kmlaney · 2 years
Elemental Writing Ask: Shadows and Sand
Shadows: What’s the darkest theme you’ve ever written about?
I’ve written some pretty dark stuff. Cleaner One dealt with slavery, coercion, and dubious consent (of a variety of kinds, including sexual dubcon) in most every episode. Not to mention recurring themes of substance abuse and suicide. My Sith Warrior’s relationship with Jaesa was uglier than canon due to their power imbalance. Skyfallen includes alcoholism, murder, a dangerous religious cult, torture, malicious misgendering, and an episode of survival cannibalism. Oh, and some gore and cosmic horror. No GRRM-style rape, though. To my knowledge, outside of background material where the character was concerned about being raped (which didn’t happen, onscreen or off), I don’t think I’ve written that topic outside of the aforementioned dubcon scenarios.
Sand: What’s the softest scene you’ve ever written?
You know what, I’m going to post the two that come to mind rather than summarize. One romantic (romance often feels soft) and one not. The romantic one is a SWtOR fanfic (F!Agent x Vector) and the non-romantic scene is a piece of Phil’s background that I haven’t posted, when they’re very young. These are close a decade apart in terms of when I wrote them, 1500 words together. 
under a cut because long
The Song of the Universe (F!Agent x Vector) (originally posted on the SWtOR forums)
“I want to share something with you, Vector,” Sha’ra’zaed said.
“Yes, Agent?” Vector answered.
She led him to her quarters.  With the violet silk bed and the soft carpeting underfoot.  “Sit,” she said, putting her hands on his shoulders and pushing him down gently.  He did as she asked.  Sha’ra’zaed circled around and knelt on the bed behind him.  Embraced him.  Facing the wrong way, he could not return her embrace.  Instead, he relaxed into it.  She kissed him behind his ear.  Then slipped something inside it.
An earbud.
Then one in the other ear.
She kissed his cheek.  “You asked me once what I was listening to.  Here it is.”  She turned the player on.
Music filled his ears.  The sound of alien voices raised in song.  Chords of an alien scale.   “You’ve told me of the song of the universe, Vector.  This is mine.  The song of my universe,” Sha’ra’zaed whispered, “The song of a people I am no longer a part of.” Alien instruments, in harmony, in unison.  Tears filled her eyes.  Spilled over.  Fell unheeded and darkened the fabric of Vector’s coat.  
She watched him.  Watched Vector listen to every piece of recorded music she owned.  Every mood, every thought, every vagary and wish.  The beautiful, the silly, the violent, the sublime.  Sharing her soul in a way she couldn’t with words.  She couldn't read auras and know his thoughts the way he did with her.  But then again, it was Vector.  She didn’t need to see his aura.
He listened as the chrono ticked off its unending count.  The notes faded and he turned to her, “Thank you, Haraz.  We have waited for a long time,” he said.
He touched her hair, “To hear the song of your universe.”
“You knew,” she said, “you knew.  Knew I was lying to you.”
“We know, Haraz.  We've always known.  Just as we know the truth in your words now.  You are beautiful to us.  So much more so when your words match your aura." He stroked her cheek, "I love you anyway."
"I cannot always be yours," she said.  Of course he knew.  She should have realized it sooner.
"You were never mine," Vector said, "you are you.  Yours.  You belong to no one but yourself.  And I love you.  With all your different faces and different voices.  I love seeing you beneath all the disguises and knowing who you are.  The beautiful woman you will always be."
"I, Vector?" she asked.
"I are we," he replied, "There is no difference.  We know how you feel about us, regardless.  That which you cannot quite understand about us is part of what you love." He stroked her cheek again.  Pulled locks of indigo hair free and let it cascade over her shoulders.  "Can you not imagine that we, that I, feel the same?"  He leaned forward and kissed her cheek, “That we can love you, every you?” he whispered, “And we have from nearly the first.”
She took his hand in hers, “Vector, this, this us, it won’t ever work.  Not the way you want.  I’m not human,” she said.
“Does it matter so much?” he asked.
“My people are not Human,” she objected, “and the Empire are not my people.” 
“The killiks aren't ours,” he said, regaining his hand, “We still hear their song.”
“You love the Empire in a way I cannot,” she said.
“We love you,” he said, “The beauty of the Killik song is in the individual voices.  No two voices sing the same.  Together they create something more.  Let us be a part in your song, Haraz.  The song of your universe.  For as long as you wish it.”
“Listen,” he said, “listen to our song for a little while.  And consider.  Please, consider.” He kissed her, and she heard the sound of his heart beating in the touch of his lips.
Earliest Thing for Phil:
They sent my sisters away for the afternoon so I’m sitting on the bed alone in our room. I hear their voices from the other side of the door. Arguing.
“That's your child. You wanted a son.” Mama.
“She's our child and you know I don't care.” Father.
“You never forgave me for having only daughters.” Mama again. Weeping.
“That's not true, Tess.” Father. Gentle.
“Then why do you pretend she's your son?” Mama. Pleading.
I don’t hear his sigh. It’s too quiet. “We’ll discuss it later.” Footsteps now, growing louder as he approaches my room.
Father opens the door. He fills the doorway, a tall shadow. Mama with crossed arms, frowning, behind him. "Hey, Filly," he says. I say nothing. I know he's angry. When I don't answer he continues, "Can we talk a spell?"
My gaze goes to the floor. I still don't answer. He closes the door softly and his bootheels thunk soft on the floorboards as he comes closer. The bed sags with his weight when he sits beside me. He rests strong hands on knees clothed in denim blue. He sighs. Finally he speaks. "Doc says the Washbourne boy’s like to lose an eye. Mind telling me what happened?"
I grind my teeth. "Lendy pulled my hair so I punched him." 
"That why you cut your pigtails off?" he asks.
"No!" I answer immediately. Then, "Yes." Mama was so angry about my hair. After a pause I repeat, "No." 
"All right, we'll come back to that. You punched Lendall Washbourne.” Father asks.
“He pulled my hair!” I say. I can’t keep the fury from my voice. I turn to see Father’s tired face. “I told him I would. It’s his fault for being stupid.”
He strokes my head the way he does with the horses when they get bitey. It’s soft and warm and gentle. “Filly, a punch in the eye is more than a yank on hair. You understand that?”
My hands ball up into fists like they did when I hit Lendy. Tears rise in my eyes and I blink them away. “I told him.”
Father’s other hand covers my little ones. “I believe you, Filly. And Lendall shouldn’t have pulled your hair. That was wrong.”
I look away, scowling. “No one else thinks so,” I mutter.
His hand slides from the top of my head down the side of my face to cup my chin, and he turns my head so I have to see him. “Well, it is, and you’re in the right to defend yourself.” I can’t stop the tears now. They run burning over my cheeks. Father’s face swims in water. I blink and that only makes it worse. “But the hurt you gave is worse than the hurt you got. You can see that, right, Filly?”
I don’t want to. I want to remember the shock on Lendy’s face when I hit him. The scare on all his friends. I meet Father’s eyes “Now they know better. They won’t pull my hair no more. Or do anything else.” I say.
Father takes his hand off my fists and rubs his own face. He sets his hand back down on his knee. “Filly,” he says, then waits for a minute, just staring at me. “That’s a red road. It don’t lead nowhere good and you’re awful young to start down it,” he says when he speaks again. 
There are no more tears. Not right now. “He started it.”
“And you finished it.” Father sighed. There’s another pause while he just stares at me. “I can’t find fault, Filly. Neither one of you is clean. You’ll cry pardon--”
“It’s Lendy’s fault! Will he--”
Father holds up one hand, interrupting. “Let me finish. You’ll cry pardon for your part. You mayhap crippled the boy for life. That’s no small thing.”
I pull my chin out of Father’s rough fingers to stare at the floor again. It’s not right. I’m supposed to feel bad for hitting Lendy but I only feel bad for making Father angry. “Will Lendy cry pardon for pulling my hair all those times? What about shoving Bekka in the puddle, or tearing Roth’s books, or throwing rocks at the colts in the pasture and making them run?” I look back up at Father and the tears in my eyes this time are rage. “Why is it the little hurts go unpardoned and only the big ones matter?”
His face turns sad. He strokes my chopped-off hair. “They shouldn’t be. But they often are. Mostly because the people watching didn’t have their little hurts pardoned either and don’t know any better.”
“Well that’s just stupid,” I say.
He puts his arm around me and pulls me into a hug. “People grow up but they don’t always grow smart,” he says quietly. I snuggle against his side. My tears make his shirt wet but I can’t stop them. He lets me for a while. After a bit he leans down and whispers in my ear. “And Filly, next time you punch someone, go for someplace meaty. Still hurts and you won’t risk breaking your hand.”
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kodrevas · 11 months
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I've rerolled again in BG3. This time I rolled an Ipha! The cyborg commando trooper has become a half wood elf ranger, will romance Gale (as one does), and save the world. I was tickled to put tattoos in the same place her cybernetics were. She's a cutie pie. Ooo, I could mess around the character creator and see if I can roll up a Brei'yu too. lol
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knamil · 3 years
Abisalli's Emotion challenge: Aric Jorgan ( >.> <.<) 10C in Minecraft.
Thank you! <3
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I cheated with the red, but... not sorry! \o/
SW:TOR’s Aric Jorgan drawn from this meme
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depizan · 3 years
Fictober Prompt 21 with Kyrian and companion(s) of your choice, please!
21. "This, this makes it all worth it."
Kaliyo eyed the jumble of repurposed packing crates, piles of refuse, and jury-rigged equipment dubiously. “A bunch of grubby refugees?”
“Live refugees.”
She snorted. “Like they wouldn’t sell you to a Hutt for a decent meal.”
“That’s Hutt Space,” he agreed. “As you’ve pointed out.”
They left the edges of the refugee camp behind, heading up the poorly lit corridor to where they’d left their rented speeder. Not that either of them expected to find it still there, not in that sector of Nar Shaddaa.
Of course, if they’d stuck to the mission as outlined, they would have been in and out in a fraction of the time it had taken them plant dozens of tiny charges to destroy the factory’s equipment without risking the neighboring refugee camp, and they might have returned before the speeder was stolen.
His generous expense account would appease the rental company. Kaliyo was another matter entirely. She was already irritated that he’d cost her a chance to blow up a factory. Having to walk to a portion of the sector that was actually served by taxi companies wouldn’t help.
Live refugees, Kyrian reminded himself. However Kaliyo might expect him to make the night’s inconveniences up to her, the survival of the refugee camp was worth it.
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baar-ur · 5 years
Fanfiction writer's ask. 11, 21
> 11) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it?
Nah, I’ve only posted a tiny fraction of what I’ve written. What I do post tends to be as polished and edited as possible.
> 21) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?
Astolat is incredible, for both the breadth of fandom they’ve covered and the amount of fic they’ve published. I also love SecondStarOnTheLeft - so much awesome Game of Thrones fic.
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lesabear · 8 years
kodrevas replied to your post “How would you rank the companion romances you've done?”
I did DS Jaesa romance and turned down marrying her. I found it boring and I found her a little over the top. All in all, I didn't like it.
replied to your post
“How would you rank the companion romances you've done?”
I really don't get the appeal of DS Jaesa or her romance. It makes sense in-game, I guess, since you basically destroy her life but damn is that creepy
replied to your post
“How would you rank the companion romances you've done?”
I did the DS Jaesa romance once. Really don't want. Plus, I find the whole LS/DS thing with her really stupid.
Yeah, you guys pretty much summed up why I don’t like it (or DS Jaesa in general, to be honest). It probably didn’t help that my first SW was Malicineve, who is herself really obnoxiously over-the-top DS, but I would have preferred a more calculating/manipulative DS version of Jaesa rather than what we got. She just feels very one-note and uninteresting in-game.
And I agree with you, @lainathiel - I wasn’t too impressed with how they handled the LS/DS difference, although at least LS Jaesa has some interesting thought behind her (though I really, really, could have done without the weird “we can make powerful Force-sensitive babies” conversation)
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llamaofdrama · 8 years
Music Shuffle Tag
Instructions: you can tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to. Put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people. No skipping
Thank you @reylin-stormfury for the tag hehe. Alright Spotify, don’t fail me now by giving me any embarrassing songs.
The Script - For the First Time
Conor Maynard - Crew Love
Paramore - The Only Exception
Disasterpeace - Ensis
OneRepublic - Kids
A Great Big World - Say Something
Robin Schulz - Sugar (ft. Franchesco Yates)
The Black Eyed Peas - Imma Be
Imagine Dragons - Shots (Broiler Remix)
Justin Timberlake - SexyBack
Alright that wasn't so bad hahah. I really love a lot of the songs on here :D As for tagging people, I actually have like no friends oops so I'm gonna retag @kodrevas to make sure she actually does it mwahahaha :)
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cinlat · 5 years
(apparently this is the ‘3rd’ one but whatever the previous ones are/were I couldn’t say)
tagged by @dingoat
Tag people you’d like to know better: Let’s see, I’m going to hit up some people that I don’t know as well...  @taraum @chivalin @frozenabattoir @foreverfornever @kodrevas @pineaberry
favourite colour: autumn/earth tones, especially gold (this is basically the perfect answer so I’m going to leave it) also, sunset orange.
top three ships: Fynta/Jorgan, naturally. I also have to say basically all of the ships that I share with @kunoichi-ume, because there are more than three. Rick/Evelyn from the Mummy. 
lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick every night before bed, because then I can be lazy all the next day (and it won’t melt in my car)
last song: Ummm *opens Spotify* Are You Ready - Disturbed 
last movie: The Pacific.
currently reading: Ummm *opens Libby* I’m really bad at this memory thing apparently. Oh, there it is. Instinct by Sherrilyn Kenyon.
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frauzet · 6 years
Last Sentence Meme
Post the last sentence you wrote and tag as many people as there are words.
Tagged by @shimmersing, thank you! This may be just what I needed to get back to writing. At least I found my notes :D
So far life has proven her right.
This is for the next part of Caught. I know what I want to write, I just need to get the feel for the boys back. Not an easy task after a break this long. Writing was easier when my spare time had two hours more each working day.
Tagging @kmlaney, @brightephemera, @lesabear, @gerdavonrinnlingen, @depizan, @kodrevas, @evemmons (no pressure though)
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Short Fiction Weekly Challenge
Time for a new prompt from the Short Fiction Weekly Challenge, tumblr edition.  Let it spark your imagination.  Any character, any fandom, any original world.   Reblogs welcome!
Post your story to your blog and send the link to Short Fiction Weekly Challenge!  The link will appear in our feed and the site index, and your blog gets listed on the Participating Blogs page.
This week’s SFWC prompt:
Week of May 11, 2018
Censored! [Redacted] Strikethrough! Restricted! Takedown!: When has your character encountered censorship? What was it? Something they wanted or needed but weren't allowed? Why? Something they created that was blacked out, altered, or removed? Was it a report, a discovery, a work of art or fiction? Did they agree with the censor or fight the decision?  What problems occured because of the restriction--or lack thereof?
Feel free to continue submitting stories for any prompt.  A masterpiece missed the deadline?  Don’t let it gather electronic dust.  Submit it anyway and Short Fiction Weekly Challenge will publish it.  
This week’s prompt not for you?  Look for something more to your taste in the Prompt Archive.  Consider all the prompts active and waiting to inspire you.  
This week’s featured previous prompts are:
Communication Breakdown - Trying to communicate with each other when things are going well is hard enough, but our characters have plenty of other things that can get in the way. Bad com channels, language barriers, broken holo feeds - all those can mess up a conversation. Not to mention people who just plain don't understand each other...
Mission Accomplished - Ever wonder what exactly goes down when you send your companions on those crew skill missions? How does Khem handle diplomacy missions, for example? Write about your character sending one of his or her crew members on an assignment - your character can only appear when giving the mission; focus on a companion. Suggested by @kodrevas!
Got an idea for a prompt?  Submit it here.
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kmlaney · 11 months
tag game whee!!!
I was tagged by @clevermird! Thank you! Haven’t done one of these in a while.
1) Are you named after anyone?
No. I recall my parents specifically chose my name so it had no obvious handy nicknames, but not that it was after anyone in particular.
2) When was the last time you cried?
Couple weeks ago over irl stuff that I’m not getting into.
3) Do you have kids?
I have one child. He’s 19.
4) What sports do you play/have you played?
I am terrible at most every sport. Certainly nearly everything offered at school. You know, all the standard sportsballs, tennis, track, you name it. I was on a swim team ages ago and I enjoyed that and was good at it. I’m good at archery and shooting; those are both fun. I have done equestrian stuff (trail riding, intro to show jumping and dressage) but I never had a horse so those were either rentals or classes.
5) Do you use sarcasm?
Constantly. I think it is my native language. Or dialect.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Eyeglasses. I was an optician for a long time; it’s still the first thing I notice. Then earrings/piercings/tattoos. Or funky-colored hair.
7. What's your eye colour?
Dark brown.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Depends on what I’m in the mood for. They’re also not mutually exclusive. When I get attached to a character in a scary movie I want them to get their happy ending. Aka survival. They’ve earned it. Unless it’s Samuel L, Jackson’s character in Deep Blue Sea. Best moment in the movie from a meta standpoint imo. IYKYK.
9. Any talents?
In videogames I have the unique ability to find edges to fall of, things to get stuck on, and freak ways to glitch out of the terrain. Not the fun, youtubeable ways. The annoying, have to alt-F4 and start over kind. And hope I haven’t died in the interim. Seriously, I should test games for terrain flaws. It’s a gift.
10. Where were you born?
In a hospital. Lol yeah ok recall the sarcasm question earlier? USA.
11. What are your hobbies?
Reading, writing (not so much a hobby as an obsession), drawing, TTRPGs where I get way too attached to my characters and write elaborate backstories and playlists and fics for them. I want to get back into guitar; I haven’t played in a while and the bass is calling me. 
12. Do you have any pets?
I am down to one cat and three houseplants. The cat is smaller than two of the plants.
13. How tall are you?
5'4" (if you're American, Liberian, or Burmese) or 163cm (if you're anywhere else in the world.)
14. Favourite subject in school?
History, science, choir, and this one math class that was all word problems. That one was fun.
15. Dream job?
Writer? That’s the one constant career I’ve always wanted for as long as I can remember. If not that then a paleontologist specializing in dinosaurs, which is probably way less awesome than I think it is. Oceanographer and geologist were in the running too. 
Dream job would be one where I get to do the parts of that job that I really enjoy and none of the parts that I don’t.
tagging uhh... @depizan, @serialephemera, @kodrevas, @knamil (I think you got double-tagged, sorry!), and anyone else who wants to play! No obligation to participate whether I tagged you or not.
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kodrevas · 6 years
#5 for jorganxipha :D
5. hands on the other person’s back, fingertips pressing under their top, drawing gentle circles against that small strip of bare skin that make them break the kiss with a gasp
Jorgan realized she was having another nightmare before she did. She moaned in her sleep, jerked an arm across his body as though pushing something away. Or protecting herself from it. He came awake all at once, on high alert, and shook her gently. She made a noise but didn’t wake. He rubbed her arm, not vigorously, but enough to let her know he was there and it was time to come out of it. He said her name and her eyes popped open.
Her first breath was shaky. Ipha covered her eyes with her hand and concentrated on steadying it. “I’m okay,” she said immediately. “I’m fine.”
The nightmares were no longer getting worse. But they weren’t getting better either. Sleep only came because she and Jorgan had a silent agreement that they would share her bed. The presence of someone beside her coaxed her into sleep, and mostly held off the dreams. Or was it his presence specifically? She had tried not to think too hard about it.
“I need to get up,” she mumbled as tendrils of the terror clung to her. “I need to move.”
Rather than wait for him to move out of the bunk first, she swung a leg over him, for a moment straddling his midsection in a pretense of intimacy that was cloudy between them. Her other foot sought the floor and once grounded, she moved unsteadily to the door.
The Blue Bukk was quiet, no life but for the humming of its systems. Was everyone gone? No, not everyone. Yuun slept noiselessly in another bunk. The rest of the crew away on assignment. The door slid closed and then open again as Jorgan followed her into the low light of the common.
He was silent for a moment as she slowed her pacing. “That seemed like a rough one,” he said as she came to a standstill, her back to him.
She couldn’t even begin to explain the cacophony of images, that feeling of not having any control, no connection to your own body. He’d never asked her to. Seeing her in that tank, floating weightless and blind, it had scared him. Whatever she had gone through in there was a terror he could never fathom. And because of that, he had no idea how to help her.
“I’m alright,” she said after a long moment. But she didn’t elaborate.
Jorgan hated this. These heavy moments where the chasm between them was so large and unbreachable but he could still see her light. He hated these halfhearted back pats and the murmured cajoling to try and find sleep again. He hated this not knowing where they stood, and the fear that if he stepped too far over the line he would ruin her.
He was a soldier, damn it, and soldiers met problems head-on. They shouldered through them, roughed them up, and either it came out fine or it all went to hell but something happened, something moved. This wasn’t a problem that being a soldier could fix.
He wasn’t entirely sure how to simply be a man about it though.
“Sometimes…” he started, but his voice broke at the end of the word and he fell silent again. He watched her head bow forward. “We need a better solution.”
Her head snapped up then. “We?” She turned toward him now. She didn’t seem to understand what that meant.
Kriff. This. The only way to go was forward and the only way he knew how was to plow into it. “You and I, we are partners more often than not. On the field, and here, after all… that. And as your partner, I’m supposed to be watching your back. I’m watching your back alright. And everything else too.” His gaze dropped. “It’s unprofessional.”
She still looked confused. “I guess I would be offended if you weren’t occasionally trying to sneak a peek.”
“I’d like to do more than just peek,” he muttered and immediately winced. She deserved better than that. “Look, I don’t know if this thing between us is going anywhere. You’re a remarkable woman, but I’m still your CO. If I ever cross a line, go too far,” his wince was internal this time. He realized too late he was giving her an out. Letting her choose to keep things status quo. Not what he wanted, but it was too late now. He sighed. “You let me know.”
She stared at him, her confusion melting into something else, something he couldn’t quite read. It was determined, and a little defiant. She walked to him, back straight, chin up, no longer trembling. “If you’ve got something to say, then say it,” she said. A light glinted in her eye.
It was now. It had to be. Because if it wasn’t, then it would never again have the chance to be. He squared his own shoulders and looked down at her. She just might punch him. “Fine.” The word didn’t come out as clipped as he thought it would.
He reached for her and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her into him. Her hands came up to his chest to steady herself, but he was holding her tight. The kiss was fast, hot, and uncomplicated. He let her go just as quickly and stepped back, giving her space.
“Well,” he said into the surprised silence. “I think I’ve said my piece.”
She jerked her chin. “I haven’t said mine.”
He thought it would be a verbal slash, but she grabbed him by the front of his shirt and yanked him the step to her. It was his turn to be off balance. But he was ready when she pressed her mouth to his, kissed him like he was her air.
His hands went around the small of her back, his fingertips brushed bare skin. Under her shirt, they traced gentle circles, in contrast to the sheer power she kissed him with. She shuddered against him, then broke the kiss with an audible gasp. But he held her body against him still, unwilling to give up any of the ground they had just crossed.
He looked down into her green eyes and again appreciated the depth of color. “Whew. For the record, you kiss like most people punch.”
“I would think you of all people would appreciate that,” she stammered. The defiance was gone, replaced with sudden uncertainty.
“Oh, I do. Trust me. I’ll take that punch anytime.” He lifted a finger to point to his lips. “Right here. Anytime.”
She laughed suddenly and the tension in the room fled like nervous thrantas. He found himself smiling. The sound was wonderful.
Ipha cleared her throat as she let go of his shirtfront. “So… where do we go from here?”
“Forward,” he answered immediately. “Together.”
“Right. Okay.” Her face sobered.
“No,” he said, putting a finger under her chin. “Keep smiling. This is a good thing.”
“It is,” she started, but he kissed away the rest of her words. Logistics later, he thought. Her, now.
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knamil · 5 years
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OC + Emoji challenge from my twitch stream:
Ipha Kodrevas from SWTOR for @kodrevas
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depizan · 8 years
WIP meme words: figure(s), beholden, trust
“Trust me,” Savler had said.
From the part of the fic I have published, we do get this as well:
Mako glanced at the comm, and the small impatient figure of Jezari.
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bunnyiscthulhu · 7 years
RULES: answer 30 questions and tag 10 blogs you are contractually obligated to know
Nicknames: Bunny, Babbit, Narma, Satan Blood type: I don’t remember. Probably AB something. Height: 5'8 Time:  20:06 Fave Bending Element: Water Birthday:  Jan 22nd How many bees can you fit in you mouth:  I have no idea and I don’t want to find out. Music:  I have been listening to so much vaporwave shit lately, I am music trash. Otherwise I haven’t been listening to any specific artist, mostly just whatever awesome stuff I find on youtube. I’m really loving Unlike Pluto’s Let It Bleed right now. In what year did you get your driver’s license: Uuuuuh... 2006? Yeah. I passed my test on December 9th 2006. I have no idea why I remember the date. How many steak knives do you own: I don’t know? I generally try to avoid knowing what sharp knives we have. What’s your favourite movie genre: bollywood historical romances right now. Why did you create your blog?: Originally to show off my Hawke. On a scale of one to seventeen, how much do you love star wars?: 2, I’m not big into sci-fi and it only gets a 2 because of all the fond memories and friends I made through swtor. Last thing you googled?: Ancient Egyptian jewellery box Other blogs?: One for my old maine coon photos and a personal one I haven’t updated in ages. AO3: I don’t remember if I have one, I probably do I just haven’t used it in years. Do you get asks?: If I ever get any tumblr has eaten them all, I never get asks unless they’re spam or to say thanks lol. How did you get the idea for your URL?: A friend said there was never a cuter nickname for an animal than babbit, it was bouncing around in my head and while threatening to beat up a friend with tentacles Bunnyiscthulhu just formed. I follow: 195 blogs. Followers: 359 blogs, pretty sure they’re mostly pornbots. Fave star wars species: A tie between Purebloods and Chiss. Most complicated word you can spell without having to look it up: Coelacanth. Swords or Guns: Swords are pretty cool. What are you wearing?: Pj bottoms, socks, slippers, baggy top and jumper. Fave cuddly toy: A pink bunny my dad bought for me (after much begging) on the ferry on my first trip to France. I think I was 12 or 13? How are you doing today?: Tired and feeling vague. What colour should Sabine’s hair be in the final season of Rebels?: I almost never watch tv, let alone star wars stuff. Who is Sabine. Tea or coffee or other: Neither, I don’t drink anything but water. Are you always cold or always hot?: Always hot, I hate it. Tagging... uuuh... @edensirises @theangrybee @asceticcyan @bunniesandbeheadings @kodrevas @quarian-pathfinder @caekpan @sneakymedulla @roguescarlett
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cinlat · 6 years
The rules are as follows. Go to page 7 (paragraph 7, if not that long) of your WIP then go to the 7th line, share 7 lines and tag 7 more writers to continue the challenge.
Tagged by: @kunoichi-ume (I love this meme!)
This is from Chapter 20 of Heart on a Trigger.
“Then, we continue negotiations?” Lana asked, tapping out the minutes on her datapad. “We’ll see what the new Mand’alor wants in return for our services, then postpone the meeting until Fynta is mended.”
A chorus of acceptance traveled around the table. Only then, did Koth see fit to add his voice. “Adding an army of Mandalorians to the Alliance is going to increase our standing on Arcann’s Pain-in-the-ass-o-meter.”
Zolah chuckled, but Theron caught Lana’s expression. The Sith pursed her lips, eyes narrowed at the datapad in her hands. “The hard part will be assuring that they don’t run amok,” she added, looking up to catch Theron’s eye. “An entire army of Fynta’s to rein in.”
Tagging: @tishinada @rainofaugustsith @kodrevas
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