#komar and melamid
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thunderstruck9 · 3 months ago
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Vitaly Komar (Russian/American, 1943) & Alexander Melamid (Russian/American, 1945), Portrait of Medved (from Nostalgic Social Realism Series), 1982-83. Oil on canvas, 72 x 54 in.
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fabiansteinhauer · 2 years ago
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Das römische Bild
Auf den Punkt gebracht, beziehungsweise auf (Umriss-)Linie gehalten: Vitaly Komars and Alexander Melamids Geburt des sozialistischen Realismus aus dem Geist eines (Klage-)Begehrens, das einer Leere, einer Abwesenheit und einem Abgrund aufsitzen soll. Man kann sagen, dass dieses Bild zu den Kunstwerken gehört, aus denen heraus Aby Warburg seinen hohem Berufsbezeichungsverbrauch entwickelt. Das ist nämlich ein Bild, von dem Aby Warburg den Eindruck gehabt haben könnte, dass da etwas nicht mit stimmt, oder aber dass er dachte, dass Bilder doch auch eine andere Aufgabe und eine Funktion haben, als Gründe über Abgründen einzuziehen, als eine Abwesenheit abzuschirmen, indem man einen Stellvertreter beschirmt. Haben Bildern nicht auch die Aufgabe, Verkehr und Verzehr zu ermöglichen, sollen sie nicht auch etwas (ver-)brauchen lassen, vielleicht sogar sollen sie einfach Brauch lassen, die Waren- und Menschenströme begleiten lassen, indem sie etwas davon verwalten lassen, ohne eine große Referenz zu sichern??
Es kann ja sein, dass der sozialistische Realismus in dem gezeigten Moment geboren wurde. Vielleicht wurde in entsprechenden Momenten sogar der politische Realismus und sogar noch der römische Realismus geboren. Vielleicht wurde das alles sogar so geboren, dass Lacan noch in seinem Vortrag in Rom [!] daraus Bausteine eines römischen Realismus entwickeln konnte, der nicht nur aus realistischen Dingen, sondern aus Symbolischem, Imaginärem und Realem sich zusammensetzt, um ein wahres oder zumindest gut analysiertes und gut analysierbares Bild vom Menschen zu geben oder gar, wie Legendre behauptet, ihm eine Instanz zu garantieren.
Wenn das alles so geboren wurde und dann sogar Berufe daran anschlossen, um das zu erklären, weiterzugeben, zu verbessern, dann müsste sich eben Aby Warburg einen neuen Berufsuchen, einen Beruf für andere Bilder, die in anderen Momenten geboren wurden oder die gar nicht geboren wurden. Zumindest interessiert sich Aby Warburg prinzipiell für Bilder, die bewegen und bewegt sind und in deren Bewegung Achsen und Ellipsen, insofern schon Polarität im Spiel ist, die also etwas so kehren lassen, dass die Umkehr darin so unsicher und ungesichert ist, wie die Wiederkehr. Selbst wenn oder gerade weil diese Kehren vom "Dämon des Selben" (Foucault) besetzt sind oder begleitet werden, bleiben sie für Warburg auf ungesicherten, unsicheren Routen. Sternenbilder mit ihrer Magie (ihrem Zuviel), mit ihrem Minus (ihrer minderen Gesetzlichkeit und minderen Normativität) beschäftigen Warburg zumindest mehr, länger und intensiver als die Tradition einer Ikonographie, die der großen Trennung von Abwesenheit und Anwesenheit, von Gründen und Abgründen aufsitzt.
Wie Lefort, so hat auch Aby Warburg einen Sinn für etwas, was jedem Realismus vorgeht und das Lefort als mise-en-forme bezeichnet. Die Übersetzer Leforts nennen das teilweise Formgebung, teilweise In-Form-Setzen. Falls Lefort mit diesem Begriff etwas von der Sensibilität Warburgs teilt, dann könnte man auch von Bildgebung, von einem Ins-Bild-Setzen, Ins-Bild-Kippen oder vielleicht sogar einem Vor-Augen-Laden sprechen. Die Art und Weise, wie damit einsetzt, was 'instituiert' (Vismann) oder aber eine 'institutionelle Macht' (Descombe/Vesting) entfalten soll, das lässt sich auf Warburgs Staatstafeln auch über Leere und Negativität beschreiben, eber nur schwer über glatte Leere und reine Negativität. Was daran mit Alterität zu tun hat, hat bei Warburg auch mit Archäologie, also auch mit Altern im Sinne einer aufgehäuften oder aufgeschichteten, einer gefalteten und in gewisser Hinsicht diplomatischen Zeit zu tun.
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junkbabelna · 5 days ago
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Komar & Melamid. Lenin hails a cab in New York. 1993.
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centralkvetchmonolith · 2 years ago
For anyone who wants to go do all their shopping...AT WALMART! to this concert at Le Poisson Rouge in Greenwich Village, which does unfortunately look like it's gonna be a superspreader event (on par with literally any club weekend in this economy), you can get standing or table tickets for $26.78 at this site.
Also, it is the first live performance of "The Most Wanted Song" (1996), but "The Most Unwanted Song" was performed in front of a live audience ONCE in 1997. You have been LIED TO about minor details by this random Twitter screenshot.
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hellohaters · 1 year ago
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Vitaly Komar and Alexander Melamid
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agoodsongeveryday · 2 years ago
Day Nine Hundred and Fifteen
Out on the plains, just me and my mind Took me a break to read some Wittgenstein Born in Vienna in '89 He obsessed with theories of language and time Like the Tractatus where Ludwig would claim "The logic of our language is misunderstood" Philosophy is based on a false pretense So philosophy itself is nonsense, nonsense! Philosophy itself is non-sense!
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radiocmyk · 2 months ago
normal pinned post
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About me:
We're a whatever-we-feel-like blog and we don't like having sideblogs. We started as exclusively a serious therianthropy and otherkin community blog in 2020. Then we tentatively dipped our claws into talking about dæmonism. Lately I've been making my own "do you like this song" polls for stuff I didn't get to submit to that gimmick blog. No blog themes here and hopefully I lose my mind the rest of the way and can really start to enjoy having this blog.
RE: my name: I get bored so easily and every other year as well as whenever I'm upset I experience a gnawing compulsion to change my name and consequently have to go around updating everything and informing everyone. To combat this I've decided to just have multiple names. PLEASE feel free to switch it up, that is the goal :> You can call me Ekho, Myriad, CMYK, or alternatively, anything you want and I may or may not keep it
I'm pretentious in all trades and a college graduate in none. I have trite opinions on erudite subjects. If I start having erudite opinions on trite subjects, take me out back and put me down, I'm sick.
I post bugs. I post bug photos and up-close bug photos. I don't tag them "tw bugs". I don't tag them "horror." No matter what species you think should be the exception. I am literally a bug and this is a neutral and maybe even cool good thing. I will block you if you call me, photos of my species, or posts about my identity "graphic" or "body horror" and I'm not joking.
FAQ: "What is fictionflickering" See here. "I have something mean to say to you" Yay 💖 "I have something nice to say to you" Setting my self on fire ok "I have something nice to say about your art/writing" That's even more me than I am, haven't I suffered enough "I've decided you're not actually (x) for (y) reason" Duly noted, fragmentizing you
I change drastically a lot. It's normal for us. Don't worry about it. I try not to!
Physically not a human. Red-tailed hawk, house centipede, phantasmagorical raven, disordered raccoon, occasional wolverine, possibly other things, holothere that used to not be. Biologically: not quite anything on its own, actually. Psychologically: a lot of things. Perpetually: figuring things out. If you want to know, you can ask.
Favorite pastimes include becoming the very thing I sought to destroy, destroying the very thing I sought to become, romanticizing the tormentuous, metaphorizing the objective, and iNaturalist :>
Least favorite pastimes include art and writing because i am an artist and writer
Audiophagic insect, nyctophonic carnivore, birdthing, feathered quadruped, alive cento, former ghost, satellite that came back wrong, capable of passing the Turing test on a good day, enjoys becoming concepts, undiscovered deep sea invertebrate falling in love with the sky. Constant process of esotericizing.
פֿון טײַך ביזן ים װעט פּאַלעסטינע פֿרײַ זײַן
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Current blog title: quote by Alan Watts
Banner is "The Most Unwanted Painting" by Komar and Melamid, part of a satirical series of paintings and songs based on poll results of what people liked and didn't like to see in their art; most people polled disapproved of abstract or modern art.
PFP is just me, by me.
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We've also been: swiftfoxn (Nov 2020–Nov 2021) → novachaim (Nov 2021���Feb 2022) → technodance (for like a week) → chrysochus (Feb 2022–Aug 2022) → hraefngeyst (Aug 2022–Feb 2023) → a8c3bc (Feb 2023–May 2023) → stillflight (May 2023–Jun 2024 R.I.P.) → myriadeyed (Jan 2024–Oct 2024 <3) → fallingsatellive (Oct 2024–Dec 2024) → radiocmyk → ???
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mesetacadre · 5 months ago
(tagged by @czerwonykasztelanic)
Post 4 pieces of art you like and make a poll so that people can vote for their favourite, then tag 4 friends to do the same.
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The Red Flag, Vitaly Komar and Alexander Melamid, 1983
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V.I. Lenin and N.K. Krupskaya in the Tretyakov Gallery, Alexey Alekseevich Kulakov, 1961
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Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1870-1924) Standing, Mikhail Buzhiy, 1959-61
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Labor USSR, Rosalia Rabinovich, 1930s
These aren't necessarily my absolute favorites of all time, I just only have communist art downloaded
tagging @anxiousbugs @chexcastro @chainsaw-dick @jeannie-youre-a-tragedy
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krusebruce · 8 months ago
Ok i finished "Moscow Vanguard Art 1922-1992" by Margarita Tupitsyn recently and I'm going to show you some of my favorite pieces highlighted in this book
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Gustav Klutsis' work for the magazine "Young Guard"
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Kazimir Malevitch's "Red Figure"
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Aleksandr Rodchenko "Untitled" from the series "Streamlined Ornament"
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Lev Nusberg's "Beginning of Counting" (top)
Francisco Infante "Birth of a Vertical" (bottom)
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Francisco Infante's "Space-Movement-Infinity"
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This double page from "Soviet Union no.12"
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Ilya Kabakov's "Couch painting"
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Erik Bulatov's "Entrance"
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Vitaly Komar and Aleksandr Melamid's "Circle, Square, Triangle"
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felixravinstills · 5 months ago
volumnia for the ask game!!!
Ask Game
Thanks, anon! Always happy to talk about my favorite wire mother!
My first impression
Haha, Silly Mad Scientist Lady! I always thought she was kind of interesting, but I always need some sort of visual to help kickstart my obsessions and I wasn't really in the fandom after reading the book so I wasn't seeing any fanart (is there pre-movie Gaul fanart?)
My impression now
Viola Davis' portrayal really dominates my mind even though it's probably not exactly how Gaul was supposed to look at all. She is wire mother to me. I love her. I need her to look me in my eyes and scare me so bad I have a heart attack.
Favorite thing about that character
Just her whole vibe. She's the worst and I love her
Least favorite thing
That everything about her and Max (Pres. Ravinstill) is made up/a joint hallucination with El.
Favorite line/scene
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When she's talking about being and obstetrician and sharing her world view with Coriolanus. That's her little creature <3 Or he's trying to make him that!
Favorite interaction that character has with another
See above
A character that I wish that character would interact with more
I-is President Ravinstill too much of a cop out at this point? Because he's a man who barely exists? Well, the other answer is Felix, so RIP.
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character
Renee Branvillier Parmedes from B! and Adora Crellin from Gillian Flynn's Sharp Objects. I don't know how well those comparisons hold up to close scrutiny, but they have the certain vibes... Also maybe Jenova from FFVII. Alien mother... just corrupting some guy raised in a lab.
A headcanon about that character
She's not really a part of the oldest and most influential families, and her home life was pretty standard before the usual Capitol intrigues probably killed her parents. But she was already strange and off-putting. I don't think she's born into who she becomes, but rather her worldview is the easiest explanation for why she is the way she is and she excepted it with no nuance. Her just adopting that worldview snowballs her into who she becomes. <- I'm explaining this badly.
A song that reminds of that character
Someone put me out of my misery. I don't know! Actually wait!
The Most Unwanted Song Ever by Dave Soldier and Komar and Melamid???? Because forced to listen to that song on loop while playing board games at 3am in a classroom during University was insane and maddening, and it was definitely a surreal Volumnia worthy experience. The operatic rap portion... The soprano juxtaposed with the children's choir jingles. I think about it often. (don't click this)
An unpopular opinion about that character
I never want to see a prequel about her origins. The mystery of it is part of the appeal. I love hearing what other fans think is going on, but I don't think Suzanne Collins should ever give us something concrete (idk if this is unpopular? very few people talk about her...)
Favorite picture
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bitchesgetriches · 2 years ago
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giant-goldfish · 2 years ago
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fundgruber · 2 years ago
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"In 1992, Komar and Melamid published an enticing project proposal in Artforum titled “What Is To Be Done with Monumental Propaganda?” They wrote: “We propose neither worship nor annihilation of these [Soviet socialist-realist] monuments, but a creative collaboration with them—to leave them at their sites and transform them, through art, into history lessons.” As a prompt, the artists presented a collage in which the letters in “Lenin” inscribed above the entrance to the revolutionary leader’s mausoleum were changed to “Leninism,” a gesture that, in its ironic brilliance, encapsulates the very essence of Soviet hauntology in post-Soviet history." e-flux.com/journal/135/530602/soviet-hauntology/
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jlf23tumble · 2 years ago
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54viruses · 2 years ago
This is why it’s important to get out there and look for something new and interesting. Touch grass, read old books, talk to old people, try something new.
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hellohaters · 2 years ago
Vitaly Komar and Alexander Melamid
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