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waynes-world 5 years ago
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MEET MY TEAM!(missing some) #WAYNEGAINS #DaGAINSTEAM #teamGAINS #KRANKMEATHEADS #kranknutley #thedualathlete @kranknutley (at Krank Systems Gym) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8AXgO2Biu6/?igshid=1rtn18zad87km
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waynes-world 5 years ago
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馃挜64 year old powerlifter馃挜 Huge shoutout to one of my @kranknutley ley athletes that competed in her first powerlifting meet this past weekend. Also a huge shoutout to the coaches at krank @peteisip @matthewjbustos tos,ames and @will_araneta eta @dynamicpeakpt kpt this wasa team effort and none of Bonnie's success would have been possible without any one of yall. ---- Super proud of this one.... About 20 weeks ago bonnie was taking the @kranknutley meathead classes and decided that she wanted to compete in a powerlifting meet. Her biggest issues were weakness in her squat and deadlift (she wasnt able to hit depth and also had faulty mechanics) At week 8-10 ish we started to work together 1 on 1 and also with @will_araneta @dynamicpeakpt to fix her weaknesses and imbalances and fast forward to about 2 weeks ago she was able to hit proper depth on the squat comfortably and we were able to make her deadlift a TON better than it was. -- The work that it took for bonnie to get to this point was inspiring and also at her age it's just an amazing thing to experience as a coach and I'm super blessed to work with someone that has the craziest drive to train even at her age. 64 years young! I honestly dont know anyone of that age with your drive. I'm sure the krank coaches can attest to this when I say it was HARDER to get her to NOT train and take rest days than actually getting her to get into the gym and train. LOL One thing I must say though before I end this long post is thank you for trusting in me and in us @kranknutley even when there were times when you wanted to do other things you stuck through and listened to what your coaches told you to do and im glad you were able to experience it paying off on the platform. PROUD COACH! 64 years young and this is only the beginning!馃挭馃挭馃敟馃敟 #BONNIEBUILDING #waynegains #thedualathlete (at The Ramada Plaza by Wyndham at Newark Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4voP__hXg0/?igshid=xmoane4whzfx
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waynes-world 7 years ago
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just wanted to give a shoutout to athlete @mzmonst3r who competed at the #rpsautumnapocalypse this passed weekend. Finished with a 860 total! 馃挜squat 325lbs 馃挜bench 175 馃挜deadlift 360! I remember when she first started and didn't know how to lift at all 馃槩馃槩 LOL but seriously, I admire your hard work and determination and how much you love to train. These are traits you cant teach and its been a pleasure. You've come such a long way! So proud! 馃檶馃檶馃檹馃檹 @kranknutley #waynegains #mondaymotivation (at Ramada Plaza - Newark Liberty Airport)
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waynes-world 7 years ago
caught a bad cold from @miafest this past weekend.. feeling like shiiiiit but I still have to get it in. @kranknutley 4x5@225lbs #thedualathlete #waynegains (at Krank Systems Gym)
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waynes-world 8 years ago
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Squat bench 3s then some of da bodybuildings after. @kranknutley ... havent touch anything over 315lbs on the squat in a while so this is a confidence booster. #thdualathlete #wayneGAINS #waynecarmona (at Krank Systems Gym)
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waynes-world 8 years ago
@peteisip bringing in some new toys to decompress the spine. Feels soo good! Definitely going to make it a routine to do this after training sessions. @kranknutley #thedualathlete #wayneGAINS (at Krank Systems Gym)
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waynes-world 9 years ago
Deadlift test. hit 430x7. Really disappointed man. I hit this weight for 7 before in training after deadlifting a few sets.. but I'll take it. @beastcoastiron @kranknutley #bcim #beastcoastironmilitia #beastcoastiron #powerlifting #bodybuilding #deadlift #powerbuilding #BCIMSTRONG #kranknutley #fit #fitfam #fitspo #fitness #health #strength #bestgyminnutley #nj #deadlifttillimdead #deadliftmotivation (at Krank Systems Gym)
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waynes-world 9 years ago
Test day bench 225x11. Felt like I had a couple more but I didn't have a spot so I left some in the tank. @beastcoastiron @kranknutley #bench #powerlifting #powerbuilding #bodybuilding #bcim #beastcoastfam #beastcoastiron #benchpress #kranknutley #bestgyminnutley #instafit #fit #fitness #gym #workout #exercise #strength #74kg (at Krank Systems Gym)
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waynes-world 9 years ago
Snippet of Part 2 of the #BEASTCOASTIRONPROJECTS featuring @belle_aaahh Belle "captain bar-BELLE" Bolante!! Click the link in my bio to watch the full video! Also be sure to subscribe and follow our new page @beastcoastiron !! New content coming to your screen every week! Tune in!! #subscribe #follow #powerlifting #beastcoast #grindneverstops #alwaysgrinding #kranksystems #kranknutley #strength #squat #bench #deadlift #rps #usapl #apa #girlswholift #girlsthatlift (at Krank Systems Gym)
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waynes-world 9 years ago
3rd week of #ph3 and Im feeling super comfortable with this volume and intensity. Squats 3x9 @310lbs I'm shooting for another meet in the near future. Don't know when yet but powerlifting is fun! #powerbuilding #powerlifting #sport #gym #kranksystems #kranknutley #strength #bodybuilding #lift style #fit #fitlifestyle #personaltraining #squats #lookgoodperformbetter #fitsthetics (at Krank Systems Gym)
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waynes-world 9 years ago
3rd week of #ph3 and Im feeling super comfortable with this volume and intensity. Squats 3x9 @310lbs I'm shooting for another meet in the near future. Don't know when yet but powerlifting is fun! #powerbuilding #powerlifting #sport #gym #kranksystems #kranknutley #strength #bodybuilding #lift style #fit #fitlifestyle #personaltraining #squats #lookgoodperformbetter #fitsthetics (at Krank Systems Gym)
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waynes-world 9 years ago
@will_araneta Killin the skwaat today during the meathead class @kranknutley #squat #squatmotivation #kranknutley #kranksystems #skwats (at Krank Systems Gym)
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