honowyn-art · 6 months
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Commisssion for Hexami
More Irene for Hexami!
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When you are bonking your knightgirl and she's like :
"The great helm stays ON during sex"
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adjacentheart01 · 11 months
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Cherry Vanilla Cotton Candy
Main acc: twitter.com/AdjacentHeart
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darkmaster-13 · 1 year
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Skimpy armor comics https://www.deviantart.com/darkmaster777/art/Skimpy-armor-comics-965067032
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avia-tika · 1 year
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[FairyTail] Erza Portrait 15 Ascension
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bergoq · 2 years
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knight girl |  Still changing style, sorry for 0 posts.
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buttonsdraws · 8 months
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to love a knight with the weight of the world on her shoulders
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mallowmaenad · 1 year
knightgirls that fuck with their helmets on because they’ve fallen so in love with each other in battle they can’t recognize each other’s faces as the same person
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c0rpsedemon · 1 year
actually wait one more. i love how every region has the token waifubait character it doesn't drive me a lil bit crazy at all i swear
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laikahh · 3 months
came up with a little story idea
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seithr · 4 months
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I am not immune to taurs
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dragongirltitties · 2 years
contrary to popular belief, dragongirls and adventurergirls can get along. the key things to keep in mind when trying to introduce them are:
ensure your adventurergirls have sufficient loot, so they don't try to steal from the dragongirl's hoard
let them interact in a neutral space, like a field or forest. if they interact in a cave, the dragongirl may feel threatened, and the opposite is true for a village.
LET THEM BANTER!! it might sound like they are threatening each other, but banter is a key step in letting your adventurergirls and dragongirl develop a healthy homoerotic rivalry.
please note that this advice is intended mainly for adventurergirls. if you wish to have both a dragongirl and a knightgirl, be careful about the lineage of dragongirl you select - knightgirls are honor-motivated, and cannot safely cohabitate with the more destructive breeds of dragongirl.
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retroactivebakeries · 4 months
knightgirl’s stately manor (500 square feet, $2,000 per month plus utilities) is staffed by an intrepid team of weapongirl maids—halberdgirls, zweihandergirls, flailgirls, war fangirls, iron knucklegirls, three-section staffgirls, bazookagirls, crossbowgirls, catgirl-o’-nine-tailsgirls—and also one maidgirl weapon, a living sword whose scabbard is styled to look like a maid outfit
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maxknightley · 1 year
knightgirl wearing the renaissance equivalent of a beer hat: a helm with an integrated wineskin-and-straw apparatus that she may drink while carrying out the orders of her capricious yet captivating liege, the duchess
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organizing a fox hunt with fellow princesses and our knightgirls and puppygirls, wherein once we catch you you get subjected to the orgy of a lifetime
Sjsjsjsususudhdhduud *mewls so absolutely pathetically before realizing I should do the whole running thing.*
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glitchlight · 8 months
Ran into a knightgirl the other day, shaped of gallium. She had the silly little accent they do, all yes and thees and thous and thines. She was complaining to this beargirl for having insulting her honor by asking if she was a slimegirl. So me, eavesdropping, can't help myself, and I ask, so why are you in the bucket then; and she starts insulting my mothers and my mothers mothers and protests that she's very solid and tough, we are attacking her with heat!
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