#kooky fortune
sparklefell · 4 months
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main cast!!! feel free to ask any questions about them
also some of them have new names, this is either for simplicity sake or lore or other reasons, you can still call them their normal sparklecare names!!
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jockmewalking · 3 months
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when the fortune is kinda kooky…
fanart for @sparklefell
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always-is-always · 1 year
Jimin is one lucky guy...
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When you have this Kook to come home to.... 
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sunshine-and-kookies · 4 months
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷Summary-> The corporate recession has your company grovelling for funds.
As the relegated chief operating officer, you have to bear the brunt of seeking out an enterprising and successful shareholder who can revive your company for posterity.
As a sorry state of affairs, you're compelled to enlist the CEO of Jeon Enterprise for his help. However, The question remains.
Just how much convincing are you willing to do?
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷Part: 1 of 2
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷Pairing: Yandere Jeongguk x Female Reader
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷Genre: Smut, Angst, Fluff, Yandere
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷Warnings for both parts: Power Imbalance, Blackmailing, Manipulation, inebriation, smut, fingering, groping, penetration, some nasty stuff, light choking, a few corporate jargons, jk is a dick who is smitten with oc, jk is selfish asf, threats of violence (not against OC).
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷Word count: 2.1k
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷Disclaimer: This is a two-shot which delves into themes that may be triggering or dark in nature. It is important to note that the behaviors portrayed by Jungkook are purely fictional and do not reflect his real-life character. Reader discretion is advised. Minors are discouraged from engaging with this content. Remember, plagiarism is a serious offense.
“©© All rights reserved to @sunshine-and-kookies. No translations permitted without explicit authorization.”
"This is unbelievable", you lament, hunched over your desk.
"How did the stocks plummet so much?"
"Miss. L/N, The stock market is a gamble." Mr. Kwon offers.
"I am aware of that Mr. Kwon. But the risks we took were calculated." You massage your temples, grumbling defensively under your breath.
The predicament at hand induced mixed emotions in you. On one hand, you were anxious. Anxious for the employees who have a family to fend for, the news headlines they'll be witnessing and the confrontation you'll need to have with the stakeholders.
On the other, less dominant hand, you felt uncannily relieved.
Ever since your company, Jubilee and Co, invested in the share market with you at the helm, you've been waiting for something to go awry.
Simply, because you couldn't fathom anything remotely auspicious happening under your leadership. Not because you didn't have faith in your capabilities. No.
It was because you've gotten the short end of the stick from life so often that you've grown accustomed to it.
And now that your trepidations have borne fruit, you feel the weight being lifted off your shoulders.
Gingerly clutching the cup of coffee perched on your table, you take a sip. This was not the time to wallow in self pity.
"Mr. Kwon, prepare an excel sheet that has all the consolidated data of the company's capital. We can't afford any delays. I have to begin looking for plausible shareholders."
You could feel the soreness kicking in, as you knead the knots in your shoulder.
It was gonna be a long day.
You peer at your phone's self camera for the umpteenth time.
Huffing, as you rake your fingers through your hair. Everything about your outfit seemed off but scrounging for a better one would take an eternity. You were living on borrowed time as it is.
"Miss. Y/N L/N, Mr. Jeon is ready for you."
You stand upright, hands clenching the portfolio in your hand futilely, your heels scuffing across the floor of the hallway.
Navigating through the huge corridor, you spot the door of the room where the incumbent CEO sits.
Knocking lightly, you speak "Mr Jeon?"
"Come in."
His husky voice beckons.
Drawing in a shaky breath, you step into the room.
And as soon as you do, you're rendered awestruck by the cabin.
It has expansive floor-to-ceiling windows that offer a panoramic view of the bustling city below.
The golden hour sunlight streaming in through the blinds.
The walls, adorned with exquisite golden motifs, which no doubt must have cost a fortune.
Fitting for a billionaire like him, you suppose.
Right in the center of the room is a rich mahogany desk, cluttered with documents.
Perched behind the desk is Jeon Jeongguk, the formidable CEO of Jeon Enterprises. It is renowned globally as the only firm which deals with technological ergonomics. Their unparalleled success transcended borders, setting the standard worldwide.
Needless to say, Jubilee and Co was a far cry from Jeon Enterprises.
You've read enough tabloids about the cold, formidable CEO to know what might transpire.
On behalf of your company's stakeholder, you'll ask him for help. He'll eye you incredulously, disdain marring his face before he politely calls the security guard to escort this deranged woman out.
You're taking a leap of faith coming here and hoping a tech tycoon like him even spares you a glance.
You hear him take a sharp intake of breath, prompting you to look at him.
His mouth was slightly agape, eyes widened, as he stared at you from across the room.
His gaze trailed your dainty form from top to bottom, eyes darkening the more they consume you.
You shudder.
You should have taken time to look for a more flattering outfit. Or maybe your hair was dishevelled?
Clearing your throat, you politely ask him, "May I take a seat, Mr Jeon?"
Caught off guard, Mr. Jeon suddenly stands up before motioning for you to sit.
"Please do, Miss...?"
"Y/N L/N." , you supply.
"Y/N..." His dulcet voice repeats your name, as though in a trance.
There was an eerie tension in the room but you would be damned if you let it get to you and lose this golden opportunity.
"As the chief operating officer, I'm here to represent Jubilee and Co."
This was it.
This was the part where you'll be catapulted out of the building by big and buff security men--
"How may I be of assistance to Jubilee and Co. today?"
You blanch.
Out of all outcomes you were expecting would ensue your introduction, this was the most unexpected one.
You were not prepared for this, how do you broach the proposal of an alliance now?
Quickly gathering yourself, you resume.
"We are honoured you have decided to give us the time of the day, Mr Jeon."
"Don't mention." His tone, though professional, betrayed a hint of eagerness.
"From what I presume, you're here to ask for an affiliation." He continues.
"Your stakeholders want Jubilee and Co to become a subsidiary under Jeon Enterprises."
You were tongue tied.
Mr. Jeon was an astute man. You'll give him that.
"Yes, sir. That is correct."
"And why, exactly, should I invest in a company that is, for a lack of better word, in shambles? Inundated with abysmal employees", He rejoinders.
You wince. No matter how true his word were, they were acerbic.
Jubilee was like a baby to you.
You've gone through hell to make it transition from a tier 3 brand name to a decently esteemed firm. You've spent countless sleepless nights looking after it, skipped meals to tend to it's wounds.
Chagrined, you speak before your brain can process your words.
"I understand your concerns, Mr. Jeon. But Jubilee is more than just its current state. It's a testament to resilience, to the countless hours of dedication and hard work put in by its employees, including myself."
Your gaze meets his, vulnerability shining in your eyes.
"Yes, we may have faced setbacks, but we've also overcome them. I believe that adversity often presents the greatest opportunities for growth. I understand your reservations, Mr. Jeon, but I urge you to consider the untapped potential within Jubilee. With the right investments and guidance, I firmly believe that it has the potential to rise from its current situation and flourish once again."
A hush falls over the room.
Jeongguk's gaze remained unwavering, fixed on your face throughout your entire tirade.
"Consider me convinced, Miss. Y/N."
"I guarantee. Jubilee's stock will be restored, funds will be augmented, and brand reputation will be unrivalled. The employees that will henceforth be inducted will be recruited by my personal hiring team."
You can barely hear the rest of his sentence, already thrumming with excitement. Your mind plotting all the ways you can get back at the naysayers.
The resurgence of Jubilee is inevitable, now that you have Jeongguk on board.
"But, you must understand Y/N, there are no free lunches in this world."
And just like that all your dreams come crashing down.
"Pardon, sir?"
Mr. Jeon gracefully rises from his chair, closing the proximity between the both of you as he leans on the front of the desk, positioned directly in front of you.
"I'll accede to all your demands, but I want a fair trade."
Mr. Jeon's words hang in the air. You had hoped for a smooth negotiation, where was this coming from?
"What kind of fair trade are you suggesting, Mr. Jeon?"
A knowing smile tugs at the corner of his lips as he meets your gaze.
"I'll provide my expertise, my resources, to ensure Jubilee's revival," he begins.
"But in return, I ask for something beyond the confines of business."
There is a tacit silence enveloping the room.
The implication of his suggestion is glaringly blatant.
Situations like these were rife in the corporate world. Pleasure in exchange for business gains was not unheard of.
What was however, unheard of, was an employee of Jubilee engaging in such lewd dalliances.
While they were definitely slacking and inept when it comes to work and strategies, Jubilee has maintained a pristine image of possessing the most morally sound employees.
You are caught in a mire.
On one hand, you are disgruntled that he thought you were so shallow that you'll take him up on an offer as promiscuous as that.
But on the other hand, you are convinced this is your only shot at reviving Jubilee. Jungkook's assets and team marshalled together will undoubtedly take Jubilee to unprecedented heights.
"We have a deal, Mr. Jeon."
"Jeongguk, stop please! Not now, I have to get ready for a meeting."
"I don't renege on my promises, baby girl." He hums, biting your lower lip as his hands fondle your clothed chest.
"And I expect the same from you, yeah?"
The past few months have been very conducive for Jubilee.
As expected, with Jeongguk's acumen & assistance, the company is practically thriving, now in a league comparable to the unicorns.
And it had to be. You've traded yourself for its prosperity after all.
"Fuck", the expletive rolls off your tongue as a strangled moan.
His palms knead the flesh as he grinds his hips on your clothed pussy.
"You're so pretty, my baby. Got me wrapped around your little finger like a hormonal fucking teenager."
He grunts in your ear as one of his hands find purchase on your hip, the other smoothly lifting your pencil skirt to stroke your thigh.
"Kook, I c-can't"
He is terse as he pants, "Yes, you can. You will do everything I ask you to, am I clear?"
"Good girl" He dotes.
Unbuttoning your top and latching his tongue onto your now bare nipple.
"Stop teasing Kook, touch me already. I'm so fuckin' wet"
He grins as he resumes his ministrations on your inner thigh, cheekily peering up at you from where he is stationed, between your breasts.
"Someone's needy."
You huff exasperated, placing a hand on his as you halt him.
"Fine, I'll just ask Taehyung for help. He won't deny me anyways."
All air escapes you as you're suddenly jerked, your bare back meeting the wall with a thud.
You open your eyes at the sudden movement.
Jeongguk's laborious breath is laden with ire.
Eyes closed. Jaw clenched.
His previous playful beam, nowhere to be found.
He takes in a deep breath before opening his eyes.
They're the darkest you've ever seen them. Pupils enlarged to an extent that his eyes appear pitch black.
You fucked up.
His hand comes up as he lightly chokes you, not enough to hurt you but enough to cause a pool of wetness dripping down your thighs in its wake.
"Say shit like that one more time and see me burn that fucker alive."
"You have the fucking audacity to even think of another man, when yours is right in front of you? Don't you fucking forget who you belong to Y/N. You're fucking mine. Body, Heart and Soul. You've sworn your loyalty to me. You've surrendered yourself to me completely the day I agreed to buy that shitty company of yours."
Your panties are completely drenched at this point and you're unsure if its because you're turned on or petrified of how vexed he has become by the mere thought of you with another man, even though you had said it in jest.
Without any preamble, his fingers prod at your entrance as he sinks them in. Your walls embracing him like second skin.
"Even your tight little pussy isn't yours anymore. It belongs to Jeon Jungkook.”
He slaps your pussy immediately after, as though proving his point.
“And I don't fucking share, so you better pray to any deity you worship that I don't fucking catch you masturbating or so help me god."
He fingers you passionately. Not stopping even after you plead him to.
"T-Too sensitive, K-Kook."
Unbuckling his belt, He pulls out his penis. It stands tall, proud and red with pre cum oozing out of the tip.
You grab him for stability as he pushes the tip in, letting your walls adjust and clamp before he brutally picks up his pace.
"Tell me who you belong to." He bellows.
Too out of it, you fail to form a coherent response.
He slaps your ass hard.
Once. Twice. Too many times to count.
"I-I'm yours Koo, only yours." you manage to say, eager to cajole him.
"Damn right you are." He hums, seemingly placated with your answer. Picking up his pace, he spits in your mouth, meshing his tongue with yours, while his fingers play with your clit.
You feel the familiar warmth below your cervix, as you groan,
He gently pats your hair, kissing your earlobe.
"Let go, baby."
As you ride off your high, too blissful to pay attention to your surroundings, you don't notice the way Jeongguk's gaze darkens.
Part: 1 of 2
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“©© All rights reserved to @sunshine-and-kookies. No translations permitted without explicit authorization.”
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dozydawn · 5 months
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cosmetically yours “fortune kookie” lipstick, 1960s
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rubiehart · 7 months
went 2 the spa a few weeks ago and wanna write something for jj about it cuz he’s just my man
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deciding to take jj on a little relaxing spa weekend, one of obx’s hidden gems, a hotel away from the hustle and bustle, rowdy teenagers and kegger party’s to celebrate valentine’s together. he wasn’t used to it, big fancy hotel, even bigger suite for the both of you, he’d never known such luxury ‘till he met you, kook princess, always ready to share the fortune you were born into without a second thought.
walkin’ into the fancy enterance hand in hand, his shoulders dropped a lil, in his infamous cargo shorts, and a ratty grey t shirt that makes his arms look delicious, but you refrain from kissing all up on his biceps and walk to the reception, polite smile on your face as you confirm your reservation, squeezing his hand when the receptionist gives jj a little sideways look.
noticing the expression of the man and raising your eyebrows at the audacity. “is there a problem?” you ask, smile dropped as the man stumbles over his words, jj looking at the ground with a little smile knowing his girl’s protecting him. “erm- no, of course not ma’am.” and hastily handing you two brochures and keycards for the both of you. jj thanking him and nodding with finality, tight lipped smile on the man’s face and his awkward energy evident as you turn on your heel and head towards the elevators, jj’s hand still in yours.
“just a lil’ kooky, huh?” jj mutters, quoting you earlier in the day when you were assuring him he wouldn’t totally stick out like a sore thumb, as you head into the elevator, hands in his pockets as you check what floor you’ll be staying on, pressing the golden plated button in with your freshly manicured nail and turning to him with a little smirk. “you’ll love it jayj. trust me.” you state, leaning up to cup his jaw and press a kiss to his cheek, making him nod and wrap an arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his side.
he didn’t think he’d ever indulge in the luxury of it but he couldn’t say the same when he was wrapped up in a robe on a sun lounger by the pool, his pretty girl by his side, hand resting on her thigh as his sunglasses sit perched on his head, pushing his hair back just right making you squirm a little each time he looked at you.
having a couples massage together, massage beds next to each other and he swears it’s the most relaxed he’s ever felt, rambling to you about it on the way back to the hotel room, using hand gestures to show you as you nodded along. “it was crazy.. it was like so fuckin’ eupha…” he trails off, thinking off the word. “euphoric?” you chime in as he does finger guns at you with a tut. “you just read my mind, pretty girl.” taking your hand in his and sticking his tongue out childishly when you look at him with rosy cheeks and a smile.
you’re fuckin’ just about anywhere, and multiple times a day, he’d have you ride him on the massive queen bed, watching your oiled up tits bounce in his face from whatever treatment you’d just got, he’d fuck you from the back in the shower, your soaked skin pushed up against the glass walls off the shower, panting as he fuckin’ ruined you like he promised he always would. he could get used to this if it meant seeing you sprawled out for him, wrapped in pretty sets for him at night, hanging off his arm in the day showing every other man there that they couldn’t touch what he got cuz you’re his girl and his only. he vows that he’s gonna be the one to spoil you like this one day, just like you do for him.
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alessiamalfoyzabini · 8 months
𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 | 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧
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Pairing | Yandere Jungkook x Reader
Word Count | 2,212
Warnings | +18, Yandere , MC has devouring thoughts, Stockholm syndrome, smut, intense blowjob, manipulation, Jungkook is obsessed with her, she now thinks only of him
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This fanfiction is yandere, if you don't like the genre, don't read and if you are not of age, don't read.
I don't want to hear any complaints in the comments, thank you.
This does not reflect my way of thinking or living at all, it is just a work of fiction, it is like watching a horror movie, many of us love horror movies, but we would never dream of what we see in those movies happening in reality as well.
Simply put, this story was written for entertainment purposes, it should not be seen as a reflection of my values, opinions or morals. I absolutely do not condone such acts.
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⤷ Summary | If she had paid attention earlier to the sin that dwelt behind those obsidian irises, she would never have trusted it.
If she had noticed earlier the devouring love that dwelled in his corrupt heart, she probably would have fled.
She had done none of that, and now she had to come to terms with her new reality.
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➢ Author's Note | Hi, guys! Here is the seventh chapter of Happy Ending, the next one will be the last, but fear not, I have a surprise for you ❤
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Taglist: @katherine-kookie, @douknowbts, @aiiselle90210, @fewercascade , @mageprincess7, @m00njinnie
Taglist is open!
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Chapter List - I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII / The End
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It was Jungkook, Y/N would have recognized the sound of his boots from miles away, she sensed the footsteps stop right in front of her door, her wide eyes waited, she wished Jungkook would enter the room, but that did not happen, to her disappointment the footsteps continued far beyond her room, and ended up inside Jungkook's master bedroom. The same room she should have shared with the boy long ago now. A worm took possession of her mind, undecided whether to listen to him or not, she waited ten minutes, then twenty, then half an hour, until she jerked up, jerking the covers away from herself. "That's enough, he was the one who wanted me here, he can't behave like this," she thought, coming barefoot into the hallway. She walked slowly on the carpet, looking for any excuse that would allow her to run back and return to her room, but she found no good excuse and finally found herself already in front of the boy's bedroom. She took a breath before lowering the brass doorknob, fortunately for her it did not creak and allowed her to enter in complete and deafening silence. The kidnapping was long forgotten in the girl's head; she would take her place in Jungkook's bed, even if it meant killing any other woman with her own hands.
She closed the door behind her and began to make her way to the vacant seat on the left side, Jungkook seemed to be sleeping soundly and consequently gained more self-confidence, slipped under the soft sheets and settled there. Now accustomed to the darkness, she scrutinized the sleeping face of the young man in every detail, the closed eyes gave an innocent air to the beautifully drawn face, the distended forehead had a few unruly strands on it, and only the lips were softly rippled in a pout that the girl found adorable. She licked her lips, feeling a desire to taste the boy's, so she got closer, so close that she could breathe the same air as Jungkook. With bright irises she descended to his pouty lips, where shortly afterwards she deposited hers in a very light, velvety caress. She found herself falling in love once more, now that she looked at him with different eyes even that small, chaste kiss pleased her, wishing she could give him another, and she did.
A dark and increasingly thirsty flower had finally bloomed, with gnarled roots firmly planted in her heart.
The girl did not know it, but Jungkook had been awake the whole time, silently accepting those attentions that gave him the proof he was looking for. He pretended that he was still in his sleep, stretched his arms out in the direction of the girl, who stiffened when she was enveloped by the boy, who held her loosely on his cozy chest, she feared that she had woken him up, but the boy gave no other sign, under Jungkook's warm breath and enveloped in his warmth, Y/N fell asleep, finally more serene.
The next morning Jungkook woke up pleasantly rested, he noticed after a few seconds the strange cluster of legs and arms crossed with his better half. Y/N was still sleeping, and this time it was his turn to study her relaxed and heedless face. He licked his lips, still feeling the young woman's lips joining his in chaste kisses, which had the effect of making them tingle, and thinking about it for a few seconds, Jungkook found it fitting to return the favor. He crawled slightly lower, coming up to the level of Y/N's face, and slowly teased her lips with his, feeling their softness before resting them completely, in a tender kiss that was soon followed by another, and another. Y/N's eyelids trembled slightly, before opening and fluttering a little to get used to the sunlight, astounded by the pressure she felt at her lips, she widened her eyes when she realized that Jungkook was kissing her, one of his strong hands was gripping her side, another was holding her head, and closing her eyes she let him.
"Good morning," he said, after giving her one last kiss, and at that point Y/N stared at him wordlessly, it had been a long time since she had heard his smooth, light voice, now arched with sleep, she felt her stomach squirm in butterflies. "G-Good morning to you," she replied, embarrassed. She tried to flinch, untangling their perfectly joined legs, but Jungkook would not let her. "Um... I should go to the bathroom," mumbled the girl. "Is it the truth or do you just want to run away?" That question froze Y/N, who turned her head away, Jungkook forced her to look at him. "You are in my bed and I did not force you...did you miss me, my love?" Those words were enough to break the levees, the girl burst into tears catching Jungkook unprepared, he lifted himself up so he could hold her better, stroking her hair. "Ah, so that's it, is it? My little girl needed company, my own?"
Y/N wrinkled her own face on Jungkook's smooth skin, soaking his neck with tears that made the boy smile sadistically, Taehyung was right, now his tender little flower depended entirely on the shade of the big tree not to burn under the sun's rays. "Why haven't you spoken to me these days?" she sobbed, "Not even a glance." Jungkook inhaled her sweet scent, "I did it for your needs, you didn't want me around, am I right?" he feigned a naiveté in his tone that did not belong to him, the young woman shook her head. "I-I thought you didn't want me around anymore, that you were spending time with another woman," her voice cracked on the last word, laying bare all her fears. Jungkook moved away just enough to take her face between his palms, wiped a scarlet cheek with his thumb and stared straight into her watery eyes, "Another woman?" he asked with an ever-widening smile, he had expected an increasing demand for attention, but he had not counted that jealousy would arise as well, he thought it was still too early, but he had to think again. Y/N was really perfect for him.
He kissed her with transport, licking away the salty tears that slid down the girl's face and immediately demanding access to her mouth, which she gladly allowed. Y/N accepted that kiss like a drug addict, let Jungkook settle between her legs and gave him permission to plunder her mouth as he saw fit, enjoying the softness of his hair that she squeezed between her fingers, causing the man to shudder as he pushed his chest against the girl's tender and modestly covered one. "How could I spend time with another woman, when in my thoughts only you exist?" he left a trail of wet kisses on the girl's jaw, following that line up to her neck, which he took care to mark with small bites and light suctions. "I didn't know what else to think," the woman sighed as she closed her eyelids, arching against his lips, which rubbed against her covered breasts. "Do you want to be mine forever?" he took a nipple into his mouth, moistening her blouse as well, "Do you want me, Y/N?" he asked with a bite more voracious than the previous ones. The girl had long forgotten all her fears and warnings not to give in, not to let him go that far. In her mind there was now only Jungkook. It was with a groan that she responded, sending the boy's brain into a frenzy as he pressed one of her thighs against his hip, pressing his boxer-covered hardness directly against the young girl's heated intimacy concealed by her panties.
"Yes! I want to be yours… I want you," she huffed in a whisper, Jungkook lifted his deep dark eyes to hers. "Why don't you show me, Y/N?" he asked in a voice full of desire. Y/N squared him with confusion, what did he mean? "I… what?" Jungkook's eyes shone with something the girl could not quite define. Jungkook took one of her hands, bringing it slowly between their bodies, Y/N flushed when her palm came in contact with his throbbing, stiff erection, she went into a daze, beginning to shake her head. "I've never done that, I don't know how..." she swallowed, unable to finish the sentence. Jungkook stole a kiss from her, "I'll teach you, that's what I'm here for, love," he whispered on her lips, gently accompanying her hand inside his boxers.
Y/N let herself be guided with curiosity, she had never had the opportunity to touch a man really, she had always had to settle for the racy videos, but this was on a whole other level. She touched surprised something very velvety but at the same time hard, Jungkook lifted himself up by removing his underwear completely to allow her more maneuvering and the girl's eyes widened, it was huge. The pinkish, shiny tip already had moist, pearly drops on the slit, drops that the boy pushed all over the rest of his veiny cock, holding just long enough to give each other a few strokes, "You have to do this, love, can you do it?" he asked affectionately, the girl nodded, enraptured by his movements. Her eyes did not detach for a moment from the glorious length, which made her clitoris quiver and throb, she got down on her knees on the bed and carefully and gently took his cock in her hands, it was heavy and thick, she began her tentative strokes all along his erection, finding the sensation pleasurable, as Jungkook's cock became moistened with the clear liquid, Y/N felt more and more proud and aroused, the boy's low, hoarse moans soon invaded the room, as did the sound of his hips pushing against her hand desperately.
She tightened her legs, trying to satisfy the continuous pleasurable throbbing of her intimacy, not without effort. Jungkook, on the other hand, was in heaven, he continued to thrust between Y/N's hands, tense and captive to a pleasure that started from his lower abdomen and spread throughout his body, with a firmer grip of the girl a small scream choked in his throat. God, she was driving him crazy. "Baby, concentrate on the tip," he moaned, collapsing lying on the bed, trembling at the fulfilled request, Y/N ran her thumb several times over the slit from which more and more precum was leaking. "Do you like it?" she asked with heavy breathing, Jungkook lost himself in those tremendously innocent eyes and a rush stronger than the others invaded him. "Do I like it?" laughed Jungkook breathlessly, "Fuck, I want to come in your mouth," he sighed without thinking. Y/N thought about it for a while, observed the increasingly swollen and hard cock, it had taken on a more scarlet and forbidden coloration, she found herself licking her lips. She could try it.
She lowered herself onto the tip, experimentally licking that sensitive and erogenous area, Jungkook's eyes widened, stiffening. Y/N continued to collect in her mouth the small beads of cum that his cock released with each stroke, it was not bad, only slightly salty and she decided to dare more, went down slightly on the length, encompassing a few more inches and sucked, careful not to touch that delicate skin with the tip of her teeth, Jungkook watched in shock as the girl began to move down and up on his cock with her mouth, his pelvis began to move reflexively, desperate for an orgasm, so it was that the girl had to fight to follow the boy's much faster pace, trying not to choke.
She licked his length over and over again, often concentrating on a very sensitive area just below the tip, lulled by the boy's increasingly lustful moans, she even helped herself with her hand where she could not reach. Suddenly a jet of cum hit her directly in the throat, she tried to take deep breaths with her nose so as not to run out of oxygen, but Jungkook grabbed her by the hair, quickly pushing between her soft lips that teased the now sensitive skin even more, Jungkook finished cumming through clenched teeth, holding his breath himself, stricken by a pleasure he could not remember ever feeling. He finally let loose Y/N, who rose up with bated breath, swallowed the last traces of cum on her tongue, and fell wearily into the exhausted sheets. She was tired, but the sight of Jungkook overwrought and sweating with one arm covering his glazed eyes filled her with joy, then everything slowly went black.
The boy turned toward her, he watched her slowly close her eyes, then fall asleep, tired and tried from that blowjob that Jungkook would never forget. He got up with no small effort, his legs were still trembling under the weight of his orgasm, but that did not stop him from taking his sweet and good girl in his arms, carrying her back to the soft pillows, and then covering her with the sheet, she deserved a few more hours of rest, he thought, placing a kiss on her forehead.
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scoganbingo · 1 month
Scogan Events/Bingo Round 2
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As our Round 1 of Scogan Bingo/Events marches toward its close (August 31), your Friendly Neighborhood Mods are already putting together the Round 2 cards. We are getting together the Masterlist for posting on here (it's slow-going, but it is going!) and eagerly looking forward to a whole new round. Our intentions with all our bingos originally had been 2 rounds per year, but being that Life doesn't like to play fair, even for the mods, we lose track of time and deadlines, so like with the other two bingos, the first change/improvement we're making to the Scogan Bingo is to have the rounds last a full year. This gives us - all of us, both mods and participants alike - the time to create and have fun but also to deal with those slings and arrows of outrageous fortune known as Real Life.
As stated in our OG post, this bingo’s mission is to get more positive Scott Summers (Cyclops) x Logan (Wolverine) fan creations out there, whether they're platonic, romantic, or sexual.
So, first off, Round 2 will begin September 2024 and come to its end in August (31st) 2025.
Now, what information do you guys need for signing up for a whole new round of fun?
FAQ/Rules This should give you an idea of what we are all about! If you’d interested in joining us, please check out the rules before you sign up!
Sign-Up Form If you’ve decided this bingo is for you, then please sign up by clicking the link and filling out the sign up form.
Discord Once you’ve signed up, be sure to join us at the Scogan Bingo Server to interact with other fans :) We're a great family, a kooky crowd, and all around bunch of nerds who cheer each other on. We don't bite (unless asked)!
AO3 Collection Once you’ve gotten your card and you’re ready to share your creations, don’t forget to put them up in our AO3 Collection.
Contact Us If you still have questions, feel free to drop us an ask or a submission here or drop us an email at [email protected] and we’ll be glad to answer any of your questions.
If you're interested in seeing what the past year has yielded in terms of great Scogan fanfic and fanart, check out our Round 1 AO3 Collection!
Our biggest thanks and warm hugs to our past participants, and even more to those returning to play again and all the new folks joining in! We're looking forward to another year of fun and creativity celebrating this fun pair!
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convelocity · 3 months
is there any significance to the license plate number in your Road Work Ahead piece? DTH, death, but the 4417?
(Once upon a time, I found a kooky bookstore in Chicago selling all kind of weird books including one about Hebrew numerology. I neither speak Hebrew nor believe in numerology and yet this particular book has been one of the most interesting things I've ever read.)
"44" is often considered to foreshadow one's spiritual awakening. Having the same digit twice is a sign of the certainty of the path ahead. It also reduces to 8, which is often considered to be the number of ambition (or material wealth, depending on the interpreter's cultural background).
"17" is considered a lucky number as well, which again, reduces to 8.
In short: fortune favoured the two people seen in the car that night and yet, it may not be enough to protect them.
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shrozie · 6 months
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Shezow in "Fortune Kooky"
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not-goldy · 6 months
Now that we are in our Kookie corner, can we talk about how this fandom have a way of shading him without even realizing it, when talking about young jikook? I hate how they talk about him back then almost casting him as some semi-violent bully pushing jimin around and talking him down.
Give the poor boy some credit dammit!
He had alot to deal with, they all did. But being that young, shy, introverted, pushed in front of a camera while having to figure out who you are and accepting that, is a big fucking deal. Especially in a place like South Korea, and having your baby crush around you 24/7. He did so much better than most would have in his situation. They both did.
Baby jikook were messy. They were all over the place and that's one of the many things that give them away. Bc they were only like that with each other. People need to give them both some credit for how far they've come fr
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It's crazy because you hear grown adults sing about this all the time from Miley to Adele talking bout how they've made mistakes and that they were reckless and immature when they were young however they cast Jikook as perpetually grown adult never leaving him wrong to be young too. How foolish is that really cos I know these people did worse when they were young too.
May be I haven't experienced enough toxic JK stans to break me out of this deep sympathy and concern I have for him as that young kid thrust into the limelight at the age he was when he started his career.
He's done so well even with that cos Kook should be more fucked than all the teen celebrities who've fallen into obscurity due to drugs and living in the fast lane
People underestimate how much fame and fortune at an early age can go into people's head, how it can affect people's mental health and make them unbearable to be around. The entitlement thinking they can get whatever and whomever they want so they don't care how they treat you don't care if you stay with them or leave them but Jungkook cried his eyes out when Jimin said he wouldn't talk to him. Cried his whole eyes out of his sockets.
Vmin could argue and not talk to eachother but oh boy Jungkook will not stand for it.
It's the way they care about eachother's feelings and how they make each other feel for me.
Take everything from me but let me have that. I want what they have. If I say I won't talk to her I want her to break down like I do.
Those not interested in Jikook should leave them for me. I can ship them for all of us. I can.
Also keep going, I wanna hear more about what an amazing person Jungkook is. Talk dirty to me 😩
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cookiegirlsstuff · 8 months
Hello there! I was wondering if you’d be willing to write a fic where BTS are back in their early debut days when Jungkook was like 15 and he was shy around the members, so Seokjin asks him to cook with him to try and make him more comfortable around him and then Jungkook is really nervous the entire time so Seokjin starts tickling him in like a goofy brotherly manner? I don’t know if that made sense but yeah. Have a good day :)
Nervous Kookie
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Lee: Jungkook
Ler: Seokjin
♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚.♫⋆
"Jungkook, come here and help me cook!" Jin's voice echoed through the BTS member's dorm.
Surprised, Jungkook looked up from his smartphone screen. He was sitting alone in his bedroom, which he normally shared with Taehyung. Fortunately, his roommate wasn't there at the moment.
He was actually trying to kill as much time as possible until dinner, but apparently his hyung had other plans. Unfortunately…
Jungkook and the other members had only been living together for about two weeks and he still hadn't really gotten used to it. It felt strange living with six older boys. Jungkook just didn't want to do anything wrong in front of his hyungs and just felt very uncomfortable around them in general.
But for better or worse, he had to go to the kitchen and help Jin. So he set off immediately so he wouldn't keep his hyung waiting any longer.
"Hi Jungkook, nice of you to help me," he heard Jin's voice as he entered the small kitchen.
Jungkook secretly wondered if he had had a choice, but of course he didn't say that out loud.
"What should I do?" Jungkook asked. He wanted to be a good dongsaeng and do everything perfectly if he had to help.
"I wanted to cook japchae and it would be nice if you could cut and fry the vegetables," Jin replied before moving on to something else.
"Okay," Jungkook mumbled and took a carrot, which he then began to cut."
However, he couldn't avoid turning around every five seconds to look at Jin.
"Jungkook is everything okay? Do you need help?" Jin asked worriedly when he noticed Jungkook's constant glances.
"No no! Everything's fine… really," Jungkook said, almost panicked, and quickly returned to his task.
But the sudden question made him even more insecure and he nervously started to play with the sleeves of his hoodie instead of cutting the vegetables.
"Jungkook, are you not feeling well?" the eldest of the group asked again.
Slowly, Jin began to get seriously worried. Jungkook always seemed so lost and frightened, so he wanted to integrate the youngest a little, but for some reason his plan didn't seem to work out.
But he really wanted to help Jungkook loosen up a bit.
"Wait, I'll help you a little," he said firmly and took the knife from Jungkook's hand, which he was using to cut an onion.
"That wasn't so difficult after all," Jin announced once he had finished. Jungkook just gave him a self-conscious look, after all, he hadn't even managed to help his hyung cook.
"Jungkookie, don't make such a face," Jin laughed and gave Jungkook a playful poke in the side.
Jungkook hadn't expected that and let out a little squeal.
"Jungkook, is somebody ticklish?" he asked in a teasing voice.
Jungkook was too embarrassed to answer, but it was answer enough for the older man.
He immediately began to poke Jungkook in the side again and again until he was lying on the floor laughing.
But of course his sudden tickle attack wasn't over yet. It was only just beginning.
Before Jungkook could even realize what was happening, Jin had already taken a seat on the younger boy's hip and was running his finger along Jungkook's belly.
"Hyung…stohohop pleaasse," Jungkook managed to say between his giggles.
“Awww does someone have a ticklish tummy?” Jin smiled at his cute maknae.
After a few minutes, he began to tease Jungkook even more, making smaller and smaller circles around his belly button until he finally dipped his finger inside.
“Looks like I found the giggle button!” Jin said, feeling proud of himself.
“You’re such a ticklish little thing, aren’t you?” Jin said as he slowly moved his hands down to Jungkook's hips.
"Jin….nohoho….it ticklehehes!" gasped Jungkook desperately as Jin continued to tickle him.
He was trying so hard to squirm away from Jin's touches, but he followed every way that Jungkook managed to move.
After a while, Jin was finally done and Jungkook lay on the ground exhausted but happy. Jin helped the younger one stand up and gave him a welcome look.
“Well, that was fun, don’t you think?” He asked. When he got no response, he fluttered his fingers against Jungkook's stomach again.
“Yehehes! I-It wahas!”
"Let's keep cooking before the others complain," Jin grinned, and they both started their work again.
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Thank you for your request. I had so much fun to write it and I hope you like it 😉 (ok this saying is getting a little bit weird after a while but...yes) and sorry for being late again.
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kraken17 · 8 months
"What's the rest of the situation?"
"Fortunately only a few minor injuries among the members of my guard, my lord," the tall woman replied, "It seems the creature came straight this way, as if following a trail and ignoring all visitors, hitting only those of my men who tried to restrain it."
"Oh, what a pity... Are you telling me that none of them are going to be able to sport any memorable scars to commemorate this day?"
"No, my lord, just bruises."
"Those poor boys," Morsician lamented, shaking her head slightly, “Such a waste.”
-Excerpt from Kooky Spooky (or, Across the Wednesday-Verse), Chapter 38: Enid's Preparations.
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sunshine-and-kookies · 4 months
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷Summary-> With an impending hurricane tailing your city's shore, your despair to seek shelter elsewhere was off the charts.
Fortunately for you, your brother's best friend had ample amount of space for you in his abode.
Unfortunately for you, he has just as much leeway in his heart, prompting you to consider, maybe the hurricane was a safer choice in the first place.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷Pairing: Soft!Yandere Jeongguk x Reader
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷Genre: Angst, Fluff, Yandere
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷Warnings: Manipulation, Gas-lighting, stifling toxic relationship, dub con subtle touching, Jeongguk being a major red flag with no sense of boundaries , Jeongguk has a skewed moral compass.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷Word count: 1.7k
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷Disclaimer: This standalone piece delves into themes that may be triggering or dark in nature. It is important to note that the behaviors portrayed by Jungkook are purely fictional and do not reflect his real-life character. Reader discretion is advised. Minors are discouraged from engaging with this content. Remember, plagiarism is a serious offense.
“Copyright @sunshine-and-kookies 2024. All rights reserved. No translations permitted without explicit authorization.”
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Lugging your suitcase on the pristine white marble floor of the high-end complex, you briskly pace towards the elevator. Gingerly clicking the button to the topmost floor of the estate, you heave a sigh of relief. Navigating through the bustling streets of Seoul, especially on a busy Monday, has worn you out to the brink of exhaustion. The elevator dinged, prompting you to get inside.
The aftermath of the upheaval caused by the cyclone in your city forced you to abandon your dilapidated apartment building.
With a tear-stricken face and no roof over your head, you had to resort to calling your brother in the wee hours of dawn. 
Long story short, you were to house with a colleague of his, Jeon Jeongguk, temporarily until your apartment was refurbished.
Wringing your wrists together, you mull over how to introduce yourself.
Talking to people was never your forte, and sharing a roof with a man to whom you would be forever indebted had you conjuring up greetings to make a good first impression.
Scrambling through the elevator vault, you trudge towards the large mahogany door of the penthouse, rapping your knuckles on it.
You could discern light footsteps sauntering towards the door. 
With half a mind to turn around and beat a hasty retreat, your grip on the handle of the suitcase tightens. 
The door opens, and the first thing you see is a mop of curled, disheveled, black locks before a face pops out. 
Jeon Jeongguk was in a league of his own. 
With shimmering dark doe eyes that turned into crescent moons at the sight of you, a tall, well-defined nose that scrunched endearingly, a jawline sculpted by Adonis himself, and lips so cushiony, that had you biting yours to stifle lunging at his for a taste.
Gaping like a fish out of the sea, you thrust your hand towards him and mutter a meek, "I'm Y/N. It is a pleasure to meet you."
He chortles.
Smacking your outstretched hand and pulling you into his embrace.
He holds you for a moment before bellowing with a charming grin, "Ah, Y/N, the pleasure is all mine. But I would rather you drop the formalities. Your brother and I are great friends after all."
"Of course. I'm just very grateful that you're letting me stay at your place on such short notice. I'm sorry for inconveniencing you."
With a playful twinkle in his eye, he quips, "Inconvenience? Darling, having you here is anything but. Trust me, it's not an inconvenience in the slightest."
You bashfully nod and murmur, "I'll try to stay out of your way as much as possible."
His smile fades instantly, his expression hardening as he retorts with a clenched jaw. "You staying out of my way? That's not why you're here, Y/N. I want you to feel comfortable, not like you have to tiptoe around."
You offer him a sheepish quirk of your lips, distracting him from his ire as he glances at the curve of your plush lips. His eyes darken the longer he stares.
Perturbed by the sudden attention, you let out a light cough, breaking him out of his reverie.
His hand finds purchase on the small of your back as he grabs hold of your luggage. Opening the door wider, his smile widens as he motions for you to enter. "Shall we?" he asks with a charismatic grin, his demeanor back to inviting and reassuring.
Without waiting for your response, he ushers you inside, his hand still curled around your waist, almost possessively.
He closes the door behind him, his gaze lingering on you for a moment too long before he speaks, "Make yourself comfortable, second door to the right. I'll get you something to drink."
Once he leaves you to settle in, you try to shake off the feeling of his intense, almost palpable gaze by entering your temporary bedroom and taking in your grand surroundings.
The bedroom exudes opulence at every turn. The walls are draped in expensive silk wallpaper, a deep shade of burgundy that exudes richness and warmth. Swathes of velvet curtains drape elegantly around the bed. 
The bedding is a decadent ensemble of Egyptian cotton sheets, adorned with embroidered patterned motifs in gold thread, and a plush velvet duvet. A gleaming chandelier that hung from the ceiling added to the room's grandeur. The room was regal and lavish in every sense.
Unpacking the suitcase, you arrange your clothes in the walk-in wardrobe. Your hands unfurl your lace underwear, smoothing out the wrinkles left in their wake.
"What are you doing?"
A shriek escapes you as you hide your hands behind your back. 
"Y/n, I'm not going to repeat myself. You're living in my house now, and I'll have you know I will not appreciate you hiding anything from me."
Your lack of response prompts the irate man to grab your forearms before gripping whatever you were hiding from him.
He stills.
He clutches the offending item in his hand like his life depends on it.
You wanted the ground to swallow you instantly.
Mortified, you lurch towards him and take your panties back, eyeing him incredulously.
He quickly apologizes, cheeks flushing red. "I'm really sorry, Y/N," he says, his voice softening.
"I shouldn't have invaded your privacy like that." he says, though his tone lacks genuine remorse.
You accept the underwear with a wary look, your expression guarded. "Just... please don't do that again," you say, voice tinged with a mix of irritation and distrust.
He nods, feigning contrition as he tries to mask his growing arousal.
"Of course not," he assures you, biting back a grin, though a mischievous glint remains in his eyes.
"Anyways, freshen up, Y/N. I'm sure the travel must have been very taxing for you."
You nod hesitantly. "Sure, but please don't worry yourself preparing dinner. I'm already full."
"You don't get a choice, Y/N. What I say goes. No skipping meals under my watch."
You're about to protest, but he ushers you inside the washroom.
"Get in now. Don't forget your underwear this time." He jibes playfully.
The smile Jeongguk adorned slipped off the moment you closed the door.
Living with Jeongguk entailed a lot of things. 
He was as capricious as one could get.
He was sweet. Eliciting chuckles from you as you both do your laundry, feeding you strawberries as you sit on the kitchen counter watching him cook, and taking playful jibes at you as you both compete playing overwatch. He spoiled you, and you let him.
This was undoubtedly your first mistake.
What began as sweet gestures soon morphed into stifling control. He was overbearingly caring and fussy, ensuring you ate all your meals on time.
His overprotective nature was omnipresent as he made sure to drop and pick you up from college, glaring at anyone he deemed a threat to his "best friend's sister." 
With each passing day, his grip tightened, his possessiveness growing like a creeping vine, wrapping around your life and choking out your independence.
He monitored your every move, criticizing your outfit choices, isolating you from your friends, and slowly making you depend solely on him. For entertainment, for affection, for food, and for shelter. Until your resolve broke. 
You began to question, and push back against his control. But for every step you took towards freedom, he pulled you two steps back, manipulating your emotions with expert precision.
The sweetness of his gestures became tainted with manipulation, his spoiling ways a guise for his insidious intentions. You no longer wish to be the passive recipient of his spoiling ways.
"I'm not asking you for permission, Jeongguk. I'm telling you that I'm moving back to my place. It has been renovated, and there is no need for me to stay here anymore."
The weight of his gaze bore down on you as you hear him let out an indignant scoff. "That's cute."
You arch a brow, encouraging him to elaborate.
He grins. "It's cute you think you can leave whenever you please, baby." He hums contentedly, approaching you with a confident gait.
Your brow furrows at his dismissive response, a mixture of frustration and determination coursing through your veins. His words were like a slap in the face, a stark reminder of the power imbalance that had sullied your relationship.
But you refused to cower in the face of his arrogance, standing your ground as he closed the distance between you with a smug grin. His confidence radiated like a suffocating aura, but you refused to let it intimidate you.
Caught in his tight grasp, you struggled against his hold, feeling the pressure of his fingers like steel clamps on your arm.
"I won't let you go," he growled, his voice dripping with possessiveness as he tightened his grip, refusing to release you from his grasp.
"Don't you get it, Y/N? You came here on your own volition, but you only leave on mine."
Thrashing against him, you realize the extent of his obsession. The one that has sucked you into perilous doom.
"I've known you're mine since the day I saw you drop Tae's lunch in the office. How naive of him to think I'll befriend him without an axe to grind."
Your eyebrows furrow at that.
"People like him are just pawns in my world. Pawns without an ounce of dignity. Why do you think brother dearest asked you to live with a colleague of his rather than his own house, that too in the face of adversity?"
Your eyes widen with disbelief as you still in his hold. 
"Like I said baby, the only one you should rely on is me. I'll keep you safe."
He smirks as he sees the fight in you leave. A sense of resignation washing over you.
"Now be a good girl and kiss me."
Jeon Jeongguk was a lot of things.
He was charming, charismatic, and possessive to a fault.
But above all else, he was a master manipulator, skilled in the art of twisting words and emotions, tailored to suit his own desires.
You learned it the hard way. 
The hurricane you escaped was a safer, more viable option than residing with this monster.
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“©© All rights reserved to @sunshine-and-kookies. No translations permitted without explicit authorization.”
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jmdbjk · 2 years
JM Welive & JK Welive #3-4
Jimin’s Welive:
My god, he looks SOOOO good. All these years, when Jimin makes comments about how he looks, I always think, “omg, Jimin, you always look great!” He looked especially fantastic during this live though he admitted he’d had a sore throat and his voice was a little rough. He reassured us he took some meds and he’s fine.
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Within the first 22 seconds, someone texts him because his phone vibrates once... he looks down... who is it? Is it his manager saying we leave in 20 minutes? Or someone else who wants to order chicken and look for something to watch on Netflix? ... ... ... he wanted to say something... but he didn’t... 
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Anyway, Jimin continues and says “here I am alive and well!” and came to tell us. He’s seen our comments. His album is coming soon, it’s almost ready and he’s got lots of stuff in store for us. [squeeeeeeeeeee!!!!1!!] He even filmed something earlier in the day but he couldn’t talk about it. 
When he was talking about working with Taeyang, and specifically the MV, he said something to the effect that he realized he has been living comfortably like a child in a warm home... did he mean he realized how pampered he’s been as a member of BTS? I wrote about my impressions of the Vibe MV and I was not very complimentary of the production... is Jimin confirming that the conditions were not up to what he’s been used to? 
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He was choosing his words carefully and I’m sure the reason he said it was to self-reflect on how fortunate he is. Perhaps he realizes his solo work process so far has also been very easy compared to other artists trying to make music and be successful. Jimin has a whole company behind him that can cater to every whim and he’s able to work with almost any producer he chooses and he’s able to have a lot of guidance in things he’s less experienced in.
He says he’s happy, doing the things he wants to be doing. He’s experiencing new things including being a fashion ambassador. He says happy things are happening one right after the other and I’m thrilled for him. It’s so good to see him in such a positive headspace because 2020 through 2021 were suckass.
He says he’s living the busy life and then (randomly?) mentions he has been watching Suchwita... 
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After someone asked him if he saw Taeyang watching that old video of young Jimin singing/dancing to a Taeyang song, Jimin says he was so embarrassed and wonders how did he ever become Bangtan... hahahahahahahaaa... 
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He talked more about Paris Fashion week and wanting to talk more about his work but he can’t say anything right now. Jimin is excited, y’all. I’m excited for him, it’s going to be so fun when his album is released!
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JK Welive #3: Jungkookie has reached a certain status where he doesn’t answer to anyone. Though the members told him not to drink while live broadcasting... Jungkook is a man on a mission. 
And then boyfie shows up in the comments...
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[That man’s mega-watt smile when he realized his Jiminie was in the comments... be still my heart... ]
He kept looking for Jimin in between laughing at Bam who was chasing the green dots swirling around on the walls.
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He really wanted Jimin to be there... lol. 
And a screen shot of Jimin’s comments with Weverse translations:
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When Jimin said “It’s night” he meant Bam, he saw Bam... “Bam” means night. And with the emojis... sobx5 It’s Bam sobx5
Jimin: (laughing) kekekekekeke don’t do it when you’re drunk kekekekekekeke (that amount of keke-ing is falling over laughing keke-ing don’t you think?)
Also Jimin: I am at another location for work, kekekekeke sobbing emoji... kissy face emoji (!!!)
Also Jimin: have fun with Army, I’ll be back after work (!!!) silly face emoji
I want to ask Jungkookie and Jiminie exactly who is acting more shameless these days?
JK Welive #4: 
Welp... the man on a mission didn’t count on Netflix’s big nope. From what I saw, Kookie was enjoying his chicken, beer and his Netflix show. 
Kookie did happen to tear his eyes away from his chicken and tv   program and saw Jimin back in the comments.
And Armys were quick enough to save this for us before the live got deleted... Jimin’s comments on the deleted Welive #4...
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Jimin: commenting that Kookie is just sitting there watching TV with the live on... 
Jimin: (laughing) kekekekekeke you’re cute with the gloves on kekekekeke (he is falling over laughing again).
Jimin: (laughing) kekekekekekekekeke I want to tie your hair neatly kekeke
And lastly: (Korean OP clarified the wonky Weverse translation because apparently, Jimin dropped his formal language and spoke very informally/cutely) I gotta go, eat plenty, baby. (!!!!!)
Confirmed: Jimin and Jungkook are... still flirting in front of our morning salad. Like, I-want-to-tie-your-hair-back-eat-well-spend-time-with Bam-and-Army-babe-I’ll-be-back-later-after-work NUCLEAR level flirting.
Anon who is trying to make a big deal out of this formal greeting Jimin and Jungkook do all the time... I’ve seen them do this repeatedly... this formal polite-bowing-hello-nice-to-meet-you thing they’ve been doing that I’ve seen at least 4 different times now and is some inside joke of theirs. Just another one of those things that’s between the two of them. I can hear it now... at some point in the past, someone could have, maybe, who knows... said to them... “hey guys, chill a little, y’all being really loud, as in totally obvious with the hickey/touchy-feely/bedroom eyes”... and one of them said “what are we supposed to do? act like we just met?” And they ran with it (laughing all the way.)
Anyway. Nothing has changed. They are fine.
I hope they put #4 live back up after clearing any copyright claims on it and putting stickers all over that chicken box to hide the logos... [hears Hobi repeating “he never listens” while both of us shaking our heads].
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hollyhomburg · 2 years
Before I Leave You (Pt.44)
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(Sneak Peak) (Omegaverse au, Mafia au, Bts x Reader)
Summary: You should have come to jungkook about your predicament with the pack alpha sooner. He’s got solutions and a box full of sex toys. “There you go- oh my god you're soaking the pillow- guess you really like this one a lot huh?”
Tags: Sub! M/c, implied switch! jk, jk has a small dick, Pillow princess m/c, Dildos, Use of Sex toys, Penetrative sex, Pussy dilation, Size Kink, cuteness kink,  Humiliation kink, voyeurism, Biting, Rule Breaking, Pain kink, dumbification, dacryphilia, Referenced blood, referenced passed eating disorders, a dusting of Mafia shit as per usual, this is a little closer to crack than usual. 
W/c: 10.5k 
A/n: i really really tried to give you guys this chapter all in one go, but unfortunately i had to split it into one very big part and one smallish part, but you know me my brain melts after about 12k~ words. 
Chapter 44: Slow Love (sneak peak)
“I shouldn’t even be upset, it’s so fucking stupid- I'm so-” Hobi can’t help the urge to get a hand on your back, stroking down your nobly spine. You tip your body towards him- looking for some soothing. 
“Hey, you’re not stupid, I’m sure it wasn’t so bad.” Namjoon you've got some fucking explaining to do he thinks as your sniffling continues, his hackles raised.
Jungkook’s voice is as gentle as you’ve ever heard it. And he ticks his chin to the side, trying to pull your hands away from your face, “ah pup- did he-“
“Namjoon didn’t do anything” you cry. “he couldn't-” Your cheeks are on fire as you pull back, you and Jungkook might have had this sort of contact before but you and Hobi- you don't talk about this.
"Pup," Jungkook seems to understand, his words come out hushed, but he still needs to confirm it, "Did Namjoon, did he not- fit?"
You bury your head in his shoulder and nod wetly.
Heat creeps up the back of Hobi’s neck and he covers it with a sweaty palm. Both of them are well of how Namjoon’s a literal pain in the ass at the best of times. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on if you've got a size kink or not) not being able to take the pack alpha at a moments notice is something they've all had experience with in the past. 
The alphas deal with it more so than the omegas. Quickies just aren’t a thing when you’ve got a dick that most porn stars would swoon at. 
But neither Jin nor Jungkook have ever needed to take more than an hour or two of prep to open up. Omegas are usually more limber than alphas or betas. They’re made for taking knots and keeping them safe and snug inside of them. 
But not you apparently. Apparently- your body is as stubborn as an alphas. 
You turn your tear-tracked face on Jungkook like a weapon, the most heartbreaking pout on your face. Jungkook really really shouldn't be thinking of his habit of crying while taking the pack alphas knot either- how pretty Namjoon says he looks when he's so full he can't do much more than sob and take it.  
While looking at you, Jungkook gets why crying might be a kink. 
He blinks away his own arousal as you sniffle in his lap. So Ernest and eager, Hopefull as you look up at him completely unaware of the effects you have on him.  “How do you take his knot kookie? Please, can you show me?”
Jungkook's scent bursts sweet and Hobi flushes darker than his hair, “okay! I think it’s time for me to leave!” But Hobi doesn’t, chest tight and watching the two of you as Jungkook hums, considering it. Understanding and sad but also hiding his grin. His scent breaks into something happier betraying him, and he cups your ribcage, pulling you to sit more properly in his lap.
His smile is just a bit past mean, “That’s what’s got you so upset? That’s-“ the slight laugh to the edge of his voice conjures heat to your cheeks, both flustered and ashamed. 
“I know it’s dumb. You don’t have to be mean-”
“No- I’m not judging you that’s just-“ his laugh is a little bit jumpy, like it’s unexpected for both of you. “It’s just so fixable.”
You blink. That certainly wasn’t what you were expecting. But of course Jungkook thinks it’s easy. You’ve seen the way that Jungkook takes Namjoon’s cock and almost took his knot, the same way he looked when he took the spanking- like he was born to take it. Like his body knew that it had to part for his alpha. Of course, it seems easy to him.
You swat at his chest lightly, "Don't make fun of me Koo- it's not nice" you try to squirm out of his lap but he holds you down.
“I’m serious- I’ve got a bucket of dildos and enough lube to fit a small swimming pool. I’ve got dildos as large as Namjoon if you want them. i’ve even got one molded from his dick to be fair. A long time ago Jin had one made from all the alphas knots so we could-”
Hobi shoots to his feet, cheeks as pink as the skirt that Tae wore to work this morning. “Okay! I think I’m gonna go find a shoe rack to clean or something- you guys uhm“ his gaze flickers down to your pressed fronts, then back up at your faces. Jungkook’s wicked, yours sweet. 
“Have fun!” he squeaks. 
Coming Saturday Dec 3rd at 5pm EST (Time Zone Adjustments below) 
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