wrong thing to do. Why didn't you get a hold of me, baby?” He asked. You still can't see him.  
“I didn't want to bother you,” you mumble. SMACK! SMACK! You press your hands together tightly and screw your eyes shut.  Tears blurred your vision as they started to fall. You sucked in a shuddering breath.
“You could never bother me. Instead of talking to me, you decided to ignore me to fuck around with Kai? How do you think that makes me feel?” His voice raises some. SMACK! His hand gently starts rubbing your reddened cheek. Soothing the stinging with his cool palm. You hear him take a deep breath.  “Are you okay?”
“Yes,” you say through tears. “I'm fine.” You really were. “I didn't…” 
“What?” Yoongi asks. His hand is still gently rubbing your reddened skin. 
“I thought you realized you made a mistake. I thought maybe I wasn't good enough for you. I'm not like my sister,” you hiccuped. You pressed your hands tightly together before he delivered the next smack. It never came. Tick…tick…tick.  
“Why would you compare yourself to her? Why didn't you say anything?” He asked. His hand stroked some hair from your face, tucking it behind your ear. The strands were wet from tears. 
“Have you met me,” you try to joke through tears. You highly doubt Yoongi thinks it's funny. Yoongi leaned over to look at your tear stained face. Bending down, he kissed the tears away. You close your eyes and welcome him. He's here. The soft, gentle Yoongi is here now. 
Yoongi moved again and stood behind you. He hooked his fingers into your underwear and slowly slid them down your legs. His fingertips tickled the outside of your thighs as they traveled down. He lifted your knees one at a time so he could completely remove them from your body. Then, nothing. Why does he keep disappearing on you? You were tempted to turn and look for him again. Tick…tick..tick. Suddenly, his tongue is on you. You close your eyes and sigh, escape your lips , and fingers tighten together.  You push your hips back against his face to get him closer. His tongue swirls magical circles against your bundle of nerves.  One week, and you realize how much you missed this. How starved for his touch you were. You should have made the first move. This all could have been avoided. He was right. You didn't think about how he felt.  You shouldn't have gotten in your own head. You always get in your own head. Yoongi pulls away. Disappointment floods through your body.  Disappointment doesn't last, though. You hear his belt rattling, and pants hit the ground. He roughly pulls your body to him in one smooth move. Your own clothed back to his naked front. He gently tangles his hand in your hair, pulling your head back. Just like that, gentle Yoongi is gone.  Dipping his head, he slants his mouth over yours. Tongue demanding entrance. You relax and press your tongue against his, tasting yourself on him.  Soon, he lets go of your lips and hands roughly yank your dress down to your waist. You thrust your hips back with an arch of your back. He's hard. 
“Still good?” He asks again, hands and slowly coming up to cup your naked breasts. His fingers tweak your nipple. It sends a jolt right down to your core. 
“Yes, Yoongi,” you reply somewhat breathlessly. 
Yoongi pushes you forward so you were down on the bed again. Chest flush with the bed, ass in the air. His hands grip your hips, bringing you back to him. You feel him run his cock up and down your wet folds. Dipping the head in and taking it back out. He does this several times and it's driving you mad. You try to swivel your hips but he completely backs off with an airy laugh. SMACK! He slaps your ass once more. Grabbing your hair again, he pulls you up   savagely against him. His arm crosses over your chest, hand on your shoulder. He's supporting your weight against him. You tilt your head back to rest on his shoulder. Chest rising and falling with every pant of your breath. 
“I should have fucked you in front of him,” he hisses in your ear. “That way you wouldn't have to doubt me again. Everyone at that party would know your mine now. Kai….Lisa….Jimin.” 
 Yoongi's free hand cups your pussy, giving you teasing strokes. Teasing just like before. Fingers enter you shallowly just to pull back quickly. You look at him and you don't even have time to question him before he's answering you. 
“How do you think I found you tonight? We work together, baby. He likes talking about Lisa.” He explains with a chuckle. “Lisa… she likes to talk about setting her pretty little friend up with a date, but her friend is kind of shy. I took the chance that she was talking about you. Lucky me, huh,” Yoongi answers you as his fingers finally start pumping into you. Your wet, you thought maybe too, went given the situation. Your noises make it obvious how much you are enjoying this. “Too bad you're not available. Kai was pretty good-looking.” 
“Please, I'm sorry. I need you. Yoongi, please,” you beg him. Yoongi kisses your neck. Lightly sucking on your sweat slicked skin as his fingers pump into you faster. Marking you, making you his.
Yoongi lets his grip on you go. You fall to the bed and scramble to get back onto your knees in front of him. You lift your head and look over your shoulder at him. Trying to beg him with your eyes to do something…anything.  Tick…tick…tick. Yoongi finally grips your hips and pulls you back to him. Leaning over you, he places you exactly like he had you before. Chest flush with the bed, hands above your head. Rubbing your red marks with his hand, he deals one more blow before he sinks all the way into you. You sigh. He feels like home. 
✦•······················•✦•······················•✦ ✦•······················•✦•······················•✦
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nervousd · 1 year
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Chapter Two - Settle For A Ghost
→ Infatuation | m.list
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#SYNOPSIS— Out in the forest the recoms find high value priosners
#WARNING(S)— This is a dark fic, unhealthy obsession, possessive behavior, abuse of power, yandere, dark quaritch, implications of dubcon/noncon, stalking, creepy behavior, possessive thoughts, implications of baby trapping, implications of unwanted pregnancy
#CHARACTER(S)— Colonel Miles Quaritch, Recom!miles quaritch
Quaritch made his way through Pandora's jungle with his team behind. They were all on edge, tails and ears flapping agitatedly behind them. They raised their weapons as a pack of viper-wolves passed them; their yips and howls echoed. With weapons drawn the Recom squad expected a confrontation with the savages however they were proven wrong. The viper-wolves gave them a quizzical glance before scurrying away. His squad looked at each other in disbelief laughing as they lowered their weapons. Being in a blue body meant they weren’t seen as a threat. Z-Dog looked at Mansk, snickering ❝ No shit❞
They’ve trekked through the forest, slashing and cutting against the vines and roots that blocked their paths. Miles stumbled upon Site 26 a mobile link station for avatars were Jake sully resided alongside with Grace and other limp dick science majors. He alerted his team, giving them orders via hand signals. They’ve checked out the permitter shouting out ‘ clear‘ Miles headed towards the fallen AMP suit with two arrows sticking out. It was covered in vines and the wildlife of Pandora.
He crouched over the damaged suit, fingers turning the fletching of the arrow. His eyes were wide as he stared at the two green arrows jutting out. His ears dropped down a mixture of emotions in his eyes. He shifted his focus to the human remains of Quaritch, that had been left to decompose and rot. Colonel Miles Quaritch died here— gave one last official order demanding you to be buried with him. But the thought alone sickened him. This was the place he was going to bury you in, having given the order to kill once your cooperation with the RDA was finished. His tail flicked in frustration, just what more was he going to take from him? He understood— you weren’t his but you could be.
His ears perked up hearing a high pitched yell out in the distance, voices screaming out commands ❝ With me ❞ his hand briefly touched Lyle’s shoulder, gesturing him to follow his steps. Approaching his squad with his fingers twitching on the trigger angsty to see what got his comrades so riled up. ❝What have we here? ❞ Quaritch gazed at the na’vi carefully, eyes shifting to each hostage.
Lyle smiled cruelly, ❝ Hey, Colonel check it out— four fingers. We got a half breed ❞ he held up the girls palm, gesturing at her fingers. His gaze stayed on her for a second before shifting his focus to the na’vi kneeling on the ground ❝ Show me your fingers ❞ In a defiant action, the boy rose both of his hands flicking him off. Quaritch smirked, eyes crinkling in delight ❝You’re his, aren’t you? ❞ the na’vi barred his teeth, hissing out with his tail lashing behind him.
❝ You’re his, alright ❞ amused as he was there was unfathomable rage bubbling in his chest. He grasped the na’vi by the braid yanking him up. The na’vi let out a painful groan, hissing pathetically. Quaritch gazed down at him with disgust in his eyes ❝ Where is he? ❞ he gave a firm tug on his braid. The na’vi spoke in his tongue causing Quaritch to scowl. His ears pinned back, nose scrunching up in frustration. He uttered the same words in broken na’vi, yanking his braid once again earning a painful cry from the na’vi.
❝ Really? you wanna play it this way? ❞ he questioned frustratingly, having had enough of playing this game. Quaritch pulled out his dagger from his belt, lips pursing in anger. He threw the boy to the ground, walking towards the female na’vi. ❝ Kri! Hey! Hey, don’t touch her! ❞ the human boy shouted, trashing against the grip that held him back. Quaritch peered down at him, head tilting slightly. The boy seemed down right feral, dressing like the na’vi.
❝ What’s your name, kid? ❞ The human boy hesitated briefly, ❝ Spider— ❞ It was like the world stopped, eyes wide like saucers as he stared at the boy—no his son. His ears preened up, the boys words repeated in his head. Was this your son? His? He collapsed on his knees, gazing at the boy with child like wonder ❝ Miles? ❞ his voice was laced with disbelief ❝Nobody calls me that ❞ his son pursed his lips, he was obviously discomforted with the name ❝ I’ll be damned, We’ll I figured you’ll be with your mother — ❞ his voice trailed off
His eyes widen, tail perking up. If his son resided near this territory than wouldn’t you too? You were a responsible woman— you wouldn’t of let your son wander off too far. Even if you had resented him for the pregnancy you still had morals. His tail thumped against the ground a clear indication of his emotions ❝ Where is she? Where’s your mother? ❞ His son scoffed shaking his head, a clear sign of his refusal to answer. Quaritch jaw tightened, nostrils flaring as he stared his son down ❝ Where is she?! ❞ his voice was loud, thunderous so— even his own comrades flinched from his booming voice. His anger had transformed him into a different man—
Yet the boy had remained quiet. ❝ What are we doing boss? ❞ Lyle had snapped him back into reality— a cruel one at that. But no matter, he’ll have the boy singing like a canary of your whereabouts. ❝ Iron sky, Blue one, actual ❞ his fingers pressed against the comm, ❝ Blue one, Iron sky, send your traffic ❞ the response he had gotten back was quick, ❝ We are standing by for extract, over— Be advised we are bringing in high value prisoners ❞
❝ Sit tight blue one, we’re inbound to your pos—❞ Cutting off the mic short, Quaritch rounded up his squad, gesturing them to follow as they treaded back to site 26. ❝ Lyle get me some audio on this ❞ With a few buttons to click on his holopad, he could finally hear the squabbling of his predecessor along with the feral hisses of— ❝ that’s Sully’s woman ❞ Lyle peered at the tablet, agreeing with his colonel ❝ she’s an animal ❞ His face scrunched up in obvious distaste, forwarding to where Jake had fought his predecessor on this very ground they stood on ❝ Give it up Quaritch ❞
The tablet zoomed in on Jake, ❝ It’s all over ❞ Jake gestured towards the obvious lost the humans took. ❝ Nothings over while I’m breathin ❞ His ears pinned back, almost wincing as the fight went on. Two arrows pierced Quaritch— the video log had ended abruptly. Lyle took the tablet from his hands, peering at the colonels dazed look ❝ Yeah there’s nothing else after that ❞
Quaritch leaned down picking up his predecessor skull, inspecting the three scars that ran through his skull. He grimaced— if he didn’t know any better it was like he was staring at his own future. Will his fate turn out like this too? Left to rot in this jungle, decomposing with predators nipping at his corpse. His ears flattened against his skull— no that won’t happen to him. His predecessor failed to kill Jake sully. He was weak— he was Human.
Lyle picked up the fallen dog tag on the floor ❝ want us to recover these remains? ❞ Quaritch brought up the skull at eye level gazing at it with intensity. Putting the slightest amount of pressure on the skull was enough for it to crumble. He swiped off the leftover debris from his palms ❝ No ❞ his answer was short and brief, there was no point in dwelling about this.
The sun was setting fast, night drawling in; bringing in the horrors that Pandora can bring. Yips and howls had everyone on edge, the recoms took a formation, eyeing the forest with hostility. Drizzle poured down on them, pelting on the ground leaving an ominous sound. Soon the drizzle turned into a heavy downpour. The atmosphere around them was tense, each Recom was on edge. And for a good reason too— ❝ Shut up! ❞ without a second to lose the Recom was shot dead with a green fletching arrow. He dropped on the ground with a loud thud, ❝ Contact na’vi! ❞
Bullets shot at the tree bark , splinters flying off by the rapid fire. The na’vi boy grasped onto a canteen and ripped out it’s pin, green smoke erupting from the metal can. The Recom let out a pained scream as the na’vi sunk down its canines in their flesh. Out of pain they let go of the na’vi boy, cradling their injured arm. Another green fletching arrow pieced a female Recom, her body fell flat on a fallen log. Quaritch retreated with the rest of the recoms, grasping onto Walker’s vest he brought her down to him. To his dismay she was dead on impact,
His eyes zoned in towards the arrow, the green fletching mocking him. His ears tipped back an unrecognizable look crossed his face. His canines flashed, ❝ Is that you Miss Sully? I’ve recognized your calling card. Why won’t you come on out? You and I— we’ve got some unfinished business ❞ he called out behind the tree, gripping onto his gun tighter ❝Demon! I will kill you as many times as I have to! ❞ she yelled back at him with venom laced in her voice. ❝ I see you and the Corporal have been pretty busy, haven’t you? Dropped yourself a whole litter of half-breeds ❞ Shots continued to be fired, bullets whizzed through the air.
Quaritch crept forward silently, pouring out bullets, he was on their tails and he refused to go back empty handed. Quaritch fingers hovered over the trigger, eyes narrowing on Miles running away with a female na’vi. The gun shot rang out with a loud, Boom! momentarily blinding everyone in the process. His ears perked up hearing a painful moan coming up further, he slid across the mud. Quaritch cradled the injured boy to his chest, gimmick and blood coating his human flesh. He was clearly wounded and even showed signs of distortion. ❝ Fall Back! ❞ he yelled out
He threw the boy over his shoulders, retreating with his squad. Ahead of them was the their designated carrier, strapping the hook against his vest he was lifted upwards.
The doors shut behind him as he inhaled through his respiratory mask. He leaned down placing both hands on his knees, grimacing as he stared at the boy, he had blood trickling down his nose, rocking his body underneath the table. His footsteps led him to the other side of the table, crouching low; to his utter surprise the boy lashed out and leaned towards the opposite side heading towards the door. ❝Woah— Woah! Easy tiger— easy ❞ with his Supreme agility and strength it wasn’t hard to stop Miles from taking another steps further.
He pressed his palm flat against his chest as Miles continued to trash and fight against him. He spat and hissed at him like a feral cat before ultimately stopping his actions. His strength was no match to that of a na’vi let alone someone with combat experience. Quaritch withdrew his hand back, taking a couple of steps back. His hands were raised in the air hoping to appear non threatening to the boy ❝ We good? ❞ Spider scoffed, he turned his head away refusing to make eye contact with him. Quaritch kneeled down on one knee, ❝ Kid, you got heart. Those science pukes leaned on you pretty hard. But you gave them nothin’. I respect that ❞ There was a brief silence along with the clinking of metal, Quaritch hesitated briefly before outstretching his palm. There in the center of his palm was the dog tag of his predecessor ❞ I thought you might want this ❞
Silence once again, it seemed the boy was intent on remaining quiet. Inhaling through his nose, Quaritch was fed up with his refusal to speak— hell at least acknowledging him would at least count for something. He took the boys hand and slapped down the dog tag on his palm. He curled up his hands into a fist, giving a squeeze. ❝ That’s Colonel Miles Quaritch— Deceased, Killed in Action ❞ he gestured towards the dog tag.
Spider threw the tag across the room even daring to make eye contact with him as he did it. As a show of defiant towards him. His lips quirked up in amusement, outstretching his hand towards the discarded tag he picked it up, thumb brushing agaisnt the cold metal. Perhaps maybe you would want it. He dared himself to even think of you wearing it, a ghost of a smile curling up his lips. He turned back towards spider, ❝ I’m not that man but I do have his memories enough to know that well— he wasn’t always a good man but that’s not an apology to the na’vi ❞ he settled himself beside him.
❝ I’m not your father. Technically you and I, were nothin’ to each other but I can help you. I can get you outta here. I’m not gonna ask you to betray Jake Sully. I know you’ll never do that. You’re loyal and I admire loyalty. Just ride along otherwise, I gotta give you back to the lab coats. ❞ It seemed his words had managed to pierce into the boys head, had finally managed to wrap his head around his situation. He nodded slowly, agreeing to his proposal. Quaritch cleared his throat, palms rubbing down his legs in agitation ❝ I gotta ask— your mother, how is she? ❞
It seemed his words had managed to cause discomfort to the boy, he hesitated before mumbling incoherent words under his breath. Quaritch frowned, ears twitching, he didn’t quite catch his words ❝ repeat that again for me ❞ Spider rolled his eyes, ❝ I don’t know ❞ Quaritch looked at him in bewilderment ❝ You don’t know? What do you mean you don’t know? ❞ Spider shrugged, ❝ I don’t know where she is ❞ A blank emotionless expression swept over his face as the realization of his words sunk in.
Just where could you be? Why wouldn’t you be with his son? You wouldn’t abandon him would you? Impossible— no. You were overjoyed to be pregnant with his child. He was sure of it— thinking back to the memories that were gifted to him he remembers your tear stricken face. They were tears of joy he was sure of it. He doubt the boys words were true, choosing to lie instead of telling the truth. Nostrils flaring, he stood up from the table, fist clenched at his sides. ❝ Don’t worry I’ll find her— for the both of us ❞
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