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edsonjnovaes · 10 months ago
Alzheimer, uma doença autoimune 1.2
O psiquiatra alemão Alois Alzheimer descreveu o primeiro caso do estado que leva seu nome em 1906. Mais de um século depois, a comunidade científica ainda não compreende os mecanismos exatos. Manuel Ansede – El País. O Globo – 06/03/2024 in: Jesus Hemp – 2024 abr 15 haydenbird – Getty Images Em um artigo publicado numa terça-feira (20/09/2022), o professor de química Donald Weaver, diretor do…
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news-ccmdia · 1 day ago
第 15 届UHN加拿大中文电台筹款即将举行,全力提升华人社区的医疗护理
第 15 届UHN加拿大中文电台筹款将于2025年2月27日举行。这个一年一度的活动所筹得的善款,将用于支持加拿大华裔及其他社区的医疗服务和专科护理。届时,大众可通过加拿大中文电台AM1430 或其应用程序收听,支持本次筹款。
第 15 届UHN加拿大中文电台筹款将于2025年2月27日举行。这个一年一度的活动所筹得的善款,将用于支持加拿大华裔及其他社区的医疗服务和专科护理。届时,大众可通过加拿大中文电台AM1430 或其应用程序收听,支持本次筹款。 本次电台筹款将邀请多位来自UHN的医生、研究人员、专家、病人及支持者参与,深入探讨影响华人社区的医疗护理问题,并提供专业建议和健康资讯。其主题包括: 心脏病、 中风复康及心脏复健 - Dr. Paul Oh及Dr. Andrew Ha(Peter Munk心脏科中心) 预防长者跌倒 - Sophia Yue Li(多伦多复康医院KITE 研究所) 帕金森症 - Dr. Robert Chen(Krembil研究所) 视力疾病及视网膜手术 - Dr. Tina Tang(Donald K. Johnson眼科研究所) 肝病与肝脏移植 - Dr.…
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tvbrasilnoticias · 2 months ago
Alzheimer pode ser uma doença autoimune, aponta nova teoria científica
Na incansável busca por uma cura para o Alzheimer, um campo marcado por disputas e incertezas, uma nova hipótese propõe que a doença seja, na verdade, uma desordem autoimune, e não primariamente cerebral. Essa abordagem, desenvolvida por pesquisadores do Instituto Krembil, no Canadá, contrasta com a visão predominante que associa o Alzheimer à formação de placas de beta-amiloide no cérebro. A…
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independentartistbuzz · 10 months ago
Martha Johnson and Company Lift Spirits with “Slow Emotion” Anthem during Parkinson’s Awareness Month
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Martha Johnson is a founding member and the lead singer of the Canadian art pop band Martha and the Muffins which formed in 1977. Her career, spanning more than four decades and eleven albums, has had many highlights. In 2000, Martha was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease and was eventually forced to stop performing live.
April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month. Martha Johnson and Company’s “Slow Emotion” began with the suggestion of her neurologist Dr. Fasano at Krembil Research Institute/University Health Network in Toronto. He encouraged Martha to collaborate on a song with another of his patients, songwriter/musician Fabio Dwyer, to show that life and creativity doesn't end with a diagnosis. Released on April 11th, World Parkinson’s Day, the uplifting anthem was largely performed by musicians and singers with PD.
“I came up with the title, Slow Emotion, years ago and it seemed like a good fit with the theme of accepting and adapting to the changes both physically and emotionally you go through when you are living with PD. I’m hoping that people are moved by the song to a place of better understanding. Parkinson’s is continuously a life changing event for me. Life is what you make of it and you’ll have a better time if you just slow down a little and really take it all in.” -Martha Johnson With the support of Krembil Research Institute/University Health Network and Parkinson Canada, there is an accompanying documentary by Toronto filmmaker Jason Cipparrone that looks at the creation of “Slow Emotion.”
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scamaitch-blog · 7 years ago
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The #Curse of #Mental #Health is #CAMH #Psychiatry. They raise hundreds of millions of dollars for bad drugs and worse hardware - and now for #supercomputers for #Artificialintelligence for Dr #Rat Brain Sean Hill to prevent #schizophrenics with over at #Krembil #Neuroinformatics. Their clinics like and including #Downtown #West (formerly Archway) are characterized by staff drinking (boozing) after hours, cheap and nasty signage, non-hygienic premises, faeces and urine at the entrances, loud and impertinent posters, theft of clients' funds (so-called "pin Monet"), impossible case loads, bureaucratic measures that are the very opposite of clientcentred, excessive drugging, excessive digital processing (for billing purposes), community treatment orders, medication errors, difficulty seeing a doctor, difficulty seeing the same doctor twice, lack of continuity, etc.etc.... Meanwhile CEO and Communicator of the Year Catherine Zahn babbles to billionaire Weiner King Michael McCain about Moon Shots and New Trajectories going Beyond the Moon. What about the Earth, Catherine? What about CAMH West or any other of your sublunary operations? You should straddle one of your own rockets like Dr Strangelove and FIRE yourself where your interests lie - obviously not with us! In the #fuckedup #streetsoftoronto with #streetphotography!
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A small new study has demonstrated that stem cells collected from a patient’s own bone marrow can significantly reduce pain caused by osteoarthritis of the knee.
In the first clinical trial of its kind in Canada, researchers collected mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) from the spines of 12 middle-aged patients with moderate to severe knee osteoarthritis. These “autologous” cells – stems cells derived from a patient’s own fat or bone tissue – were then processed and injected back into the patients’ knees at three different doses.
Researchers then followed the patients for the next 12 months, using MRI imaging, biomarkers, molecular fingerprinting and the patient's own assessment of how they felt.
"Our goal was to test for safety as well as to gain a better understanding of MSC dosing, mechanisms of action and donor selection," said lead author Sowmya Viswanathan, PhD, Arthritis Program at the Krembil Research Institute, University Health Network in Toronto.
At the end of the study period, researchers said there were significant improvements in all 12 patients’ pain levels, stiffness and quality of life. The study also showed that the MSCs were safe at all the doses tested and that the higher the dose, the more effective the outcome. (Read more at link)
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shadow27 · 6 years ago
"So phenylindanes are a dual inhibitor. Very interesting, we were not expecting that," Dr. [Donald] Weaver [co-director of the Krembil Brain Institute] acknowledges.
It appears that a longer roasting time causes the coffee beans to produce more phenylindanes. This suggests that dark roasted coffee — whether regular or decaf — has the strongest protective effect on the brain.
"It's the first time anybody's investigated how phenylindanes interact with the proteins that are responsible for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's," says Dr. [Ross] Mancini.
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x-heesy · 6 years ago
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Dark roast coffee might reduce risk of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, study suggests Ashley May, usatoday.com
Another day, another coffee study. New research suggests that coffee can protect your brain — and the roast matters.
Canadian researchers from the Krembil Brain Institute in Toronto tested Starbucks VIA Instant light roast, dark roast and…
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campplay · 4 years ago
İnsan Nöronlarının Benzersiz Özellikleri Tanımlandı. Krembil Beyin
İnsan Nöronlarının Benzersiz Özellikleri Tanımlandı. Krembil Beyin
İnsan Nöronlarının Benzersiz Özellikleri Tanımlandı. Krembil Beyin Enstitüsü’ndeki bilim insanları, insan nöronlarını benzersiz kılan, işlevsel açıdan önemli özellikleri belirlemek için erişimi zor olan canlı insan kortikal dokusu üzerinde çalıştı. Bu deneysel çalışma, canlı insan nöronları üzerine türünün ilk örneği ve insan kortikal piramidal hücrelerinin çeşitliliği üzerine bugüne kadarki en…
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news-express · 4 years ago
Mind control: Toronto doctors regulate patients' brains from afar using electrode stimulation
Mind control: Toronto doctors regulate patients’ brains from afar using electrode stimulation
Imagine watching your brain activity on a computer screen in real time. For Gord Luke, a Wawa, Ont., resident with Parkinson’s disease, that’s now a reality. Sitting in a room at the Krembil Brain Institute in Toronto’s west end, the 66-year-old can see his brain signals being tracked digitally, thanks to surgically implanted electrodes in his brain and a newly approved device in his…
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curegbm · 5 years ago
Diagnosing brain tumors with a blood test
June 22, 2020 , University Health Network
Princess Margaret Senior Scientist Dr. Daniel De Carvalho and Krembil Brain Institute Medical Director Dr. Gelareh Zadeh collaborated to combine advanced technology with machine learning to develop a highly sensitive and accurate blood test ...
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scamaitch-blog · 7 years ago
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The #Curse of #MentalHealth is #CAMH #Psychiatry. Certainly also the #curse of #Parkdale #QueenWest and all #Toronto. What #transforminglives is really all about - the #concrete #condo #wasteland #gutted neighborhoods and homelessness. It's #drugs and #genetics exploited to drug you even more and #worse #hardware that doesn't work either, after the drugs fail. It's premised on the #conceit that they're #God and you're a #disease. They don't even talk about #curing you any more. Dr #Rat Brain Sean Hill over at #Krembil #Neuroinformatics talks about #preventing - #schizophrenia? #schizophrenics?! In the #streetsoftoronto we know that means #destroying. #Streetphotography Is a record of the world they're destroying.
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canadaecodaily · 5 years ago
Meet the brains behind the push to get more women in neurosurgery
Meet the brains behind the push to get more women in neurosurgery
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As the medical director of Toronto’s Krembil Brain Institute, Dr. Gelareh Zadeh is at the top of the neurology — more specifically, neurosurgery — industry. But throughout most of her journey to get there, she says she’s been the only woman in the room. 
“When I was younger and in residency I kept thinking one day it’ll change,” she said.
“And then I’d go to these skull base conferences and of…
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feel-younger · 6 years ago
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Кофе может снизить вероятность развития болезни Альцгеймера, Паркинсона
По оценкам специалистов исследовательского института Krembil и Университета Торонто, в мире ежегодно выпивают около 500 миллиардов чашек кофе. В то же время ученые обнаружили, что употребление кофе защищает от развития болезней Альцгеймера и Паркинсона .
Это связано с содержанием в продукте антиоксидантов фенилинданов. Они предотвращают образование амилоидных бляшек. Самые путаницы, накопление которых провоцирует появление слабоумия.
Антиоксиданты появляются в кофе в результате расщепления лактонов. Последние появляются при обжаривании кофе. Исследователи проанализировали три вида кофе: светлый жареный и темный жареный с кофеином и без кофеина. Последние два образца были чемпионами по содержанию самого цен��ого антиоксиданта.
То есть положительный эффект ожидается не от кофеина, а от фенилинданов, которые частично ответственны за горечь напитка. Ученые объясняют, что в кофе есть компоненты, которые полезны для предотвращения снижения когнитивных функций. Но это, конечно, не значит, что кофе - это лекарство.
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news-express · 4 years ago
New device allows Toronto specialists to 'stream live' from brains of patients with Parkinson's, epilepsy
New device allows Toronto specialists to ‘stream live’ from brains of patients with Parkinson’s, epilepsy
Imagine watching your brain activity on a computer screen in real time. For Gord Luke, a Wawa, Ont., resident with Parkinson’s disease, that’s now a reality. Sitting in a room at the Krembil Brain Institute in Toronto’s west end, the 66-year-old can see his brain signals being tracked digitally, thanks to surgically implanted electrodes in his brain and a newly approved device in his…
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