#koba was in love with caesar i dont care
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fragglez · 10 months ago
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caesar/koba nation rise up
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historicalvandal · 10 months ago
That was so perfect???? Love love love it! Your writing is so immersing, and the way you write kobas personality is nearly identical to the movies. You got me bitting at the bars of my sanity, lol.
But could you imagine if the human accidentally starts courting koba first without realizing it. Bringing him pelts they hunted for him because he doesn't socialize or sleep with the other apes and the human is worried he'd get cold, or they willingly leave the others during communal eating and bringing more food because koba isn't there and the human wanted to eat with him/ don't want him to be alone.
Ceaser stops the human to ask what they are doing and they go , "oh its for koba 🤗" and he dies & laugh inside knowing what it looks like to an ape what the human is doing, but gives the ape version of a blessing anyways. Because dammit it if this is what it takes to get koba to chill tf out against humanity then fine... the human thinks Ceaser is just wishing them luck because its koba lol
Like you said, he gets injured or gets so sick that the human abandons their own nest to sleep on the ground beside his to make sure hes ok and breathing. I got so much koba brainrot. Please forgive my word splurge. you're the first person to just understand, lol. And please dont burn yourself out and remember to take care of yourself first, im just rambling from excitement.
-💚 anon
AHHH anon you are actually so very sweet! i was hoping you'd enjoy my writing, always wanted to start writing stuff on Tumblr haha- I actually love the idea presented that Reader just doesn't know their courting Koba, and he won't say anything lmaooo- Caesar would totally notice and would give bombastic side eye but he'd actually be fine with it, banking on the fact this could help Koba slowly heal from his mental wounds and physical wounds he has from humanity! Reader brings him pelts from hunting trips, when he doesn't eat with the community and after asking Caesar all about it he tells them that Koba has just never really sat with the other apes to eat, so Reader just starts bringing food to Koba, I feel like the first time they do that Koba throws the food at them to get them to go away, to leave him alone, but they just keep coming back to give him food and he just gets used to it over time, when it comes out between them, when Koba actually finally asks why Reader sits with him to eat all the time instead of with Caesar and the rest of the community, Reader just tells him "I don't like that you are alone all the time...I think you just need a friend" and Koba is like taken aback by that revelation, that Reader wants to be his friend, how upset they may have been in the moment as well would change something ever so slightly between them, and he allows them to take their meals with him all the time and perhaps one time they sit with the community to eat, but they're still next to each other, still chatting between themselves, even sharing a joke or two, much to the shock of the other apes lmaooo- And reader just starts to stay more and more with Koba each night, the first time they stayed in Koba's nest with him is because he's always seen them staying on the ground and maybe it's a cold night, and he just wraps his arms around Reader, easily picking them up and letting them sleep in his nest with him, like Reader wakes up in the morning to Koba slowly playing with their hair, MY HEARTTTTT- I just love the idea of Koba playing with Readers hair omlllll And thank you sm, I promise I won't burn myself out, I'm just having so much fun with this rn! <333
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wawagooba · 10 months ago
The type of person that can make a havoc with animal missinformation cannot distinguish between a bonobo and a chimpanzee. I think making Koba the bonobo the villain is moreso a thematic showcase that even the most presumedly docile of a person can be turned/twisted through trauma, as Maurice said in war, he had darkness in his heart and it was a shame he couldnt be helped, alluding to mental health problems caused by trauma. Its also a counterpart to Caesar who had both positive and later negative experiences with humans, and how he avoided the negative experiences only by being shut in/barred from interacting with other humans because they would de facto treat him poorly. Whereas Koba had no guardianship and was treated as humans treat apes, i.e. he wasnt privileged enough to be seen as worth taking care of beyond the uses he would bring humans. As for Proximus, since the events happen so far into the future of Caesars passing, meaning the intelligent apes are only developing further, the mark of humanity that distinguishes us from other animals is that we can conquer our nature and build beyond our limitations(for better or worse). Meaning we do not live our lives through instinct, we have a conscience, and are free to choose our behavior. I think this is mirrored in the newest POTA in the sense that the apes have developed so far as to be free from their basic natural instincts and to make choices for themselves. I dont think the POTA movies are built on fear,nor do they promote fear, I find the opposite in ppl who like these movies as the whole premise is apes taking their dignity and freedom back from humans. If anything the real danger to apes lies with ppl who 'love' them so much they think its pertinent to their health to have a poacher grab one and ship it to them for personal entertainment (as was the case with the real ape being Caesar's inspiration). Not to mention welness/new age hippies/general quackery who seek their medicine in apes.
something I find incredibly funny is that in the current Planet of the Apes movies, the only time apes are villains is when it’s bonobos (Koba, Proximus)
for those who don’t know much about apes in the wild, Bonobos are one of the (if not THE) most docile ape. They are incredibly intelligent and, for a lack of a better word, absolute hippies. they have never been recorded to have ever committed a murder, unlike chimps, who are ironically a very agressive and violent species. They go out of their way to end fights, and make sure to share food. The hierarchy is Female, with families being lead by a matriarch.
Bonobos hate fighting, and become incredibly stressed at the idea of doing so. So instead they fuck. No, seriously. Stress release? Fuck. Want to share some food? Gotta fuck first. Happy? Fucking. Sad? Fucking. If it’s an emotion, it results in getting hot and steamy. Male on male, female on female, male on female, they don’t care. It’s like shaking hands for them.
the writers are accidentally using the Jaws Effect (the jaws effect is where a movie/show/book takes an animal that is rarely, if ever, dangerous, and uses it to be the main antagonist, therefore creating a false narrative that this type of animal is a common aggressor and there’s a high chance humans can be harmed by it. The Jaws movie turned Great Whites into villains, when they’re actually fairly calm creatures, and the movie sparked a massive manhunt for Great Whites. Granted people aren’t out there with guns taking on Bonobos, but I do find it ironic that the one species of ape to be featured in the reboot that was branded “dangerous” is the one that would probably protect humans most in a fight
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pink-writer-girl · 6 years ago
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The Next and Would Be Next Generation
While not all humans and apes held prejudice for each there was still those who couldn't let go of their hatred apes because of the past treatment and humans because of lost of loved ones from the flu and fear of things different...Koba, Craver,Pope, and the Colonel are proof the oneswho can't let go of their hate. They only way the can stop the hate is by not passing it down to their childern which we could see hiw blue eyes was highy influlenced by Koba while Ash followed Caesar‘s views and blue eyes evetually but too late realized koba views where wrong. The Childern of the next generation are born with fresh minds and views but are strongly influenced by the parents and the adults around them,Alex having seen the chaos of what happened the flu got out and also lost his mother but wasn't a violent or held hatred which I think has to do with his gentle nature along with seeing the good side of the apes allowing him to develop his wn views. I do worry about Cornelius in the future who seen so much death and had his parents and brother taken by humans but also think Lake, Maurice, Rocket , and Nova will help him away from darkness. Lake always seemed to be caring so i dont think ever had prejudice for humans even after blue eyes died but more mistrust. Nova I believe will help brung upon of the possibilty of a future of humans and living together do her kind gentle nature which showed to caesar even at the risk of her own life and when she cried Luca died though she was afaird of caesar and his party at first which is understandable do them pointing guns at her but she's seen and been treated much worse by her own kind while the apes where kind to her. No knows what the future will hold but if we don't change nothing will ever get better, unless we care nothing will change.
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