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cosmerelists · 1 month ago
Nomad Rates Cosmere Planets
As requested by @endervexer :)
Nomad is always on the move--but if he had time to stop and rate Cosmere planets as if they were hotels (you know, rating how clean they are, what the accommodations are like, etc), what would those ratings look like?
1. Canticle (The Sunlit Man)
Place was pretty clean, as the ever-present burning of the sun constantly purified the land.
Food was mediocre. Needed spice.
Accommodations were pretty old and worn down, but clean.
People were polite but not overly friendly, which I count as a positive. Some of them tried to kill me, which I count as a negative.
Entertainment consisted of gladiatorial fights and/or public executions. You can also hear stories. The stories are about ghosts.
BTW, place is haunted.
Overall, 2/5.
2. First of the Sun (Sixth of the Dusk)
Note: I only had time to visit part of this planet. Specifically, the island jungle part.
I would not call it "clean." It is a jungle. It is full of death.
If you like your food fresh-caught and cooked over a fire, you will like the food here. I did not try much of the food, because I was mostly fleeing death.
Accommodations were sparse, unpleasant, and--you guessed it!--not very safe from death.
The people tended to be distrustful and prickly. I did not hold this against them. I was only there briefly, and I was prickly too.
Entertainment was mostly hunting and camping. Although I would not class it as "entertainment" as much as "necessary survival."
NOT an island vacation. 1/5 stars (one star because the chickens there were pretty)
3. Lumar (Tress of the Emerald Sea)
For a place in which water brings death, it was actually pretty clean. Not sparking, but clean enough.
I did not like the food much. Bland. Their sea chickens do not taste as good as land chickens, IMO.
Since most of planet seems to be oceans (NOT water-based), you will find yourself staying on ships if you stay on this planet. What do you want me to say? It's a ship. Even if you have a private cabin, it will be small. It was fine.
People were on the whole friendly but seemed unused to visitors. I don't think this spot is very popular.
Interesting place to sightsee. The oceans are all different colors. The lunagrees (moon aether waterfalls) are worth seeing.
Overall, 3/5
4. Nalthis (Warbreaker)
Planet was generally well kept up--dirty in the way that populated cities or vast snowy landscapes full of woods can be dirty, but nothing major.
Great if you like seafood. Worth seeking out ethnic neighborhoods within the big cities for better food.
Some parts of the planet have better accommodations than others. If you want to stay in a cabin and feel cold and depressed all the time, try Idris. If you want to be a warmer place and like seafood and way too much color, try Hallandren.
If you want culture & stuff to do, try Hallandren. We're talking sports, art, music, creepy statues, pretty much anything you can think of. I cannot emphasize enough that it too colorful though.
This place will take your breath away (just a little Nalthian humor).
4/5 I had to soak my eyes after.
5. Scadrial (Mistborn)
Saw lots of reviewers saying that planet is the dirtiest place they've ever been, what with the constant rain of deadly ash.
Not my experience. Place was admittedly dusty in a "we love our cowboy aesthetic" kind of way, but they've clearly cleaned up since some of those earlier reviews.
Food was okay, but this seems to be more a place you go to drink. If you like whiskey, you will like Scadrial. Yeah I saw the review saying people drink perfume. Can't verify. Didn't see that.
Lots of places to stay, many of which are pleasant enough. If you happen to be speeding through the planet in fear of your life and the life of everyone you've ever cared about, then you'll be happy to hear that your options are many: horses, cars, trains, magic.
(I will ding them for their idiotic train system. Sometimes people don't WANT to go through the center on every trip.)
Entertainment options I saw: ride trains, see giraffes, drink, visit fast-food places, drink, visit the Field of Rebirth, shoot guns, drink.
4/5 I'm just not that into cowboys
6. Sel (Elantris)
Cleanliness varied from "sparkling silver city of the gods" to "battlefield awash in the blood of innocents." Definitely not the dirtiest place I've ever stayed.
Food was a highlight. You can get good spice here. Sweet things are also available for women/ardents.
On the whole, accommodations are solid. Good infrastructure, no weather actively trying to kill you, some places on planet not currently at war.
People can be aggressively religious, but if you avoid people in red armor, it's fine.
For entertainment, I can recommend sightseeing--go see the city of Elantris. It's worth it. Note: reviews complaining about zombies and sludge are old. Always check the date on reviews.
Overall 4/5
7. Taldain (White Sand)
The place has too much sand to be clean. I'm sorry but it has to be said.
The place has too much sand to have good food. I feel like it was always slightly...crunchy.
The accommodations are fine if you like sand.
The people always seem to be subtly wanting to prove that they're better than you. Sometimes it is not subtle. I guess this is what happens when Autonomy is in charge.
If you want entertainment, try the Darkside.
Overall, 2/5 just not my favorite place.
8. Threnody (Shadows for Silence)
Place is quite clean.
Food is bland again. You cannot trust Threnodites to have good food.
Oh, also the place is full of ghosts who will murder you.
9. Komashi (Yumi and the Nightmare Painter)
Can verify that place is no longer infested by deadly nightmares seeking your death. Travelers no longer need to seek out the few pockets of warmth and light in the sea of encroaching darkness. It's a pretty normal planet now.
Food is pretty good. Ramen place in Kilahito (Noodle Princess) is a highlight.
Good accommodations, tech-wise. Heating, lighting, hion-viewers. If you need that stuff to feel comfortable, not a bad place to visit.
If you're not actively on the run, there is plenty to do, from watching your shows to attending local festivals or art installations, to star gazing.
Pleasant place, these days. 5/5
10. Roshar
Note: I'm from here so my review may be biased.
Can't say planet is very clean. It's always at war, and the rain is full of crem.
Food varies. Soulcast food is not very good. Non-soulcast homemade food is great! (Most food is soulcast.)
Accommodations matter--try to stay in a building that is sturdy on both the east & the west side because the storms here do want to kill you. That is not entirely a metaphor. Are the accommodations nice? I mean, they're fine.
There is a lot to do here if you like war. There is a lot of war.
5/5 This place sucks and I miss it a lot.
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llsnart · 1 year ago
POV you're Nikaro
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I made Yumi in a kind of anime style (hope it looks like 😅) and experiment with certain scene on the book and the world palette color .
What do you think about?
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imonlyhereforcrem · 2 months ago
At the Cosmere Cooking panel:
Bouillon cubes/paste exist
Flangria is ham with no fat because soulcast meat cannot have any marbled fat
Lavis is basically corn
Everyone on Roshar is eating a lot of sweet potatoes
Hungarian Mangica pigs are the official pig breed of Roshar
Lots of purple and black rice (and therefore rice noodles) on Komashi
Scadrial has the best pickle game in the Cosmere
Someone somewhere be eating bugs and boiled ants are delicious
The food of the Cosmere is what you make of it. There’s no hard canon besides some plants/animals only being in some places :)
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alien-daydreamer · 7 months ago
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wyndlerunner · 1 year ago
When I first started Yumi and the nightmare painter, my running theory was that we were on Threnody’s main continent as mentioned in Shadows for Silence
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peachdoxie · 2 months ago
Reason, the sixteenth Shard. We finally know them all.
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so-bitya · 1 year ago
a lil disappointed that urara's episode seems without one of the girls involved, but we still can have hope for a komachi/urara episode from komachi's side, i believe!!!!1
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kevinarthur64 · 3 months ago
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"Yama Cop" starring Eiki and Komashi
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raven-6-10 · 2 years ago
I think we accidentally managed to create Komashi?
The results are in!
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The poll is over! Final results are in! Feel free to share your headcanons about the planet we made!
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cosmerelists · 19 days ago
Children's TV Programming on Each Cosmere Planet
As requested by anon. :)
If every Cosmere planet not only had TV, but also children's TV programming, what kind of shows would be popular?
1. Roshar [Stormlight Archive]
Herald Babies: It's like the Muppet Babies, only it's about the heralds. All of whom are babies. And Muppets. Just imagine tiny Shalash using her comically oversized mallet to smash any drawings she finds of herself. Adorable!
Pitford the Big Red Axehound: A show all about a young girl and her pet axehound, which is loved so much that it grows into a GIANT axehound!
Reading Rainbow: This show is ONLY for girls (and yes, I checked! Highstorms do produce rainbows!)
My Little Ryshadium: Yes, in this show the Ryshadium are little. And brightly colored! And friends. This show is way more popular with boys.
Mister Wit's Neighborhood: A beloved show where Mr. Wit tells stories and plays his flute for the children. He's weirdly rude to any adults on the show, though.
2. Scadrial [Mistborn]
The Adventures of Young Jak: All the fun of Allomancer Jak, only he's just a little kid in this show.
Bonewish: Each week, a kandra eats the bones of a small animal and then acts out classic works of literature. It's...much cuter than it sounds.
Mister Hoid's Neighborhood: A beloved show where Hoid, the friendly neighborhood cab driver, tells stories, sings songs, and shows off various fascinating places around the city of Elendel.
3. Canticle [Sunlit Man]
Naughty Children Are Eaten By Ghosts: It's pretty much as the title says. Every episode there is a naughty child. And then that child is eaten. By a ghost.
4. Threnody [Shadows for Silence]
Wayward Youth Are Consumed by Shades: This show...well, to be honest, it's weirdly similar to that show from Canticle. Or is it the other way around?
5. Sel [Elantris]
Readin' with Seon: A glowing ball of light reads books aloud to children. Their diction and pronunciation is always perfect!
Mister Hoid's Neighborhood: The show never makes it clear why this random beggar is telling stories and playing music and showing children around Elantris, but it is a beloved TV staple.
6. Taldain [White Sand]
Captain Sand: By combining their sand powers, these children can summon Captain Sand, who fights evildoers and polluters with sand! It's very...sand-centric.
7. First of the Sun [Sixth of the Dusk]
Fourth Who Exploreth: The adventures of Fourth of the Dawn, who explores jungles with the help of her avian companion, Sandals. With the help of the kids at home, Fourth must solve puzzles like, "How can we escape from this deadly swamp" or "If we don't catch food soon, we'll starve to death." It's, uh, super upbeat!
8. Nalthis [Warbreaker]
Minnie the Panther: The story of a young boy who Awakened all of his stuffed animals, including his stuffed panther, Minnie, and now they all go on adventures together!
Sweet Potato Street: Like Sesame Street, only I don't know if Nalthis has sesame specifically. This show features many beloved puppets, like the big colorful bird and the talking flower, and even has real famous people on it--even gods!
Mister Hoid's Neighborhood: A beloved childhood staple where Mister Hoid tells stories from history and myth for the children, always using his fun, brightly colored sand!
9. Komashi [Yumi and the Nightmare Painter]
Glint's Hints: Children must help the hapless Nightmare Painter solve mysteries--which usually ends up requiring the child to help him draw a picture to get rid of a nightmare!
10. Lumar [Tress of the Emerald Sea]
Aether Bears: Like the Care Bears, only instead of shooting rainbows out of their bellies, they shoot out aether colors! And if children cry around these bears, the bears explode. So it's very important that kids stay happy in Aether Bear world.
Xisis & Friends! At some point, the dragon Xisis was reimagined as a much smaller dragon who liked to play with children and sing songs about friendship. Nobody is sure what the real Xisis thinks of it...
The Magic Pirate Ship: The captain of this ship, which is inexplicably crewed only by children, uses her magic to take the kids on adventures! Like the time they shrunk the ship down to microscopic size and went inside a guy's body, or the time they went up to one of the moons!
Mister Hoid the Cabin Boy: A beloved childhood staple where the ship's funny old cabin boy entertains children with his stories, his jokes, and his zany antics! Everyone LOVES his bright red shorts! ...Hoid may never go back to Lumar.
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highly-invested · 3 months ago
Silverlight Tumblr Simulator
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👩🏽‍🔬Rice-Khrisspy-Treats Follow
I'm only gonna say it ONE MORE TIME. EVERY codified arcana requires both an Intent AND a Command to use!!!!
🗾It's-pronounced-Ayown Follow
Then what's the command for allomancy huh?? 🙄😒
👩🏽‍🔬Rice-Khrisspy-Treats Follow
-------------------READ MORE-------------------
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🪨 Stonedward Follow
Flamespren are SOOOO cute in the cognitive realm I have to go pet it immediately
🪨 Stonedward Follow
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🔮 Ire-Official Follow
Mod Riina has been removed from the blog. Me and the other mods talked and her behavior on Lumar was completely inexcusable. I can't believe she'd be so dumb as to let Hoid Connect with our group. Oh yeah and the rat thing wasn't cool either I guess.
-Mod Alonoe
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👓 Roseite-Tinted-Glasses Follow
My new roommate is bonded to a peakspren and they share a bed I'm so jealous. Our campus won't turn on the heat but the man is sleeping like a baby what with a hotrock in his bed while I gotta freeze my ass off.
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🌸 Thaidakarrr Follow
Ughhhh has anyone figured out the whole "breaking a cognitive shadow's connection to their planet" thing I need to get off this rock!! I wanna see the world damn it there are things I want out there!
#vent post
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💍 Feru-bendalloy Follow
System: U'tol
The local chouta was good enough. They have some really interesting plants here, but they also have some staple grains in case you're a picky eater. There's this ramen shop on Komashi you HAVE to try if you're in the area. I want sure about it because there were some weird looking bugs outside but the inside was clean and the food was to die for.
#good eats #the noodle princess
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❄️ Frost Follow
Can you all stop messing up God's grand plan FOR 5 MINUTES?
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🌦️ Stormlit-Sunheart Follow
Mutual aid request:
Hey I hate to ask so soon after last time, but 🙃🫠me and my disabled spren are stuck on a planet again and will be chased down and killed if we can't get moving. Even just one or two BEUs helps. Links in bio
#god I need a nap #signal boost
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🪈 Cephandrius-Maxtori
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🌈Hues-and-Tones Follow
OMGGG I have TEA and I'm talking herbal not verbal!!
Lifeblesser couldn't make it to this game of terachin and Weatherlove and Truthcall were really chatty with each other and THEN they dismissed ALL of their attendants to go "recover" in Truthcalls palace after the game their priests were looking at each other like 👀👀👀
#court of gods #lifecall <3 #they're so cute together
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punkrockgenasiashton · 1 month ago
Random thoughts about Wind and Truth (some of them mainly about the ending and the fallout thereof, so spoiler warning):
If Roshar is in a time bubble where roughly 10 years will pass while 70-80 will pass outside of it I cannot wait to see what technological advancements worlds like Scadrial, Sel, Nalthis, Komashi, and even Lumar or Canticle (which while neither have a Shard, both have large amounts of Investiture and have been visited by spacefaring Scadrialians). Specifically Id love to see what kind of advancements Scadrial and Komashi make in the next 80 years, as the former has created trains while being on pace for discovering the radio while the latter has electricity. Steam and Electric power, without magic, signaled a technological boom in our own history, as within 100 years of Steam Powered Trains we had cars, and within 80 years of the light bulb we were going to space. With Hoin and Metal Bending, who knows what those worlds could get up to while Roshar is stuck in time.
Is Braize, or whatever/wherever Kaladin took the Heralds, within the time bubble? I am assuming, from my understanding of the text, that its not. Which means Kaladin will have close to 100 years to work with the Heralds, hopefully bringing them some peace.
I would really love an Edgedancer/Secret History/Dawnshard type novella/interlude exploring the 20 years that Odium trapped Gav in the Spiritual Realm to brainwash him. I was totally shocked when he appeared as the Champion of Odium, I think that couldve been seeded better to make the reader/audience suspect while it still being a Holy Shit moment, but getting away from teh Shock of it, it did feel a bit cheap. I would like to experience his experiences and re-read the reveal with the context of what he went through.
Ive read a few reviews and a few posts (thankfully no more than a handful, but of course the ones I disagree with are the reviews I remember) saying that Wind and Truth was somehow a "character assassination" of Kaladin. None of them really went into detail explaining their reasoning so to them I just wanna say a general "Huh?" Cause...like...how is Depressed Man Focused On Helping People Accepting That He Cant Help Everyone But Still Trying To Do His Best To Help Those Who Ask and Those In Need not Kaladins best ending??
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jewishicequeen · 20 days ago
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You remember Anya Komashi right..? I doubt you do... But,
She won't stop following me and- she keeps messing with me. I hate it.
- @electric-shifter
She keeps messing with you? In what ways?
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random-villains · 25 days ago
Anya Komashi Here♪
The main reason shapeshifters are hated in the first place, ehe! I basically lead every single shapeshifter as we're all villains in this silly somewhat cult.
Except one for some reason.
Anyways, let's have fun, shall we?
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harmony-discord-pipeline · 2 years ago
So I finished secret project 3 about seven hours ago, and I need to vent my love for this abomination of a wonder that is this book before I squeal loudly enough to wake the neighbors!
Brandon Sanderson, I direct this at you with all of my appreciation, nearly hyperventilating while grinning and cackling and tearing up from happiness:
What the (highly) absolute fuck was that?!
Seriously how?! Why!? I love this book so so so so much! But WHY?!?!
He made a world that was messed up weirder than Threnody, the weirdness disaster god death planet itself?!
He made a planet that was so Invested that it heated the ground to death-inducing levels, and that was before the activation of the undead world-destroying nightmare-supported time-lord-prison-utilizing spirit-trapping art-blaspheming neon machine.
Seriously, this novel features an undead world-destroying nightmare-supported time-lord-prison-utilizing spirit-trapping art-blaspheming neon machine!
Yet it’s the world I find the most beautiful and fascinating in the entirety of the Cosmere? I’ll be chewing on best-planet Komashi for the foreseeable future, so that’s great! Especially since we’re probably never going to visit this planet again!
And somehow secret project 3 is also a heartwarming tear inducing story of purpose and passion and connection. A story with characters I’ll be spinning around in my head for the next several months, if not longer. With a Sanderlanche that emotionally wrecked me.
By the way, let’s talk about the Sanderlanche! This Sanderlanche read to me like a love child of the Elantris and Warbreaker Sanderlanches, only with with Brandon’s current writing skill and Cosmere worldbuilding. Both of which had a strong willingness to let main characters die! I mean come on, there’s a hidden second epilogue not in the table of contents, solely to fuck with us into thinking this story would end with the major character death!
But this book not only gets a happy ending, but also has the fewest named character deaths of any full-length Cosmere novel to date?! (not counting those that were already dead from the start I mean, the only death is Usasha I think?).
To make my composure break even further, I found the artwork of the book itself be absolutely gorgeous! Aliya Chen’s showcase for this novel is beautiful while being perfectly suited for the vibe of the novel. The emotion and chemistry on display in the art? Fantastic. The colors and textures are so amazing! The way the artistry of the stacked rocks are captured on the page?! While also conveying just how overwhelming the nightmares would feel?! And the endpapers, those endpapers!
And the cosmere connections! The Hoid powers lore had me squealing! The discussion of Komashi’s Investitures and Yumi’s abilities in relation to other Invested beings! Design in general, Design best spren! And that’s only part of it!
Brando Sando, what made you decide to go this hard on this standalone novel?! I know you said you’re taking the gloves off, but this is ridiculous!
I don’t think this is going to be a novel that all Brandon Sanderson fans are going to love to this extent, since taste and individual standards are a thing that exists and that’s valid! Still, wow!
I can’t keep the grin off my face and tears of happiness from my eyes and I’m so so so so glad this book exists now!
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