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witekspicsoldpostcards · 6 months ago
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indira2004 · 7 months ago
Trochę wcześnie w tym roku.
#lilyofthevalley #konwalie #convallariamajalis #loveofmylife
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kasja93 · 1 year ago
Dzień dobry wieczór!
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Rano miałam takie zombie mode, że szkoda gadać. Po porannych obowiązkach ledwo udało mi się ogarnąć siebie przed wyjściem. Podjechałam do rodziców i pojechaliśmy do urzędu. Okazało się, że zajebiście się pomyliłam. Byłam przekonana, że zarezerwowałam wizytę na dziś a tak naprawdę dopiero na 7 czerwca? Bo to był najbliższy termin, ale nie dopatrzyłam. Na szczęście użyłam swojego uroku osobistego, nienagannej kultury i tajemnej wiedzy wyciągniętej z pracy w urzędzie skarbowym dzięki czemu udało mi się namówić pana urzędnika (który dla innych był opryskliwy a dla mnie uprzejmy) by obsłużył nas od ręki (choć inni, którzy przyszli na wyznaczone godziny już czekało). Udało nam się wymeldować i uzyskać zaświadczenie o tym, że nikt nie jest zameldowany na mieszkaniu. Notariusza mamy umówionego na 1 czerwca. Jak dobrze pójdzie to koło 7/8 czerwca umówię się z drugim by przypieczętować kupno domu.
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Gdy wróciłam do domu zjadłam pierwszy i jedyny posiłek dziś. Nie mam ochoty jeść, ale nie chce marnować jedzenia i jedzenie jest potrzebne by zakończyć jak najszybciej rekonwalescencję… Jutro nie mam zamiaru nigdzie chodzić i nic robić. Tylko do toalety i z powrotem. Okazjonalnie wizyta w kuchni i nic więcej. Znów na opatrunkach pojawiła się krew. Na dodatek przesiąkła i ubrudziła mi ubranie 💀 żartów nie ma. Kupiłam dziś nowy pakiet opatrunków oraz sprej na rany z antybiotykiem tak w razie W wole go stosować.
W ogóle kupiłam dziś dwie paczki z warzywami oraz owocami w biedronce z aplikacją Too Good To Go. Miałam tam ogórki, pomidory, paprykę, pieczarki, boczniaki, bób (kocham bób!) i od groma jabłek oraz rzodkiewek. Zatem jedzenia mam w opór do końca tygodnia. W lodowce czeka na mnie jeszcze galaretka truskawkowa bez cukru z borówkami, arbuz i sałatka. Wszystko ma generalnie spoko kaloryczność, więc nie ma co świrować… a przynajmniej tak sobie wmawiam. Nadal boje się mieć pełną lodówkę… Na dodatek od operacji nie czuje głodu i staram się jeść na czuja. Wielokrotnie w ciągu dnia mam myśli by coś zjeść, ale nie jestem głodna zatem sobie odpuszczam.
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Wczoraj wspomniałam o nowej przywieszce z Yes. Zatem pochwale się! Mi się mega podoba. Nawet bardziej, niż na którą mam całkowicie ze złota :) bardzo przypomina mi klimaty Life is Strange oraz prequel Before the storm, którego soundtrack uwielbiam! Polecam serdecznie tą grę. Kolejne części już nie są tak zajebiste choć True Colors stanęło na wysokości zadania i było naprawdę dobre.
W ogóle odbierając dziś paczkę kupiłam jak pewnie już zauważyliście konwalie od dziadka, który nieśmiało stał pod biedronką. Kupiłam dwa pęczki za co mi dziadek mocno podziękował. A był to prawdziwy, serdeczny i mocno zakłopotany staruszek.
Przyszła zamówiona frezarka do paznokci wraz z frezami. Zamówiłam takie delikatne by nie zrobić sobie krzywdy 😅 jak tylko poczuje się lepiej mam zamiar wypróbować 💅
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Rudziś dziś była naprawdę nie w humorze. Gdy chciałam zrealizować codzienną dawkę buziaczków i przytulasków zostałam podrapana i UGRYZIONA! Leciutko bo leciutko, ale patrzenie państwo kto nauczył się dziabać od Jerrego!
Specjalnie dla @justpoet dziś więcej fotek uszatych dziadów :) to co napisałaś było dla mnie bardzo miłe. Dziękuje, że jesteś! PS. Przemówieniem na angielskim się nie przejmuj na bank pójdzie dobrze. No i trzymam kciuki ✊🏻
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W ogóle czasem czuje się jak mama małych dzieci. Dziś weszłam do kuchni i zaczęłam sortować zakupy. Podbiegła Ruda zaczęła robić to swoje „uh uh uh” kręcąc ósemki wokół moich nóg. Dostała liścia sałaty rzymskiej, wzięła w zęby i uciekła! Normalnie przypomniało mi się jak moja przyjaciółka smażyła ostatnio naleśniki i jej dwójka dzieciaczków w wieku przedszkolnym tak przychodziła podbierać już usmażone naleśniki :)
Jerry mi się wczoraj dał wygłaskać podczas dawania smaczków 🥰 szanuje jego charakter. Ja mogę się położyć na dywanie koło niego byle się nie ruszać. On chętnie zawsze nawet w ciągu dnia wskakuje na łóżko czy podchodzi by pyrgnąć mnie noskiem co oznacza przywitanie w króliczej mowie. On jednak sobie nie życzy być dotykanym. Taki już ma charakter. Czasem tylko do niego zagadam „Jerruuuś!” A on już spierdziela jak najdalej najczęściej pod łóżko bądź za fotele 🫣😂
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Uszaki dostały dziś po kawałku marchewki. Ruda po zjedzeniu swojego zabrała mężowi jego w połowie zjedzoną. Jerry dostał nowy kawałek, ale już nie chciał. Ruda jak odkurzacz wciągnęła kolejny kawałek. Teraz dwa niszczyciele światów leżą sobie razem przytulone do siebie. Już się nie mogę doczekać, aż na ogrodzie zrobię im wybieg! Już widzę tą radość jak będą mogły kicać po zielonej trawie 😊
Niestety ze względu na ilość zdjęć królików nie zmieścił się screen z apki garmin Connect. Podaje zatem dane:
8:54 snu
3841 kroki
Stres: wysoki 28 min, średni 2h03, niski 5h22
Body battery 32/100
Spalone kalorie 457 aktywnie, 1756 spoczynkowe
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ogrody-ilangory · 6 months ago
BELTANE święto ognia.
Jest to mały Sabat do którego nie przygotowywałam się jakoś szczególnie. Robiłam podstawowe rzeczy jak sprzątanie i tworzenie nowych świec ze starego wosku. Jednak każdy sabat wyróżnia się czymś innym. Beltane jest środkiem pomiędzy wiosną i latem. Ten dzień jest świetny na pracę w ogrodzie, przesadzanie roślin i sadzenie nowych. Dziś dodajemy do tych czynności sporo magii i dzięki temu nasze plony będą odporniejsze i bujniejsze.
Wypieliłam ogródek, zasadziłam zioła i poprzesadzałam rośliny pokojowe. 
Postanowiłam też, że w każdy sabat będę gotować coś specjalnego i tylko na ten czas. Upiekłam więc pyszne ciasto miodowe z nutą pomarańczy. 
Na świętowanie nie mogłam wymarzyć sobie lepszej pogody. Po uporaniu się z brudną robotą, przebrałam się w sabatowe ciuszki, osmużyłam dom (tym razem  suszoną miętą)
Zrobiłam lemoniadę z mięta z mojego ogródka, zapakowałam kosz i wyruszyłam na piknik. 
Nie wiem jak w Polsce, ale u mnie mlecze, bzy i konwalie mają się już ku przekwitaniu. Więc zamiast zrobić wianek z mleczy pozostało mi tylko zdmuchnąć dmuchawca. 
Okazuje się, że w mojej wiosce rok rocznie 30.04 pali się ognisko a w nim czarownicę. 
W tym roku postanowiłam incognito zobaczyć to widowisko... 
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tymniemniej · 7 months ago
Hi 🤗🖤, ♧ ☆ and ☯️ for the language ask game?
🤗🖤 - answered here
♧ : favourite word from the english language translated in your language
I have no clue what my fav English word is? But yesterday I found the word "cupidity" :D according to google it would be "chciwość" but from where I found it through thesaurus and the meaning given there that would be more like "pożądliwość"
☆ : give the first lines of a song which is originally in your language
Twe dłonie jak konwalie Na mej skroni tańcują już (aaa) Chwytasz moją talię A na buzi szminka i róż (aaa) Zanim popłynie łza (popłynie łza) Czule włosy me przeplataj No i et cetera (et cetera)
* * *
Your hands like lilies of the valley Are already dancing on my temple You grab my waist And on my face lipstick and blush Before a tear flows Gently run your fingers through my hair And etc. etc. etc.
☯ : what do you love about your language?
how difficult it is for non-slavs. that's why we get so happy whenever a foreigner comes over and learns one sentence to greet us *crowd goes crazy*
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chess-engines-diary · 10 months ago
Kot, to stworzenie ciekawskie. Każdy kto ma kota w domu, wie, że zwierzak "wejdzie" wszędzie. W końcu musi sprawdzić, co właściciel sprowadza do domu.😂
Bywa, że zwierzę często podgryza rośliny, co jest związane z fizjologią, bowiem koty zjadają cząstki roślinne, aby wywołać wymioty i w ten sposób oczyścić układ pokarmowy z kulek sierści, którą połknęły myjąc futerko.
🥀Szczególnie groźne są niektóre kwiaty cięte, a już najbardziej lilie, gdzie trujący jest nawet osypujący się z nich pyłek. Trzeba również uważać na hiacynty, konwalie i tulipany. 
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Zofia Brühl – Gołąbowa „Róże i konwalie w wiklinowym koszyku”, 1906 r.
Olej na płótnie, sygnowany, datowany i opisany l.d. „Zofia Brühl Wiedeń 1906”.
Wymiary w ramie: 49x57 cm (30,5x37,5 cm)
Zofia Brühl - Gołąbowa - malarka. W latach 1900-14 uczyła rysunku w żeńskich zakładach wychowawczych we Lwowie. Wystawiała pejzaże we Lwowie w TPSP w 1895/96 r., w 1900 r. studium oraz żyda modlącego się. W latach 1901, 1905/06, 1918/19 w Salonie Sztuki Zachęta, ponadto w krakowskim TPSP w 1899 r. martwe natury, a w 1900 r. głowę starca i głowę staruszki. Uczestniczyła w wystawie pracy kobiet w Pradze w 1912. Zródło: https://galeriazak.pl/pl/p/Zofia-Bruhl-Golabowa-261 @abwwia
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koziorowska · 1 year ago
Wyjściowy poemat
Przechytrzył mnie czarny kot twojej melancholii. Pobiegł w nieznaną stronę, tam, gdzie o poranku budzą się konwalie.
Tak, jestem tu, aby wznieść piedestał, żeby szczycić się pięknem, co jest ziarenkiem w ustach wiatru.
Twoja melancholia, ubrana w wyjściowy poemat, nie podoba się tym, którzy duszą się własnym czasem, ulegają szaleństwu, propagowanemu przez cień najjaśniejszej gwiazdy.
Któregoś razu przebudzi się w nas podryg miłości, a sen wyschnie jak pocałunek, pozostawiony pochopnie na nagim sercu.
Senna wędrówka twojego ciała, nieświadomego swojego przeznaczenia, skończy się wraz z klęską wieczornego horyzontu, kiedy to pękną mury, zawali się czas.
Nie chcę, aby twój smutek stał się sennym skojarzeniem, predestynacją, jakiej nie należy się wstydzić.
Twoje ostatnie tchnienie ogrzeje cienką skórę mojej szyi, rozproszony dotyk zostawi cierń pieszczoty, z którą zechcę łaskawie się zespoić.
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arekmiodek · 2 years ago
Nie mogę tajemniczo strzec uczucia, które paraliżuje wołam: Oczu Twoich i ust pełnych czaru i zapomnienia bólu bądź dniem i nocą, wieczorami zamień się w pachnącą konwalie, upojną powiedzieć Ci muszę KOCHAM !
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Poezja "KOCHAM" (Maria Teresa von Orgeich)
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indira2004 · 1 year ago
#konwalie #lillyofthevalley #favourite
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shadowsshowdown · 2 years ago
Deus Ex: Human Revolution Shadow’s Showdown 42
The Great Massacre Between Two Trash Cans.
The darkness like tar was clear on Laura’s face, and she felt like she was running out of air. Drawn deeper into the alley, the hacker noticed that the assailant was not alone and was accompanied by five others. One of them had a colorful mohawk hairstyle that was perfectly visible even in the faint light of the flashing and hissing lantern. The hacker was still trying to fight to no avail. In fact, she didn't know why she had acted like this. After all, everything was happening the way she wanted it to. Laura should have let events take their own course, but that damn desire to survive kept her from doing so. Forced her to drift on the surface instead of drowning.
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Ciągle pamiętam zatrzymany czas, Konwalie na poduszce… Ciągle i ciągle czekam tamtych łez, Dotyku tamtych oczu.
Kratos, before he showed what he was really like, gave her flowers. Every morning she would find a bouquet of lilies of the valley or sunflowers on her pillow. There were tender words, kisses, and breakfast in bed. They could have sex all day long, and Damien was really good at it.
Gdybym ujrzała kiedykolwiek taki film, Umarłabym ze śmiechu. Cisza zagrała, wokół nas się wzbił Gołębi puch, - perfidny kicz.
The rose petals at her feet had over time turned to blood that coated her skin. Every touch of his was like a burn, every kiss like a snakebite. If there was affection between them - it died. Still, she believed there was a sign of good in him, and someday everything would be as it had been before. If only she would obey, if only she would be a good girl.
Każdym dniem zabijam to Deszczem obcych rąk Zmywam ślad Zabijam to Każda noc przynosi znów Bezsensowny ból Ołów - nie Gołębi puch.
When Joe managed to get her out of that toxic relationship, she couldn't accept her new life. She sought comfort in the arms of random men. She had even tried to drag Joe into bed with her, but luckily his composure and respect for Laura prevented him from doing so. Her worst nightmares came at night like monsters from her childhood dreams lurking in closets and under beds. She screamed until she was breathless, and Navras held her in his arms, assuring Laura that she was safe. In truth, she never was.
Może zapomnieć jeszcze uda się Konwalie na poduszce Może zduszone nie powróci znów, Odejdzie gdzieś, wypali się Światło w Twoich rękach Gołębi puch
She couldn't forget, couldn't suppress what she felt inside. She still loved Damien, still believed he was just pretending. One day Joe found her in the basement of Lemon-Lime. She had a Swedish collar around her neck and wanted him to lead her on a chain. She thought he was Kratos. That day Joe realized he couldn't help her alone. It was the greatest pain he had ever experienced. He found the best facility he could for her and placed her there under a false name, but even after therapy, Laura was not quite herself.
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All it took was to stop fighting and give up. So little to save Adam from certain death. She was the cause of every bad event, the evil itself. She was the only one who could end it.
“Take me to him,” Laura said in a firm tone when he uncovered her mouth. “I won't fight.”
In response, she heard the man’s hoarse, throaty laughter as he pressed her against the wall. It was cold and smelled of vomit much like the area she found herself in.
“Kratos said he wanted you alive, but he also mentioned that you really like it when someone takes you in the ass so my boys and I can make ourselves comfortable. I hope you’re tight enough.”
With a firm tug, she had to turn and face the stinking, rough surface. By now she could hear a full concert of laughter of varying intensity. Laura clenched her teeth, knowing it was the right thing to do. It would be over in a moment. She thought of Adam, of his life being normal again. She didn’t need more than that.
The piercing cold electrified the skin on her legs as he twined her dress. Just a little more, a few more minutes. She repeated to herself that she had to hold on. She could already hear the others drawing the order even though their boss was in no hurry at all. The lamp hissed unbearably and ominously. The cold was getting stronger, and the stench irritated her more and more. She felt as if she was about to throw up.
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Adam quickened his pace. His fluid walk became a trot. He was almost outside Laura's house when he realized he didn't even know what he would say to her or if she would even let him in. He quickly cast aside his fears as he took the next staircase. He passed a poster hanging on the wall, carelessly taped, announcing John Mirra escaped from prison. The sound of the doorbell was answered only by the meow of a cat. He stood at the door for a moment, hoping that if Laura was at her place sooner or later some randomly generated sound would eventually betray her. After ten minutes he gave up. He didn't want to go back to the company, even if Sarif were to kick him out of his job. Adam went straight to his place. Vanilla greeted him with a meow, so he crouched down to pet her. He lit a cigarette and brewed himself a mug of hot coffee.
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From delusion lead me to truth From darkness lead me to light
From death lead me to immortality. Let there be peace everywhere
A shadow crouched on the balustrade of the balcony that was part of the emergency exit. Eye shields glowed a pale purple as he moved his head. A quiet ringing and the stomp of a boot as he stood up in a learned motion bouncing off the bar. A barely audible rustling. Nano-wings of a blinding, phosphorescent blue-purple hue ensured he landed safely. Two quick steps of a shapeless silhouette concealed by the Glass-Shield Cloaking System. A jerk, a swish of air, and the first loud sound being the collision of a fist with the jaw of a man with short-cut blonde hair. There was confusion, one of the five screamed, other stood motionless.
Laura was at first confused by the unexpected turn of events. She turned her head, already knowing it was Navras who had come to help her. The other five fell into a panic.
"I'll take care of the purple dick," he announced massaging his jaw, which returned to its place with a quiet crunch. "Get the girl!" the commanding roar momentarily called the subordinates to order.
They dragged her to the other end of the alley from where she could still see the clash of the two titans. Fortunately, the appearance of Joe effectively discouraged their fun. The broad-shouldered brunet standing behind her held the hacker's hands with a tight, firm grip.
"Hello, Hades. I might have expected Kratos not to get his hands dirty," Joe said in a sarcastic tone. "I'm surprised you still let yourself be led around on his leash." "Some know where their loyalties lie, others run away at every opportunity with their tails between their legs," he countered, watching his opponent's movements carefully.
Hades remembered that Navras always played it clean and wouldn't go as far as making a surprise attack while talking, but he preferred being cautious, nonetheless.
"We can get started if you don't mind of course," he suggested in an invariably jocular tone, bowing theatrically.
Joe knew that mockery acted as a catalyst on this dog, and this was one way to win him over. They already had the opportunity to fight each other, and the scars of that fight he carries to this day. The miracle is the only proper word to describe the fact that he now stands before Hades alive. He tried staying calm and aiming each blow as precisely as possible. With both hands, he slowly detached the handles of his swords from his belt, which instantly synchronized with his cybernetic hands. The modular segments slid out in a split second merging into solid nano-blades.
"Still fighting with that junk?" laughed Hades reaching for his tri-edge nano-daggers.
Joe noticed he hadn't changed his weapon type preference since the last fight, but instead it was much more technologically advanced. The Executor was ready for anything. He had long since promised himself he would protect Laura even at the cost of his own life. Hades moved first with a furious bull's charge impetuously attacking his opponent, who nimbly dodged to the side. This, too, was unchanged. Kratos' dog fought with the grace of an elephant but his blows were deadly. Navras momentarily rolled in a pirouette, slashing low, at his legs, but his blade only managed to stroke the brown, muddy fabric of his trousers. The blade of his right dagger fell upon him from above before he could launch another attack. He could almost feel the rush of air accompanying the movement of his cybernetic arm. Miraculously, he escaped the attack.
Scan the opponent, find weak points, he gave the command in his mind, parrying the sweeping cut.
While waiting for the results, he tied him up with a fight exchanging a few quick blows so as to buy himself some time with little loss of energy. He noticed that Hades raised his hand for another strike, and then joined in with the other. He momentarily curled up on the spot, knocking the blond man off balance.
The outline of his opponent's silhouette appeared on the inner layer of his eye shields, with his strong and weak points marked on it. Cybernetic arms and legs, synthetic hardened skin on his torso, implanted subdermal armor in an enhanced version. Activated at six points, three in each arm. Above-average strength, low speed. Reinforcement of the legs and arms. That had to be enough for Navras because the brain implants were protected by a field that deflected scanning attempts. Only Evie could disable it.
After another exchange of pleasantries in the form of a series of quick slashes, Navras decided to act in earnest. He swung his sword at the opponent's left shoulder feigning the cut, and when Hades went on the defensive he struck the right blow with his second sword straight at the armor's trigger points. Navras was a fraction of a second late in dodging. He felt a horrible spreading pain when he was kicked just above his left hip. With that, he was forced to get down on one knee. The blond didn't wait, he immediately swung to pierce Joe's neck with his blade, but all he heard was the sound of breaking glass as his subdermal armor cracked. The Executor felt himself getting weaker, and he didn't have time to take a booster shot. Hades, despite his slowness, could surprise with a lightning-fast attack. Joe was almost certain that he had implants that triggered pulses to stimulate his movements. In their previous encounter, he had been much slower. Joe just had to learn the pattern before Hades will change him into a wet spot. He cut from a kneeling position, low and flat on the inside of his knee. He hoped to at least breach his cybernetic knee ligament prosthesis. Hades roared throatily in pain, though he shouldn't have felt it during the fight. The aug's advantage also lies in the fact that any human sensations such as pain can be drowned out or even turned off. This is done at the cost of energy, which apparently like him, he also had not very much of. Navras stood up and slashed him with a sweeping, diagonal cut, starting from his jaw across his cheek and ending with his nose. Drops of blood like rubies scattered in the air. Kratos' dog growled furiously, grabbing Joe by the dark purple fabric of his hooded sweatshirt and hurling him headlong into a pile of cardboard boxes and metal trash cans. He reached him momentarily grabbed his dark brown hair and slammed his head like a ball against the wall of the building.
"Navras!" shrieked Laura desperately struggling as a weatherfish. "Let go of me! Fuck, let go!"
As I walk through frozen sands Through the flames of burning lands My feet are torn, they're torn to strands I will not thirst As I cross the raging sea Waves are crashing over me They drag me down, they drag me down I will not drown
Seeing Joe in this state, she couldn't stand to be passive. Enough of being a puppet with Kratos holding the strings. With rage, she stepped with her heel on the foot of the broad-shouldered man who was cramping her. The man let her go screaming in pain. Without waiting for the others to react, she momentarily grabbed a bottle standing on a crate and smashed it onto the mohawk man's face, cutting his skin deeply. On the run, she grabbed the lid of the bucket and slammed Hades on the back of the head so hard that the metal rang loudly.
They'll know my name After the storms are passing through They'll know my name When they've forgotten all about you They'll know my name After the storms are passing through They'll know my name When they've forgotten all about you
With this unexpected move, she tipped the scales in Joe's favor, and he managed to get up and recover from the shock. Blood was dripping from his nose. He almost had no strength left, but he had to be sure Laura was safe. Hades grabbed the hacker by the neck so hard that she couldn't catch her breath. He would have strangled her, though he knew his boss forbade it. Navras raised one of his swords striking the blade against his other arm deactivating the armor. The blond man released his grip, and the woman fell to the ground, choking.
They're calling out, they're calling out my name They're calling out, they're calling out my name
Before Kratos' dog could move to counter, Joe used all the strength he had left to pierce him with his sword. Hades grunted with blood, reeled like a drunk, and it was almost certain that he was about to fall. Navras couldn't have seen it coming. No one could. The last response he got was a tri-edge nano-dagger lodged in the Executor's heart.
And I shall rise, oh well I shall rise Again and again
I shall rise, oh well I shall rise Again and again
Without thinking, Laura picked herself up off the ground and was at Joe's side in a split second, placing his head in her lap. She tugged Joe, trying to make him regain consciousness. She couldn't believe he was dead. She wouldn't allow herself that thought. He was supposed to disappear, why didn't he? For the fuck’s sake, why did he have to come?! Her scream echoed through the alley. She had lost her job, her friends, Adam and Joe. She had lost everything she could lose. Kratos would pay, with her own hands, she would rip out his heart, tear him to shreds, gouge out his eyes, torture him as he had tortured her. He would pay for everything. She promised herself that this moment would come.
"Evie..." A faltering voice brought her back to reality. "Listen to me. Listen for once. You have to live for us, for yourself. Don't give up on Little Orchid. Never, do you understand? Never…"
Those were his last words. Laura could not cry now. Everything that had just happened was like some sick dream. Soon she would open her eyes, and everything would be like before. Surely it will be, it must.
I shall rise, oh well I shall rise Again and again I shall rise, oh well I shall rise Again and again
Reality quickly corrected her wishes. Hades' death did not make the others flee at all. They still had a mission to accomplish, and they were going to do it. They grabbed her arms and pulled her towards the street where she heard a car should already be waiting.
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Adam couldn't find a place to stay at home, and he didn't feel like going back to the ball. He was worried about the fact that the lights in Laura's apartment were still off, but he saw it as a demonstration of her unwillingness to see him. A few minutes later, he took the dark green topcoat out of the closet, not even caring to change the formal clothes for something more comfortable, and left the house. Jensen concluded he might meet Rupert at Crann Tara, or even Laura. He crossed the street, lit a cigarette, and popped up the collar of his topcoat. He passed the store where he usually shopped, it was now closed, the bakery and the bike store.
"Let go of me, you fucking motherfucker!" he heard a shout coming from the alley and frowned, shaking the ash from his cigarette to the ground.
He was almost sure it was Laura's voice, but what would she be doing in a place like this? The only answer that came to his mind made the unburnt cigarette fall to the ground. The ex-SWAT momentarily took off his topcoat, threw it on a nearby box, and disappeared into the alley. His gut feeling didn't deceive him. He counted that there were five of them, dragging a hacker by her hair. The strings of tiny pearls broke and spilled on the ground splashing dirty water from the puddle. She fought viciously against their superior force. Before he managed to run closer, they had punched Laura several times in the face with the open hand. Without hesitation, she repaid them with a firm fist punch. He had never seen such strength and will to survive in her before. Adam grabbed a stone, weighing it in his hand, then hurled it hitting the one with the mohawk hairstyle. The man took a few steps back holding his head. Blood was flowing from his already cut face. The rest noticed the Chief of Security almost at once so they lost interest in the woman. They rushed together, driven by rage. Jensen was well aware of this tactic, or rather lack thereof. They looked like a pack of wolves that had lost their leader. He estimated there was someone else with them, but he must have been killed, and they were just trying to complete the mission. Despite his long hours behind a desk, he still remembered how to dodge blows and retained at least some of his agility. He hit the beanpole in the green sweatshirt with his fist to the cheek and then with his knee to the stomach. That was enough to make him bend in half. Then he hurled him with all his might against the wall of a nearby building. The bald man, who was shorter than him, was kicked in the knee until it crunched, but Adam didn't notice the one with the mohawk had already recovered and suddenly felt a terrible pain in his temple. The same one that Connor had smashed moments ago. He blacked out and the metallic taste of blood filled his mouth. He lost his balance and fell to his knees.
I shall rise, oh well I shall rise Again and again I shall rise, oh well I shall rise Again and again
Laura reacted in a split second. She found an old baseball bat lying in a pile of trash and in an attempt to defend Adam she smashed the head of the mohawk man with a sweeping blow. The broad-shouldered pushed her so hard that she hit her hip on the crate and wailed in pain, then tripped and fell on the plastic bags filled with trash. She saw the blade of his knife flashing in a short warning. She didn't have the strength to roll to the side. She didn't know when Adam appeared between her and the gleaming steel. The fact that he had taken this blow combined with Joe's death exploded the fury hidden deep inside her. Two people she cared about were too much. She gathered all her strength to get up and, wanting to focus attention on herself, fled deeper into the alley. This gave Jensen some time to overcome the pain. He was hit in the back on the right shoulder. The beanpole managed to get up and was just about to attack, but was hit in the stomach, and then in the neck at the level of the right ear. Baldy came to himself a little later, pulled out an English punch, and using the fact that he was standing behind Adam hit him in the back of the head with it. The Chief of Security fell like a cut-down tree.
The broad-shouldered man, who had rushed after Laura without a second thought, got stabbed by his belly with the tri-edge dagger as soon as he came around the corner. He was still breathing when she twisted the blade, which like an auger drilled deeper and deeper into his flesh. The blow itself was excruciatingly painful, but with brutal cruelty Laura tortured him again and again, cutting deeper and deeper into his flesh until he collapsed to the ground like a puppet. She needed to catch her breath, at least one, before returning to Adam. She hoped it was over, but when she emerged from the corner she noticed the one in the green sweatshirt was severely kicking Jensen in the back, and the bald man was helping him despite his injured leg. The man silently took each blow. Only his clenched teeth told of the piercing pain he felt. The hacker wanted to run and attack, but she stumbled, cursing at those damn high-heeled shoes. At that moment, the beanpole one managed to step on Jensen's knee until it crunched. The ex-SWAT fell unconscious again. With a savage shriek, Laura threw herself at her attacker by driving the tri-edge nano-dagger diagonally into his neck, sinking it all the way to the hilt. Drops of blood speckled her face as she yanked it out. The last one left alive fled at the sight of several streams of blood spurting out rhythmically while the heart of his comrade was still beating. She didn't have the strength to chase him. The woman slumped to the ground right next to the unconscious Adam, closing her eyes. She held a dagger in her clenched hand.
"Nemesis..." she heard his weak voice after a moment. "I was saved by your anger," he wanted to get up but groaned in pain and fell back onto the worn mattress lying under the bags. "I'll go get my purse, call for help," she said in a trembling voice.
She had got up before he had time to stop her. She had already forgotten about the recording that was in the lipstick. She had forgotten everything. She found the bag on the ground. It was stained with blood, Joe’s blood. Later, her gaze went to Navras's body, and then to Hades. She slid her finger along the blade without even realizing she had cut the skin with it.
Adam slowly rose his torso to a sitting position and then with the help of crates and buckets managed to get up and walk deeper into the alley. He saw Laura sitting astride on the corpse of a man with blond hair. Again and again, she stabbed him with her dagger putting all her strength into it. Blood rhythmically shot upward in scarlet drops, staining her face and her shabby, covered with mud, Vito Valentino dress. Jensen noticed that the one she had tortured so severely was an aug. He also noticed the body of the other, the violet one.
"You killed Joe!" she screamed. "You killed him! And I will kill you all. Do you hear me, Kratos?! I'll cut your mangy head off! I'll rip out your arms and legs! I'll stick your fucking dick in your mouth! You'll pay, a thousand times over. For me, for Adam and Joe! I promise you that! Do you hear me, you fucker?! I PROMISE!"
With an effort, Adam sat down beside her, grabbing the hand she was still trying to stab at the sieve-like hollow corpse and forcing her to let go of the dagger. Then he embraced her tightly and hugged her close. Laura didn’t cry. Jensen felt the weight of blame on his shoulders and If he hadn't been so firm all this wouldn't have happened. If he hadn't been so stupid and proud. He didn't know who this Joe was, but that was the least of his problems at the moment. Adam wasn’t certain of many things. But that after a moment he gently lifted her chin and pressed his lips to hers as fervently as he could was instead absolutely certain. It was his assurance that he was and would be there for her for better or worse. The assurance that whatever would happen she could count on his support.
"Nice boys don't kiss like that," she said quietly, searching for her phone in her purse. "Oh yes they fucking do," he replied.
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All  chapters can be found: [AO3], [dA], [Wattpad] and [Tumblr]
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lamus-dworski · 5 years ago
Have you ever come across an example of lily of the valley in the Polish folk style? I've been trying to find a reference for that specific flower, but no such luck yet.
They aren’t popular as a decorative motif, but I’ve seen them in a few occasions, or at least something that looks like a lily of the valley :)
Definitely in wycinanki and embroidery, and I think also in “primitive art” paintings and woodwork (as for the last two, my memory fails at the moment but I’ll try to look for examples later). 
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Above is an example of them in a wycinanka (this style as far as I know is from Sanniki).
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Example on an atique red jacket with what I think are the flowers in question.
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Museal example embroidered on a bodice from Łowicz. Need to look for a good closeup!
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Two other examples from Łowicz [from Pracownia Stroju Łowickiego]
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Example from Kraków [x]
If somebody else remembers other examples, feel free to add!
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miesiecznik · 6 years ago
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wikulewr · 2 years ago
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Konwalia Walia Wściekł Pies 🐺🔥🌱 #konwalie #konwalia #wiosna #lodz #widok #zieleńwdomu #zielono #lilyofthevalley (w: Bałuty-Doły) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd9Gy3HDGn3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wiedzmamelisa · 3 years ago
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Przyszedł maj, bez i konwalie królują w moim ogrodzie. Moje ulubione kwiaty zaraz po piwoniach, które też już niedługo będą kwitły.
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rina-z-komina · 3 years ago
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"Can you bring the sun in my life"? #konwalie #słońce #sun #lillyofthevalley #sznupa https://www.instagram.com/p/CPbc_VhhISY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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