untitled teaching blog
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Adventures of a first year English teacher
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thedapperdudeguy · 4 years ago
It's been really hard to want to blog about teaching, just because it's been a little demoralizing and stressful with this distance learning model. But something happened yesterday that made me feel like a real teacher again.
I have a student who hasn't shown up to class since the first week of school. This isn't anything crazy, a lot of students have sort have dropped off the face of the earth, which is sad. But a couple days ago this student emailed me asking for help with all the assignments she missed. I was ecstatic! I offered to meet her virtually, but she just asked for a bit more detailed instructions. I sent her an email with detailed instructions over the assignments she missed and then I didn't hear from her again for a while... two days later I get an email from her basically saying "Mr. S, I'm not going to be doing any of the work you've assigned because it's way to overwhelming and I have no idea what to do." She apologized and everything, but it still sucked to hear that. But then I remembered that I'm the teacher now, and I get to make decisions! I went over the assignments real quick and was able to narrow it down to three assignments that she could do to demonstrate mastery, and asked if she would be willing to just those three. She said she could, and today I got the first of the three assignments back! It wasn't perfect, but it was pretty darn good! I went ahead and gave her full points, and I have to admit it felt good to watch her grade jump from an F to a passing grade.
All of this stuff is ridiculous and hard and demoralizing, but getting to email my student and let her know that if she keeps up the hard work she can get an A in my class really made my day
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thedapperdudeguy · 5 years ago
First day!
Okay, so I spent all last week and the first three days of this week preparing for today, and I still have so many first day nerves! I see my students in about twenty minutes, even if it is just over Google Meet I'm still super stoked to meet them! As long as I remember I will post a follow up tonight.
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thedapperdudeguy · 5 years ago
First days of work
It was a weird day yesterday. It was a teacher work day, and the first contract day, so we all came in and set up our classrooms. Only thing is we are starting out remote, and I'm not too sure we're going to be opening up anytime soon. With that in mind it felt really weird to be decorating my classroom.
I planned out the rough rough rough outline for the semester, and I'll just keel cleaning it up over the next week. I guess we have this weird situation where we teach three classes a quarter, try to fit a semester worth of content in nine weeks, and then take three new classes the next quarter and do it again. Don't know if that makes perfect sense, but it's a weird and little bit stressful situation. I keep getting nervous thinking about how I'm going to get the kids to even read one book over nine weeks, let alone three. You would think three months is enough time to read some books and write some papers, but if my short time subbing and interning taught me anything, it's that something that I think should take maybe two days will take two weeks.
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thedapperdudeguy · 5 years ago
Prepping for the school year
Yesterday and today were "new teacher bootcamp". I'm terrible at this kind of stuff in the best of situations. I have a hard time paying attention to lectures and find my mind wandering unless I'm super invested. This year it's all over Google meet, and when you put 80 some.people in one Google meet its so easy to just turn off your camera and start wandering the internet.
Later today I get to tour my new school with my mentor teacher, so that is just super exciting. We're starting the school year with distance learning, which I appreciate, but the teachers will be working from the school, which I also appreciate. I think this is a sort of good compromise, I hated working from home last year, and I felt like I was supposed to be "home" even though I was at work.
Its been a long crazy summer, but the school year starts Monday, and I see my students on the 20th! Or at least ideally I will see them, they may pull a me and turn off their cameras and start ignoring me.
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thedapperdudeguy · 5 years ago
Another non-teaching gundam post:
I had a friend come up to visit and one of the things we spent the weekend doing together was build some gundams. Obligatory toy pictures!
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thedapperdudeguy · 5 years ago
I applied for a part time position at a local high school and just got a call saying I didn't get the job.
Instead the offered me a full time position! I will be teaching 9th grade english, non-fiction writing, and college writing prep! I'm so stoked, and this is an awesome way to wrap up the week! Prepare for more teaching content coming August 10th!
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thedapperdudeguy · 5 years ago
Day 50
Welp, this quarter for sure didnt go as I had planned. The quarter is over and I've turned in final grades and now I just need to figure out how to turn in my work laptop. I'm disappointed I didnt get to spend more time with my students in person, but I'm so proud of all of them for staying so strong through this pandemic. I sent them all a short email letting them know I'm proud of them, and that I wish them all the best next year.
The school I've been working at ended up hiring someone else for the full time teaching position so I've been looking for a new job for the fall. One of the high schools has a .8 time position available, so I have an interview for that on Friday! I'm a little nervous to work with older kids, but I also know I cant be picky. And when I first started working towards being a teacher I had wanted to be a high school teacher, so.... I guess this works?
Time for summer break! Once I know where I'll be teaching next year I'll start planning lesson plans and stuff, but for now it's time to enjoy a break!
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thedapperdudeguy · 5 years ago
Day whatever it is:
During my office hour today I had two students break my heart. I let the kiddos know today that the 8th grade graduation will likely just be a PowerPoint this year. The VP had us all the teachers put in some comments for different students so that every student has some personalized comments. Most of the students thought that was pretty neat, but one girl just said, "I bet all the teachers will say I was super dumb." And that just broke my heart. I went on a bit of a gentle rant about how all the students have been so hard on themselves, whether it be like what that student did, or in their reflections about how they know their poetry isn't that great, it in their journals about how they know that aren't too good at school. I told her I call that a sneaky hate spiral, and soon you begin to really believe those things about yourself, and the kids need to start working on building themselves up. I have no idea if anything I said stuck with any of the kids, but I hate seeing them do that.
After that little rant one of my more quiet students said "I wish you could be my teacher next year" and that just killed me even more. I found out the position I'm subbing for got filled, and I didnt even get a chance to interview. I let her know that I wish I could be all of their teacher next year, and that I will miss every single one of them.
I didnt want to cry in front of a bunch of twelve year olds, but it was a little tough.
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thedapperdudeguy · 5 years ago
Non-teaching post
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One of my hobbies is building gundam models, and I'm building a replacement for one of my favorite looking models. I decided to take some silly pictures during the process.
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thedapperdudeguy · 5 years ago
Day 19
Today I held office hours for the kiddos over Zoom. It was slightly awkward, there was a lot of sitting in silence waiting for someone to say something. But it was nice to see some students, and they seemed really happy to get to socialize with each other if even only for an hour. At the end of the hour I had them share their "personal weather" with me. This was something I learned from a past professor, which I thought was really cool. The kids just tell me how they're feeling using weather as a symbol and they are free to give as much or little detail as they want.
After that I got a call from one of the other english teachers saying that one of the kiddos had gotten editing privileges to our google doc worksheet. That was my fault, I had misread the email and thought I was just giving him viewing privalages... oops.... it was an easy fix and I adjusted the instructions to let the kids know they were supposed to make a copy of the document to turn in.
It was a bit of a rough day between all the grading and meetings, but getting to see my students for a little bit did make it a lot better.
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thedapperdudeguy · 5 years ago
Day 18
I figured out what day it is! I spent today grading work and it made me feel a lot better about everything. My eighth graders were supposed to analyze a poem with one solid paragraph, and since this was their first experience with something like this, and I wasnt able to help them in person I think most of them did really well. Even if a lot of them just listed rhyming as the only poetic device they found in their poem.
We will be hearing from the superintendent either today or tomorrow about what to expect for the rest of the school year. There are rumors that we're just going to cancel school after the 11th and I really hope that isnt true, while also knowing that may be best for some of our students. We already wont be assigning grades to these kids, and with the area we live in, most of the kids of bigger things on their minds than school work. I know as a teacher I shouldn't say that, but whatever.
In the vein of what I had been expecting to talk about when I first started this blog, I got a parent email today that made me unreasonably frustrated. I've set up my google classroom with due dates and expectations and all the assignments needed for the last week and this week. The parent emailed me today asking if I could send them a syllabus with all the assignments and everything, and it took everything in me to not tell her to just check my google classroom. But I also know that I would probably do the same as a parent, so instead I wrote her a nice detailed email about everything I have planned for the kids and the due dates. More on me than the parent, but still...
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thedapperdudeguy · 5 years ago
Day ???
The first week of distance learning is officially done, and the second week starts tomorrow. I was surprised by how much the students seem to miss school and just want things to go back to normal. Their first assignment was due on Friday and I really expected almost no one to turn anything in, but it looks like I got almost 60 or so assignments turned in (maybe a little less than half!). We just got an email telling us that the kids will get NG for this quarter, meaning that there's insufficient evidence to give the kids a grade. This makes me worry that they wont take this distance learning stuff seriously, I know I wouldn't have at their age.
My seventh graders are working on journaling their time in quarantine, and some of their responses just break my heart. One kiddo lives with her mom and grandma, and since her grandma is sick she isnt allowed to leave the house at all. Her journal was just talking about how bored and lonely she is, and I felt so bad for her. I know all this is so rough for them, and I'm really looking forward to when all of this is over and things can go back to normal.
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thedapperdudeguy · 5 years ago
Day 8
So we are jumped into distance learning today. The district let us know to plan for kids to do 2 and a half hours of school related stuff a week, meaning to plan about half an hours worth of work per class per week. For some reason this simultaneously stresses me out and makes me feel better. We have the 8th grader's next 4 weeks planned out and ready to go and tomorrow we will be working on the 7th graders. It's kinda nice because our principal wants us to just team up with the other teachers and have one set of assignments for all the students no matter the teacher.
I really hate that this is my first experience as a teacher, but I keep telling myself if I can get through this I can get through anything once my career really starts.
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thedapperdudeguy · 5 years ago
Between day 7 and 8
Its hard to want to keep up with blogging with all this craziness going on. We spent all last week not sure what was going to happen, so our job was to try to figure out what distance learning would look like if the kids didnt come back to school. Well on Friday night the governor announced that schools will be closed until May 1st. I feel bad for the students, I know we arent really set up for distant learning and I feel like we're setting up some of our students for failure. I want to plan cool lessons for the kids to do, but we have no idea how many students have internet access, or how many have the support needed to succeed, or even how many will even participate. Its weird and scary and I just wish for the best for my students.
I'll be meeting with the other English teachers today and we'll start making concrete plans for all this. Hopefully it goes well and we can get through this okay.
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thedapperdudeguy · 5 years ago
Day 3
Today was the first official day of me being a full time teacher and I spent it in an empty classroom. Since the school is shut down for the next two weeks the teachers are expected to come in and create some engagement activities for the students while they're gone. I partnered up with Mr. L. and he came up with some pretty cool ideas while I tagged along to feel like I was doing something.
It was a weird feeling being in an "empty" school. It was weirdly stressful actually, and I came home just drained. I hope the next two weeks dont continue on like this.
Since there are no students the next two weeks I think I'm going to take this time to plan out my curriculum for next year. Since I'm a brand new teacher I dont really have anything ready or planned out unit and lesson wise. Itll be nice to have this time to spend making some plans and getting some advice/help from teachers much better than me.
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thedapperdudeguy · 5 years ago
Mixed feelings
I've been super nervous about next week, and every possible stress dream you can have about teaching I have had. That being said, I've also been super looking forward to finally having my own classroom and starting my new career. That's why I had mixed feelings when we got an email from the district superintendent that spring break will be extended another week thanks to this whole Corona virus thing.
First of all, I'm very happy that the district is taking the kids health into consideration and making sure that we all stay as healthy as possible. But also like... come on! Dont keep me in suspense for another week stressing about starting this job!
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thedapperdudeguy · 5 years ago
Non-teaching post
So I'm working on getting my masters and this week I have to do my comprehensive exam, and let me tell you... I am so so done with school. Don't get me wrong, I'm so excited that I get to be a teacher and I'll have a masters or whatever, but if I have to write one more paper on the importance of differentiation or how to ensure that your lessons are culturally relevant and place based to meet the diverse needs of your student base I think I'm going to scream. How do people do this and remain sane?
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