#yandere magi kouen ren  x you
yandere-romanticaa · 2 years
I heard you're open? If you're not, I apologize. But I saw you have Magi on your list of fandoms and I would LOVE something for Kouen Ren with a Golden Retriever personality type Darling. Like, they catch sight of him approaching and rush to meet him with the happiest, brightest grin. And they will eagerly listen to anything he has to say about his day or something he's picked up an interest in. But they also don't mind that he's basically locked them away because he always comes back.
Magi my beloved... Thank you for this!
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Footsteps with barely concealed giggles echoed throughout the semi small study as the red haired prince sat in his chair, various documents sprawled all over the table. The untrained eye would assume that he was completely focused on the paper in front of him but (y/n) knew him better than that. His brow was ever so furrowed and his arm was just stiff enough to give Kouen away completely.
He was watching them the whole entire time.
"Come out already." he said, his voice laced with a slight hint of annoyance and the tiniest bit of amusement.
"You and I both know you aren't going to stay in the shadows forever, dear."
He was right, you thought to yourself. In a flash you revealed yourself and quickly ran towards him, wrapping your arms across his broad shoulders and resting your chin at the top of his head. A few loose strands tickled your by accident which caused you to laugh. A small smirk made its way across the face of the handsome prince as he kept his mouth shut, his curiosity simply brimming with excitement as he wondered just what you had up your sleeve.
It was odd that you made no moves to end his life.
Kouen expected you to end him as that seemed like a reasonable reaction. Slit his throat while you could, perhaps poison his tea? None of it would work of course but that still didn't make your lack of action any less odd.
Perhaps you were crazy, just a little bit.
"What's with that face mister?"
You had caught him off guard. When did you find the time to crawl on his lap without him noticing? Tracing light and playful patterns across his chin (y/n) looked him dead in the eye, their eyes sparkling with a plethora of ranging emotions. Joy, excitement, thankfulness.
Kouen's heart raced ever so slightly. It was pathetic at how sweet he could be when it came to his little sweetie. With a voice as soothing as a lullaby (y/n) spoke:
"I'm not going anywhere, you know. I'm perfectly happy here, with you."
Kouen had his reasons for keeping (y/n) locked up at the palace, he made sure to make that clear since day one. But he never imagined that things would work out this smoothly.
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yandere-wishes · 4 years
Red Roses //Yandere! Kouen x Reader//
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First song fic! For prompt 23 “We paint white roses red each shade from a diffrent person’s head”
You glared angrily at the fleet of guards that surrounded you, soldiers sent to accompany you from your homeland, and soldiers sent to deliver you to the royal palace. Each of their porcelain faces where stoic deprived of any inkling of emotion. 'Mindless brutes' you thought furiously to yourself. 
You didn't want to be here, you didn't want to have anything to do with the corrupt kingdom of Kou. But alas what choice did you have? As the first princess of the Persian empire, it was your royal duty to forge an alliance with one of the most powerful empires that currently stood. Of course, when you and your father had set out to create this "so-called" alliance nither of you had expected the second prince of the Kou -scrawny dead-looking, thing he was-to proposes an arranged marriage to his older brother. 
"No chance! No way!" you tried to invoke reason, hoping to convince your father and his court to decline the offer. It had almost worked too, your father ready to decline the proposal and instead search for a different route. That was until one of his top advisers began singing fables of what a magnificent ruler Kouen ren was, how he had conquered three dungeons a near-impossible task! After that, your pleas fell on deaf ears. Your father had become so entranced with the idea of his eldest daughter marrying a renowned dungeon capture that he stopped caring about who you wanted to marry.
The truth of the matter was, you didn't doubt that Kouen ren was a good man, a good future king, heck he may even be a good husband if you gave him a chance...but that could never happen, for another had captured your heart. Your attention, a man that had served you since both of you were merely little children oblivious to the troubles of the world. He had been your closest friend from before you could properly speak, the one you confined in more than your own flesh and blood. You loved him and he loved you. You dreamed of marrying him one day, so the two of you could rule toghter....yet somehow in a matter of days all your planes had been shattered you were no longer free to marry whomever you pleased. So much for a childhood love story gone right.
The emerald palace danced in view, its glittering walls were practically blinding. Steadily you marched forward in toe with the guards. Your eyes darted frantically trying to find the man that would soon be your husband. The only description you had gotten was that he was a tall man with crimson hair. Secretly you wished that he was hideous or had some major flaws like missing a limp or a tooth or lacking any manners. Anything that would give you a centimeter of leverage to use against this marriage.
The thick iron doors split, presenting you to a crowded room or guards, political leaders, and the imperial family - or what was left of it- along with the infamous dark magi. Your eyes trailed over each person linger longer than it should have. Dread slowly built up in your stomach, oh how you wished to be anywhere but here. Your steps where uneven wobbly and ill elegant. When you reached the head of the room, you shakily took a knee, eyes once more gazing at the blood-colored carpet in front of you.
"Please rise your highness" a raucous voice declared.
Anxiously you pushed your self off the floor, eyes still lingering on the floor. When your orbs finally rose to meet the prince, you were met with an emotionless looking man, his eyes seemed to be judging you, critiquing every breath you took, scars littered his arms and hands, occupying every inch of skin. Somewhere faded other a bright scarlet matching his messy locks. "So you are the princess of the Persian empire? I have to say I'm rather disappointed. When they spoke of you they made you out to be a sort of fierce intellectual, practically a scholar. But you, standing here before me, appear more like a little lost sheep who strayed too far from their flock." Every word the man spoke was gritty and harsh his tone was that of war drums declaring the commencement of a bloody battle. 
Somewhere from the crowd laughter echoed, flowed by a harsh slapping noise and a whiny plea of "Mei it was funny" "Yeah ugly stop being just a stick in the--ow ow okay okay I'll stop, you gloomy-looking rat!" 
An embarrassed blush sprinkled your cheeks, how dare this man defile you in such a manner! How dare his "family" have the nerve to laugh at you as if you were a court jester! Straightening your spine and raising your head higher, you proclaimed as proudly as you could! "It's been a long trip, your highness, I would very much like to retire to my room and further discuss the details of this forced marriage in the morning. " 
Your eyes never once strayed away from his, your fingers had balled into tight fists, making your knuckles turn a snowy white. Passively Kouen waved a hand and a couple of maids rushed to your side using you out the side doors and down the long hallway. From the distance, you could faintly hear a gritty chuckle flowed by the red-haired man's sharp voice. "Force marriage she says"...
Night in the palace of this far off land was nothing like back home, they were restless and noisy. screams and whines filled the air with occasional noise of breaking objects and shatter glass. You had counted about eight times that a young female voice and a high pitch more masculine voice were screaming after a third party. Judar you believed the name was. children the lot of them where. You could even hear the voice of your "finance" yelling at someone to "get out of the dame library" and to "sleep in your own bed like a normal person!". It was hectic pure chaos. You leaned against your open window, peering out at the Jade city. Each of the houses and monuments shimmered in the moon's spotlight, like jewelers hanging from a pendant. For a merciful second, you began to forget your unjust predicament, instead of getting lost in the beauty of your future city.
Lost in your pitiful trance you didn't notice someone scaling up the palace walls. Until they had reached the window's edge. Noticing the hands you quickly recoiled, eyes wide with terror, your mouth was purchased ready to scream when the intruder pulled themselves up. They're basking in the moon's glory was none other than the boy of your dreams, your childhood lover. Your eyes began to tear up as he pulled himself into your room. "My darling?" His voice was so gentle like the finest silks, it wasn't terrifying or degrading in the least, unlike your husband to be's, rough military-like voice. Swiftly you ran up to your lover, wrapping your arms around his neck and burying your face in this chest. "I miss you" he cooed as his fingers curled lock of your hair. His hands cupped your cheeks tilting your head so you faced him. "We haven't much time" he muttered, quickly detaching your arms from his neck. He scurried over to where your bags were, shutting them and dragging them by the window.
"I can't just leave!" you bellowed, "What about the alliance? What will Persia do if I suddenly disappear?" You looked at your lover's eyes sucking in every detail about him. For this could very well be the last time you saw him. "They'll send one of your sisters to marry that vain man! Why must it be you? You and I can run away, live a peaceful like in another kingdom far away from the nation's troubles!" He hoisted a bag up the window frame ready to jump down. "Well you do make a compelling poi--"
The door creaked open, permitting a white light from the hallway to spill inside. Meackly stepping inside was none other than the eighth imperial princess herself Kougyoku Ren. Her hair lost from it's usual restrains and instead of her usual long dress, she was dressed in a simple rosy nightgown. "Hey (y/n) I was thinking that since you're...." Her voice trailed off as she spotted the scene in front of her. Her lips stretched into a thin line. Shakily she took a step back, her pink eyes never once leaving either of you. "KOUEN!" her voice bounced off the walls echoing across the castle. In a matter of moments, a thunder of footsteps were heard.
You gulped rushing towards your childhood friend and trying to shield him from the guards that poured in. "Kouen! She-she's trying to escape." Kougyoku blurted out the moment her brother rushed to her side. From between the guards you caught Kouen's eyes, they held a sort of....glee. Not malice, not anger, not hate but a sort of deranged happiness.
You watched helplessly as the guards dragged your lover from the room. Every time you tried to latch yourself onto him one of the guards would pull you off and push you behind him. The room emptied out quickly, The guards all leaving to deal with the intruder and Kouen shooing his sister to her room. You double-checked, his face was deprived of frustration...maybe that wasn't a good thing, his lips were turned into upwards into a mangled grin, his eyes wide with an evil type of joy. In a few short threatening steps, he was right in front of you. He gripped your wrist and pulled you to his chest, stroking your head with his free hand. "Get some sleep, my darling wife, I want you to be fully awake for tomorrow." with that he gave you an almost loving kiss on the forehead before heading out. Leaving you to tumble to the floor as nonstop tears flew from your eyes.
The next morning you found yourself standing in the gardens with the first imperial prince. That horrid grin still dancing across his face. "You clearly aren't accustomed to the manner in which we do things here in the Kou empire, so allow me to explain. You see here in Kou we do now have red roses." He lifted a finger to point at some rose bushes on the further side of the garden. Somewhere a striking scarlet, while others, an innocent white. "So we paint white roses red, each shade from a different person's head". Your breath hitched in your throat. "Please don't do this" you begged, meekly you grabbed at his arm trying to earn an ounce of sympathy from him. Instead, he just chuckled. "It's a little late for that my dear bride to be" you followed his gaze, just in time to see the executioner lower the sword, slicing off your lover's head.
Time seemed to have frozen, blood spurted outstanding the once pure white roses. The open-air was filled with monotone applause....and your defeated sobs.
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yanderewhims · 5 years
Hello, this is a new imagine blog dedicated to magi! Feel free to send requests pertaining to the anime/manga (I am mostly caught up with both so spoilers are fine). As the title suggests, this is a yandere centric blog. If you are not comfortable with anything pertaining to the yandere genre, I suggest you blacklist or avoid this blog/block it for the sake of yourself. I will not deal with any hate/antis/fandom policing individuals.
Here are the characters I am most comfortable writing for:
Kou Empire-
Hakuryuu Ren
Kouha Ren
Kouen Ren
Koumei Ren
Kougyoku Ren
Hakuren Ren
Hakuyuu Ren
Any of the eight generals, though I'm not 100 percent on some.
(I'll probably add to this list later:
Characters I probably won't write for:
Muu (sorry Muu fans, I'm not very knowledgeable about his character!)
Seishin (is that how you spell it?)
Not to say I won't write for them, just that I don't really have a grasp of said characters' personalities to where I think I'll portray them correctly.
This  blog is intended to be Character x Reader only! Please, no ships/character x character requests. However, poly is allowed so Character x reader x Character is welcomed.
PLEASE be specific on what you desire! I usually have problems coming up with prompts and ideas on my own, so I appreciate it when readers give me proper detail and a fleshed out idea to work on.
NSFW/Horror is allowed, however I ask you to truly think about what you decide to request-yandere is a very touchy subject for many after all, just be mindful of what you request.
Always check to make sure ask box is open! I do hope to get lots of requests, but please don’t overwhelm me. I am a college student after all, so I may not be able to do everything in time. Also, there may be times when only certain types of requests are allowed-such as head-canons only, scenarios only, etc. please be mindful of that.
Only 4 characters per ask concerning head-canons. 2 characters for drabble/scenario
Understand that I am allowed to deny any request I find uncomfortable-Yes, this is may be a yandere blog but I may not want to do certain things.
YES- I AM AWARE that yandere relationships are unhealthy and toxic. but PLEASE bare in mind this is FICTIONAL. Don’t be one of those people who get upset about others using fictional characters the way they want to.
Last but certainly not least- do not send any hate/harassment to the mod/s, followers, or anyone in general because that is not tolerated here whatsoever. I’m aware of the whole anti/fandom policing movement going on in various fandoms, but I personally find it to be ridiculous so don’t bring none of that here. As stated before, this is yandere and it may contain some triggers. If you dislike yandere, again, this blog is not for you. Block it if it bothers you. I do take it upon myself to warn any readers about certain subjects, I will post TW! (Trigger warning) on requests should requests contain such content. But if you ignore that, that’s on you. I understand some people don’t like yandere and why, but it is completely your responsibility to avoid content you are not comfortable with. Don’t put that on strangers over the internet to coddle you and abide to your rules, and don’t expect others to stop enjoying things just because you yourself don’t like it. We’re all at an age where we can understand that harassment/hate is wrong and to know to avoid things that make us uncomfortable. Any anon hate/harassment will be deleted and blocked.
This got a bit long, but that’s it! Feel free to send requests, as ASKBOX IS OPEN! I will update rules and such later on.
~Mod A
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yandere-romanticaa · 5 years
Hello! May I ask headcanons or drabble for Sinbad, Kouen and Koumei forcing their f/o to a arranged marriage with them?? Thank you very much
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♡ Sinbad ♡
Sinbad is more then persuasive when it comes to most things and he is sure that he can convince his s/o. He can offer them a deal that they simply cannot refuse. As the king of the beautiful and prosperous king of Sindria, he has many things to offer. From lavishing gifts, endless wealth and secure love, Sinbad has it all. There is no reason for his darling to refuse right...?
The chances of s/o accepting Sinbad's proposal are extremely high and with Sinbad's natural charm and wit very few can resist him. But if something were to go wrong, if by some black magic s/o continues to resist him... well... he will be forced to take more extreme measures. It will first start off subtly, just little changes in the system here and there. Surprisingly enough, Sinbad will back off from his darling, giving them some "space". It's all an illusion though and he will be back and he will be more strong and determined then he ever was.
"(y/n), you know that in the past I have told myself that I would never marry... Well, you have proved me wrong. Be mine (y/n). Be mine for all of eternity and I promise you to give you everything you desire... Besides, you don't really have any other options anymore, don't you?"
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♡ Ren Kouen ♡
When Kouen wants something he puts his heart and mind in to getting that. s/o is no exception. Kouen has a lot of power and authority and he is going to be very blunt about his proposal. The threat of him taking over s/o's country will always linger in the air and Kouen likes to keep it that way. He has never been the one to beat around the bush and the same could be said for romance.
Kouen isn't really a romantic guy but he does try. His romantic advances come off as a bit rigged, but still sweet none the less. They would probably be more sweet if he wasn't so threatening all the time...
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♡ Ren Koumei ♡
Koumei is as awkward as they get. Romance is something that has never crossed the second royals mind simply because of his duties towards his empire. While it is somewhat expected for Kouen to marry at some point for the purpose of creating an heir, the same could not be said for Koumei. He just never really had time for such a fickle feeling, but with his s/o he plans to speed things up. He doesn't really have any expirience in this field though but his plan is nearly perfect.
He is aware that he probably doesn't have much of a chance with his beloved but he'll be damned if he doesn't have them. If s/o has any other suitors, Koumei shall frame them for diffirent crimes, runining their lives forever. His approach my be awkward as all heck but that doesn't make him any less scary..
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yandere-romanticaa · 5 years
Yandere Kouen 'you don't know what I'm capable of '
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♡ Ren Kouen ♡
His grip on her hand was much tighter then it should have been. (y/n) stared back at the red haired prince, fear and panic washing over her like a tidal wave. Kouen was never a man of many words but dear God how she prayed right at that moment for him to just speak, to say something in order to break this deadly silence. His eyes felt like sharp daggers as he stared down at her as if he was trying to give her a silent command.
After a few tense seconds (y/n) could not help but to let out a silent whimper which caused Kouen's grip to tighten even more. The weak sound did not go unnoticed by the prince as he only brought (y/n) closer to him, their faces mere inches away from each other now. She could feel his hot breath on her lips as he never broke eye contact with her. (y/n) lowered her gaze due to the fact that she could no longer handle the intensity that was just radiating off Kouen. Dominance and power were always in Kouen's grasp but this was something new, something much more dark.
On the other hand though Kouen knew what he wanted and what he wanted was (y/n). Her timid nature was usually rather endearing to him but right now all he wanted was for her to just listen to him, even if he bearly said anything. A he smirked a little as he tilted (y/n)'s chin upwards, forcing her to look up at him.
"You don't know what I'm capable of, (y/n). I suggest that you behave yourself from now on because if you don't there will be serious consequences."
He said it so casually yet so demandingly, his voice soundind more gruff then even before. She had no idea what she had gotten herself in to but all she knew at that moment was that she was royally screwed.
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yandere-romanticaa · 5 years
Which Ren sibling would be the worst yandere?
Tough question! I'll just list the ones from the worst to the "best".
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Ren Kouha is by far the bloodiest and scariest in the entire family, at least in my opinion. He is possessive and he is not ashamed to threaten anyone if they ever do something that can possibly hurt his relationship with his s/o, and he can literally behead anyone if he sees fit. He has the power and the authority to do pretty much anything he wants... And he can be very unstable which only makes darlings situation 10 times worse.
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Hakuryuu Ren isn't as bad at the beginning, but when he falls in to depravity that's when everything goes to Hell. He is nothing but determined to get his darling and no man can stand in his way. He will destroy anyone who dares to stand in his way and he just doesn't care who he has to kill.
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Some people might think that Kouen Ren would be the worst but I beg to differ. Yes, he is terrifying and like Kouha he has the authority to do anything he pleases. He won't dance over the issue, once he realizes that he is in love he will ask for their hand in marriage, no questions asked. s/o will have no choice but to say yes, how could they possibly turn him down? The lingering threat in Kouen's voice does not go unnoticed by anyone but he knows what he is doing.
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Koumei Ren is calculating and he will always be three steps ahead of his s/o. He has endless files dedicated just to them and he knows pretty much everything about them. He is a bit shy when it comes to direct approach but if he ever feels threatened he can always just frame his rival for any crime he desires.
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Poor Kougyoku Ren never even knew what hit her. She herself doesn't even know how to describe these feelings. Whenever she is around her darling she can't help but to become flustered and beet red. The poor girl is in a constant state of worry because she thinks that she isn't good enough for her s/o. Obsessive to the core, Kougyoku will keep a constant eye on her s/o...
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And finally, we have Hakuei Ren. I personally don't really see her as a very bad yandere. Compared to the rest of her family she is a lot more grounded and in tune with reality. She is also aware that what she is doing is wrong but... It's so hard to stop. Hakuei can usually control herself but when it comes to her darling... All reason just flies out the window.
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