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#Squattips: brace your core before you squat! Diaphragmatic breathing: Take a deep breathe through your lungs filling your belly with air. Next brace your core as if you were going to take a punch. Once your core is tight, perform the squat. The bracing of your core will help keep your spine in the most optimal position when performing the squat. Next time you squat try using this method and you will be making awesome gains on the squat. #squat #squats #barbellsquat #barbbell #barbellbabes #kranksystems #kranknutley #lookgoodperformbetter #fitsthetics #powerlifting #powerliftingtips #tips #workouttips #workout #lifting (at Krank Systems Gym)
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@will_araneta Killin the skwaat today during the meathead class @kranknutley #squat #squatmotivation #kranknutley #kranksystems #skwats (at Krank Systems Gym)
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Went 3/3 on deadlifts 475/510/535. PR'd on both 2nd and 3rd attempts. Finally surpassed my deadlift goal of 500 and no better place than the competition platform! Super excited for what's to come! New goal deadlift 600! Coming soon. Check out my YouTube channel for the full video of my meet coming soon. #rpsautumnapocolypse #rpsautumnapocalypse2015 #rpspowerlifting #powerlifting #powerbuilding #lookgoodperformbetter #kranksystems #fitsthetics (at Ramada Plaza Hotel -- Newark-Liberty International Airport)
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Finally got some footage from my meet. Went 3/3 on my squats. I opened at 390, i PR'd my 2nd attempt at 425 and hit another PR on my 3rd attempt at 445 at bw 156. Almost there to hitting my goal of squatting 400 benching 300 deadlifting 500. Just gotta get my bench up! New goal is squat 500! Thanks @ryanthonycarino for the footage, captured it all. Full video of my meet will be up on my YouTube channel soon. #rps #rpsautumnapocolypse #rpsautumnapocalypse2015 #powerlifting #rpspowerlifting #lookgoodperformbetter #fitsthetics #kranksystems (at Ramada Plaza Hotel -- Newark-Liberty International Airport)
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When you surround yourself with driven people with positive attitudes it tends to rub off a bit. @the_camota_dragon Killin it with the easy 595lb squat. @0mar___ @romeo_estrada @matthewjbustos @amesypie @peteisip @belle_aaahh @meggash5 #squad #kranksystems #powerlifting #strength #squat (at Krank Systems Gym)
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"EVERYBODY WANNA BE A BODYBUILDER BUT DONT WANNA LIFT HEAVY ASS WEIGHT!" Lol dead lift 465x3 new PR. 6 weeks till competition! To watch full video click the link in my bio. #powerlifting #bodybuilding #lightweight #deadlift #fitness #fitspo #kranksystems #fitsthetics #lookgoodperformbetter #passion #waynecarmona #waynedeadlift (at Krank Systems Gym)
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Yesterday's test day 265x3. My bench sucks. Elbows are all jacked up so gonna stay really conservative. #benchpress #bench #powerlifting #bodybuilding #fitspo #fitness #fitsthetics #lookgoodperformbetter #strength #power #lifting #strength #kranksystemsnutley #kranksystems (at Krank Systems Gym)
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Ladies killing it! #girlsgonestrong #krankbrooklyn #bestgyminbrooklyn #kranksystems (at Krank Brooklyn)
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Last week training with part of the #KrankSystems Dream Team. #LeadByExample #bestgyminbrooklyn #bestgyminnutley #frontsquat #pushpress (at Krank Systems)
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How I feel right before the training session at #krankbrooklyn #kranksystems #bestgyminbrooklyn (at Krank Brooklyn)
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Our #KrankSystems members are better than most trainers. #bestgyminbrooklyn #krankbrooklyn #ChangingTheGame (at Krank Brooklyn)
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Farmers carries, ladies session. #bestgyminbrooklyn #krankbrooklyn #kranksystems (at Krank Brooklyn)
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Clip from this weekends Nutrition workshop #kranksystems #bestgyminbrooklyn (at Krank Brooklyn)
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