#kobo reset
zippers · 2 years
me before my camping trip, downloading biographies and memiors of fascinating people from the library: i'm going to read these REAL books!
me on my camping trip, only getting extremely spotty signal from Mexico but it's enough to download epubs off ao3: remember drarry? remember drarry? remember drarry? remember drarry?
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nommedtail · 1 year
lmao the ereader i bought wont sign in to my account so it's just a paperweight rn
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anexperimentallife · 3 months
I love Kobo so much. Using the app because my reader finally gave up the ghost, and have to wait to get a new one until we do a mandatory trip to Malaysia in 2025 to reset our visas, because the Philippines has ridiculous tarrifs on electronics.
No, really--what we'd save on a new eReader, replacement phones, and maybe a cheap replacement laptop for @thesurestthing will MORE than pay for the trip.
(I mean, it'll have to go on credit cards, obviously, but Zoey's laptop is literally like, twelve years old, we only replace our phones when they start dying--which I'm sure they will be by then--flying out of the country every three years is MANDATORY for visa purposes, and a new eReader is the only actual luxury purchase I'm planning when we go.)
Yeah, I know Kindle and Note have more selections, but I like Kobo's business model.
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amemoryofwot · 6 months
Kobo/Overdrive friends - I read TSR last night just fine now this morning it’s kicked it to “preview” and I still have 10 days left on my library hold so it didn’t expire. I tried to check out and sync a new book hoping it would all click together but it’s not loading the new book now either. I’ve tried resetting and re logging in, any other ideas?
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coffeewithcalypso · 2 years
My Kindle is currently completely unresponsive. Which sucks because the internet seems to believe that usually means it's a total internal failure.
Weirdly I'm not reading a physical book right now (had a lot of library ebooks I was trying to knock out). So what am I supposed to do before bed right now??? Just turn off the lights and go to sleep??? Is that what normal people do???
Big expenses in December suck. Plus I've already decided I'm not getting another Kindle and I hate change. And I'm very work stressed right now so not in a good place for change. But Kobo makes an ereader of fully recycled plastic. So that's cool. Even if a bunch of my hoarded ebooks won't work on it because they're all fucking mobi files.
I'm going to wait for the battery to die down though that may take ages if I'm not using it (because I literally can't) and see if that just resets it and hope the screen isn't totally burnt out.
Excuse me while I go reserve the physical book of the ebook I was reading from the library
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j-graysonlibrary · 7 months
Heartbeats; Paradise XV
Title: Heartbeats; Paradise
Author: Jay Grayson
Word Count: 112K
Genres: Psychological thriller, drama, sci-fi, LGBT+
Available on: Kobo and my website
Synopsis: Melvin Hardy and Kade Axel appear to be a match made in heaven. After a meet-cute in the rain, the two quickly find themselves in a burgeoning, wholesome relationship.
Yet, things feel…off. It isn’t the ghosts of their pasts that resurface to test the strength of their partnership—no—it’s something nebulous. Something indescribable. Melvin can’t put his finger on it but, the more time he spends with Kade, the more he starts to wonder what’s real and what’s pure fiction. 
It’s been days—even a week maybe—of constant killing and, while there have certainly been changes, we are still trapped. I’ve seen the same people be shot and hacked up on a daily basis but there is no exit in sight. Though the world no longer looks quite the same anymore.
On our daily trek, we pass by the same buildings as always but over half of them are drastically changed.
Where a brick and mortar shop stood before, there are now bright, luminescent grids and they flicker and glitch as we walk by. It’s especially jarring next to a lifelike building that we can enter and walk about like normal.
Kendra says the program is in its final throes but she’s also been saying that for the past three days. It’s definitely struggling to keep up with the amount of murder happening to its extra characters but it’s still holding together. A couple of times a day, every day, I see Kendra open up a panel in thin air and try to mess with the code to get us out.
But it’s never enough.
I’ve almost become jaded to the sight of people being chopped to pieces and children being executed with a bullet between the eyes but I still haven’t pulled the trigger myself. I’m sure everyone has noticed by now but no one has confronted me about it.
I have a feeling Oz has warned all of them not to.
Occasionally, he looks back at me and gives me a remorseful nod and I know he’s only doing so much extra work so I don’t have to. I really do appreciate it and it makes me feel all the worse that I’ve started to distance myself from him.
Each night I’ve had dreams of my old life and more details are filled into my memory. Some of them have been quite intimate and I chalk those up to the fact I haven’t been able to have sex with Oz since this mission began. My mind is making up for it with these dreams.
Images of my old life with Gavin are often what’s on my mind and I think less and less about who is around me and our desired futures. It’s as if there’s no room to imagine what might come after this as well as room to reminisce about my past.
I just can’t shake how much I miss my husband and son and all of our friends. I miss my old life—even more now that I know I won’t be able to return to it.
Sleeping next to Oz at night just doesn’t feel the same.
“How about now?” I hear Starla ask after she and her brother massacre the patrons of a small book store. She’s got some backsplash on her as well but it’s nowhere near as bad as Kade.
The siblings look over, expectantly, to Kendra. She pops open a panel in front of her face and fusses with it for a moment. Her brow furrows and I can already tell there’s bad news coming.
“Shit,” she curses and closes the screen. “Still not enough. I swear, it’s like we make progress but it resets overnight.”
“Then we don’t sleep and just keep at it,” Kade suggests as if that’s a real, viable solution.
“I need my beauty rest, Kaddie,” Nate responds, sounding more and more off kilter. I’ve noticed some of the repeating dialogue but, honestly, that’s not what’s most off putting to me. It’s his delivery. As if he’s not holding a gun in his hands, as if he’s not shooting down his fellow man.
“We do need some sleep,” Kendra agrees but I don’t miss her cutting her eyes at Nate.
“We just need to do more damage then,” Oz counters. He doesn’t look back at me but I feel the implication in his words.
I need to get over myself and start helping.
He won’t say that, of course, but he means it.
“Anyone want to hear my suggestion?” Starla asks as she holsters her gun. We all turn toward her, giving her silent permission to continue. “I found an interesting book while we were in the shop.”
“A book?” Kendra raises an eyebrow.
She pulls out a small manual from the back of her pants where, I guess, she tucked it into her waistband. It’s a simple looking book and I walk closer to see that it’s titled: Home Made Explosives.
“That was just in there?” Oz asks what’s on my mind.
Starla shrugs. “I thought we might be able to use it. On the buildings that stubbornly hang on, we could plant explosives and take them out. That should destabilize things a lot, right?”
We all glance to Kendra for an answer. She rubs her lips in thought and pauses for a little longer than any of us are comfortable with.
“Well?” Kade urges.
“I’m not sure,” she replies with a little frustration clear in her voice, “In theory, yeah, it’ll be effective but there’s a lot to consider. Like if we’ll have the materials to make the bombs, if we’ll even make them correctly, and then if it actually will be enough.”
“It’s better than just doing the same thing every day, right?” Oz sounds like he’s already on board.
“I don’t know,” I say and step closer to Kendra, “What if we make them wrong and we kill ourselves in the process?”
“We’ll come back, duh,” Kade retorts.
“…That’s not really my point.”
He seems completely unfazed by the possibility of being blown to bits. Sure we might reanimate but does he think it won’t hurt as well? I know for a fact that the pain is still very real even if the wound isn’t.
I’d very much like to not be blown up.
“Kendra,” Starla continues, “To your first point, can’t you import assets into the world? You did so a few times with some of the stuff in the rec center, right?”
“Yeah but…it’s all stuff that was already uploaded to the hub. I’m not sure Anika fixed this place up with C4, you know?” Kendra dryly laughs.
“There are ways to make bombs with household objects though,” Starla presses as she flips open the book. “See? I bet all of this stuff is in a grocery store.”
Kendra leans over to read and I worry that I’ll be, again, the only one not on board. Her eyes glide over the page and she starts to nod.
Damn it.
“This could work…”
“Really?” I can’t hold it back. “Can you be sure we won’t be caught up in the blast?”
“If we can detonate them remotely then we can move to a safe distance first,” Kendra states as if she’s now some explosives expert after reading a single page in a single book.
I can’t believe I’m the only one against this. I fold my arms across my chest as they discuss where we need to go to get all the materials.
The group breaks up to go gather supplies and I stay put, not having been given an assignment and also not wanting to go anywhere. I suspect I’ll be left alone but Oz stays behind while everyone else leaves.
I glance up at him as he approaches me. A look of concern is prominent but I see some other emotions laced within. The worrier in me suspects one might be frustration at my stubbornness.
“I know it’s probably our best chance, I just don’t like the risk,” I say before he can reprimand me.
He sighs and places his hands on my shoulders. As he comes even closer, I find myself holding my breath—up until the point where he rests our foreheads together.
“It is very dangerous,” Oz whispers and begins to rub my shoulders, softly massaging. “I completely understand why you’re not into the idea. Truly.”
“But it’s the only way?” I meet his eyes and find some exasperation in the deep brown irises. 
“It might be. I can’t say for sure. None of us really knows what we’re doing right now. No one has all the answers…” He rubs our heads together, nuzzling against me. Our noses brush together. “I’ve been trying so hard these past few days. Every night…I try to remember.”
“…Remember?” I repeat, puzzled.
He lets out a breathy laugh but he doesn’t seem all too amused. In fact, that exasperation and frustration I noticed from before is back in force. “I…I want to remember like you do. I want to remember being with you in our past life but no matter how hard I try, I get nothing.” He sighs. “I’m sorry.”
My heart aches and I feel terrible for both of us. I couldn’t have guessed he was straining himself so hard to try to remember his past. It has to be especially troubling with how easy it is for me. I don’t try at all—it just happens.
But as much as I’m touched by Oswald’s dedication to this, I can’t keep my feelings inside any longer. They’ve been growing and mutating lately and now, especially knowing this, I can’t hide them from him.
My vision blurs and I feel my throat get hot. I don’t really want to, but I have to.
“Oz…” I swallow hard. “I’m…I’m not as sure you were my husband anymore.”
I avoid looking at him because I’m afraid to see the hurt in his eyes. His hands stop massaging me and he puts some distance between us.
He’s mad—I can feel it. How could he not be?
It’s painful but I meet his gaze again and my heart drops into my stomach. He’s not crying but I can see the tears rising in the corners of his eyes.
“You don’t think so?” he whispers.
“I…” My voice catches and I have to clear my throat. “I still care about you, Oz but…the feelings I have in those dreams are starting to point to a different answer. I’ve had a lot of dreams and the more I have the more sure I get.”
“So…we probably never knew each other?” The crack in his voice is like a knife in my heart. 
“I don’t know,” I answer honestly, “And I do love you. I wouldn’t have survived this mess if not for you. I owe you…so…so much. I don’t want to imagine being here without you which is why I had to tell you. I had to be honest. You deserve honesty.”
Oz looks away from me and nods, just enough to count. Maybe he’s not mad but he is undoubtedly upset. “Right…” I watch his adam’s apple bob as he gulps. “I can’t deny that I had hoped we were married but…at least now I know who I wasn’t.”
“…Oz,” I say and reach out to him.
He catches my hand, squeezes it, and releases it. “Thanks for telling me, Melvin.”
There’s too much on my mind and I still don’t love the idea of blowing up the city but I’m in no position to argue. I feel as though I’ve isolated myself from everyone and I definitely have no authority over the group to suggest an alternate path. I also don’t have other ideas in the first place.
I just sit and watch as Kendra, Starla, and Kade get to work on the bombs. They’re simple to make, according to Starla, and Oz quickly joins them. Nate is told to stay put elsewhere since Kendra doesn’t fully trust him and I keep to myself for my own reasons.
As they do all the heavy lifting, I spend the time feeling sorry for myself. Productive, I know. I hug my knees and wonder what Gavin would be doing if he were here.
Probably helping make and plant explosives though I’m sure he’d be actively complaining the entire time. He’d also probably heavily insist I stay back—just in case something goes wrong.
I realize I’d be more worried if Gavin was involved. I’d want to help more and that revelation makes me sick to my stomach.
Am I really so indifferent to my current companions?
I don’t think that I am but are my current actions not proof enough?
I close my eyes to keep the tears from coming. Everyone is working so hard to get us out of here yet all I can do is sit by myself and cry about it? I’ve never been angrier with myself but I still can’t force my body to move.
And, by the time I do manage to stand up, they’re all done.
Kendra directs us to the top of the hill in town and, with some degree of confidence, she looks between us. “Alright…I’m going to blow the charges and, hopefully, the system will break.”
“We’re definitely out of the blast radius?” Oz asks, sounding like he’s asked about a hundred times now.
“Yes,” she responds, “We’re absolutely far enough away.”
“Even factoring in shrapnel, we’re so far uphill, it won’t reach us,” Starla adds.
“Right.” Kendra nods then glances at each of us one last time. “Everyone ready?”
Everyone gives an affirmative nod and I, finally, nod with them. I’m scared—absolutely terrified—but I know this might be our only chance. I can’t hold everyone else back because of my concerns.
Kendra takes a deep breath before she pushes the detonator.
I flinch prematurely and watch the world below us as bright orange and smoky gray emerges from the buildings. Like a line of dominos, the explosions happen in turn as they grow ever closer to us.
Instinctively, I step away and raise my hand over my eyes.
But the explosions stop before they can trigger up the hill and, instead, spread back and to each side of the road—to the east and west. I can’t believe how many charges they must have made for this to still be going on.
The ground starts to shake and I’m nearly knocked off balance. Oz reaches out to stabilize me and I don’t have time to thank him before my eyes are drawn to the disturbance in the sky.
Dark lines shoot out from the point directly ahead of us. Clouds start to shake and break apart into pixels while the blue of the sky falls, piece by piece, like a breaking puzzle. A dark abyss is revealed behind the sky and Kendra shouts in excitement, letting me know this is what success apparently looks like.
“Run!” she cries out, “Run toward the exit!”
No one thinks twice—not even I do—and we take off down the hill. The earth still trembles under us and fire rages on either side of the road but I don’t take my eyes off of the black, gaping hole in front of us. The scenery around the hole becomes blurry and begins to hiss and crackle.
There’s a chance that passing through will hurt but Oz throws his hand out to grab mine and I’m not as afraid anymore.
We exit last and I suck in a harsh, fresh breath—a breath free of that world.
But a bright light switching on all at once makes me close my eyes and wince. I’m sure everyone else is caught off guard since I hear some disgruntled groans and even a yell from Starla.
“What the hell?” Kade mutters.
I force open my eyes though the intense white is quite uncomfortable. We’re in a new area—that much I can tell—but I can’t begin to guess where that is. I find Kendra and watch her, waiting for some explanation.
If anyone knows anything, it’s her.
“Everyone, stay close,” Kendra demands and we all, wordlessly, shuffle toward her.
As I step behind her, I see a figure across the way. Whoever it is, they’re approaching us and Kendra’s tense stance tells me that she’s a threat.
The white light of the room glows off of this woman’s skin making her look even paler. Her long, light brown hair follows behind her like the train on a dress and she wears all light colors, giving off an air of softness and innocence. Her eyes are the same color as Kade’s and her thin lips are painted pink.
“Hello,” she says, her voice matching her appearance to a T, “What brings you all here?”
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mybookplacenet · 1 year
Featured Post: Future Proof by Sean Platt
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About Future Proof: From the bestselling authors of the Invasion, Fat Vampire, and Yesterday’s Gone series comes Future Proof, a new stand-alone novel written in the world of The Beam: a disturbing philosophical exploration of the future of hyperconnectivity. In a world where the rich hold all the power and the poor struggle to make ends meet, Ryu and his team of rebels are determined to even the playing field. Breaking into Xenia Labs, they hope to steal a code breaker that will give the poor access to technology previously only available to the wealthy elite. But things go horribly wrong during the heist. Two team members are killed, and all the others get away with is a mysterious black box. As the countdown on the box ticks down and resets repeatedly, Ryu and his team start to suspect they may have activated something dangerous. Each time the countdown on the box resets, a black ship appears and pursues them. The box also seems to have a way of getting inside people’s minds to exploit their fears and insecurities.  As the team members get picked off one by one, and the survivors begin to turn on each other, it becomes clear that they may have made a fatal mistake in their quest for equality.  Future Proof is a pulse-pounding ride through a dystopian world where the line between good and evil is blurred. If you enjoyed Altered Carbon and The Fifth Element, you’ll feel right at home with Future Proof. Targeted Age Group: General Written by: Sean Platt Buy the ebook: Buy the Book On Amazon Buy the Book On Barnes & Noble/Nook Buy the Book On Smashwords Buy the Book On Apple Books Buy the Book On Kobo Author Bio: Sean Platt is an entrepreneur and founder of Sterling & Stone, where he makes stories with his partners, Johnny B. Truant, and David W. Wright, and a family of storytellers. Sean is a highly-prolific author in both fiction and nonfiction, with more than 10 million words under his belt and more than a dozen published collaborations. He brings a rich sense of place, strong pacing, conflict-filled dialogue, powerful twists, and a flair for high-stakes drama to every story he contributes to. He’s known for bringing out the best in whoever he collaborates with, thanks to his generosity, his adaptability, and his philosophy that “the best idea wins.” You’ll see Sean’s work as a co-author with Truant and Wright, and invisibly all throughout the studio. Originally from Long Beach, California, Sean now lives in Austin, Texas with his wife and two children. He has more than his share of nose. Follow the author on social media: Learn more about the writer. Visit the Author's Website Read the full article
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If you own an older #Kobo e reader, I have a kobo mini, you need to know that the company who now own Kobo are withdrawing support for your e reader.
This in effect means if you need to do a reset or the battery dies your device is then frozen. I am really annoyed about this and consider it to be theft of my equipment and books that are paid for. Please feel free to spread this around.
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THE LOVE LIST by Elana Johnson is on sale! For a limited time, BOGO on Kobo–stack your e-reader with the first book in phenomenal series–two for the price of one!!
The Love List - https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/the-love-list-9
Kobo BOGO Sale - https://www.kobo.com/us/en/p/romance-first-in-series-bogo-us
Beatrice Callahan loves lists. Sometimes she even makes a to-do list of things she's already done, just to go check, check, check and feel accomplished. So it's easy to understand why, when her divorce is finally final and her ex is all moved out, Bea takes a cool, close look at her life...and makes a list.
It's not exactly a bucket list.
It's a love list.
Bea loves the outdoors, so she puts visit 10 National Parks on the list.
She loves animals, and on goes get a puppy.
She loves the beach, and she adds take a dream vacation to the list, and decides to do that one first. After all she's been through and all she's lost, she needs time to relax, rest, and reset.
On the first day she arrives in Hilton Head Island, she meets Grant Turner, the man whose house she's renting for her fabulous beach vacation. He's just there to make sure she settles in properly and has enough towels.
But when Bea asks for recommendations around the island, Grant quickly becomes her tour guide and then a friend and then...more than friends.
Bea turns to her lists when things get confusing and her love list morphs once again... Can she add fall in love at age 45 to the list and check it off?
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forthegothicheroine · 3 years
Sherlock Holmes and Upper Energy
I have never tried cocaine, but I have been prescribed various uppers at various points of my life, including ones that proved to be very unsafe for my brain and resulted in my no longer being prescribed stimulants. Thus, I feel I can relate, at least on a superficial level, to Sherlock Holmes snorting cocaine in an effort to make his brain feel better. In the stories he only does so when not on a case, but of course onscreen he must always be on a case! So, how much Upper Energy do our onscreen Sherlocks have?
Basil Rathbone: Rathbone is always very still, self-possessed, and in control of his body (he was supposedly the best genuine fencer in Hollywood.) His Upper Energy comes from intensity. It’s that state of hyperfocus, where you’re sitting on the couch, legs locked in place, staring intently at something, and you absolutely cannot move until you know everything there is to know and have done everything there is to be done with something. Basil Rathbone’s Sherlock Holmes is in that state all the time. Instead of cataloguing which books on his tbr list are available on thriftbooks vs which are available on kobo while also binge-listening to hundreds of podcasts, he solves crimes.
Peter Cushing: Peter Cushing’s Sherlock Holmes has intense Upper Energy! If his Frankenstein was the evil mad scientist and his Van Helsing was the good mad scientist, his Sherlock is the mercurial mad scientist, ultimately benevolent but something of a trickster. He’s not only smart, he feels smart, and he’s riding that high of being able to do anything as far as it will take him before the inevitable crash. (Cushing would have made a good Willy Wonka.)
Benedict Cumberbatch: I have not seen BBC Sherlock but I was on tumblr when it was big, so this is all pop culture osmosis. From what I can tell from people who have seen the show, his whole appeal was in being calm, deep-voiced and smug, fully in control at all times, which veers away a bit from the Upper Energy we’re trying to get. The whole thing about his “mind palace” could feel like hyperfocus, I suppose, and I’m told his character had drug problems before the start of the show. Maybe he’s still using some old habits?
Johnny Lee Miller: Miller’s Sherlock is in recovery and his drug of choice was heroin, a downer. Still, he has some Upper Energy in his jittering and his sharp tongue (and in his sometime apologies for said sharp tongue.) I thankfully know very little about heroin recovery, but I do recognize a certain amount of those jitters as the “they just changed or removed my medication and my brain is resetting itself” jitters. His natural Upper Energy also plays into the whole reason he developed a drug problem- as he says in an NA meeting, the world feels too loud and bright and fast. The poor guy was self-medicating with drugs, as so many have done before him.
Feel free to add more movie or tv Sherlocks (and please don’t be offended, I was just watching Basil Rathbone and feeling sympathy!)
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tribow · 3 years
So I watched Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle
Honestly, I saw the title and cover art for this anime and I thought it was going to be another lame isekai and/or generic fantasy anime that has a clickbait hook and nothing more. I was surprised to see that this had one mean hook. Don't judge an anime by its cover!
This is the funniest comedy anime I've seen all year. Seven Scissors had some fantastic humor show, but the humor isn't why I liked that show. This anime however, the comedy is absolutely what I liked the most. It is a comedy focused anime after all.
Originally, I was worried because the premise is basically roght in the title. The princess is being held hostage at the demon castle, but she values a good sleep above everything else. So she'll start a quest for a good sleep despite being a hostage in a demon castle. While funny, you would think a joke like this would get old.
Not only does the anime manage to not wear out its own joke, but the joke actually gets better as the story progresses. To keep the joke from gettong stagnant, this anime utilizes the art of having actually good writing. Characters including almost all of the demons go through character development and new events happen to shake up the status quo.
Speaking of the status quo, time to talk about my only issue with the show. Sometimes the princess will achieve something that should change her living situation, but sometimes the show will reset her to the status quo without actually showing how. You gotta fill up that gap with your own ideas and really, that should only affect you if you're binge watching.
That's my only issue, I love everything else about the anime. It's real funny and doesn't rely on trope-y humor either. It consistently managed to catch me off guard even during predictable moments. Oh, and that good writing I mentioned before? That includes a very good plot and great world building as well. The reason for the princess' kidnapping is really interesting and the world parodies a generic fantasy RPG. There's even game mechanics the characters use very often so it's not like every other isekai/fantasy series that does this.
The animation is done by Doga Kobo as well. I really love Doga Kobo's character animation and they do a phenominal job here too. The animation stays at such a nice quality the whole time as well. Great work.
Sleepy Princess is the easiest recommendation to an anime I've ever had to make in my entire life. There's nothing here I would warn anyone about. It's just a good friendly time. If you slept on this show last year go back and watch it. It's definitely one of the best anime of 2020.
I hope it gets a season 2, that ending was amazing and it could stop there, but it leaves itself SO open for a season 2. I want iiiiiiit.
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dapurinthos · 3 years
kobo: you want an update?
me: no i just want to put more books o--
kobo: have an update!
kobo: oops we factory reset your device with our update.
kobo: have fun loading your 1000+ ebooks back on! didn’t you just do a bunch of highlighting in that astronomy text? it’s gone now.
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loadingriver754 · 3 years
Ebook Reader For Mac
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Although it's good for us to read ebooks on E-ink reader, maybe sometimes you're writing a paper or using a text as a reference for a project, or maybe you just want to have a glance of the ebooks or read a few chapters of a novel on your computer. Installing one or some good reader apps on the computer is indispensable for us. Since Adobe's epub may be the most popular document format and the layout of an epub document is responsive that means an epub format will automatically adjust for different screen sizes, so today we are going to introduce you 5 best epub reader for Mac.
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Ebook Reader For Macbook
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Clearview have been accustomed to tabbed reading in a browser. With several related books organized in the same window, you do not have to look for and switch between the book windows everywhere. Annotations and bookmarks are available on all supported books.
Calibre is a program to manage your eBook collection. It acts as an e-library and also allows for format conversion as well as e-book organizer and an integrated e-book viewer.
The file support on Calibre is wonderful, with every ebooks formats except new Kindle KFX format. It won't let you read DRM-protected works though, which rules out literature that's still in copyright. The software comes with a basic e-book reader that supports full-screen mode for distraction-free reading and that lets you choose your preferred font size, method of pagination and gives you the ability to bookmark pages. Unfortunately, there is no way to annotate, highlight, or augment the book's contents.
Ebook Reader For Mac
Apple Book Application
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Apple Book Application is the default reader app on all Apple mobile devices and computers, supports epub and PDF format. It allows you to read the books you've purchased from Apple's bookstore or other DRM free epub or PDF files. And your current reading list and bookmarks will sync between your various devices.
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Apple Book Application is easy to navigate with polished interface. And the books are displayed in full color, and the page turns are lifelike and smooth with the swipe of a finger. Books can be read in landscape mode. A link at the top takes you to the table of contents, and you can adjust the brightness or text size as well. Most important, Book's reading experience is excellent.
Kobo is an ebook platform that includes its own book store and several applications, one for each different platform, so you can read ebooks on practically any device.
Kobo features a nicely designed interface, with a clean menu on the left side. Books open on a separate window – with optional full-screen viewing – and are quite comfortable to read.
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The Kobo Desktop App includes features designed to help you read the way you want. Choose from multiple font styles and sizes, and select your preferred alignment, margins, and line spacing. You can even decide how you'd like your page to look with our Day, Night, and Sepia themes.
Epubor Reader
Epubor Reader is one of the best ebook reading app for Mac with the intuitive interface. Different from other epub readers which only support epub formats, this Epub Reader for Mac supports multiple ebook format, including Epub, mobi, azw3, txt and so on.
Thanks to its user-friendly interface, you can skip any chapter directly via the table of content. Customizing your reading experience is also supported well. So you can reset your font, font size and background colors. It also enables you to bookmarking pages, highlight and annotate.
Epubor Reader is the best ebook reader, organizer and manager.
Read any ebook on the above reader software
This analysis is only for reading non-DRM EPUBs on a Mac. If you want to read DRM-ed epubs on a Mac, you need to use DRM Removal to decrypt your epub files. Epubor Ultimate is a very good software to help you remove DRM from your ebooks as well as convert the ebook format. So even if your DRM-encrypted book is other formats like AZW/Mobi/KFX format, Epubor Ultimate allows you to read these ebooks on the above wonderful reader software after converting the format. Isn't that cool and convenient? If you want to read any book with the above wonderful EPUB readers, you can read this step-by-step guide about how to convert any book to EPUB.
Different people have different reading habits. Personally speaking, the above epub reader offer different reading experience and key features. So you need to try it by yourself and find the most suitable reader for you.
Hillary Lopez works for Epubor and writes articles about eBooks and eReaders. She explores the best method to help you read eBooks more freely and wants to share all she has got with you.
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Reading Now. Your digital nightstand.
The new Reading Now tab makes it easy to get to the right page in an instant, whether you’re immersed in a single story or bouncing between books. It’s also where you’ll find personalized recommendations based on what you’ve been reading.
Free Ebook Reader App
Your library, your way.
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Listen while you work. Or play. Or drive.
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Discover audiobooks read by top authors, actors, and celebrities. Transport yourself to another world during your commute or learn something new on your run.
For night owls.
Auto-Night mode has been expanded to every section of Apple Books. It automatically switches to white-on-black text for easier reading in the dark — so you can get lost in a story without keeping anyone awake. When the light gets brighter, it switches back.
Working with Apple Books.
Discover free marketing tools and tips to make your book’s promotion more effective. Access widgets, identity guidelines, badge art assets, RSS feeds, and more.
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pilferingapples · 4 years
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@flockofdoves replied to your post “Do you (or any of your followers) have a good suggestion for a good...”
what happen to your kobos ability to download/what kobo model do you have :O just asking bc i have one and wasnt aware of that if thats a possibility i should be prepared
I have an old Aura (like... seven years old?? something like that?) One month it worked, the next it didn’t ; it should be able to download over the wifi or by direct connection and neither one works.
I haven’t tried to fix it yet because I want to finish Man Who Laughs First and the potential fix apparently involves a complete file wipe and reset ><  And with the little caveat that I can’t download anything new, it’s still a really good little reader! 
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msbarrows · 5 years
Aw, ereader, noooo....
Well the android tablet I bought back in early 2018 has not managed even close to the lifespan of my first tablet. My old Kobo-branded tablet lived 41 months. This Acer one appears to be dying (unless the attempts at factory resets I’m currently running manage to revive it) at only 16 months. Which for a ~100 tablet still works out reasonably well with a cost-per-month of $6.25
Basically it’s been acting increasingly flakey the last few days, with random services suddenly stopping working, plus occasional spontaneous reboots. In the middle of reading last night, the ‘Acer Home’ service stopped, and it has since been unable to reboot; it gets through the initial screens, asks for my password before starting up android, and that would just sit on the Acer logo screen for-freakin-ever.
The manual is of course useless; the only thing it describes about how to do things like a factory reset involves menuing in the settings, which, yeah, pretty darn unhepful when you can’t get that far. Google thankfully turned up instructions that involve holding down the volume up and power keys simultaneously until the first loading screen appears, after which you end up in a very basic text menu where you can do stuff like telling it to factory reset and wipe your user data,
It got as far as saying it was removing the operating system and user data.... and then just sat there for-freakin-ever. 
Eventually I powered down and powered up again. That;s gotten me to a screen with the animated Android robot and an ‘Erasing...’ message. On which it has also been sitting for-freakin-ever. I’m giving it another ffive minutes and then it’ll be time to try another power down-power up cycle.
I’ve already started browsing online to see what’s currently available in the cheap end of the android tablet pool; I am less than confident that this attempted factory reset is going to work :\
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zippers · 2 years
my kobo libre randomly reset to factory settings?!?! all my books are gone!!!!!!!! I logged in and the only books there are the library books ive already returned. wtf!!!!!!! i am traveling for the next two days, this is awful!!! I was in the middle of two books!!!!!!!
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