#but something tells me that it has to be deranged if everyone is unfollowing him and sm of all people kicked him out
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petrichorpetals ยท 6 months ago
Fucking thrown about Taeil rn. ๐Ÿ™ƒ He's not my bias but my friend's and he's managed to avoid everyone that was accused of shit like this by sheer vibes. He's been into kpop since 2012 and managed to swerve on kris wu, seungri, himchan, etc all before their related scandals dropped. The fact that he ults Taeil already has me denying that it could be possible. But SM kicking him before any allegations even dropped??? I can only hope that this just happened midway through contract negotiations and that's why???? I'm so utterly lost about all of this because old man Taeil with a broken hip is the one I would have expected the least. I'm in shock and denial right now and can only hope that this is some wild misunderstanding. I need the facts that come out before I lean one way or another in all of this but I'm bracing myself mentally. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
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topconfessions ยท 3 years ago
Omg girl i just found this channel and i cant lmaoo what the fuck https://youtube.com/c/SimpleBelieverRaptureReady
lord..... where is my new york temple rub gif.
OKAY that's a whole mental illness channel bred on hating all general things and kpop. BUT I DO agree with the general ideas this disturbed person is saying and he isn't lying. Kpop idol worship (if we are abiding by Christianity and the entire core principals of christianity) is idolatry and a sin against god. It's sort of no different than when the people began worshiping their own created gods aka the egyptains having multiple deities to worship which were called false idols and they got punished supposedly before it (this was B.C before christ*) as the bible preaches directly that there shall be no other god, worship or strict dedication to anyone else but him.
Idol worship is stronger than religion and christ. I won't even fucking lying to you all and I love you all dearly but I've dedicated my life more to kpop in the past than christ if I'm being honest and I'm a regular casual christian believer (although most religions are trash tbh, no offense to the muslim followers, I respect you.) So he has a point. It is wrecking havoc on some very imperssionable people to the point they dedicate their lives to entertainment, music, fan-dom and emotional devotion when the bible basically tells us in a nutshell we should be into Jesus Christ this way (although the bible is flawed and we know many shitty horrible people in real life who swear they love god but hurt others and commit sins*)
Also I do believe J-HOPE wants out and is plagued.
I do believe idols evoke gods, goddesses and spirits practicing spirituality and what looks like normal poses / cultural appropriation for concepts to us is literal intentional work. The Daniel vid I kinda agree with but the whole channel looks like a 2010 illuminati nutcase timecapsule with poor editing.
Conspiracy theorists get labelled mentally ill, incompetent, severely mentally challenged and deranged or lacking intelligence even being labelled (forgive me all for using this word, I know it's a slur but forgive me) more retarded than most people with special needs. I've seen countless propaganda pushed that you if participate in this thinking regularly you're just at the bottom of the barrell in society and need help.
I really wish we had some sound, poised, easy to watch and good with editing youtubers keep conspiracies alive and do it right. Make it presentable at least. Anyways it's a messy lunatic channel against KPOP but I do believe the general point of it.
For instance y'all gonna unfollow but I believe HyunA is all kinds of fucked up and she's one of the main elite korean pop sellouts. I am pro LGBTQ and their freedoms but I personally DO believe that to some extent sexuality is being abused, manipulated and made into a whole separate culture and movement it shouldn't be. Just treat sexual orientation or gender changes as normal. I do believe that kpp is pushing a same sex and gay agenda and it's ass backwards to exile an idol for being gay or have them forced closeted but have shit like them basically promoting gay / queer baiting antics which fans get swept up into. You can be open to gay themes and gay relationships without turning the world into that orientation. Just my 2 cents but I feel indifferent on that.
And I do believe in the addiction to k-dramas it is addicting and does something to you. But tbh I prefer the artistry, the pacing, the cinematic direction and structure in pacing of K-dramas to American style direction of regular shows. Empire, that black drama was soooo widely popular for it's debut because I secretly believe that was a rare first to have a mainstream urban show let any american show follow the exact forumla of k-drama delivery. Empire was like a black urban Korean Drama to me and that's why everyone was so addicted to it before Power came along. I even bought the physical CD for it for no reason LMFAO. buying a physical soundtrack cause it was that damn popular. It was condensed, great time flow, the characters felt like characters and not their actors, it wasn't in your face deadpan realism lame boring crap American shows give, the story had it's main plot and it revolved around that plus the fight for a company was basically black chabeol realness lmao. Empire strayed cause tbh It felt like they only expected it to be a fast fashion sort of consumption of a 1-2 season short lived show. Once they had to keep going due to demand they ran out of ideas as the entire premise and main point of Lucious health issue was solved, they ended up making 3323323 sub storylines, dialouge that wasn't central to the end game of the plot idea and flowed to keep everyone moving at the quick yet steady pace.
K- dramas are good with short storytelling and 95% of all k-dramas would be a flop no matter how iconic if they had multiple seasons and unessarcy bs going on to expand the story like american shows. Some k dramas DO NEED and DESERVE at least a season 2 or 3 but thats it.
thats why it's addictive.
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