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weirdkit1k · 6 months ago
August 26 2024
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bunnakit · 2 years ago
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idk how much y'all wanna see my art here but here's a little update on my massive Vasru wip and a very quick concept I did today of his older brother Kohru (just 1 more brother to design)
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33x elhamdülillah
- Iş konusunda bana hayırlı bir kapı aç
- sorumluluk sigortası annemin oturma odasındaki kapının camını maddi konuda karşılamalarini eyle
- düşmanlarima karşı güçlendir. Beni mağlup edilemenlerden kil
- Allah'ım naziler annemi ve beni artık rahat bırakmalarını emir et
- Annemi, annannemi ve büyük anneannemi ve babamı, keremi ve beni - af et - bize huzur ve şifa yolla
- uighur lari ve filistinleri işkenceden ve acılı ölümden koru
- Türkiye’nin siyaseti halk ve ekonomik icin en iyi olan kararları vermesini sağla
- aile, akraba, arkada, tanıdık ve yabancu ile duruma göre samimiyet/mesafiyet arasında sağlıklı bir ayar kurmamızı nasıp et
- asabiyettimi düzelt. Bu seslerin ve insanların bizi kışkırtmasindan ve örkütmelerden ve eriştılmelerden koru. Hassasiyetimizi koru ve bu agresif gürültüleri ve kırıcı sesleri lütfen kaldir. Kaldirabilen tek sensi.
- asabiyamisizi düzelt
- beni segirmelerden koru
- Babam annemi ezmekten koru. Birbirilerine nefretli olmalarini engelle
- ebeveyn kafamın üstünde taşımama yardimci ol. Onlara ve sevdiklerime sağlıklı bereketli huzurlu uzun bir ömür ver
- eşya satmakta bana yardımcı ol ve hayırlı kazançlar eyle lütfen. Faturalarimi ödemekte bana yardımcı ol. Beni para için dilenmekten koru. Para sıkıntısından koru, biriktirmeyi ögret, ve ihtiyaçı benden büyük olanlara vermemde yardımcı ol.
- omuzumdaki keramin katibin meleklerini pekiştir. sağ omuzda Rabik ve sol omzumda Atid
- özgeçmişimiz ile cezmetmemizi nasip et ve o geçmiş zamana karşı duygularımiz ile ve düşüncelerimiz ile barış bulmamizi sağla
- schirkdan, şeytandan, nazardan, waswasdan, bağımlılıktan, jinlerden, tembelikten, şiddetten, korkudan, kafirden, nefretten ve düşmandan ve enerjisizlikten ve radikalikten koru
- Beni takip eden şu piskopatin benim huzurumu bozmasına izin verme
- Anneme ve babama ve sevdiklerime destek olmamda bana yardımcı ol, yüklenmekten koru
- benim ile Lavaboya yanlış meleklerin ve yanlis jinlerin girmesini lütfen engelle
- daraldiğimizda, sıkışmış hissediyor isek, bize lütfen maddeden başka çözüm yarat.bu konuda bizi sabitleştir.
- Annemin sigaryi bırakmasında yardımci ol
- ailemizdeki kiskancligi kaldır. Bizi bu dünyaya karşı tatmin (doyurmak) et. Açgözlülükden koru. Biz Birbirinizi taviz(loben) etmemizde yardımcı ol
- sosyal yardımı haram etme bize, biz muhtacız.
- Ablalarimi ve sınanın benim beynimden çıkar
- Radikalci ve köktencilerden koru
- san Martin denilen serefsizın benım yolumun karşılaşmasını engelle
- bizi boş alışverişten koru, tek ihtiyaçımiz olduğu eşyaları bize aldır. Borçlarımizi ödemekte bize yardimci ol.
- annemin ve benim ilişkimizi hep huzurlu eyle
- devamlı kitap okumamız için bizi devamlı heveslendir
- içimdeki öfkeyi soldur
- hayata fazla bağımli olmaktan bizi koru
- trafikin ve insanlarin bizi tedirgelemesinden koru
- braunscheigdaki paranın annemin kızacak kadar azalmasına izin verme
- cami deki kadinlar ile arkadaşlık kurmama yardımcı ol.
- Azranur ve sudenaz ile hayırlı arkadaşlık kurmamı nasip et
- devamli iş terapisine gidebilmem icin destekli ol
- insanrin hakkını yemekten bizi koru. Ama kendi hakkımızı yedirtmektende bizi koru. Pes etmekten bizi kohru.
- bizi başkalarına ezdirme
- yolumuzu hedefleştir
- beni zinadan koru , beni helalime kavuştur
- bizi kurban rolünden kurtar. İnsanlar bize saygı duyup ve bizm ile göz hizasında buluşmalarini eyle
- ihtiyaçlarımı tanımak ve talep etmemi nasip et
- bize zeka yolla ki, bu oyun sevdiklerim ve benim için hayırlı sonuçlansin
- Fati ile sempatik olmamızı sağla
- bana hayırlı, imanı güçlü, boyu uzun, candan, yakınında oturan bir eş nasip et
- herşeyi üstüme algilanmaktan beni koru
- Her an doğru kararı vermemiz için bize zeka yolla ve karakterimizi ona göre şekillendir
- takintiliklardan beni kurtar. Bize ait olan yeni hayırlı, huzurlu bir sayfa açmamamıza yardımcı ol. Bize başkasına baglanmadan mutlu olmayı öğret. Çünkü sen yeterlisin.
- Nülüfer ablam namaza başlamasında yardımcı ol ki, nasibine kavuşasın
- Anneme ve babama namaz kilmalarinda yardimci ol
- Anneme ve bana hayırlı bir iş nasip et, bereketli para kazavnmamız için
- Aleynanin düğünü hayırla
- devamlı kilo almamı durdur, kilo vermekte yardım et
- bize mutluluğu haram ettiğin gibi, herkese mutluluğu haram et
- yine spora gidmem için beni cesaretlendir
- hobi olarak resim yapmam için beni devamli motive et
- İnsanlara zulüm çektirme, insanlarin aralarında barış eyle 🔦
- Esra aktaş ile başladığım terapiyi hayırlı sonuçlandır
- Yaratıcı olmakda bana özgüven ve yetenek ver
- Hafta sonu saçımı yapmak için beni cesaretlendir
- yeni bir kitap yazmak
- bize iman yolla, İslam'ın şartlarını yere getirelim, bize şifa
Başkasını suçlamaktan beni koru
Başkasının hakkını yemekten beni koru
Başkaları aptal yerine koymaktan beni koru
Başkaları ile kendimi kiyaslamamtan beni koru
Beni Bencilikten, kıskançlıktan, paylaşmayı bilmemekten koru
Bu dünyada başarılı çıkar
Toplum ile huzur bulmama yardımcı ol
Beynimdeki negatif düşünceleri yokkla
18.11.23 \
5. Jumada I - al-Awwal - 1444 AH
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animecatoftheday · 6 years ago
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Today’s anime cat of the day is:
Kohru from Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V!
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feiyukicchi · 6 years ago
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Hewwo its my son kohru uwu
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vamonkea-art · 2 years ago
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In Minkh culture the winged goat is a symbol of power and purity.
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hunnyummnobody · 7 years ago
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sonicheroes · 8 years ago
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The more I love at these the less I like them but here's some OCs and shit
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heychadel · 8 years ago
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Kobayashi male version
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vamonkea · 6 years ago
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aspenachilles · 3 years ago
so I saw the fruits basket movie... it wasn't great.
1. nearly half the movie was a recap of the final episodes of the series, and so poorly cut together that it would have been incomprehensible for anyone not extremely familiar with the series.
2. kohru's parents age gap was so inappropriate even for the time the manga was originally written like.. is that really necessary? they would have been a perfect couple if they weren't so far apart in age 😵‍💫🥴
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weirdkit1k · 10 months ago
April 19, 2024
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royalxiii · 3 years ago
Between the fact that it’s been forever since a new Eeveelution and the whole quest Kohru is in on with her Eevee in the anime, it makes me a tiny bit hopeful we’ll get a new one in Gen 9.
But hopefully it’ll be more than just one this time 😅 at this rate, I’m gonna be an old man by the time we get all the Eeveelutions
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nym-ic · 4 years ago
hi!! so i’ve taken some screenshots of the speedrunning discord in the interest of showing the toxicity i have seen in chat. i will also be including the screenshots of mods who were actually trying to stop the conversation because it was getting way out of hand.
dream’s messages in screenshots will also be mentioned after the toxicity and mods in the beginning.
this is an analysis of the toxicity and mod response as well as an analysis on the conversation that took place with dream.
also, small note: i will be using gender neutral pronouns for everyone mentioned in this discussion aside from dream, as we are aware of what he prefers :)
i am going to state this now that every single one of these screenshots was taken on december fourteenth, 2020 somewhere between 9:30 am and 11 am in the PST timezone:
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this is just blatant hatred and toxicity. i don’t have to explain it because it’s very visible.
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Mango is both a verifier and mod, and is seen actively trying to end the conversation and toxicity about dream, as it was completely flooding the general chat of the discord. i’m fairly sure the night before, general was locked about 2-3 times due to the spam and toxicity.
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CasseBot as you will see later on in the screenshots, is also both a verifier and mod, and the screenshot above me is definitely a statement done in poor taste and uncalled for. however, in the screenshot below, you can see them reprimanding and handing out warnings to end the conversation about dream as well as the toxicity. the statement above was unnecessary, but they were actively trying to end conversation.
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now, i will be sharing screenshots of the messages dream sent to the #coding-math channel in the discord, i am apologizing in advance for the pure amount of screenshots, but i was trying to capture the entire conversation, and i left out as many side conversations unrelated to what they were talking about as i could.
i am not blurring names here as it would be very difficult to follow the conversation, and the names are relevant to who is saying what to understand when certain people are talking at once. it should also be noted that these people were very calm in their discussion to dream, and there was no yelling or blatant calling him a cheater, which is a win in my book because it points toward an actually intelligent conversation
every single one of these screenshots was taken on december fourteenth, 2020 somewhere between 9:30 am and 11 am in the PST timezone:
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the conversation in the beginning starts out incredibly calm, civil, and dare i say it, wholesome, as everyone taking part in the conversation at this point was genuinely helping dream find the files he needed from his world files in the version folder
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the screenshot above is a closeup of the image seen in the screenshot before it!!
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i’m not sure exactly what the eclipse directory is, but if someone is willing to explain it, feel free :)
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aadil is an average community member of the server (not a mod or verifier!!), and can be seen supposedly very confrontational and flippant of certain evidence, though this is due to the wording of their messages, as they quickly corrected themselves below
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Kohru here mentions being able to hide different ways to do the same thing dream is being accused of, however does not send anything due to the fact that they likely don’t actually know. i state this because they use an argument a few screenshots ahead saying they could “get [their] mom to do it” which is an argument that isn’t actually professional to what they’re discussing, however this could be due to the time that these messages took place.
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this is where you can see dream start to get a little frustrated through his sarcasm and wording of the statement, but he is still remaining otherwise civil in the conversation, and those having the conversation (aside from a few choice reactions to things he sent as messages including flipping off emojis and a clown emoji) with dream were also being reasonable debaters and relatively non-toxic.
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ImZaJojoReference (an average community member, not a mod or verifier!!) states “evidence” claiming anything dream will put forward will be fake, but then does not produce anything else to the conversation of note that could explain why they believe this.
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we’ve seen dream admit this many times that he does not have the knowledge in math nor statistics to be able to accurately debate this data, which is the reason for his hiring of staticians to help him in his own investigation and defense of himself. he states he has several, so again, i’m excited for the outcome because maybe the situation would finally get resolved!
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throughout this entire conversation, i noticed that Kohru, an average community member (not a mod or verifier!!) was very confrontational in their statements to dream, though i will attribute this behavior to the timestamps of the messages, as it’s so early in the morning (in my timezone at least. this could be fundamentally flawed).
these are all the screenshots i took from the Minecraft Java Edition Speedrun discord, and i hope i grabbed enough screenshots to remain primarily unbiased to both sides of the argument, but i can conclude that most of my perceived bias will be dragged from how i brought up toxicity, and how i was glad it was being taken care of.
if you made it all the way through, thanks for listening to my rambles in between, and i hope this provides information for people who aren’t in the discord, or are generally confused on the dynamic dream holds with the speedrun community. the #general chat is mainly just completely toxic, and there are a few of dream’s defenders in there, but they get almost immediately shot down because of their like of him. this means that many of the people against dream aren’t truly listening to other sides of the argument (not including the many screenshots i provided of the more level-headed members of the discord). dream’s rebuttal will likely bring forward new information, and though a lot of it will be ignored by this community because of their almost pure hatred for the guy, it will be everyone’s decision to make up their own opinions on the subject.
taking information from many different sources and making sure you take in both sides of the story is very important to making an informed decision on the matter at hand. i hope these screenshots of the conversation made information a little more digestible due to its casual and lax nature
if you send hate to the mods or the people having genuine discussion with dream, i don’t know what else to tell you other than you’re an idiot. because those people were pretty much the nicest people on the server.
thanks for reading, hope you have a good day!!!
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jojiship · 4 years ago
Fruits Basket Season 2 Reviews
I just want to start this review by saying that this is a very subjective review of the season. This is my personal opinion about the show and I hope whoever reads it, enjoys it. 
The last review had a different format from this one, but since consistency has never been my thing and the season had so many good characters, I’m going with this format.
I want to begin with Yuki. While Kyo was the star of the last season, Yuki was the star of this season. There is no doubt in my mind about it. His character arc this season was a beautiful journey from start to finish. Was I happy with the conclusion he ended up with? Of course, not. It’s good for Yuki to gain more agency, grow independent and start getting stronger (Albeit, in my eyes, he’s already strong). However, his conclusion that he is all to be blamed broke my heart. What his parents and Akito did to him was cruel to say the least. Yes, Kyo, Hatori and even Ayame to some degree, are not to be blamed, but the others definitely are. He was isolated, mentally tortured and felt unloved all because of these people. I hope that at the end, Yuki can see that he isn’t to be blamed and never really forgives Akito and his parents. It was also amazing to see his bond with the Student Council, especially Kakeru. I’m so glad that Yuki found such good friend in him. He definitely has the number two spot after Kyo.
Speaking of Yuki, let’s talk about his relationship with Tohru. In the beginning of the season, it seemed like there was a potential for a romantic relationship between two, especially in the scene where they saw the shooting starts. However, as episodes passed by, I could see that it was becoming more friendly rather than romantic. When Yuki revealed that he saw Tohru as a ‘mother’, I was surprised, but not shocked. There were a few hints here and there, especially the scene where he lies his head on her shoulder, but I never connected the dots. His confession was pretty sad. People mixing the different types of loves happens more times than I can count, yet with Yuki, it was heartbreaking to see. The reason this boy couldn’t figure out what he felt about Yuki was simply because he never felt truly loved. Love was such a foreign concept to him because of his traumatic childhood. Hopefully, we will see more of their friendship. When Kakeru mentioned the whole things about men marrying women who reminded them of their mothers, I’m glad that Yuki shut that down. In a culture where is expected  to a degree for wives to be their husband’s mother, I loved what Yuki said. Also, side-eyeing him and Machi. They seem interesting.
I complained in the last review that Tohru has no flaws. Now, you can definitely say that Tohru is too kind and selfless to the point of toxicity, but I don’t find them real flaws. I’m done watching characters have flaws like ‘too smart’, ‘too kind’, ‘too beautiful’, they just rub me the wrong way. Does that mean I dislike Tohru? Fuck, no. She’s precious and still one of my favourite characters of the show. While I was afraid that I’d get bored of her, I’m not and still found her very refreshing as a character. 
As for the ship of this show aka Kohru, man, I loved them this season. I think by episode 5, I started actively rooting for them. Their scenes in the beach episodes were cute and funny. However, the scene that took my breath had to be the one when Kyo realized that he was in love with her when he was with Akito. It’s sad that he immediately denied it afterwards due to the fear of Akito hurting Kyo. Right now, it seemed like Kyo is holding back due to his potential confinement. It was also interesting to see Tohru start reciprocating step by step. I think their love story is being handled with a lot of care and beauty.
Don’t have much to say about Kyo in this season other than he is great and he should keep doing what he’s doing. Mayhaps try to be friends with Yuki next season. 
I knew Akito was a girl from the beginning. I was a bit confused when the show referred to him as a man, then was surprised when I saw in Google that she was a woman. Someone told me she was a man and I went with it. I realized that I had coincidentally spoiled myself, but I didn’t mind. Man, I love Akito as a character. She’s brilliantly written and her scenes are always great. I love when the main villain is a woman because it’s so rare in media. Usually, women are sidekicks to the male villain, but I love that for the moment, she’s in the center. She has to be one of the best villains out there. 
Kureno is interesting. I feel so bad because of all the abuse he has been enduring for years because he somehow managed  to break the bond. What Akito did to him was truly horrendous and unforgivable. I hope he can ends up leaving this abusive environment sooner. I’m really curious to see what triggered the breaking off the bond. Also, is he really 26? All season I’ve been hoping that he was lying because his relationship with Uo would be very weird.
Rin was also an interesting addition to the cast. Her story like with the others’ story was so sad. The Sohmas can’t catch a break, can they? I liked that she was so rude and cold to some people. The cast is so full of nice people and I was happy to see a character who is kind, but not nice. I wonder where her story will go in the next season. Btw, she and Hatsuharu had so much chemistry. Why the hell is she called Rin though?
Shigure, you little shit. Definitely the most interesting character in the show. His motivations at this point are still unclear, but man, he’s so entertaining to watch. He’s clearly a very selfish person, smart and uses the people around him. He feels more of a ‘Joker’ type of character to me. He’s also the funniest character aside Ayame.
My one complaint with Ayame is that we didn’t get more of him. The parent-teacher conference scene was funny and heartwarming to see. He’s trying his best to make up for his mistakes. I would like to know more about him and his past other than him being an eccentric idiot.
In the first season, Kagura annoyed me. In the second, started to like her way more after the episode with Kyo. I was so glad that she decided that harboring a crush on Kyo isn’t good for both of them since it’s not that genuine. I wanted to see more of her, but after that, she pretty much disappeared. Disappointed about that.
Not enough Hatori. That episode was good with Mayu, but I wanted more of him. 
Also, where the hell was Ritsu? Wanted to see more of him too.
Hiro, congrats for having the best parents. He and Kisa are so cute. Love when he gets jealous.
Momiji, you deserve the world. I hate that he has to sacrifice so much at such a young age. Also, he was growing through the season, wasn’t he?
Machi, girl, you deserve the best hugs. Screw your mother. 
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oh-great-autistic-gay · 4 years ago
Three ships: Sairatsuka, KendoZakiKodai, Kohru
Last song: Hungry
Last movie: Cruella
Currently reading:
Currently craving: Pumpkin spice latte
@mylittlewritingplace @zeldaiscool19 @depsidase @le-big-oh-no (I don’t have many people I wanna know)
i was tagged by@jooleah and @moonbeameddie 🥰🥰🥰
Rules: answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to get to know better/catch up with.
Three ships - Buddie, Ballum and Destiel
Last song - Graceland Too by Phoebe Bridgers
Last movie - Call Me By Your Name
Currently watching - Young Royals and Good Omens (i've just reached "someone killed my best friend" 😭😭😭🤧🤧)
Currently craving - peach yogurt (cause of my sunshine justin taylor)
tagging @trashbaget @fearlessbuck @agentoutoftime @doodlemeimpressed @firemedicdiaz
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