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finally started playing maplestory 2, anybody on the europe server want to be friends?
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Looking forward to:
Ashes Of Creation
Lost Ark Online
to be updated...
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Часть 4.
Изначально, я начала за эльфийскую расу. И по скриншотам это заметно. Настройки графики не максимальные, расширение не 4к т_т и некоторые скриншоты получились очень пиксельные. Только потом разобралась как и что улучшить.
По сюжету, локация эльфов, невероятно красивая. А какая музыка…господи, она невероятна !
Все начинается с некой церемонии, как мне показалось, совершеннолетия. Так как на ней королева/жрица, венчала молодых девушек и дарила им силу (?). Но конечно на нашем героя случается калапс. Появляется демон, как я ранее читала лор игры, один из генералов тьмы. И скорее всего ей нужен некий ��ртефакт, который оберегает жрица.
И в сути мы пытаемся ее остановить.
Имена к сожалению не понять, но похоже именно эта королева, из истории о эльфах, в которой живет 2 души. Когда-то их было вроде как две, но одна пожертвовала жизнью ради спасения других. Над ней сжалились, и теперь они вдвоем живут в одном теле. Хотя, возможно я ошибаюсь и это не она. Но смена характера и облика, подталкивают на эти мысли.
Отдельно хочется отметить озвучку дам. Господи, голос такой сильный и мощный у женщины, что у меня мурашки по телу. *записал в вайфу*
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Black Desert: Remastered Showcase Summary
Black Desert has always received praise for its graphics. However, we were not satisfied. We have improved the graphics to show more details and feel more realistic.The fruits of our labor are listed below.
Physically based rendering
Physically based lighting
Physically based atmospheric scattering
Volumetric cloud
HDR rendering
Improved post processing with YEBIS
Improved screen space reflection
Improved ambient occlusion
Improved ocean rendering
Cloth simulation
More than 220 soundtracks that go over 660 minutes total.
7 complete Soundtrack Albums for each of the continents
Recordings of orchestras in 3 different European countries
The soundtracks in Black Desert are focused on allowing Adventurers to get fully immersed into the game. Various instruments and genres were used to match the varying situations and themes in the Black Desert world.
The atmosphere and world of Black Desert were expressed with soundtracks that felt heavy and mellow. It was to the point that some of our Adventurers told us that the NPCs in Black Desert all seem depressed.
So we decided to transform the black and white music in Black Desert to full-color.
Remastered Audio Improvements:
Memorable melodies
Diverse and elegant arrangements
Warm performances done by musicians
Added soundtracks that highlights action
Changes made to Story and Leveling:
Since the launch, we have received feedback regarding the game difficulty being too high, hence we have constantly been nerfing the monsters. However, as the basic stats of the characters were being buffed, the monsters ended up becoming far weaker than they were intended to be.
Due to this, people were able reach level 50 or even awaken their characters without feeling like they’ve accomplished much, especially in regard to defeating the monsters. The situation would only worsen with the Black Spirit quests leading you towards a single path.
So, the stories in each region will be changed to branch out, and the monsters’ difficulty will be re-adjusted.
Of course, these changes won’t mean much to you if you’ve played the game for a long time since these changes only apply to the earlier stages of the game. Still, if you create a new character to level or for people that are trying Black Desert for the first time, it will feel different from the previous Black Desert.
New Territory, Ordilita:
We’ve started developing Ordilita, which has a release date set for some time next year. Although Ordilita was once a part of Kamasylvia, it is now an area occupied by the Ahib who have built a fortress in region. The region is covered in darkness as its nights are long and the region receives barely any sunlight.
Doom, the New Dream Horse:
Doom, the new Dream Horse, is expected to be released with Ordilita as a continuation of our long line of Dream Horses including Arduanatt and Diné.
Doom is a Dream Horse with strong offensive abilities that seemingly to present towering flames. It has a powerful fire skill that allows you to instantly set your enemies ablaze.
The New Class - Male Ranger:
The new class regards none other than a Male Ranger, a class that has gained the attention of many of our users in Korea but overseas as well. Developments for the new class are progressing smoothly and the Male Ranger is set for release during winter this year.
The Male Ranger will use a weapon in the form of a crossbow and will equip magic gloves as its sub-weapon. Although the Male Ranger Class will have a slower attack speed than the existing Ranger Class, you will find that they are more than capable of delivering some hefty attacks.
Hunting contents added:
We strive to create and implement new contents never seen before in Black Desert. Out of those, Sniper Mode is a new system that will be added into hunting.
It’s a new mode for hunting animals that have sensitive ears and noses, disabling you from getting close enough to shoot them with normal matchlocks. With this new mode you will be able snipe these particular animals from a distance before they notice you and run away.
The mechanics are fairly simple. Activate Sniper Mode from far away, aim, and fire. However, your hunting skill level will affect your ability to aim, the steadiness of your breathing, and the accuracy of your shot in the minigame.
You can try the new Sniper mode, which moves away from the previous simple patterns of hunting, on the Global Lab servers. It will be released on the live servers after its full development.
A Strategic Expansion of Skills for the Black Spirit:
Not so long ago, we went on to tweak the Black Spirit’s Rage Meter. Our newly revamped Rage Meter will allow our users to pursue diverse strategies and tactics via a number of Black Spirit Skills that will soon be available to users.
Previous Black Spirit Skills could only be used with 100% or 200% rage. Now, there will be options to input commands and use Black Spirit skills with 10%, 25%, 50% rage. We expect this addition will allow you to make according adjustments to your combat experience whether it be to fight monsters or to engage in a PvP.
Let’s use Warrior as an example. The following skills will be upgraded by the expansion of skill for the Black Spirit, Pulverize at 10%, Merciless at 25%, and Slashing the Dead at 50%.
Militarized Subjugation System:
A new system for your alternative characters are also in development.
To put it simply, it’s a system that will allow your alternative character to hire a group of mercenaries to subjugate monsters in a certain region of your choice.
It may seem similar to the system where you send out your workers to work. While workers were sent to gather and bring back resources Militarized Subjugation will allow you to send your alternative character, along with an army of mercenaries, to hunt and bring back items that you would usually obtain from monsters.
New Marketplace System:
The Marketplace has always played a very important role in Black Desert, but has been without any big changes for a long time.
Therefore, we are developing a new marketplace that will be closer to the ideal of free market economy.
The new marketplace will have a virtual account and will require you to deposit your silver and register your items, in order to trade.
In order for you to purchase or sell an item, you will need to input a price within the market price range. If the item is available for that price, it will be purchased instantly. If the item isn’t available, it will only be purchased once someone registers it at your price.
Additionally, once the new system settles in, we will start preparing a smartphone app that will allow you to sell and buy items anywhere, at any time.
We will continue to change and grow:
Some of the updates will be completed soon, while other large-scale developments like the war between nations will probably be released next year or the year after.
We won’t stay complacent as we understand there’s still much more to be done and will continue to do our best to develop and grow.
We will continue the journey to create the most exciting Black Desert experience with all of our users through the continued talks and monitoring of game play.
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29. Mar. 2018.
Adelheit, Teyrnon
in Black Horn
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Take me to sea ~
Black Desert Online | scenery 12 / ∞
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