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crackingkorean-101 · 2 years ago
Puppies are in the basket. Fill in the blank in Korean. Then, swipe to check the answer.
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i-will-always-purple-you · 6 years ago
KDRAMA VOCAB (20 Flashcards):
So I came across this article on Soompi. And considering the amount of k-dramas i’ve passively watched. It’s time to get a grip on the most used vocab!
Part Two: HERE
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and a bonus!
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This was really fun to make, and I hope you enjoy learning with them as much as I enjoyed making them! 
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rainbows2reality-blog · 5 years ago
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What books are you using to learn Korean? I really like this book! It’s not expensive and it’s super easy to use. It has everyday conversations with the break downs, which I LOVE! He does a great job explaining everything and I have enjoyed learning with the book. #koreanlanguage #korean #selfstudykorean #koreanstudynotes #koreanbook #languagelearning #language #koreanlanguagelearning #learnkoreanlanguage #languages https://www.instagram.com/p/B9HK9nMF7pI/?igshid=vmrdw4pi66jz
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learningkorean20 · 5 years ago
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crackingkorean-101 · 2 years ago
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Instead of eating Korean red pepper kimchi, why don't you eat a watery broth kimchi? Guess what this watery kimchi is called in Korean. Then, swipe to check the answer. #koreanwordsoftheday,#learnkoreanword,#koreanalphabet,#kdramalove❤️,#kpoplover,#waterykimchi,#brothkimchi,#koreanfoodlover,#koreanfoodwords,#koreanvocaboftheday,#koreanstudynotes,#koreanstudying,#kpoplovers✌,#koreanfood https://www.instagram.com/p/CqPCePOBXdG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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crackingkorean-101 · 2 years ago
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Soymilk is good for your health. Change the underlined part in Korean. Swipe to check the answer. #learnkoreanword,#koreanwordsoftheday,#koreandictionary,#koreanstudying,#soybeanmilk,#koreanflashcards,#koreanalphabet,#kdramalove❤️,#kpoplovers✌,#koreandramalovers,#koreanstudynotes,#soymilk https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp9nrc_Bzfc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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crackingkorean-101 · 2 years ago
Guess what the bird is called in Korean. Then, swipe to check the answer.
#learnkoreanwords,#koreanwordsoftheday,#koreanvocabulary,#koreanstudynotes,#koreanspeaking ,#koreanconversation,#kpoplover,#koreandramalove,#studyingkorean,#magpie,#learnkoreanwith,#btsarmy,#koreandailywords
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i-will-always-purple-you · 6 years ago
Lesson 18: BT21 Where you AT? (Location marking particles)
A short lesson!
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Also a list of helpful verbs from the TTMIK LESSON
오다 [o-da] = to come 왔어요 [wa-sseo-yo] = came / to have come
있다 [it-da] = to be, to exist 있었어요 [i-sseo-sseo-yo] = was / to have been
보다 [bo-da] = to see 봤어요 [bwa-sseo-yo] = saw / to have seen
하다 [ha-da] = to do 했어요 [hae-sseo-yo] = did / to have done
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i-will-always-purple-you · 6 years ago
Lesson 17: Where is BT21?!
BT21 어디에 있어요? [eo-di-e-iss-eo-yo?]
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If you want to know the location of something, or you’ve lost something eg. All the BT21 characters. And want to know where they are, you can ask ‘where is *insert pronoun/noun*?”
In Korean the word for WHERE or WHICH PLACE is:
어디에 [eo-di] 
And the location particle “TO” is: 
에 [e] 
Okay! Let’s try asking where different members of BT21 are, and using some location words in reply. 
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1.  Q: Koya 어디에 있아요? [where is Koya?]
A: 탁자 위에 있어요 [On top of the table] 
2.  Q: Chimmy 어디에 있아요? [where is Chimmy?]
A: 탁자 아래에 있어요 [Under the table]
3.  Q: TATA 어디에 있아요? [where is TATA?]
A: 탁자 옆에 있어요 [Next to the table]
4.  Q: RJ 어디에 있아요? [where is RJ?]
A: 탁자 뒤에 있어요 [Behind the table]
5.  Q: Cooky 어디에 있아요? [where is Cooky?]
A: 탁자 앞에 있어요 [In front of the table]
With the location word “where/which place” you can also make other sentences! By placing “어디에” in front of the verb you want to do. 
Where do you want to go? 어디에 가고 싶어요? 
Where do you want to eat?  어디에 먹어 싶어요?
Yay! Hope you learned well, and remembered better with some cute BT21 visuals :)
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i-will-always-purple-you · 6 years ago
Lesson 19: WHEN (with BTS)
yay! another lesson, let’s look at how to say the word “when”
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It’s simple to use, there’s no particles that need to be attached. 
and the structure follows: 
when + verb or
location + when + verb
Let’s have a look at some examples shall we?!
Imagine you were asking Jimin when he did his last VLive. 
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Imagine you were at the airport and ran into J-Hope
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Or maybe this conversation between Namjoon & Jimin?
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Or asking a sleepy bunny?
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Or a sleepy honey bear? 
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Pretty easy right? 
I’m trying out a new format with vocab introduced at the beginning of the example, and then a question and answer format to contextualise the language better! 
Also here are some useful nouns to do with time/times of day 
(if you can’t count in Korean or say the time yet like me....ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ) 
오늘 [o-neul] = today
어제 [eo-je] = yesterday
내일 [nae-il] = tomorrow
지금 [ ji-geum] = now
아까 [a-kka] = earlier (today), a while ago (today)
나중에 [na-jung-e] = later
(from TTMIK) 
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i-will-always-purple-you · 6 years ago
Lesson 9.01.2: Topic marker nuances with Namjoon! (btsfakesubs)
Remember how this old thing, was a thing:
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Do you wanna be on your way to crafting poetic, nuanced sentences in Korean?!  Like the king of lyrical poetry Kim Namjoon does? Well look no further my friend. To an RM vLive (with fake subs ofc).
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This is an example of how we can be using 은 and 는 as topic markers to pick out different words to create varying emphasis and switch around the topic. Purely by moving the position of the topic marker! How cool hey? Confusing AF but COOL. 
So a neutral sentence like in eg.1: 
오늘 날씨 좋네요. = “The weather’s good today”
(o-neul nal-ssi jot-ne-yo)
Can become a sentence that focuses on TODAY, by placing the topic marker after the word “today” 
오늘은 날씨 좋네요. = “The weather’s good TODAY” 
(o-neul-EUN nal-ssi jot-ne-yo)
OR can become a sentence that focuses on THE WEATHER, by placing the topic marker after the word “weather”
오늘 날씨는 좋네요. = “The WEATHER’s good today”
 [o-neul nal-ssi-NEUN jot-ne-yo]
Ah language is a beautiful and complicated thing. If this were Namjoon actually teaching you, how much more focused would you be. Pls fly across the seas to me RM. I’ll pay you copious amounts of money I don’t have, for you to be my Korean tutor. Alas. 
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i-will-always-purple-you · 6 years ago
Lesson 14: Present Tense. Living in the moment with BTS
Aand we are back! With the next grammar lesson. How to conjugate verbs into the present tense.
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Seems pretty straightforward hey? Eeehhhh.... for the most part it is. But also NOT. LOL JKS. 
Let’s start with the verb “to go” we all know it well.
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as you will see with the rest of the examples, its not just a matter of tacking on the ending onto the verb stem. But sort of blending it with intuitive common sense.
Like one “a” obviously looks weird next to another “a” so it makes sense that we end up with a blending of the vowel sounds. 
Let’s try another verb “to eat”
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again, the spoken sounds become blended. But note that because there aren’t two written vowels next to each other. The written language stays the same, and follows the ‘rules’
Now the verb “to see”
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Now see this time, not only the spoken language has evolved in sound. But the written language has also adapted to accommodate for the blended sound.
And again it’s because we have that awkward vowel next to a vowel. “o” next to “a”.
And another verb “to be visible”
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Again the vowel next to a vowel, “i” - “eo” is just too hard to pronounce. So the written and spoken language has likewise evolved
And the last example “to do”
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Again, the blending in the spoken and written language. 
A couple other cool things with the verb “하다" is that you can use it to make new conjugated verbs in the present tense. Simply by adding a noun in front. 
As TTMIK says: 
* Here, please just remember that this verb, 하다 is very versatile. You can add a noun in front of it and you can form new verbs.
studying = 공부 to study = 공부하다 cleaning (the room) = 청소 to clean = 청소하다 cooking = 요리 to cook = 요리하다
And there we have the present tense! It’s not exactly complicated, nor is it easy. There’s a lot of adapted nuances that don’t really follow the rules. But the more you expose yourself to the language! And practice saying aloud, and writing your verbs in context. The easier it will become! (i hope. i’m more saying to myself than anything ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ)
I hope everyone has a fantastic new year’s eve, and wakes up on the other side, refreshed and with plenty of language learning excitement and motivation! 
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i-will-always-purple-you · 6 years ago
Lesson 16: PAST TENSE. LIVING IN THE PAST WITH BTS. Remember when…?
So a couple lessons back we learned how to conjugate verbs into the present tense. Well today we’re gonna have a blast from the past. And learn how to conjugate verbs into the past tense! With BTS!
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So essentially the past tense ending, is the same as the present tense conjugation. Except there’s 써 sandwiched in the middle! Let’s look at it like this:
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Easy hey! Okay now let’s look at some examples! :)
Remember when taehyung bought hoseok a flamingo?
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Pretty straightforward, what about this one:
Remember when Jimin and Jungkook came to Jin’s room to film his sugar gliders?
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hehe triple J is pretty 귀여
Btw a sugar glider is: 날다람쥐의 일종 [nal-da-lam-jwi-ui il-jong].                Or “flying squirrel” in Korean 😅 
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Remember when BTS wrote down their thoughts in diary entries for summer package?
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Looking at their diary entries, makes me genuinely concerned about my ability or lack thereof, to read Korean handwriting in the future...
Remember when the maknae line ate pizza in Hawaii?
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Remember when Jin ‘caught’ a fish in Malta?
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Remember when RM composed EVERYTHINGOES, in the 3 days when he had to return from Bon Voyage 1 early?
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*note this is an irregular verb. So it’s verb stem changes when it’s conjugated into present tense. And likewise into past tense. And probably all the other tenses too tbh. 
the end 쓰 becomes 써
Remember when Jimin waited for Jungkook to finish filming because he didn’t want him to be alone. (But JK really just wanted to finish his drawing 😂) 
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*note another irregular verb where the stem changes when conjugated. 
the end 리 becomes 려
8. TO be cool. Awesome
Remember BTS’ danger era? It was cool.
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All in all pretty simple hey? Except for those darn irregular verbs. And my gosh. I wish I could remember my language studies as well as I can recall BTS moments. Alas. Maybe i’ll just ask Jin or Namjoon if I can borrow their brains...
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i-will-always-purple-you · 6 years ago
Lesson 13: I’m missing you on a spring day...(to want)
The opening, iconic line of BTS’ Spring day
부고 싶다.
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Actually utilises a handy korean expression 
“to want”  
Let’s have a look and see how it’s used below!
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If you’ve noticed. Most verbs, when unconjugated. In their raw forms, all end with “다" 
Now let’s look at how it’s used in BTS’ Spring day
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보고 싶다 literally means “I want to see you” but in this context it also means “i’m missing you” 
Now if you’re wondering why the ending in the lyrics are slightly different. It’s because everything taught in these lessons are all polite/formal language. And Joon is just using a casual form of expression. 
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02. The next line joon says includes another expression: how to say “MORE” 
If you notice that “MORE” always goes IN FRONT of the verb in the expression. 
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you can also apply this to food thangs & other verbs ofc: so if you wanted to say:
“I want to eat (it)” you could say  “먹고 싶어요” meok-go si-peo-yo 
but if you wanted to say: “I want to eat MORE” you could say:  “더 먹고 싶어요” deo meok-go si-peo-yo 
Now let’s look at one more example with the lyrics of BTS’ Save ME
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So same principle. The noun “to breathe” gets the ending “다" chopped off. And the expression “to want” is added onto the end. 
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again Jimin’s line is slightly different because he’s using casual language, and therefore not formal endings. But you get the drift! 
How good are BTS for teaching us Korean! Go crazy! Add “I want” to all your favourite verbs. I want to run! I want to laugh! I want to eat! and also ask for MORE! 
As for me, I want Run BTS! to air sooner. But I also want BTS to take a proper break. Poor exhausted boys. They so tire. 
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i-will-always-purple-you · 6 years ago
Lesson 5: It’s me! it is..(to be)
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Let’s just start this post with a gif of mr. clever bean Tae raising his hand. 
Yes it is you! I CHOOSE YOU TAEHYUNG. 
Say in a hypothetical situation, you were married to lovely Mr. Kim. And you were chilling out in your family home, with Yeontan 2.0 yapping around your feet. You hear the door rattling, and get a little scared, 
“Who is it?” you call out. 
and whoever is there replies with 
oh phew. it’s just taehyung. trying to open the front door. 
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So its pretty straightforward! 
Unlike the syntax of an english sentence where we say 
“it is me!” Korean is all a bit Yoda-esque and its just flipped around so they say “Me, it is!” Which applies to any situation where you want to point at a noun and say what it is. 
And simple rule for knowing whether to use ye-yo or i-e-yo
just think: if the word ends in a vowel don’t use i-e-yo. 
because “i” is already a vowel, and putting two vowels next to each other is just nah. 
Cool? Cool. 
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And the last thing, simply by asking any variance of this structure by raising your voice to make it sound like a question, guess what?
It becomes a question! How good. So good. 
*oh and if someone is annoying the heck outta you
뭐 means what. so you can chuck a 예 요 on the end 
and have a little fisticuffs at dawn, by asking them what their problem is! 
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i-will-always-purple-you · 6 years ago
Lesson 11: Eat-T-S! Eating/asking for food with BTS! GIMME IT!
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Imagine asking Jin for some of his food:
“석진 오빠, 밥 있어요?” (seokjin oppa, bap i-sseo-yo?) 
Seokjin, do you have food? 
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and he replies with a: 
*slurps noodles* “네...” (ne...)
so then you would ask, with hopeful eyes:
“밥 주세요?” (bap ju-se-yo?)
Please give me some food?
and because he’s Seokjin, he replies with a: 
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ahh. unluggy. 
Maybe if you were Jungkook you’d have more of a fighting chance:
Let’s have a look at this scenario. 
Say Taehyung’s eating some noods, and JK is real hungry (bc let’s be honest when is he not hungry) and wants a bite. He would ask:
 “태형이,  극수  주세요?” (taehyungie, guk-su ju-se-yo?)
Taehyunggg, please give me some noodles?
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Taehyung would obvs oblige, bc who isn’t soft for Kooky?
And in response, if the meal was yummy he would say something like:
It’s delicious! or 맛있어요 [ma-si-sseo-yo] 
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But what if you thought what you just ate wasn’t delicious, in fact it was the opposite. It was gross AF. 
*cue JK tasting espresso for the first time* 
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It’s not tasty. It tastes AWFUL ! or 맛없어요 [ma-deop-seo-yo]
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“맛" means taste. So for something to be delicious or not delicious is essentially
“having taste” or “not having taste” 
yay! fun nommy times with BTS. Because how fun would it be eating your favourite snack. With your FAVOURITE SNACK ;) ;) 
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