#kotor 2 restored content mod
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jmkitsune · 2 months ago
ya know- if i got a nickel everytime a dark side cave had some kinda spooky weird vision shit that makes a Jedi confront themselves as well as leave them probably emotionally scarred...I'd have wait...not two? oh shit yeah more than two nickels
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askagamedev · 1 year ago
An official release of the Kotor 2 missing content DLC/patch had been promised, then pulled back. It had been enough of the promise that a free game was offered to people who had bought the Kotor 2 rerelease. Why does that kind of rollback on an official plan happen? How is the decision to stop weighed against free stuff and bad PR?
I think it would help to provide a little more context as to what is going on.
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Way back in 2004, a game called KOTOR 2 shipped and was played by a lot of players. Many players did not like the ending, but the game had been in development for less than a year and Obsidian were on the hook to ship the game by the deadline. The game was regarded by many players as a flawed gem.
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Years later, modders would discover a whole bunch of unfinished endgame content in [KOTOR 2's original files]. Some of them collaborated to unlock, fill out, debug, and finish that content and restore it. This was released for the PC as an unofficial fan mod called The Sith Lords Restored Content Modification in 2009 and has had several updates since.
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In 2015 Aspyr Media, a smaller game publisher and developer, obtained the rights to port old Bioware games and began releasing titles like KOTOR, KOTOR 2, and Jade Empire to platforms like iOS, Linux, and Steam. It was around this time that Aspyr began working with the mod team responsible for the Restored Content Mod mentioned above, all in hopes of bringing the mod to these other platforms. The DLC was never really Aspyr's work, it was the mod team working with Aspyr to bring that content to Aspyr's Switch port of KOTOR 2. Eight years later, Aspyr announced that things had fallen through and the Restored Content DLC was cancelled.
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It sounds like what happened was that something essential fell apart along the way and there was really no way to complete the work in a timely and legal fashion. One of the original modders posted to reddit after the announcement was made and said "Aspyr did nothing wrong. Quote me on that. Shame it ended the way it did... I have nothing but good things to say about Aspyr and our cooperation over the past eight years". I suspect that, had the DLC been completable within reasonable circumstances, they would have done so. But there's a lot of potential issues that could have stopped them - the license may have expired, it may have been a Nintendo certification thing, the mod team could have fallen apart, there could have been some major legal liability that came to light, it could be the financial trouble currently hitting Embracer Group (Aspyr's owner as of 2001), or any of a number of things. The only people who know for sure are the mod team and Aspyr. I suspect they are all under NDA, so I doubt they will be telling.
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margbarcisforever · 1 year ago
i finished kotor 2 and went a couple days without playing it so i could refresh my mind before now installing the restored content mod and lesbian romance mods for my second playthrough. it’s that good folks
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thenextchapterbegins · 3 months ago
i finally beat both kotor 1 and 2
only took like 2 decades of on and off play
kotor 1 was a masterclass
kotor 2 with the restored content mod is great
but not even they could salvage that absolute dogshit of an ending
you know it sorta reminds of the stalker games and their ending segments. glorified shootouts that take 5 hours for endings that are...well they certainly are endings.
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nita-nebula · 1 year ago
Streaming Star Wars: KOTOR II tonight!
Today marks my first stream post-debut, so I wanna start the channel off with probably my favorite game since childhood, Knights of the Old Republic 2! I'll be playing with the Restored Content Mod on so the playthrough will be extra juicy... I will not talk about spoilers on-stream! Come check it out if you want, I'll be live at 5pm PST/8pm EST and I'll show off my fave game :)
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autie-j · 11 months ago
Maybe I'll play KOTOR 2. Both KOTOR games are some of my favorite games ever, I might like 2 more than 1. I've never played with the restored content mod, that might make it more fresh. What exactly does the mod change?
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enby-ernhardt · 2 years ago
Some things I’d like to see in the KOTOR remake(s), assuming they actually get released. I know some of it is a bit idealistic, but I can dream 😆
More customisation: maybe your character has a larger body, or freckles, or the braided hairstyle but blonde. They’re Twilek, Mirialan, or Zabraki! Non binary! Asexual! Anything goes, babey!!
Improved graphics and animation: ok, this is practically a given, but still. Have you seen characters get killed, then stand back up so they can die properly? Or characters knocked down when frozen getting back up and re-freezing (in that ridiculous pose) 😆. Revan’s dance moves stay, obviously, they’re just smoother.
Companions can roam ship/have schedules: Mostly they’ll be where they are now, but sometimes you’ll find Atton taking a nap, or Mission at the food replicator, and so on. Maybe you’ll even see someone patching themselves up in the med bay after a particularly rough battle.
Seperate the first name/last name fields: Sometimes I find a good first name but want to randomise the last. Also, giving every character my full name whilst trying to stay under the radar is counterintuitive. 😄
Romance: make Carth and Bastila bi, improve Juhani’s romance options (keep her a lesbian though), and add romance to the Kotor 2 characters (and Canderous in K1 because I know some people want that). You should be able to turn them down at any point though if you want.
Hide weapons unless fighting: We’ve all had a character stab themself when meditating or something. Also this
Small decorations: just having little trinkets and stuff appear throughout the game as you complete various tasks. Maybe you could keep one gizka, or pazzak cards/credits stack up as you win more games, or you get a sticker saying “Visit Manaan!”, etc.
Containers say when empty: this one is just here because I’m stupid and can’t remember shit 😆
[K1] Change Tach sound: those seconds between descending into the shadowlands and finding the mute button are the longest seconds of my life. (I know there’s mods, but they aren’t available on console)
[K1] Influence system/relationship changes: It really doesn’t make sense that Carth and Bastila will watch you do something dark sided and just make a small comment before pretending it never happened. Lightside companions should become more wary of you the darker you get, with Bastila giving you more lectures, for example.
[K1] Solo/not mc sections: I really like these sections in Kotor 2, so it’d be nice to have some in the first one too. Maybe someone could deal with the Mandalorian raiders while you’re training as a Jedi, or Canderous does the Genoharadan quest. Or entirely new stuff.
[K1] Change equipment on the Hawk: Also from Kotor 2. It’s very annoying to keep taking characters off the ship just to give them better stuff
[K1] Cutscenes on ship: yet another thing from Kotor 2. Carth asking Bastila how she got captured, Carth and Canderous’ Warrior or Soldier discussion, and Mission asking Bastila about using the force for fun could all easily take place on the ship, along with other convos.
[K2] references to/import data from K1: I’d like to see people talk about the time Revan saved/destroyed Hrakert rift and affected the kolto, or about them being swoop champ, and stuff like that.
[K2] Finished product: all the stuff the Restored Content Mod deals with should be there from the beginning, no need for mods or dlc *cough* Switch port *cough*. I know we’re going to mod the game anyway, but it should be for fun stuff and minor bug fixes, not restoring half the game!
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ymawgat · 10 months ago
no hate to the creators of the kotor 2 restored content mod at all but it does make the latter part of nah shadaar like, utterly unbearable lol
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wildcreativemastermind · 2 years ago
Is Kotor 2′s Restored Content Mod Worth it?
If you’ve looked online at opinions of Kotor 2, you’ve likely seen people saying that it should be played with the Restored Content Mod, aka TSLRCM (which I will refer to it as for the rest of the post cause it’s quicker to typed). Now, I like Kotor 2, and my early experience playing it was on Xbox, so mods weren’t really an option. More recently, since I can play it on PC now, I downloaded the mod to see if it is actually as important as some online claim it is.
My answer is yes and no, with a bit of a stronger emphasis on the no.
Simply put, for the majority of the game, TSLRCM doesn’t improve the experience. In my opinion, it actually makes the experience worse.
It improves (be debugging) some side quests, and it adds some cutscenes*, and a bit more dialogue. Those are the improvements.
If you’re wondering why I put an asterisk next to cutscenes, it’s because most of them don’t really improve the game.
Debugging side quests is genuinely good, but it’s only applicable for your playthrough if you do side quests.
The bit more dialogue was actually pretty nice. I was able to give my party members some of my abilities when I was training them as Jedi, and that was cool.
However, the big thing TSLRCM does for most of the game is more fighting, to a level where it just got irritating.
I’ll admit I don’t really like combat in games, I enjoy Kotor despite the combat, so I may be a bit biased on this, but so much of the extra fighting was not needed and made the game worse. Worse to the point where playing through some sections was genuinely a lot less fun than the base game.
Imagine if in Kotor 1, you ran into the Sith who attack you once on each planet 4 or 5 times in a row while moving from point a to b, all on a single planet and in 1 part of a quest in the main storyline. That happens with the HK-50s in the TSLRCM version of the game on Nar Shadaa. (the HK-50s show up multiple times on multiple planets, if you thought the Sith in Kotor 1 were annoying, you will not be able to stand the HK-50s in TSLRCM)
Where TSLRCM really makes a difference is the ending (mc goes to Dantooine after gathering or killing the Jedi masters and everything after).
There’s a lot more, primarily your party members get more screentime.
TSLRCM does improve the ending in my view, though the conclusion is still not as good as Kotor 1′s.
Do I recommend TSLRCM? that depends.
Have you never played Kotor 2? I’d recommend avoiding it for your first playthrough. If you don’t like playing the base game, you probably won’t like playing the modded version.
Do you want to play through a truly complete version of Kotor 2? I’m afraid that doesn’t exist, even with the mod, you’ll be disappointed. The mod will help, just don’t assume it’ll make it a truly complete game.
Were you unsatisfied with the games ending? TSLRCM does improve the ending, but I’d still say it’s not as good as Kotor 1′s ending. If you want your party members more involved in the ending, get the mod. If not, don’t get the mod.
Do you want to play through every side quest without issue? In that case, download the mod, though you still may not be able to do everything.
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maximuswolf · 5 months ago
Trying the Restored Content mod for KOTOR2 how different is it?
Trying the Restored Content mod for KOTOR2, how different is it? I played KOTOR 1 & 2 a couple of times years ago. They've been some of my favorite rpgs since then, especially 2. I haven't played KOTOR 2 in at least 10 years. I've heard of the Restored Content mod and thought it would be fun to give it a try.How much does it change/add to the game though? I've heard about the HK factory and that's the main thing that made me wanna try the mod. What else is there though?Also, since it's been so long and I hardly remember much about the game other than the basic plot and characters, would I be better off playing vanilla again first or should I just dive in with the mod? Submitted October 11, 2024 at 08:03AM by JennyTheSheWolf https://ift.tt/FTVck7G via /r/gaming
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jmkitsune · 26 days ago
The Mystery of M4-78 continues and the group is definitely running around trying to solve it while realizing its gonna involve a bunch of mini quests lol
reminder- this is restored content and made by modders so keep that in mind while watching
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dgcatanisiri · 2 years ago
Know I pretty much wrote this same post about a week ago, but it IS still a major topic of discussion, so it bears repeating. And in repeating, I get to expand a little.
I really wish we could have the good faith discussions/debates about how to use the "AI" tech (quotes because yeah, we all know it's not artificial intelligence, it's mostly just art theft plugged into a computer blender). Because I can see how there is at least room for finding the ethical way of utilizing it for positive purposes. There are ways that something good could come of this stuff.
IF we had the right safeguards in place. And that's a pretty big if, considering that tech bros pushing this stuff as "the next big thing" in the same way they did NFTs and crypto and the blockchain and the metaverse and every other big tech cam in like the last five plus years and the Hollywood studios who are basically trying to use "AI generation" to replace writers and actors so that there are fewer people to cut in to the profits have pretty much poisoned the well on this.
Like, obviously, we do have voice actors speaking out against it now, so let's just remember that this is a hypothetical from the "arguing in good faith" universe, but I could see how game mods with voice generation could be a net positive - you get to allow people to expand their favorite games and actually involve the characters, you could have cut, unfinished, and deleted scenes and dialogues restored in full (like, as a Knights of the Old Republic fan, I'd love to see the full KOTOR 2 endings restored in some fashion beyond just the restoration mod), as a queer gamer, I'd love to have proper romance mods allow me to romance characters without gaps of silence or the odd misgendering... I see how this could be used for positive purposes.
(Since I mentioned the voice actors speaking against it, I do feel bound to acknowledge that there's also good reason that they are, since their voices are their acting tool, and if they don't have a way to maintain control of the use of their voice, then they lose access to their livelihood - the examples I gave were purely in the realm of fan created content, not something that destroys and replaces the demand of the voice actors as paid talent.)
And there's the fact that, as a Star Trek fan, I DO see this stuff as basically a stepping stone to the creation of holodeck technology, something that I certainly wish I could live to see be a reality.
I'd like to come up with more hypothetical good faith uses of this tech beyond that example, but the reality is that there's just no reason to believe that the good faith is there, at the very least as the tech is being put out there as it is now. Any good faith argument is centered in the idea of it being something done as an individual use, or drawing from donated or public domain works, rather than destroying or replacing the involvement of the actual artist.
And the pushers of these things are just looking at them at best as a way to keep from paying people for their work, and at worst to effectively justify trapping people in the work of mindless misery menial work because the thing that they could be doing instead of making dimes for their employers is being automated, rather than the things no one actually wants to do. And without that good faith in the conversation, without any reason to believe that the people who would be most profiting off this tech can, could, or would use it responsibly, that discussion cannot even begin to take place, let alone come to solutions.
Y'know, it's the basic "this isn't an inherently bad idea, except it's an idea that is being produced while existing under capitalism" issue.
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sovonight · 4 years ago
oh my god it’s real and for $15??? and it seems likely that the restored content mod will be available to go with it too
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esmeralda-juniper · 3 years ago
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carthonasi · 4 years ago
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Oh shit here we go again
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lesbianladyeboshi · 4 years ago
I wanna do ALL the quests I can and that means leaving non hostile NPCS ALIVE, but this Vulpes guy literally told me to kill him so...
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