#kou empires adviser
yandere-wishes · 4 years
Red Roses //Yandere! Kouen x Reader//
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First song fic! For prompt 23 “We paint white roses red each shade from a diffrent person’s head”
You glared angrily at the fleet of guards that surrounded you, soldiers sent to accompany you from your homeland, and soldiers sent to deliver you to the royal palace. Each of their porcelain faces where stoic deprived of any inkling of emotion. 'Mindless brutes' you thought furiously to yourself. 
You didn't want to be here, you didn't want to have anything to do with the corrupt kingdom of Kou. But alas what choice did you have? As the first princess of the Persian empire, it was your royal duty to forge an alliance with one of the most powerful empires that currently stood. Of course, when you and your father had set out to create this "so-called" alliance nither of you had expected the second prince of the Kou -scrawny dead-looking, thing he was-to proposes an arranged marriage to his older brother. 
"No chance! No way!" you tried to invoke reason, hoping to convince your father and his court to decline the offer. It had almost worked too, your father ready to decline the proposal and instead search for a different route. That was until one of his top advisers began singing fables of what a magnificent ruler Kouen ren was, how he had conquered three dungeons a near-impossible task! After that, your pleas fell on deaf ears. Your father had become so entranced with the idea of his eldest daughter marrying a renowned dungeon capture that he stopped caring about who you wanted to marry.
The truth of the matter was, you didn't doubt that Kouen ren was a good man, a good future king, heck he may even be a good husband if you gave him a chance...but that could never happen, for another had captured your heart. Your attention, a man that had served you since both of you were merely little children oblivious to the troubles of the world. He had been your closest friend from before you could properly speak, the one you confined in more than your own flesh and blood. You loved him and he loved you. You dreamed of marrying him one day, so the two of you could rule toghter....yet somehow in a matter of days all your planes had been shattered you were no longer free to marry whomever you pleased. So much for a childhood love story gone right.
The emerald palace danced in view, its glittering walls were practically blinding. Steadily you marched forward in toe with the guards. Your eyes darted frantically trying to find the man that would soon be your husband. The only description you had gotten was that he was a tall man with crimson hair. Secretly you wished that he was hideous or had some major flaws like missing a limp or a tooth or lacking any manners. Anything that would give you a centimeter of leverage to use against this marriage.
The thick iron doors split, presenting you to a crowded room or guards, political leaders, and the imperial family - or what was left of it- along with the infamous dark magi. Your eyes trailed over each person linger longer than it should have. Dread slowly built up in your stomach, oh how you wished to be anywhere but here. Your steps where uneven wobbly and ill elegant. When you reached the head of the room, you shakily took a knee, eyes once more gazing at the blood-colored carpet in front of you.
"Please rise your highness" a raucous voice declared.
Anxiously you pushed your self off the floor, eyes still lingering on the floor. When your orbs finally rose to meet the prince, you were met with an emotionless looking man, his eyes seemed to be judging you, critiquing every breath you took, scars littered his arms and hands, occupying every inch of skin. Somewhere faded other a bright scarlet matching his messy locks. "So you are the princess of the Persian empire? I have to say I'm rather disappointed. When they spoke of you they made you out to be a sort of fierce intellectual, practically a scholar. But you, standing here before me, appear more like a little lost sheep who strayed too far from their flock." Every word the man spoke was gritty and harsh his tone was that of war drums declaring the commencement of a bloody battle. 
Somewhere from the crowd laughter echoed, flowed by a harsh slapping noise and a whiny plea of "Mei it was funny" "Yeah ugly stop being just a stick in the--ow ow okay okay I'll stop, you gloomy-looking rat!" 
An embarrassed blush sprinkled your cheeks, how dare this man defile you in such a manner! How dare his "family" have the nerve to laugh at you as if you were a court jester! Straightening your spine and raising your head higher, you proclaimed as proudly as you could! "It's been a long trip, your highness, I would very much like to retire to my room and further discuss the details of this forced marriage in the morning. " 
Your eyes never once strayed away from his, your fingers had balled into tight fists, making your knuckles turn a snowy white. Passively Kouen waved a hand and a couple of maids rushed to your side using you out the side doors and down the long hallway. From the distance, you could faintly hear a gritty chuckle flowed by the red-haired man's sharp voice. "Force marriage she says"...
Night in the palace of this far off land was nothing like back home, they were restless and noisy. screams and whines filled the air with occasional noise of breaking objects and shatter glass. You had counted about eight times that a young female voice and a high pitch more masculine voice were screaming after a third party. Judar you believed the name was. children the lot of them where. You could even hear the voice of your "finance" yelling at someone to "get out of the dame library" and to "sleep in your own bed like a normal person!". It was hectic pure chaos. You leaned against your open window, peering out at the Jade city. Each of the houses and monuments shimmered in the moon's spotlight, like jewelers hanging from a pendant. For a merciful second, you began to forget your unjust predicament, instead of getting lost in the beauty of your future city.
Lost in your pitiful trance you didn't notice someone scaling up the palace walls. Until they had reached the window's edge. Noticing the hands you quickly recoiled, eyes wide with terror, your mouth was purchased ready to scream when the intruder pulled themselves up. They're basking in the moon's glory was none other than the boy of your dreams, your childhood lover. Your eyes began to tear up as he pulled himself into your room. "My darling?" His voice was so gentle like the finest silks, it wasn't terrifying or degrading in the least, unlike your husband to be's, rough military-like voice. Swiftly you ran up to your lover, wrapping your arms around his neck and burying your face in this chest. "I miss you" he cooed as his fingers curled lock of your hair. His hands cupped your cheeks tilting your head so you faced him. "We haven't much time" he muttered, quickly detaching your arms from his neck. He scurried over to where your bags were, shutting them and dragging them by the window.
"I can't just leave!" you bellowed, "What about the alliance? What will Persia do if I suddenly disappear?" You looked at your lover's eyes sucking in every detail about him. For this could very well be the last time you saw him. "They'll send one of your sisters to marry that vain man! Why must it be you? You and I can run away, live a peaceful like in another kingdom far away from the nation's troubles!" He hoisted a bag up the window frame ready to jump down. "Well you do make a compelling poi--"
The door creaked open, permitting a white light from the hallway to spill inside. Meackly stepping inside was none other than the eighth imperial princess herself Kougyoku Ren. Her hair lost from it's usual restrains and instead of her usual long dress, she was dressed in a simple rosy nightgown. "Hey (y/n) I was thinking that since you're...." Her voice trailed off as she spotted the scene in front of her. Her lips stretched into a thin line. Shakily she took a step back, her pink eyes never once leaving either of you. "KOUEN!" her voice bounced off the walls echoing across the castle. In a matter of moments, a thunder of footsteps were heard.
You gulped rushing towards your childhood friend and trying to shield him from the guards that poured in. "Kouen! She-she's trying to escape." Kougyoku blurted out the moment her brother rushed to her side. From between the guards you caught Kouen's eyes, they held a sort of....glee. Not malice, not anger, not hate but a sort of deranged happiness.
You watched helplessly as the guards dragged your lover from the room. Every time you tried to latch yourself onto him one of the guards would pull you off and push you behind him. The room emptied out quickly, The guards all leaving to deal with the intruder and Kouen shooing his sister to her room. You double-checked, his face was deprived of frustration...maybe that wasn't a good thing, his lips were turned into upwards into a mangled grin, his eyes wide with an evil type of joy. In a few short threatening steps, he was right in front of you. He gripped your wrist and pulled you to his chest, stroking your head with his free hand. "Get some sleep, my darling wife, I want you to be fully awake for tomorrow." with that he gave you an almost loving kiss on the forehead before heading out. Leaving you to tumble to the floor as nonstop tears flew from your eyes.
The next morning you found yourself standing in the gardens with the first imperial prince. That horrid grin still dancing across his face. "You clearly aren't accustomed to the manner in which we do things here in the Kou empire, so allow me to explain. You see here in Kou we do now have red roses." He lifted a finger to point at some rose bushes on the further side of the garden. Somewhere a striking scarlet, while others, an innocent white. "So we paint white roses red, each shade from a different person's head". Your breath hitched in your throat. "Please don't do this" you begged, meekly you grabbed at his arm trying to earn an ounce of sympathy from him. Instead, he just chuckled. "It's a little late for that my dear bride to be" you followed his gaze, just in time to see the executioner lower the sword, slicing off your lover's head.
Time seemed to have frozen, blood spurted outstanding the once pure white roses. The open-air was filled with monotone applause....and your defeated sobs.
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fuwafuwamedb · 5 years
The Tales of King Sinbad and His Magi Pt 2 (Magi AU) (Hakuno, Sinbad, Ja’far)
Previous: One
Sinbad resumed his work from his seat, smirking a little despite his best attempts to avoid the matter. The assassin nearby was moving a bit closer, his hands hidden away beneath his sleeves.
No doubt holding those blades of his.
“Sin, you wisely advised the servants of the palace to remain outside of the young lady’s room.”
“I’m aware.”
It was smart to allow her to awaken in a warm bed, tucked away from all the dangers of the world. The only thing he’d truly permitted was for the maids and Yamuraiha to tend to the woman. After that, he’d seen the girl to her bed and listened to Yamu go on about how the woman seemed to possess no rukh.
There was power. His lady general had made sure to assure him of that. She’d gone to describe how the woman seemed to possess a power running through her veins that reacted strongly with their rukh. Yamu had asked to have the woman brought to her lab so she could… see to her needs.
Experiment was the word she’d really needed to say. She wanted to experiment and figure out what was going on with Hakuno.
Ja’far was inching closer, those eyes of his flashing dangerously.
He dodged the first blade, stretching slightly as the man lost his temper a bit.
“I’m going to have the documents done.”
Or he’d set them on Sharkan’s pile of things to do again.
“If this woman is something akin to a magi though,” he met the other’s gaze, letting the other infer the rest of his thinking.
A magi was one of the most powerful forces in this world. Having one on their side, having one to stop the chaos of the Kou Empire that was rampaging through the world…
It could change the entire course of history.
“It could be dangerous,” Ja’far pointed out.
Sinbad nodded, finding the maiden in bed slowly coming to.
He didn’t even notice the strings before it was too late. He was yanked under the depths of Hakuno’s bed as Ja’far leaned over the awakening woman and smiled.
“Hello there, miss. My name is Ja’far.”
“How long was I asleep?”
“Not long,” the man assured her as Sinbad tried to worm his way out of the red string. “My king and I were both worried about you. Do you know where you are?”
“…The Moon Cell somewhere?”
“No, not quite.”
The moon?
She was from the Moon?
Sinbad stared above himself, at the bed over his head.
“You are in Sindria, part of the Seven Seas Alliance. On the behalf of King Sinbad, I would like to welcome you and invite you to stay for a while.”
“Sindria…” The woman hummed. “I heard someone say that name before. It was a purple-haired man.”
“That would be my king and I apologize if he was too forward. He can be a bit overwhelming.”
“I see.”
This was not at all how he wanted to start this entire relationship. Sinbad groaned quietly, pressing his face to the floor tiles as he listened.
“Do you have an extra set of robes?”
“I was just thinking… These robes are a bit revealing. If you have robes like yours around, maybe? Unless this is customary. I don’t want to-“
“I’ll find you a change of clothes. Why don’t you come with me?”
He watched, noting the young woman taking Ja’far’s hand and smiling softly. The two of them were heading for the doors.
“Did you know… You seem to make my energy levels a bit stronger.”
“I’m a Mage. It happens.”
“You’ll have to tell me about your travels then.”
Sinbad sighed the moment the string loosened around him. He climbed out from the bed and looked around, thinking for a moment.
A mage.
There were magicians and there were magi. The term mage was a bit strange.
He would have to think of a new term, just in case someone came to visit the kingdom.
If Ja’far could feel her increase the strength of Baal, then perhaps the term for her should be something like Djinn Guide. Djinn lover…
The retainer.
She could be the Sindrian Retainer of Djinns.
The title had a nice ring to it.
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hunnimaple-blog · 7 years
Sinbad x Reader “who she is” [part 1]
Enjoy this lil’ Sinbad x Reader series I’m making <3
My eyes fell half-lidded as once more I was in the middle of an important meeting. Something about the prevention of further wars leading to my country, Almubar, in ashes and debris from the Kou Empire. I was not scared; all we had to do to prevent it was to form an alliance with Kou; from there their customs would sew its way into our country and we would be one with theirs. This very reason was why Mama and Papa were against it, but I had no complaints. Our people would be fed, and their lives would be much better. It sounded like a perfect compromise in waiting! My father constantly scolded me for such thinking, however, reminding me of my age, being only thirteen, and I held my tongue in their stead.
What vacuous thinking their majesties are showing, I thought bitterly, glaring at Mama and Papa. Their jewels jingled along while they shoved out their arms dramatically, declaring their beliefs aloud to the others in this meeting, like my older and younger sisters . The others. Pfft, the other dramatically political snobs.
I felt guilty, having to hate my line of snobbish, stuck-up royalty, but they were nothing but just that: snobbish, stuck-up royalty. As was I, myself, though I should feel very grateful.
"You must not take our riches for granted," warned my mother as she batted her beautiful eyelashes at me with a gorgeous smile, "it's very important to know your worth here, as a princess, and what that means. When the time comes, and if it does-- though with God's mercy I hope not-- your people will depend on you once your elder sisters have to leave us, unmarried at that. You must be determined, and you must have the mindset of a strong ruler."
"Like that of King Hakutoku?" I remarked.
She glared down at me and decided to ignore my reply, walking off to continue her speech with Papa. I shrugged, not caring, and looked out the sole window of the room, admiring the flowers just in bloom outside, when I suddenly remembered something that brought the widest grin upon my face. "My birthday's tomorrow!" I announced, slamming my hands on the desk as I stood up.
The room went quiet and everyone looked at me, shocked at my outburst that absolutely had nothing to do with the problems we were facing in this room right now. And I blushed harder than ever. "I-I-e-ee...." I stammered, pulling at my hair as means to comfort my nervousness, "Do... pardon me. I apologize, I suppose I was just um... dazing off.." I looked down, audibly and visibly embarrassed as my head hung low. My parents coughed, and soon the crowd began to commerce again with the serious matter at hand.
Oh, my God please slit my throat.
The next morning I woke up to Leon, my adviser, poking at my cheeks quite harshly. I got up and glared at him before getting dressed for my birthday. We were to be throwing a little celebration, as we always do in royal birthdays. Because my family is full of snobby stuck-ups. I sighed, thanking them nonetheless and enjoyed the day with my people.
And here I sat: a cup of wine in hand, sneakily drinking it in the corner of the ball room. I smiled watching everyone dance and talk. It filled me with pride how kind my family was to their people, masking the troubles we hide in our family with kind smiles and actions. I nodded to myself in content, taking another sip, when someone disrupted my thoughts, saying,
"are you sure you're allowed to be drinking like that at your age, princess?"
I turned my head to face the man who spoke, only to find it was a boy, seemingly my age, smirking at me with beautiful, teasing eyes. I gaped my mouth at him, mockingly. "And who are you to talk?" I taunted, nodding toward the alcohol in his very hands.
He chuckled, puffing his chest with pride. as he spoke. "Sinbad, if you may know. And for the record, I'm sixteen." The purple-ette winked at me as he turned to search for the Queen, and my eyes followed his in curiosity.  "My.. Comrade and I are here in hopes to ally you with our trading business," he spoke to me, eyes still in search until he visibly caught something. My mother was there, conversing with a smaller boy with white hair and.. Red strings on his hands. I nodded to Sinbad, though I was aware he wouldn't see it. He continued nonetheless,  "We are aware of your countries successes in trades, and we ask to be able to share ideas further on in the future. You do not have to accept, as quite a few have turned us down but-"
"Do you know what this celebration is for?" I asked, turning to him with sharp, analyzing eyes. He nodded to me, smiling.
"Yes, we know. Happy birthday, by the way, any who," I scoffed, somehow maintaining to hold my smirk as he continued, raising his arms out. "Our trading is as well becoming very successful but it's only just the beginning. We hope, with allying with your country, our business becomes of something much bigger than that. Though, I don't know if that should be announced as of yet," he looked at me with a charming smile, sighing once he finished speaking.
And he grinned. His eyes shimmered with the lingering need of adventure and justice. In one look he had me caught in his web. and he was calling out to me. "Of course, forgive me princess. You look absolutely stunning. I was not aware of this kingdom's true treasures and yet here I am, standing right in front of one," he spoke, showing his teeth in a charming smile.
I see.
"How crude," I gasped, smacking him on the shoulder in shock, "I didn't think of you as the type, but I suppose all men of trade are the same." My brows furrowed and my bottom lip pushed out in a pout as I glared at him. To think I wanted to follow this boy!  He looked at me in disbelief, reaching out a hand to touch me only to yelp when I smacked it away. Waving his hand to cool it off from my harsh impact, he sighed before speaking again,
"I don't quite understand, my lady, did I offend you somehow? I don't entirely know the culture of this Country so do forgive me.." he trailed, sheepishly scratching the back of his neck as he looked at me, frowning with concern. But his childish attempts to run out of trouble only fueled my anger ever more. I complied to his wishes, though.
"I know how all of you work, dear Sinbad; buttering all of us ladies up so you can woo us into agreeing with whatever you're trying to do. But I can tell you this:" I leaned forward, looping my arm around his torso to push him closer to me as I whispered into his ear, "This little scit-- doesn't work for us Almubans. We're well known for the acts and lies in the trading business."
Once I let go of him, Sinbad's eyes were widened and his face had a wide blush. He stood still for  a while, probably due to shock, and I held my head high, analyzing him more as I leaned, putting a hand on my hip. Once he finally broke out of a trance he shook his head like a wet dog and blinked, looking at me with even more concern. He looked down with another shake of his head and sighed, speaking once more, "I'm not trying to do any of that.. I was just trying to be c-courteo-"
"Sinbad!" called a younger voice, and the two of us turned our heads to find the white haired boy from earlier rushing towards us with a wary look. He doesn't pay mind to me, but even then I don't care as I listen in to what he's saying.
"Queen Buvoen and King Olvad do not seem to agree with us, no matter how king I'm being. Honestly I think they're being too stuck up sitting on their thrown like that, as what we have can obviously benefit them. They said we were just a bunch of stupid, unwanted sailors though for that I would have been glad to-" he continued to ramble on while I watched as Sinbad's face paled, and he waved his hands to and fro, frantically trying to prevent his comrade to speak trash any further. I didn't mind, once more, because my God! This kid was hilarious!
"Ja'far!" he finally exclaimed. It seems he had enough, finally. "You're talking trash right in front of Princess (name)!"
Ja'far's ranting stopped right there and he said nothing, his mouth making a sound like that of an alligator eating a treat as his jaw snapped shut. He slowly peeked over Sinbad's shoulder to see me, and his eyes widened comically.
I stifled a laugh. Awe! He's no bigger than little Amlen! I thought, happily thinking of my little sister. "You are alright, Ja'far," I assured, "I'm not as fond of my parents as it is, your bickering became quite amusing. In fact, I thank you for speaking my thoughts all the time."
It was Sinbad's turn to be slack-jawed in shock and with that, I laughed even harder, snorting and covering my mouth with my small giggles. The two just sort of looked at each-other with daisy-pink dusted cheeks before looking back at me. "U-Um.." they spoke, trying their best to figure out what to say. Though they never seemed to accomplish such the deed, as my mother's chiming of her spoon against the glass made everyone look toward her, silent.
"I am afraid to say the hosts of the party are very tired, so all of the kingdom's people must leave the castle in the next five minutes. We have genuinely enjoyed your time here in out castle, and I hope you have as well. Thank you for joining us with such a special occasion as my daughter's birthday." The crowd inside the ball room cheered, raising their glasses before the room began to head out. My two hopeful friends turned to me with smug smiles, and Sinbad bent down to take my hand and kiss it, winking at me.
"I hope we get to meet again, princess. Happy birthday, and it was lovely talking with you," he spoke flirtatiously, flashing me the ole' charming smile he seems to have displayed for only ever.
I scoffed at him, politely bringing my hand back to my side and giving a curtsy as he bowed, not even registering anything as we both bid our goodbyes. The castle doors shut and Sinbad and Ja'far walked off, gloomily talking about the negotiation fail.
"Shit!" I exclaimed, sprinting out of the castle. My dress flailed to and fro wildly and I jumped over things that stood in my way. "Sinbad!" I called, holding out my arm in desperate means to reach him further.
The sixteen year old sailor ahead of me stopped in his tracks, turning back to me and smiling widely.
Ouf, my heart.
"I- I want-!!!" I couldn't speak further as my concentration then went on to stopping, and I tripped mid-way. I could hear Sin gasp and he grabbed on to my waist to prevent me from falling, however that only made it worse, and the two of us then fell to the ground.
If it wasn't night time, anyone could see how red I was currently. Luckily though the shade brought myself less embarrassment and I got up as quickly as I could without my dress lifting. "O-Oh my goodness.. I-I am--!" I spoke, as I lifted Sinbad up. I bowed multiple times while sputtering apologies and he just chuckled, saying it was fine. I gulped, looking back up at him.
"So, you were saying?" He suddenly asked, his saffron orbs boring into my own. I snapped out of my still-embarrassed trance and cocked my head to the side, visibly confused.
"Hm?" I asked.
"You wanted to tell me something, right? What was it?" he prodded, giving this time a cheeky grin. He jutted out his hip and supported it with a hand placed on to it, cocking his head, like mine, and waiting as the anticipation only grew.
"O-Oh," I looked away, bashful. "I ah, I wanted to know if I could.." I furrowed my brows, then looking back up at him with a determined face. Wait a second-- no! I'm not shy around some playboy! I am a princess for heaven's sake, I need to act like one! I pushed my legs together, standing up straight and crossing my arms. "Sinbad. I want to come with you on your travels."
I spoke so sternly I guess that it shocked him. Ja'far and Sinbad stood close together, Sinbad shocked and Ja'far with a deadpanned expression. "With all do respect, princess-" Ja'far was quick to interrupt Sin with his own remark, "I don't see any reason why we should take you with us, your highness."
"Well, little one, I think it'd be wise if I just came with you here and now instead of having to walk back into the castle to meet my mother. Even though she'll.. most likely talk about your encounters with her, and from there ask what I was doing being seen next to you though, that would be quite an entertaining story to te-"
"Is.. she?" inquired Ja'far, turning to Sinbad. He didn't need to say anymore to the purple haired sailor as he nodded, smirking. "Yes, she is. Blackmailing."
I grinned innocently, curtsying once more. "So, either I come with you or I go with my mother." I added, extending my hand out. "What will it be, boys?"
Ja'far winced, pulling at his friend's clothes. "Sin.. it's a lose lose situation. I dunno.." he spoke softly, "if we do end up taking her with us what's the point? One, she's not going for any reason but to be a bother," I can here you, you little b- "-And two, if assuming she's making this decision by her own accord she's going to be filed as missing and/or kidnapped by us. I don't know if-"
"Such thinking won't be necessary," a familiar voice spoke, making Ja'far pop up his head. I turned around and smiled politely, nodding my head at the voice who spoke.
"Sir Leon," I greeted.
He nodded toward me, his hand on the hilt of his sheathed sword. "I've already informed her majesty as to what you were planning, Princess (name), and she seems to have agreed with letting you depart."
Really now..? You thought to yourself, annoyed. Good to know the old hag wants me off her back!
"Though, if you are to be going, I am to as well. Think of us as.. Almubar's ambassadors. Powerful, however. I am a magician, so we won't hold you back much."
I see that we.. Didn't really give the two of them 'options' but I wasn't one to care at the moment. I instead looked toward Sinbad to await for his decision, and grinned to see him nodding after thinking it through.
"Well, Leon, Princess,"
"Speak to her highness fortunate, you uncultured swine," spat Leon,
Sinbad ignored him. "I guess you'll be joining us."
--- did you like it did you love it hope you did. Qotc: Who's your favorite bb of the show? Mines Baby Judal 💕💕
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sesshcmaru · 7 years
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MAGI VERSE. (  PRE-CH 250 ) personal blogs: DO NOT REBLOG!!!
status: extremely close to falling into depravity.  household members: rin, jaken, a-un.
sesshomaru is a famed and feared swordsman from the outskirts of the kou empire.  born as the eldest son of the great ‘dog’ general in the tiny province of echizen, he was taught from childhood to master deadly sword techniques and to easily wield many other heavy-handed weapons. originally its own territory, sesshomaru was ten years old when their country submitted its land and people to the jurisdiction of the ever-expanding Kou Empire.  
when he was seventeen years old, a gargantuan tower formed off of the the western shoreline, spawned by a powerful magi. thousands of people lost their lives attempting to harness the dungeon’s magical powers. his father, eager to obtain the vessel to fight back against the empire and re-obtain their lands, was persuaded by his second wife to use its sudden appearance as leverage        to wage a last-ditch effort at a rebellion. 
sesshomaru however, wanting to obtain the dungeon’s power for himself and valuing its worth much higher than the lives of his people, entered the tower with a priest named Jaken.  the dungeon itself was a recreation of a culture similar to his own, as if echizen had suddenly gone back in time thousands of years. with jaken’s strategic advise on solving the puzzles inside of the dungeon, sesshomaru found his greatest foe to be an avatar of the djinn itself, Labolas.   (  based on the djinn  Glasya-Labolas in the lesser key of solomon.  )
a manifestation of Labolas’ true form, the gargantuan demon-dog lunged at sesshomaru, catching him off-guard. the giant canine ripped sesshomaru’s left arm apart, tearing it from his body and leaving him fatally wounded. using a sword designed exclusively by his clan, tokijin, he managed still to cleave the animal’s head clean off, finishing the fight at a stale mate. 
it was then that a young girl, a slave to one of the fallen men attempting to conquer the dungeon, came out of hiding. she showed kindness to sesshomaru, helping him to dress his wound even slightly so that he could carry on into the treasure room. the two sat in silence for hours, exchanging only menial conversation while she instantly doted on him.named Rin, his cold and cruel heart was moved by her insistence in how she tried to help him survive. 
stumbling into the treasure room, sesshomaru was met with piles of treasure-- gold that went almost entirely unnoticed. the djinn, Labolas, taking the form of a great cerulean-coloured hound, was there to greet him. he chided sesshomaru, mocking him as he bled out, struggling to stand. he told sesshomaru that he had one final test; to fight the djinn’s next manifestation and somehow win. if he were to fail, sesshomaru, jaken and rin would be forced to stay within the dungeon until they died.
sesshomaru, holding his head high in the face of unavoidable death, stood in front of rin. he held his sword out to begin the battle, standing fully on his own. Labolas, moved by sesshomaru’s sudden change in heart and his desire to protect the young girl who had tried so desperately to save his life, agrees to grant sesshomaru his power as king-vessel. 
agreeing to sacrifice his vanity, he takes on a permanent half-equip, sporting white hair, pointed ears, sharp fangs and claws with many markings on his body. the djinn equip’s final act was to place the eight-pointed star on the blade of the tokijin, choosing to embody both its master’s form and the blade itself. 
the  full djinn-equip  form is one of strength, transforming sesshomaru’s entire body into that of a gigantic dog, quite literally ‘embodying’ Labolas’ true self.    being that he has increased his natural strength through his pact with Labolas, partially taking on his spirit, he feels he has no need to capture a second dungeon, but instead to train relentlessly with the power he currently has. rin, freed from slavery, chose to continue following sesshomaru after leaving the cleared-dungeon. 
having been gone for months inside of the tower itself, sesshomaru used what small treasure they could gather from the dungeon in order to barter for their lives--  offering it as a tribute to the empire, along with his services as a dungeon capturer, after his father was executed for treason.  though angered, he pledges eternal loyalty to the emperor, though his internal feelings on the subject are masked and well-guarded. only those close to him know how he truly feels. 
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sinbad-ai · 8 years
Sinbad no Bouken 137 RAW + a Summary!
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Here are the raws for Sinbad no Bouken 137! Looks like we are getting closer and closer to the destruction of Sindria 1.0... 
Just a reminder, to anyone who follows me and enjoys these raws/summaries, parts of or even all of these summaries could be completely wrong, so be advised as you read them as I am by no means a professional translator!
*** Disclaimer : Sinbad no Bouken is not my work. Please be sure to vote for Sinbad no Bouken every day on the MangaOne app if you have it!
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This chapter starts off by taking us back in time to the night of the celebratory banquet, with Barbarossa having just given his speech. As the crowd cheers, Barbarossa turns to leave, and we see Falan standing behind the curtains. She is administering some kind of magic that seems to be making the people even more infatuated with Barbarossa. Barbarossa tells her that she can stop the magic and she does. She comments on how his speech was another success and about how she was able to help support him by swaying the people’s hearts with her magic. But Barbarossa passes it off as nonsense and tells her that humans are actually very simple. He explains that if you act like the leader that they wish for, then they will begin to think of you as that person. He tells her that they are foolish and pathetic creatures who only believe what’s convenient for them and that he would have no trouble even without her magic. He then adds that the effectiveness of her magic is weak anyway, as there were people in the crowd that were not affected. Falan seems quite shocked by this and we then see that he was talking about Arba, who had established a barrier around herself and king Hakutoku. Falan begins to explain why her magic had no effect on them, but Barbarossa shuts her down, saying that he doesn’t want to hear any excuses and that he has no interest in incompetent people. After he leaves, Falan hears someone laughing and turns to find two of Barbarossa’s underlings, Rotter and Memphis. Rotter tells her that she’s done for if Barbarossa went so far as to say that. Falan recognizes the two as members of the “four heavenly generals”, but Rotter tells her his name and says that she should remember it. He tells her that Barbarossa simply uses insignificant magicians like her for her magic and knowledge of the dungeons (which they used to modify their bodies). He tells her that, otherwise, he would not have used such a suspicious looking person. Memphis then speaks up and tells her that they are aware that her and her organization are planning something and warns her not to disrupt Barbarossa. As the two of them turn to leave, Falan clenches her staff and then goes to confront Arba.
Later, we see Falan accusing Arba of canceling out her magic and asks what she what she was doing. Arba admits that she had made a barrier and explains that there’d be an issue if “her Hakutoku” was affected by Falan’s magic. Falan becomes furious and begins to explain the implications of Arba’s actions, but is cut off by Arba telling her that she is disappointed by Falan’s king, Barbarossa. She tells her that he may seem better than the average person, but wonders if he’ll really be enough to create a large concentration of dark energy and brags that the Kou empire is closer to bringing forth “their father”. She then wishes Falan good luck and leaves.
The scene then changes again, and we see Falan, with her veil off, washing her face. She tells herself to calm down and reminds herself that what Arba said was just her usual nonsense. She thinks to herself that there is nothing wrong with her plan and assures herself that if she uses Barbarossa, she will be able to create a dark spot.  She then wonders what she would do if Barbarossa didn’t have what it takes and thinks that it would have all been for nothing if that turns out to be true. Her train of thought is then disrupted by the faint sound of someone coughing. She turns around and asks king Ceylan, who is lying in the bed next to her, if he’s okay. Ceylan then reaches out his tiny hand to her and asks her not leave him. He tells her that if everyone were to leave him, he’d be lonely. He tells her that both his father and older sister had left him and begs her not to go anywhere. Falan then thinks back to her time in Alma Torran, when Tess had pretty much said those exact same words, “don’t go mama”. She then holds Ceylan close, assuring him that she won’t be going anywhere and calls him Tess. She again reassures herself that she is not doing anything wrong and once again thinks about her mission to create a dark spot.  The scene then changes to show her working together with Barbarossa.  
Ou of nowhere, he orders her to stop visiting king Ceylan. He explains that king Ceylan is a symbol of the last of the royal family and, if need be, might have to be killed. He says that this is his purpose and tells her that showing him any extra emotion will only hinder them. He asks if she understands and she says that she does while thinking that she needs to find another vessel. She thinks to herself that there is one boy that she met in the Valfor dungeon who had enormous magical power and seemed to be able to see fate, Sinbad. She contemplates on how she had sent Judal to Sinbad, in hopes of being able to use him for something and thinks about how that seems he have been a good move. She also thinks about how Arba had stayed in one country and how she has yet to realize the possibility that a dark spot might be produced from Sinbad. She then reaches out to Judal, through the black rukh, and asks how things are going on his end. Annoyed, he tells her that nothing’s really changed. She tells him that she wants to know about the king vessel and asks if they are satisfactory. After a long pause, he asks if she’s referring to the excellent preparation of his king vessel. She confirms this and tells him that it will be very useful to them. She also tells him that he can increase the number of vessels if need be. He tells her that things have become quite interesting on his end.
And that does it for this week. Oh my, it looks like all the pieces are in place for this tragedy to finally unfold. It’s apparent now that Judar will be at the epicenter of this catastrophe. I feel so bad for Sinbad… he just can’t seem to catch a break.  On another note, the extra content included with this week’s chapter is three more pages of concept art for the Heliohapt arc. I hope you enjoy!  ^^b
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karsiia · 8 years
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Verse -- Imperial -- Kou!Ja’far
In which Ja’far is a member of the Kou Empire.
While Parthevia was waging war against the Reim empire, the Kou empire was being formed through the unification of Kou, Kai, and Gou. Rather than sending Ja’far after Sinbad, Parthevia kept him on hand to aid in the war. However, as the war continued, Parthevia’s power began to fade. Through Al Thamen’s connections with both Kou ( through Gykouen ) and Parthevia ( through Falan ) the two countries came into an alliance. Kou agreed to send forces to Parthevia to help them retake their borders and fortify the country’s declining military. As a symbol of their alliance, Parthevia’s military sent the finest assassins among Sham Lash, lead by Chief Ja’far. 
Upon arriving in Kou, Ja’far was quickly put to work as an assassin and solider for the empire, used to gather information and sent after political opponents who sought to rebel against the newly formed empire. They planned to use him in neighboring countries in order to spread their power. 
Living in Rakushou, Ja’far received a basic education and when his intelligence became apparent, his education was further and his role broaden to involve political dealings. Ultimately, his main job is as an assassin and guard, however he’s shown promise as an adviser as well. 
Reflecting the universe shown by Aladdin in which Judar is shown as Sindria’s Magi and Aladdin as Kou’s, Ja’far serves as the guard and caretaker of Aladdin.
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sinbad-ai · 8 years
Sinbad no Bouken 132 RAW + a Summary!
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Here are the raws for Sinbad no Bouken 132! It seems we’re already getting some information about the land that will become Sindria! :D
Just a reminder, to anyone who follows me and enjoys these raws/summaries, parts of or even all of these summaries could be completely wrong, so be advised as you read them as I am by no means a professional translator!
*** Disclaimer : Sinbad no Bouken is not my work. Please be sure to vote for Sinbad no Bouken every day on the MangaOne app if you have it!
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This chapter starts off with Sinbad receiving news from members of Parthevia’s Independent National Party, that their party has won the recent election and will now become the ruling authority in Parthevia. The party member informs Sinbad that Barbarossa is now the head of state both in name and reality (meaning he has already captured the people’s hearts as their ruler, but now has the official title). He refers to Barbarossa as “His excellency, Mr. President”. Ja’far repeats the prestigious title and Vittel mentions how impressive it sounds. As the party member tells them this, he hands Sinbad a scroll and explains that it is an invitation from Barbarossa, to their victory celebration. He then announces that they have come to escort Sinbad, who has been invited as a “guest of the state” to this event and, not surprisingly, everyone is shocked to hear this. Seeming concerned, Pipirika tries to explain that they are just a normal company, so being invited as a “state guest” seems to be a little over the top. The party member enthusiastically responds that if it were any other company, they wouldn’t be doing this. But since they are the “Sindria Trade Company”, then of course they would! Ja’far then intervenes and offers to clear up Pipirika’s confusion.  
He explains that by this point, the Sindria Trade Company has traded with almost all the major trading regions including, Imuchakk, Sasan, Artemyra, Heliohapt, Balbadd and Reim. In addition, their company has acquired all the assets and trade routes of one of Reim’s leading merchants, the Madaura Trade Company, and has used that as a source to expand their business. He continues to explain that they now have a total of 3,000 employees worldwide and 110 ships. And with this scale, they have already grown into a worldwide top-level business. He finishes by saying that, all of these things, along with his adventure tales, have made it so that there isn’t anyone in the world who doesn’t know about Sinbad. Upon hearing this, Pipirika seems very shocked, saying that she had no idea they had reached that level. As Ja’far continues explaining things to Pipirika, the party member asks Sinbad if he will come to their celebratory event, to which he replies that he will accept their invitation with pleasure. The party member replies that he is sure “his excellency” will also be very pleased and bids Sinbad farewell. As they turn to leave, Sinbad notices Celendine listening from behind a nearby corner. He turns to face her and she asks him if he is going back to Parthevia. After a long pause, Sinbad tells her that it’s unless to try and stop him, to which she replies that she will not try to stop him, for now at least. She then tells him to go and come back safely; however, she addresses him in a seemingly hostile way by calling him “Mr. President” with an exaggerated tone. Sinbad picks up on Celendine’s hostility and seems to be a little taken back. After a pause, he says okay and quickly turns to leave.
The scene then changes to the venue of the victory celebration. One of the party members announces to the crowd that it’s now time for an address from the head of the Independent National Party, “His excellency, President Barbarossa.” Barbarossa begins his address announcing that Parthevia’s historic election has now come to an end and that their victory is a big step in changing their own country and in changing the world. He tells the people that they have all become living witnesses to this event. Then with even more force, he states that Parthevia will be reborn, as long as it’s people remain proud! This message is met with cheers from the crowd and leaves Ja’far in shock. He’s surprised at how popular Barbarossa is with the people. Sinbad agrees and tells him how he was shocked too the first time he saw him. Ja’far then glances around and notices the presence of kings and important people from every country in the world gathered at the event including, the supreme commander of the Reim Empire, the Emperor of the Kou Empire and King Rashid of Balbadd. He then thinks to himself how dangerous it is to be there but that he made the right choice and has seen for himself that the power of the Independent National Party is genuine.
 Suddenly, Barbarossa calls out to Sinbad, expressing his delight that he came. Sinbad replies by calling out Barbarossa’s name, but then backtracks and recalls that Barbarossa’s new title was “His Excellency”. Barbarossa laughs and tells Sinbad that it doesn’t matter since they are on good terms and that he may address him as he usually does. Sinbad tells him that he’ll take him up on that. Sinbad then congratulates Barbarossa on his victory and Barbarossa says that it was all thanks to the people who supported their party and the party members who worked so hard. He adds that, in addition, he must not forget the promise he made with Sinbad. Upon hearing this, Ja’far perks up and starts nagging Sinbad for not telling him about this “promise” beforehand. Barbarossa realizes that Sinbad must have not told his company about the promise because it was just “empty words” at the time and as the president of his company, he would not announce something that was not yet finalized. Barbarossa then asks who the boy next to Sinbad is, which makes Ja’far nervous. He thinks to himself that he must not show his true character (for fear of his identity as a former assassin being found out). Ja’far replies that he oversees accounting for Sindria Trade Company. Barbarossa then tells Ja’far that it’s perfect that he’s a company worker, which confuses him. A party member then brings them a scroll, saying that there was actually something they needed to discuss with them.
They unravel the scroll and Barbarossa points to a tiny island and explains that it was once a prosperous port city but is now an uninhabited “blank city”, due to the Parthevian Empire’s recent arbitrary campaigns. He goes on to explain the good points of the island and says that the ocean currents around the island are calm and, above all, it’s right in the middle of the trade routes and could become a relay point between Reim and Balbadd. Next, he explains the bad points of the island and states that it’s difficult for people to live on the island, as it’s temperature differences are very intense, due to it being a small island. Barbarossa then points to an area of the island where they could build a residential area since it will be a commercial country after all. He then concludes his explanation and asks what Sinbad thinks of the island. After listening to this explanation, Ja’far begins to piece together what Barbarossa and Sinbad and actually talking about and quickly turns to Sinbad. But Sinbad is too engrossed in the information he’s just received to notice. He tells Barbarossa that it’s magnificent and he expected nothing less from him, to which Barbarossa replies that he knew he would like it. Ja’far finally manages to get Sinbad’s attention and begins to ask (whisper) about what they are talking about. Sinbad whispers back that’s he’s reached a good point of the discussion and tells him to hold on a moment. He then turns back to Barbarossa and tells him that it’s a fine island and he’d like to inspect it once things quite down. But Barbarossa interrupts him and suggests that they go see it right now. This sudden invitation throws both Sinbad and Ja’far off, but Barbarossa explains that time is precious and they should go now since Sinbad has one of his company workers with him. Sinbad politely refuses and tells him that they’re in the middle of his party’s celebratory event. But Barbarossa simply tells him not to worry and that his subordinates are used to this sort of thing.  
And that about does it for this chapter! I was pretty surprised to see the former Kou Emperor. It took me a minute to register who exactly he was. It’s so cool to see the Magi’s and SnB’s plot and characters intertwine in these instances. Also, all this talk about Sinbad’s new country is getting me excited!!! Despite it’s inevitable fate… I can’t wait to finally see it next chapter~! ( I wonder if it’s infested with raging unicorns…;;; XD )
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wielderofleraje-blog · 11 years
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"What do you want?"
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