#kpop more like aquila shut up
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petrichorpetals · 4 months ago
Okay my kpop hyperfixation is too much for even me 😂
So I picked out an old kpop "book" (it's more like a magazine) from the library and given the information in it I can narrow it down to having been written between a very specific 16 day window.
Okay, needed context is that the book already dates itself to being very third gen just from the groups on the front and the publication date is 2019. Given that Seungri was still talked about as a current member of Big Bang, it already put a hard limit on it had to be January-Febuary since he left because of Burning Sun in March.
However!!!! The Neo page is the part that dated it the hardest. They listed NCT as being 18 members, yet also name dropped WayV specifically. WayV got announced as a group December 31st, 2018 but they didn't debut until January 17th, 2019 hence the 18 instead of NCT's eventual 21 once they debuted. So it gives us a 16 day window that this book was written in.
I'm in this shit too deep lmao
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petrichorpetals · 11 months ago
I'd apologize for the amount of kpop but I'm not. Good music is good music. 🤷‍♀️
1. Ten - Shadow
Honestly the whole album? If I'm not listening to Ten assume I'm dead. He opens his mouth and my brain goes YOU.
2. Seventeen - I Don't Understand But I Luv U
I have an ungodly amount of streams of this on spotify. This song is my 4th most listened to of all time and that's including from when my sleep playlist was like 20 songs.
3. Eaj - castle in the sky - ghibli version
I fucking love Eaj. All of his songs are on constant rotation, but this one is the one that's been scratching the itch.
4. OnlyOneOf - dOpamine
Another song I have far too many streams in. It is my dOpamine.
5. NCT U - Call D
Did I just put Ten here twice? Yes. Shut up. It was almost Popping Love, but then I remembered that while I Don't Understand was at 4, this one is at 5. Call D was THE song ever when it dropped. I have to force myself not to loop it every time I hear it in passing. Tbh that entire album was the best NCT had done in YEARS. I say that bc Queen WayV hadn't dropped yet. 😔
Tagged by @boghermit to post five songs I've been listening to! Thank you for the tag. I tag @gateato @petrichorpetals @doctorsoup @caesarius3 @thequeervampiric if would like to do this!
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petrichorpetals · 5 months ago
Okay I'm gonna need one Mr Myung Jaehyun to evacuate the braincell. I don't even go here but I have brainrot over this boy.
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petrichorpetals · 6 months ago
So I'm half convinced that this random guy at the library was on a skype call with mr Mark Lee from NCT (also other people but).
Earlier I was in the adult section shelving part of my cart. This random guy decides to set up shop at one of the tables and starts playing a racing game while on voice call. It's quiet enough that I don't really care so I don't make a fuss over his noise and I'm half paying attention to what he's going on about. I wander closer to his table looking for the spot for the book I have in hand and dead on freeze when I hear a voice that sounds like Mark's. At first I'm like wow weird this person really sounds like Mark and the more I hear him talk I'm sitting there half convinced. I'm over here like no it can't be, it's chuseok and it'll be night time in Korea about now.
EXCEPT I GO TO INSTAGRAM LATER AND REALIZE NO THE DREAMIES ARE IN AMERICA TOURING RIGHT NOW. There was a part where he said that he'd have to go to work in a bit and he'd be back in 3-4 hours which is a wild amount of time for a work shift, but not if you're going to perform at a concert????
The guy playing the game was apparently recording gameplay footage for a youtube video and I was so fucking tempted to ask what his channel was.
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petrichorpetals · 1 year ago
I'm being very sane and normal about the Ten album I swear. I might have listened to the album 176 times already but that's besides the point.
Ten's about to be my most streamed artist by the end of the year tbh. I'm SOBBING I didn't have money for preorder but I'm getting my little goblin hands on both versions of his album as soon as I can. I need king of the ult table's photocard if it kills me. I've gotten my hands on two WayV albums and Xiaojun I love you, you're secondary bias, but I need my boy.
(Okay to be fair I did pull a Ten in On My Youth but it was the Polaroid and I can't put that in my phone case.)
Not excited over the styling tho. The light on version is giving far too much Kai for me to be convinced it's Ten's flavor and I'm not a fan of the stylings they had him in for Nightwalker. Like the thumbnail image of him with no eyebrows???? I know SM hates him but genuinely why.
It's not like they don't know how to style him??? Was his normal stylist out of town for this promotion or something? Like we're just back to 'Baby Don't Stop' Ten again and while I'm not opposed, it was far from his best look. 😕 'Birthday' Ten slapped so hard and tbh that song should have been promoted on this mini album as the title track but that's besides the point.
Honestly while I didn't hate Nightwalker at first it ranked really low for me overall but it's deffo grown on me. I should know by now not to doubt WayV. 😅 I was making fun of the slight falsetto from On My Youth and was SO convinced it ruined the song on my first listen. I have far too many streams of that song now in both versions. Same thing with Low Low and Kick Back tbh.
I think it's just the Ten effect. Boy opens his mouth and I listen. 😂 He's up to 103 songs that he's participated in and it doesn't matter what I'm doing, my brain is hyper-focused every time he opens mouth.
It's still funny to be that getting into WayV at first, Ten wasn't even the one I was focused on. It was Lucas at first bc my friend biased him, then Xiaojun took my attention, and finally Ten decided to get the wrecking ball to my brain.
I'm not even normally one for dance line either because I'm a whore for vocalists, but Ten is the only person I'll actively go out of my way to watch dance practice videos for. (Besides ateez but that was plot related) Like I already mentioned Birthday but the amount of views I have on both the MV and dance practice alone is too many to count. Ten just moves like water and has masterful control over his body and UGH IT'S SO GOOD. Have I gone out of my way to watch each and every video I can find of Ten dancing? Maybe.
Tbh I think the only person that can compete with Ten for my attention dance wise is The8 from Seventeen. I just really desperately want those two to collab. Like I know you two know each other, you were on the same show at one point and you share the dreamies on the weekend. Minghao is literally besties with Winwin please I need this for my mental health. I'll even take Jun too at this point, please Ten I'm begging! 😭 Am I still on my WayV and Seventeen agenda maybe.
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petrichorpetals · 4 months ago
I can't believe Yeosang and Ten both decided to drop music at the same time like this 😭 I don't get paid until Halloween so I can't even get Ateez's signed version like I wanteddddd
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petrichorpetals · 5 months ago
I'm trying to be very normal about the seventeen comeback bc I have a big thing for work in a few hours but I'm absolutely vibrating
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petrichorpetals · 5 months ago
Vent under the cut
So I woke up this morning to see the update and Jesus Christ we knew it was going to be bad based on sm's reaction but I didn't know we were getting Seungri 2.0 out of the deal!!!! What's especially bonkers is like bro you're a celebrity it is not that hard to find someone to sleep with you consentually like there is 0 need or purpose to do that kind of irredeemable bullshit. I hate people dragging Lucas into this as well bc he wasn't accused of anything near this bad and it was proven that most (of not all) the accusations are false and he never dealt with anything more than people yelling at him on the internet. He who shall no longer be named is facing actual criminal charges in Korea of all places, the country known for you basically having to have caught the perpetrator pants down to get them charged. Like no wonder doyoung was fucking sobbing over this saying he gets it. I fully don't blame jaehyun for enlisting bc bro said nah I'm cursed I'm just going to fuck off to the military and hope I even have something to come back to.
Tbh I kind of assumed that we weren't going to get any more updates for a good long while. There's been caution tape over everything nct in my mind lately that yuta managed to peel away with his album but getting this news just wrapped everything with another layer. I can't even be happy Renjun is back. 😭
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petrichorpetals · 6 months ago
Fucking thrown about Taeil rn. 🙃 He's not my bias but my friend's and he's managed to avoid everyone that was accused of shit like this by sheer vibes. He's been into kpop since 2012 and managed to swerve on kris wu, seungri, himchan, etc all before their related scandals dropped. The fact that he ults Taeil already has me denying that it could be possible. But SM kicking him before any allegations even dropped??? I can only hope that this just happened midway through contract negotiations and that's why???? I'm so utterly lost about all of this because old man Taeil with a broken hip is the one I would have expected the least. I'm in shock and denial right now and can only hope that this is some wild misunderstanding. I need the facts that come out before I lean one way or another in all of this but I'm bracing myself mentally. 😬
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petrichorpetals · 10 months ago
Losing my shit bc the new E'last is SO FUCKING GOOD. The mixing for the mv of gasoline was wack but the rest of the album has just been banger after banger so far!!! E'last kind of lost their sound for a while there but we're back with a vengeance!!!! Gasoline is probably the weakest song on here and that's just bc it sounds like a generic boy group song and not E'last's over the top orchestral title tracks I loved.
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petrichorpetals · 11 months ago
Part of me wants to continue the tradition of preordering the new svt album but since it's functionally a repackage and I never buy those idk. I know I'm just going to pull scoops again either way. 😭 I'm like 7 albums deep and have yet to pull scoops in some capacity. I got the same scoops twice in heng:garæ so that was fun. I'll probably just end up buying one of the older restocks.
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petrichorpetals · 1 year ago
I'm not saying I don't love God of Music but as someone that's been into the neos longer than Seventeen despite Seventeen taking my whole braincell, God of Music is the love child of Hello Future and Beatbox. 😂 I love it, but it's just a dreamies song and idk what to do with that.
Side note but it 100% sounds like something you would hear in New Donk City from Super Mario Odyssey.
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petrichorpetals · 2 years ago
You know every day I claim I'm not a moa but I have over 1,500 streams for TXT and they're my 12th most listened to artist. 😭 I claim I'm not a moa but I've found and listened to Sweat on the website like I just want to live in denial.
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petrichorpetals · 4 months ago
I don't even follow boynextdoor in any capacity bc I fear this motherfucker is way too strong and yet still he haunts me on my kpop social media. 🙄 I partially blame Hanbin but it's not all mc stuff. I can't escape him and I refuse to give in because they're over 600 streams and I'm not letting a group I don't even stan be my most streamed group this year. 😫
Okay I'm gonna need one Mr Myung Jaehyun to evacuate the braincell. I don't even go here but I have brainrot over this boy.
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petrichorpetals · 5 months ago
Okay I'm gonna need one Mr Myung Jaehyun to evacuate the braincell. I don't even go here but I have brainrot over this boy.
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