#kotlc froster
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rayniscatstatue · 2 years ago
My friends have declared that I would be a Froster because of how cold my hands are. I have determined that they are all Pyrokentics with their warm hands being criminals
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todayisclaudyyy · 2 years ago
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hope the 7th element is ice/snow-
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bookwyrminspiration · 1 year ago
given the amount of times it’s come up I think we just need to accept that elf heat is real at this point
wow the idea of elf heat really just keeps coming back. it's almost like...it's almost like...some kind of cycle...a cycle of heat--
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KotLC OC tournament info post - 7/24
Daphne Evergreen
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Name: Daphne Evergreen
Species: Elf
Gender/Pronouns: she/her
Creator: Mystic @mysticarts (she/her)
Short desc: A 5'5 fourteen year old girl with an adrenaline addiction, planning to make the whole world smile!
Backstory: Growing up as the youngest of her family, Daphne has always struggled to try and fit in with her family who is famous for their abilities as Frosters. Especially since she was a flasher, so she was even more of a outcast. However, this doesn't stop Daphne's long living dream to bring smile and joy to others faces by singing music to dancing to it. And maybe one day, she can make a whole concert of people smile with her performances.
If you would like me to edit anything on this post, let me know!
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lezabeththetheodoraimposter · 11 months ago
“no one can know I can tell what people will manifest as!!” why not? ability detecting is basically torture. u could save sooo many elves so much wasted time. and just how do u think the neverseen will use this against u?? it’s literally useless to them. but it is useful to the elves. like SUPER useful. people can spend their whole lives training w their abilities before they even manifest. like omg keefe cmon
edit (I put this in a reblog but don’t feel like reexplaining it so I’m putting it here)
I get what ur saying about Keefe not wanting the council to exploit him and that having all those ppl go to him but I really think that’s the only good reason which is still a very good one bc it’s about what HE wants (but also think of terik who did it for a bit then stopped but occasionally does it for some people) tbh the only good reasons are Keefe just not wanting to and that’s fair. but honestly I’m talking about the use of the ability and how in the grand scheme and when Keefe is in a better mental place that it can be SOOOOOO useful and like when he’s past all this and is happy and healthy then I would say he should tell ppl about it even if he doesn’t open up to “readings”
with a ability training thing that was one of my main points (tho I did put it in the tags and those go away when u reblog 😒) but ability training is literally TORTURE. like they put these like 11 year old kids in burning hot rooms for hours hoping to trigger a froster… like that’s soooo unethical idk what the councils reasoning for that is. it’s literal child abuse and I’m not even kidding. its brushed off but omg wtf. and imagine going through all that only to discover you were talentless and all that was for nothing. like that would suck
and for the talentless. keefe not wanting to tell ppl they are talentless is a very valid and good reason, but aside from that I think his talent would be more helpful. bc it would give talentless ppl more time to grow up and adjust to the predugist (hate bc I can’t spell 😭) against the talentless. bc even though they would have to deal w it from birth, isn’t that better than living a normal life w friends then BAM one day ur talentless and all of ur friends stop hanging out w u. like ur WHOLE world would be flipped and it’s better to give the talentless more time to adjust to it imo.
also the schooling thing u meantioned is another reason knowing ur talentless form the start would be helpful. BECAUSE THE TALENTLESS ARE PULLED OUT IF FOXFIRE WHICH IS SOOOOO MESSED UPP. like they go to foxfire for like 3 years then the council is like “haha no ability? sucks for u lol! go off to a different school where u know no one and make different friends yk just forget ur whole life up to now haha” like WTF. (honestly the bigger problem here is how the talentless are treated but we already know that has to change so this is about how keefe can help).
also it could give “bad match” couples where one of them is talentless (like Kesler and juline) comfort to know their kid isn’t talentless. And if their kid is talentless then it saves them years from worrying over it and the suspense of it all. Also I just think knowing ur ability from childhood and being able to train for it before u even manifested would be soooo helpful
but in the end of the day yeah, keefe just not wanting to is the biggest thing. and I might be remembering incorrectly bc I haven’t read the book in forever but I remember something about keefe thinking he accidentally triggered the triplets abilities which would be more problematic but idk if I’m remembering it wrong. but I do think like years after kotlc ends (or when ever he feels ready) keefe should defo start using his ability for good. like it doesn’t have to be everybody. it can just be kids of q talentless parent(s) to help their parents out yk bc if two telepaths have a kid then it’s obvi going to be a telepath u don’t need keefe to tell u that
also the main point of the pre-editted post was about how he doesn’t want the NEVERSEEN to know bc he thinks they might be able to use it against his friends. like how. literally how? what use is it going to do them.
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toastisnervous · 3 days ago
I can only have 12 options 😔 so I’m gonna make another pill and if you vote there just click the last option
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mysticarts · 9 months ago
Human sketch!
soo I'm experiencing art burnout! (Sadly) so to try and get myself back into the swing of drawings legos....I drew a human. Well not really a human, an elf to be specific
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This here, is my main Kotlc oc, Daphne Evergreen!
(If you all don't know what kotlc means, it means: Keeper of The Lost Cities. It's a nine book series I've gotten into even though I only read the first book)
I haven't developed much of Daphne yet, I still haven't given her an ability yet (mostly the ones that I know about don't really intruge me yet except Froster) but I have came up with Her personality
If you mix up an Adrenaline Junkie with a passion for song and dance, you basically get Daphne. Daphne is sassy, full of energy, and no matter what, tries to make others smile, no matter how long the process takes. (Also, ik in the picutre of Daphne I drew her is different from the foxfire uniform, but that's because Daphne likes to stylize her uniform, she dosent like too much of one color.)
Aswell as this picture I drew her, she's around 15-17
Feel free to ask questions!
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crippling-pages · 7 months ago
I already reblogged this, but I thought I'd make it a seperate post so more could see.
Anyways, this is (my) explanation post on @fintan-pyren's weird kotlc ship name poll. Too save you time, I (tried) to figure them all out.
Sana: Sophie (S) and Biana (ana).
Fireheart: Marelinh. Fire for Marella, and Linh has a huge heart.
Kie: Keefe (K) and Sophie (ie).
Brainstorm: This is where it gets harder.. I have a feeling its Fitz and Dex. OHH No it's Sophitz! That makes a lot more sense tbh.
Afterthought: Now THIS one is Fedex (Fitz and Dex). Both of them are like the extra parts, kinda. The 'afterthought.' You think of them at the end cuz neither are really there anymore besides to help Sophie. (I may be thinking too deep with this one...)
Quicksilver: I put this one as Tiana (Tam and Biana). Biana is fast af. She's always disappearing and reappearing really fast, hence the 'Quick' part. And the 'Silver' part is obviously Tam because of his (amazing) silver bangs. (I picked this one).
Icebreaker: I feel like this is Kesline (Kesler and Juline). For the Ice bit for Juline cuz she's a Froster, and the breaker bit is similar to 'beaker', talking about Slurps and Burps, aka Kesler's shop.
Sex: Sophie and Dex might've done a bit more than kissing... (IUHYGTFR DONT CANCEL ME IM SORRY)
Tice: This is maybe Tam and... Keefe? Maybe? The T for Tam duh. And when I first read the word Tice, i thought of lice for some reason, and lice is in hair, and Keefe is Lord Hunkyhair so...?
Blondheart: The heart part is Linh, as I said earlier, and we have two blond characters, Sophie and Keefe. Solinh is more popular and Kinh(?) so it's Sophie and Linh.
Goldberry: Kenric and Oralie. Took me a minute, I almost thought it was Sophitz. Gold because of the wealth and high status of the councilors (gold is valuable and important, so are they) and if you look up berry, you get red berries, just like the Everblaze cover. Or the fire Kenric died from. (I might have overthought it again..)
Bumblebee: I don't know why but it's giving Stina and Dex, so there.
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rayniscatstatue · 2 years ago
hi ! headcannon wise I firmly believe (want) brant to be a Vacker. I also think it would be interesting if the formless were related to tam and linh given twins can like run in families genetically. If you could have any elven ability what would it be?
Brant could honestly be a Vacker, we don’t know. He could also be a Redek from Marella also being a Pyrokentic. But I believe that Shannon won’t tell us in the end. It just seems like a Shannon thing to do and not tell us Brant’s last name. None of his backstory or anything, just left the series getting to speculate. Possibly adding a spin off book with Brant and that is how we find out.
Twins running in families genetically could also hit Mai and Quan to shame. One of them must have a set of twins down the line. We just don’t know who. I would like to think it’s Quan because he seems so much more controlling. His family would hide that. It’s clear that if they did have another set of twin’s in the Song family it would be on Quan’s side.
I would want to either be a Froster or a Conjurer. My friends are convinced I would be a Froster because my hands are always so cold. I also think it would be cool to have my Elsa arc somewhere. Then Conjuring is just so helpful. Need a snack? Click your fingers. Need a bottle of youth? Click your fingers. Helpful.
Thank you for the ask!
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lesson-in-ruthlessness · 2 months ago
not including the sophie-exclusives because we gotta get this poll shorter
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imissjensi · 3 years ago
unlimited money hack!
step one: manifest as a froster
step two: acquire elsa like dress
step three: profit
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obsessedwithsophiefoster · 3 years ago
When elves have the enhancing ability, they can never turn if off. Also, I have a memory that when Dex was encanced, he had a ton of ideas and got super stressed about writing them all down and maybe got a headache.
Sophie’s pretty lucky that she didn’t want to date Dex already, because with her constantly enhancing everyone whenever she touches them, they really couldn’t ever touch, which would make it real hard to date.
Also, I wonder what other abilities this would apply to? If Sophie cuddled with a pyrokinetic, hydrokinetic, or froster while they both slept, would it be possible for them to accidentally use that ability in their sleep?
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kitties-and-milk · 4 years ago
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idk why I’m sharing my kotlc ocs bc I’m not an oc type of fan but oh well (my ocs are more of just characters I head cannon to exists out there) + drawings I did of them (this is the abridged version dw ur not going to be reading a dissertation on them 💀)
Selma Akhenaten
- She’s a vociferator so she doesn’t speaks much
- her uncle (and favorite relative) is councillor Noland
- her two cousins, aunt and uncle, dad, and younger brothers are all frosters so she really can’t stand them
- the only way she would be “plot relevant” if she was cannon is one time she got paired up with sophie is p.e
- rbf + the fact she doesn’t speak much makes everyone think she is rude and judgmental
- really powerful vociferator but it means she’s destroyed parts of her house on accident
- loves listening to gossip but hates it when people talk bad about the council
- dresses up very nice and elaborately (I just didn’t feel like drawing that
- after fitz and sophie ran off she was the star prodigy at foxfire and was annoyed when they came back
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Baldwyn Mowbray
- a mesmer
- was one of the first three councillors
- he was helping out humans with leprosy (for the human aid program) and ended up catching it himself
- because of his leprosy he resigned from the council
- the leprosy affects him similarly but not the same as humans
- he spends most of his time now skulking around and being emo and wearing face coverings
- was a homoerotic baddie before he became a leper
- friends with Bronte and Fallon (was friends with Fintan and talks to him/refuses to accept he is evil) (I told u he was homoerotic)
- lost all of his fingers on one hand
- is barely functioning
- bc of how hard and painful it is for him he doesn’t allow many visitors to see him (other than Fallon or Bronte) (and Fintan)
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Odelyn Dizznee
- Dex’s (wine) aunt
- a technopath
- the neverseens technopath
- her code name is “vulcana” like “Vulcan” god of blacksmiths
- loves bright pink and would get along w Biana (if she wasn’t part of neverseen and has been for decades)
- the first time sophie saw her was in her neverseen outfit but Dex wasn’t there so no one recognized her and no one put the pieces together for a long time (like until Dex saw her)
- joined during her time at foxfire after Kesler was forced to go to exilium even though he was smarter than most of the school
- started to hate the council because of how talentless people were treated and it descended into her being a (noble)-blood-thirsty villain
- uses human weapons bc they are more effective
- keeps everyone in the neverseen from dying bc they haven’t slept since the dawn of man
- is good at alchemy and buys stuff from keslers store all the time for them (the neverseen)
- the neverseens cook too bc she’s really good at it (but she has slipped devious elixirs into alvars drinks when he annoyed her)
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everliving-everblaze · 5 years ago
So @agentghosts, @linhamon-roll, a few others, and I got into a discussion about how every ability relates to water. (It started as a discussion on Frosters vs. Hydrokinetics.) Here's a list:
Frosters = Solid water
Hydrokinetics = Liquid Water
Telepaths = Mind water
Gusters = Air water
Pyrokinetics = NO water
Technopaths = NO water PLEASE NO WATER
Inflictors = Make the mind water pain water
Descryers = Determine if mind water can become bad water
Shades = Dark water
Flashers = Light water
Vanishers = Invisible water
Chargers = Make water go zap zap
Phasers = Water
Teleporters = Move through the void of life water
Fluctuators = Make it more water, make it less water /  Make water oobleck
Talentless = We drank the water RIP
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rainndropp13-blog · 6 years ago
If Dex was a Froster
Sophie: *Presses panic button*
Dex: *Light Leaps to Sophie and freezes the Neverseen*
Dex: Problem solved.
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