archie-sunshine · 12 hours
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Ehehe :3
Ughhhhhhhhh I would kill and die for them AHAHSHRHRHDHFFHFN
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welcometothesewers · 13 hours
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Decided I liked these sketches too much and threw some colors on them. These are @archie-sunshine’s knightformers cliffjumper and bumblebee designs but dressed up as acolytes for the prime. I thought because they were both squires to Optimus they may have had to do some religious studies before they were taken under his wing. So like… wouldn’t it be cool to dress them up?
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yasashii-leaf · 2 months
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it's currently 11:23 p.m. here, I put this here, I discovered the Knightformers version of @archie-sunshine and my hand slipped... now shhh I'm going to sleep...
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hiphoppitychopshop · 4 days
A knightformers animatic of starscream, because he is beautiful gorgeous. He’s talking about sky fire in the beninging and megatron at the end- also knightformers belongs to @archie-sunshine SO PLEASE follow him if you haven’t already!
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pinkanonwrites · 2 months
that ask about Megatron and fairies AUGH MY HEART
Don’t worry Megs I’ll be the delusional fairy perched upon your shoulder <333
If you were his bonkers little fairy willing to sit with him after all he's done he would absolutely not get it. He definitely thinks you're a bit crazy- you must be, if he's the person you're choosing to spend all your free time with. He may even try to shoo you away at first, baffled and even a bit frustrated at your dogged stubbornness.
Over time, though? He'd definitely warm up to you. It's not always obvious, he has a pretty good poker face after all. But every once in a while he'll read his writing out loud to you as you sit on his shoulder, or stroke your head or cheek with a calloused thumb, achingly gentle. If he found a fairy that was really willing to stick around he'd be incredibly protective, keeping you out of the way of genuine harm as well as Rodimus's grabby hands.
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creehd · 1 month
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Megop nation its to my humblest and most correct opinion, to anoint the official knightformers (my wonderful husband @archie-sunshine) Megatron / Optimus prime song as this ;
SPECIFICALLY how a younger orion pax has heavy longing he can't place, and can't shake. ever have a 3 billion year situationship fellas
And as always art is @archie-sunshine 's wonderful artwork :]
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thunderwetter · 1 month
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@archie-sunshine made this really REALLY attractive Knightformers Prowl and I couldn't resist drawing him ahhh
I'm experimenting a lot atm but MAN working messy is so much fun. I only used two different brushes :]
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charlie-artlie · 12 days
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little texaid a la @archie-sunshine ‘s knightformers au because it put worms in my brain and i cant stop thinking abt them =w=
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bugboioli23 · 2 months
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Fantasyformers!Swerve because @archie-sunshine has infected my brain with him. I wanna smother him with both romantic and carnal affection <3
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skylarkking · 2 months
So I got REALLY inspired by @archie-sunshine 's Knightformers!Megatron aaaaaaand I did a thing as a result
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A brooding warlord on his throne, mace in hand.
Here's the original by Archie for comparison! Hope everyone likes it ^^;
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Also click image for better quality lol
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archie-sunshine · 2 days
Hey archie, sorry abt ur forced hiatus, anyways do u see the vision
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qiya when i get my computer working again remind me to draw something
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welcometothesewers · 1 month
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More knightformers Skyfire scribbles because I can’t stop, won’t stop! All knightformers designs are @archie-sunshine’s, I’m just playing in his sandbox
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themanwhovibez · 27 days
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The legend himself, Rodimus <3
The design isn't one on one w/ the actual outfit because I had winged it at first, then asked for the colored ref and I'll be real: I was too lazy to erase stuff. I also added jewelry because.. idk, Rodimus is a fancy mf. Low-key proud of this one though!
Knightformers belongs to @archie-sunshine !!
Also two alts because I hate backgrounds and couldn't decide what I liked :)
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hiphoppitychopshop · 2 months
Was watching a cartoon to study how they drew armor. Ended up drawing @archie-sunshine ‘s knightformers rodimus CUZ IN ROD I TRUST AMD I LOVE HIMMMM
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I was swiftly doodling whilst I waited for my dumplings and noodles for dinner 🎶😼
(I’ve been stuck with same face syndrome trying to get back into drawing humans 😫)
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pinkanonwrites · 2 months
Knightformers AU
Recently I've had SO MANY thoughts about @archie-sunshine 's Knightformers AU, especially once I got my grimy little /reader hands up in there! In wanting to keep my beloved size difference and communication issues tropes, I cobbled together a little concept about fairy readers!
Knightformers fae are very heavily inspired by Celtic mythology around fairies, particularly with them being incredibly mischievous tricksters that can take on many shapes and forms. Large swaths of land between the providences were abandoned during wartimes, and it was incredibly common for the fairy folk to move in with the plant life as it began to grow and overtake the abandoned settlements. Rather than the faewild being exclusively a separate plane like it is in other media, any forested areas that have become heavily lived-in and influenced by the fairies living there start to exhibit faewild-like tendencies, i.e. being notoriously difficult to navigate and warping your perception of the passage of time.
A fairy's magic is most powerful when they are in their home forest or region, with their powers diminishing greatly should they ever be forcefully removed. As such, and because of previous incidents of fairies being captured and manipulated, fairies are very territorial of their homes and are not above turning anyone who poses a threat to their safety into wild plants and berry bushes.
Just like some bots are more interested/better at befriending humans than others, some knights and explorers are more curious about the fae than others! Swerve spends a lot of time trying to befriend the local fairies with varying levels of success, while Cosmos can usually trot his merry way through the depths of the faewild without much issue. Rodimus has a strained relationship with the fae only because he keeps forgetting that pixies don't like to just be up and grabbed and he keeps getting hexed for it.
If anyone has any questions about my thoughts on how specific characters in the Knightformers AU would interact with the fae, please, please, PLEASE do not be afraid to ask! I am so excited about this AU and having a ton of fun with it so I'd love to hear what you guys are wondering about!
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ikkosu · 2 months
prowl and his little fairy<3
drawing with one hand really sucks 🥲 the most coherent doodle you'll get huhu
prowls knightformers design (and the au) is by @archie-sunshine <3333 and inspired by @pinkanonwrites drabble of prowl 🙉🙉
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