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Don’t mind me, just reading Sappho on my DSi
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caffeinatedcatlover · 8 months ago
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Currently devouring Emily Henry books (and delicious sandwiches paired with iced lattes). Almost halfway through my second read this week and it’s only Wednesday.
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battyaboutbooksreviews · 4 months ago
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lupusmaxima · 2 months ago
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i’ve been doing some exercises to clean up my handwriting and i got an ereader, which i’ve been loving so far
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strongintherealgay · 30 days ago
Realizing you can transfer the fics you download off of ao3 onto your kindle has been a game changer ngl. I can still read my fics before bed without hurting my eyes
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pandorasmage · 7 months ago
Guide for Using Calibre in Kobo E-reader
How To Install Nickel Menu, Plato & KOReader on Kobo e-reader https://youtu.be/D0p22OPMnnc?si=jX2_K3sZsQAyP3Ff
How to transfer eBooks wirelessly to your Kobo eReader or other eReaders - two different methods! https://youtu.be/2emONkbCWUA?si=cWOBfXDVePXtAqnq
How to install KOReader on your Kobo or other eReaders https://youtu.be/rEouRrPKj-c?si=DtVvPdBq_YZToFxQ
Installation on Kobo devices https://github.com/koreader/koreader/wiki/Installation-on-Kobo-devices
One-Click Install Packages for KOReader & Plato https://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=314220 https://www.mobileread.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3797096&postcount=2
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moghedien · 9 months ago
In case anyone is curious, about switching from kindle to kobo, I have had basically no real issues so far and have found the switch to be very worth it and I find the kobo to be a much friendlier (better UI and not constantly making me look at the store) and overall just a better device to use.
converting my kindle ebooks has not difficult at all (if you want a step by step explanation of how to do that this is the video I used) and the only books I've issues with her comics and that was just because I forgot they were a different format than text books and converted them to the wrong thing.
I like some of the short cuts on the kobo a lot and the only thing I really miss is having some sort of page number (which is very not even accurate on kindle, but I did like seeing "oh I'm on page 243 of a 500 page book") but there are other features that the kobo has that the kindle doesn't that I think make up for it. Like giving you a physical progress bar and being able to tell you how many "pages" (by which the kobo means how many time you will turn to the next screen) you have in the chapter you're on or in the book total, which will adjust for font size and whatnot
overall, glad I'm switched and I'm excited to keep using it and the writing feature more.
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neat-deadandlive-things · 9 months ago
Anyone have good eReader recommendations? I want something very small that I can read library books on.
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cozy-compendium · 4 months ago
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My new kindle case look
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kaylas-words · 3 months ago
Wisdom from Stephen King's On Writing
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So I tested out my new eReader with Stephen King's On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft, and one day and 18 Google Doc pages of quotes later, I found it quite interesting and motivating. These quotes resonated with me most:
I was built with a love of the night and the unquiet coffin, that’s all. If you disapprove, I can only shrug my shoulders. It’s what I have.
Write what you love! Kings of the Wyld by Nicholas Eames immediately comes to mind. I could tell Eames had so much fun writing the book, and it made the whole reading experience that much better. (Highly recommend if you like your fantasy with some blunt, laugh-out-loud humor.)
…let me reiterate that it’s all on the table, all up for grabs. Isn’t that an intoxicating thought? I think it is. Try any goddam thing you like, no matter how boringly normal or outrageous. If it works, fine. If it doesn’t, toss it. Toss it even if you love it. Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch once said, “Murder your darlings,” and he was right.
Don't restrict yourself before you've even begun. I need to remember this more often. "But the audience—" "But the plot—" Write for you. Experiment! Especially in your first draft. Even if it doesn't work out, that's wisdom you can take with you.
You can’t please all of the readers all of the time; you can’t please even some of the readers all of the time, but you really ought to try to please at least some of the readers some of the time.
Something else I like to hear. I tend to put wine glasses in my audience's hands and raise their noses, telling myself they would disapprove if I did it like this, the way I want. But there's also a whole world of others that might just enjoy the same things as me, and maybe I can focus a little more on them. (Key: still keeping some semblance of an audience in mind.)
You must tell the truth if your dialogue is to have the resonance and realism that Hart’s War, good story though it is, so sadly lacks—and that holds true all the way down to what folks say when they hit their thumb with the hammer. If you substitute “Oh sugar!” for “Oh shit!” because you’re thinking about the Legion of Decency, you are breaking the unspoken contract that exists between writer and reader— your promise to express the truth of how people act and talk through the medium of a made-up story. ... The point is to let each character speak freely, without regard to what the Legion of Decency or the Christian Ladies’ Reading Circle may approve of. To do otherwise would be cowardly as well as dishonest, and believe me, writing fiction in America as we enter the twenty-first century is no job for intellectual cowards.
King repeats the importance of honesty in writing, and how it invests readers with a layer of life and meaning. This is something I strive for.
My first-draft characters tend to curse more than they probably should—even the ones supposedly known for being more wholesome—but I should strike a four-letter-word for being out of character rather than for worrying what my parents might think when their unvulgar daughter relinquishes one of her chapters to them.
The book gave me a lot to think about, especially where my process differed with King's, but it was also just neat to hear his story. I need to find some more memoirs to read.
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caffeinatedcatlover · 1 year ago
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Recent pictures
Individual posts: 1┊2┊3 & 4┊5 & 6┊7 & 8┊9┊10 & 11
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battyaboutbooksreviews · 4 months ago
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ifwebefriends · 7 months ago
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Found my old af 12-year old 4th gen Kindle when I was going through bins yesterday and the first thing I did with it was put a fiddauthor fic on it
[Image ID. a photo of a 4th-generation Amazon Kindle with “Maybe It’s Not Too Late” by GinandShatteredDreams from AO3 on it. The screen reads
Maybe It's Not Too Late
Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/6973243.
General Audiences
Archive Warning:
No Archive Warnings Apply
Gravity Falls
Fiddleford H. McGucket/Stanford Pines, Fiddleford H. McGucket/The Author | Original
End ID.]
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bigheartedbibliophile · 2 months ago
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🏳‍🌈 Stuff your Kindle with queer reads from DivinationHollow.com! 🏳‍🌈
You don't have to own a Kindle; you can get the app on your phone or download these books on other platforms, such as Barnes and Noble!
@battyaboutbooksreviews @queerliblib @reading-queerly @qbdatabase @the-bi-library and anyone that might be interested!
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mrjsays · 1 month ago
You have till the 26th to get backup copies of your Kindle books.
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co-mei-dy · 3 months ago
Got the whole trio. Forgot the ereader was region locked, but got the rough Google translate at least
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