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troubledontlast1 · 9 months ago
True contentment only comes from knowing Jesus.
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igate777 · 9 months ago
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Our spiritual beliefs shape our perception of truth, reinforcing and governing various aspects of our being. Without a biblically established pattern to distinguish truth and spirituality, we are susceptible to falling into the enemy's deceitful traps. Unfortunately, this is precisely what the enemy does today, leading many toward destruction. I want to establish these basic facts as the foundation for the principles we will explore in this subject as we continue to discover the divine pattern for our spiritual reformation, transformation, and ultimate restoration while the battle between light and darkness persists.
By default, of the fall, man's soul faculty is morally corrupt and continually wicked in its desires and aspirations. The unrefined behavioral patterns of all humans find their roots in the fallen Adamic character of the soul life. Beyond this, the influence of illegitimate leadership power, whether from the viewpoint of political manipulation, socioeconomic degradation, or the abuse of spiritual authority, is all a product of the fallen, dysfunctional character values within the human soul.
When what is defined as spiritual and sacred becomes the very instrument of deception, perversion, and corruption, then such a narrative of spirituality calls for significant concern. What worries me is that a significant part of today's church is fast losing the true meaning and essence of spirituality to that which is soulish and carnally motivated. As I read and interact with folks, especially on social media platforms, I see how many church members, individuals we once thought had spiritual understanding, stand up to defend criminals who call themselves men and women of God.
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swarehime73 · 1 year ago
My goal is to know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death. Philippians 3:10 ,, What is your goal in life? Is it to get stuff? Work for Jesus? Paul reminds us that our priority, or goal should be to know Jesus. Not just know about Him but to know Him intimately and personally so that you become like Him.
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frogenthusiastt · 2 years ago
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what chronic trigun fic writing does to a mf
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thewordmarilyn · 7 months ago
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Day 61: How To Beat Any Addiction Or Stronghold
Be blessed as you read❤️
#howtoovercomeaddiction #christianblog #knowingJesus #JesusChrist
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focr · 1 year ago
Rejoices over...
The blessed Lord rejoices over His children with singing, proclaiming His unconditional love towards us while pouring out His eternal heavenly grace over all that believe on His name.
"The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love, he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing." [Zephaniah 3:17]
~ KnowingJesus
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walkswithmyfather · 4 years ago
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“The Lord is more pleased when we do what is right and just than when we offer him sacrifices. —Proverbs 21:3 (NLT)
“What Does Proverbs 21:3 Mean? Verse Thoughts: I am sure that Solomon, who probably authored these wise words, had heard the contrite prayer of his father David, who confessed that the sacrifice that God, so desires is a broken and contrite spirit, for the king had learned that God will not reject a truly penitent and repentant heart – a heart that in turning from sin changes direction to look to the Lord.
King Saul exercised the opposite of this vital truth and learned this important lesson through the loss of his kingdom to David, as well as the loss of his life – for Samuel the prophet chastised him with the words - to obey is better than sacrifice and to do what is right is more acceptable to the Lord than to give Him offerings and oblations.
There is much in Scripture that adheres to this truth – for the inner motive of a truly broken heart that recognizes its own lack and poverty, insufficiency and helplessness before the Lord, is of far greater value to the Father that the outward trappings of the life that appears to be so beautiful to the outward eye - but which can so often conceal an unclean motive and hypocritical heart.
Indeed, it is not the sacrificial acts of a man or woman who desires to be pleasing to the Lord that delights His heart – but the one that walks in spirit and truth – the one that dies to the self-life and lives to Christ – the one that looks to Jesus – the one that abides in Christ - the one that can say, nothing in my hand I bring, simply to Thy cross I cling.
My Prayer: Loving Father I do want to please You - but I recognise that simply trusting Your word, applying it in my life and looking to Jesus is of far greater worth than anything I myself can offer You. Keep me low at the cross I pray and keep me broken before You - all the days of my life, in Jesus I pray, AMEN.”
From: Knowing-jesus.com
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youngdisciples · 4 years ago
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The disciples once wondered who Jesus was. When Jesus asked them about it, they answered quoting what other people thought about Jesus. They said that some people believe that He is a prophet and some people also said that He is Elijah, or Jeremiah. However, Jesus again asked them who they really think Jesus is and Peter answered that He is the Messiah, the Son of the living God. 
Jesus then blessed Peter and told Him that it was not revealed to him through flesh and blood but by the Father in Heaven. 
When Peter declared that Jesus is the Son of the living God, this proved that Jesus was the promised Messiah since the Old Testament. He was the promised Savior that Isaiah prophesied and through Him we will have our redemption. 
Jesus is also a man and He suffered everything that this cruel world can throw and He had overcome it all (John 16:33). Also, Jesus is God for He and the Father are one (John 10:30). 
Knowing Jesus Christ fully means studying the Bible deeply. Meditation in the Word of God is the only way to know Jesus more. He came into this world to save us all. He died on the cross for everybody. 
When Jesus heard what Peter said, Jesus told Peter that on that rock He will build His church and the gates of hades will not overcome it. Jesus declared that through Him, the gates of hades (sins) will not prevail. 
He came to the world to put an end to death and sin. As Christians, if we believe that Jesus is our Lord and Savior, the promise of God will be upon us. The sins that we are always carrying and doing will not prevail for the Rock in which we hold on is far too strong for the gates of hades to overcome. 
The gates will not stand tall because the rock that Jesus mentioned will be able to penetrate it and will make our life new. 
May we always remember who Jesus is and always be reminded that He is not only our Savior but also our Lord. Peter declared that He is the Son of the living God, we must also declare and confess it in ourselves that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who is equal to the Father and our Savior. Let us continue to seek His greatness through meditating the Scriptures!
For more daily reflection, verse and encouragement, you may follow us. You can also like, follow and visit us on:
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thelivingword · 5 years ago
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When we finally experience that overwhelming Love, nothing else fills us. And when we finally encounter Christ, everything else is unimportant. #KnowingJesus #Grace #TheLivingWord #Scriptures https://www.instagram.com/p/B66bCVNJoFr/?igshid=1kz4hjdxfe3ew
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Feb 25, 2019 Expectation! Today is the perfect day for a Miracle!
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spiritsoulandbody · 2 years ago
#DailyDevotion The Alternative Way To Inherit Eternal Life
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#DailyDevotion The Alternative Way To Inherit Eternal Life Luke 10:23-37 23Turning to His disciples, He said to them alone, “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see. 24I tell you, many prophets and kings longed to see what you see but didn't see it, and hear what you hear but didn't hear it." 25Then an expert in the Law came forward to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, "what do I do to inherit everlasting life?” 26“What is written in the Law?” Jesus asked him. “What do you read there?” 27“Love the Lord your God with all your heart," he answered, “and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” 28“You're right,” Jesus told him. “Do that and you will live." Kind of an interesting thing starting off the lectionary reading here with verse 23. Now Jesus had in this chapter sent out the seventy-two disciples to preach the good news of the kingdom of God, heal the sick, cast out demons and raise the dead. They had come back very excited about doing all these things and he reminds them to rejoice their names were written in heaven. He then thanks the Father for revealing to them the things that he has, name Jesus is the Messiah, but kept them hidden from the wise. So then Jesus called them blessed for seeing and hearing things prophets and kings longed to see and hear but didn't. Now we have only seen and heard what the disciples seen and heard through the apostles. We are even more blessed because we believe without having seen it. We believe Jesus is the Christ the Son of God. So then we get on the scene someone who supposedly should have known, should have seen, and should have believed Jesus is the Christ by hearing his message and seeing his miracles, a Scribe, an expert in the Law (Torah, Mishnah, Talmud). Instead of coming to learn from Jesus he comes to test Jesus. “Teacher, what do I do to inherit everlasting life?” Jesus doesn't take the bait but instead returns the question, “What is written in the Law?” In doing this, Jesus showing he does not reject the Law but upholds its teachings. We then get the answer which is from Deut. 6:5 and Lev. 19:8. The first sums up the first table of the Law and the second, well the second table. More than than just the Ten Commandments which are written on stone, for the obedience of the first must come from all one's soul, strength, and mind. Secondly, the neighbor is important because he is made in the image and likeness of God. How you treat the icon of the LORD shows what you think about the God the icon represents. What is done to the icon is done to the God. You can somewhat fake piety (which the command itself forbids, but you will reveal yourself to your neighbor in your actions towards him.) Jesus tells us something quite surprising. He tells the guy he is correct. If he does these two things you will live. Whoa there Jesus! I thought we were saved by grace through faith alone in him! Well, that is true. We are saved by grace, through faith alone in him. We also can inherit eternal life if we keep these two commandments, all the time, without fail, from conception, from birth, I'd (God wouldn't but I would) even give you to your bar-mitzvah, the age of 13. But they must be kept perfectly, inviolate, with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. If you did that you would live and inherit eternal life. Who has ever done that? No one, no one but Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I wanted to give you that option since it is available. The other option is through faith in Jesus Christ alone. It is to know Jesus, who he is and what he has done for you. Heavenly Father, we thank you for revealing to us your Son Jesus Christ and giving us faith in him. Keep us always in this faith so we may inherit eternal life. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Jesus Christ and giving us faith in him. Keep us always in this faith so we may inherit eternal life. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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wytv7 · 3 years ago
#PODCAST #22 The Need for Salvation
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igate777 · 4 years ago
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#wordofhope, #eternallife, #lifesjourney, #distiney, #spiritualife, #knowingjesus, #kingdomtruth, https://www.instagram.com/p/CNB4PHNp6RT/?igshid=ttl72ujage1n
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ufuomaee · 5 years ago
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In these shall I boast, that I know the Lord AND He is a good God! #BibleQuotes #jeremiah92324 #BoastingintheLord #KnowingJesus #ServingGod #GodIsGood https://www.instagram.com/p/B2nuywsFfB1/?igshid=16ndzv7bh0g99
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feelingstanding · 3 years ago
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thewordmarilyn · 7 months ago
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Day 61: How To Beat Any Addiction Or Stronghold
Be blessed as you read❤️
#howtoovercomeaddiction #christianblog #knowingJesus #JesusChrist
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