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de-meerpeen · 4 months ago
Vertoning van klassieker "De Inbreker" in Cultuurschuur Wieringerwerf
Er op uit: 'Vertoning van klassieker "De Inbreker" in Cultuurschuur Wieringerwerf'
WIERINGERWERF – Op zaterdag 26 oktober 2024 wordt de klassieker De Inbreker (1972, 102 min.), geregisseerd door Frans Weisz, vertoond in de vernieuwde filmzaal van de Cultuurschuur in Wieringerwerf. Deze misdaadfilm speelt zich af in een verpauperd en intiem Amsterdam van vóór de aanleg van de metro, een tijd die getekend werd door de krakersbeweging, Provo, en kleine drugsgerelateerde…
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gevechtsgroep · 6 years ago
Archidat BouwNieuws - bouwnieuws - schoolvoorbeeld-complex-betaalbaar-en-duurzaam-stadsbouwen - Archidat Bouwformatie
Archidat BouwNieuws - bouwnieuws - schoolvoorbeeld-complex-betaalbaar-en-duurzaam-stadsbouwen  Archidat Bouwformatie
KAW, een architectenbureau, dat voorkomt uit de krakersbeweging en zich met haar ruim 65 architecten en onderzoekers inzet voor stedelijke, ruimtelijke en ...
from "taskforce" - Google Nieuws https://ift.tt/2utQ1IV
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jdreport · 6 years ago
LOL: We Are Here kraakt pand naast Amsterdamse wethouder van wonen
LOL: We Are Here kraakt pand naast Amsterdamse wethouder van wonen
De Amsterdamse wethouder Laurens Ivens, verantwoordelijk voor de portefeuille wonen, heeft een tweet de wereld ingestuurd over zijn nieuwe buren.
De krakersbeweging We Are Here is op het Buikslotermeerplein in Noord neergestreken naast de politicus.
Ivens toont de aankondiging van zijn buren, die hem per brief toekwam.
Daarin valt te…
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hurenisvoordeburen · 7 years ago
14 en 30?
14) Ja, wel meerdere dingen!30) Uit een krantenartikel uit de jaren ‘90 over de krakersbeweging in Gent!
Dank je!
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josienfk · 8 years ago
Summary of ‘Species of Spaces and Other Pieces’
by Georges Perec
There isn't one space, a beautiful space, a beautiful space round about, a beautiful space all around us, there's a whole lot of small bits of space, and one of these bits is a Métro corridor, and another of them is a public park. (blz 5-6) To live is to pass from one space to another, while doing your very best not to bump yourself. (blz 6) You have to write a little over sixteen pages to take up one square meter. (blz 10) Space as inventory, space as invention. (blz 13) The bed is thus the individual space par excellence, the elementary space of the body (the bed-nomad), the one which even the man completely crippled by debts has the right to keep: the bailiffs don't have the power to seize your bed. This also means – this is easily verified in practice - that we have only one bed, which is our bed. (blz 16) I was lying face-down on my bed that I read Twenty Years After, The Mysterious Island and Jerry on the Island. The bed became a trapper's cabin, or a lifeboat on the raging ocaen, or a boabab tree threatened by fire, a tent erected in the desert, or a propitious crevice that my enemies passed within inches of, unavainlingly. (blz 17) I like ceilings. (blz 18) The bed is one of the rare places where we adopt rougly speaking a horizontal posture. (blz 19) What does it mean, to live in a room? Is to live in a place to take possession of it? What does taking possession of a place mean? (blz 24) The passage of time (my History) leaves behind a residue that accumulates: photographs, drawings, the corpses of long since dried-up felt-pens, shirts, non-returnable glasses and returnable glasses, cigar wrappers, tins, erasers, postcards, books, dust and knickknacks: this is what I call my fortune. (blz 24-25) A few years ago, one of my friends had the idea of living for a whole month in an international airport, without ever leaving it (unless, all international airports being by definition identical, to catch a place that would have taken him to another international airport). (blz 26) Seen in this light, an airport is no more than a sort of shopping mall, a simulated urban neighbourhood. (blz 27) Apartments are built by architects who have very precise ideas of what an entrance-hall, a sitting-room, (living-room, reception room), a parents'bedroom, a child's rom, a maid's room, a box-room, a kitchen, and a bathroom ought to be like. To start with, however, all rooms are alike, more or less, and it is no good their trying to impress us with stuff about modules and other nonsense: they're never anything more than a sort of cube, or let's say rectangular parallelepiped. (blz 28) The activities of the day correspond to slices of time, and to each slice of time there orresponds ne room of the apartment. The following model is hardly a caricature. (blz 28) "… that architects and town planners see us as living or want us to live." (blz 31) The vacuum cleaner goes into the broom closet; exhausted bodies into the bedroom: the two functions are the same, of recuperation and maintenance. (blz 31) I have several times tried to think of an apartment in which there would be useless room, absolutely and intentionally useless. (blz 33) A space without a function. (blz 33) How to think of nothing without automatically putting something round that nothing, so turning it into a hole, into which one will hasten to put something, an activity, a function, a destiny, a gaze, a need, a lack, a surplus...? (blz 33) I thought of the dreams I had had on this very subject, discovering a room I didn't know about in my own apartment. (blz 34) On one side, me and my place, the private, the domestic: on the other side, other people, the world, the public, politics. (blz 37) Image a house which doesn't have a door. (blz 37) We don't think enough about staircases. (blz 38) I no longer know that in my apartment there are walls, and that if there weren't any walls, there would be no apartment. (blz 39) Contrary to the buildings, which almost always belong to someone, the streets in principle belond to no one. (blz 47) Note down what you can see. Anything worthy of note going on. Do you know how to see what's worthy of note? Is there anything that strikes you? Nothing strikes you. You don't know how to see. (blz 50) Don't say, don't write 'etc'. Make an effort to exhaust the subject, even if that seems grotesque, or pointless, or stupid. (blz 50) The neighbourhood: That portion of the town you can get around easily in on foot or, to say the same thing in the form of a triusm, that part of the town you don't need to go to, precisely because you're already there. (blz 57) Recognize that suburbs have a strong tendency not to remain as suburbs. (blz 60) There's something frightening in the very idea of the town: you get the imporession you can fasten only on to tragic or desparing images of it – Metropolis, the mineral universe, the world turned to stone - that you can only go on endlessly piling up unanswerable questions. (blz 62) There's nothing inhuman in a town, unless it's our own humanity. (blz 62) Numerous locations have precise memories attached to them: houses where friends once lived that I've lost touch with, [more examples] … (blz 62) You've got two hours to waste and you walk for two hours; why should you be drawn more particularly by this rather than that? A neutral space, not yet invested, practically without landmarks: you don't know how long it takes to get from one place to another; as a result you're always horribly ahead of time. (blz 64) The country doesn’t exist, it’s an illusion. (blz 68) For most people of my kind, the country is a decorative space surrounding their second home, bordering a part of the motorways they take on Friday evenings when they go there, and a few metres of which they will pass through, if they have the courage, on Sunday afternoons, before regaining the town, where, throughout the whole of the rest of the week, they will be hymning the return to nature. (blz 68) To feel at home nowhere, but at ease almost everywhere. (blz 71) We should long ago have got into the habit of moving about, of moving about freely, without it being too much trouble. But we haven’t done so, we’ve stayed where we were: things have stayed as they were. We haven’t asked ourselves why it was there and not somewhere else, why it was like this and not otherwise. Then, obviously, it was too late, our habits were formed. We began to think we were well off where we were. After all, we were as well off there as over the road. (blz 71, on Movement) Something extremely serious needs to happen for us to agree to move: wars, families, epidemics. (blz 72) You remember with nostalgia your little village, your little, river, the big field of mustard you could see when leaving the main road. (blz 72) Countries are divived from one another by frontiers. (blz 73) It's the same air, the same earth, but the road is no longer quite the same, the writing on the road signs changes, the baker’s shop just a short while earlier, the loaves are no longer the same shape, there are nog longer the same cigarette packets lying around on the ground. (Note what remains identical: the shape of the houses? The shape of the fields? The faces? The Shell emblems at the filling stations, the Coca Cola signs that are almost identical, as a recent photographic exhibition showed, from Tierra del Fuego to Scandinavia and from Japan to Greenland, the rules of the road […], the guage on the railways […]. (blz 73) Frontiers are lines. Millions of men are dead because of these lines. Thousands of men are dead because they didn’t manage to cross them. (blz 74) {memory of own: seeing the border of Russia from the peninsula of Nida} Tiny morsels of space have been fought over, bits of hillside, a few yards of seaside, needles of rock, the corner of a street. (blz 74) {krakersbeweging: vecht ook over ruimte. THE IMPORTANCE OF OUR RELATIONAL POSITION TOWARDS SPACE AND ITS OWNERSHIP            Connecting Memories towards particular spaces, is about feeling home.              Explore this feeling (experiment>?) The surprise and disappointment of travelling. The illusion of having overcome distance, of having erased time. To be far away. (blz 77) Or else, rather, to see, far from its presumed place of origin, a perfectly ugly object, for example a box made out of seashells bearing the words ‘Souvenir of Dinard’ in a chalet in the Black Forest. (blz 77) To see what you have always dreamed of seeing. (blz 78) Or else, rather, to discover what you’ve never seen, what you didn’t expect, what you didn’t imagine. (blz 78) What can we know of the world? What quantity of space can our eyes hope to take in between our birth and our death? How many square centimeters of Planet Earth will the soles of our shoes have touched? (blz 78) Perceiving that the earth is a form of writing, a geography of which we had forgotten that we ourselves are the author. (blz 79) We use our eyes for seeing. Our field of vision reveals a limited space, something vaguely circular, which ends very quickly to left and right, and doesn’t extend very far up or down. (blz 81) Our gaze travels through space and gives us the illusion of relief and distance. That is how we construct space, with an up and a down, a left and a right, an in front and a behind, a near and a far. (blz 81) When nothing arrests our gaze, it carries a very long way. But if it meets with nothing, it sees nothing, it sees only what it meets. (blz 81) There’s nothing ectoplasmic about space, it has edges, it doesn’t go off in all directions, it does all that needs to be done for railway lines to meet well short of infinity. (blz 81) Like everyone else, I presume, I feel an attraction for zero points, for the axes and points of reference from which the positions and distances of any object in the universe can be determined:            (blz 82)            - the equator            - the Greenwich Meridian            - sea-level I read recently that a letter had been posted in England whose only address was a latitude and longitude. {interesting: everyone/everything can be coded into coordinates, nomads also, but means they have a constant changing number} (blz 83) Space seems to be either tamer or more inoffensive than time: we’re forever meeting people who have watches, very seldom people who have compasses. We always need to know what time it is (who still knows how to deduce it from the position of the sun?) but we never ask ourselves where we are. We think we know: we are at home, at our office, in the Métro, in the street. (blz 83) 
Interrogate yourself at some precise moment of the day about the positions occupied by some of your friends, in relation both to one another and to yourself. List the differences in levels (the ones who, like you, live on the first floor, the ones who live on the fifth, the sixth, etc) the direction they are facing, imagine their movements through space. (blz 84) Elephants are generally drawn smaller than life size, but a flea always larger. (Jonathan Swift, Thoughts on Various Subjects) (blz 85) Space melts like sand running through one’s fingers. (blz 91)
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gevechtsgroep · 6 years ago
Archidat BouwNieuws - bouwnieuws - schoolvoorbeeld-complex-betaalbaar-en-duurzaam-stadsbouwen - Archidat Bouwformatie
Archidat BouwNieuws - bouwnieuws - schoolvoorbeeld-complex-betaalbaar-en-duurzaam-stadsbouwen  Archidat Bouwformatie
KAW, een architectenbureau, dat voorkomt uit de krakersbeweging en zich met haar ruim 65 architecten en onderzoekers inzet voor stedelijke, ruimtelijke en ...
from "taskforce" - Google Nieuws https://ift.tt/2utQ1IV
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gevechtsgroep · 6 years ago
Archidat BouwNieuws - bouwnieuws - schoolvoorbeeld-complex-betaalbaar-en-duurzaam-stadsbouwen - Archidat Bouwformatie
Archidat BouwNieuws - bouwnieuws - schoolvoorbeeld-complex-betaalbaar-en-duurzaam-stadsbouwen  Archidat Bouwformatie
KAW, een architectenbureau, dat voorkomt uit de krakersbeweging en zich met haar ruim 65 architecten en onderzoekers inzet voor stedelijke, ruimtelijke en ...
from "taskforce" - Google Nieuws https://ift.tt/2utQ1IV
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gevechtsgroep · 6 years ago
Archidat BouwNieuws - bouwnieuws - schoolvoorbeeld-complex-betaalbaar-en-duurzaam-stadsbouwen - Archidat Bouwformatie
Archidat BouwNieuws - bouwnieuws - schoolvoorbeeld-complex-betaalbaar-en-duurzaam-stadsbouwen  Archidat Bouwformatie
KAW, een architectenbureau, dat voorkomt uit de krakersbeweging en zich met haar ruim 65 architecten en onderzoekers inzet voor stedelijke, ruimtelijke en ...
from "taskforce" - Google Nieuws https://ift.tt/2utQ1IV
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gevechtsgroep · 6 years ago
Archidat BouwNieuws - bouwnieuws - schoolvoorbeeld-complex-betaalbaar-en-duurzaam-stadsbouwen - Archidat Bouwformatie
Archidat BouwNieuws - bouwnieuws - schoolvoorbeeld-complex-betaalbaar-en-duurzaam-stadsbouwen  Archidat Bouwformatie
KAW, een architectenbureau, dat voorkomt uit de krakersbeweging en zich met haar ruim 65 architecten en onderzoekers inzet voor stedelijke, ruimtelijke en ...
from "taskforce" - Google Nieuws https://ift.tt/2utQ1IV
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gevechtsgroep · 6 years ago
Archidat BouwNieuws - bouwnieuws - schoolvoorbeeld-complex-betaalbaar-en-duurzaam-stadsbouwen - Archidat Bouwformatie
Archidat BouwNieuws - bouwnieuws - schoolvoorbeeld-complex-betaalbaar-en-duurzaam-stadsbouwen  Archidat Bouwformatie
KAW, een architectenbureau, dat voorkomt uit de krakersbeweging en zich met haar ruim 65 architecten en onderzoekers inzet voor stedelijke, ruimtelijke en ...
from "taskforce" - Google Nieuws https://ift.tt/2utQ1IV
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gevechtsgroep · 6 years ago
Archidat BouwNieuws - bouwnieuws - schoolvoorbeeld-complex-betaalbaar-en-duurzaam-stadsbouwen - Archidat Bouwformatie
Archidat BouwNieuws - bouwnieuws - schoolvoorbeeld-complex-betaalbaar-en-duurzaam-stadsbouwen  Archidat Bouwformatie
KAW, een architectenbureau, dat voorkomt uit de krakersbeweging en zich met haar ruim 65 architecten en onderzoekers inzet voor stedelijke, ruimtelijke en ...
from "taskforce" - Google Nieuws https://ift.tt/2utQ1IV
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gevechtsgroep · 6 years ago
Archidat BouwNieuws - bouwnieuws - schoolvoorbeeld-complex-betaalbaar-en-duurzaam-stadsbouwen - Archidat Bouwformatie
Archidat BouwNieuws - bouwnieuws - schoolvoorbeeld-complex-betaalbaar-en-duurzaam-stadsbouwen  Archidat Bouwformatie
KAW, een architectenbureau, dat voorkomt uit de krakersbeweging en zich met haar ruim 65 architecten en onderzoekers inzet voor stedelijke, ruimtelijke en ...
from "taskforce" - Google Nieuws https://ift.tt/2utQ1IV
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gevechtsgroep · 6 years ago
Archidat BouwNieuws - bouwnieuws - schoolvoorbeeld-complex-betaalbaar-en-duurzaam-stadsbouwen - Archidat Bouwformatie
Archidat BouwNieuws - bouwnieuws - schoolvoorbeeld-complex-betaalbaar-en-duurzaam-stadsbouwen  Archidat Bouwformatie
KAW, een architectenbureau, dat voorkomt uit de krakersbeweging en zich met haar ruim 65 architecten en onderzoekers inzet voor stedelijke, ruimtelijke en ...
from "taskforce" - Google Nieuws https://ift.tt/2utQ1IV
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gevechtsgroep · 6 years ago
Archidat BouwNieuws - bouwnieuws - schoolvoorbeeld-complex-betaalbaar-en-duurzaam-stadsbouwen - Archidat Bouwformatie
Archidat BouwNieuws - bouwnieuws - schoolvoorbeeld-complex-betaalbaar-en-duurzaam-stadsbouwen  Archidat Bouwformatie
KAW, een architectenbureau, dat voorkomt uit de krakersbeweging en zich met haar ruim 65 architecten en onderzoekers inzet voor stedelijke, ruimtelijke en ...
from "taskforce" - Google Nieuws https://ift.tt/2utQ1IV
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gevechtsgroep · 6 years ago
Archidat BouwNieuws - bouwnieuws - schoolvoorbeeld-complex-betaalbaar-en-duurzaam-stadsbouwen - Archidat Bouwformatie
Archidat BouwNieuws - bouwnieuws - schoolvoorbeeld-complex-betaalbaar-en-duurzaam-stadsbouwen  Archidat Bouwformatie
KAW, een architectenbureau, dat voorkomt uit de krakersbeweging en zich met haar ruim 65 architecten en onderzoekers inzet voor stedelijke, ruimtelijke en ...
from "taskforce" - Google Nieuws https://ift.tt/2utQ1IV
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gevechtsgroep · 6 years ago
Archidat BouwNieuws - bouwnieuws - schoolvoorbeeld-complex-betaalbaar-en-duurzaam-stadsbouwen - Archidat Bouwformatie
Archidat BouwNieuws - bouwnieuws - schoolvoorbeeld-complex-betaalbaar-en-duurzaam-stadsbouwen  Archidat Bouwformatie
KAW, een architectenbureau, dat voorkomt uit de krakersbeweging en zich met haar ruim 65 architecten en onderzoekers inzet voor stedelijke, ruimtelijke en ...
from "taskforce" - Google Nieuws https://ift.tt/2utQ1IV
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