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friendlynbhddevil · 11 months ago
15 questions, 15 people
Thank youu for tagging me @killerandhealerqueen!!
1. Are you named after anyone?
Nope. I am named after the concept of flourishing or prospering.
2. When was the last time you cried?
The day before yesterday.
3. Do you have kids?
Nope. But I want to be the cool aunt someday.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not as much as I used to.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
In one-on-one conversations, I notice their smile. And in a group setting, it's the way they treat their friends.
6. What's your eye colour?
Dark brown
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
Happy ending! I'm okay with bittersweet endings too. Just as long as there is some sweetness to balance out the excruciating pain, I'm fine :D
8. Any special talents?
None. Nil. Tumbleweed rolling around in a barren stretch of land *cue the wawawa music*
9. Where were you born?
10. What are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, collecting phrases/quotes from books and fanfics
11. Do you have pets?
12. What sports do you/have you played?
I used to play Kho Kho in my school days.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favourite subject in high school?
History (Psychology tooo)
15. Dream job?
Becoming an industrial/organizational psychologist. (At this point, I need the money to build a mini library, buy books at a whim, buy merch, go to concerts and FOOD)
Tagging: @noctiselusio @akanesoma @harshitadekasblog @evil-moonlight @minimoni-archive @joonie @pien-art @pineappland @hemaris @koreanthrillerenjoyer @khaotunqs @cyphernet @fr-wiwiw @forgive-and-take @knjspjm
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friendlynbhddevil · 11 months ago
Thank youu for tagging me :D <3 @noctiselusio
Why must I choose, oh cruel fate *dramatically falls*
Anyway, here are my go-to top 5 at the moment:
1. Heroin by Lana Del Rey
2. 134340 by BTS
3. It Will Come Back by Hozier
4. Cherry Tree by The National
5. What Kind Of Man by Florence + The Machine
Tagging: @akanesoma @koreanthrillerenjoyer @khaotunqs @knjspjm @killerandhealerqueen @fr-wiwiw @evil-moonlight @joonie @minimoni-archive @pineappland
RULES: put 5 songs you actually listen to, then tag 10 people.
Thanks to @ikilledyvette for tagging me :)
It so happens that a lot of songs I’ve been listening to lately are from fanvids.
1. Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths (Word of Honor)
2. Freaks by The Hawk in Paris (Sherlock)
3. Can't Pretend by Tom Odell (Beyond Evil)
4. What Could Have Been by Sting (Good Omens)
5. Lovely by Billie Eilish, Khalid (Designated Survivor: 60 Days)
Bonus: if someone made a fanvid combining The Devil Judge and the old Depeche Mode song Dangerous, they would have my deepest gratitude!
Tagging @la-muerta @clawbehavior @frances-and-the-moon @godotismissingx @cottagehorror-lesbians-stuff @hannigramislife @amethystina @thedevildeer @artemis099 @brighteyedjill Participate if you want to :)
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jung-koook · 4 years ago
happy birthday sky !! you are such a light in this fandom and i hope you have an amazing birthday bc you deserve it !! 💜
thank you so much amy! 🥺😭  i hope you have/had an amazing day!
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parksjimins · 6 years ago
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map of the soul: persona, bangtan
↳ requested by anonymous
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honeycrisp · 4 years ago
hi! just wanted to pop in and say i know we aren't very close (i'd like to be a lot closer to my mutuals but sadly am not yet) but i adore your blog and you are funny and a delight to see on my dash!
ohhh amy i’ve always liked you so much 🥺 
we were (are, but it’s kinda inactive) in that one gc together but we haven’t talked just you and me in a long time. i would love to get to know you better because i think you’re great, thank you for taking time out of your day to send me something 💕
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taejoon · 5 years ago
happy birthday~ ❤️
thank you amy!! 💞
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minietaes · 5 years ago
happy birthday lavi! ❤️
thank you sm amy!💓💓
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cyphertaehyungie · 5 years ago
feel better angel, i'm always here if you wanna talk! 💓
ilu 💌
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achillvs · 6 years ago
i haven't seen the movie yet but sea orchestra vers sounds heavenly... i need it
sorry its so late i missed the noti but sea orchestra is here if anyone wants.. warning it causes Tears
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jeonjungkoos · 6 years ago
anonymous asked: “Jimin… pls don’t hurt me”
done x
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honeystae-moved · 7 years ago
me please 🐻 ♥
URL: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
theme (I’ll be doing mobile): 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 i love :((
icon: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
posts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
following: no (but you’re still amazing!!) | yes | I am now!
(no more pls!)
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friendlynbhddevil · 11 months ago
Nine people you’d like to get to know better
Honored to be tagged by you *fangirl screeches* @killerandhealerqueen
3 ships
There was so much to choose from. It feels almost unfair.
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First ship
Ooh a tough one. I think it was Batman × Catwoman.
Last song
Currently reading
Babel by R.F. Kuang
Last movie
Treasure Planet (2002)
Currently craving
A tall glass of cold coffee. And a holiday.
Once again, thank you so much for tagging me!! (thank you for writing when there was a severe drought of fics in the fandom T_T <3)
Tagging: @akanesoma @pineappland @cyphernet @fr-wiwiw @knjspjm @khaotunqs @noctiselusio @forgive-and-take @evil-moonlight and anyone who chances upon this!
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nkamotoyuta-remade · 7 years ago
URL: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
theme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
icon: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
posts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
following: no (but you’re still amazing!!) | yes | I am now!
send me a cute emoji for a blog rate~
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parksjimins · 6 years ago
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cute or hot? why not both?
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jinstronaut · 2 years ago
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happy new year, army! 💜✨
another year has come and gone!!! it’s wild how quickly time flies :’))) this year especially has been rough for army -- we’ve been through a lot in these past twelve months!! however, despite it all, we’ve stuck together, and this blog has still remained one of my favorite corners of the internet. i’ve made new friends, kept old ones, and been able to reach out and talk to so many people over the last year, and i don’t take any of it for granted.
i just wanted to take some time to thank the people who’ve stuck with me through 2022, and the people who’ve made my time on this blog particularly special and memorable ♥
@jiniekook / @seokljin / @userhobi / @indigonamjoon / @rosebowl / @leesjieuns / @anpaman / @eggjinnie / @astronautjin / @alpacaseoks / @cordiallyfuturedwight / @aprylynn / @94ishlove / @sujiunit / @thornedswan / @thv-hyung / @taegi / @dinnerthing / @minietree / @jyamans / @lunarminjoon / @jinkhyun / @jeonwonwoo / @kookjinnies / @kookdiaries / @tmorrows / @jeonjeongquk / @y2kjungkook / @raplinenthusiasts / @btsiu / @namjon / @userjiminie / @jimilter / @nvmguk / @seraphjimin / @yuuungi / @taeyungie / @namsoek / @hopeinthebox / @jiminsproof / @jeongtokkie / @yoonseok / @kimnjss / @kimthg / @kimtaegis / @kithtaehyung / @kth1 / @knjspjm / @yoonjinns / @seokjoonmin / @honsool / @lockedwkoo / @minsugasuga / @sevencoloredstar / @usertae / @sopekooks / @avizou / @ambivartence / @myork / @kimchokejin / @blooodsweatandtears / @hopeonthestreets / @introddaeng / @starcatching / @hoseokis / @jeonggukshi / @itsallaboutzayn / @hynchan / @jinv / @jinsbts / @jmin / @userjungkook97 / @jeonjcngkook / @seokjjn / @bibillyhillsbaby / @kimseokjinss / @trustingofwinds / @21stcenturyghoul / @rkivedfiles / @loversmore / @foryouthv / @yooboobies / @pjmsdior / @bangguks / @sugacutie / @anpanmann / @taehyungsupremacy / @tonymontanaftjm / @hobeah / @clutterbugs / @jinbestboy / @ardentlyoon / @mainvocaljin / @taejinnies 
(i’m so sorry if i forgot anyone, sideblogs confuse me sometimes i cannot tell who is following me and who is not, but just know that if you follow me, i love and am thankful for you!!!!!!!!)
thank you guys so much (again) for all that we’ve built and all that you’ve done for me. let’s keep it going in 2023 :’))) borahae!!!!!
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jung-koook · 3 years ago
can u suggest some jimin gif accs here on tumblr? and also if i may add, for yoongi and tae as well !! thank u so much!!
yoongi: @honsool, @suga-ssi, @yoongikook , @yoongi-bts , @sugaftrm , @sugajimin, @yooboobies, @yoonqiful, @jsuga
jimin: @jiminslight, @flipthatjacketjiminie, @jimmeo-kookliet , @jimint , @gimbapchefs , @jiminrolls, @jiminswn, @knjspjm, @gaypeople,
tae: @taeyungie, @taee , @kimtaegis, @taechnological, @kithtaehyung, @rainycle, @heybaetae, @taeunwoo, @taejinnies, @v-hobi
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