lesabear · 6 years
1-4 Malicineve
The answers for 1-3 all go together.
1. Would they be recruitable?
2. Would they be a class specific character? (ie. Imperial Agent only. Republic character only)
3. When would you recruit them? Vanilla story? an Expac? Post KOTET?
Yes, she would be recruitable during KOTFE - leaning toward her being a chapter-type recruitment. She would not be recruitable by Sith (she’s finally made her big break from them/the Empire and refuses to allow them to use her any more) or by Jedi (I suspect most Jedi would be okay with this). She might be recruitable by DS Jedi, though.
She’d also have some similar choice-based requirements like Ayrs but would basically have the reverse expectations with those - i.e. she’d be angry if you chose to spare Zakuulan citizens/avoided being harsh against your enemies. Unlike Veresia (harsh but with longer-term strategizing) she’s full scorched-earth by the time of KOTFE
4. Where would you recruit them from?
KOTFE - after the Kaliyo chapter at the earliest since she’d have a reaction to your decision with the bombs. The basic gist of it would be that she’s gone fully rogue after the war, ransacking everything in her path once she realizes Valkorion is Vitiate, with her ultimate goal being to kill him herself (note: possible complications if/when she realizes he’s possessing you!).
She either joins you (requiring persuasion if she finds out about Valkorion), refuses and storms off to continue her thing or maybe you’re forced to fight/kill her depending on everything (i.e. she’d react badly to a Jedi or Sith compared to others).
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fancyfade · 7 years
iamnotspartacus25 replied to your post :                    after SW meets Pierce after his guys have gotten...                
   If I remember right, hasn’t Pierce already mouthed off about the moff and others already? I know Quinn dislikes him for that   
could be? i took a 3 month break in the middle of this planet plot so i cna’t remember the beginning in much detail :P
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iamnotspartacus25 replied to your post: iamnotspartacus25 replied to your photoset: ...
I mean she’s right though. The alien races (at least the Council ones) regularly act in their own interests and screw over other races (Krogans and humans are key examples).
I guess, I just think that the relations will only improve if they trust their allies more rather than shutting themselves off. Self-protection can only go so far when there are major issues (like Saren) threatening the universe 
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lesabear · 7 years
🔥 on bioware. Feel free to have more than one unpopular opinion too
People act like Bioware’s only recently started having issues (usually they point to SWTOR or Andromeda. Maybe Inquisition) but the inconsistent writing, haphazard/poor planning and other quality issues date back a lot further. Even Mass Effect 2 (which is a great game on its own) created massive issues for ME3/the overall narrative of the trilogy and that’s widely considered one of Bioware’s finest games.
I’ve mentioned this before but Bioware’s more of an equal opportunity panderer than it is a progressive institution (as a whole - there are definitely people who are progressive as individuals) or a company that sells-out to dudebros. Unsurprisingly, they try to pander to as many people as possible to sell more games.
The “Anything good = Bioware, anything bad = EA” attitude some people have is naive and extremely annoying. Bioware’s not some innocent victim full of people who care about nothing but doing whatever the fans like, suffering under the control of the always-wrong, always-evil Electronic Arts. It’s also a company trying to make money - it doesn’t need some of the over-the-top defending it gets from some quarters.
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lesabear · 7 years
☃ OC acquires a temperamental Astromech - Malicineve
“What did you bring me, Vette?” I glanced up from the video of the day’s executions that I had been watching on repeat.
The Twi’lek glanced at the monitor for a moment, as if I would not notice, then broke into her usual tone of faux-affability. “Well, with 2V-R8 damaged again we needed some help maintaining the ship. Captain Protocol won’t do it, so I decided to take care of the problem myself.”
I felt a rush of blood to my head as my mind raced through the worst possibilities. “Please tell me you did not attempt the repairs yourself.”
“Oh no.” Vette’s eyes widened with a delightful dose of fear. “I bought us an astromech droid to help. His designation is 2L8-M8” Her nervousness remained as I glared at her. “It was cheap. Secondhand, perfect for our budget.”
“Of course.” I was getting bored with this distraction. “Why did you bring it here, then?” I arched an eyebrow before revealing just the slightest hint of a predatory smile. Vette shuddered.
“It insisted on meeting its true master before beginning work.”
“Oh?” I smiled at the thought of the droid putting Vette in her place. “I suppose I should be pleased it recognized your status on this ship.”
The droid rolled into view, beeping something in that incomprehensible language of machines that would do better to simply work and not be heard.
“What did it say?”
“Yes, that is your - our - master.” Vette continued to ignore me, aiming her comments at the droid. “You should get to work, she doesn’t want to talk to you.”
The astromech beeped again, more harshly this time.
“What did it say this time, Vette?” I was beginning to be annoyed by both her and her new toy.
“Nothing - nothing,” she said hurriedly as she tried to usher the droid out of the room. “It’s not important.”
The mechanical shuffling of 2V-R8 cut her off. Though its chassis was still laid bare from my lightsaber, it seemed to be functioning. And though I knew better, the droid almost sounded irritated at the presence of a new machine.
“Actually, Mistress Malicineve, I believe my counterpart was making derogatory remarks about the vid you were watching.”
“Does it disapprove of my choice of entertainment?” I reached for my lightsaber - it was time to teach another droid a harsh lesson.
The astromech beeped.
“Oh, how dreadful. Quite the contrary, Mistress.” The protocol droid shuffled on its feet before continuing. “2L8 merely disapproves with how relatively painless the majority of the executions are and wonders why there are not more vivisections and drawing and quartering..”
Now that was surprising….and welcome.
“Vette, you go make the repairs. Leave the droid here with me. I could use some intelligent company.”
It would be nice to have a friend.
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lesabear · 7 years
iamnotspartacus25 replied to your post: Amuri - ❤ OC’s first time working with a...
But that Amuri/Tormen bromance!
I'm not sure bromance is quite the right word for it. But i suppose shooting someone in the face might qualify as a bromance for a Mandalorian in some cases.
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lesabear · 7 years
14, 19 for swtor
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
19.  What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
It’s kind of cheating with the second question since it’s not *one* thing but my answers go together
Basically - the SWTOR fandom (at least here on tumblr) is depressingly limited. Only a handful of characters (and relationships - romantic or otherwise) get any meaningful attention - of which only one (Lana) is female. If you’re a fan of the vast majority of companions (even romanceable ones if they’re female but not Lana or male if they’re the “wrong” ones), you’re going to have to create your own content or be content with the equivalent of table scraps. Also how worldbuilding basically only exists for the Sith/Empire, for example.
Basically it feels like there’s only a very small set of things that the fandom really cares about/wants to focus on which it is fanatical about and everything else is basically left to the wayside. It’s similar to other fandoms but given the relatively small size of the SWTOR fandom, the lack of content for so many aspects of the game/universe is even more glaring if you’re following a tag that never gets updates.
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lesabear · 7 years
14 for all your characters
14. If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be?
I’ll stick to my significant OCs and maybe not 2 for each…
For Ayrs - first is that while he’s typically good-humored and a nice guy that he has very firm lines that cannot be crossed without consequences (especially if you threaten or harm people he cares about) and second would be that while he certainly likes his share of snarkiness/sarcasm he’s also a military brat with a certain innate respect for the military and its protocols (within certain limits)
For Veresia - the one overarching aspect of her as a character is the self-delusion she practices regarding what she’s doing and whether she’s good or right for doing it. It’s a careful balance because she’s objectively wrong but I don’t think it makes for a good story if she’s completely and totally wrong and does horrible things in spite of that.
For Amitia - she’s the true hero of my fic!verse - she enjoys doing heroic things and likes being a hero and wants to be the example for others to follow. Sometimes my own cynicism (or the cynicism of my other stories/character seeps in), so I have to be careful to avoid turning her into a more generic angsty hero. Not that she isn’t affected by what goes on, but she doesn’t let it stop her.
For Malicineve - Initially she was pretty much 100% monster and any humor from her story was grim humor based on her killing or harming people. But Malicineve 2.0 is a bit different and is more of a reflection on what the Sith/Imperial system would do to someone not meant for that kind of “Training”.
For Amurri - It can be hard to write her because her in-character voice is very laconic and to-the-point. She doesn’t describe things with unnecessary details, she doesn’t talk much, she’s not a joker, etc. So I have to rein myself in sometimes to keep her in-character. But she also cares a lot about Mako and Torian so I have to be sure she doesn’t come across as a robot, either.
Vharmir - I have to do extra work to differentiate him from Amurri sometimes. She’s businesslike and not very social but there’s still a warmth to her, both positively and negatively (toward her enemies!). Vharmir doesn’t really have that hidden side - he’s not a sociopath, per se, but he’s been even more consumed by his desire for revenge than she has, and it affects everything from high -level motivations to his interactions with other characters.
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lesabear · 7 years
🔥 - Star Wars
I don’t know how unpopular this is, but I absolutely hated the way The Force Awakens implicitly undermines the victories and losses of the heroes in the original trilogy by reverting the galaxy back to something similar to A New Hope, only with the New Republic sitting around doing nothing. Doubly so for the way Luke’s Jedi were destroyed when it could have been an interesting opportunity to build a new/better-conceived Jedi Order.
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lesabear · 7 years
So have you played through Iokath? If so, your thoughts - better than you hoped?
With the disclaimer that I haven’t done a proper Elara reunion with a romanced trooper…
I’m stunned at how bad it is - the story is very short, boring and uninspired. It does nothing to justify the sudden shift back to a boring Republic versus Empire battle, it basically shits all over any potential Acina and Malcom had as characters, does absolutely nothing with Elara or Quinn unless you’re playing their respective classes*** and is basically nothing but limited and poorly-written buildup to the real plot/main story. Oh, and the scenery on Iokath is drab and boring as hell.
I’m genuinely baffled at how bad this update is. It’s like they looked at the fact some people are unhappy with patch 7.2 in WoW and said “hold my beer”.
*** Seriously, they get all of a handful of lines if you aren’t a trooper or sith warrior and play no meaningful role in the story before disappearing (hopefully leaving to find a better story to be a part of). Advertising them as a major/significant part of the update was a load of bullshit - they could have been completely removed from the story and you would never have known the difference.
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lesabear · 7 years
21 and 63 for any charaters
21 .Would they continue their legacy by having children? Adopt? Get an apprentice?
Olympia and Ayrs are a definite yes w/regards to children - either their own or adopting. Veresia is a qualified yes - if it was safe, if the father was someone she could trust, etc. Most of my other characters would either be a flat no (Amurri, Malicineve, Vharmir) or a “meh, maybe”.
In terms of apprentices….
Olympia and Amitia would both be very happy to “continue their legacy” through an apprentice - with Olympia favoring the more orthodox approach to being a Jedi and Amitia preferring her apprentice be more “open-minded” about following every rule.
Vharmir would probably be open to having an understudy at the SIS but I’d have to think about it. Teela would see any “apprentice smuggler” as competition so she’d be a no. Malicineve…well let’s just agree that wouldn’t be a good idea. Veresia wouldn’t trust a Sith apprentice and wouldn’t have a Jedi one.
Amurri sorta has one with Mako but I don’t think she wants Mako to either (1) get too hardened by the bounty hunter life or (2) really/truly take on Amurri’s “legacy” which is a lot more complicated and ugly than simply being a bounty hunter.
63. Did they see Valkorion’s plan coming? 
Kind of a boring answer, but yes. The only real differences would be
To what extent they figured it out (i.e. did they know exactly what he had planned or just vaguely that he would betray them)
When they figured it out
How annoyed they were that they couldn’t stop it
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lesabear · 7 years
Var Suthra
I have killed people for less.
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
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lesabear · 8 years
I figure other people will ask about Ayrs and Elara so how about multiples of 5 for Olympia and Felix
Well you’re more right about that than you realize…
5. Who usually has nightmares?
Felix, for sure. He has the trauma of Imperial captivity and (of course) having all of that Sith knowledge implanted into his brain during said captivity. Olympia helps as best she can with both healing and offering exercises and other techniques to help, but she can only do so much.
10. Who likes sweet/ Who likes sour?
Olympia is the one that introduced Amitia to chocolate crème eggs and remains addicted to them (and other sweets). I imagine Felix would be more open to sour foods, but I feel like he’d be pretty open minded about what he ate as long as it was tasty.
15. Who is scared of the dark?
Of the actual dark? Neither one. But if I am allowed to cheat and use metaphorical darkness, then definitely Olympia. She knows that she does as good a job of controlling her impulses and actions as she can, but she worries about the others around her, especially Nadia given her padawan’s age (and Olympia’s inexperience as a teacher).
20. Who is dominant/ Who is submissive?
Uh…they’re both pretty mild-mannered so I can’t really say. I could see Olympia maybe being  a bit more dominant as she rises in the ranks and becomes a bit more assertive.
25. Who wears the other ones clothes?
Most of Olympia’s clothes -  bought directly from the Cartel Market - are strictly off limits. Felix felt like being a bit crazy once and tried on Olympia’s Jedi robes. He was sure she didn’t noticed. She did. 
30. Who likes long walks on the beach?
Probably Felix more than Olympia, but both would enjoy them. Felix strikes me as being more of the outdoorsy, “Let’s go out and do something romantic”, while Olympia’s more of a homebody that does enjoy those sorts of things just not quite as much.
35. Who goes overboard on the holidays?
Olympia - she grew up as a civilian so she’s used to splurging on the holidays and going overboard in general. She probably never quite grew out of those bad/happy habits even after joining the Order. I imagine Felix would go for the more subtle approach.
40. Who is the fun parent/ Who is the responsible parent?
They’re both responsible parents! Felix would be the one slightly more likely to sneak a candy or new toy to a kid, though. Olympia would shake her head disapprovingly but not do anything.
45. Who is more likely to get drunk?
Olympia doesn’t drink so….Felix. Although he’s not really a drinker either, so that isn’t saying a whole lot.
50. Who is the hopeless romantic?
Felix, from day one. That’s part of why I, err she fell in love with him. Olympia is a romantic, but more grounded about it.
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lesabear · 8 years
Dragon Age
How I entered/learned about the said game/show/movie/etc of that fandom: As mentioned in other replies, I’ve been a Bioware fan for a long long time, so it was pretty natural for me to play Dragon Age. I haven’t read the books, though.
Fave character: @motheatenscarf​ brought up Flemeth, who I normally don’t think of but actually really do enjoy (we’ll see what happens with her though…). Characters that I could throw up as favorites - Alistair, Morrigan, Isabela, Josephine, Dorian. There’s a bunch that I really like but wouldn’t really consider among my favorites, as well (particularly from DA2)
Least fave character: Corypheus - awful villain, awful set up for him (DLC that not everyone bought). I’m not a fan of Cullen, either, in large part because his redemption in DA:I never felt properly earned or justified.
OTP(s): Alistair/Warden, Isabela/Hawke, Josephine/Inquisitor would be my top 3. Alistair and my wardens rarely have happy endings, so Josie is my “make up” sweet/warm romance. Despite being 100% Isabela trash, she’s also part of one of two major Dragon Age rare pairs (Isabela/Bethany, Fenris/Bethany)
Pairing that everyone likes but I don’t get: Cullen/mages, especially if it’s something like Cullen/Bethany (yikes). I also hate Fenris/Anders and Morrigan/Alistair - some people don’t seem to understand that people sometimes genuinely don’t like each other and that that dislike isn’t sexual tension.
Fave thing about the fandom: Lots of great art and writing and there’s a lot of content in general so you can usually find people to share your particular likes with.
The most despised thing: Oh god. Where to begin? The discourse ™, the shipping wars, the character hate directed generally at less-popular characters, etc. In general, it’s a pretty messy place to be until you find your safe havens and honestly even then it can be really really unpleasant if you’re on the wrong side of a debate/opinion.
If there is something I would change from said game/show/movie/etc., what would it be.: The series’ writing can be all over the place. It’s also frustrating that important background material (like on Orlais) for the games is found in books. DA:I cleaned up a lot of loose plot points (not to my liking, though!) so I’ll be looking to see how DA4 looks.
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lesabear · 8 years
kodrevas replied to your post “How would you rank the companion romances you've done?”
I did DS Jaesa romance and turned down marrying her. I found it boring and I found her a little over the top. All in all, I didn't like it.
replied to your post
“How would you rank the companion romances you've done?”
I really don't get the appeal of DS Jaesa or her romance. It makes sense in-game, I guess, since you basically destroy her life but damn is that creepy
replied to your post
“How would you rank the companion romances you've done?”
I did the DS Jaesa romance once. Really don't want. Plus, I find the whole LS/DS thing with her really stupid.
Yeah, you guys pretty much summed up why I don’t like it (or DS Jaesa in general, to be honest). It probably didn’t help that my first SW was Malicineve, who is herself really obnoxiously over-the-top DS, but I would have preferred a more calculating/manipulative DS version of Jaesa rather than what we got. She just feels very one-note and uninteresting in-game.
And I agree with you, @lainathiel - I wasn’t too impressed with how they handled the LS/DS difference, although at least LS Jaesa has some interesting thought behind her (though I really, really, could have done without the weird “we can make powerful Force-sensitive babies” conversation)
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lesabear · 8 years
Have you seen the data mining for 5.2? What did you think?
We’re heading out to visit the in-laws, so I don’t have time to fully respond but this has been sitting around and I didn’t want to leave you hanging until I have more time. No real spoilers for 5.2 in this post, though I vaguely reference stuff in the datamining.
I have seen the datamining and the mixed feelings I had before are pretty much still there, just about different things.
I’m generally happy with how they wrote Elara - I was actually pleasantly surprised with how in-character she seems for the vast majority of it, though I wish they had changed a bit w/regards to the superweapon (I’ll go into that in a more detailed post with spoilers). The datamining was missing the Republic cutscenes (well some of them, I think), so hopefully there’ll be some more. Quinn seemed fine, and most of the interactions up to a certain point seemed good with Theron/Lana/Acina/Malcom.
The superweapon story is a mess, though, and ruins a couple of characters for me, at least if you pick the “wrong” faction. The faction-based story has me concerned as well, since they could have made is more interesting had your choices/”governing style” mattered more - i.e. Elara should be supportive of a peacekeeper in general, but since they were determined to have a Republic v. Empire story, well if you don’t choose the Republic too bad. That’s sort of silly and it’s disappointing. It also pushes a couple of other characters in directions I don’t particularly like or agree with.
Some of the dialogue also seemed to show they’re winging things a bit, like how would a trooper and Elara not be able to reconnect before this? At least with Jorgan’s chapter in KOTFE they made it sound like she was out of the REpublic all together, so a lack of resources/maybe stopping to help refugees or others would have explained it. Not that I’m surprised - I’d always assumed they were just stretching out returns as long as possible.
Anyway, there’s some good stuff, some eh stuff and some “why?” stuff. I’m still processing it a bit.
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