#kopota fanfiction
mae-is-crazy · 4 months
Hello everybody!
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A few years ago, my first public fanfiction, TINY HANDS, launched on Tumblr. In a matter of hours it received massive support, and went on to receive two additional entries!
Now, I'm BACK and ready to do it again! I am accepting requests for a new fandom: PLANET OF THE APES!
Please refer to the submission guidelines on my profile before requesting a fic.
I'm looking forward to jumping back into writing. See ya soon!
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the-monkeies-girl · 4 months
have any thoughts how caesar or noa would cope with jealousy?
Love how I saw I wasn't gonna post but i just cannot stop myself LOL.
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Comes across as being incredibly put together, almost to the point where he becomes deathly reserved and like he’s simply ignoring you. Which he is not. Caesar definitely feels the need to separate himself from those types of emotions purely for the greater good of the Colony. Jealousy, especially in his mind and seeing how envious humans are and how that in itself can tear apart even the strongest bonds, was absolutely a moniker of weakness. He’d rather be tied to a tree and left to die from exposure to the elements than ever verbally admit that he was jealous. 
Reality is, despite his cold deposition, he’s about to lose it in whatever situation it is that causes the feeling to rise in him. He’s slow to jealousy out of confidence, knowing exactly how important he is, which can cause some contention in the idea that he’s being arrogant.
You’ve asked him if he was jealous after he had abruptly pulled you away from spending time with Luca. He more abrasively accepted getting that wave of protective jealousy that washed over him like the ocean; especially when you’re spending more time with other Males. Just comes from the throes of the hierarchy. You were his. His to choose, his to tear apart and delve into, his to absolutely destroy if he wanted, the nature of his hands grasping at your rib cage as you wrangled under him… Caesar shuts his eyes tightly and thinks about that. His Colony needed to know that you were only his.  His eyes said it all and you didn't know how to respond to him after he flew into a small arm of defense. “Worried,” He muttered in that typical gruff voice of his. It sent your senses sky-high, “About you…. About… What others might be… thinking…”  His hands were fast to sign at you the things that you did not understand, about how his mind worked. Telling you things about how strong he needed to be, how his Colony relied on him being the best, being the strongest and that you were heavily mistaken. He was not jealous.There was absolutely no way. Tentatively, he asks for your forgiveness after he flies off the radar like that. He bottles his emotions, especially ones that were so human by design and he knows that you meant no harm by asking him if he was jealous. He got defensive as he interpreted you asking him if he was asking if he were weak and compromised.
Caesar, late at night in the nest he now shared with you, reflecting on his emotions. He’s sleepless, sitting up and looking to the right out the crevices between the planks of wood that made his nest. His mind pattering along with the rain that was falling gently from the purple-hued sky outside. This was not just his space anymore, it yours as well. He feels you move ever so slightly next to him, grasping at an animal pelt and tucking it near your face. His green orbs admire the curves of your body under said pelt, the soft rise and fall of your breathing. There was a brush of a bite mark against your neck. He huffed out of satisfaction knowing that he had done that, maybe two or three hours ago. He had every right to be jealous of others' attention on you, he thinks to himself while looking at you. He chortled to himself, shutting his eyes in some attempt to wipe his mind of the floodgate that was opened. One thought did give him a bit of solace as you moved, now shuffling your way towards him to press tightly into his side. He’d rip the face off of any Ape who even gave you a passing glance that tip-toed the invisible line between friendliness and flirtatiousness that Caesar made in his mind.
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Has absolutely no clue how to even begin to process or cope. He’s not felt this before, so he supposed it made sense that he didn't know what to do with the sickeningly addictive feeling he got when he was around you. He did things so equally with Soona and Anaya, there was never any need for blatant jealousy to arise. Well… Until you came stumbling into his life and then it happened at the most random of all moments. 
You smiling at Anaya? Absolutely feral. Noa would watch your mouth pull back before looking at his friend and then back to you. He wanted to make you smile like that. It should be towards him, he thinks almost gagging at the self-entitlement. Noa was not comfortable with that. He often fell by the waist side for everyone else’s well being. Why was he suddenly concerned so greatly with how you were reacting to others?
You getting a compliment from Soona? He wanted to give you a compliment more. He wanted to tell you things that got your heart to race, your blood to pound, your legs to fall under him as your arousal hit him, matching in crept intensity. He wanted it all.
If he notices you spending more time with others, male or female, Noa tends to gravitate towards you and stick around like metaphorical glue. The closer he is to you, he figured, the easier it was to bide his time for your attention. He’s not quite sure of how to interpret the feeling he gets when he looks at you, the way your expressions changed around others, the delicious way you threw your head back in laughter giving a wonderful display of your jugular that drew Noa’s attention almost every single time. A wash of aggressive thought would hit him and he’d love to know what that hot skin would feel like against his face. Against his teeth, marking you as his own so others were well aware to back off.  
Once the anger would teeter down, Noa was often left wondering if you’d ever smile at him like that personally. Give him the light of day, give him your undivided mind and body. Noa does very little to stop his thoughts from going off the charts and delves into the prospect of making you his own just to cure his vile curiosity if you would accept satisfaction from him. Accept his soothing. Accept him to be your mate; he felt like he was going to come undone physically just imagining that. How you must feel under his rough hands, how you would gasp at him, hands in his fur, how you would smile longingly at him as he returned from a hunting trip, pressing his head gently against your own before proceeding back to the nest you came to share... These were things he had seen other Apes doing, he wanted to experience with you. He tries to keep himself grounded while watching you and takes meager solace when you would look at him, pay attention to him. Do anything... Towards him. His jealousy would slowly dissipate with time and Noa often found himself falling into a minor state of meloncholy thinking about the prospects he had in front of him and how the only one he seemed so adversely invested in being his advancements with you.
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1emon1ime · 15 days
Baby Boy - [ Anaya x Female Human Reader ] NSFW
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ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58857355
Anaya x Reader
You find Anaya peaking on you while bathing in the lagoon and decide to teach him a hard lesson.
Rating: Explicit! NSFW. 18+
Content: Femdom! Rimming/Ass eating, and anal fingering-- ((Uh hear me out, Anaya strikes me as the kind of character who would put up a fight about it but he quickly realizes that he LOVES being dominated? Lmao. Anyway enough of me yapping.))
Do not click read more if you are under 18 or do not want to read such content listed above! Seriously tired of people who can't read warnings and then get mad at me in the comments!?
If you want a sequel where Anaya gets to smash let me know 😔
From the moment you had stepped foot into the shallow lagoon, you had a feeling that there were a pair of eyes on you. It was quite hard to ignore that shaking feeling of being watched.
Water droplets glisten in the spring sunlight, dripping along the curves of your naked form and down into the teal water below.
It can’t be helped , you think. There’s no privacy out here in the wilderness, unlike the human base that you grew up in. Of course there would always be wild animals skittering by, you just had to be cautious that it was not anything dangerous.
--Your head whips around on instinct when you hear a twig snap, always cautious– always careful. You know well about the dangers out there, it had been drilled into you from a tender age.
But this, you soon realise, is something different. 
Someone familiar.
You drop your guard, defensive posture turning more relaxed. However, your emotional state is anything but.
“I can hear you, you know.”
You listen for him behind the shrubs, hear him stop what he had been doing and gulp. Yep , your intuition was definitely correct. 
You don’t even bother to grab your shawl, marching over to the nearest bush, and just as you expect, when you peer over the top of it, you see exactly who you had been expecting to find.
He stares up at you, his dark, almond eyes wide as saucers. His hands are clasped tightly between his legs, hiding his genitals, as if it wasn’t obvious what he had been doing.
You cross your arms and lean forward, staring him down with a menacing glare that has him cowering beneath you.
He looked like he was seizing up, unable to move and not wanting to. Blood rushing to his face in humiliation, turning the tips of his ears red as he starts to stutter over his words.
He clearly has no excuse for himself.
“I-” he starts, shaking his head and clearing his throat as his voice cracks. “This isn’t what it looks like– Anaya promises--  h-had other things on my mind.” What a lame excuse. Pathetic. 
"Why don't you come here." You beckon, leaning against a tree and pointing to the spot right in front of you.
Anaya hesitates, but eventually makes his way over, albeit humiliating. In this position how can he not? He’s been caught. It's clear that he knows he has messed up, and he was willing to accept the consequences.
"Do you like to watch me, Anaya?" You ask, your voice stern, "do you like to look at my body, and touch yourself to it?"
"No!" he replies quickly, defensively. "No, I mean... Yes. I- I didn't mean to- I- I didn't intend--"
You can’t help but notice how his eyes dart to your chest, as several stray rivulets of water drip from the tips of your nipples and down the soft curve of your stomach.
"So, what do you call this then?" You point to the erection that stood proudly between his legs, despite his feeble attempts to hide it.
He swallows nervously.
"Well?" You taunt, awaiting the next pitiful excuse that he would come up with.
Anaya looks away, ashamedly, not able to keep his gaze on you. 
 "Anaya's sorry, (Y/N). I don't know what came over me. I- I won't do it again, I promise."
"I don't believe you," you say, matter-of-fact. "And I'm not the only person that you have to apologise to. I'm sure the elders would love to know where you’ve been spending all your time, you little perv. –Slacking on your duties to watch me bathing."
"No, no please!" He begs, falling to his knees before you and reaching for your hand. He kisses the back of it, his face red with embarrassment.
You can't help but chuckle, and he looks up at you, confused, his lips still lingering on your hand.
"I'm teasing you, Anaya," you chuckle half-heartedly, and he visibly relaxes. "But I'm serious about the apology."
"Of course, (Y/N). Anything."
You lean back further against the tree trunk and spread your legs slightly.
"I think you can make an excellent start, by licking my cunt."
As your words sink in, his face goes from confusion to shock, to embarrassment. You're certain he could feel his heart beating out of his chest, his mind going a mile a minute.
"Well? I'm waiting."
Anaya blinks, swallowing thickly as his eyes trail over your body, watching as water drops slowly roll down your skin. He gazes up at you like a lost puppy. Eyes wide and apprehensive, looking to you for direction and you sigh, running a hand through your hair.
“Go on, start licking.”
You feel his breath, hot against you, as he leans in and presses a kiss to your clit.
"That's it," you encourage, as you run a hand over his head. "Don't be shy. Show me how sorry you are."
He does exactly as you say, placing more kisses against your folds. You feel his tongue slide up the slit, before his lips are wrapped around your clit, sucking gently.
He doesn’t exactly know what he’s doing but he isn’t clueless either. He watches your face intently, taking in each time your expression changes, each time you bite your lip or make an encouraging noise and he takes note, to repeat whatever he did and make you do it again.
He starts to lick, and suck, and nibble, and you have to try hard not to let yourself become too loud, not wanting to alert anyone nearby, lest they come and investigate.
"Oh, Anaya, you're a natural," you moan, and he seems to get more confident, hearing the encouragement in your voice.
He continues working his tongue deeper and from the corner of your eye you spot him running a hand over his cock, pumping himself eagerly.
You swat him and grab his wrist.
"Don't even think about it," you warn. "Not until I say so. Put your hands behind your back.”
He whimpers, but obeys, hesitatingly before continuing his work.
"That’s it, good boy," you whisper, petting him affectionately.
When you delicately run your fingers through his soft fur, massaging  his scalp and gently pressing on the back of his head to sink his face deeper into your pussy, he can’t help but let his eyes flutter closed, a soft moan escaping his lips.
Your hips start to buck and you begin to grind against his face, more aggressively than before.
Anaya moans again, this time louder, his cock twitching and leaking between his legs and you know he's aching to touch himself from the way he tenses and his arms shake. He has to restrain himself, not wanting to disobey.
"Anaya," your breath hitches, "I'm close."
He doesn't respond, but picks up the pace, his tongue delving deep inside of you, before sliding up to circle your clit.
The stimulation sends electricity through your body, and your fingers dig into the fur on his shoulders as your orgasm hits you like a wave.
You pant heavily, trying to catch your breath. Still clinging to his shoulders as you shake, trying to steady yourself.
"(Y/N)," Anaya murmurs, as he licks your juices from his lips, and you notice his cock still hard and heavy, leaking onto the ground below.
You hum in response, your mind hazy from your orgasm, and Anaya stills, waiting for your next command. It makes your heart swell a little to see just how obedient he’s being.
You motion, guiding him back a little and he looks up at you with that expectant gaze and you have to mull over it for a moment. Wondering how you would really make him learn his lesson.
"Anaya needs..." he hesitates, finally gaining the courage to speak again, "I need," his voice is low, you almost didn’t hear it at first. It’s like he’s not able to bring himself to ask for what he wants.
You raise an eyebrow. "What is it? I can’t hear you."
"I- I need-" His eyes are filled with desperation, tongue pushing against his quivering bottom lip.
"Use your words, boy."
"need to come."
You pretend to think it over for a moment, humming as if you're considering. "Alright, then."
Anaya seems to sigh in relief, thinking that you've granted him permission.
Though, it wouldn’t be in the way he was expecting. You grinned to yourself, standing upright to get a better view before you gave the next demand.
“Turn around and get on your hands and knees.”
He obeys without hesitation, positioning himself so that his ass is fully presented to you, head turned to the side, just enough that he could continue to watch you from the corner of his eye. Even just the sight of you looking at him in such a lewd and submissive position is enough to make him groan and wiggle his hips, though just barely.
Your eyes travel from the cleft of his ass, past his taint, down to where his cock hangs, and when it twitches under your stare, you can't help but smirk.
"So desperate," you tut. "What would everyone say if they saw you like this? A young, promising warrior, brought down to his knees by an Echo . I'm sure that would go down a treat at the next ceremony."
Anaya doesn’t respond, only groans even more pathetically, and you chuckle. Teasing him was always so amusing.
Stepping closer, you drag one hand up his thigh, brushing against his well-groomed, dark fur and you can feel him shiver under your touch.
"Now, now. No need to be so tense." You say, inching closer to his behind patting his ass playfully.
You run a finger along his taint, gently teasing him all the way up to his pretty, pink asshole before withdrawing your touch.
Anaya lets out a sharp gasp, as if he hadn’t expected this, while also simultaneously missing the feeling of your finger massaging him there.
"You’ve been very obedient today." You tell him, truthfully. There's a hint of promise in your voice.
He whines desperately at the feeling of you gradually spreading his cheeks, his hole puckering as soon as your eyes trace over it. You lean in closer to let a thick trail of spit fall from your lips, landing directly above his entrance and rolling downwards. For a moment, he hisses through his teeth, the cold air hitting his sensitive area. But it’s not long before your tongue meets it and evenly distributes your saliva across the surface of his delicate skin.
Anaya moans, loud , his back arching like a cat.
You smile against his ass, amused by his needy reaction.
His breath is shaky as you languidly lick along his taint and back up to his hole, pressing a light kiss right at his entrance, before asking, "Do you like the way that feels, Anaya?"
“A–ahh,” he trembles, hardly a response, he  whimpers incoherently into his knuckle as your tongue delves back into his depths, your hands spreading his cheeks further. 
“I expect an answer when I ask you a question.” Your breath fans across his ass as you whisper, and when you lay your tongue against his hole again and give his ass a playful slap he fights to hold himself up.
“Y-yes, (Y/N).” His voice is barely audible. “I— I Anaya likes it– a lot .”
He’s practically drooling when your index finger presses against his entrance, slowly sinking in. Moaning lewdly, his eyes float behind their lids. His hole eagerly takes your index finger to the first knuckle, even as you pump it and sink it increasingly deeper. You can almost feel how laboured his breathing is around you.
You add a second finger, joining the first to stretch him ever so slightly more than before and he pants breathlessly. Hunching forward as you slide your two fingers all the way out. His voice trills with a needy purr as he starts to beg. So desperate-- aching for release that you refuse to give him again and again.
“Ah– I need it, I need it, please–”
 “Shh,” you say, running your other hand along his inner thigh, so close to his aching cock yet not close enough, and Anaya practically whimpers like he’s a bitch in heat.
Your voice lowers to a whisper, in a soft velvety tone, "Beg for me, baby boy. Tell me exactly what it is you need.”
He starts panting, hips bucking into the air, searching for some sort of friction.
“I need– you,” he whines, voice breaking. “(Y/N), I need your touch. I need you to make me come. Please.”
“Hmm, I don’t know…” You mull, prodding the coals of his vexation. Tilting your head ever so slightly, you pretend to think about it, drinking in his frustration as you do.
Anaya groans, “Please— There, touch me there–” His gaze lowers between his legs. “Please, please, please, Anaya will do anything you want.”
“Fine,” you relent, “I’ll let you cum, since you asked so nicely.” You wet your fingers again and slowly slide them into his passage, amused when his eyes go wide once again.
“But I’m not touching your dick. You need to learn a hard lesson, to respect others' privacy…” You remind him, letting your middle finger join the first and curling up to meet the spot that you know will drive him to the edge. You’re pretty sure the young chimp has never experienced this sensation before.
He cries out, his entire body going rigid, and his hole tightens around your fingers, coaxing you to continue.
"There we go," you praise and you can see from his expression how he buckles under your words. "Now, be a good boy and cum for me."
You curl your fingers, rubbing against his prostate again, and he moans, the lewdest sound you have ever heard in your life.
It shows in the way he jolts, crying out a broken sound, and his legs shake so hard that you wouldn't be surprised if he fell over.
"Ah, Y-Yes– (Y/N)!" He cries, "that's... It's-!"
You cut him off with another slap on his ass, and his whole body spasms.
"Quiet down, would you?" You chastise, there's no real malice behind it, more of a warning than anything. "Don't want the others coming here and finding you like this, do we?"
He shakes his head and bites his lower lip to keep his voice down.
"Good boy."
You continue your assault, thrusting your fingers harder and faster, rubbing them over his prostate, making him cry out. Anaya bites down hard on his own knuckles, trying to stifle his moans, while the other hand struggles to hold himself up.
"You look so cute like this, Anaya," you giggle, corners of your lips curling into a devious smile, and his face turns even redder than before.
He whines as you pick up the pace, adding a third finger and stretching his hole even wider. You have a feeling he’s close as his body starts trembling and you can feel his muscles squeeze tight around your digits.
"Come on, baby boy. You can do it. Come for me, Anaya."
Anaya squeezes his eyes shut and breathes heavily as you focus entirely on massaging his prostate. He whimpers softly and suddenly, his body stiffens, back arching as his orgasm washes over him.
He cries out loudly, unable to hold it back any longer, and he cums all over the ground below. He lets out a few small gasps and his cock spurts, draining him, legs trembling and threatening to give out underneath him.
You continue pumping your fingers, and milking his prostate, not stopping until you can see his cock has stopped twitching and there is no more semen to be milked.
Eventually, when you decide that he has had enough, you carefully remove your fingers and pet his back softly.
Anaya slumps forward, panting heavily.
"Did that feel good, Anaya?"
He can only nod.
"Are you still going to touch yourself while you spy on me?"
Anaya doesn't reply immediately, he looks at you, his eyes wide and glazed over and it takes a moment for him to realise that you have asked him a question.
"Huh? What?"
"Are you still going to watch me bathe, and touch yourself, Anaya?" You repeat yourself, a little more sternly.
"No, no,  Anaya promises. I-I won't do it anymore, not unless you want me to."
You hum.
"Good, that's what I like to hear." You pat his shoulder affectionately.
He doesn't move, still in the same position that you left him, trying desperately to regain his compusure.
"Well, I'm going back to the spring to wash off.” You say and pause momentarily.
“--You can join me if you wish."
With that, you turn and leave and it's not long before you hear the soft pitter-patter of Anaya's footsteps behind you, following like a loyal puppy.
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the-monkeies-girl · 4 months
Uncertainty. ( Blue Eyes x Human! Reader Oneshot. )
You know we need a Blue Eyes oneshot that parallels the one I wrote about Caesar's War Paint.
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Title: Uncertainty. Fandom: ( Dawn of the ) Planet of the Apes. Rating: K. ( Tiny mention of blood but nothing too bad, and it's pretty fluffy. ) Pairing: ( SLIGHT ) Implied Blue Eyes x Human ! Reader. Words: 3.1K+ Summary: The task of placing the Ape Prince's War Paint fell onto you.
There was something so intricately intimate about putting on an Ape’s War Paint. Not just the physical aspects which were under intense watch from the Chimpanzee in front of you, every gesture you made could be seen as a threat through a blue lense. Every move you made to place the paint along his face was accepted with closed eyes, but not enough for him to relax his shoulders or peer at you from under his slitted eyes when you directed him to raise his head so you could paint at his neck. There was the ceremonious aspect as well that took hold of your thoughts. So many Humans, as the Simian Flu eradicated the population, thought that the Apes as primitive, stupid and not of culture. They were just another animal that needed to be put into a Zoo. But this? All of this was beyond what Humanity wanted to see, what they wanted to acknowledge as reality. 
You dropped your hand and encased enough white paint to go along the forearms of the Ape Prince. It splattered against the backdrop of his darkened fur, and with some effort put into a sweeping motion upwards, you encased his outer forearm in white before mirroring the action on the other side. For a split moment, you rested your fingers on the bend of his elbow. He was not as large as Caesar, you thought to yourself and felt a muscle twitch under your scrutinizing touch, but he was going to be some day. Maybe even bigger. You tried to not to dally on that as your eyes gazed right along his face and found yourself transfixed as the light caught hold of his canines. The idea that he could rip your jugular right out of your neck seemed almost tempting, entrancing as you caught a brief gaze with him before snapping back to look at the paint.
He was surely the son of Caesar, more reserved as he got that attribute from Cornelia, but Caesar seeped through his pores in the way he held himself, the way he looked at you. Whereas you had gotten so used to being looked at through a green glass, Blue Eyes’ stare sent you rocketing into the deep ocean from the coloring, darkened now as you were in a slatted hut with only enough light coming from the fire behind you to trace your way around his body. The way he held himself in front of you, faux arrogance falling off of him like waves. It had to be show-boating, there was no other way to describe how it felt to have him so silent, so statuesque, only looking at you when he needed to be as if your presence alone was going to set him off. You knew what it was about; the reluctance to follow his Fathers way of thinking regarding Humans and he was slowly leaning into the radical ideology from Koba and that made your position all the more precarious.
You found it difficult not to curse silently at Lake for putting you into this situation. She was the one who often did this for Blue Eyes, or occasionally his mother, both indisposed at the moment at the task fell down the ladder to rest rather uncomfortably along your spine and into your mind. It wasn’t as if his presence made you squeamish, you had spent enough time around the rest of the Colony that it was barely a passing mention that you were human and they were Ape. But given you were the first human that he had ever seen, the first to ever sit in a private room alone with him, the first to ever touch him? That did give you pause. You begged Lake to take the responsibility. Almost on your hands and knees as you held her arm with one hand and signed rather frantically with your other that you weren’t the one to do this and it needed to be her or Blue Eyes’ mother. She had explained to you though - with the Colony getting ready to embark to the ruins of San Francisco to confront the Humans, she needed to tend to the young, and Cornelia was placed rightly in charge of putting the War Paint on her husband. 
Slowly, you drew a breath into your lungs and held it there momentarily as your eyes peered down at the paint, placed inside of a crudely made but functional clay jars. You had gotten his face with ease, Blue Eyes’ reserved nature was evident when you scaled around his brows and eyes. He had shuffled only then when you made eye contact with him before his gaze fell shut in intent focus, obviously not sure how to feel when the fingers touching him were so soft and delicate in nature, crude against the hardened quality of his own skin. You had painted the bones along his arms, they were thickened where his fur had clumped together with the color, dripping a bit down towards his hands but getting caught and tangled in the fur at his wrists. You watched it pool there like a bracelet, a fleetingly morbid though of it scattering along your face as he encased your neck in his grasp hitting at your senses. 
 All that was left where the adjoining rib cage markings that would scale down from his broadened shoulders, along the tract of his collarbones, down towards the tapering of his thinned waist. Never too far down and stopping right at his diaphragm but the idea of having to actually embrace him more intimately was why you were unsure of this in the first place. Shifting in your seat, you contemplated leaving. How easy it would be to just stand up and walk away and tell Caesar that you were just too nervous to do that. Too afraid to be that close to his Son. You thought about that and decided against it when you imagined the hard gaze the Ape King would give you, knowing you had no actual issue with being in close quarters with other Apes. He’d see it as a slight to himself, to his son, to Cornelia. And you weren’t about to put yourself on the bad side of Caesar. 
You had no idea if Blue Eyes felt the same - if his heart was racing inside of his chest as he watched you grasp more paint and cup it against your pointer, middle and ring finger. You wondered if he could see the mild shaking of your fingertips. Blue Eyes’ attention was on your free hand, grasping at your chest, four fingers splayed outwards and you drew a motion from your sternum to the edge of your side. Ribs, you signed at him, eyes meeting for a second before he acknowledged what you were saying. He shuffled on his perch, finally letting his arms rest in a backwards motion to allow you full access to what you needed. The realization hit you like a ton of feathered bricks. 
Soft and light as you looked at the scape of his body, from shoulder to shoulder, head to toe, and if he were a human the assumption could be made that you were checking him out. Hard and heavy when you thought to yourself of the idea, no no… Not just an idea anymore, you scolded yourself. The reality that you were about to encase his body so intimidatingly, along his muscles in a way that only other Apes that he trusted had done made your stomach turn in twisted knots. You had been so careful on his face to avoid the scratches from his Bear Attack, but now you needed to trace your motions along the scratches along his right pectoral. They flared red with blood, finally beginning to scab over here and there. Sympathy washed over you. It surely looked painful and if he was in any discomfort, he was doing a great job masking it. Shifting, you made a gentle sign towards him, ‘Need to get close. Okay?’ 
Blue Eyes’ narrowed his gaze on you as you rose to your feet, droplets of white falling below and painting the wood it landed on a faded gray-ish as it mixed with moisture from rain. He allowed the slot of your body between his legs so you could work. From the sudden proximity as you drew close to him, you could feel his hot breath against your face for a moment, lingering in the selfish idea that he was inhaling and exhaling at a heightened rate. Eye contact was not made, Blue Eyes sought to focus on something in the distance as you laid your fingers onto his left collarbone and slid inwards to trace the shape right along his clavicle to lay a basis for the rest of the ribs you needed to make. You followed suit sharply, moving to rest your fingers along the right side of his body to make a mirroring shape. Blue Eyes bared his teeth at you, assuming you had gotten too close to his wound, you pulled back for a moment. 
‘Sorry.’ You signed with your non-painted hand and moved back to continue. He hesitated, his right shoulder moving back when you came forward. Gritting his teeth together at the feeling of flaring heat searing off his marks, Blue Eyes brashedly tried to ignore it, trying to sooth himself that it would be done sooner now than it was five minutes ago. Of course it hurt - But he was not going to let you see that. He was Caesar’s blood. He knew deep down if his Father ever incurred damage like this that he would not let his people see the agony it caused by simply breathing. His blue gaze drifted downwards to your motions against him. Caesar would not let you, a human, so small and gentle and soothing, know that he was in pain. Blue Eyes drew a deep breath in, meditative around the edges. 
You’d moved down to the next set of ribs, laying more viciously along the taut muscles of his pectorals, he oddly had no idea why he felt like he was going to slowly come unglued with every touch you were giving him. How it varied in intensity as if you were unsure of how to touch him, what was allowed, and what was off limits. It wasn’t unsatisfying in any way - Blue Eyes found it to be a nice change of pace as he allowed himself to capture your eyes in a stare. You unwaveringly looked back at him, taking in the frank skull detailing of his face paint. The paint smeared along his fur, resting more on the tips rather than actually touching skin. He noticed you were kind enough to avoid the wounds directly now rather than trying to paint around them. Caesar always said that humans were considerate like that.
Koba said otherwise.
You tried to ignore the way that his muscles were involuntarily reacting to how you were grazing against him and how much you wanted to just grasp at them in a bid to get more movement against you. With each dip of your fingers that you took, more encased your wrists in its runny nature as you placed it along his chest, finally out of the woods from his wounds. How easy it would be to smear your entire body with paint, either done by yourself, or done by the Ape in front of you. That’s often how it was within the Colony. One would place the paint first and then expect it in return. That wasn’t for you, you knew, but the guilt ate away at your conscious thoughts when you imagined it. Imagined Blue Eyes taking some sort of reserved charge and throwing it against your face with his much larger hands, turning you vivid in color, into a warrior of sorts, how his fingers might brisk against your lips, pausing to trace the curve around them before flushing his fingers horizontally to give you the appearance of a skull mask. You blinked that right out of your head, not sure where the sudden urge to be close to Blue Eyes in that way really came from. You tried to swallow it down, tried to push it away but your train of thought was incredibly relentless.
Would he be gentle like his outside disposition? You looked at his face but found yourself unable to captivate his eyes like you had a few moments ago. How did Lake feel when he did this to her? Was it exciting? Was it yearned for, a bond? You were now aiming downwards, the arch of the art piece you were laying on him finally coming to a rather relieved end. His blue glance caught hold of yours as you prepared for the last set of lines right against the bottom of his ribs, against the narrowest part of his chest before he thinned into his waist. The way he stiffened at the sensation of your hands against his diaphragm was surprisingly alluring to you, your eyes falling from his face to rest on his shoulders to watch the bounce of them as he inhaled and released. You could hear him breathing through his nose, mouth now shut to no avail. You were so close he could nearly taste you on his tongue. 
You were done.
‘Blue Eyes looks good.’ You signed him a quick compliment which seemed to be appreciated. It was always hard to read this Ape - He was rather quiet around you, occasionally falling into mild conversation if Ash was with him or if you joined Caesar and his family for meals. Rare, but happened occasionally, more frequently the Prince noticed as there had been a quick resurgence of Humans in the area and Caesar would confide in you every now and then about what to do. You often found yourself like this with Blue Eyes - one sided conversations with him, as if he were unsure what topics where alright to discuss with you. There was no blame to be placed; Blue Eyes hadn’t encountered a human at all until you came into the Colony’s care months ago and you always steered clear of him due to the nature of his stand-offish appearance. 
“Wish I looked as scary as you do.” You joked softly and picked up the paint jars from the ground. One red, one white, just in case, though Blue Eyes had yet to graduate to red adornments. Those were reserved for the highest bid of Caesar’s council. Someday, he’d be able to proudly wear the blood soaked color. 
‘Are you coming?’ He finally bid to ask you a personal question, perhaps in some desperate attempt to wash his mind of how it felt to have you touch him so personally, like you knew the dips and curves of his body like the back of your hand. He shifted in his spot, suddenly overcharged with the lingering feeling of your grasp so close to him.
“Caesar wants me to stay. Afraid the Humans will take me,” You explained softly, “Though, I told him I should go because I might be able to help. You know, bridge the gap.”
From the perplexity of his expression, it was obvious that Blue Eyes hadn’t heard that phrase before. 
“It’s okay, I’m probably more of a hindrance,” You smiled at the son of the Ape King with grace, letting your fingers trace around the edge of the white paint jar. “I’m more useful to your Father if I’m here and not taken away.”
Blue Eyes understood that notion. There were many things that he didn't agree with when it came down to the compassion that his Father held for Humans but you - Having gotten to know you casually, and now, more intimately, he would feel unplaced distress if you were taken as well. That admittance to himself was uncommon; Blue Eyes often felt he knew the best for himself, for others around him, so the uncertain nature he held towards you was more than suffocating. 
“I don’t think I’d look too terrifying in the war paint you guys have anyway. The other humans would probably laugh at me.” You joked, raising a hand to wipe your forehead. A streak of white encased your skin there, you had forgotten that you got paint along your wrists and the back of your hand and it was still wet, soon to fall into the awkward placement of drying and you trying to get it out of the pores of your skin. Blue Eyes looked at it before his gaze fell into your own.
There was a silence that hit the two of you as you looked at him, suddenly flushed at the realization that you were still standing so near to him. You felt your heart flutter in your chest much to your dismay as he held your gaze intently. It was striking just how much of a mixture of his parents he truly was and you felt like you could spend hours upon hours picking apart his appearance and categorizing it as either Caesar or Cornelia. But, there was enough to make Blue Eyes his own Ape, and you found yourself more drawn to those attributes.
Without a word or a sound, Blue Eyes found his fingers dipped into the red paint that you were holding. You blinked but before you could even ask him what he was doing, his pointer and middle finger pressed smacked dab right in the middle of your forehead and moved downwards between your eyebrows. He tapered his movement once he got to the middle of your nose, red droplets falling off the curve and onto your lips, and then down your chin to fall onto the ground below. The ease of which he was able to move in front of you with such slickness was astonishing, you found yourself unable to breath when he went to touch, almost going cross-eyed at the motion before you moved to look into his blue irises again. 
“Wh---” Staggering, you raise a hand and wiped your chin off, smearing the blood colored paint against the backdrop of your skin. “What was that for?”
‘Warrior.’ He gestured at you. 
And without any more signed words, anymore verbalization, he rose, not towering over you by any means, but the stance of his gait was strong as he moved to leave the hut now that you had the pleasure of placing his war paint on. Blue Eyes gave you one last look as he trailed to his spear, picking it up delicately, and tracing towards the exit of the hut. You were captivated in how he moved on his feet, bi-pedal. You were thrusted into the unknown with the stare he gave you, so flurrying as he looked at your eyes, then the white-red markings of your forehead and then your eyes again before leaving you with one more one handed sign. 
 ‘Thank you’.
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1emon1ime · 5 days
Under Your Skin [ Koba x Human Reader ] NSFW
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ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/59176939
Koba x Female Reader (Caesar x Reader is also mentioned throughout.
New Koba fic! I feel like we were due one ♡
Content Warning: Violence, Marking, Threats of Death/Violence, Biting, Blood and Injury, Extremely Dubious Consent, bordering on Noncon. Cheating (kind of).
Do not click read more if you are under 18 or do not want to read such content listed above!
You were the sole survivor out of a group of humans who had succumbed to illness. Injured and close to death, you were taken in by Caesar's colony and over the months you had formed a close bond with the Ape King.
However, you had a craving for something more dangerous, more feral. And you sought it out again and again.
Who would be as foolish as to pity you? 
A thousand shrapnel shredding skin, that is what being near Koba felt like. It’s what his hand on your wrist felt like, whether its trajectory of intent is violence or something else–
He could feel your heartbeat pounding on the inside of your wrist, stroking a thumb over the thin, delicate skin. 
Caesar had pitied you. And that is why– even as Koba pinned you up against the tree and threatened you– you were still alive.
Really, you have no right to feel sorry for yourself when you enticed yourself to the thought of your previous assault. Each day seeking new ways to relive it, when you should have been getting off to Caesar, who had shown you nothing but compassion and empathy when he made love to you. He would find you disloyal should he ever learn of you reliving your worst nightmares with aroused desperation. 
And this is how you found yourself in your current predicament.
Pushed up against the trunk of a tree with the sharp tip of a spear hovering right over your heart.
You sniffed, red faced, tears threatening to spill as you stared into the eyes of what you could only describe as pure malice. You couldn't help the shame that filled you as his gruff voice boomed in your ears, making the blood in your veins run cold.
  “Let go of me!” You said but your voice was small and scared, a mirror of your inner self that Koba had flagrantly peered into, and your will to defend yourself completely depleted in that very moment, had it ever been there to begin with.
"Human. Scare away deer-- Koba's-- Apes Food." Each word was heavy as he forced them out; laced with a dangerous tone that could be perceived as a threat if you were to even breathe wrong.You had to think carefully about your answer, your reaction. Not wanting to further set the fuse off.
You swallowed hard as the bonobo held his gaze to your timid and frightened one, heart pounding hard against your chest. 
"Koba– I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm really sorry." You choked, tears spilling over your lashes as he glared at you, his expression hardened. "I didn't mean to get in the way. "
Despite your desperate apologies, he was not moved in the slightest, only digging the tip of his spear more against your chest, causing your breath to hitch. You squeaked, such a pathetic little noise that had him looking at you as little more than a skittish baby rabbit. 
He could have snapped your neck with just one hand, as easy as breaking a twig in two. Thrust his hunting spear deep into your chest or sliced your throat with little to no effort.
But he was restraining himself.
Koba growled, eyes narrowing at your pitiful figure. He pushed you further into the trunk, making you shrink against the tree, bark digging painfully against your back. He looked you up and down with his one good eye, as if considering what to do with you next. 
As afraid as you were in the moment, Caesar had given you his protection. Swore an oath to look after you. The fact that both of you know this is what made your situation all the more disgraceful. You could have easily stayed away from Koba, but instead you sought him out again and again. Knowing that he too understood the conditions of your stay. Far from worthy of Caesar’s affection. Pathetic, you were. Continuously craving depravity when you were undeserving. Even in the arms of Caesar the previous night, you desired, pined for reprieve, for relief conducted through a love that Caesar could not give. 
The sharp point of the blade sliced through the thin layer of fabric you had covering your chest. Koba’s upper lip curled into a snarl as he pinned you there with his weight, and despite his obvious rage, his hands were surprisingly… gentle when he ripped the remains of your shirt, tearing it open down the front.
Next, your bottoms were removed with less grace, making you one and the same as him, as the apes, as nature. Naked, bare, and vulnerable. Now you were on even ground. The last threads of your humanity torn from you. 
Koba’s raw strength manifested a terrifying impotence in your stifled chest as you were trapped in place with such ease, utterly helpless as you were. Nails scraped your skin as he exposed your body to the chilled air. You felt sickened, powerless to stop him from violating you without a hint of hesitation. 
Even after he had discarded your clothing, Koba still held his spear tight against your sternum. It was purely a threat. Both of you knew that Caesar had a protective hold over you. Koba moreso, had been prevented from killing humans before. Which had never been much of an issue because there had never been humans staying as permanent residents within the colony. Only those who would pass by unwillingly. But since you had come along his emotional wellbeing had spiralled.
“Human’s fault. Apes will have– no food today.” He growled against your ear, baring his teeth.
Your breathing grew shallow, eyes darting between his, your chest tightened as the weight of the cold, metal tip against your naked chest grew ever so slightly heavier, his grip on the spear tightening. You swallowed, a shaky breath escaping your lips. There’s no way he would actually do it– You thought.
He dragged it upwards until the tip of the spear was pushed into your neck ever so slightly— not enough to break skin but enough to let you feel the cold, sharp blade grazing against your skin. To strike fear into you, make you obedient, learn your place.
"I really am so sorry..." you whispered hoarsely, words just managing to escape. You were met with the same icy glare from before, your now bare skin prickling with goosebumps.
He let out an amused scoff in response, leaning into your jawline, raking his teeth over your slender neck and back up the side, right against the vein he knew lay beneath, blood pumping, life giving.
"Sorry?" He repeated, his voice quiet. "You *lie*. You always lie."
And you had. How could you deny that? You came here on purpose. To seek him out. To provoke him. Something about the way that Koba threatened you made your face flush embarrassingly so.
He held you close, almost cradling you in one strong arm but you knew it was anything but affectionate; especially with the sharp tip of his spear still pressed against your skin.
You shook your head. "N-no! No, I'm telling the truth. It was an accident, I swear!" You cried, pleading with him. Hard as it was when you were trapped under his weight with a sharp blade pointed directly to your throat.
Koba’s hackles rose, bristling with anger. He pulled his hunting spear back as if he were about to stab you. Instead however,  he slammed it against the tree, right next to your jugular with a loud thud, the spear hitting the wood with such force that a loud crack could be heard.
You flinched and covered your head with your arms. You swore your heart had stopped momentarily, the fear in your chest rising to a crescendo.
"Human lie!" Koba's eyes widened, his upper lip curling into a snarl as he pressed harder against your body, suffocating you under his large frame.
His chest rose and fell with his quickened breath. You could feel the anger rolling off him in waves, with each of his laboured breaths warm against your skin. Heat spread from his head through his entire body like a roaring wildfire.
"Should just– skin *you*, instead–” Koba hissed through his teeth. His lips curved into a small, sadistic smirk, eyes narrowing in amusement at how you tensed up in fear at the suggestion.
He took in the scent of fear on your skin and leaned back just enough to look you in the eye. He was only inches away from your face. His gaze cold and unrelenting with not a trace of empathy.
He was so close, you could see every detail in his face. From the large scar that ran down one side of his face, his blind, milky white eye to the deep, jagged lines of his furrowed brow, His large canines that stuck out in an almost permanent underbite were sharp enough to tear the flesh from your bones. 
Everything about him was so much– *more* than you. Built to withstand the harsh forest environment where you were not. Your skin was fragile, breaking and bruising easily, you had no strength, no sharp fangs, no fur protecting your body from the elements. Reminding you of how much you really did not belong here.
You whimpered and Koba leaned forward to whisper into your ear again.
"Wouldn't want– to waste meat, would we?"
His breath tickled your ear and made your skin crawl. You shuddered and turned your face away from him, not wanting him to see that you were now crying anew, hiccuping from your sobs as he bit down on the junction of your neck and shoulder.
The flesh caved and his thick tongue lapped against the wound, Koba groaned at the sweet, coppery taste of your blood but the sound was drowned out by your now *agonizing* wail. The pain seared through you, a high pitched noise deafening and dulling your senses, leaving you too disorientated to attempt resistance. It took a second for you to come back to reality, to really comprehend your situation but when you finally became aware of Koba’s hands firmly, agonizingly, holding you by the neck and hips, you knew what was going to happen. With a bone-chilling awareness you knew what was going to transpire and there was no way out of it now.
Your legs kicked out from the pain as you bowed your head. “Ahn– stop! Stop it!” you sobbed, trying to force yourself up against Koba’s shoulders but his strength outmatched yours, pushing you back down, trapping you firmly between himself and the tree trunk. “No more! Please don’t hurt me!” 
Koba wasn’t shy of leaving lasting marks nor speaking words that bit into the feeble self-esteem you had managed to build over the past few months after Caesar had rescued you from almost certain death and given you a sense of purpose once again.
The bonobo lifted his large hand to rest on your hip, his fingers slowly digging into your flesh. It was all too much and the taste of your blood had flipped a switch inside of him that Koba no longer had any desire to ignore. The arousal building up inside of him reached a crescendo with the taste of iron on his thirsty tongue
And you could sense that something had changed; you started hyperventilating, fingers digging into the rough bark behind you, peeling it off in cracks. You trembled as Koba's hand slowly crept around your waist, pulling you in taut against his muscular chest.
Blood roared in Koba’s ears and the thrill of power overtook him. He wanted nothing more in that moment, than to defile you. Your pristine and porcelain skin that had been protected under a layer of clothing, nothing like his scarred, ruined body. Your glassy eyes, wide and naive staring into his own, one disfigured and one seething with decades of hatred for the species that had taken everything from him.
"K-Koba," you breathed, unable to control the shakiness in your voice. "Please…"
The way he practically drank your plea in only made your heart pound louder and quicker, the adrenaline rushing through your veins.
Overcome with hormones, anger and a feeling of possession, he began to rut against you, unceremoniously. He was getting off on your pain, relishing the fear you now openly displayed with a terrified expression and body taut like a wire. His to destroy.
You could feel his cock hard, pressing into your thigh. One of his large hands ghosting up and down your body, stopping right between your legs. Both of you shuddered in unison. But it was *your * eyes that went wide. Koba felt your body tremble beneath his. Your small hands grabbed at his forearms but he didn’t budge, thumbing your privates in reviere. 
“Caesar… touch you– like this?” His words came out, short and raspy, strained.
You swallowed the painful lump in your throat in response to his question, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of knowing. You really didn’t know how he would react either way. Or perhaps Koba already knew the answer and was simply taunting you.
His breath hitched in his throat and his nostrils flared when you refused to acknowledge his question.
"Please…" You murmured softly in a tiny, unwavering voice, even as unparallelled horror creeped in. "Please don't… Please, don't do this." Why, why did you lie to yourself? Lie to him? 
Koba simply ignored you, growling lowly and allowing himself this short moment of indulging his impulsive desires. He continued to bury his face in your neck, his dark fur tickling your sensitive skin as he slid the first finger into your slick entrance. 
You shrieked in response, kicking out at the intrusion but Koba held you tight and forced his digit all the way to the knuckle.
His finger moved in a slow, torturous motion as he pulled out, scraping over the walls of your insides. You couldn’t stop yourself from moaning out loud when he brushed your g-spot and your head drooped to the side, whatever inhibitions you might’ve felt have dissipated.
You could feel the unmistakable sensation of penetration from two fingers and your back arched, voice cracking uncomfortably at the feeling. His fingers were rough and much larger than any humans, already stretching you uncomfortably so. 
“Stop,” you lied. Both of you knew it was a lie. He could smell the arousal dripping from you, could feel it coating his fingers. Fear had turned to erotic electricity sparking between both of you that words could no longer deny.
Even so, you had to think. Did apes understand the concept of consent? Of rape? From what you understood, they would usually just take what they wanted when they wanted. Mating for the purpose of reproduction.
Your cunt ached, the bite mark on your neck stung, and your ribs were smeared with thin streaks of red, you couldn’t bear it anymore. Chest heaving, you spread your legs, pushing your pelvis up slightly- offering yourself to Koba. Prompting him to take you. And with that, there was no further hesitation. 
The tree bark could have splintered with the force at which he penetrated you, with how hard you gripped onto it, pressure so intense your knuckles turned white. You bit down on your lower lip, so hard that it bled at every relentless thrust into your body. Koba said something you scarcely understood, but the sound of his voice, the tinge of pleasured exertion, was enough for you to cry out. Brutalized, you took what you were forcefully given. You tried to stifle any sound of pleasure, but they slipped out of you regardless.
He exhaled, starting to build a steady pace, sliding his thick cock in and out of you with languid ease, relishing your warmth that gripped him tight.
“Hah,” he growled into your shoulder, lapping more of your blood from the wound he had inflicted earlier. The way you tasted, the way you smelled, he would be jerking off to the memory of this for weeks.
The fresh bite mark stung and you shuddered, hands clung to the fur of your assailants shoulder blades in an attempt to lessen the sting. Koba snickered to himself at how you begged him for relief.
“Better than Caesar?” He grunted out, through a particularly hard thrust and you squeezed your eyes shut, ignoring his prying question once again.
Koba didn’t seem too pleased that you were avoiding to answer however and gripped onto your neck with one hand, squeezing the air out of you.
“Human. Answer when spoken to.”
You choked and he loosened his grip slightly, “Y-yes– aghh, it… it feels so much better when you fuck me.” 
You gasped through the pleasure and pain.
The force of your pitiful thrashing did little more than cause you to fuck yourself further down on Koba’s cock and he hissed through gritted teeth, feeling the telltale signs of orgasm licking at his insides. He drove in harder than before at the feeling of wanting to wreck you, mate you and utterly defile you is what pushed him over the edge, grinning with insatiable greed as you came undone underneath him. 
You go taunt, in your release. Shaken to your core as your own orgasm takes over. It’s the most intense you'd ever had. You feel yourself tremble and spasm around his shaft.
He flooded your insides, coming at the same time as you and holding himself there for minutes before dropping you to the forest floor, as if you were little more than a rag for him to use and abandon at will.
Gravity pulled you down from your disgraceful orgasm and you wiped your teary face. You shivered, still vulnerable from the pleasurable high.
But when reality set in, your face paled, and you felt nauseous, dreadful of the disappointment, of seeking him out again, allowing yourself to be taken so violently and the fact that you enjoyed it.
“Tell anyone about– This,” he threatened, as he retrieved his spear, through gritted teeth. “Koba will rip your head from your shoulders.” 
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